1#' Run Shiny Application
3#' Runs a Shiny application. This function normally does not return; interrupt R
4#' to stop the application (usually by pressing Ctrl+C or Esc).
6#' The host parameter was introduced in Shiny 0.9.0. Its default value of
7#' `""` means that, contrary to previous versions of Shiny, only
8#' the current machine can access locally hosted Shiny apps. To allow other
9#' clients to connect, use the value `""` instead (which was the
10#' value that was hard-coded into Shiny in 0.8.0 and earlier).
12#' @param appDir The application to run. Should be one of the following:
13#'   \itemize{
14#'   \item A directory containing `server.R`, plus, either `ui.R` or
15#'    a `www` directory that contains the file `index.html`.
16#'   \item A directory containing `app.R`.
17#'   \item An `.R` file containing a Shiny application, ending with an
18#'    expression that produces a Shiny app object.
19#'   \item A list with `ui` and `server` components.
20#'   \item A Shiny app object created by [shinyApp()].
21#'   }
22#' @param port The TCP port that the application should listen on. If the
23#'   `port` is not specified, and the `shiny.port` option is set (with
24#'   `options(shiny.port = XX)`), then that port will be used. Otherwise,
25#'   use a random port between 3000:8000, excluding ports that are blocked
26#'   by Google Chrome for being considered unsafe: 3659, 4045, 5060,
27#'   5061, 6000, 6566, 6665:6669 and 6697. Up to twenty random
28#'   ports will be tried.
29#' @param launch.browser If true, the system's default web browser will be
30#'   launched automatically after the app is started. Defaults to true in
31#'   interactive sessions only. This value of this parameter can also be a
32#'   function to call with the application's URL.
33#' @param host The IPv4 address that the application should listen on. Defaults
34#'   to the `shiny.host` option, if set, or `""` if not. See
35#'   Details.
36#' @param workerId Can generally be ignored. Exists to help some editions of
37#'   Shiny Server Pro route requests to the correct process.
38#' @param quiet Should Shiny status messages be shown? Defaults to FALSE.
39#' @param display.mode The mode in which to display the application. If set to
40#'   the value `"showcase"`, shows application code and metadata from a
41#'   `DESCRIPTION` file in the application directory alongside the
42#'   application. If set to `"normal"`, displays the application normally.
43#'   Defaults to `"auto"`, which displays the application in the mode given
44#'   in its `DESCRIPTION` file, if any.
45#' @param test.mode Should the application be launched in test mode? This is
46#'   only used for recording or running automated tests. Defaults to the
47#'   `shiny.testmode` option, or FALSE if the option is not set.
49#' @examples
50#' \dontrun{
51#' # Start app in the current working directory
52#' runApp()
54#' # Start app in a subdirectory called myapp
55#' runApp("myapp")
56#' }
58#' ## Only run this example in interactive R sessions
59#' if (interactive()) {
60#'   options(device.ask.default = FALSE)
62#'   # Apps can be run without a server.r and ui.r file
63#'   runApp(list(
64#'     ui = bootstrapPage(
65#'       numericInput('n', 'Number of obs', 100),
66#'       plotOutput('plot')
67#'     ),
68#'     server = function(input, output) {
69#'       output$plot <- renderPlot({ hist(runif(input$n)) })
70#'     }
71#'   ))
74#'   # Running a Shiny app object
75#'   app <- shinyApp(
76#'     ui = bootstrapPage(
77#'       numericInput('n', 'Number of obs', 100),
78#'       plotOutput('plot')
79#'     ),
80#'     server = function(input, output) {
81#'       output$plot <- renderPlot({ hist(runif(input$n)) })
82#'     }
83#'   )
84#'   runApp(app)
85#' }
86#' @export
87runApp <- function(appDir=getwd(),
88                   port=getOption('shiny.port'),
89                   launch.browser = getOption('shiny.launch.browser', interactive()),
90                   host=getOption('shiny.host', ''),
91                   workerId="", quiet=FALSE,
92                   display.mode=c("auto", "normal", "showcase"),
93                   test.mode=getOption('shiny.testmode', FALSE)) {
94  on.exit({
95    handlerManager$clear()
96  }, add = TRUE)
98  if (isRunning()) {
99    stop("Can't call `runApp()` from within `runApp()`. If your ",
100         "application code contains `runApp()`, please remove it.")
101  }
103  # Make warnings print immediately
104  # Set pool.scheduler to support pool package
105  ops <- options(
106    # Raise warn level to 1, but don't lower it
107    warn = max(1, getOption("warn", default = 1)),
108    pool.scheduler = scheduleTask
109  )
110  on.exit(options(ops), add = TRUE)
112  # ============================================================================
113  # Global onStart/onStop callbacks
114  # ============================================================================
115  # Invoke user-defined onStop callbacks, before the application's internal
116  # onStop callbacks.
117  on.exit({
118    .globals$onStopCallbacks$invoke()
119    .globals$onStopCallbacks <- Callbacks$new()
120  }, add = TRUE)
122  require(shiny)
124  # ============================================================================
125  # Convert to Shiny app object
126  # ============================================================================
127  appParts <- as.shiny.appobj(appDir)
129  # ============================================================================
130  # Initialize app state object
131  # ============================================================================
132  # This is so calls to getCurrentAppState() can be used to find (A) whether an
133  # app is running and (B), get options and data associated with the app.
134  initCurrentAppState(appParts)
135  on.exit(clearCurrentAppState(), add = TRUE)
136  # Any shinyOptions set after this point will apply to the current app only
137  # (and will not persist after the app stops).
139  # ============================================================================
140  # shinyOptions
141  # ============================================================================
142  # A unique identifier associated with this run of this application. It is
143  # shared across sessions.
144  shinyOptions(appToken = createUniqueId(8))
146  # Set up default cache for app.
147  if (is.null(getShinyOption("cache", default = NULL))) {
148    shinyOptions(cache = cachem::cache_mem(max_size = 200 * 1024^2))
149  }
151  # Extract appOptions (which is a list) and store them as shinyOptions, for
152  # this app. (This is the only place we have to store settings that are
153  # accessible both the UI and server portion of the app.)
154  applyCapturedAppOptions(appParts$appOptions)
156  # ============================================================================
157  # runApp options set via shinyApp(options = list(...))
158  # ============================================================================
159  # The lines below set some of the app's running options, which
160  # can be:
161  #   - left unspecified (in which case the arguments' default
162  #     values from `runApp` kick in);
163  #   - passed through `shinyApp`
164  #   - passed through `runApp` (this function)
165  #   - passed through both `shinyApp` and `runApp` (the latter
166  #     takes precedence)
167  #
168  # Matrix of possibilities:
169  # | IN shinyApp | IN runApp | result       | check                                                                                                                                  |
170  # |-------------|-----------|--------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
171  # | no          | no        | use defaults | exhaust all possibilities: if it's missing (runApp does not specify); THEN if it's not in shinyApp appParts$options; THEN use defaults |
172  # | yes         | no        | use shinyApp | if it's missing (runApp does not specify); THEN if it's in shinyApp appParts$options; THEN use shinyApp                                |
173  # | no          | yes       | use runApp   | if it's not missing (runApp specifies), use those                                                                                      |
174  # | yes         | yes       | use runApp   | if it's not missing (runApp specifies), use those                                                                                      |
175  #
176  # I tried to make this as compact and intuitive as possible,
177  # given that there are four distinct possibilities to check
178  appOps <- appParts$options
179  findVal <- function(arg, default) {
180    if (arg %in% names(appOps)) appOps[[arg]] else default
181  }
183  if (missing(port))
184    port <- findVal("port", port)
185  if (missing(launch.browser))
186    launch.browser <- findVal("launch.browser", launch.browser)
187  if (missing(host))
188    host <- findVal("host", host)
189  if (missing(quiet))
190    quiet <- findVal("quiet", quiet)
191  if (missing(display.mode))
192    display.mode <- findVal("display.mode", display.mode)
193  if (missing(test.mode))
194    test.mode <- findVal("test.mode", test.mode)
196  if (is.null(host) || is.na(host)) host <- ''
198  # ============================================================================
199  # Hosted environment
200  # ============================================================================
201  workerId(workerId)
203  if (inShinyServer()) {
204    # If SHINY_PORT is set, we're running under Shiny Server. Check the version
205    # to make sure it is compatible. Older versions of Shiny Server don't set
206    # SHINY_SERVER_VERSION, those will return "" which is considered less than
207    # any valid version.
208    ver <- Sys.getenv('SHINY_SERVER_VERSION')
209    if (utils::compareVersion(ver, .shinyServerMinVersion) < 0) {
210      warning('Shiny Server v', .shinyServerMinVersion,
211              ' or later is required; please upgrade!')
212    }
213  }
215  # ============================================================================
216  # Shinytest
217  # ============================================================================
218  # Set the testmode shinyoption so that this can be read by both the
219  # ShinySession and the UI code (which executes separately from the
220  # ShinySession code).
221  shinyOptions(testmode = test.mode)
222  if (test.mode) {
223    message("Running application in test mode.")
224  }
226  # ============================================================================
227  # Showcase mode
228  # ============================================================================
229  # Showcase mode is disabled by default; it must be explicitly enabled in
230  # either the DESCRIPTION file for directory-based apps, or via
231  # the display.mode parameter. The latter takes precedence.
232  setShowcaseDefault(0)
234  # If appDir specifies a path, and display mode is specified in the
235  # DESCRIPTION file at that path, apply it here.
236  if (is.character(appDir)) {
237    # if appDir specifies a .R file (single-file Shiny app), look for the
238    # DESCRIPTION in the parent directory
239    desc <- file.path.ci(
240      if (tolower(tools::file_ext(appDir)) == "r")
241        dirname(appDir)
242      else
243        appDir, "DESCRIPTION")
244    if (file.exists(desc)) {
245      con <- file(desc, encoding = checkEncoding(desc))
246      on.exit(close(con), add = TRUE)
247      settings <- read.dcf(con)
248      if ("DisplayMode" %in% colnames(settings)) {
249        mode <- settings[1, "DisplayMode"]
250        if (mode == "Showcase") {
251          setShowcaseDefault(1)
252          if ("IncludeWWW" %in% colnames(settings)) {
253            .globals$IncludeWWW <- as.logical(settings[1, "IncludeWWW"])
254            if (is.na(.globals$IncludeWWW)) {
255              stop("In your Description file, `IncludeWWW` ",
256                   "must be set to `True` (default) or `False`")
257            }
258          } else {
259            .globals$IncludeWWW <- TRUE
260          }
261        }
262      }
263    }
264  }
266  ## default is to show the .js, .css and .html files in the www directory
267  ## (if not in showcase mode, this variable will simply be ignored)
268  if (is.null(.globals$IncludeWWW) || is.na(.globals$IncludeWWW)) {
269    .globals$IncludeWWW <- TRUE
270  }
272  # If display mode is specified as an argument, apply it (overriding the
273  # value specified in DESCRIPTION, if any).
274  display.mode <- match.arg(display.mode)
275  if (display.mode == "normal") {
276    setShowcaseDefault(0)
277  }
278  else if (display.mode == "showcase") {
279    setShowcaseDefault(1)
280  }
282  # ============================================================================
283  # Server port
284  # ============================================================================
285  # determine port if we need to
286  if (is.null(port)) {
288    # Try up to 20 random ports. If we don't succeed just plow ahead
289    # with the final value we tried, and let the "real" startServer
290    # somewhere down the line fail and throw the error to the user.
291    #
292    # If we (think we) succeed, save the value as .globals$lastPort,
293    # and try that first next time the user wants a random port.
295    for (i in 1:20) {
296      if (!is.null(.globals$lastPort)) {
297        port <- .globals$lastPort
298        .globals$lastPort <- NULL
299      }
300      else {
301        # Try up to 20 random ports
302        while (TRUE) {
303          port <- p_randomInt(3000, 8000)
304          # Reject ports in this range that are considered unsafe by Chrome
305          # http://superuser.com/questions/188058/which-ports-are-considered-unsafe-on-chrome
306          # https://github.com/rstudio/shiny/issues/1784
307          # https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src.git/+/refs/heads/main/net/base/port_util.cc
308          if (!port %in% c(3659, 4045, 5060, 5061, 6000, 6566, 6665:6669, 6697)) {
309            break
310          }
311        }
312      }
314      # Test port to see if we can use it
315      tmp <- try(startServer(host, port, list()), silent=TRUE)
316      if (!inherits(tmp, 'try-error')) {
317        stopServer(tmp)
318        .globals$lastPort <- port
319        break
320      }
321    }
322  }
324  # ============================================================================
325  # onStart/onStop callbacks
326  # ============================================================================
327  # Set up the onStop before we call onStart, so that it gets called even if an
328  # error happens in onStart.
329  if (!is.null(appParts$onStop))
330    on.exit(appParts$onStop(), add = TRUE)
331  if (!is.null(appParts$onStart))
332    appParts$onStart()
334  # ============================================================================
335  # Start/stop httpuv app
336  # ============================================================================
337  server <- startApp(appParts, port, host, quiet)
339  # Make the httpuv server object accessible. Needed for calling
340  # addResourcePath while app is running.
341  shinyOptions(server = server)
343  on.exit({
344    stopServer(server)
345  }, add = TRUE)
347  # ============================================================================
348  # Launch web browser
349  # ============================================================================
350  if (!is.character(port)) {
351    browseHost <- host
352    if (identical(host, "")) {
353      # doesn't work on QtWebKit (i.e. RStudio viewer)
354      browseHost <- ""
355    } else if (identical(host, "::")) {
356      browseHost <- "::1"
357    }
359    if (httpuv::ipFamily(browseHost) == 6L) {
360      browseHost <- paste0("[", browseHost, "]")
361    }
363    appUrl <- paste("http://", browseHost, ":", port, sep="")
364    if (is.function(launch.browser))
365      launch.browser(appUrl)
366    else if (launch.browser)
367      utils::browseURL(appUrl)
368  } else {
369    appUrl <- NULL
370  }
372  # ============================================================================
373  # Application hooks
374  # ============================================================================
375  callAppHook("onAppStart", appUrl)
376  on.exit({
377    callAppHook("onAppStop", appUrl)
378  }, add = TRUE)
380  # ============================================================================
381  # Run event loop via httpuv
382  # ============================================================================
383  .globals$reterror <- NULL
384  .globals$retval <- NULL
385  .globals$stopped <- FALSE
386  # Top-level ..stacktraceoff..; matches with ..stacktraceon in observe(),
387  # reactive(), Callbacks$invoke(), and others
388  ..stacktraceoff..(
389    captureStackTraces({
390      while (!.globals$stopped) {
391        ..stacktracefloor..(serviceApp())
392      }
393    })
394  )
396  if (isTRUE(.globals$reterror)) {
397    stop(.globals$retval)
398  }
399  else if (.globals$retval$visible)
400    .globals$retval$value
401  else
402    invisible(.globals$retval$value)
405#' Stop the currently running Shiny app
407#' Stops the currently running Shiny app, returning control to the caller of
408#' [runApp()].
410#' @param returnValue The value that should be returned from
411#'   [runApp()].
412#' @export
413stopApp <- function(returnValue = invisible()) {
414  # reterror will indicate whether retval is an error (i.e. it should be passed
415  # to stop() when the serviceApp loop stops) or a regular value (in which case
416  # it should simply be returned with the appropriate visibility).
417  .globals$reterror <- FALSE
418  ..stacktraceoff..(
419    tryCatch(
420      {
421        captureStackTraces(
422          .globals$retval <- withVisible(..stacktraceon..(force(returnValue)))
423        )
424      },
425      error = function(e) {
426        .globals$retval <- e
427        .globals$reterror <- TRUE
428      }
429    )
430  )
432  .globals$stopped <- TRUE
433  httpuv::interrupt()
436#' Run Shiny Example Applications
438#' Launch Shiny example applications, and optionally, your system's web browser.
440#' @param example The name of the example to run, or `NA` (the default) to
441#'   list the available examples.
442#' @param launch.browser If true, the system's default web browser will be
443#'   launched automatically after the app is started. Defaults to true in
444#'   interactive sessions only.
445#' @param host The IPv4 address that the application should listen on. Defaults
446#'   to the `shiny.host` option, if set, or `""` if not.
447#' @param display.mode The mode in which to display the example. Defaults to
448#'   `showcase`, but may be set to `normal` to see the example without
449#'   code or commentary.
450#' @inheritParams runApp
452#' @examples
453#' ## Only run this example in interactive R sessions
454#' if (interactive()) {
455#'   # List all available examples
456#'   runExample()
458#'   # Run one of the examples
459#'   runExample("01_hello")
461#'   # Print the directory containing the code for all examples
462#'   system.file("examples", package="shiny")
463#' }
464#' @export
465runExample <- function(example=NA,
466                       port=getOption("shiny.port"),
467                       launch.browser = getOption('shiny.launch.browser', interactive()),
468                       host=getOption('shiny.host', ''),
469                       display.mode=c("auto", "normal", "showcase")) {
470  examplesDir <- system.file('examples', package='shiny')
471  dir <- resolve(examplesDir, example)
472  if (is.null(dir)) {
473    if (is.na(example)) {
474      errFun <- message
475      errMsg <- ''
476    }
477    else {
478      errFun <- stop
479      errMsg <- paste('Example', example, 'does not exist. ')
480    }
482    errFun(errMsg,
483           'Valid examples are "',
484           paste(list.files(examplesDir), collapse='", "'),
485           '"')
486  }
487  else {
488    runApp(dir, port = port, host = host, launch.browser = launch.browser,
489           display.mode = display.mode)
490  }
493#' Run a gadget
495#' Similar to `runApp`, but handles `input$cancel` automatically, and
496#' if running in RStudio, defaults to viewing the app in the Viewer pane.
498#' @param app Either a Shiny app object as created by
499#'   [`shinyApp()`][shiny] et al, or, a UI object.
500#' @param server Ignored if `app` is a Shiny app object; otherwise, passed
501#'   along to `shinyApp` (i.e. `shinyApp(ui = app, server = server)`).
502#' @param port See [`runApp()`][shiny].
503#' @param viewer Specify where the gadget should be displayed--viewer pane,
504#'   dialog window, or external browser--by passing in a call to one of the
505#'   [viewer()] functions.
506#' @param stopOnCancel If `TRUE` (the default), then an `observeEvent`
507#'   is automatically created that handles `input$cancel` by calling
508#'   `stopApp()` with an error. Pass `FALSE` if you want to handle
509#'   `input$cancel` yourself.
510#' @return The value returned by the gadget.
512#' @examples
513#' \dontrun{
514#' library(shiny)
516#' ui <- fillPage(...)
518#' server <- function(input, output, session) {
519#'   ...
520#' }
522#' # Either pass ui/server as separate arguments...
523#' runGadget(ui, server)
525#' # ...or as a single app object
526#' runGadget(shinyApp(ui, server))
527#' }
528#' @export
529runGadget <- function(app, server = NULL, port = getOption("shiny.port"),
530  viewer = paneViewer(), stopOnCancel = TRUE) {
532  if (!is.shiny.appobj(app)) {
533    app <- shinyApp(app, server)
534  }
536  if (isTRUE(stopOnCancel)) {
537    app <- decorateServerFunc(app, function(input, output, session) {
538      observeEvent(input$cancel, {
539        stopApp(stop("User cancel", call. = FALSE))
540      })
541    })
542  }
544  if (is.null(viewer)) {
545    viewer <- utils::browseURL
546  }
548  shiny::runApp(app, port = port, launch.browser = viewer)
551# Add custom functionality to a Shiny app object's server func
552decorateServerFunc <- function(appobj, serverFunc) {
553  origServerFuncSource <- appobj$serverFuncSource
554  appobj$serverFuncSource <- function() {
555    origServerFunc <- origServerFuncSource()
556    function(input, output, session) {
557      serverFunc(input, output, session)
559      # The clientData and session arguments are optional; check if
560      # each exists
561      args <- argsForServerFunc(origServerFunc, session)
562      do.call(origServerFunc, args)
563    }
564  }
565  appobj