1This file lists a few known defects in the Word specs:
2- Word6 spec:
6- Word8 spec:
7  + The LSTF structures are stored as strange PLF (with a short count instead of
8    the integer count known from plain PLFs) and it's labeled plcflst. Normally
9    a PLCF also contains an array of CPs or FCs, so this is a clear error in the
10    spec.
11  + The name of a style (STD::xstzName) is stored as pascal string. According to
12    the spec it's preceded by a length byte, to me it looks like a length short.
13    In Shaheed's code it looks like older versions (baseSize < 10) don't store it
14    as Unicode string. The whole style docu looks like Word6 documentation to me.
15  + The PAP spec suggests that fMultLineSpace and dyaLine should be set to some
16    default values. I think they mean fMinHeight and dyaHeight, but we don't need
17    that stuff, do we?
18  + It looks like sprmCHpsKern has a two byte data field, but I found a document
19    where it's only one byte long. Any special case we're missing?
20  + I added a few sprms as sprmUnknown1,2,... to the jump tables, to avoid warnings
21    we can't do anything about. I also added sprmPJcFE (0x2461) with the same
22    behavior as plain old sprmPJc (as seen in OOo).
23  + sprmPIncLvl talks about an stc, but it's istd now in Word97 (check wv/sprm.c)
24  + The header/footer documentation is crap, look at the code
25  + The footnote/endnote documentation is crap too
27- Word 2000:
28  + OOo reverse-engineered a field of the FIB they called fcMagicTable. A PLCF
29    with information about table cell start CPs in the file. For now I decided
30    not to use this information, as Word 8 doesn't have it anyway.