1`plotmap` <-structure(function# easy to use wrapper function
2###note the similarity in name to PBSmapping::plotMap
3###This function is the workhorse of the package RgoogleMaps. It overlays plot on background image of map tile.
6  lat, ##<< latitude values to be overlaid OR string to be geocoded OR named vector (lat,lon)!
7  lon, ##<< longitude values to be overlaid
8  map, ##<< optional map object
9  zoom = NULL, ##<< Google maps zoom level
10  API = c("google","OSM","bing", "google2")[1], ##<< choice  of map tile API
11  maptype = c("roadmap","mobile","satellite","terrain","hybrid","mapmaker-roadmap","mapmaker-hybrid")[2], ##<< defines the type of map to construct. There are several possible maptype values, including satellite, terrain, hybrid, and mobile.
12  destfile, ##<<  File to save the map image to
13  data, ##<< data to look up variables in
14  alpha = 1, ##<< opacity
15  col = 1, ##<< plot color
16  apiKey = NULL, ##<< optional API key (allows for higher rate of downloads for Google); mandatory for Bing maps
17  verbose = 0, ##<< level of verbosity
18  ... ##<< further arguments to be passed to \code{PlotOnStaticMap}
21  # argnames <- names(as.list(match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)[-1]))
22  # arguments <- as.list(match.call()[-1])
23  # env <- parent.frame()
24  # args <- as.list(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)[-1])
25  # argsgiven <- names(args)
26  #browser()
27  #
28  # if ("col" %in% argsgiven)
29  #   col <- eval(args$col)
32  if (!missing(data)) {
33    lon = data[, deparse(substitute(lon))]
34    lat = data[, deparse(substitute(lat))]
35    #for (v in 1:length(data)) assign(names(data)[v], data[[v]])
36    # browser()
37    # lat=with(incidents,lat)
38    # lon=with(incidents,lon)
39    #col=with(incidents,col)
40    if (is.character(col)) col=data[,col]
41    #
42    #attach(data, -1, warn.conflicts = FALSE) # bad idea!
43  }
44  if (missing(destfile)) destfile = tempfile()
46  if (is.character(lat) & missing(map)){
47    if (API == "google") {
48      map = GetMap(getGeoCode(lat), zoom = zoom,maptype=maptype,destfile=destfile)
49    } else if (API == "OSM") {
50      map = GetOsmMap(getGeoCode(lat), zoom = zoom,maptype=maptype,destfile=destfile)
51    } else if (API == "bing") {
52      map = GetBingMap(getGeoCode(lat), zoom = zoom, maptype=maptype, destfile=destfile,apiKey=apiKey)
53    }
54    #browser()
55    PlotOnStaticMap(MyMap=map)
56    invisible(map)
57    return(map)
58  }
59  if ((is.numeric(lat) | is.list(lat)) & length(lat) == 2 ){
60    if (all(names(lat) %in% c("lat", "lon"))) {
61      lon = as.numeric(lat["lon"])
62      lat = as.numeric(lat["lat"])
63    } else {#assume correct order
64      print("NOTE: Assuming lat/lon order in lat vector!")
65      lon = as.numeric(lat[2])
66      lat = as.numeric(lat[1])
67    }
68  }
69  if (is.numeric(lat) & is.numeric(lon) ){
70    bb=qbbox(lat,lon)
71    if (missing(map)){
72      if (missing(zoom)){
73        zoom <- min(MaxZoom(bb$latR, bb$lonR, c(720,720)))
74        if (API == "google") {
75          map = GetMap.bbox(bb$lonR, bb$latR, maptype=maptype,destfile=destfile)
76        } else if (API == "OSM") {
77          #map = GetOsmMap(lonR= bb$lonR, latR =bb$latR, zoom = zoom,maptype=maptype,destfile=destfile)
78          map = GetMapTiles(lonR=bb$lonR, latR=bb$latR,zoom=zoom, verbose=verbose)
79          #browser()
80        } else if (API == "google2") {
81          #map = GetOsmMap(lonR= bb$lonR, latR =bb$latR, zoom = zoom,maptype=maptype,destfile=destfile)
82          map = GetMapTiles(lonR=bb$lonR, latR=bb$latR,zoom=zoom, verbose=verbose,
83                            urlBase = "http://mt1.google.com/vt/lyrs=m",
84                            tileDir= "~/mapTiles/Google/")
85          #browser()
86        } else if (API == "bing") {
87          bbM=do.call("cbind",bb);
88          ll= bbM[1,] #lower left corner
89          ur= bbM[2,] #upper right corner
90          map = GetBingMap(mapArea=c(ll,ur), zoom = zoom, maptype=maptype, destfile=destfile,apiKey=apiKey)
91        }
93      } else {
94        center=c(lat=mean(lat,na.rm=TRUE),lon=mean(lon,na.rm=TRUE))
95        if (API == "google") {
96          map = GetMap(center=center, zoom = zoom,maptype=maptype,destfile=destfile)
97        } else if (API == "OSM") {
98          #map = GetOsmMap(center=center, zoom = zoom,maptype=maptype,destfile=destfile)
99          map = GetMapTiles(lonR=bb$lonR, latR=bb$latR,zoom=zoom, verbose=verbose)
100          #browser()
101        } else if (API == "google2") {
102          #map = GetOsmMap(lonR= bb$lonR, latR =bb$latR, zoom = zoom,maptype=maptype,destfile=destfile)
103          map = GetMapTiles(lonR=bb$lonR, latR=bb$latR,zoom=zoom, verbose=verbose,
104                            urlBase = "http://mt1.google.com/vt/lyrs=m",
105                            tileDir= "~/mapTiles/Google/")
106          #browser()
107        } else if (API == "bing") {
108          map = GetBingMap(center=center, zoom = zoom, maptype=maptype, destfile=destfile,apiKey=apiKey)
109        }
111      }
112    }
113    if (verbose>1) browser()
114    plotclr = col
115    if (alpha < 1 & !all(is.na(as.numeric(col)))) plotclr = AddAlpha(as.numeric(col), alpha = alpha, verbose = 0)
116    if (class(map) ==  "mapTiles") {
117      PlotOnMapTiles(map,lat=lat,lon=lon,col=plotclr, ...)
118    } else {#if (class(map) ==  "staticMap") {
119      PlotOnStaticMap(MyMap=map, lat=lat,lon=lon, col=plotclr, ...)
120    }
121    invisible(map)
122  }
123}, ex = function(){
124  if (0){
125    #####################Google maps#############################
126    mapBG1 = plotmap("Brandenburg Gate, Berlin", zoom = 15)
128    #####################bing maps#############################
130    #for bing maps you will need your own API key,
131    #sign up at https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff428642.aspx
132    apiKey = scan("bingAPIkey.txt",what="")
133    mapBG2 = plotmap("Brandenburg Gate, Berlin", zoom = 15, API = "bing", apiKey=apiKey)
135    latlon <- cbind.data.frame(lat = c(38.898648,38.889112, 38.880940),
136                                lon = c(-77.037692, -77.050273, -77.03660));
139    map3 = plotmap(lat = latlon$lat, lon = latlon$lon, API = "bing", apiKey=apiKey,
140                   col = "purple", pch="X",cex=1.5)
143    #####################OSM maps#############################
144    map4 = plotmap(lat = latlon$lat, lon = latlon$lon, API = "OSM", zoom=15,
145                   col = "purple", pch="X",cex=1.5)
146  }