1 // Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "components/url_formatter/spoof_checks/idn_spoof_checker.h"
7 #include "base/check_op.h"
8 #include "base/logging.h"
9 #include "base/no_destructor.h"
10 #include "base/numerics/safe_conversions.h"
11 #include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
12 #include "base/strings/string_split.h"
13 #include "base/strings/string_util.h"
14 #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
15 #include "base/threading/thread_local_storage.h"
16 #include "build/build_config.h"
17 #include "net/base/lookup_string_in_fixed_set.h"
18 #include "third_party/icu/source/common/unicode/schriter.h"
19 #include "third_party/icu/source/common/unicode/unistr.h"
20 #include "third_party/icu/source/i18n/unicode/regex.h"
21 #include "third_party/icu/source/i18n/unicode/translit.h"
22 #include "third_party/icu/source/i18n/unicode/uspoof.h"
24 namespace url_formatter {
26 namespace {
BitLength(uint32_t input)28 uint8_t BitLength(uint32_t input) {
29   uint8_t number_of_bits = 0;
30   while (input != 0) {
31     number_of_bits++;
32     input >>= 1;
33   }
34   return number_of_bits;
35 }
37 class TopDomainPreloadDecoder : public net::extras::PreloadDecoder {
38  public:
39   using net::extras::PreloadDecoder::PreloadDecoder;
~TopDomainPreloadDecoder()40   ~TopDomainPreloadDecoder() override {}
ReadEntry(net::extras::PreloadDecoder::BitReader * reader,const std::string & search,size_t current_search_offset,bool * out_found)42   bool ReadEntry(net::extras::PreloadDecoder::BitReader* reader,
43                  const std::string& search,
44                  size_t current_search_offset,
45                  bool* out_found) override {
46     // Make sure the assigned bit length is enough to encode all SkeletonType
47     // values.
48     DCHECK_EQ(kSkeletonTypeBitLength,
49               BitLength(url_formatter::SkeletonType::kMaxValue));
51     bool is_same_skeleton;
53     if (!reader->Next(&is_same_skeleton))
54       return false;
56     TopDomainEntry top_domain;
57     if (!reader->Next(&top_domain.is_top_500))
58       return false;
59     uint32_t skeletontype_value;
60     if (!reader->Read(kSkeletonTypeBitLength, &skeletontype_value))
61       return false;
62     top_domain.skeleton_type =
63         static_cast<url_formatter::SkeletonType>(skeletontype_value);
64     if (is_same_skeleton) {
65       top_domain.domain = search;
66     } else {
67       bool has_com_suffix = false;
68       if (!reader->Next(&has_com_suffix))
69         return false;
71       for (char c;; top_domain.domain += c) {
72         huffman_decoder().Decode(reader, &c);
73         if (c == net::extras::PreloadDecoder::kEndOfTable)
74           break;
75       }
76       if (has_com_suffix)
77         top_domain.domain += ".com";
78     }
79     if (current_search_offset == 0) {
80       *out_found = true;
81       DCHECK(!top_domain.domain.empty());
82       result_ = top_domain;
83     }
84     return true;
85   }
matching_top_domain() const87   TopDomainEntry matching_top_domain() const { return result_; }
89  private:
90   TopDomainEntry result_;
91 };
93 // Stores whole-script-confusable information about a written script.
94 // Used to populate a list of WholeScriptConfusable structs.
95 struct WholeScriptConfusableData {
96   const char* const script_regex;
97   const char* const latin_lookalike_letters;
98   const std::vector<std::string> allowed_tlds;
99 };
OnThreadTermination(void * regex_matcher)101 void OnThreadTermination(void* regex_matcher) {
102   delete reinterpret_cast<icu::RegexMatcher*>(regex_matcher);
103 }
DangerousPatternTLS()105 base::ThreadLocalStorage::Slot& DangerousPatternTLS() {
106   static base::NoDestructor<base::ThreadLocalStorage::Slot>
107       dangerous_pattern_tls(&OnThreadTermination);
108   return *dangerous_pattern_tls;
109 }
111 // Allow middle dot (U+00B7) only on Catalan domains when between two 'l's, to
112 // permit the Catalan character ela geminada to be expressed.
113 // See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5892#appendix-A.3 for details.
HasUnsafeMiddleDot(const icu::UnicodeString & label_string,base::StringPiece top_level_domain)114 bool HasUnsafeMiddleDot(const icu::UnicodeString& label_string,
115                         base::StringPiece top_level_domain) {
116   int last_index = 0;
117   while (true) {
118     int index = label_string.indexOf("·", last_index);
119     if (index < 0) {
120       break;
121     }
122     DCHECK_LT(index, label_string.length());
123     if (top_level_domain != "cat") {
124       // Non-Catalan domains cannot contain middle dot.
125       return true;
126     }
127     // Middle dot at the beginning or end.
128     if (index == 0 || index == label_string.length() - 1) {
129       return true;
130     }
131     // Middle dot not surrounded by an 'l'.
132     if (label_string[index - 1] != 'l' || label_string[index + 1] != 'l') {
133       return true;
134     }
135     last_index = index + 1;
136   }
137   return false;
138 }
IsSubdomainOf(base::StringPiece16 hostname,const base::string16 & top_domain)140 bool IsSubdomainOf(base::StringPiece16 hostname,
141                    const base::string16& top_domain) {
142   DCHECK_NE(hostname, top_domain);
143   DCHECK(!hostname.empty());
144   DCHECK(!top_domain.empty());
145   return base::EndsWith(hostname, base::ASCIIToUTF16(".") + top_domain,
146                         base::CompareCase::INSENSITIVE_ASCII);
147 }
149 #include "components/url_formatter/spoof_checks/top_domains/domains-trie-inc.cc"
151 // All the domains in the above file have 4 or fewer labels.
152 const size_t kNumberOfLabelsToCheck = 4;
154 IDNSpoofChecker::HuffmanTrieParams g_trie_params{
155     kTopDomainsHuffmanTree, sizeof(kTopDomainsHuffmanTree), kTopDomainsTrie,
156     kTopDomainsTrieBits, kTopDomainsRootPosition};
158 }  // namespace
WholeScriptConfusable(std::unique_ptr<icu::UnicodeSet> arg_all_letters,std::unique_ptr<icu::UnicodeSet> arg_latin_lookalike_letters,const std::vector<std::string> & arg_allowed_tlds)160 IDNSpoofChecker::WholeScriptConfusable::WholeScriptConfusable(
161     std::unique_ptr<icu::UnicodeSet> arg_all_letters,
162     std::unique_ptr<icu::UnicodeSet> arg_latin_lookalike_letters,
163     const std::vector<std::string>& arg_allowed_tlds)
164     : all_letters(std::move(arg_all_letters)),
165       latin_lookalike_letters(std::move(arg_latin_lookalike_letters)),
166       allowed_tlds(arg_allowed_tlds) {}
168 IDNSpoofChecker::WholeScriptConfusable::~WholeScriptConfusable() = default;
IDNSpoofChecker()170 IDNSpoofChecker::IDNSpoofChecker() {
171   UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
172   checker_ = uspoof_open(&status);
173   if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
174     checker_ = nullptr;
175     return;
176   }
178   // At this point, USpoofChecker has all the checks enabled except
181   // This default configuration is adjusted below as necessary.
183   // Set the restriction level to high. It allows mixing Latin with one logical
184   // CJK script (+ COMMON and INHERITED), but does not allow any other script
185   // mixing (e.g. Latin + Cyrillic, Latin + Armenian, Cyrillic + Greek). Note
186   // that each of {Han + Bopomofo} for Chinese, {Hiragana, Katakana, Han} for
187   // Japanese, and {Hangul, Han} for Korean is treated as a single logical
188   // script.
189   // See http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr39/#Restriction_Level_Detection
190   uspoof_setRestrictionLevel(checker_, USPOOF_HIGHLY_RESTRICTIVE);
192   // Sets allowed characters in IDN labels and turns on USPOOF_CHAR_LIMIT.
193   SetAllowedUnicodeSet(&status);
195   // Enable the return of auxillary (non-error) information.
196   // We used to disable WHOLE_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE check explicitly, but as of
197   // ICU 58.1, WSC is a no-op in a single string check API.
198   int32_t checks = uspoof_getChecks(checker_, &status) | USPOOF_AUX_INFO;
199   uspoof_setChecks(checker_, checks, &status);
201   // Four characters handled differently by IDNA 2003 and IDNA 2008. UTS46
202   // transitional processing treats them as IDNA 2003 does; maps U+00DF and
203   // U+03C2 and drops U+200[CD].
204   deviation_characters_ = icu::UnicodeSet(
205       UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("[\\u00df\\u03c2\\u200c\\u200d]"), status);
206   deviation_characters_.freeze();
208   // Latin letters outside ASCII. 'Script_Extensions=Latin' is not necessary
209   // because additional characters pulled in with scx=Latn are not included in
210   // the allowed set.
211   non_ascii_latin_letters_ =
212       icu::UnicodeSet(UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("[[:Latin:] - [a-zA-Z]]"), status);
213   non_ascii_latin_letters_.freeze();
215   // The following two sets are parts of |dangerous_patterns_|.
216   kana_letters_exceptions_ = icu::UnicodeSet(
217       UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("[\\u3078-\\u307a\\u30d8-\\u30da\\u30fb-\\u30fe]"),
218       status);
219   kana_letters_exceptions_.freeze();
220   combining_diacritics_exceptions_ =
221       icu::UnicodeSet(UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("[\\u0300-\\u0339]"), status);
222   combining_diacritics_exceptions_.freeze();
224   const WholeScriptConfusableData kWholeScriptConfusables[] = {
225       {// Armenian
226        "[[:Armn:]]",
227        "[ագզէլհյոսւօՙ]",
228        {"am"}},
229       {// Cyrillic
230        "[[:Cyrl:]]",
231        "[аысԁеԍһіюјӏорԗԛѕԝхуъЬҽпгѵѡ]",
232        // TLDs containing most of the Cyrillic domains.
233        {"bg", "by", "kz", "pyc", "ru", "su", "ua", "uz"}},
234       {// Ethiopic (Ge'ez). Variants of these characters such as ሁ and ሡ could
235        // arguably be added to this list. However, we are only restricting
236        // the more obvious characters to keep the list short and to reduce the
237        // probability of false positives.
238        // Potential set: [ሀሁሃሠሡሰሱሲስበቡቢተቱቲታነከኩኪካኬክዐዑዕዖዘዙዚዛዝዞጠጡጢጣጦፐፒꬁꬂꬅ]
239        "[[:Ethi:]]",
240        "[ሀሠሰስበነተከዐዕዘጠፐꬅ]",
241        {"er", "et"}},
242       {// Georgian
243        "[[:Geor:]]",
244        "[იოყძხჽჿ]",
245        {"ge"}},
246       {// Greek
247        "[[:Grek:]]",
248        // This ignores variants such as ά, έ, ή, ί.
249        "[αικνρυωηοτ]",
250        {"gr"}},
251       {// Hebrew
252        "[[:Hebr:]]",
253        "[דוחיןסװײ׳ﬦ]",
254        // TLDs containing most of the Hebrew domains.
255        {"il"}},
256       // Indic scripts in the recommended set. No ccTLDs are allowlisted.
257       {// Bengali
258        "[[:Beng:]]", "[০৭]"},
259       {// Devanagari
260        "[[:Deva:]]", "[ऽ०ॱ]"},
261       {// Gujarati
262        "[[:Gujr:]]", "[ડટ૦૧]"},
263       {// Gurmukhi
264        "[[:Guru:]]", "[੦੧]"},
265       {// Kannada
266        "[[:Knda:]]", "[ಽ೦೧]"},
267       {// Malayalam
268        "[[:Mlym:]]", "[ടഠധനറ൦]"},
269       {// Oriya
270        "[[:Orya:]]", "[ଠ୦୮]"},
271       {// Tamil
272        "[[:Taml:]]", "[டப௦]"},
273       {// Telugu
274        "[[:Telu:]]", "[౦౧]"},
275       {// Myanmar. Shan digits (႐႑႕႖႗) are already blocked from mixing with
276        // other Myanmar characters. However, they can still be used to form
277        // WSC spoofs, so they are included here (they are encoded because macOS
278        // doesn't display them properly).
279        // U+104A (၊) and U+U+104A(။) are excluded as they are signs and are
280        // blocked.
281        "[[:Mymr:]]",
282        "[ခဂငထပဝ၀၂ၔၜ\u1090\u1091\u1095\u1096\u1097]",
283        {"mm"}},
284       {// Thai
285        "[[:Thai:]]",
286   // Some of the Thai characters are only confusable on Linux, so the Linux
287   // set is larger than other platforms. Ideally we don't want to have any
288   // differences between platforms, but doing so is unavoidable here as
289   // these characters look significantly different between Linux and other
290   // platforms.
291   // The ideal fix would be to change the omnibox font used for Thai. In
292   // that case, the Linux-only list should be revisited and potentially
293   // removed.
294 #if defined(OS_LINUX) || defined(OS_CHROMEOS) || defined(OS_BSD)
295        "[ทนบพรหเแ๐ดลปฟม]",
296 #else
297        "[บพเแ๐]",
298 #endif
299        {"th"}},
300   };
301   for (const WholeScriptConfusableData& data : kWholeScriptConfusables) {
302     auto all_letters = std::make_unique<icu::UnicodeSet>(
303         icu::UnicodeString::fromUTF8(data.script_regex), status);
304     DCHECK(U_SUCCESS(status));
305     auto latin_lookalikes = std::make_unique<icu::UnicodeSet>(
306         icu::UnicodeString::fromUTF8(data.latin_lookalike_letters), status);
307     DCHECK(U_SUCCESS(status));
308     auto script = std::make_unique<WholeScriptConfusable>(
309         std::move(all_letters), std::move(latin_lookalikes), data.allowed_tlds);
310     wholescriptconfusables_.push_back(std::move(script));
311   }
313   // These characters are, or look like, digits. A domain label entirely made of
314   // digit-lookalikes or digits is blocked.
315   digits_ = icu::UnicodeSet(UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("[0-9]"), status);
316   digits_.freeze();
317   digit_lookalikes_ = icu::UnicodeSet(
318       icu::UnicodeString::fromUTF8("[θ२২੨੨૨೩೭շзҙӡउওਤ੩૩౩ဒვპੜ੫丩ㄐճ৪੪୫૭୨౨]"),
319       status);
320   digit_lookalikes_.freeze();
322   DCHECK(U_SUCCESS(status));
323   // This set is used to determine whether or not to apply a slow
324   // transliteration to remove diacritics to a given hostname before the
325   // confusable skeleton calculation for comparison with top domain names. If
326   // it has any character outside the set, the expensive step will be skipped
327   // because it cannot match any of top domain names.
328   // The last ([\u0300-\u0339] is a shorthand for "[:Identifier_Status=Allowed:]
329   // & [:Script_Extensions=Inherited:] - [\\u200C\\u200D]". The latter is a
330   // subset of the former but it does not matter because hostnames with
331   // characters outside the latter set would be rejected in an earlier step.
332   lgc_letters_n_ascii_ = icu::UnicodeSet(
333       UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("[[:Latin:][:Greek:][:Cyrillic:][0-9\\u002e_"
334                             "\\u002d][\\u0300-\\u0339]]"),
335       status);
336   lgc_letters_n_ascii_.freeze();
338   // Latin small letter thorn ("þ", U+00FE) can be used to spoof both b and p.
339   // It's used in modern Icelandic orthography, so allow it for the Icelandic
340   // ccTLD (.is) but block in any other TLD. Also block Latin small letter eth
341   // ("ð", U+00F0) which can be used to spoof the letter o.
342   icelandic_characters_ =
343       icu::UnicodeSet(UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("[\\u00fe\\u00f0]"), status);
344   icelandic_characters_.freeze();
346   DCHECK(U_SUCCESS(status))
347       << "Spoofchecker initalization failed due to an error: "
348       << u_errorName(status);
350   skeleton_generator_ = std::make_unique<SkeletonGenerator>(checker_);
351 }
~IDNSpoofChecker()353 IDNSpoofChecker::~IDNSpoofChecker() {
354   uspoof_close(checker_);
355 }
SafeToDisplayAsUnicode(base::StringPiece16 label,base::StringPiece top_level_domain,base::StringPiece16 top_level_domain_unicode)357 IDNSpoofChecker::Result IDNSpoofChecker::SafeToDisplayAsUnicode(
358     base::StringPiece16 label,
359     base::StringPiece top_level_domain,
360     base::StringPiece16 top_level_domain_unicode) {
361   UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
362   int32_t result =
363       uspoof_check(checker_, label.data(),
364                    base::checked_cast<int32_t>(label.size()), nullptr, &status);
365   // If uspoof_check fails (due to library failure), or if any of the checks
366   // fail, treat the IDN as unsafe.
367   if (U_FAILURE(status) || (result & USPOOF_ALL_CHECKS)) {
368     return Result::kICUSpoofChecks;
369   }
371   icu::UnicodeString label_string(false /* isTerminated */, label.data(),
372                                   base::checked_cast<int32_t>(label.size()));
374   // A punycode label with 'xn--' prefix is not subject to the URL
375   // canonicalization and is stored as it is in GURL. If it encodes a deviation
376   // character (UTS 46; e.g. U+00DF/sharp-s), it should be still shown in
377   // punycode instead of Unicode. Without this check, xn--fu-hia for
378   // 'fu<sharp-s>' would be converted to 'fu<sharp-s>' for display because
379   // "UTS 46 section 4 Processing step 4" applies validity criteria for
380   // non-transitional processing (i.e. do not map deviation characters) to any
381   // punycode labels regardless of whether transitional or non-transitional is
382   // chosen. On the other hand, 'fu<sharp-s>' typed or copy and pasted
383   // as Unicode would be canonicalized to 'fuss' by GURL and is displayed as
384   // such. See http://crbug.com/595263 .
385   if (deviation_characters_.containsSome(label_string))
386     return Result::kDeviationCharacters;
388   // Disallow Icelandic confusables for domains outside Iceland's ccTLD (.is).
389   if (label_string.length() > 1 && top_level_domain != "is" &&
390       icelandic_characters_.containsSome(label_string))
391     return Result::kTLDSpecificCharacters;
393   // Disallow Latin Schwa (U+0259) for domains outside Azerbaijan's ccTLD (.az).
394   if (label_string.length() > 1 && top_level_domain != "az" &&
395       label_string.indexOf("ə") != -1)
396     return Result::kTLDSpecificCharacters;
398   // Disallow middle dot (U+00B7) when unsafe.
399   if (HasUnsafeMiddleDot(label_string, top_level_domain)) {
400     return Result::kUnsafeMiddleDot;
401   }
403   // If there's no script mixing, the input is regarded as safe without any
404   // extra check unless it falls into one of three categories:
405   //   - contains Kana letter exceptions
406   //   - the TLD is ASCII and the input is made entirely of whole script
407   //     characters confusable that look like Latin letters.
408   //   - it has combining diacritic marks.
409   // Note that the following combinations of scripts are treated as a 'logical'
410   // single script.
411   //  - Chinese: Han, Bopomofo, Common
412   //  - Japanese: Han, Hiragana, Katakana, Common
413   //  - Korean: Hangul, Han, Common
415   if (result == USPOOF_ASCII)
416     return Result::kSafe;
419       kana_letters_exceptions_.containsNone(label_string) &&
420       combining_diacritics_exceptions_.containsNone(label_string)) {
421     for (auto const& script : wholescriptconfusables_) {
422       if (IsLabelWholeScriptConfusableForScript(*script, label_string) &&
423           !IsWholeScriptConfusableAllowedForTLD(*script, top_level_domain,
424                                                 top_level_domain_unicode)) {
425         return Result::kWholeScriptConfusable;
426       }
427     }
428     // Disallow domains that contain only numbers and number-spoofs.
429     if (IsDigitLookalike(label_string))
430       return Result::kDigitLookalikes;
432     return Result::kSafe;
433   }
435   // Disallow domains that contain only numbers and number-spoofs.
436   if (IsDigitLookalike(label_string))
437     return Result::kDigitLookalikes;
439   // Additional checks for |label| with multiple scripts, one of which is Latin.
440   // Disallow non-ASCII Latin letters to mix with a non-Latin script.
441   // Note that the non-ASCII Latin check should not be applied when the entire
442   // label is made of Latin. Checking with lgc_letters set here should be fine
443   // because script mixing of LGC is already rejected.
444   if (non_ascii_latin_letters_.containsSome(label_string) &&
445       !lgc_letters_n_ascii_.containsAll(label_string))
446     return Result::kNonAsciiLatinCharMixedWithNonLatin;
448   icu::RegexMatcher* dangerous_pattern =
449       reinterpret_cast<icu::RegexMatcher*>(DangerousPatternTLS().Get());
450   if (!dangerous_pattern) {
451     // The parentheses in the below strings belong to the raw string sequence
452     // R"(...)". They are NOT part of the regular expression. Each sub
453     // regex is OR'ed with the | operator.
454     dangerous_pattern = new icu::RegexMatcher(
455         icu::UnicodeString(
456             // Disallow the following as they may be mistaken for slashes when
457             // they're surrounded by non-Japanese scripts (i.e. has non-Katakana
458             // Hiragana or Han scripts on both sides):
459             // "ノ" (Katakana no, U+30ce), "ソ" (Katakana so, U+30bd),
460             // "ゾ" (Katakana zo, U+30be), "ン" (Katakana n, U+30f3),
461             // "丶" (CJK unified ideograph, U+4E36),
462             // "乀" (CJK unified ideograph, U+4E40),
463             // "乁" (CJK unified ideograph, U+4E41),
464             // "丿" (CJK unified ideograph, U+4E3F).
465             // If {no, so, zo, n} next to a
466             // non-Japanese script on either side is disallowed, legitimate
467             // cases like '{vitamin in Katakana}b6' are blocked. Note that
468             // trying to block those characters when used alone as a label is
469             // futile because those cases would not reach here. Also disallow
470             // what used to be blocked by mixed-script-confusable (MSC)
471             // detection. ICU 58 does not detect MSC any more for a single input
472             // string. See http://bugs.icu-project.org/trac/ticket/12823 .
473             // TODO(jshin): adjust the pattern once the above ICU bug is fixed.
474             R"([^\p{scx=kana}\p{scx=hira}\p{scx=hani}])"
475             R"([\u30ce\u30f3\u30bd\u30be\u4e36\u4e40\u4e41\u4e3f])"
476             R"([^\p{scx=kana}\p{scx=hira}\p{scx=hani}]|)"
478             // Disallow U+30FD (Katakana iteration mark) and U+30FE (Katakana
479             // voiced iteration mark) unless they're preceded by a Katakana.
480             R"([^\p{scx=kana}][\u30fd\u30fe]|^[\u30fd\u30fe]|)"
482             // Disallow three Hiragana letters (U+307[8-A]) or Katakana letters
483             // (U+30D[8-A]) that look exactly like each other when they're used
484             // in a label otherwise entirely in Katakana or Hiragana.
485             R"(^[\p{scx=kana}]+[\u3078-\u307a][\p{scx=kana}]+$|)"
486             R"(^[\p{scx=hira}]+[\u30d8-\u30da][\p{scx=hira}]+$|)"
488             // Disallow U+30FB (Katakana Middle Dot) and U+30FC (Hiragana-
489             // Katakana Prolonged Sound) used out-of-context.
490             R"([^\p{scx=kana}\p{scx=hira}]\u30fc|^\u30fc|)"
491             R"([a-z]\u30fb|\u30fb[a-z]|)"
493             // Disallow these CJK ideographs if they are next to non-CJK
494             // characters. These characters can be used to spoof Latin
495             // characters or punctuation marks:
496             // U+4E00 (一), U+3127 (ㄧ), U+4E28 (丨), U+4E5B (乛), U+4E03 (七),
497             // U+4E05 (丅), U+5341 (十), U+3007 (〇), U+3112 (ㄒ), U+311A (ㄚ),
498             // U+311F (ㄟ), U+3128 (ㄨ), U+3129 (ㄩ), U+3108 (ㄈ), U+31BA (ㆺ),
499             // U+31B3 (ㆳ), U+5DE5 (工), U+31B2 (ㆲ), U+8BA0 (讠), U+4E01 (丁)
500             // These characters are already blocked:
501             // U+2F00 (⼀) (normalized to U+4E00), U+3192 (㆒), U+2F02 (⼂),
502             // U+2F17 (⼗) and U+3038 (〸) (both normalized to U+5341 (十)).
503             // Check if there is non-{Hiragana, Katagana, Han, Bopomofo} on the
504             // left.
505             R"([^\p{scx=kana}\p{scx=hira}\p{scx=hani}\p{scx=bopo}])"
506             R"([\u4e00\u3127\u4e28\u4e5b\u4e03\u4e05\u5341\u3007\u3112)"
507             R"(\u311a\u311f\u3128\u3129\u3108\u31ba\u31b3\u5dE5)"
508             R"(\u31b2\u8ba0\u4e01]|)"
509             // Check if there is non-{Hiragana, Katagana, Han, Bopomofo} on the
510             // right.
511             R"([\u4e00\u3127\u4e28\u4e5b\u4e03\u4e05\u5341\u3007\u3112)"
512             R"(\u311a\u311f\u3128\u3129\u3108\u31ba\u31b3\u5de5)"
513             R"(\u31b2\u8ba0\u4e01])"
514             R"([^\p{scx=kana}\p{scx=hira}\p{scx=hani}\p{scx=bopo}]|)"
516             // Disallow combining diacritical mark (U+0300-U+0339) after a
517             // non-LGC character. Other combining diacritical marks are not in
518             // the allowed character set.
519             R"([^\p{scx=latn}\p{scx=grek}\p{scx=cyrl}][\u0300-\u0339]|)"
521             // Disallow dotless i (U+0131) followed by a combining mark.
522             R"(\u0131[\u0300-\u0339]|)"
524             // Disallow combining Kana voiced sound marks.
525             R"(\u3099|\u309A|)"
527             // Disallow U+0307 (dot above) after 'i', 'j', 'l' or dotless i
528             // (U+0131). Dotless j (U+0237) is not in the allowed set to begin
529             // with.
530             R"([ijl]\u0307)",
531             -1, US_INV),
532         0, status);
533     DangerousPatternTLS().Set(dangerous_pattern);
534   }
535   dangerous_pattern->reset(label_string);
536   if (dangerous_pattern->find()) {
537     return Result::kDangerousPattern;
538   }
539   return Result::kSafe;
540 }
GetSimilarTopDomain(base::StringPiece16 hostname)542 TopDomainEntry IDNSpoofChecker::GetSimilarTopDomain(
543     base::StringPiece16 hostname) {
544   DCHECK(!hostname.empty());
545   for (const std::string& skeleton : GetSkeletons(hostname)) {
546     DCHECK(!skeleton.empty());
547     TopDomainEntry matching_top_domain = LookupSkeletonInTopDomains(skeleton);
548     if (!matching_top_domain.domain.empty()) {
549       const base::string16 top_domain =
550           base::UTF8ToUTF16(matching_top_domain.domain);
551       // Return an empty result if hostname is a top domain itself, or a
552       // subdomain of top domain. This prevents subdomains of top domains from
553       // being marked as spoofs. Without this check, éxample.blogspot.com
554       // would return blogspot.com and treated as a top domain lookalike.
555       if (hostname == top_domain || IsSubdomainOf(hostname, top_domain)) {
556         return TopDomainEntry();
557       }
558       return matching_top_domain;
559     }
560   }
561   return TopDomainEntry();
562 }
GetSkeletons(base::StringPiece16 hostname) const564 Skeletons IDNSpoofChecker::GetSkeletons(base::StringPiece16 hostname) const {
565   return skeleton_generator_->GetSkeletons(hostname);
566 }
LookupSkeletonInTopDomains(const std::string & skeleton,SkeletonType skeleton_type)568 TopDomainEntry IDNSpoofChecker::LookupSkeletonInTopDomains(
569     const std::string& skeleton,
570     SkeletonType skeleton_type) {
571   DCHECK(!skeleton.empty());
572   // There are no other guarantees about a skeleton string such as not including
573   // a dot. Skeleton of certain characters are dots (e.g. "۰" (U+06F0)).
574   TopDomainPreloadDecoder preload_decoder(
575       g_trie_params.huffman_tree, g_trie_params.huffman_tree_size,
576       g_trie_params.trie, g_trie_params.trie_bits,
577       g_trie_params.trie_root_position);
578   auto labels = base::SplitStringPiece(skeleton, ".", base::KEEP_WHITESPACE,
579                                        base::SPLIT_WANT_ALL);
581   if (labels.size() > kNumberOfLabelsToCheck) {
582     labels.erase(labels.begin(),
583                  labels.begin() + labels.size() - kNumberOfLabelsToCheck);
584   }
586   while (labels.size() > 0) {
587     // A full skeleton needs at least two labels to match.
588     if (labels.size() == 1 && skeleton_type == SkeletonType::kFull) {
589       break;
590     }
591     std::string partial_skeleton = base::JoinString(labels, ".");
592     bool match = false;
593     bool decoded = preload_decoder.Decode(partial_skeleton, &match);
594     DCHECK(decoded);
595     if (!decoded)
596       return TopDomainEntry();
598     if (match)
599       return preload_decoder.matching_top_domain();
601     labels.erase(labels.begin());
602   }
603   return TopDomainEntry();
604 }
SetAllowedUnicodeSet(UErrorCode * status)606 void IDNSpoofChecker::SetAllowedUnicodeSet(UErrorCode* status) {
607   if (U_FAILURE(*status))
608     return;
610   // The recommended set is a set of characters for identifiers in a
611   // security-sensitive environment taken from UTR 39
612   // (http://unicode.org/reports/tr39/) and
613   // http://www.unicode.org/Public/security/latest/xidmodifications.txt .
614   // The inclusion set comes from "Candidate Characters for Inclusion
615   // in idenfiers" of UTR 31 (http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr31). The list
616   // may change over the time and will be updated whenever the version of ICU
617   // used in Chromium is updated.
618   const icu::UnicodeSet* recommended_set =
619       uspoof_getRecommendedUnicodeSet(status);
620   icu::UnicodeSet allowed_set;
621   allowed_set.addAll(*recommended_set);
622   const icu::UnicodeSet* inclusion_set = uspoof_getInclusionUnicodeSet(status);
623   allowed_set.addAll(*inclusion_set);
625   // The sections below refer to Mozilla's IDN blacklist:
626   // http://kb.mozillazine.org/Network.IDN.blacklist_chars
627   //
628   // U+0338 (Combining Long Solidus Overlay) is included in the recommended set,
629   // but is blacklisted by Mozilla. It is dropped because it can look like a
630   // slash when rendered with a broken font.
631   allowed_set.remove(0x338u);
632   // U+05F4 (Hebrew Punctuation Gershayim) is in the inclusion set, but is
633   // blacklisted by Mozilla. We keep it, even though it can look like a double
634   // quotation mark. Using it in Hebrew should be safe. When used with a
635   // non-Hebrew script, it'd be filtered by other checks in place.
637   // The following 5 characters are disallowed because they're in NV8 (invalid
638   // in IDNA 2008).
639   allowed_set.remove(0x58au);  // Armenian Hyphen
640   // U+2010 (Hyphen) is in the inclusion set, but we drop it because it can be
641   // confused with an ASCII U+002D (Hyphen-Minus).
642   allowed_set.remove(0x2010u);
643   // U+2019 is hard to notice when sitting next to a regular character.
644   allowed_set.remove(0x2019u);  // Right Single Quotation Mark
645   // U+2027 (Hyphenation Point) is in the inclusion set, but is blacklisted by
646   // Mozilla. It is dropped, as it can be confused with U+30FB (Katakana Middle
647   // Dot).
648   allowed_set.remove(0x2027u);
649   allowed_set.remove(0x30a0u);  // Katakana-Hiragana Double Hyphen
651   // Block {Single,double}-quotation-mark look-alikes.
652   allowed_set.remove(0x2bbu);  // Modifier Letter Turned Comma
653   allowed_set.remove(0x2bcu);  // Modifier Letter Apostrophe
655   // Block modifier letter voicing.
656   allowed_set.remove(0x2ecu);
658   // Block historic character Latin Kra (also blocked by Mozilla).
659   allowed_set.remove(0x0138);
661   // No need to block U+144A (Canadian Syllabics West-Cree P) separately
662   // because it's blocked from mixing with other scripts including Latin.
664 #if defined(OS_APPLE)
665   // The following characters are reported as present in the default macOS
666   // system UI font, but they render as blank. Remove them from the allowed
667   // set to prevent spoofing until the font issue is resolved.
669   // Arabic letter KASHMIRI YEH. Not used in Arabic and Persian.
670   allowed_set.remove(0x0620u);
672   // Tibetan characters used for transliteration of ancient texts:
673   allowed_set.remove(0x0F8Cu);
674   allowed_set.remove(0x0F8Du);
675   allowed_set.remove(0x0F8Eu);
676   allowed_set.remove(0x0F8Fu);
677 #endif
679   // Disallow extremely rarely used LGC character blocks.
680   // Cyllic Ext A is not in the allowed set. Neither are Latin Ext-{C,E}.
681   allowed_set.remove(0x01CDu, 0x01DCu);  // Latin Ext B; Pinyin
682   allowed_set.remove(0x1C80u, 0x1C8Fu);  // Cyrillic Extended-C
683   allowed_set.remove(0x1E00u, 0x1E9Bu);  // Latin Extended Additional
684   allowed_set.remove(0x1F00u, 0x1FFFu);  // Greek Extended
685   allowed_set.remove(0xA640u, 0xA69Fu);  // Cyrillic Extended-B
686   allowed_set.remove(0xA720u, 0xA7FFu);  // Latin Extended-D
688   uspoof_setAllowedUnicodeSet(checker_, &allowed_set, status);
689 }
IsDigitLookalike(const icu::UnicodeString & label)691 bool IDNSpoofChecker::IsDigitLookalike(const icu::UnicodeString& label) {
692   bool has_lookalike_char = false;
693   icu::StringCharacterIterator it(label);
694   for (it.setToStart(); it.hasNext();) {
695     const UChar32 c = it.next32PostInc();
696     if (digits_.contains(c)) {
697       continue;
698     }
699     if (digit_lookalikes_.contains(c)) {
700       has_lookalike_char = true;
701       continue;
702     }
703     return false;
704   }
705   return has_lookalike_char;
706 }
708 // static
IsWholeScriptConfusableAllowedForTLD(const WholeScriptConfusable & script,base::StringPiece tld,base::StringPiece16 tld_unicode)709 bool IDNSpoofChecker::IsWholeScriptConfusableAllowedForTLD(
710     const WholeScriptConfusable& script,
711     base::StringPiece tld,
712     base::StringPiece16 tld_unicode) {
713   icu::UnicodeString tld_string(
714       false /* isTerminated */, tld_unicode.data(),
715       base::checked_cast<int32_t>(tld_unicode.size()));
716   // Allow if the TLD contains any letter from the script, in which case it's
717   // likely to be a TLD in that script.
718   if (script.all_letters->containsSome(tld_string)) {
719     return true;
720   }
721   return base::Contains(script.allowed_tlds, tld);
722 }
724 // static
IsLabelWholeScriptConfusableForScript(const WholeScriptConfusable & script,const icu::UnicodeString & label)725 bool IDNSpoofChecker::IsLabelWholeScriptConfusableForScript(
726     const WholeScriptConfusable& script,
727     const icu::UnicodeString& label) {
728   // Collect all the letters of |label| using |script.all_letters| and see if
729   // they're a subset of |script.latin_lookalike_letters|.
730   // An alternative approach is to include [0-9] and [_-] in script.all_letters
731   // and checking if it contains all letters of |label|. However, this would not
732   // work if a label has non-letters outside ASCII.
733   icu::UnicodeSet label_characters_belonging_to_script;
734   icu::StringCharacterIterator it(label);
735   for (it.setToStart(); it.hasNext();) {
736     const UChar32 c = it.next32PostInc();
737     if (script.all_letters->contains(c))
738       label_characters_belonging_to_script.add(c);
739   }
740   return !label_characters_belonging_to_script.isEmpty() &&
741          script.latin_lookalike_letters->containsAll(
742              label_characters_belonging_to_script);
743 }
745 // static
SetTrieParamsForTesting(const HuffmanTrieParams & trie_params)746 void IDNSpoofChecker::SetTrieParamsForTesting(
747     const HuffmanTrieParams& trie_params) {
748   g_trie_params = trie_params;
749 }
751 // static
RestoreTrieParamsForTesting()752 void IDNSpoofChecker::RestoreTrieParamsForTesting() {
753   g_trie_params = HuffmanTrieParams{
754       kTopDomainsHuffmanTree, sizeof(kTopDomainsHuffmanTree), kTopDomainsTrie,
755       kTopDomainsTrieBits, kTopDomainsRootPosition};
756 }
758 }  // namespace url_formatter