1 /* <!-- copyright */
2 /*
3  * aria2 - The high speed download utility
4  *
5  * Copyright (C) 2006 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa
6  *
7  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
10  * (at your option) any later version.
11  *
12  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15  * GNU General Public License for more details.
16  *
17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
19  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
20  *
21  * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
22  * permission to link the code of portions of this program with the
23  * OpenSSL library under certain conditions as described in each
24  * individual source file, and distribute linked combinations
25  * including the two.
26  * You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects
27  * for all of the code used other than OpenSSL.  If you modify
28  * file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to your
29  * version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so.  If you
30  * do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your
31  * version.  If you delete this exception statement from all source
32  * files in the program, then also delete it here.
33  */
34 /* copyright --> */
35 #include "Piece.h"
37 #include <array>
38 #include <cassert>
40 #include "util.h"
41 #include "BitfieldMan.h"
42 #include "A2STR.h"
43 #include "util.h"
44 #include "a2functional.h"
45 #include "WrDiskCache.h"
46 #include "WrDiskCacheEntry.h"
47 #include "LogFactory.h"
48 #include "fmt.h"
49 #include "DiskAdaptor.h"
50 #include "MessageDigest.h"
52 namespace aria2 {
Piece()54 Piece::Piece() : index_(0), length_(0), nextBegin_(0), usedBySegment_(false) {}
Piece(size_t index,int64_t length,int32_t blockLength)56 Piece::Piece(size_t index, int64_t length, int32_t blockLength)
57     : bitfield_(make_unique<BitfieldMan>(blockLength, length)),
58       index_(index),
59       length_(length),
60       nextBegin_(0),
61       usedBySegment_(false)
62 {
63 }
65 Piece::~Piece() = default;
completeBlock(size_t blockIndex)67 void Piece::completeBlock(size_t blockIndex)
68 {
69   bitfield_->setBit(blockIndex);
70   bitfield_->unsetUseBit(blockIndex);
71 }
clearAllBlock(WrDiskCache * diskCache)73 void Piece::clearAllBlock(WrDiskCache* diskCache)
74 {
75   bitfield_->clearAllBit();
76   bitfield_->clearAllUseBit();
77   if (diskCache && wrCache_) {
78     clearWrCache(diskCache);
79   }
80 }
setAllBlock()82 void Piece::setAllBlock() { bitfield_->setAllBit(); }
pieceComplete() const84 bool Piece::pieceComplete() const { return bitfield_->isAllBitSet(); }
countBlock() const86 size_t Piece::countBlock() const { return bitfield_->countBlock(); }
getBlockLength(size_t index) const88 int32_t Piece::getBlockLength(size_t index) const
89 {
90   return bitfield_->getBlockLength(index);
91 }
getBlockLength() const93 int32_t Piece::getBlockLength() const { return bitfield_->getBlockLength(); }
getBitfield() const95 const unsigned char* Piece::getBitfield() const
96 {
97   return bitfield_->getBitfield();
98 }
getBitfieldLength() const100 size_t Piece::getBitfieldLength() const
101 {
102   return bitfield_->getBitfieldLength();
103 }
isBlockUsed(size_t index) const105 bool Piece::isBlockUsed(size_t index) const
106 {
107   return bitfield_->isUseBitSet(index);
108 }
cancelBlock(size_t blockIndex)110 void Piece::cancelBlock(size_t blockIndex)
111 {
112   bitfield_->unsetUseBit(blockIndex);
113 }
countCompleteBlock() const115 size_t Piece::countCompleteBlock() const
116 {
117   return bitfield_->countBlock() - bitfield_->countMissingBlock();
118 }
countMissingBlock() const120 size_t Piece::countMissingBlock() const
121 {
122   return bitfield_->countMissingBlock();
123 }
hasBlock(size_t blockIndex) const125 bool Piece::hasBlock(size_t blockIndex) const
126 {
127   return bitfield_->isBitSet(blockIndex);
128 }
getMissingUnusedBlockIndex(size_t & index) const130 bool Piece::getMissingUnusedBlockIndex(size_t& index) const
131 {
132   if (bitfield_->getFirstMissingUnusedIndex(index)) {
133     bitfield_->setUseBit(index);
134     return true;
135   }
136   else {
137     return false;
138   }
139 }
getMissingUnusedBlockIndex(std::vector<size_t> & indexes,size_t n) const141 size_t Piece::getMissingUnusedBlockIndex(std::vector<size_t>& indexes,
142                                          size_t n) const
143 {
144   size_t num = bitfield_->getFirstNMissingUnusedIndex(indexes, n);
145   if (num) {
146     for (std::vector<size_t>::const_iterator i = indexes.end() - num,
147                                              eoi = indexes.end();
148          i != eoi; ++i) {
149       bitfield_->setUseBit(*i);
150     }
151   }
152   return num;
153 }
getFirstMissingBlockIndexWithoutLock(size_t & index) const155 bool Piece::getFirstMissingBlockIndexWithoutLock(size_t& index) const
156 {
157   return bitfield_->getFirstMissingIndex(index);
158 }
getAllMissingBlockIndexes(unsigned char * misbitfield,size_t mislen) const160 bool Piece::getAllMissingBlockIndexes(unsigned char* misbitfield,
161                                       size_t mislen) const
162 {
163   return bitfield_->getAllMissingIndexes(misbitfield, mislen);
164 }
toString() const166 std::string Piece::toString() const
167 {
168   return fmt("piece: index=%lu, length=%" PRId64,
169              static_cast<unsigned long>(index_), length_);
170 }
reconfigure(int64_t length)172 void Piece::reconfigure(int64_t length)
173 {
174   length_ = length;
175   // TODO currently, this function is only called from
176   // GrowSegment::updateWrittenLength().  If we use default block
177   // length (16K), and length_ gets large (e.g., 4GB), creating
178   // BitfieldMan for each call is very expensive.  Therefore, we use
179   // maximum block length for now to reduce the overhead.  Ideally, we
180   // check the code thoroughly and remove bitfield_ if we can.
181   bitfield_ =
182       make_unique<BitfieldMan>(std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max(), length_);
183 }
setBitfield(const unsigned char * bitfield,size_t len)185 void Piece::setBitfield(const unsigned char* bitfield, size_t len)
186 {
187   bitfield_->setBitfield(bitfield, len);
188 }
getCompletedLength()190 int64_t Piece::getCompletedLength() { return bitfield_->getCompletedLength(); }
setHashType(const std::string & hashType)192 void Piece::setHashType(const std::string& hashType) { hashType_ = hashType; }
updateHash(int64_t begin,const unsigned char * data,size_t dataLength)194 bool Piece::updateHash(int64_t begin, const unsigned char* data,
195                        size_t dataLength)
196 {
197   if (hashType_.empty()) {
198     return false;
199   }
200   if (begin == nextBegin_ &&
201       nextBegin_ + static_cast<int64_t>(dataLength) <= length_) {
202     if (!mdctx_) {
203       mdctx_ = MessageDigest::create(hashType_);
204     }
205     mdctx_->update(data, dataLength);
206     nextBegin_ += dataLength;
207     return true;
208   }
209   else {
210     return false;
211   }
212 }
isHashCalculated() const214 bool Piece::isHashCalculated() const { return mdctx_ && nextBegin_ == length_; }
getDigest()216 std::string Piece::getDigest()
217 {
218   if (!mdctx_) {
219     return A2STR::NIL;
220   }
221   else {
222     std::string hash = mdctx_->digest();
223     destroyHashContext();
224     return hash;
225   }
226 }
228 namespace {
updateHashWithRead(MessageDigest * mdctx,const std::shared_ptr<DiskAdaptor> & adaptor,int64_t offset,size_t len)229 void updateHashWithRead(MessageDigest* mdctx,
230                         const std::shared_ptr<DiskAdaptor>& adaptor,
231                         int64_t offset, size_t len)
232 {
233   std::array<unsigned char, 4_k> buf;
234   ldiv_t res = ldiv(len, buf.size());
235   for (int j = 0; j < res.quot; ++j) {
236     ssize_t nread = adaptor->readData(buf.data(), buf.size(), offset);
237     if ((size_t)nread != buf.size()) {
238       throw DL_ABORT_EX(fmt(EX_FILE_READ, "n/a", "data is too short"));
239     }
240     mdctx->update(buf.data(), nread);
241     offset += nread;
242   }
243   if (res.rem) {
244     ssize_t nread = adaptor->readData(buf.data(), res.rem, offset);
245     if (nread != res.rem) {
246       throw DL_ABORT_EX(fmt(EX_FILE_READ, "n/a", "data is too short"));
247     }
248     mdctx->update(buf.data(), nread);
249   }
250 }
251 } // namespace
253 std::string
getDigestWithWrCache(size_t pieceLength,const std::shared_ptr<DiskAdaptor> & adaptor)254 Piece::getDigestWithWrCache(size_t pieceLength,
255                             const std::shared_ptr<DiskAdaptor>& adaptor)
256 {
257   auto mdctx = MessageDigest::create(hashType_);
258   int64_t start = static_cast<int64_t>(index_) * pieceLength;
259   int64_t goff = start;
260   if (wrCache_) {
261     const WrDiskCacheEntry::DataCellSet& dataSet = wrCache_->getDataSet();
262     for (auto& d : dataSet) {
263       if (goff < d->goff) {
264         updateHashWithRead(mdctx.get(), adaptor, goff, d->goff - goff);
265       }
266       mdctx->update(d->data + d->offset, d->len);
267       goff = d->goff + d->len;
268     }
269     updateHashWithRead(mdctx.get(), adaptor, goff, start + length_ - goff);
270   }
271   else {
272     updateHashWithRead(mdctx.get(), adaptor, goff, length_);
273   }
274   return mdctx->digest();
275 }
destroyHashContext()277 void Piece::destroyHashContext()
278 {
279   mdctx_.reset();
280   nextBegin_ = 0;
281 }
usedBy(cuid_t cuid) const283 bool Piece::usedBy(cuid_t cuid) const
284 {
285   return std::find(users_.begin(), users_.end(), cuid) != users_.end();
286 }
addUser(cuid_t cuid)288 void Piece::addUser(cuid_t cuid)
289 {
290   if (std::find(users_.begin(), users_.end(), cuid) == users_.end()) {
291     users_.push_back(cuid);
292   }
293 }
removeUser(cuid_t cuid)295 void Piece::removeUser(cuid_t cuid)
296 {
297   users_.erase(std::remove(users_.begin(), users_.end(), cuid), users_.end());
298 }
initWrCache(WrDiskCache * diskCache,const std::shared_ptr<DiskAdaptor> & diskAdaptor)300 void Piece::initWrCache(WrDiskCache* diskCache,
301                         const std::shared_ptr<DiskAdaptor>& diskAdaptor)
302 {
303   if (!diskCache) {
304     return;
305   }
306   assert(!wrCache_);
307   wrCache_ = make_unique<WrDiskCacheEntry>(diskAdaptor);
308   bool rv = diskCache->add(wrCache_.get());
309   assert(rv);
310 }
flushWrCache(WrDiskCache * diskCache)312 void Piece::flushWrCache(WrDiskCache* diskCache)
313 {
314   if (!diskCache) {
315     return;
316   }
317   assert(wrCache_);
318   ssize_t size = static_cast<ssize_t>(wrCache_->getSize());
319   diskCache->update(wrCache_.get(), -size);
320   wrCache_->writeToDisk();
321 }
clearWrCache(WrDiskCache * diskCache)323 void Piece::clearWrCache(WrDiskCache* diskCache)
324 {
325   if (!diskCache) {
326     return;
327   }
328   assert(wrCache_);
329   ssize_t size = static_cast<ssize_t>(wrCache_->getSize());
330   diskCache->update(wrCache_.get(), -size);
331   wrCache_->clear();
332 }
updateWrCache(WrDiskCache * diskCache,unsigned char * data,size_t offset,size_t len,size_t capacity,int64_t goff)334 void Piece::updateWrCache(WrDiskCache* diskCache, unsigned char* data,
335                           size_t offset, size_t len, size_t capacity,
336                           int64_t goff)
337 {
338   if (!diskCache) {
339     return;
340   }
341   assert(wrCache_);
342   A2_LOG_DEBUG(fmt("updateWrCache entry=%p", wrCache_.get()));
343   auto cell = new WrDiskCacheEntry::DataCell();
344   cell->goff = goff;
345   cell->data = data;
346   cell->offset = offset;
347   cell->len = len;
348   cell->capacity = capacity;
349   bool rv;
350   rv = wrCache_->cacheData(cell);
351   assert(rv);
352   rv = diskCache->update(wrCache_.get(), len);
353   assert(rv);
354 }
appendWrCache(WrDiskCache * diskCache,int64_t goff,const unsigned char * data,size_t len)356 size_t Piece::appendWrCache(WrDiskCache* diskCache, int64_t goff,
357                             const unsigned char* data, size_t len)
358 {
359   if (!diskCache) {
360     return 0;
361   }
362   assert(wrCache_);
363   size_t delta = wrCache_->append(goff, data, len);
364   bool rv;
365   if (delta > 0) {
366     rv = diskCache->update(wrCache_.get(), delta);
367     assert(rv);
368   }
369   return delta;
370 }
releaseWrCache(WrDiskCache * diskCache)372 void Piece::releaseWrCache(WrDiskCache* diskCache)
373 {
374   if (diskCache && wrCache_) {
375     diskCache->remove(wrCache_.get());
376     wrCache_.reset();
377   }
378 }
380 } // namespace aria2