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OWNERSH A D16-Feb-2021158 86

README.mdH A D16-Feb-20211.6 KiB3526

prerender_browsertest.ccH A D16-Feb-20219.3 KiB222132

prerender_host.ccH A D16-Feb-20213.8 KiB10053

prerender_host.hH A D16-Feb-20212.7 KiB7335

prerender_host_registry.ccH A D16-Feb-20212.1 KiB6541

prerender_host_registry.hH A D16-Feb-20212.1 KiB5925

prerender_host_registry_unittest.ccH A D16-Feb-20219.6 KiB231170

prerender_host_unittest.ccH A D16-Feb-20212.7 KiB8058

prerender_processor.ccH A D16-Feb-20213 KiB8755

prerender_processor.hH A D16-Feb-20212.5 KiB6935


1This directory contains the experimental Prerender2 implementation
2(https://crbug.com/1126305). This feature is now behind the
3`blink::features::kPrerender2` flag.
5# Summary
7Prerendering is "pre"-rendering, it's about pre-loading and rendering a page
8before the user actually navigates to it. The main goal of prerendering is to
9make the next page navigation faster, or ideally nearly instant.
11The Prerender2 is the new implementation of prerendering.
13# Terminology
15- **Activate**: The Prerender2 runs navigation code twice: navigation for
16  prerendering a page, and navigation for displaying the prerendered page.
17  "Activate" indicates the latter navigation.
18- **Legacy Prerender**: "Legacy Prerender" is the previous implementation of
19  prerendering that does not use NoStatePrefetch. This is already deprecated
20  (https://crbug.com/755921).
21- **NoStatePrefetch**: An internal mechanism for speculative prefetching of
22  pages and their subresources that are on a critical path of page loading
23  without executing any JavaScript or creating a complex state of the web
24  platform (https://www.chromestatus.com/feature/5928321099497472). This
25  mechanism is not purely "no state" because the HTTP cache allows to create
26  cookies and other state related to validating cache entries. The current
27  prerendering uses this mechanism, that is, it does not actually render pages,
28  while the Prerender2 renders pages.
30# References
32The date is the publication date, not the last updated date.
34- [Prerender2](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1P2VKCLpmnNm_cRAjUeE-bqLL0bslL_zKqiNeCzNom_w/edit?usp=sharing) (Oct, 2020)