1 // Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "media/capture/content/animated_content_sampler.h"
7 #include <stddef.h>
8 #include <stdint.h>
10 #include <algorithm>
12 namespace media {
14 namespace {
16 // These specify the minimum/maximum amount of recent event history to examine
17 // to detect animated content.  If the values are too low, there is a greater
18 // risk of false-positive detections and low accuracy.  If they are too high,
19 // the the implementation will be slow to lock-in/out, and also will not react
20 // well to mildly-variable frame rate content (e.g., 25 +/- 1 FPS).
21 //
22 // These values were established by experimenting with a wide variety of
23 // scenarios, including 24/25/30 FPS videos, 60 FPS WebGL demos, and the
24 // transitions between static and animated content.
25 constexpr auto kMinObservationWindow = base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(1);
26 constexpr auto kMaxObservationWindow = base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(2);
28 // The maximum amount of time that can elapse before declaring two subsequent
29 // events as "not animating."  This is the same value found in
30 // cc::FrameRateCounter.
31 constexpr auto kNonAnimatingThreshold = base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(1) / 4;
33 // The slowest that content can be animating in order for AnimatedContentSampler
34 // to lock-in.  This is the threshold at which the "smoothness" problem is no
35 // longer relevant.
36 constexpr auto kMaxLockInPeriod = base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(1) / 12;
38 // The amount of time over which to fully correct the drift of the rewritten
39 // frame timestamps from the presentation event timestamps.  The lower the
40 // value, the higher the variance in frame timestamps.
41 constexpr auto kDriftCorrection = base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(2);
43 }  // anonymous namespace
AnimatedContentSampler(base::TimeDelta min_capture_period)45 AnimatedContentSampler::AnimatedContentSampler(
46     base::TimeDelta min_capture_period)
47     : min_capture_period_(min_capture_period), sampling_state_(NOT_SAMPLING) {
48   DCHECK_GT(min_capture_period_, base::TimeDelta());
49 }
51 AnimatedContentSampler::~AnimatedContentSampler() = default;
SetMinCapturePeriod(base::TimeDelta period)53 void AnimatedContentSampler::SetMinCapturePeriod(base::TimeDelta period) {
54   DCHECK_GT(period, base::TimeDelta());
55   min_capture_period_ = period;
56 }
SetTargetSamplingPeriod(base::TimeDelta period)58 void AnimatedContentSampler::SetTargetSamplingPeriod(base::TimeDelta period) {
59   target_sampling_period_ = period;
60 }
ConsiderPresentationEvent(const gfx::Rect & damage_rect,base::TimeTicks event_time)62 void AnimatedContentSampler::ConsiderPresentationEvent(
63     const gfx::Rect& damage_rect,
64     base::TimeTicks event_time) {
65   // Analyze the current event and recent history to determine whether animating
66   // content is detected.
67   AddObservation(damage_rect, event_time);
68   if (!AnalyzeObservations(event_time, &detected_region_, &detected_period_) ||
69       detected_period_ <= base::TimeDelta() ||
70       detected_period_ > kMaxLockInPeriod) {
71     // Animated content not detected.
72     detected_region_ = gfx::Rect();
73     detected_period_ = base::TimeDelta();
74     sampling_state_ = NOT_SAMPLING;
75     return;
76   }
78   // At this point, animation is being detected.  Update the sampling period
79   // since the client may call the accessor method even if the heuristics below
80   // decide not to sample the current event.
81   sampling_period_ = ComputeSamplingPeriod(
82       detected_period_, target_sampling_period_, min_capture_period_);
84   // If this is the first event causing animating content to be detected,
85   // transition to the START_SAMPLING state.
86   if (sampling_state_ == NOT_SAMPLING)
87     sampling_state_ = START_SAMPLING;
89   // If the current event does not represent a frame that is part of the
90   // animation, do not sample.
91   if (damage_rect != detected_region_) {
92     if (sampling_state_ == SHOULD_SAMPLE)
93       sampling_state_ = SHOULD_NOT_SAMPLE;
94     return;
95   }
97   // When starting sampling, determine where to sync-up for sampling and frame
98   // timestamp rewriting.  Otherwise, just add one animation period's worth of
99   // tokens to the token bucket.
100   if (sampling_state_ == START_SAMPLING) {
101     if (event_time - frame_timestamp_ > sampling_period_) {
102       // The frame timestamp sequence should start with the current event
103       // time.
104       frame_timestamp_ = event_time - sampling_period_;
105       token_bucket_ = sampling_period_;
106     } else {
107       // The frame timestamp sequence will continue from the last recorded
108       // frame timestamp.
109       token_bucket_ = event_time - frame_timestamp_;
110     }
112     // Provide a little extra in the initial token bucket so that minor error in
113     // the detected period won't prevent a reasonably-timed event from being
114     // sampled.
115     token_bucket_ += detected_period_ / 2;
116   } else {
117     token_bucket_ += detected_period_;
118   }
120   // If the token bucket is full enough, take tokens from it and propose
121   // sampling.  Otherwise, do not sample.
122   DCHECK_LE(detected_period_, sampling_period_);
123   if (token_bucket_ >= sampling_period_) {
124     token_bucket_ -= sampling_period_;
125     frame_timestamp_ = ComputeNextFrameTimestamp(event_time);
126     sampling_state_ = SHOULD_SAMPLE;
127   } else {
128     sampling_state_ = SHOULD_NOT_SAMPLE;
129   }
130 }
HasProposal() const132 bool AnimatedContentSampler::HasProposal() const {
133   return sampling_state_ != NOT_SAMPLING;
134 }
ShouldSample() const136 bool AnimatedContentSampler::ShouldSample() const {
137   return sampling_state_ == SHOULD_SAMPLE;
138 }
RecordSample(base::TimeTicks frame_timestamp)140 void AnimatedContentSampler::RecordSample(base::TimeTicks frame_timestamp) {
141   if (sampling_state_ == NOT_SAMPLING)
142     frame_timestamp_ = frame_timestamp;
143   else if (sampling_state_ == SHOULD_SAMPLE)
144     sampling_state_ = SHOULD_NOT_SAMPLE;
145 }
AddObservation(const gfx::Rect & damage_rect,base::TimeTicks event_time)147 void AnimatedContentSampler::AddObservation(const gfx::Rect& damage_rect,
148                                             base::TimeTicks event_time) {
149   if (damage_rect.IsEmpty())
150     return;  // Useless observation.
152   // Add the observation to the FIFO queue.
153   if (!observations_.empty() && observations_.back().event_time > event_time)
154     return;  // The implementation assumes chronological order.
155   observations_.push_back(Observation(damage_rect, event_time));
157   // Prune-out old observations.
158   while ((event_time - observations_.front().event_time) >
159          kMaxObservationWindow)
160     observations_.pop_front();
161 }
ElectMajorityDamageRect() const163 gfx::Rect AnimatedContentSampler::ElectMajorityDamageRect() const {
164   // This is an derivative of the Boyer-Moore Majority Vote Algorithm where each
165   // pixel in a candidate gets one vote, as opposed to each candidate getting
166   // one vote.
167   const gfx::Rect* candidate = NULL;
168   int64_t votes = 0;
169   for (ObservationFifo::const_iterator i = observations_.begin();
170        i != observations_.end(); ++i) {
171     DCHECK_GT(i->damage_rect.size().GetArea(), 0);
172     if (votes == 0) {
173       candidate = &(i->damage_rect);
174       votes = candidate->size().GetArea();
175     } else if (i->damage_rect == *candidate) {
176       votes += i->damage_rect.size().GetArea();
177     } else {
178       votes -= i->damage_rect.size().GetArea();
179       if (votes < 0) {
180         candidate = &(i->damage_rect);
181         votes = -votes;
182       }
183     }
184   }
185   return (votes > 0) ? *candidate : gfx::Rect();
186 }
AnalyzeObservations(base::TimeTicks event_time,gfx::Rect * rect,base::TimeDelta * period) const188 bool AnimatedContentSampler::AnalyzeObservations(
189     base::TimeTicks event_time,
190     gfx::Rect* rect,
191     base::TimeDelta* period) const {
192   const gfx::Rect elected_rect = ElectMajorityDamageRect();
193   if (elected_rect.IsEmpty())
194     return false;  // There is no regular animation present.
196   // Scan |observations_|, gathering metrics about the ones having a damage Rect
197   // equivalent to the |elected_rect|.  Along the way, break early whenever the
198   // event times reveal a non-animating period.
199   int64_t num_pixels_damaged_in_all = 0;
200   int64_t num_pixels_damaged_in_chosen = 0;
201   base::TimeDelta sum_frame_durations;
202   size_t count_frame_durations = 0;
203   base::TimeTicks first_event_time;
204   base::TimeTicks last_event_time;
205   for (ObservationFifo::const_reverse_iterator i = observations_.rbegin();
206        i != observations_.rend(); ++i) {
207     const int area = i->damage_rect.size().GetArea();
208     num_pixels_damaged_in_all += area;
209     if (i->damage_rect != elected_rect)
210       continue;
211     num_pixels_damaged_in_chosen += area;
212     if (last_event_time.is_null()) {
213       last_event_time = i->event_time;
214       if ((event_time - last_event_time) >= kNonAnimatingThreshold) {
215         return false;  // Content animation has recently ended.
216       }
217     } else {
218       const base::TimeDelta frame_duration = first_event_time - i->event_time;
219       if (frame_duration >= kNonAnimatingThreshold) {
220         break;  // Content not animating before this point.
221       }
222       sum_frame_durations += frame_duration;
223       ++count_frame_durations;
224     }
225     first_event_time = i->event_time;
226   }
228   if ((last_event_time - first_event_time) < kMinObservationWindow) {
229     return false;  // Content has not animated for long enough for accuracy.
230   }
231   if (num_pixels_damaged_in_chosen <= (num_pixels_damaged_in_all * 2 / 3))
232     return false;  // Animation is not damaging a supermajority of pixels.
234   *rect = elected_rect;
235   DCHECK_GT(count_frame_durations, 0u);
236   *period = sum_frame_durations / count_frame_durations;
237   return true;
238 }
ComputeNextFrameTimestamp(base::TimeTicks event_time) const240 base::TimeTicks AnimatedContentSampler::ComputeNextFrameTimestamp(
241     base::TimeTicks event_time) const {
242   // The ideal next frame timestamp one sampling period since the last one.
243   const base::TimeTicks ideal_timestamp = frame_timestamp_ + sampling_period_;
245   // Account for two main sources of drift: 1) The clock drift of the system
246   // clock relative to the video hardware, which affects the event times; and
247   // 2) The small error introduced by this frame timestamp rewriting, as it is
248   // based on averaging over recent events.
249   //
250   // TODO(miu): This is similar to the ClockSmoother in
251   // media/base/audio_shifter.cc.  Consider refactor-and-reuse here.
252   const base::TimeDelta drift = ideal_timestamp - event_time;
253   const int64_t correct_over_num_frames =
254       kDriftCorrection.IntDiv(sampling_period_);
255   DCHECK_GT(correct_over_num_frames, 0);
257   return ideal_timestamp - drift / correct_over_num_frames;
258 }
260 // static
ComputeSamplingPeriod(base::TimeDelta animation_period,base::TimeDelta target_sampling_period,base::TimeDelta min_capture_period)261 base::TimeDelta AnimatedContentSampler::ComputeSamplingPeriod(
262     base::TimeDelta animation_period,
263     base::TimeDelta target_sampling_period,
264     base::TimeDelta min_capture_period) {
265   // If the animation rate is unknown, return the ideal sampling period.
266   if (animation_period.is_zero()) {
267     return std::max(target_sampling_period, min_capture_period);
268   }
270   // Determine whether subsampling is needed.  If so, compute the sampling
271   // period corresponding to the sampling rate is the closest integer division
272   // of the animation frame rate to the target sampling rate.
273   //
274   // For example, consider a target sampling rate of 30 FPS and an animation
275   // rate of 42 FPS.  Possible sampling rates would be 42/1 = 42, 42/2 = 21,
276   // 42/3 = 14, and so on.  Of these candidates, 21 FPS is closest to 30.
277   base::TimeDelta sampling_period;
278   if (animation_period < target_sampling_period) {
279     const int64_t ratio = target_sampling_period.IntDiv(animation_period);
280     const double target_fps = 1.0 / target_sampling_period.InSecondsF();
281     const double animation_fps = 1.0 / animation_period.InSecondsF();
282     if (std::abs(animation_fps / ratio - target_fps) <
283         std::abs(animation_fps / (ratio + 1) - target_fps)) {
284       sampling_period = ratio * animation_period;
285     } else {
286       sampling_period = (ratio + 1) * animation_period;
287     }
288   } else {
289     sampling_period = animation_period;
290   }
291   return std::max(sampling_period, min_capture_period);
292 }
294 }  // namespace media