1xquery version "3.0";
4 : Copyright 2006-2009 The FLWOR Foundation.
5 :
6 : Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7 : you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8 : You may obtain a copy of the License at
9 :
10 : http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11 :
12 : Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13 : distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14 : WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15 : See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16 : limitations under the License.
20 : Extensive math library.
21 :
22 : @author Daniel Turcanu, Dan Muresan
23 : @project XDM/atomic
24 :)
25module namespace math = "http://www.zorba-xquery.com/modules/math";
28 : W3C Math namespace URI.
30declare namespace W3Cmath = "http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions/math";
32declare namespace ver = "http://www.zorba-xquery.com/options/versioning";
33declare option ver:module-version "2.0";
36 : Errors namespace URI.
38declare variable $math:errNS as xs:string := "http://www.zorba-xquery.com/modules/math";
41 : xs:QName with namespace URI="http://www.zorba-xquery.com/modules/math" and local name "math:Value"
43declare variable $math:errValue as xs:QName := fn:QName($math:errNS, "math:Value");
46 : xs:QName with namespace URI="http://www.zorba-xquery.com/modules/math" and local name "math:Num"
48declare variable $math:errNum as xs:QName := fn:QName($math:errNS, "math:Num");
51 : xs:QName with namespace URI="http://www.zorba-xquery.com/modules/math" and local name "math:Div0"
53declare variable $math:errDiv0 as xs:QName := fn:QName($math:errNS, "math:Div0");
56 : xs:QName with namespace URI="http://www.zorba-xquery.com/modules/math" and local name "math:NA"
58declare variable $math:errNA as xs:QName := fn:QName($math:errNS, "math:NA");
62 : Returns the hyperbolic cosine of x.
63 : If the result it too large, INF is returned.
64 :
65 : @param $arg must be smaller than 7.104760e+002
66 : @return cosh(arg)
67 :)
68declare function math:cosh ($arg as xs:double) as xs:double external;
71 : Inverse hyperbolic cosine.
72 :
73 : @param $arg the arg
74 : @return the result of acosh(arg)
75 :)
76declare function math:acosh ($arg as xs:double) as xs:double external;
79 : Function performing the modulo operation between the two arguments.
80 :
81 : @param $x the x
82 : @param $y the y
83 : @return The remainder of x/y.
84 :)
85declare function math:fmod ($x as xs:double, $y as xs:double) as xs:double external;
88 : Returns the argument split as mantissa and exponent.
89 : The recombining formula is (mantissa * 2^exponent).
90 :
91 : @param $arg the double to be split.
92 : @return A sequence of two doubles (mantissa, exponent)
93 :)
94declare function math:frexp ($arg as xs:double) as xs:double+ external;
97 : Computes a real number from the mantissa and exponent.
98 : The formula is (x * 2^i).
99 :
100 : @param $x the mantissa
101 : @param $i the exponent
102 : @return the computed real number
103 :)
104declare function math:ldexp ($x as xs:double, $i as xs:integer) as xs:double external;
107 : Splits a floating-point value into fractional and integer parts.
108 : Both the fraction and integer keep the original sign of the value.
109 :
110 : @param $arg the double to be split.
111 : @return A sequence of two doubles (fraction, integer)
112 :)
113declare function math:modf ($arg as xs:double) as xs:double+ external;
116 : Calculate hyperbolic sine.
117 :
118 : @param $arg the arg
119 : @return the result of sinh(arg)
120 :)
121declare function math:sinh ($arg as xs:double) as xs:double external;
124 : Inverse hyperbolic sine of the number.
125 :
126 : @param $arg the arg
127 : @return the result of asinh(arg)
128 :)
129declare function math:asinh($arg as xs:double) as xs:double external;
132 : Calculate the hyperbolic tangent.
133 :
134 : @param $arg the arg
135 : @return the result of tanh(arg)
136 :)
137declare function math:tanh($arg as xs:double) as xs:double external;
140 : Calculate the hyperbolic tangent.
141 :
142 : @param $arg must be in range -1 ... +1 (exclusive)
143 : @return the result of atanh(arg)
144 :)
145declare function math:atanh($arg as xs:double) as xs:double external;
148 : Convert angle from degrees to radians. <br/>
149 : The parameter is first converted to value range of (-360, 360).
150 :
151 : @param $deg angle in  degrees
152 : @return value in radians (-2PI, 2PI)
153 :)
154declare function math:deg-to-rad($deg as xs:double) as xs:double
156  ($deg mod 360) * 2 * W3Cmath:pi() div 360
160 : Convert angle from radians to degrees. <br/>
161 :
162 : @param $rad value in radians
163 : @return value in degrees (-360, 360)
164 :)
165declare function math:rad-to-deg($rad as xs:double) as xs:double
167  ($rad * 360 div 2 div W3Cmath:pi()) mod 360
171 : Checks if the double value is positive or negative infinite.
172 :
173 : @param $arg the double to be checked
174 : @return boolean true if argument is pos INF or neg INF
175 :)
176declare function math:is_inf($arg as xs:double) as xs:boolean external;
179 : Checks if the double value is Not a Number (NaN).
180 :
181 : @param $arg the arg
182 : @return boolean true if the double is NaN
183 :)
184declare function math:is_nan($arg as xs:double) as xs:boolean external;
188(:functions borrowed from excel module :)
189(:Excel math functions:)
192 : Borrowed from excel module.<br/>
193 : Checks if the xs:anyAtomicType argument is actually a numeric type
194 : or can be converted to numeric.
195 :
196 : @param $value Parameter to be checked.
197 : @return true if the value can be casted to numeric.
198 :)
199declare function math:is-a-number($value as xs:anyAtomicType) as xs:boolean
201  fn:string(fn:number($value)) ne 'NaN'
205 : Borrowed from excel module.<br/>
206 : Cast the xs:anyAtomicType to a numeric type.
207 : If the value is already of a numeric type then nothing is changed.
208 : Otherwise the value is casted to the numeric type that is most appropriate.
209 :
210 : @param $number The parameter can be a number, string, boolean value.
211 : @return The casted value.
212 : @error math:errValue if the value cannot be casted to numeric type.
213 :)
214declare function math:cast-as-numeric($number as xs:anyAtomicType) as xs:anyAtomicType
216  typeswitch ($number)
217    case xs:double return $number
218    case xs:decimal return $number
219    case xs:double return $number
220    case xs:float return $number
221    default return
222      if ($number castable as xs:integer) then
223        xs:integer($number)
224      else if ($number castable as xs:decimal) then
225        xs:decimal($number)
226      else if ($number castable as xs:double) then
227        xs:double($number)
228      else
229        fn:error($math:errValue, "Provided value is not a number", $number)
233 : Borrowed from excel module.<br/>
234 : Returns number rounded up, away from zero, to the nearest multiple of significance.
235 : Significance must have the same sign as number.
236 : Number and significance must be of a numeric type or castable to numeric.
237 : Significance must not be zero.
238 :
239 : @see http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel/HP052090071033.aspx
240 : @param $number The value you want to round.
241 : @param $significance The multiple to which you want to round.
242 : @return The rounded value.
243 : @error math:errNum if significance is zero or it doesn't have the same sign as number.
244 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_ceiling1.xq
245 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_ceiling2.xq
246 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_ceiling3.xq
247 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_ceiling4.xq
248 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_ceiling5.xq
249 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_ceiling6.xq
250 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_ceiling7.xq
251 :)
252declare function math:ceiling(
253  $number        as xs:double,
254  $significance  as xs:double) as xs:double
256  if ($significance eq 0) then
257    fn:error($math:errNum, "Ceiling function does not accept significance 0")
258  else if ($number * $significance ge 0) then
259	  fn:ceiling($number div $significance) * $significance
260  else
261    fn:error($math:errNum, "Ceiling function: both arguments must have the same sign")
265 : Borrowed from excel module.<br/>
266 : Returns number rounded up to the nearest even integer.
267 : Regardless of the sign of number, a value is rounded up when adjusted away from zero.
268 :
269 : @see http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel/HP052090801033.aspx
270 : @param $number The value to round.
271 : @return The rounded value casted as numeric type.
272 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_even1.xq
273 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_even2.xq
274 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_even3.xq
275 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_even4.xq
276 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_even5.xq
277 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_even6.xq
278 :)
279declare function math:even($number as xs:double) as xs:integer
281  let $num := $number
282  return
283    if ($num = 0) then
284      0
285    else
286      let $intnum := xs:integer(math:ceiling($num, math:sign($num)))
287      return
288        if ($intnum mod 2 ne 0) then
289          if ($intnum gt 0) then
290            $intnum + 1
291          else
292            $intnum - 1
293        else
294          $intnum
298 : Borrowed from excel module.<br/>
299 : Function for computing factorial.
300 : This function should not be used outside this module.
301 : This recursive function computes: number * fact(number-1)
302 :
303 : @param $intnum A positive integer.
304 : @return The factorial of intnum.
306declare %private function math:fact-integer($intnum as xs:integer) as xs:integer
308  if ($intnum = 1) then
309    1
310  else
311    $intnum * math:fact-integer($intnum - 1)
315 : Borrowed from excel module.<br/>
316 : Returns the factorial of a number.
317 :
318 : @see http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel/HP052090841033.aspx
319 : @param $number The non-negative number you want the factorial of.
320 : @return Returns the factorial of a number. The factorial of a number is equal to 1*2*3*...* number.
321 : @error math:errNum if the number is smaller than zero
322 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_fact1.xq
323 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_fact2.xq
324 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_fact3.xq
325 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_fact4.xq
326 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_fact5.xq
328declare function math:fact($number as xs:integer) as xs:integer
330  let $num := $number return
331    if ($num eq 0) then
332      1
333    else
334      if ($num lt 0) then
335        fn:error($math:errNum, "Fact function does not accept numbers smaller than zero")
336      else
337        math:fact-integer(xs:integer($num))
341 : Borrowed from excel module.<br/>
342 : Rounds number down, toward zero, to the nearest multiple of significance.
343 : Significance must have the same sign as number.
344 :
345 : @see http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel/HP052090941033.aspx
346 : @param $number The value you want to round.
347 : @param $significance The multiple to which you want to round.
348 : @return The rounded value as numeric type.
349 : @error math:errNum if significance is zero or it doesn't have the same sign as number.
350 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_floor1.xq
351 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_floor2.xq
352 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_floor3.xq
353 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_floor4.xq
354 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_floor5.xq
356declare function math:floor(
357  $number as xs:double,
358  $significance as xs:double) as xs:double
360  let $num := $number
361  let $sig := $significance
362  return
363    if ($sig eq 0) then
364      fn:error($math:errNum, "Floor function does not accept significance 0")
365    else if ($num * $sig ge 0) then
366      fn:floor($num div $sig) * $sig
367    else
368      fn:error($math:errNum, "Floor function: both arguments must have the same sign")
372 : Borrowed from excel module.<br/>
373 : Rounds a number down to the nearest integer.
374 : Positive numbers are rounded toward zero, negative numbers are rounded away from zero.
375 :
376 : @see http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel/HP052091421033.aspx
377 : @param $number The value to be rounded.
378 : @return The rounded integer.
379 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_int1.xq
380 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_int2.xq
381 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_int3.xq
382 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_int4.xq
384declare function math:int($number as xs:double) as xs:integer
386  xs:integer(fn:floor($number))
390 : Borrowed from excel module.<br/>
391 : Returns the remainder after number is divided by divisor.
392 : The result has the same sign as divisor.
393 :
394 : @see http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel/HP052091821033.aspx
395 : @param $number The number for which you want to find the remainder.
396 : @param $divisor The number by which you want to divide number.
397 :        This cannot be zero.
398 : @return The remainder from division as numeric type.
399 : @error math:errDiv0 if divisor is zero after casting to numeric.
400 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_mod1.xq
401 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_mod2.xq
402 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_mod3.xq
403 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_mod4.xq
404 :)
405declare function math:mod(
406  $number as xs:double,
407  $divisor as xs:double) as xs:double
409  let $num := $number
410  let $div := $divisor return
411    if ($div eq 0) then
412      fn:error($math:errDiv0, "Mod operator: divide by 0")
413    else
414      let $result := $num mod $div
415      return
416        if ($result * $div lt 0) then
417          -$result
418        else
419          $result
423 : Borrowed from excel module.<br/>
424 : Returns number rounded up to the nearest odd integer, away from zero.
425 :
426 : @see  http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel/HP052092031033.aspx
427 : @param $number The value to round.
428 : @return The odd integer.
429 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_odd1.xq
430 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_odd2.xq
431 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_odd3.xq
432 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_odd4.xq
433 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_odd5.xq
434 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_odd6.xq
435 :)
436declare function math:odd($number as xs:double) as xs:integer
438  let $num := $number return
439  if ($num eq 0) then
440    1
441  else
442    let $intnum := xs:integer(math:ceiling($num, math:sign($num)))
443    return
444      if ($intnum mod 2 eq 0) then
445        if ($intnum ge 0) then
446          ($intnum + 1) cast as xs:integer
447        else
448          ($intnum - 1) cast as xs:integer
449      else
450        $intnum cast as xs:integer
454 : Borrowed from excel module.<br/>
455 : Function for product.
456 : This function should not be used outside this module.
457 : Multiplies all numbers in the sequence.
458 :
459 : @param $numbers The list of arguments to be casted to numeric and multiplied.
460 : @return The multiplication result as numeric type.
461 :)
462declare %private function math:product-internal($numbers as xs:double*) as xs:double
464  if (fn:empty($numbers)) then
465    1
466  else
467    let $x := $numbers[1]
468    return
469      $x * math:product-internal(fn:subsequence($numbers, 2))
473 : Borrowed from excel module.<br/>
474 : Multiplies all the numbers given as arguments and returns the product.
475 :
476 : @see http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel/HP052092231033.aspx
477 : @param $numbers The sequence of arguments convertible to numeric types.
478 :        The sequence can be of any length.
479 : @return The multiplication result as numeric type.
480 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_product1.xq
481 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_product2.xq
482 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_product3.xq
483 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_product4.xq
484 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_product5.xq
485 :)
486declare function math:product($numbers as xs:double*) as xs:double
488  if (fn:empty($numbers)) then
489    0
490  else
491    math:product-internal($numbers)
495 : Borrowed from excel module.<br/>
496 : Returns the integer portion of a division.
497 :
498 : @see http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel/HP052092271033.aspx
499 : @param $numerator The divider.
500 : @param $denominator The divisor. It cannot be zero.
501 : @return The result value as numeric type.
502 : @error math:errDiv0 if denominator casted as numeric type has value zero.
503 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_quotient1.xq
504 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_quotient2.xq
505 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_quotient3.xq
506 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_quotient4.xq
507 :)
508declare function math:quotient(
509  $numerator   as xs:double,
510  $denominator as xs:double) as xs:integer
512  let $numer := $numerator
513  let $denom := $denominator
514  return
515    if ($denom eq 0) then
516      fn:error($math:errDiv0, "Quotient function: divide by 0")
517    else
518      xs:integer($numer div $denom)
522 : Borrowed from excel module.<br/>
523 : Rounds a number to a specified number of digits.
524 : If precision is greater than 0 (zero), then number is rounded
525 : to the specified number of decimal places.
526 : If num_digits is 0, then number is rounded to the nearest integer.
527 : If num_digits is less than 0, then number is rounded to the left of the decimal point.
528 : The 0.5 is rounded away from zero.
529 :
530 : @see http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel/HP052092391033.aspx
531 : @param $number The number to round.
532 : @param $precision The number of decimal places to keep.
533 : @return The rounded number as numeric type.
534 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_round1.xq
535 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_round2.xq
536 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_round3.xq
537 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_round4.xq
538 :)
539declare function math:round(
540  $number as xs:double,
541  $precision as xs:integer) as xs:double
543  let $num := $number
544  return
545    if ($precision ge 0) then
546      let $exp_prec := W3Cmath:pow(10, $precision)
547      return
548        if ($num ge 0) then
549          fn:floor($num * $exp_prec + 0.5) div $exp_prec
550        else
551          -fn:floor(-$num * $exp_prec + 0.5) div $exp_prec
552    else
553      let $exp_prec := W3Cmath:pow(10, -$precision)
554      return
555        if ($num ge 0) then
556          fn:floor($num div $exp_prec + 0.5) * $exp_prec
557        else
558          -fn:floor(-$num div $exp_prec + 0.5) * $exp_prec
562 : Borrowed from excel module.<br/>
563 : Rounds a number down, toward zero.
564 : If num_digits is greater than 0 (zero), then number is rounded down
565 : to the specified number of decimal places.
566 : If num_digits is 0, then number is rounded down to the nearest integer.
567 : If num_digits is less than 0, then number is rounded down to the left of the decimal point.
568 :
569 : @see http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel/HP052092411033.aspx
570 : @param $number The number to round
571 : @param $precision The number of decimal places to keep.
572 : @return the truncated number toward zero, as numeric type.
573 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_rounddown1.xq
574 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_rounddown2.xq
575 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_rounddown3.xq
576 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_rounddown4.xq
577 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_rounddown5.xq
578 :)
579declare function math:rounddown(
580  $number     as xs:double,
581  $precision  as xs:integer) as xs:double
583  let $num := $number
584  return
585    if ($precision ge 0) then
586      let $exp_prec := W3Cmath:pow(10, $precision)
587      return
588        if ($num ge 0) then
589          fn:floor($num * $exp_prec) div $exp_prec
590        else
591          -fn:floor(-$num * $exp_prec) div $exp_prec
592    else
593      let $exp_prec := W3Cmath:pow(10, -$precision)
594      return
595        if ($num ge 0) then
596          fn:floor($num div $exp_prec) * $exp_prec
597        else
598          -fn:floor(-$num div $exp_prec) * $exp_prec
602 : Borrowed from excel module.<br/>
603 : Rounds a number up, away from 0 (zero).
604 : If num_digits is greater than 0 (zero), then number is rounded down
605 : to the specified number of decimal places.
606 : If num_digits is 0, then number is rounded down to the nearest integer.
607 : If num_digits is less than 0, then number is rounded down to the left of the decimal point.
608 :
609 : @see http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel/HP052092421033.aspx
610 : @param $number The number to round
611 : @param $precision The number of decimal places to keep.
612 : @return The truncated number away from zero, as numeric type.
613 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_roundup1.xq
614 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_roundup2.xq
615 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_roundup3.xq
616 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_roundup4.xq
617 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_roundup5.xq
618 :)
619declare function math:roundup(
620  $number     as xs:double,
621  $precision  as xs:integer) as xs:double
623  let $num := $number
624  return
625    if ($precision ge 0) then
626      let $exp_prec := W3Cmath:pow(10, $precision)
627      return
628        if ($num ge 0) then
629           fn:ceiling($num * $exp_prec) div $exp_prec
630        else
631          -fn:ceiling(-$num * $exp_prec) div $exp_prec
632    else
633      let $exp_prec := W3Cmath:pow(10, -$precision)
634      return
635        if ($num ge 0) then
636          fn:ceiling($num div $exp_prec) * $exp_prec
637        else
638          -fn:ceiling(-$num div $exp_prec) * $exp_prec
642 : Borrowed from excel module.<br/>
643 : Determines the sign of a number.
644 : Returns 1 if the number is positive, zero (0) if the number is 0,
645 : and -1 if the number is negative.
646 :
647 : @see http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel/HP052092551033.aspx
648 : @param $number The argument
649 : @return The sign as (-1, 0, 1).
650 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_sign1.xq
651 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_sign2.xq
652 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_sign3.xq
653 :)
654declare function math:sign($number as xs:double) as xs:integer
656  let $num := $number
657  return
658    if ($num eq 0) then
659      0
660    else if ($num gt 0) then
661      1
662    else
663      -1
664 };
667 : Borrowed from excel module.<br/>
668 : Truncates a number to an integer by removing the fractional part of the number.
669 :
670 : @see http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel/HP052093241033.aspx
671 : @param $number The argument .
672 : @return The integer value.
673 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_trunc1.xq
674 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_trunc2.xq
675 :)
676declare function math:trunc($number as xs:double ) as xs:integer
678  xs:integer($number)
682 : Borrowed from excel module.<br/>
683 : Truncates a number down to precision.
684 : This behaves exactly like rounddown.
685 :
686 : @see http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel/HP052093241033.aspx
687 : @param $number The argument castable to numeric type.
688 : @param $precision The number of decimal places to keep .
689 : @return The integer value.
690 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_trunc3.xq
691 :)
692declare function math:trunc(
693  $number as xs:double,
694  $precision as xs:integer) as xs:double
696  math:rounddown($number, $precision)
700 : Borrowed from excel module.<br/>
701 : Helper function.<br/>
702 : Sorts a sequence of numbers or arguments castable to numeric.
703 : It first casts all arguments to numeric and then sorts ascending.
704 :
705 : @param $numbers The sequence of arguments castable to numeric.
706 : @return The sorted sequence as numeric types.
707 :)
708declare function math:sort-numbers($numbers as xs:double*) as xs:double*
710  let $sorted-numbers :=
711    (
712      for $number in $numbers
713      let $num := $number
714      order by $num
715      return $num
716    )
717  return $sorted-numbers
721 : Borrowed from excel module.<br/>
722 : Returns the double factorial of a number.
723 : Computes the double factorial of n as n(n-2)(n-4)...
724 :
725 : @see http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel/HP052090851033.aspx
726 : @param $number The positive integer value.
727 : @return The result as integer.
728 : @error math:errNum if the number is negative.
729 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_factdouble1.xq
730 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_factdouble2.xq
731 :)
732declare function math:factdouble($number as xs:integer) as xs:integer
734  if ($number lt 0) then
735    fn:error($math:errNum, "Factdouble function: number should be greater than zero or equal")
736  else if ($number eq 1) then
737    1
738  else if ($number eq 2) then
739    2
740  else
741    $number * math:factdouble($number - 2)
745 : Borrowed from excel module.<br/>
746 : Function for computing GCD.
747 : This function should not be used outside this module.
748 : It calculates the minimum value from a sequence of positive integers,
749 : not taking into account the zero value.
750 :
751 : @param $numbers The sequence of positive integers.
752 : @return The minimum value. If the sequence contains only zero values, then zero is returned.
753 :)
754declare %private function math:min-without-zero($numbers as xs:integer+) as xs:integer
756  if (fn:count($numbers) eq 1) then
757    $numbers[1]
758  else
759    let $min-other := math:min-without-zero(fn:subsequence($numbers, 2))
760    return
761      if ($numbers[1] eq 0) then
762        $min-other
763      else if ($min-other eq 0) then
764        $numbers[1]
765      else if ($numbers[1] lt $min-other) then
766        $numbers[1]
767      else
768        $min-other
772 : Borrowed from excel module.<br/>
773 : Function for computing GCD.
774 : This function should not be used outside this module.
775 : Checks if all integer numbers from a sequence divide exactly to a divider.
776 :
777 : @param $numbers The positive integers.
778 : @param $divider The divider to be tried.
779 : @return true if the numbers divide exactly.
781declare %private function math:try-exact-divide(
782  $numbers as xs:integer*,
783  $divider as xs:integer) as xs:boolean
785  if (fn:empty($numbers)) then
786    fn:true()
787  else
788    if ($numbers[1] mod $divider ne 0) then
789      fn:false()
790    else
791      math:try-exact-divide(fn:subsequence($numbers, 2), $divider)
795 : Borrowed from excel module.<br/>
796 : Function for computing GCD.
797 : This function should not be used outside this module.
798 : This function iterates through possible divisors and checks if the sequence
799 : divides exactly to any of those. It starts from the minimum value from the
800 : sequence and searches downwards.
801 :
802 : @param $numbers The sequence of positive integers.
803 : @param $min-nonzero The minimum value of numbers sequence, excluding the zero value.
804 : @param $iteration Which iteration is it. It starts from 1 and continues
805 :        to min-nonzero/2.
806 : @return The greatest common divisor if found, or 1 if not found.
807 :)
808declare %private function math:iterate-all-gcd(
809  $numbers as xs:integer*,
810  $min-nonzero as xs:integer,
811  $iteration as xs:integer) as xs:integer
813  if ($min-nonzero mod $iteration eq 0) then
814    if (math:try-exact-divide($numbers, $min-nonzero idiv $iteration)) then
815      $min-nonzero idiv $iteration
816    else
817      math:iterate-all-gcd($numbers, $min-nonzero, $iteration + 1)
818  else
819    if ($iteration > $min-nonzero idiv 2) then
820      1
821    else
822      math:iterate-all-gcd($numbers, $min-nonzero, $iteration + 1)
826 : Borrowed from excel module.<br/>
827 : Returns the greatest common divisor GCD of a sequence of integers.
828 : The sequence can have one or more positive integers.
829 :
830 : @see http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel/HP052091041033.aspx
831 : @param $numbers The sequence of positive integers.
832 : @return The GCD as integer.
833 : @error math:errNum if any number is smaller than zero.
834 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_gcd1.xq
835 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_gcd2.xq
836 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_gcd3.xq
837 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_gcd4.xq
838 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_gcd5.xq
839 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_gcd6.xq
840 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_gcd7.xq
841 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_gcd8.xq
842 :)
843declare function math:gcd($numbers as xs:integer+) as xs:integer
845  if (fn:count($numbers) = 1) then
846    $numbers[1]
847  else
848    let $minval := math:min-without-zero($numbers)
849    return
850      if ($minval lt 0) then
851        fn:error($math:errNum, "gcd function: numbers should be greater than zero or equal")
852      else if ($minval eq 0) then
853        0
854      else
855        math:iterate-all-gcd($numbers, $minval, 1)
859 : Borrowed from excel module.<br/>
860 : Returns the least common multiple of integers.<br/>
861 : LCM for two numbers is computed by multiplying them and dividing with GCD. <br/>
862 : The function is applied recursively replacing the first two numbers in the sequence with their LCM.
863 :
864 : @see http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel/HP052091521033.aspx
865 : @param $numbers The sequence of one or more positive integers.
866 : @return The LCM as integer.
867 : @error math:errNum if any number is smaller than zero.
868 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_lcm1.xq
869 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_lcm2.xq
870 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_lcm3.xq
871 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_lcm4.xq
872 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_lcm5.xq
873 :)
874declare function math:lcm($numbers as xs:integer+) as xs:integer
876  if(count($numbers) eq 1) then
877    $numbers[1]
878  else
879  if(count($numbers) eq 2) then
880    let $product := math:product(fn:distinct-values($numbers))
881    return
882      if ($product eq 0) then
883        0
884      else
885        $product idiv math:gcd($numbers)
886  else
887    math:lcm((math:lcm(($numbers[1], $numbers[2])), subsequence($numbers, 3)))
892 : Borrowed from excel module.<br/>
893 : Returns a number rounded to the desired multiple.
894 : MROUND rounds up, away from zero, if the remainder of dividing number by multiple
895 : is greater than or equal to half the value of multiple.
896 : MROUND is computed through math:floor function.
897 :
898 : @see http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel/HP052091851033.aspx
899 : @param $number The value to round,
900 : @param $multiple The multiple to which you want to round number.
901 : @return The rounded number up to the desired multiple.
902 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_mround1.xq
903 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_mround2.xq
904 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_mround3.xq
905 :)
906declare function math:mround(
907  $number   as xs:decimal,
908  $multiple as xs:double) as xs:double
910  let $num := $number
911  let $mul := $multiple
912  let $floor := math:floor($num, $mul) return
913  if ($num ge 0) then
914    if (($num - $floor) ge (($mul div (2 + 1e-12)))) then
915      $floor + $mul
916    else
917      $floor
918  else
919    if ((-$num + $floor) ge (-$mul div (2 + 1e-12))) then
920      $floor + $mul
921    else
922      $floor
926 : Borrowed from excel module.<br/>
927 : Converts an Arabic numeral to roman, as text.
928 : Only the classic format is supported (out of all formats Excel requires).<br/>
929 : M is the largest digit, it represents 1000.
930 : Numbers bigger than 2000 will be represented by a sequence of "M".<br/>
931 : D = 500, C = 100, L = 50, X = 10, V = 5, I = 1.
932 :
933 : @see http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel/HP052092381033.aspx
934 : @param $number A positive integer.
935 : @return The roman string representation.
936 : @error math:errNum if the input integer is negative
937 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_roman1.xq
938 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_roman2.xq
939 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_roman3.xq
940 :)
941declare function math:roman($number as xs:integer) as xs:string
943  if ($number lt 0) then
944    fn:error($math:errNum, "Roman function: number should be greater than zero or equal")
945  else if ($number ge 1000) then
946    fn:concat("M", math:roman($number - 1000))
947  else if ($number ge 900) then
948    fn:concat("CM", math:roman($number - 900))
949  else if ($number ge 800) then
950    fn:concat("DCCC", math:roman($number - 800))
951  else if ($number ge 700) then
952    fn:concat("DCC", math:roman($number - 700))
953  else if ($number ge 600) then
954    fn:concat("DC", math:roman($number - 600))
955  else if ($number ge 500) then
956    fn:concat("D", math:roman($number - 500))
957  else if ($number ge 400) then
958    fn:concat("CD", math:roman($number - 400))
959  else if ($number ge 300) then
960    fn:concat("CCC", math:roman($number - 300))
961  else if ($number ge 200) then
962    fn:concat("CC", math:roman($number - 200))
963  else if ($number ge 100) then
964    fn:concat("C", math:roman($number - 100))
965  else if ($number ge 90) then
966    fn:concat("XC", math:roman($number - 90))
967  else if ($number ge 80) then
968    fn:concat("LXXX", math:roman($number - 80))
969  else if ($number ge 70) then
970    fn:concat("LXX", math:roman($number - 70))
971  else if ($number ge 60) then
972    fn:concat("LX", math:roman($number - 60))
973  else if ($number ge 50) then
974    fn:concat("L", math:roman($number - 50))
975  else if ($number ge 40) then
976    fn:concat("XL", math:roman($number - 40))
977  else if ($number ge 30) then
978    fn:concat("XXX", math:roman($number - 30))
979  else if ($number ge 20) then
980    fn:concat("XX", math:roman($number - 20))
981  else if ($number ge 10) then
982    fn:concat("X", math:roman($number - 10))
983  else if ($number eq 9) then
984    "IX"
985  else if ($number eq 8) then
986    "VIII"
987  else if ($number eq 7) then
988    "VII"
989  else if ($number eq 6) then
990    "VI"
991  else if ($number eq 5) then
992    "V"
993  else if ($number eq 4) then
994    "IV"
995  else if ($number eq 3) then
996    "III"
997  else if ($number eq 2) then
998    "II"
999  else if ($number eq 1) then
1000    "I"
1001  else
1002    ""
1006 : Borrowed from excel module.<br/>
1007 : Multiplies the elements on the same position in each sequence
1008 : and sums up the results.
1009 :
1010 : @see http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel/HP052092931033.aspx
1011 : @param $array1 the sequences of numbers
1012 : @param $array2 the sequences of numbers
1013 : @return the sum of products
1014 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_sumproduct2.xq
1016 declare function math:sumproduct( $array1 as xs:double*,
1017                                    $array2 as xs:double*  ) as xs:double
1018 {
1019    if( fn:empty($array1) or
1020        fn:empty($array2))
1021        then
1022      0
1023    else
1024      $array1[1] * $array2[1] + math:sumproduct( fn:subsequence($array1,2),
1025                                                  fn:subsequence($array2,2))
1026 };
1029 : Borrowed from excel module.<br/>
1030 : Returns the sum of the squares of the arguments.
1031 : It uses the sumproduct function.
1032 :
1033 : @see http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel/HP052092951033.aspx
1034 : @param $numbers the sequence of one or more numbers
1035 : @return the sum of squared values, as numeric type
1036 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_sumsq1.xq
1038 declare function math:sumsq( $numbers as xs:double+) as xs:double
1039 {
1040   math:sumproduct($numbers, $numbers)
1041 };
1045(:Excel statistical functions :)
1048 : Borrowed from excel module.<br/>
1049 : Returns the median of the given numbers.
1050 : The median is the number in the middle of a set of numbers.
1051 : Half the numbers have values that are greater than the median,
1052 : and half the numbers have values that are less than the median.
1053 :
1054 :
1055 : @see http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel/HP052091741033.aspx
1056 : @param $numbers the sequence of numbers, of any length
1057 : @return for odd count of numbers return the number in the middle of the sorted sequence.
1058 :       For even count of numbers return the average of the two numbers in the middle.
1059 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_median1.xq
1060 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_median2.xq
1062declare function math:median( $numbers as xs:double* ) as xs:double
1064  let $number_count := fn:count( $numbers )
1065  let $sorted_numbers := math:sort-numbers( $numbers ) return
1066  if ($number_count mod 2 != 0) then
1067    $sorted_numbers[$number_count idiv 2 + 1]
1068  else
1069    if ($number_count = 0) then
1070      0
1071    else
1072      ($sorted_numbers[$number_count idiv 2] + $sorted_numbers[$number_count idiv 2 + 1] ) div 2
1076 : Borrowed from excel module.<br/>
1077 : Returns the most frequently occurring, or repetitive, value in a sequence.
1078 :
1079 : @see http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel/HP052091831033.aspx
1080 : @param $numbers the sequence of numbers, of any length
1081 : @return The most occuring number
1082 : @error math:errNA if there are no duplicate numbers
1083 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_mode1.xq
1084 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_mode2.xq
1085 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_mode3.xq
1087declare function math:mode( $numbers as xs:double* ) as xs:double
1089  if ( fn:empty($numbers)) then
1090    fn:error($math:errNA, "Mode function: empty sequence")
1091  else
1092  let $result :=
1093  ( for $n_at in fn:distinct-values($numbers)
1094    let $n := $n_at
1095    let $count := fn:count( (for $d in $numbers where $d eq $n return $d) )
1096    where $count > 1
1097    order by $count descending
1098    return $n
1099  ) return
1100  if (fn:empty($result)) then
1101    fn:error($math:errNA, "Mode function: no duplicate elements")
1102  else
1103    $result[1]
1107 : Borrowed from excel module.<br/>
1108 : Returns the k-th percentile of values in a sequence.
1109 : If k is not a multiple of 1/(n - 1),
1110 :   PERCENTILE interpolates to determine the value at the k-th percentile.
1111 : The function is computed by (max-min)*k + min
1112 :
1113 : @see http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel/HP052092111033.aspx
1114 : @param $numbers the sequence of numbers, of any length
1115 : @param $k_at the percentile, with value between 0 .. 1 inclusive
1116 : @return The computed percentile
1117 : @error math:errNum if percentile is not between 0 .. 1
1118 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_percentile1.xq
1119 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_percentile2.xq
1120 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_percentile3.xq
1122declare function math:percentile( $numbers as xs:double*, $k_at as xs:double) as xs:double
1124  let $k := $k_at return
1125  if ($k < 0 or $k > 1) then
1126    fn:error($math:errNum, "Percentile function: k must be a value between 0 and 1 inclusive")
1127  else
1128    let $max := fn:max($numbers)
1129    let $min := fn:min($numbers) return
1130    ($max - $min) * $k + $min
1136 : Borrowed from excel module.<br/>
1137 : Function for AVEDEV.
1138 : This function should not be used outside this module.
1139 : Computes formula sum(abs(x - average)) for every x in $numbers
1140 :
1141 : @param $numbers The sequence of numbers.
1142 :        Sequence can be of any length.
1143 : @param $average The average of all numbers, computed with function AVERAGE.
1144 : @return The result of the formula.
1145 :)
1146declare %private function math:sum-deviations(
1147  $numbers as xs:double*,
1148  $average as xs:double) as xs:double
1150  if (fn:empty($numbers)) then
1151    0
1152  else
1153    fn:abs($numbers[1] - $average) + math:sum-deviations(fn:subsequence($numbers, 2), $average)
1157 : Borrowed from excel module.<br/>
1158 : Returns the average of the absolute deviations of data points from their mean.
1159 : The formula is sum(abs(x - average_x))/n, where n is the count of x in the sequence.
1160 :
1161 : @see http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel/HP052089931033.aspx
1162 : @param $numbers the sequence of numbers.
1163 :     Sequence can be of any length from 1 up.
1164 : @return The formula result
1165 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_avedev1.xq
1167declare function math:avedev($numbers as xs:double+) as xs:double
1169  let $average := fn:avg($numbers) return
1170  math:sum-deviations($numbers, $average) div fn:count($numbers)
1174 : Borrowed from excel module.<br/>
1175 : Returns the k-th largest value in a data set.
1176 : If n is the number of data points in a range,
1177 :   then LARGE(array,1) returns the largest value,
1178 :   and LARGE(array,n) returns the smallest value.
1179 :
1180 : @see http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel/HP052091511033.aspx
1181 : @param $numbers the sequence of numbers
1182 :           The sequence can be of any length, from 1 up.
1183 : @param $k the position of largest value, with value from 1 to count of values
1184 : @return The k-th largest value as numeric type
1185 : @error math:errNum if the sequence is empty or k is not a value between 1
1186 :  and the size of the sequence
1187 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_large1.xq
1188 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_large2.xq
1189 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_large3.xq
1191declare function math:large($numbers as xs:double+, $k as xs:integer) as xs:double
1193  if (fn:empty($numbers)) then
1194    fn:error($math:errNum, "Large function: value list must not be empty")
1195  else if ($k > fn:count($numbers) or $k le 0) then
1196    fn:error($math:errNum, "Large function: k must be between 1 and the count of numbers ", $k)
1197  else
1198    let $ordered_numbers :=
1199      (for $n in $numbers
1200       let $nn := $n
1201       order by $nn descending
1202       return $nn
1203      ) return
1204     $ordered_numbers[$k]
1208 : Borrowed from excel module.<br/>
1209 : Returns the rank of a number in a list of numbers.
1210 : The rank of a number is its size relative to other values in a list.
1211 : (If you were to sort the list, the rank of the number would be its position.)
1212 : RANK gives duplicate numbers the same rank.
1213 :
1214 : @see http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel/HP052092311033.aspx
1215 : @param $x The number whose rank you want to find.
1216 : @param $numbers The sequence of numbers.
1217 :        The sequence can be of any length.
1218 : @param $order_ascending <dl>A boolean having the meaning:
1219 :        <dt>false</dt><dd>then rank the number as if the sequence was sorted in descending order.</dd>
1220 :        <dt>true</dt> <dd>then rank the number as if the sequence was sorted in ascending order.</dd></dl>
1221 : @return The rank of $x.
1222 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_rank1.xq
1223 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_rank2.xq
1224 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_rank4.xq
1225 :)
1226declare function math:rank(
1227  $x                as xs:double,
1228  $numbers          as xs:double*,
1229  $order_ascending  as xs:boolean) as xs:double
1231  let $ordered_numbers :=
1232    if ($order_ascending) then (
1233      for $n in $numbers
1234      let $nn := $n
1235      order by $nn ascending
1236      return $nn
1237    ) else (
1238      for $n in $numbers
1239      let $nn := $n
1240      order by $nn descending
1241      return $nn
1242    )
1243  let $xnum := $x
1244  let $rank :=
1245    (
1246      for $i at $pos in $ordered_numbers
1247      where $xnum = $i or $order_ascending and $xnum < $i
1248                     or fn:not($order_ascending) and $xnum > $i
1249      return
1250        if ($xnum = $i) then
1251          $pos
1252        else if ($pos = 1) then
1253          0
1254        else
1255          ($pos - 1) + ($xnum - $ordered_numbers[$pos - 1]) div ($ordered_numbers[$pos] - $ordered_numbers[$pos - 1])
1256    )
1257  return
1258    if (fn:empty($rank)) then
1259      fn:count($numbers)
1260    else
1261      $rank[1]
1265 : Borrowed from excel module.<br/>
1266 : This RANK function is same as the above, only that $order_ascending is set by default to false.
1267 :
1268 : @see http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel/HP052092311033.aspx
1269 : @param $x The number whose rank you want to find.
1270 : @param $numbers the sequence of numbers.
1271 :        The sequence can be of any length.
1272 : @return The rank of $x.
1273 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_rank3.xq
1274 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_rank5.xq
1276declare function math:rank(
1277  $x        as xs:double,
1278  $numbers  as xs:double*) as xs:double
1280  math:rank($x, $numbers, fn:false())
1284 : Borrowed from excel module.<br/>
1285 : Returns the rank of a value in a data set as a percentage of the data set.
1286 : If x does not match one of the values in array,
1287 :   PERCENTRANK interpolates to return the correct percentage rank. <br/>
1288 : The formula is uses: (RANK - 1) / (size - 1) .
1289 :
1290 : @see http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel/HP052092121033.aspx
1291 : @param $numbers the sequence of numbers.
1292 :    The sequence can be of any length, from 1 up.
1293 : @param $x is the value for which you want to know the rank
1294 : @return The percentage of rank.
1295 : @error math:errNum if the sequence is zero length
1296 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_percentrank1.xq
1297 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_percentrank2.xq
1298 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_percentrank3.xq
1299 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_percentrank4.xq
1300 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_percentrank5.xq
1302declare function math:percentrank($numbers as xs:double*, $x as xs:double) as xs:double
1304  if (fn:empty($numbers)) then
1305    fn:error($math:errNum, "Percentrank function: value list must not be empty")
1306  else
1307    let $rank := math:rank($x, $numbers, fn:true()) return
1308    if ($rank = 0) then
1309      0
1310    else
1311      ($rank - 1) div (fn:count($numbers) - 1)
1315 : Borrowed from excel module.<br/>
1316 : Returns the quartile of a data set.
1317 :
1318 : @see http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel/HP052092261033.aspx
1319 : @param $numbers sequence of numbers.
1320 :      The sequence can be of any length, from 1 up.
1321 : @param $quart <dl>one of the values 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 with meaning:
1322 :     <dt>0</dt> <dd> compute minimum value</dd>
1323 :     <dt>1</dt> <dd> compute first quartile (25th percentile)</dd>
1324 :     <dt>2</dt> <dd> compute median value (50th percentile)</dd>
1325 :     <dt>3</dt> <dd> compute third quartile (75th percentile)</dd>
1326 :     <dt>4</dt> <dd> compute maximum value</dd></dl>
1327 :  @return the computed quartile, as numeric type
1328 : @error math:errNum if the sequence is zero length or $quart is not one of the values 0,1,3,4
1329 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_quartile1.xq
1330 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_quartile2.xq
1331 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_quartile3.xq
1332 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_quartile4.xq
1333 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_quartile5.xq
1335declare function math:quartile($numbers as xs:double*, $quart as xs:integer) as xs:double
1337  if (fn:empty($numbers)) then
1338    fn:error($math:errNum, "Quartile function: value list must not be empty")
1339  else
1340  if ($quart = 0) then
1341    fn:min($numbers)
1342  else
1343  if ($quart = 1) then
1344    let $r := (fn:count($numbers) + 3) div 4
1345    let $rint := xs:integer($r)
1346    let $rrem := $r - $rint
1347    let $sorted_numbers := math:sort-numbers( $numbers ) return
1348      ($numbers[$rint + 1] - $numbers[$rint]) * $rrem + $numbers[$rint]
1349  else
1350  if ($quart = 2) then
1351    math:median($numbers)
1352  else
1353  if ($quart = 3) then
1354    let $r := (3 * fn:count($numbers) + 1) div 4
1355    let $rint := xs:integer($r)
1356    let $rrem := $r - $rint
1357    let $sorted_numbers := math:sort-numbers( $numbers ) return
1358      ($numbers[$rint + 1] - $numbers[$rint]) * $rrem + $numbers[$rint]
1359  else
1360  if ($quart = 4) then
1361    fn:max($numbers)
1362  else
1363    fn:error($math:errNum, "Quartile function: quart should be between 0 and 4 :", $quart)
1367 : Borrowed from excel module.<br/>
1368 : This function computes the k-th smallest value in a data set.
1369 : Use this function to return values with a particular relative standing in a data set.
1370 : If n is the number of data points in array, SMALL(array,1) equals the smallest value,
1371 :   and SMALL(array,n) equals the largest value.
1372 :
1373 : @see http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel/HP052092661033.aspx
1374 : @param $numbers A sequence of numbers.
1375 :        The sequence can be of any length, from 1 up.
1376 : @param $k The position (from the smallest) in the sequence of data to return.
1377 :        Must have value between 1 and size of sequence.
1378 : @return The k-th smallest value of $numbers.
1379 : @error math:errNum if the sequence is zero length or $k is not a value
1380 :   between 1 and the size of sequence.
1381 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_small1.xq
1382 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_small2.xq
1384declare function math:small($numbers as xs:double*, $k as xs:integer) as xs:double
1386  if (fn:empty($numbers)) then
1387    fn:error($math:errNum, "Small function: value list must not be empty")
1388  else if ($k gt fn:count($numbers) or $k le 0) then
1389    fn:error($math:errNum, "Small function: k must be between 1 and the count of numbers ", $k)
1390  else
1391    let $ordered_numbers := (
1392        for $n in $numbers
1393        let $nn := $n
1394        order by $nn ascending
1395        return $nn
1396      )
1397    return
1398      $ordered_numbers[$k]
1403 : Borrowed from excel module.<br/>
1404 : Function for VAR, VARA, VARP, VARPA and SLOPE.
1405 : This function should not be used outside this module.
1406 : It computes formula sum((x - average_x)^2) for all x in $numbers.
1407 :
1408 : @param $numbers the sequence of numbers.
1409 :        The sequence can be of any length.
1410 : @param $average The precomputed average over the sequence.
1411 : @return The result as numeric type.
1412 :)
1413declare %private function math:sumsq-deviations($numbers as xs:double*, $average as xs:double) as xs:double
1415  if (fn:empty($numbers)) then
1416    0
1417  else
1418    let $val := $numbers[1] - $average
1419    return
1420      $val * $val + math:sumsq-deviations(fn:subsequence($numbers, 2), $average)
1424 : Borrowed from excel module.<br/>
1425 : Estimates variance based on a sample.<br/>
1426 : The formula is sum(x - average_x)^2 / (n - 1).<br/>
1427 : average_x is computed with AVERAGE function.<br/>
1428 : n is the count of numbers from the sequence, excluding empty values.
1429 :
1430 : @see http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel/HP052093301033.aspx
1431 : @param $numbers the sequence of numbers.
1432 :       The sequence can be of any length, from 1 up.
1433 : @return The variance, as numeric type
1434 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_var1.xq
1435 :)
1436declare function math:var($numbers as xs:double+) as xs:double
1438  let $average := fn:avg($numbers)
1439  return
1440    math:sumsq-deviations($numbers, $average) div (fn:count($numbers) - 1)
1444 : Borrowed from excel module.<br/>
1445 : Estimates variance based on a sample.<br/>
1446 : The formula is sum(x - average_x)^2 / (n - 1).<br/>
1447 : average_x is computed with AVERAGE function.<br/>
1448 : n is the size of sequence, including empty values.<br/>
1449 :
1450 : @see http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel/HP052093311033.aspx
1451 : @param $numbers the sequence of numbers.
1452 :       The sequence can be of any length, from 1 up.
1453 : @return The variance, as numeric type
1454 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_vara1.xq
1456declare function math:vara($numbers as xs:double+) as xs:double
1458  let $average := fn:avg($numbers) return
1459  math:sumsq-deviations($numbers, $average) div (fn:count($numbers) - 1)
1463 : Borrowed from excel module.<br/>
1464 : Calculates variance based on the entire population.<br/>
1465 : The formula is sum(x - average_x)^2 / n.<br/>
1466 : average_x is computed with AVERAGE function.<br/>
1467 : n is the count of numbers from the sequence, excluding empty values.<br/>
1468 :
1469 : @see http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel/HP052093321033.aspx
1470 : @param $numbers the sequence of numbers.
1471 :       The sequence can be of any length, from 1 up.
1472 : @return The variance, as numeric type
1473 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_varp1.xq
1475declare function math:varp($numbers as xs:double+) as xs:double
1477  let $average := fn:avg($numbers) return
1478  math:sumsq-deviations($numbers, $average) div fn:count($numbers)
1482 : Borrowed from excel module.<br/>
1483 : Calculates variance based on the entire population.<br/>
1484 : The formula is sum(x - average_x)^2 / n.<br/>
1485 : average_x is computed with AVERAGE function.<br/>
1486 : n is the size of sequence, including empty values.<br/>
1487 :
1488 : @see http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel/HP052093321033.aspx
1489 : @param $numbers the sequence of numbers.
1490 :       The sequence can be of any length, from 1 up.
1491 : @return The variance, as numeric type
1492 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_varpa1.xq
1494declare function math:varpa($numbers as xs:double+) as xs:double
1496  let $average := fn:avg($numbers) return
1497  math:sumsq-deviations($numbers, $average) div fn:count($numbers)
1501 : Borrowed from excel module.<br/>
1502 : Function for PROB function.
1503 : This function should not be used outside this module.
1504 : Computes the sum over a sequence of numbers.
1505 : Checks if the values are between 0 and 1.
1506 :
1507 : @param $prob_range The sequence of probabilities.
1508 : @return The sum of probabilities. This should be 1.
1509 : @error math:errNum if any probability is not between 0 and 1.
1510 : @error math:errValue if any parameter is not castable to numeric.
1512declare %private function math:sum-prob($prob_range as xs:double*) as xs:double
1514  if (fn:empty($prob_range)) then
1515    0
1516  else
1517    let $prob_num := $prob_range[1]
1518  return
1519    if ($prob_num < 0 or $prob_num > 1) then
1520      fn:error($math:errNum, "Prob function: prob values should be between 0 and 1 ", $prob_num)
1521    else
1522      $prob_num + math:sum-prob(fn:subsequence($prob_range, 2))
1526 : Borrowed from excel module.<br/>
1527 : Function for PROB function.
1528 : This function should not be used outside this module.
1529 : Checks the prob range and x range if they have the same number of values.
1530 : Adds all probabilities corresponding to values between range_lower_limit and upper_limit.
1531 :
1532 : @param $x_range The sequence of x values.
1533 : @param $prob_range The sequence of probabilities associated to x values.
1534 : @param $range_lower_limit The lower limit of the range to compute the probability.
1535 : @param $upper_limit The upper limit of the range to compute the probability.
1536 : @return The sum of probabilities.
1537 : @error $math:errNum if x_range and prob_range do not have the same number of values.
1538 :)
1539declare %private function math:sum-prob-x(
1540  $x_range            as xs:double*,
1541  $prob_range         as xs:double*,
1542  $range_lower_limit  as xs:double,
1543  $upper_limit        as xs:double) as xs:double
1545  if (fn:empty($x_range) and fn:not(fn:empty($prob_range))) then
1546    fn:error($math:errNum, "Prob function: x range and prob range should have the same number of elements")
1547  else if (fn:empty($prob_range) and fn:not(fn:empty($x_range))) then
1548    fn:error($math:errNum, "Prob function: x range and prob range should have the same number of elements")
1549  else if (fn:empty($prob_range) and fn:empty($x_range)) then
1550    0
1551  else
1552    let $x := $x_range[1]
1553    let $this_prob :=
1554      if ($x ge $range_lower_limit and $x le $upper_limit) then
1555        $prob_range[1]
1556      else
1557        0
1558    return
1559      $this_prob + math:sum-prob-x(
1560        fn:subsequence($x_range, 2),
1561        fn:subsequence($prob_range, 2),
1562        $range_lower_limit,
1563        $upper_limit)
1567 : Borrowed from excel module.<br/>
1568 : Returns the probability that values in a range are between two limits.
1569 :
1570 : @see http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel/HP052092221033.aspx
1571 : @param $x_range is the range of numeric values of x with which there are associated probabilities.
1572 :       This does not need to be ordered.
1573 : @param $prob_range is a set of probabilities associated with values in x_range.
1574 : @param $range_lower_limit is the lower bound on the value for which you want a probability.
1575 : @param $upper_limit  is the upper bound on the value for which you want a probability.
1576 : @return The probability of the entire range
1577 : @error math:errNum if any probability is not between 0 and 1
1578 : @error math:errNum if the sum of probabilities is not equal to 1
1579 : @error math:errNum if x_range and prob_range do not have the same number of values
1580 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_prob2.xq
1582declare function math:prob($x_range as xs:double+,
1583                            $prob_range as xs:double+,
1584                            $range_lower_limit as xs:double,
1585                            $upper_limit as xs:double) as xs:double
1587  let $prob_sum := math:sum-prob($prob_range) return
1588  if ($prob_sum != 1) then
1589    fn:error($math:errNum, "Prob function: prob sum should equal 1")
1590  else
1591    math:sum-prob-x($x_range, $prob_range,
1592                    $range_lower_limit,
1593                    $upper_limit)
1597 : Borrowed from excel module.<br/>
1598 : This is the same as above, only that upper_limit is not specified.
1599 : The probability is computed only for range_lower_limit.
1600 :
1601 : @see http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel/HP052092221033.aspx
1602 : @param $x_range is the range of numeric values of x with which there are associated probabilities.
1603 :       This does not need to be ordered.
1604 : @param $prob_range is a set of probabilities associated with values in x_range.
1605 : @param $range_lower_limit is the value for which you want a probability.
1606 : @return The probability of the range_lower_limit value
1607 : @error math:errNum if any probability is not between 0 and 1
1608 : @error math:errNum if the sum of probabilities is not equal to 1
1609 : @error math:errNum if x_range and prob_range do not have the same number of values
1610 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_prob1.xq
1611 :)
1612declare function math:prob($x_range as xs:double+,
1613                            $prob_range as xs:double+,
1614                            $range_lower_limit as xs:double) as xs:double
1616  math:prob($x_range, $prob_range, $range_lower_limit, $range_lower_limit)
1620 : Borrowed from excel module.<br/>
1621 : Function for SLOPE function.
1622 : This function should not be used outside this module.
1623 : It computes the formula:<br/>
1624 : sum((x - average_x)(y - average_y)) <br/>
1625 : where average_x and average_y are computed with AVERAGE function.
1626 :
1627 : @param $x_numbers The sequence of x numbers.
1628 : @param $x_average The precomputed AVERAGE over the x_numbers.
1629 : @param $y_numbers The sequence of y numbers.
1630 : @param $y_average The precomputed AVERAGE over the y_numbers.
1631 : @return The formula result, as numeric type.
1632 : @error math:errNA if there are different numbers of x's and y's.
1633 :)
1634declare %private function math:sum-x-y-deviations(
1635  $x_numbers as xs:double*,
1636  $x_average as xs:double,
1637  $y_numbers as xs:double*,
1638  $y_average as xs:double) as xs:double
1640  if (fn:empty($x_numbers) and fn:not(fn:empty($y_numbers))) then
1641    fn:error($math:errNA, "Slope function: different number of x's and y's")
1642  else if (fn:empty($y_numbers) and fn:not(fn:empty($x_numbers))) then
1643    fn:error($math:errNA, "Slope function: different number of x's and y's")
1644  else if (fn:empty($x_numbers) and fn:empty($y_numbers)) then
1645    0
1646  else
1647    ($x_numbers[1] - $x_average) *
1648    ($y_numbers[1] - $y_average) +
1649    math:sum-x-y-deviations(
1650      fn:subsequence($x_numbers, 2),$x_average,
1651      fn:subsequence($y_numbers, 2),$y_average)
1655 : Borrowed from excel module.<br/>
1656 : Returns the slope of the linear regression line through data points in known_y's and known_x's.
1657 : The slope is the vertical distance divided by the horizontal distance between
1658 :   any two points on the line, which is the rate of change along the regression line.
1659 : It computes the formula:<br/>
1660 : sum((x - average_x)(y - average_y)) / sum((x - average_x)^2)  <br/>
1661 : where average_x and average_y are computed with AVERAGE function.
1662 :
1663 : @see http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel/HP052092641033.aspx
1664 : @param $known_y the sequence of y numbers.
1665 :    The sequence can be of any length, from 1 up.
1666 : @param $known_x the sequence of x numbers.
1667 :    The sequence can be of any length, from 1 up.
1668 : @return The slope value, as numeric type
1669 : @error math:errNA if there are different numbers of x's and y's or if the sequence is empty
1670 : @error math:errDiv0 if all x's are equal
1671 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_slope1.xq
1673declare function math:slope($known_y as xs:double+,
1674                       $known_x as xs:double+) as xs:double
1676  if (fn:empty($known_y) or fn:empty($known_x)) then
1677    fn:error($math:errNA, "Slope function: known_x and known_y cannot be empty sequences")
1678  else
1679  let $x_average := fn:avg($known_x)
1680  let $y_average := fn:avg($known_y)
1681  let $xsq_dev := math:sumsq-deviations($known_x, $x_average) return
1682  if ($xsq_dev = 0) then
1683    fn:error($math:errDiv0, "Slope function: all x's are equal")
1684  else
1685  let $x_y_dev := math:sum-x-y-deviations($known_x, $x_average, $known_y, $y_average) return
1686  $x_y_dev div $xsq_dev
1690 : Borrowed from excel module.<br/>
1691 : Returns a normalized value from a distribution characterized by mean and standard_dev.<br/>
1692 : The formula is (x - mean) / standard_dev .
1693 :
1694 : @see http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel/HP052092731033.aspx
1695 : @param $x is the value you want to normalize
1696 : @param $mean  is the arithmetic mean of the distribution.
1697 : @param $standard_dev is the standard deviation of the distribution.
1698 : @return The normalized x, as numeric type
1699 : @error math:errNum if standard_dev is a value smaller than zero or equal
1700 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_standardize1.xq
1702declare function math:standardize($x as xs:double,
1703                                   $mean as xs:double,
1704                                   $standard_dev as xs:double) as xs:double
1706  if ($standard_dev le 0) then
1707    fn:error($math:errNum, "Standardize function: standard_dev must be positive ", $standard_dev)
1708  else
1709    ($x - $mean) div $standard_dev
1714 : Borrowed from excel module.<br/>
1715 : Estimates standard deviation based on a sample.
1716 : The standard deviation is a measure of how widely values are dispersed
1717 :   from the average value (the mean).
1718 : It is computed with formula:
1719 : sqrt( sum((x-average_x)^2) / (n-1) )    = sqrt ( VAR(numbers) )
1720 :
1721 : @see http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel/HP052092771033.aspx
1722 : @param $numbers the sequence of numbers
1723 :    The sequence can be of any length, from 1 up.
1724 : @return the standard deviation, as numeric type
1725 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_stdev1.xq
1727declare function math:stdev($numbers as xs:double+) as xs:double
1729  W3Cmath:sqrt(math:var($numbers))
1733 : Borrowed from excel module.<br/>
1734 : Estimates standard deviation based on a sample.
1735 : The standard deviation is a measure of how widely values are dispersed
1736 :   from the average value (the mean).
1737 : It is computed with formula:
1738 : sqrt( sum((x-average_x)^2) / (n-1) )    = sqrt ( VARA(numbers) )
1739 :
1740 : @see http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel/HP052092791033.aspx
1741 : @param $numbers the sequence of numbers.
1742 :    The sequence can be of any length, from 1 up.
1743 : @return the standard deviation, as numeric type
1744 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_stdeva1.xq
1746declare function math:stdeva($numbers as xs:double+) as xs:double
1748  W3Cmath:sqrt(math:vara($numbers))
1752 : Borrowed from excel module.<br/>
1753 : Calculates standard deviation based on the entire population given as arguments.
1754 : The standard deviation is a measure of how widely values are dispersed from
1755 :   the average value (the mean).
1756 : It is computed with formula:
1757 : sqrt( sum((x-average_x)^2) / n )    = sqrt ( VARP(numbers) )
1758 :
1759 : @see http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel/HP052092811033.aspx
1760 : @param $numbers the sequence of numbers or values castable to numeric
1761 :    The sequence can be of any length, from 1 up.
1762 : @return the standard deviation, as numeric type
1763 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_stdevp1.xq
1765declare function math:stdevp($numbers as xs:double+) as xs:double
1767  W3Cmath:sqrt(math:varp($numbers))
1771 : Borrowed from excel module.<br/>
1772 : Calculates standard deviation based on the entire population given as arguments.
1773 : The standard deviation is a measure of how widely values are dispersed from
1774 :   the average value (the mean).
1775 : It is computed with formula:
1776 : sqrt( sum((x-average_x)^2) / n )    = sqrt ( VARPA(numbers) )
1777 :
1778 : @see http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel/HP052092831033.aspx
1779 : @param $numbers the sequence of numbers or values castable to numeric
1780 :    The sequence can be of any length, from 1 up.
1781 : @return the standard deviation, as numeric type
1782 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_stdevpa1.xq
1784declare function math:stdevpa($numbers as xs:double+) as xs:double
1786  W3Cmath:sqrt(math:varpa($numbers))
1790 : Borrowed from excel module.<br/>
1791 : Returns a subtotal in a sequence of numbers.
1792 : The function applied is given by $function_num.
1793 :
1794 : @see http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel/HP052092881033.aspx
1795 : @param $function_num <dl>defines the function to be applied on sequence values.
1796 :       The possible values are:
1797 :       <dt>1 or 101</dt> <dd> AVERAGE</dd>
1798 :       <dt>2 or 102</dt> <dd> COUNT</dd>
1799 :       <dt>3 or 103</dt> <dd> COUNTA</dd>
1800 :       <dt>4 or 104</dt> <dd> MAX</dd>
1801 :       <dt>5 or 105</dt> <dd> MIN</dd>
1802 :       <dt>6 or 106</dt> <dd> PRODUCT</dd>
1803 :       <dt>7 or 107</dt> <dd> STDEV</dd>
1804 :       <dt>8 or 108</dt> <dd> STDEVP</dd>
1805 :       <dt>9 or 109</dt> <dd> SUM</dd>
1806 :       <dt>10 or 110</dt> <dd> VAR</dd>
1807 :       <dt>11 or 111</dt> <dd> VARP</dd></dl>
1808 :
1809 :       In this implementation there is no difference between x and 10x.<br/>
1810 : @param $numbers the sequence of numbers.
1811 :     The sequence can be of any length.
1812 : @return The function result, as numeric type
1813 : @error * depends on the function called
1814 : @error math:errNum if $function_num is not a value between 1 .. 11 or 101 .. 111
1815 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_subtotal1.xq
1816 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_subtotal2.xq
1817 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_subtotal3.xq
1818 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_subtotal4.xq
1819 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_subtotal5.xq
1820 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_subtotal6.xq
1821 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_subtotal7.xq
1822 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_subtotal8.xq
1823 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_subtotal9.xq
1824 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_subtotal10.xq
1825 : @example test/rbkt/Queries/zorba/math/from_excel/excel_subtotal11.xq
1827declare function math:subtotal($function_num as xs:integer, $numbers as xs:double*) as xs:double
1829  if ($function_num = 1 or $function_num = 101) then
1830    fn:avg($numbers)
1831  else
1832  if ($function_num = 2 or $function_num = 102) then
1833    fn:count($numbers)
1834  else
1835  if ($function_num = 3 or $function_num = 103) then
1836    fn:count($numbers)
1837  else
1838  if ($function_num = 4 or $function_num = 104) then
1839    fn:max($numbers)
1840  else
1841  if ($function_num = 5 or $function_num = 105) then
1842    fn:min($numbers)
1843  else
1844  if ($function_num = 6 or $function_num = 106) then
1845    math:product($numbers)
1846  else
1847  if ($function_num = 7 or $function_num = 107) then
1848   math:stdev($numbers)
1849  else
1850  if ($function_num = 8 or $function_num = 108) then
1851    math:stdevp($numbers)
1852  else
1853  if ($function_num = 9 or $function_num = 109) then
1854    fn:sum($numbers)
1855  else
1856  if ($function_num = 10 or $function_num = 110) then
1857    math:var($numbers)
1858  else
1859  if ($function_num = 11 or $function_num = 111) then
1860    math:varp($numbers)
1861  else
1862    fn:error($math:errNum, "Subtotal function: function_num should be between 1 and 11 or 101 and 111")