1// Copyright ©2013 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
3// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
5package mat
7import (
8	"gonum.org/v1/gonum/blas"
9	"gonum.org/v1/gonum/blas/blas64"
12var (
13	dense *Dense
15	_ Matrix      = dense
16	_ allMatrix   = dense
17	_ denseMatrix = dense
18	_ Mutable     = dense
20	_ ClonerFrom   = dense
21	_ RowViewer    = dense
22	_ ColViewer    = dense
23	_ RawRowViewer = dense
24	_ Grower       = dense
26	_ RawMatrixSetter = dense
27	_ RawMatrixer     = dense
29	_ Reseter = dense
32// Dense is a dense matrix representation.
33type Dense struct {
34	mat blas64.General
36	capRows, capCols int
39// NewDense creates a new Dense matrix with r rows and c columns. If data == nil,
40// a new slice is allocated for the backing slice. If len(data) == r*c, data is
41// used as the backing slice, and changes to the elements of the returned Dense
42// will be reflected in data. If neither of these is true, NewDense will panic.
43// NewDense will panic if either r or c is zero.
45// The data must be arranged in row-major order, i.e. the (i*c + j)-th
46// element in the data slice is the {i, j}-th element in the matrix.
47func NewDense(r, c int, data []float64) *Dense {
48	if r <= 0 || c <= 0 {
49		if r == 0 || c == 0 {
50			panic(ErrZeroLength)
51		}
52		panic(ErrNegativeDimension)
53	}
54	if data != nil && r*c != len(data) {
55		panic(ErrShape)
56	}
57	if data == nil {
58		data = make([]float64, r*c)
59	}
60	return &Dense{
61		mat: blas64.General{
62			Rows:   r,
63			Cols:   c,
64			Stride: c,
65			Data:   data,
66		},
67		capRows: r,
68		capCols: c,
69	}
72// ReuseAs changes the receiver if it IsEmpty() to be of size r×c.
74// ReuseAs re-uses the backing data slice if it has sufficient capacity,
75// otherwise a new slice is allocated. The backing data is zero on return.
77// ReuseAs panics if the receiver is not empty, and panics if
78// the input sizes are less than one. To empty the receiver for re-use,
79// Reset should be used.
80func (m *Dense) ReuseAs(r, c int) {
81	if r <= 0 || c <= 0 {
82		if r == 0 || c == 0 {
83			panic(ErrZeroLength)
84		}
85		panic(ErrNegativeDimension)
86	}
87	if !m.IsEmpty() {
88		panic(ErrReuseNonEmpty)
89	}
90	m.reuseAsZeroed(r, c)
93// reuseAsNonZeroed resizes an empty matrix to a r×c matrix,
94// or checks that a non-empty matrix is r×c. It does not zero
95// the data in the receiver.
96func (m *Dense) reuseAsNonZeroed(r, c int) {
97	// reuseAs must be kept in sync with reuseAsZeroed.
98	if m.mat.Rows > m.capRows || m.mat.Cols > m.capCols {
99		// Panic as a string, not a mat.Error.
100		panic("mat: caps not correctly set")
101	}
102	if r == 0 || c == 0 {
103		panic(ErrZeroLength)
104	}
105	if m.IsEmpty() {
106		m.mat = blas64.General{
107			Rows:   r,
108			Cols:   c,
109			Stride: c,
110			Data:   use(m.mat.Data, r*c),
111		}
112		m.capRows = r
113		m.capCols = c
114		return
115	}
116	if r != m.mat.Rows || c != m.mat.Cols {
117		panic(ErrShape)
118	}
121// reuseAsZeroed resizes an empty matrix to a r×c matrix,
122// or checks that a non-empty matrix is r×c. It zeroes
123// all the elements of the matrix.
124func (m *Dense) reuseAsZeroed(r, c int) {
125	// reuseAsZeroed must be kept in sync with reuseAsNonZeroed.
126	if m.mat.Rows > m.capRows || m.mat.Cols > m.capCols {
127		// Panic as a string, not a mat.Error.
128		panic("mat: caps not correctly set")
129	}
130	if r == 0 || c == 0 {
131		panic(ErrZeroLength)
132	}
133	if m.IsEmpty() {
134		m.mat = blas64.General{
135			Rows:   r,
136			Cols:   c,
137			Stride: c,
138			Data:   useZeroed(m.mat.Data, r*c),
139		}
140		m.capRows = r
141		m.capCols = c
142		return
143	}
144	if r != m.mat.Rows || c != m.mat.Cols {
145		panic(ErrShape)
146	}
147	m.Zero()
150// Zero sets all of the matrix elements to zero.
151func (m *Dense) Zero() {
152	r := m.mat.Rows
153	c := m.mat.Cols
154	for i := 0; i < r; i++ {
155		zero(m.mat.Data[i*m.mat.Stride : i*m.mat.Stride+c])
156	}
159// isolatedWorkspace returns a new dense matrix w with the size of a and
160// returns a callback to defer which performs cleanup at the return of the call.
161// This should be used when a method receiver is the same pointer as an input argument.
162func (m *Dense) isolatedWorkspace(a Matrix) (w *Dense, restore func()) {
163	r, c := a.Dims()
164	if r == 0 || c == 0 {
165		panic(ErrZeroLength)
166	}
167	w = getWorkspace(r, c, false)
168	return w, func() {
169		m.Copy(w)
170		putWorkspace(w)
171	}
174// Reset empties the matrix so that it can be reused as the
175// receiver of a dimensionally restricted operation.
177// Reset should not be used when the matrix shares backing data.
178// See the Reseter interface for more information.
179func (m *Dense) Reset() {
180	// Row, Cols and Stride must be zeroed in unison.
181	m.mat.Rows, m.mat.Cols, m.mat.Stride = 0, 0, 0
182	m.capRows, m.capCols = 0, 0
183	m.mat.Data = m.mat.Data[:0]
186// IsEmpty returns whether the receiver is empty. Empty matrices can be the
187// receiver for size-restricted operations. The receiver can be emptied using
188// Reset.
189func (m *Dense) IsEmpty() bool {
190	// It must be the case that m.Dims() returns
191	// zeros in this case. See comment in Reset().
192	return m.mat.Stride == 0
195// asTriDense returns a TriDense with the given size and side. The backing data
196// of the TriDense is the same as the receiver.
197func (m *Dense) asTriDense(n int, diag blas.Diag, uplo blas.Uplo) *TriDense {
198	return &TriDense{
199		mat: blas64.Triangular{
200			N:      n,
201			Stride: m.mat.Stride,
202			Data:   m.mat.Data,
203			Uplo:   uplo,
204			Diag:   diag,
205		},
206		cap: n,
207	}
210// DenseCopyOf returns a newly allocated copy of the elements of a.
211func DenseCopyOf(a Matrix) *Dense {
212	d := &Dense{}
213	d.CloneFrom(a)
214	return d
217// SetRawMatrix sets the underlying blas64.General used by the receiver.
218// Changes to elements in the receiver following the call will be reflected
219// in b.
220func (m *Dense) SetRawMatrix(b blas64.General) {
221	m.capRows, m.capCols = b.Rows, b.Cols
222	m.mat = b
225// RawMatrix returns the underlying blas64.General used by the receiver.
226// Changes to elements in the receiver following the call will be reflected
227// in returned blas64.General.
228func (m *Dense) RawMatrix() blas64.General { return m.mat }
230// Dims returns the number of rows and columns in the matrix.
231func (m *Dense) Dims() (r, c int) { return m.mat.Rows, m.mat.Cols }
233// Caps returns the number of rows and columns in the backing matrix.
234func (m *Dense) Caps() (r, c int) { return m.capRows, m.capCols }
236// T performs an implicit transpose by returning the receiver inside a Transpose.
237func (m *Dense) T() Matrix {
238	return Transpose{m}
241// ColView returns a Vector reflecting the column j, backed by the matrix data.
243// See ColViewer for more information.
244func (m *Dense) ColView(j int) Vector {
245	var v VecDense
246	v.ColViewOf(m, j)
247	return &v
250// SetCol sets the values in the specified column of the matrix to the values
251// in src. len(src) must equal the number of rows in the receiver.
252func (m *Dense) SetCol(j int, src []float64) {
253	if j >= m.mat.Cols || j < 0 {
254		panic(ErrColAccess)
255	}
256	if len(src) != m.mat.Rows {
257		panic(ErrColLength)
258	}
260	blas64.Copy(
261		blas64.Vector{N: m.mat.Rows, Inc: 1, Data: src},
262		blas64.Vector{N: m.mat.Rows, Inc: m.mat.Stride, Data: m.mat.Data[j:]},
263	)
266// SetRow sets the values in the specified rows of the matrix to the values
267// in src. len(src) must equal the number of columns in the receiver.
268func (m *Dense) SetRow(i int, src []float64) {
269	if i >= m.mat.Rows || i < 0 {
270		panic(ErrRowAccess)
271	}
272	if len(src) != m.mat.Cols {
273		panic(ErrRowLength)
274	}
276	copy(m.rawRowView(i), src)
279// RowView returns row i of the matrix data represented as a column vector,
280// backed by the matrix data.
282// See RowViewer for more information.
283func (m *Dense) RowView(i int) Vector {
284	var v VecDense
285	v.RowViewOf(m, i)
286	return &v
289// RawRowView returns a slice backed by the same array as backing the
290// receiver.
291func (m *Dense) RawRowView(i int) []float64 {
292	if i >= m.mat.Rows || i < 0 {
293		panic(ErrRowAccess)
294	}
295	return m.rawRowView(i)
298func (m *Dense) rawRowView(i int) []float64 {
299	return m.mat.Data[i*m.mat.Stride : i*m.mat.Stride+m.mat.Cols]
302// DiagView returns the diagonal as a matrix backed by the original data.
303func (m *Dense) DiagView() Diagonal {
304	n := min(m.mat.Rows, m.mat.Cols)
305	return &DiagDense{
306		mat: blas64.Vector{
307			N:    n,
308			Inc:  m.mat.Stride + 1,
309			Data: m.mat.Data[:(n-1)*m.mat.Stride+n],
310		},
311	}
314// Slice returns a new Matrix that shares backing data with the receiver.
315// The returned matrix starts at {i,j} of the receiver and extends k-i rows
316// and l-j columns. The final row in the resulting matrix is k-1 and the
317// final column is l-1.
318// Slice panics with ErrIndexOutOfRange if the slice is outside the capacity
319// of the receiver.
320func (m *Dense) Slice(i, k, j, l int) Matrix {
321	return m.slice(i, k, j, l)
324func (m *Dense) slice(i, k, j, l int) *Dense {
325	mr, mc := m.Caps()
326	if i < 0 || mr <= i || j < 0 || mc <= j || k < i || mr < k || l < j || mc < l {
327		if i == k || j == l {
328			panic(ErrZeroLength)
329		}
330		panic(ErrIndexOutOfRange)
331	}
332	t := *m
333	t.mat.Data = t.mat.Data[i*t.mat.Stride+j : (k-1)*t.mat.Stride+l]
334	t.mat.Rows = k - i
335	t.mat.Cols = l - j
336	t.capRows -= i
337	t.capCols -= j
338	return &t
341// Grow returns the receiver expanded by r rows and c columns. If the dimensions
342// of the expanded matrix are outside the capacities of the receiver a new
343// allocation is made, otherwise not. Note the receiver itself is not modified
344// during the call to Grow.
345func (m *Dense) Grow(r, c int) Matrix {
346	if r < 0 || c < 0 {
347		panic(ErrIndexOutOfRange)
348	}
349	if r == 0 && c == 0 {
350		return m
351	}
353	r += m.mat.Rows
354	c += m.mat.Cols
356	var t Dense
357	switch {
358	case m.mat.Rows == 0 || m.mat.Cols == 0:
359		t.mat = blas64.General{
360			Rows:   r,
361			Cols:   c,
362			Stride: c,
363			// We zero because we don't know how the matrix will be used.
364			// In other places, the mat is immediately filled with a result;
365			// this is not the case here.
366			Data: useZeroed(m.mat.Data, r*c),
367		}
368	case r > m.capRows || c > m.capCols:
369		cr := max(r, m.capRows)
370		cc := max(c, m.capCols)
371		t.mat = blas64.General{
372			Rows:   r,
373			Cols:   c,
374			Stride: cc,
375			Data:   make([]float64, cr*cc),
376		}
377		t.capRows = cr
378		t.capCols = cc
379		// Copy the complete matrix over to the new matrix.
380		// Including elements not currently visible. Use a temporary structure
381		// to avoid modifying the receiver.
382		var tmp Dense
383		tmp.mat = blas64.General{
384			Rows:   m.mat.Rows,
385			Cols:   m.mat.Cols,
386			Stride: m.mat.Stride,
387			Data:   m.mat.Data,
388		}
389		tmp.capRows = m.capRows
390		tmp.capCols = m.capCols
391		t.Copy(&tmp)
392		return &t
393	default:
394		t.mat = blas64.General{
395			Data:   m.mat.Data[:(r-1)*m.mat.Stride+c],
396			Rows:   r,
397			Cols:   c,
398			Stride: m.mat.Stride,
399		}
400	}
401	t.capRows = r
402	t.capCols = c
403	return &t
406// CloneFrom makes a copy of a into the receiver, overwriting the previous value of
407// the receiver. The clone from operation does not make any restriction on shape and
408// will not cause shadowing.
410// See the ClonerFrom interface for more information.
411func (m *Dense) CloneFrom(a Matrix) {
412	r, c := a.Dims()
413	mat := blas64.General{
414		Rows:   r,
415		Cols:   c,
416		Stride: c,
417	}
418	m.capRows, m.capCols = r, c
420	aU, trans := untransposeExtract(a)
421	switch aU := aU.(type) {
422	case *Dense:
423		amat := aU.mat
424		mat.Data = make([]float64, r*c)
425		if trans {
426			for i := 0; i < r; i++ {
427				blas64.Copy(blas64.Vector{N: c, Inc: amat.Stride, Data: amat.Data[i : i+(c-1)*amat.Stride+1]},
428					blas64.Vector{N: c, Inc: 1, Data: mat.Data[i*c : (i+1)*c]})
429			}
430		} else {
431			for i := 0; i < r; i++ {
432				copy(mat.Data[i*c:(i+1)*c], amat.Data[i*amat.Stride:i*amat.Stride+c])
433			}
434		}
435	case *VecDense:
436		amat := aU.mat
437		mat.Data = make([]float64, aU.mat.N)
438		blas64.Copy(blas64.Vector{N: aU.mat.N, Inc: amat.Inc, Data: amat.Data},
439			blas64.Vector{N: aU.mat.N, Inc: 1, Data: mat.Data})
440	default:
441		mat.Data = make([]float64, r*c)
442		w := *m
443		w.mat = mat
444		for i := 0; i < r; i++ {
445			for j := 0; j < c; j++ {
446				w.set(i, j, a.At(i, j))
447			}
448		}
449		*m = w
450		return
451	}
452	m.mat = mat
455// Copy makes a copy of elements of a into the receiver. It is similar to the
456// built-in copy; it copies as much as the overlap between the two matrices and
457// returns the number of rows and columns it copied. If a aliases the receiver
458// and is a transposed Dense or VecDense, with a non-unitary increment, Copy will
459// panic.
461// See the Copier interface for more information.
462func (m *Dense) Copy(a Matrix) (r, c int) {
463	r, c = a.Dims()
464	if a == m {
465		return r, c
466	}
467	r = min(r, m.mat.Rows)
468	c = min(c, m.mat.Cols)
469	if r == 0 || c == 0 {
470		return 0, 0
471	}
473	aU, trans := untransposeExtract(a)
474	switch aU := aU.(type) {
475	case *Dense:
476		amat := aU.mat
477		if trans {
478			if amat.Stride != 1 {
479				m.checkOverlap(amat)
480			}
481			for i := 0; i < r; i++ {
482				blas64.Copy(blas64.Vector{N: c, Inc: amat.Stride, Data: amat.Data[i : i+(c-1)*amat.Stride+1]},
483					blas64.Vector{N: c, Inc: 1, Data: m.mat.Data[i*m.mat.Stride : i*m.mat.Stride+c]})
484			}
485		} else {
486			switch o := offset(m.mat.Data, amat.Data); {
487			case o < 0:
488				for i := r - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
489					copy(m.mat.Data[i*m.mat.Stride:i*m.mat.Stride+c], amat.Data[i*amat.Stride:i*amat.Stride+c])
490				}
491			case o > 0:
492				for i := 0; i < r; i++ {
493					copy(m.mat.Data[i*m.mat.Stride:i*m.mat.Stride+c], amat.Data[i*amat.Stride:i*amat.Stride+c])
494				}
495			default:
496				// Nothing to do.
497			}
498		}
499	case *VecDense:
500		var n, stride int
501		amat := aU.mat
502		if trans {
503			if amat.Inc != 1 {
504				m.checkOverlap(aU.asGeneral())
505			}
506			n = c
507			stride = 1
508		} else {
509			n = r
510			stride = m.mat.Stride
511		}
512		if amat.Inc == 1 && stride == 1 {
513			copy(m.mat.Data, amat.Data[:n])
514			break
515		}
516		switch o := offset(m.mat.Data, amat.Data); {
517		case o < 0:
518			blas64.Copy(blas64.Vector{N: n, Inc: -amat.Inc, Data: amat.Data},
519				blas64.Vector{N: n, Inc: -stride, Data: m.mat.Data})
520		case o > 0:
521			blas64.Copy(blas64.Vector{N: n, Inc: amat.Inc, Data: amat.Data},
522				blas64.Vector{N: n, Inc: stride, Data: m.mat.Data})
523		default:
524			// Nothing to do.
525		}
526	default:
527		m.checkOverlapMatrix(aU)
528		for i := 0; i < r; i++ {
529			for j := 0; j < c; j++ {
530				m.set(i, j, a.At(i, j))
531			}
532		}
533	}
535	return r, c
538// Stack appends the rows of b onto the rows of a, placing the result into the
539// receiver with b placed in the greater indexed rows. Stack will panic if the
540// two input matrices do not have the same number of columns or the constructed
541// stacked matrix is not the same shape as the receiver.
542func (m *Dense) Stack(a, b Matrix) {
543	ar, ac := a.Dims()
544	br, bc := b.Dims()
545	if ac != bc || m == a || m == b {
546		panic(ErrShape)
547	}
549	m.reuseAsNonZeroed(ar+br, ac)
551	m.Copy(a)
552	w := m.slice(ar, ar+br, 0, bc)
553	w.Copy(b)
556// Augment creates the augmented matrix of a and b, where b is placed in the
557// greater indexed columns. Augment will panic if the two input matrices do
558// not have the same number of rows or the constructed augmented matrix is
559// not the same shape as the receiver.
560func (m *Dense) Augment(a, b Matrix) {
561	ar, ac := a.Dims()
562	br, bc := b.Dims()
563	if ar != br || m == a || m == b {
564		panic(ErrShape)
565	}
567	m.reuseAsNonZeroed(ar, ac+bc)
569	m.Copy(a)
570	w := m.slice(0, br, ac, ac+bc)
571	w.Copy(b)
574// Trace returns the trace of the matrix. The matrix must be square or Trace
575// will panic.
576func (m *Dense) Trace() float64 {
577	if m.mat.Rows != m.mat.Cols {
578		panic(ErrSquare)
579	}
580	// TODO(btracey): could use internal asm sum routine.
581	var v float64
582	for i := 0; i < m.mat.Rows; i++ {
583		v += m.mat.Data[i*m.mat.Stride+i]
584	}
585	return v