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.clang-formatH A D16-Feb-202122 41

README.mdH A D16-Feb-20211.3 KiB2115

egl.hH A D16-Feb-2021922 305

gl.hH A D16-Feb-202143.8 KiB744692

glext.hH A D16-Feb-202152.2 KiB966850

glext_angle.hH A D16-Feb-2021733 248

glext_explicit_context_autogen.incH A D16-Feb-202128 KiB259257

glplatform.hH A D16-Feb-20211.1 KiB3910


1#  ANGLE GLES 1.0 Headers
3The GLES 1.0 headers ANGLE uses are generated using the Khronos tools but modified to include function pointer types and function prototype guards.
5### Regenerating gl.h
71. Install **Python 3** (not 2) with the **lxml** addon. You can do this using `pip install lxml` from your Python's Scripts folder.
81. Clone [https://github.com/KhronosGroup/OpenGL-Registry.git](https://github.com/KhronosGroup/OpenGL-Registry.git).
91. Edit `OpenGL-Registry/xml/genheaders.py`:
11   1. Look for the section titled `# GLES 1.x API + mandatory extensions - GLES/gl.h (no function pointers)`
12   1. Change `prefixText        = prefixStrings + gles1PlatformStrings + genDateCommentString,` to `prefixText        = prefixStrings + gles1PlatformStrings + apiEntryPrefixStrings + genDateCommentString,`
13   1. Change `genFuncPointers   = False,` to `genFuncPointers   = True,`
14   1. Change `protectProto      = False,` to `protectProto      = 'nonzero',`
15   1. Change `protectProtoStr   = 'GL_GLEXT_PROTOTYPES',` to `protectProtoStr   = 'GL_GLES_PROTOTYPES',`
171. Set your working directory to `OpenGL-Registry/xml/`.
181. Run `python genheaders.py ../api/GLES/gl.h`
191. The generated header will now be in `OpenGL-Registry/api/GLES/gl.h`. You can copy the header over to this folder.
201. Also update `scripts/gl.xml` with the latest version from `OpenGL-Registry/xml/`.