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READMEH A D10-Jan-20202 KiB4540


1Error messages in Xerces are generated by tools\NLS\Xlat, which currently runs
2on windows.
4Here are the steps:
51) Modify XMLErrList_EN_US.Xml as per the changes
62) Compile all the files in tools\NLS\Xlat and link them all into an
7   executable (Xlat.cpp has the main())
83) Run this Xlat executable with parameter:
9     /SrcRoot=x:/xerces-c-src/ /OutPath=x:/output/ /OutFmt=KKK/Locale=EN_US
10     where:
11        i. SrcRoot should point to XERCESCROOT
12       ii. OutPath should be any output folder that stores that generated
13           files
14      iii. Run it four times by setting OutFmt=Win32RC, OutFmt=CppSrc,
15           OutFmt=ResBundle, OutFmt=MsgCat, respectively
174) Then the following files will be generated, and must be copied to their
18   appropriate location:
19     i. en_US.txt  - copy this file to
20        \src\xercesc\util\MsgLoaders\ICU\resources
21    ii. XercesMessages_en_US.hpp  - copy this file to
22        \src\xercesc\util\MsgLoaders\InMemory
23   iii. XercesMessages_en_US.Msg - copy this file to
24        src\xercesc\util\MsgLoaders\MsgCatalog
25    iv. XMLDOMMsg.hpp - copy this file to src\xercesc\util
26     v. XMLErrorCodes.hpp - copy this file to src\xercesc\framework
27    vi. XMLExceptMsgs.hpp - copy this file to src\xercesc\util
28   vii. XMLMsgCat_Ids.hpp - copy this file to
29        src\xercesc\util\MsgLoaders\MsgCatalog
30  viii. XMLValidityCodes.hpp - copy this file to src\xercesc\framework
31    ix. CppErrMsgs_en_US.RC - copy the entire file and
32        replace the content
33        appearing between the line which reads:
34           #endif    // APSTUDIO_INVOKED
35        and the line which reads:
36           #endif    // English (U.S.) resources
37        in src\xercesc\util\MsgLoaders\Win32\version.rc
38        What you replace should begin with:
39         // ----------------------------------------------------------------
40         //  This file was generated from the XML error message source.
43Note: If you run Xlat on windows, and are commiting them under unix, you must
44      first run dos2unix on them.