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.travis.ymlH A D23-Nov-20141.2 KiB3628

LICENSEH A D23-Nov-20141.5 KiB2724

README.mdH A D23-Nov-20144.9 KiB140115

arg.goH A D23-Nov-2014399 2213

arg_test.goH A D23-Nov-20141.2 KiB5441

assert_test.goH A D23-Nov-20143.6 KiB178137

check_crosscompile.shH A D23-Nov-2014353 1713

closest.goH A D23-Nov-2014963 6048

command.goH A D23-Nov-20143.2 KiB10752

command_private.goH A D23-Nov-20144.5 KiB251190

command_test.goH A D23-Nov-20146.8 KiB355263

completion.goH A D23-Nov-20146.6 KiB305226

completion_test.goH A D23-Nov-20146.1 KiB290218

convert.goH A D23-Nov-20146.9 KiB358257

convert_test.goH A D23-Nov-20143.6 KiB176132

error.goH A D23-Nov-20142.6 KiB12474

example_test.goH A D23-Nov-20143 KiB11161

flags.goH A D23-Nov-201410.8 KiB2391

group.goH A D23-Nov-20142.6 KiB9241

group_private.goH A D23-Nov-20145.4 KiB255190

group_test.goH A D23-Nov-20143.9 KiB188143

help.goH A D23-Nov-20148.1 KiB427318

help_test.goH A D23-Nov-20147.5 KiB284228

ini.goH A D23-Nov-20144 KiB14160

ini_private.goH A D23-Nov-20148.7 KiB453339

ini_test.goH A D23-Nov-201413.4 KiB732557

long_test.goH A D23-Nov-20141.7 KiB8662

man.goH A D23-Nov-20143.2 KiB159119

marshal_test.goH A D23-Nov-20141.9 KiB9871

multitag.goH A D23-Nov-20142.4 KiB14199

option.goH A D23-Nov-20144.2 KiB15882

option_private.goH A D23-Nov-20143.4 KiB183137

options_test.goH A D23-Nov-2014803 4634

optstyle.goH A D23-Nov-20141.4 KiB5437

parser.goH A D23-Nov-20146.9 KiB250131

parser_private.goH A D23-Nov-20147 KiB338257

parser_test.goH A D23-Nov-20148.1 KiB348302

pointer_test.goH A D23-Nov-20141.6 KiB8260

short_test.goH A D23-Nov-20144 KiB195145

tag_test.goH A D23-Nov-2014902 3929

termsize.goH A D23-Nov-2014375 2920

termsize_linux.goH A D23-Nov-201463 84

termsize_nosysioctl.goH A D23-Nov-201493 84

termsize_other.goH A D23-Nov-201493 84

termsize_unix.goH A D23-Nov-201491 84

unknown_test.goH A D23-Nov-2014978 6753


1Changes in this fork:
3This fork removes the special handling of option formats on windows, i.e.
4options are always in the format '--longopt' (the original go-flags package
5uses '/longopt' on windows).
7This might be interesting if you want to provide a consistent experience
8using a tool across platforms instead of using the preferred option format
9for each specific operating system.
11go-flags: a go library for parsing command line arguments
14This library provides similar functionality to the builtin flag library of
15go, but provides much more functionality and nicer formatting. From the
18Package flags provides an extensive command line option parser.
19The flags package is similar in functionality to the go builtin flag package
20but provides more options and uses reflection to provide a convenient and
21succinct way of specifying command line options.
23Supported features:
24* Options with short names (-v)
25* Options with long names (--verbose)
26* Options with and without arguments (bool v.s. other type)
27* Options with optional arguments and default values
28* Multiple option groups each containing a set of options
29* Generate and print well-formatted help message
30* Passing remaining command line arguments after -- (optional)
31* Ignoring unknown command line options (optional)
32* Supports -I/usr/include -I=/usr/include -I /usr/include option argument specification
33* Supports multiple short options -aux
34* Supports all primitive go types (string, int{8..64}, uint{8..64}, float)
35* Supports same option multiple times (can store in slice or last option counts)
36* Supports maps
37* Supports function callbacks
38* Supports namespaces for (nested) option groups
40The flags package uses structs, reflection and struct field tags
41to allow users to specify command line options. This results in very simple
42and concise specification of your application options. For example:
44    type Options struct {
45        Verbose []bool `short:"v" long:"verbose" description:"Show verbose debug information"`
46    }
48This specifies one option with a short name -v and a long name --verbose.
49When either -v or --verbose is found on the command line, a 'true' value
50will be appended to the Verbose field. e.g. when specifying -vvv, the
51resulting value of Verbose will be {[true, true, true]}.
55	var opts struct {
56		// Slice of bool will append 'true' each time the option
57		// is encountered (can be set multiple times, like -vvv)
58		Verbose []bool `short:"v" long:"verbose" description:"Show verbose debug information"`
60		// Example of automatic marshalling to desired type (uint)
61		Offset uint `long:"offset" description:"Offset"`
63		// Example of a callback, called each time the option is found.
64		Call func(string) `short:"c" description:"Call phone number"`
66		// Example of a required flag
67		Name string `short:"n" long:"name" description:"A name" required:"true"`
69		// Example of a value name
70		File string `short:"f" long:"file" description:"A file" value-name:"FILE"`
72		// Example of a pointer
73		Ptr *int `short:"p" description:"A pointer to an integer"`
75		// Example of a slice of strings
76		StringSlice []string `short:"s" description:"A slice of strings"`
78		// Example of a slice of pointers
79		PtrSlice []*string `long:"ptrslice" description:"A slice of pointers to string"`
81		// Example of a map
82		IntMap map[string]int `long:"intmap" description:"A map from string to int"`
83	}
85	// Callback which will invoke callto:<argument> to call a number.
86	// Note that this works just on OS X (and probably only with
87	// Skype) but it shows the idea.
88	opts.Call = func(num string) {
89		cmd := exec.Command("open", "callto:"+num)
90		cmd.Start()
91		cmd.Process.Release()
92	}
94	// Make some fake arguments to parse.
95	args := []string{
96		"-vv",
97		"--offset=5",
98		"-n", "Me",
99		"-p", "3",
100		"-s", "hello",
101		"-s", "world",
102		"--ptrslice", "hello",
103		"--ptrslice", "world",
104		"--intmap", "a:1",
105		"--intmap", "b:5",
106		"arg1",
107		"arg2",
108		"arg3",
109	}
111	// Parse flags from `args'. Note that here we use flags.ParseArgs for
112	// the sake of making a working example. Normally, you would simply use
113	// flags.Parse(&opts) which uses os.Args
114	args, err := flags.ParseArgs(&opts, args)
116	if err != nil {
117		panic(err)
118		os.Exit(1)
119	}
121	fmt.Printf("Verbosity: %v\n", opts.Verbose)
122	fmt.Printf("Offset: %d\n", opts.Offset)
123	fmt.Printf("Name: %s\n", opts.Name)
124	fmt.Printf("Ptr: %d\n", *opts.Ptr)
125	fmt.Printf("StringSlice: %v\n", opts.StringSlice)
126	fmt.Printf("PtrSlice: [%v %v]\n", *opts.PtrSlice[0], *opts.PtrSlice[1])
127	fmt.Printf("IntMap: [a:%v b:%v]\n", opts.IntMap["a"], opts.IntMap["b"])
128	fmt.Printf("Remaining args: %s\n", strings.Join(args, " "))
130	// Output: Verbosity: [true true]
131	// Offset: 5
132	// Name: Me
133	// Ptr: 3
134	// StringSlice: [hello world]
135	// PtrSlice: [hello world]
136	// IntMap: [a:1 b:5]
137	// Remaining args: arg1 arg2 arg3
139More information can be found in the godocs: <http://godoc.org/github.com/jessevdk/go-flags>