1// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5module blink.mojom;
7import "cc/mojom/render_frame_metadata.mojom";
8import "cc/mojom/touch_action.mojom";
9import "mojo/public/mojom/base/string16.mojom";
10import "mojo/public/mojom/base/text_direction.mojom";
11import "mojo/public/mojom/base/time.mojom";
12import "services/viz/public/mojom/compositing/compositor_frame_sink.mojom";
13import "services/viz/public/mojom/compositing/local_surface_id.mojom";
14import "services/viz/public/mojom/hit_test/input_target_client.mojom";
15import "skia/public/mojom/bitmap.mojom";
16import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/intrinsic_sizing_info.mojom";
17import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/viewport_intersection_state.mojom";
18import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/input/input_handler.mojom";
19import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/input/touch_event.mojom";
20import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/page/drag.mojom";
21import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/page/record_content_to_visible_time_request.mojom";
22import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/widget/device_emulation_params.mojom";
23import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/widget/visual_properties.mojom";
24import "ui/base/mojom/ui_base_types.mojom";
25import "ui/base/ime/mojom/text_input_state.mojom";
26import "ui/base/cursor/mojom/cursor.mojom";
27import "ui/gfx/geometry/mojom/geometry.mojom";
30import "ui/base/mojom/attributed_string.mojom";
32// Implemented in Blink, this interface defines frame-widget-specific methods that
33// will be invoked from the browser process (e.g. blink::WebFrameWidget).
34interface FrameWidget {
35  // Drag-and-drop methods:
36  // |point_in_viewport| is the position of the drag event in the viewport
37  // coordinates.
38  // |screen_point| is the absolute position of the mouse pointer.
39  // |key_modifiers| the event/keyboard modifiers that are active during the
40  // operation. See WebInputEvent::Modifiers.
42  // Notifies the Widget of a drag enter operation. |drag_data| only
43  // contains a subset of the actual drag data the browser has and it
44  // used to only start the drag action. Once the item is dropped |drag_data|
45  // will be provided with the complete data. Once the renderer has
46  // completed processing the event the callback is called with the type of
47  // the current drag operation that is active and the browser will update
48  // the mouse cursor displayed to the user.
49  DragTargetDragEnter(DragData drag_data,
50                      gfx.mojom.PointF point_in_viewport,
51                      gfx.mojom.PointF screen_point,
52                      AllowedDragOperations operations_allowed,
53                      uint32 key_modifiers)
54      => (DragOperation operation);
56  // Notifies the Widget of a drag over operation. Once the renderer has
57  // completed processing the event the callback is called with the type of
58  // the current drag operation that is active and the browser will update
59  // the mouse cursor displayed to the user.
60  DragTargetDragOver(gfx.mojom.PointF point_in_viewport,
61                     gfx.mojom.PointF screen_point,
62                     AllowedDragOperations operations_allowed,
63                     uint32 key_modifiers)
64      => (DragOperation operation);
66  // Notifies the Widget of a drag leave operation.
67  DragTargetDragLeave(gfx.mojom.PointF point_in_viewport,
68                      gfx.mojom.PointF screen_point);
70  // Notifies the Widget of a drag drop operation.
71  DragTargetDrop(DragData drag_data,
72                 gfx.mojom.PointF point_in_viewport,
73                 gfx.mojom.PointF screen_point,
74                 uint32 key_modifiers);
76  // Notifies the Widget that a drag has terminated.
77  DragSourceEndedAt(gfx.mojom.PointF point_in_viewport,
78                    gfx.mojom.PointF screen_point,
79                    DragOperation drag_operation);
81  // Notifies the Widget that the system drag and drop operation has ended.
82  DragSourceSystemDragEnded();
84  // Makes the Widget background transparent or opaque.
85  SetBackgroundOpaque(bool opaque);
87  // Changes the text direction of the currently selected input field (if any).
88  SetTextDirection(mojo_base.mojom.TextDirection direction);
90  // Activate/deactivate the Widget.
91  // Focused window is the window that receives keyboard input.
92  // The focused window is always or is always contained by the Active window.
93  // Active window is the one that contains the focused element.
94  // https://www.chromium.org/developers/design-documents/aura/focus-and-activation
95  SetActive(bool active);
97  // Only valid for sub frame local roots.
98  //
99  // Sets the inherited effective touch action on an out-of-process iframe.
100  SetInheritedEffectiveTouchActionForSubFrame(cc.mojom.TouchAction touch_action);
102  // Toggles render throttling for an out-of-process iframe.
103  UpdateRenderThrottlingStatusForSubFrame(bool is_throttled, bool subtree_throttled);
105  // When the browser receives a call to RenderFrameProxyHost::SetIsInert
106  // from the parent widget's embedding renderer changing its inertness,
107  // it sets the same inertness value to the renderer of the child subframe.
108  // When a widget is inert, it is unable to process input events.
109  // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/interaction.html#inert
110  SetIsInertForSubFrame(bool inert);
112  // Requests the word under the given point relative to the origin of the
113  // widget and its baseline point.
114  [EnableIf=is_mac]
115  GetStringAtPoint(gfx.mojom.Point point_in_local_root)
116      => (ui.mojom.AttributedString? string, gfx.mojom.Point baseline_point);
118  // Sent to inform the renderer to invoke a context menu.
119  // The parameter specifies the location in the render widget's coordinates.
120  ShowContextMenu(
121      ui.mojom.MenuSourceType source_type, gfx.mojom.Point location);
123  // Enables device emulator.
124  EnableDeviceEmulation(DeviceEmulationParams parameters);
126  // Disables device emulator.
127  DisableDeviceEmulation();
129  // Binds an WidgetCompositor interface.
130  BindWidgetCompositor(pending_receiver<WidgetCompositor> host);
132  // Binds an InputTargetClient interface.
133  BindInputTargetClient(pending_receiver<viz.mojom.InputTargetClient> host);
135  // Sent by a parent frame to notify its child about the state of the child's
136  // intersection with the parent's viewport, primarily for use by the
137  // IntersectionObserver API. Also see 'UpdateViewportIntersection' in
138  // third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/viewport_intersection_state.mojom
139  SetViewportIntersection(ViewportIntersectionState intersection_state);
142// Implemented in Browser, this interface defines frame-widget-specific methods that
143// will be invoked from the render process (e.g. content::RenderWidgetHostImpl).
144interface FrameWidgetHost {
145  // Sent by a widget to the browser to request a page scale animation in the
146  // main-frame's widget.
147  AnimateDoubleTapZoomInMainFrame(
148                    gfx.mojom.Point tap_point,
149                    gfx.mojom.Rect rect_to_zoom);
151  // Sent by a widget to the browser to request a page scale animation in the
152  // main-frame's widget for find-in-page zoom.
153  ZoomToFindInPageRectInMainFrame(gfx.mojom.Rect rect_to_zoom);
155  // Notifies what type of touch event consumers, if any, exist in the renderer,
156  // e.g. JavaScript touch event handlers or hit testable scrollbars.
157  SetHasTouchEventConsumers(TouchEventConsumers touch_event_consumers);
159  // Sent by a widget to the browser to be used for SVGs inside of <object> and
160  // not for iframes. Informs the browser that the current frame's intrinsic
161  // sizing info has changed. The browser can then notify a containing frame
162  // that the frame may need to trigger a new layout.
163  //
164  // Also see blink::mojom::RemoteFrame::IntrinsicSizingInfoOfChildChanged.
165  IntrinsicSizingInfoChanged(IntrinsicSizingInfo sizing_info);
167  // Requests a non-decelerating synthetic fling animation to be latched on the
168  // scroller at the start point, and whose velocity can be changed over time by
169  // sending multiple AutoscrollFling gestures. Used for features like
170  // middle-click autoscroll.
171  //
172  // Sent by a widget to the browser to notify the start point for the
173  // autoscroll.
174  AutoscrollStart(gfx.mojom.PointF position);
176  // Sent by a widget to the browser to notify the velocity for the autoscroll
177  // fling animation.
178  AutoscrollFling(gfx.mojom.Vector2dF velocity);
180  // Sent by a widget to the browser to notify the end of the autoscroll.
181  AutoscrollEnd();
183  // Sent once a paint happens after the first non empty layout. In other words,
184  // after the frame widget has painted something.
185  DidFirstVisuallyNonEmptyPaint();
187  // Used to tell the browser the user started dragging in the content area.
188  // |drag_data| contains contextual information about the pieces of the page
189  // the user dragged. The browser uses this notification to initiate a drag
190  // session at the OS level.
191  StartDragging(DragData drag_data,
192                AllowedDragOperations operations_allowed,
193                skia.mojom.Bitmap? image,
194                gfx.mojom.Vector2d bitmap_offset_in_dip,
195                DragEventSourceInfo event_info);
198// Implemented in Blink, this interface defines widget-specific methods that
199// will be invoked from the browser process (e.g. blink::WebWidget).
200interface Widget {
201  // Sent by the browser to ask the renderer to redraw. Robust to events that
202  // can happen in renderer (abortion of the commit or draw, loss of output
203  // surface etc.).
204  ForceRedraw() => ();
206  // Setup the input channel for this widget. If the widget is a frame,
207  // then it can also obtain a FrameWidgetInputHandler from the
208  // WidgetInputHandler interface.
209  GetWidgetInputHandler(
210    pending_receiver<blink.mojom.WidgetInputHandler> request,
211    pending_remote<blink.mojom.WidgetInputHandlerHost> host);
213  // Update the visual properties of the widget.
214  UpdateVisualProperties(VisualProperties visual_properties);
216  // Informs the widget of its position on the user's screen, as well as
217  // the position of the native window holding the widget.
218  // TODO(danakj): These should be part of UpdateVisualProperties.
219  UpdateScreenRects(gfx.mojom.Rect widget_screen_rect,
220                    gfx.mojom.Rect window_screen_rect) => ();
223  // Informs the widget that it was hidden. This allows it to reduce its
224  // resource utilization.
225  WasHidden();
227  // Tells the render view that it is no longer hidden (see WasHidden).
228  WasShown(mojo_base.mojom.TimeTicks show_request_timestamp,
229           bool was_evicted,
230           RecordContentToVisibleTimeRequest? record_tab_switch_time_request);
233// Implemented in Browser, this interface defines widget-specific methods that
234// will be invoked from the render process (e.g. content::RenderWidgetHostImpl).
235interface WidgetHost {
236  // Updates the current cursor to be used by the browser for indicating the
237  // location of a pointing device.
238  SetCursor(ui.mojom.Cursor cursor);
240  // Sent by a widget to the browser to set the tooltip text for the current
241  // mouse position. An empty |tooltip_text| will hide the tooltip view.
242  SetToolTipText(mojo_base.mojom.String16 tooltip_text,
243                 mojo_base.mojom.TextDirection text_direction_hint);
245  // Sent when the text input state is changed. This usually happens when
246  // a text input entry is focused.
247  TextInputStateChanged(ui.mojom.TextInputState state);
249  // Sent when the current selection bounds are changed.
250  SelectionBoundsChanged(gfx.mojom.Rect anchor_rect,
251             mojo_base.mojom.TextDirection anchor_dir,
252             gfx.mojom.Rect focus_rect,
253             mojo_base.mojom.TextDirection focus_dir,
254             bool is_anchor_first);
256  // Create a CompositorFrameSink that is associated with this widget.
257  // The renderer compositor will use the returned sink to submit
258  // CompositorFrames for this widget.
259  CreateFrameSink(
260      pending_receiver<viz.mojom.CompositorFrameSink>
261          compositor_frame_sink_receiver,
262      pending_remote<viz.mojom.CompositorFrameSinkClient>
263          compositor_frame_sink_client);
265  // Register compositor RenderFrameMetadataObserver and client.
266  // This call will be made in conjunction with calling CreateFrameSink.
267  // The renderer compositor will invoke the RenderFrameMetadataObserver
268  // apis when it produces a frame that changes the metadata.
269  RegisterRenderFrameMetadataObserver(
270      pending_receiver<cc.mojom.RenderFrameMetadataObserverClient>
271        render_frame_metadata_observer_client_receiver,
272      pending_remote<cc.mojom.RenderFrameMetadataObserver>
273        render_frame_metadata_observer);
276// This interface is bound on the compositor thread.
277interface WidgetCompositor {
278  // Requests that the RenderWidget sends back a response after the next main
279  // frame is generated and presented in the display compositor.
280  VisualStateRequest() => ();
283// Implemented in Browser, this interface defines popup-widget-specific methods
284// that will be invoked from the render process (e.g. RenderWidgetHostImpl).
285// Popup widgets in the renderer are owned by the PopupWidgetHost in the browser
286// process, so the PopupWidgetHost channel disconnecting indicates that the
287// widget in the renderer should be destroyed.
288interface PopupWidgetHost {
289  // Request that this popup be dismissed.
290  RequestClosePopup();
292  // Request the popup be shown.
293  ShowPopup(gfx.mojom.Rect initial_rect) => ();
295  // Request that the browser change the bounds of the widget.
296  SetPopupBounds(gfx.mojom.Rect bounds) => ();