1 // Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/editing/bidi_adjustment.h"
7 #include <unicode/ubidi.h>
9 #include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/editing/inline_box_position.h"
10 #include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/editing/ng_flat_tree_shorthands.h"
11 #include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/editing/selection_template.h"
12 #include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/editing/visible_position.h"
13 #include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/api/line_layout_block_flow.h"
14 #include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/line/inline_box.h"
15 #include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/line/root_inline_box.h"
16 #include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/inline/ng_caret_position.h"
17 #include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/text_direction.h"
19 namespace blink {
21 namespace {
23 // |AbstractInlineBox| provides abstraction of leaf nodes (text and atomic
24 // inlines) in both legacy and NG inline layout, so that the same bidi
25 // adjustment algorithm can be applied on both types of inline layout.
26 class AbstractInlineBox {
29  public:
AbstractInlineBox()30   AbstractInlineBox() : type_(InstanceType::kNull) {}
AbstractInlineBox(const InlineBox & box)32   explicit AbstractInlineBox(const InlineBox& box)
33       : type_(InstanceType::kOldLayout), inline_box_(&box) {}
AbstractInlineBox(const NGInlineCursor & cursor)34   explicit AbstractInlineBox(const NGInlineCursor& cursor)
35       : type_(InstanceType::kNG),
36         line_cursor_(CreateLineRootedCursor(cursor)) {}
IsNotNull() const38   bool IsNotNull() const { return type_ != InstanceType::kNull; }
IsNull() const39   bool IsNull() const { return !IsNotNull(); }
IsOldLayout() const40   bool IsOldLayout() const { return type_ == InstanceType::kOldLayout; }
IsNG() const41   bool IsNG() const { return type_ == InstanceType::kNG; }
operator ==(const AbstractInlineBox & other) const43   bool operator==(const AbstractInlineBox& other) const {
44     if (type_ != other.type_)
45       return false;
46     switch (type_) {
47       case InstanceType::kNull:
48         return true;
49       case InstanceType::kOldLayout:
50         return inline_box_ == other.inline_box_;
51       case InstanceType::kNG:
52         return line_cursor_ == other.line_cursor_;
53     }
54     NOTREACHED();
55     return false;
56   }
58   // Returns containing block rooted cursor instead of line rooted cursor for
59   // ease of handling, e.g. equiality check, move to next/previous line, etc.
GetCursor() const60   NGInlineCursor GetCursor() const {
61     NGInlineCursor cursor;
62     cursor.MoveTo(line_cursor_);
63     return cursor;
64   }
GetInlineBox() const66   const InlineBox& GetInlineBox() const {
67     DCHECK(IsOldLayout());
68     DCHECK(inline_box_);
69     return *inline_box_;
70   }
BidiLevel() const72   UBiDiLevel BidiLevel() const {
73     DCHECK(IsNotNull());
74     return IsOldLayout() ? GetInlineBox().BidiLevel()
75                          : line_cursor_.Current().BidiLevel();
76   }
Direction() const78   TextDirection Direction() const {
79     DCHECK(IsNotNull());
80     return IsOldLayout() ? GetInlineBox().Direction()
81                          : line_cursor_.Current().ResolvedDirection();
82   }
PrevLeafChild() const84   AbstractInlineBox PrevLeafChild() const {
85     DCHECK(IsNotNull());
86     if (IsOldLayout()) {
87       const InlineBox* result = GetInlineBox().PrevLeafChild();
88       return result ? AbstractInlineBox(*result) : AbstractInlineBox();
89     }
90     NGInlineCursor cursor(line_cursor_);
91     cursor.MoveToPreviousInlineLeaf();
92     return cursor ? AbstractInlineBox(cursor) : AbstractInlineBox();
93   }
PrevLeafChildIgnoringLineBreak() const95   AbstractInlineBox PrevLeafChildIgnoringLineBreak() const {
96     DCHECK(IsNotNull());
97     if (IsOldLayout()) {
98       const InlineBox* result = GetInlineBox().PrevLeafChildIgnoringLineBreak();
99       return result ? AbstractInlineBox(*result) : AbstractInlineBox();
100     }
101     NGInlineCursor cursor(line_cursor_);
102     cursor.MoveToPreviousInlineLeafIgnoringLineBreak();
103     return cursor ? AbstractInlineBox(cursor) : AbstractInlineBox();
104   }
NextLeafChild() const106   AbstractInlineBox NextLeafChild() const {
107     DCHECK(IsNotNull());
108     if (IsOldLayout()) {
109       const InlineBox* result = GetInlineBox().NextLeafChild();
110       return result ? AbstractInlineBox(*result) : AbstractInlineBox();
111     }
112     NGInlineCursor cursor(line_cursor_);
113     cursor.MoveToNextInlineLeaf();
114     return cursor ? AbstractInlineBox(cursor) : AbstractInlineBox();
115   }
NextLeafChildIgnoringLineBreak() const117   AbstractInlineBox NextLeafChildIgnoringLineBreak() const {
118     DCHECK(IsNotNull());
119     if (IsOldLayout()) {
120       const InlineBox* result = GetInlineBox().NextLeafChildIgnoringLineBreak();
121       return result ? AbstractInlineBox(*result) : AbstractInlineBox();
122     }
123     NGInlineCursor cursor(line_cursor_);
124     cursor.MoveToNextInlineLeafIgnoringLineBreak();
125     return cursor ? AbstractInlineBox(cursor) : AbstractInlineBox();
126   }
ParagraphDirection() const128   TextDirection ParagraphDirection() const {
129     DCHECK(IsNotNull());
130     if (IsOldLayout())
131       return ParagraphDirectionOf(GetInlineBox());
132     return GetLineBox(line_cursor_).Current().BaseDirection();
133   }
135  private:
CreateLineRootedCursor(const NGInlineCursor & cursor)136   static NGInlineCursor CreateLineRootedCursor(const NGInlineCursor& cursor) {
137     NGInlineCursor line_cursor = GetLineBox(cursor).CursorForDescendants();
138     line_cursor.MoveTo(cursor);
139     return line_cursor;
140   }
142   // Returns containing line box of |cursor| even if |cursor| is scoped inside
143   // line.
GetLineBox(const NGInlineCursor & cursor)144   static NGInlineCursor GetLineBox(const NGInlineCursor& cursor) {
145     NGInlineCursor line_box;
146     line_box.MoveTo(cursor);
147     line_box.MoveToContainingLine();
148     return line_box;
149   }
151   enum class InstanceType { kNull, kOldLayout, kNG };
152   InstanceType type_;
154   // Only one of |inline_box_| or |line_cursor_| is used, but we cannot make
155   // them union because of non-trivial destructor.
156   const InlineBox* inline_box_;
158   // Because of |MoveToContainingLine()| isn't cheap and we avoid to call each
159   // |MoveTo{Next,Previous}InlineLeaf()|, we hold containing line rooted cursor
160   // instead of containing block rooted cursor.
161   NGInlineCursor line_cursor_;
162 };
164 // |SideAffinity| represents the left or right side of a leaf inline
165 // box/fragment. For example, with text box/fragment "abc", "|abc" is the left
166 // side, and "abc|" is the right side.
167 enum SideAffinity { kLeft, kRight };
169 // Returns whether |box_position| is at the left or right side of its InlineBox.
GetSideAffinity(const InlineBoxPosition & box_position)170 SideAffinity GetSideAffinity(const InlineBoxPosition& box_position) {
171   DCHECK(box_position.inline_box);
172   const InlineBox* box = box_position.inline_box;
173   const int offset = box_position.offset_in_box;
174   DCHECK(offset == box->CaretLeftmostOffset() ||
175          offset == box->CaretRightmostOffset());
176   return offset == box->CaretLeftmostOffset() ? SideAffinity::kLeft
177                                               : SideAffinity::kRight;
178 }
180 // Returns whether |caret_position| is at the start of its fragment.
IsAtFragmentStart(const NGCaretPosition & caret_position)181 bool IsAtFragmentStart(const NGCaretPosition& caret_position) {
182   switch (caret_position.position_type) {
183     case NGCaretPositionType::kBeforeBox:
184       return true;
185     case NGCaretPositionType::kAfterBox:
186       return false;
187     case NGCaretPositionType::kAtTextOffset:
188       DCHECK(caret_position.text_offset.has_value());
189       return *caret_position.text_offset ==
190              caret_position.cursor.Current().TextStartOffset();
191   }
193   return false;
194 }
196 // Returns whether |caret_position| is at the end of its fragment.
IsAtFragmentEnd(const NGCaretPosition & caret_position)197 bool IsAtFragmentEnd(const NGCaretPosition& caret_position) {
198   switch (caret_position.position_type) {
199     case NGCaretPositionType::kBeforeBox:
200       return false;
201     case NGCaretPositionType::kAfterBox:
202       return true;
203     case NGCaretPositionType::kAtTextOffset:
204       DCHECK(caret_position.text_offset.has_value());
205       return *caret_position.text_offset ==
206              caret_position.cursor.Current().TextEndOffset();
207   }
209   return false;
210 }
212 // Returns whether |caret_position| is at the left or right side of fragment.
GetSideAffinity(const NGCaretPosition & caret_position)213 SideAffinity GetSideAffinity(const NGCaretPosition& caret_position) {
214   DCHECK(!caret_position.IsNull());
215   DCHECK(IsAtFragmentStart(caret_position) || IsAtFragmentEnd(caret_position));
216   const bool is_at_start = IsAtFragmentStart(caret_position);
217   const bool is_at_left_side =
218       is_at_start == IsLtr(caret_position.cursor.Current().ResolvedDirection());
219   return is_at_left_side ? SideAffinity::kLeft : SideAffinity::kRight;
220 }
222 // An abstraction of a caret position that is at the left or right side of a
223 // leaf inline box/fragment. The abstraction allows the object to be used in
224 // bidi adjustment algorithm for both legacy and NG.
225 class AbstractInlineBoxAndSideAffinity {
228  public:
AbstractInlineBoxAndSideAffinity(const AbstractInlineBox & box,SideAffinity side)229   AbstractInlineBoxAndSideAffinity(const AbstractInlineBox& box,
230                                    SideAffinity side)
231       : box_(box), side_(side) {
232     DCHECK(box_.IsNotNull());
233   }
AbstractInlineBoxAndSideAffinity(const InlineBoxPosition & box_position)235   explicit AbstractInlineBoxAndSideAffinity(
236       const InlineBoxPosition& box_position)
237       : box_(*box_position.inline_box), side_(GetSideAffinity(box_position)) {
238     DCHECK(box_position.inline_box);
239   }
AbstractInlineBoxAndSideAffinity(const NGCaretPosition & caret_position)241   explicit AbstractInlineBoxAndSideAffinity(
242       const NGCaretPosition& caret_position)
243       : box_(caret_position.cursor), side_(GetSideAffinity(caret_position)) {
244     DCHECK(!caret_position.IsNull());
245   }
ToInlineBoxPosition() const247   InlineBoxPosition ToInlineBoxPosition() const {
248     DCHECK(box_.IsOldLayout());
249     const InlineBox& inline_box = box_.GetInlineBox();
250     return InlineBoxPosition(&inline_box,
251                              side_ == SideAffinity::kLeft
252                                  ? inline_box.CaretLeftmostOffset()
253                                  : inline_box.CaretRightmostOffset());
254   }
ToNGCaretPosition() const256   NGCaretPosition ToNGCaretPosition() const {
257     DCHECK(box_.IsNG());
258     const bool is_at_start = IsLtr(box_.Direction()) == AtLeftSide();
259     NGInlineCursor cursor(box_.GetCursor());
261     if (!cursor.Current().IsText()) {
262       return {cursor,
263               is_at_start ? NGCaretPositionType::kBeforeBox
264                           : NGCaretPositionType::kAfterBox,
265               base::nullopt};
266     }
268     return {cursor, NGCaretPositionType::kAtTextOffset,
269             is_at_start ? cursor.Current().TextStartOffset()
270                         : cursor.Current().TextEndOffset()};
271   }
GetPosition() const273   PositionInFlatTree GetPosition() const {
274     DCHECK(box_.IsNotNull());
275     if (box_.IsNG())
276       return ToPositionInFlatTree(ToNGCaretPosition().ToPositionInDOMTree());
278     const InlineBoxPosition inline_box_position = ToInlineBoxPosition();
279     const LineLayoutItem item =
280         inline_box_position.inline_box->GetLineLayoutItem();
281     const int text_start_offset =
282         item.IsText() ? LineLayoutText(item).TextStartOffset() : 0;
283     const int offset_in_node =
284         text_start_offset + inline_box_position.offset_in_box;
285     return PositionInFlatTree::EditingPositionOf(item.GetNode(),
286                                                  offset_in_node);
287   }
GetBox() const289   AbstractInlineBox GetBox() const { return box_; }
AtLeftSide() const290   bool AtLeftSide() const { return side_ == SideAffinity::kLeft; }
AtRightSide() const291   bool AtRightSide() const { return side_ == SideAffinity::kRight; }
293  private:
294   AbstractInlineBox box_;
295   SideAffinity side_;
296 };
298 struct TraverseRight;
300 // "Left" traversal strategy
301 struct TraverseLeft {
302   STATIC_ONLY(TraverseLeft);
304   using Backwards = TraverseRight;
Forwardblink::__anon08fd34980111::TraverseLeft306   static AbstractInlineBox Forward(const AbstractInlineBox& box) {
307     return box.PrevLeafChild();
308   }
ForwardIgnoringLineBreakblink::__anon08fd34980111::TraverseLeft310   static AbstractInlineBox ForwardIgnoringLineBreak(
311       const AbstractInlineBox& box) {
312     return box.PrevLeafChildIgnoringLineBreak();
313   }
315   static AbstractInlineBox Backward(const AbstractInlineBox& box);
316   static AbstractInlineBox BackwardIgnoringLineBreak(
317       const AbstractInlineBox& box);
ForwardSideAffinityblink::__anon08fd34980111::TraverseLeft319   static SideAffinity ForwardSideAffinity() { return SideAffinity::kLeft; }
320 };
322 // "Left" traversal strategy
323 struct TraverseRight {
324   STATIC_ONLY(TraverseRight);
326   using Backwards = TraverseLeft;
Forwardblink::__anon08fd34980111::TraverseRight328   static AbstractInlineBox Forward(const AbstractInlineBox& box) {
329     return box.NextLeafChild();
330   }
ForwardIgnoringLineBreakblink::__anon08fd34980111::TraverseRight332   static AbstractInlineBox ForwardIgnoringLineBreak(
333       const AbstractInlineBox& box) {
334     return box.NextLeafChildIgnoringLineBreak();
335   }
Backwardblink::__anon08fd34980111::TraverseRight337   static AbstractInlineBox Backward(const AbstractInlineBox& box) {
338     return Backwards::Forward(box);
339   }
BackwardIgnoringLineBreakblink::__anon08fd34980111::TraverseRight341   static AbstractInlineBox BackwardIgnoringLineBreak(
342       const AbstractInlineBox& box) {
343     return Backwards::ForwardIgnoringLineBreak(box);
344   }
ForwardSideAffinityblink::__anon08fd34980111::TraverseRight346   static SideAffinity ForwardSideAffinity() { return SideAffinity::kRight; }
347 };
349 // static
Backward(const AbstractInlineBox & box)350 AbstractInlineBox TraverseLeft::Backward(const AbstractInlineBox& box) {
351   return Backwards::Forward(box);
352 }
354 // static
BackwardIgnoringLineBreak(const AbstractInlineBox & box)355 AbstractInlineBox TraverseLeft::BackwardIgnoringLineBreak(
356     const AbstractInlineBox& box) {
357   return Backwards::ForwardIgnoringLineBreak(box);
358 }
360 template <typename TraversalStrategy>
361 using Backwards = typename TraversalStrategy::Backwards;
363 template <typename TraversalStrategy>
AbstractInlineBoxAndForwardSideAffinity(const AbstractInlineBox & box)364 AbstractInlineBoxAndSideAffinity AbstractInlineBoxAndForwardSideAffinity(
365     const AbstractInlineBox& box) {
366   return AbstractInlineBoxAndSideAffinity(
367       box, TraversalStrategy::ForwardSideAffinity());
368 }
370 template <typename TraversalStrategy>
AbstractInlineBoxAndBackwardSideAffinity(const AbstractInlineBox & box)371 AbstractInlineBoxAndSideAffinity AbstractInlineBoxAndBackwardSideAffinity(
372     const AbstractInlineBox& box) {
373   return AbstractInlineBoxAndForwardSideAffinity<Backwards<TraversalStrategy>>(
374       box);
375 }
377 // Template algorithms for traversing in bidi runs
379 // Traverses from |start|, and returns the first box with bidi level less than
380 // or equal to |bidi_level| (excluding |start| itself). Returns a null box when
381 // such a box doesn't exist.
382 template <typename TraversalStrategy>
FindBidiRun(const AbstractInlineBox & start,unsigned bidi_level)383 AbstractInlineBox FindBidiRun(const AbstractInlineBox& start,
384                               unsigned bidi_level) {
385   DCHECK(start.IsNotNull());
386   for (AbstractInlineBox runner = TraversalStrategy::Forward(start);
387        runner.IsNotNull(); runner = TraversalStrategy::Forward(runner)) {
388     if (runner.BidiLevel() <= bidi_level)
389       return runner;
390   }
391   return AbstractInlineBox();
392 }
394 // Traverses from |start|, and returns the last non-linebreak box with bidi
395 // level greater than |bidi_level| (including |start| itself).
396 template <typename TraversalStrategy>
FindBoundaryOfBidiRunIgnoringLineBreak(const AbstractInlineBox & start,unsigned bidi_level)397 AbstractInlineBox FindBoundaryOfBidiRunIgnoringLineBreak(
398     const AbstractInlineBox& start,
399     unsigned bidi_level) {
400   DCHECK(start.IsNotNull());
401   AbstractInlineBox last_runner = start;
402   for (AbstractInlineBox runner =
403            TraversalStrategy::ForwardIgnoringLineBreak(start);
404        runner.IsNotNull();
405        runner = TraversalStrategy::ForwardIgnoringLineBreak(runner)) {
406     if (runner.BidiLevel() <= bidi_level)
407       return last_runner;
408     last_runner = runner;
409   }
410   return last_runner;
411 }
413 // Traverses from |start|, and returns the last box with bidi level greater than
414 // or equal to |bidi_level| (including |start| itself). Line break boxes may or
415 // may not be ignored, depending of the passed |forward| function.
FindBoundaryOfEntireBidiRunInternal(const AbstractInlineBox & start,unsigned bidi_level,AbstractInlineBox (* forward)(const AbstractInlineBox &))416 AbstractInlineBox FindBoundaryOfEntireBidiRunInternal(
417     const AbstractInlineBox& start,
418     unsigned bidi_level,
419     AbstractInlineBox (*forward)(const AbstractInlineBox&)) {
420   DCHECK(start.IsNotNull());
421   AbstractInlineBox last_runner = start;
422   for (AbstractInlineBox runner = forward(start); runner.IsNotNull();
423        runner = forward(runner)) {
424     if (runner.BidiLevel() < bidi_level)
425       return last_runner;
426     last_runner = runner;
427   }
428   return last_runner;
429 }
431 // Variant of |FindBoundaryOfEntireBidiRun| preserving line break boxes.
432 template <typename TraversalStrategy>
FindBoundaryOfEntireBidiRun(const AbstractInlineBox & start,unsigned bidi_level)433 AbstractInlineBox FindBoundaryOfEntireBidiRun(const AbstractInlineBox& start,
434                                               unsigned bidi_level) {
435   return FindBoundaryOfEntireBidiRunInternal(start, bidi_level,
436                                              TraversalStrategy::Forward);
437 }
439 // Variant of |FindBoundaryOfEntireBidiRun| ignoring line break boxes.
440 template <typename TraversalStrategy>
FindBoundaryOfEntireBidiRunIgnoringLineBreak(const AbstractInlineBox & start,unsigned bidi_level)441 AbstractInlineBox FindBoundaryOfEntireBidiRunIgnoringLineBreak(
442     const AbstractInlineBox& start,
443     unsigned bidi_level) {
444   return FindBoundaryOfEntireBidiRunInternal(
445       start, bidi_level, TraversalStrategy::ForwardIgnoringLineBreak);
446 }
448 // Adjustment algorithm at the end of caret position resolution.
449 template <typename TraversalStrategy>
450 class CaretPositionResolutionAdjuster {
451   STATIC_ONLY(CaretPositionResolutionAdjuster);
453  public:
UnadjustedCaretPosition(const AbstractInlineBox & box)454   static AbstractInlineBoxAndSideAffinity UnadjustedCaretPosition(
455       const AbstractInlineBox& box) {
456     return AbstractInlineBoxAndBackwardSideAffinity<TraversalStrategy>(box);
457   }
459   // Returns true if |box| starts different direction of embedded text run.
460   // See [1] for details.
461   // [1] UNICODE BIDIRECTIONAL ALGORITHM, http://unicode.org/reports/tr9/
462   static bool IsStartOfDifferentDirection(const AbstractInlineBox&);
AdjustForPrimaryDirectionAlgorithm(const AbstractInlineBox & box)464   static AbstractInlineBoxAndSideAffinity AdjustForPrimaryDirectionAlgorithm(
465       const AbstractInlineBox& box) {
466     if (IsStartOfDifferentDirection(box))
467       return UnadjustedCaretPosition(box);
469     const unsigned level = TraversalStrategy::Backward(box).BidiLevel();
470     const AbstractInlineBox forward_box =
471         FindBidiRun<TraversalStrategy>(box, level);
473     // For example, abc FED 123 ^ CBA when adjusting right side of 123
474     if (forward_box.IsNotNull() && forward_box.BidiLevel() == level)
475       return UnadjustedCaretPosition(box);
477     // For example, abc 123 ^ CBA when adjusting right side of 123
478     const AbstractInlineBox result_box =
479         FindBoundaryOfEntireBidiRun<Backwards<TraversalStrategy>>(box, level);
480     return AbstractInlineBoxAndBackwardSideAffinity<TraversalStrategy>(
481         result_box);
482   }
AdjustFor(const AbstractInlineBox & box)484   static AbstractInlineBoxAndSideAffinity AdjustFor(
485       const AbstractInlineBox& box) {
486     DCHECK(box.IsNotNull());
488     const TextDirection primary_direction = box.ParagraphDirection();
489     if (box.Direction() == primary_direction)
490       return AdjustForPrimaryDirectionAlgorithm(box);
492     const unsigned char level = box.BidiLevel();
493     const AbstractInlineBox backward_box =
494         TraversalStrategy::BackwardIgnoringLineBreak(box);
495     if (backward_box.IsNull() || backward_box.BidiLevel() < level) {
496       // Backward side of a secondary run. Set to the forward side of the entire
497       // run.
498       const AbstractInlineBox result_box =
499           FindBoundaryOfEntireBidiRunIgnoringLineBreak<TraversalStrategy>(
500               box, level);
501       return AbstractInlineBoxAndForwardSideAffinity<TraversalStrategy>(
502           result_box);
503     }
505     if (backward_box.BidiLevel() <= level)
506       return UnadjustedCaretPosition(box);
508     // Forward side of a "tertiary" run. Set to the backward side of that run.
509     const AbstractInlineBox result_box =
510         FindBoundaryOfBidiRunIgnoringLineBreak<Backwards<TraversalStrategy>>(
511             box, level);
512     return AbstractInlineBoxAndBackwardSideAffinity<TraversalStrategy>(
513         result_box);
514   }
515 };
517 // TODO(editing-dev): Try to unify the algorithms for both directions.
518 template <>
IsStartOfDifferentDirection(const AbstractInlineBox & box)519 bool CaretPositionResolutionAdjuster<TraverseLeft>::IsStartOfDifferentDirection(
520     const AbstractInlineBox& box) {
521   DCHECK(box.IsNotNull());
522   const AbstractInlineBox backward_box = TraverseRight::Forward(box);
523   if (backward_box.IsNull())
524     return true;
525   return backward_box.BidiLevel() >= box.BidiLevel();
526 }
528 template <>
529 bool CaretPositionResolutionAdjuster<
IsStartOfDifferentDirection(const AbstractInlineBox & box)530     TraverseRight>::IsStartOfDifferentDirection(const AbstractInlineBox& box) {
531   DCHECK(box.IsNotNull());
532   const AbstractInlineBox backward_box = TraverseLeft::Forward(box);
533   if (backward_box.IsNull())
534     return true;
535   if (backward_box.Direction() == box.Direction())
536     return true;
537   return backward_box.BidiLevel() > box.BidiLevel();
538 }
540 // Adjustment algorithm at the end of hit tests.
541 template <typename TraversalStrategy>
542 class HitTestAdjuster {
543   STATIC_ONLY(HitTestAdjuster);
545  public:
UnadjustedHitTestPosition(const AbstractInlineBox & box)546   static AbstractInlineBoxAndSideAffinity UnadjustedHitTestPosition(
547       const AbstractInlineBox& box) {
548     return AbstractInlineBoxAndBackwardSideAffinity<TraversalStrategy>(box);
549   }
AdjustFor(const AbstractInlineBox & box)551   static AbstractInlineBoxAndSideAffinity AdjustFor(
552       const AbstractInlineBox& box) {
553     // TODO(editing-dev): Fix handling of left on 12CBA
554     if (box.Direction() == box.ParagraphDirection())
555       return UnadjustedHitTestPosition(box);
557     const UBiDiLevel level = box.BidiLevel();
559     const AbstractInlineBox backward_box =
560         TraversalStrategy::BackwardIgnoringLineBreak(box);
561     if (backward_box.IsNotNull() && backward_box.BidiLevel() == level)
562       return UnadjustedHitTestPosition(box);
564     if (backward_box.IsNotNull() && backward_box.BidiLevel() > level) {
565       // e.g. left of B in aDC12BAb when adjusting left side
566       const AbstractInlineBox backward_most_box =
567           FindBoundaryOfBidiRunIgnoringLineBreak<Backwards<TraversalStrategy>>(
568               backward_box, level);
569       return AbstractInlineBoxAndForwardSideAffinity<TraversalStrategy>(
570           backward_most_box);
571     }
573     // backward_box.IsNull() || backward_box.BidiLevel() < level
574     // e.g. left of D in aDC12BAb when adjusting left side
575     const AbstractInlineBox forward_most_box =
576         FindBoundaryOfEntireBidiRunIgnoringLineBreak<TraversalStrategy>(box,
577                                                                         level);
578     return box.Direction() == forward_most_box.Direction()
579                ? AbstractInlineBoxAndForwardSideAffinity<TraversalStrategy>(
580                      forward_most_box)
581                : AbstractInlineBoxAndBackwardSideAffinity<TraversalStrategy>(
582                      forward_most_box);
583   }
584 };
586 // Adjustment algorithm at the end of creating range selection
587 class RangeSelectionAdjuster {
588   STATIC_ONLY(RangeSelectionAdjuster);
590  public:
AdjustFor(const PositionInFlatTreeWithAffinity & visible_base,const PositionInFlatTreeWithAffinity & visible_extent)591   static SelectionInFlatTree AdjustFor(
592       const PositionInFlatTreeWithAffinity& visible_base,
593       const PositionInFlatTreeWithAffinity& visible_extent) {
594     const SelectionInFlatTree& unchanged_selection =
595         SelectionInFlatTree::Builder()
596             .SetBaseAndExtent(visible_base.GetPosition(),
597                               visible_extent.GetPosition())
598             .Build();
600     if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::BidiCaretAffinityEnabled()) {
601       if (NGInlineFormattingContextOf(visible_base.GetPosition()) ||
602           NGInlineFormattingContextOf(visible_extent.GetPosition()))
603         return unchanged_selection;
604     }
606     RenderedPosition base = RenderedPosition::Create(visible_base);
607     RenderedPosition extent = RenderedPosition::Create(visible_extent);
609     if (base.IsNull() || extent.IsNull() || base == extent ||
610         (!base.AtBidiBoundary() && !extent.AtBidiBoundary())) {
611       return unchanged_selection;
612     }
614     if (base.AtBidiBoundary()) {
615       if (ShouldAdjustBaseAtBidiBoundary(base, extent)) {
616         const PositionInFlatTree adjusted_base =
617             CreateVisiblePosition(base.GetPosition()).DeepEquivalent();
618         return SelectionInFlatTree::Builder()
619             .SetBaseAndExtent(adjusted_base, visible_extent.GetPosition())
620             .Build();
621       }
622       return unchanged_selection;
623     }
625     if (ShouldAdjustExtentAtBidiBoundary(base, extent)) {
626       const PositionInFlatTree adjusted_extent =
627           CreateVisiblePosition(extent.GetPosition()).DeepEquivalent();
628       return SelectionInFlatTree::Builder()
629           .SetBaseAndExtent(visible_base.GetPosition(), adjusted_extent)
630           .Build();
631     }
633     return unchanged_selection;
634   }
636  private:
637   class RenderedPosition {
640    public:
641     RenderedPosition() = default;
642     static RenderedPosition Create(const PositionInFlatTreeWithAffinity&);
IsNull() const644     bool IsNull() const { return box_.IsNull(); }
operator ==(const RenderedPosition & other) const645     bool operator==(const RenderedPosition& other) const {
646       return box_ == other.box_ &&
647              bidi_boundary_type_ == other.bidi_boundary_type_;
648     }
AtBidiBoundary() const650     bool AtBidiBoundary() const {
651       return bidi_boundary_type_ != BidiBoundaryType::kNotBoundary;
652     }
654     // Given |other|, which is a boundary of a bidi run, returns true if |this|
655     // can be the other boundary of that run by checking some conditions.
IsPossiblyOtherBoundaryOf(const RenderedPosition & other) const656     bool IsPossiblyOtherBoundaryOf(const RenderedPosition& other) const {
657       DCHECK(other.AtBidiBoundary());
658       if (!AtBidiBoundary())
659         return false;
660       if (bidi_boundary_type_ == other.bidi_boundary_type_)
661         return false;
662       return box_.BidiLevel() >= other.box_.BidiLevel();
663     }
665     // Callable only when |this| is at boundary of a bidi run. Returns true if
666     // |other| is in that bidi run.
BidiRunContains(const RenderedPosition & other) const667     bool BidiRunContains(const RenderedPosition& other) const {
668       DCHECK(AtBidiBoundary());
669       DCHECK(!other.IsNull());
670       UBiDiLevel level = box_.BidiLevel();
671       if (level > other.box_.BidiLevel())
672         return false;
673       const AbstractInlineBox boundary_of_other =
674           bidi_boundary_type_ == BidiBoundaryType::kLeftBoundary
675               ? FindBoundaryOfEntireBidiRunIgnoringLineBreak<TraverseLeft>(
676                     other.box_, level)
677               : FindBoundaryOfEntireBidiRunIgnoringLineBreak<TraverseRight>(
678                     other.box_, level);
679       return box_ == boundary_of_other;
680     }
GetPosition() const682     PositionInFlatTree GetPosition() const {
683       DCHECK(AtBidiBoundary());
684       DCHECK(box_.IsNotNull());
685       const SideAffinity side =
686           bidi_boundary_type_ == BidiBoundaryType::kLeftBoundary
687               ? SideAffinity::kLeft
688               : SideAffinity::kRight;
689       return AbstractInlineBoxAndSideAffinity(box_, side).GetPosition();
690     }
692    private:
693     enum class BidiBoundaryType { kNotBoundary, kLeftBoundary, kRightBoundary };
RenderedPosition(const AbstractInlineBox & box,BidiBoundaryType type)694     RenderedPosition(const AbstractInlineBox& box, BidiBoundaryType type)
695         : box_(box), bidi_boundary_type_(type) {}
GetPotentialBidiBoundaryType(const InlineBoxPosition & box_position)697     static BidiBoundaryType GetPotentialBidiBoundaryType(
698         const InlineBoxPosition& box_position) {
699       DCHECK(box_position.inline_box);
700       const InlineBox& box = *box_position.inline_box;
701       const int offset = box_position.offset_in_box;
702       if (offset == box.CaretLeftmostOffset())
703         return BidiBoundaryType::kLeftBoundary;
704       if (offset == box.CaretRightmostOffset())
705         return BidiBoundaryType::kRightBoundary;
706       return BidiBoundaryType::kNotBoundary;
707     }
GetPotentialBidiBoundaryType(const NGCaretPosition & caret_position)709     static BidiBoundaryType GetPotentialBidiBoundaryType(
710         const NGCaretPosition& caret_position) {
711       DCHECK(!caret_position.IsNull());
712       DCHECK(!RuntimeEnabledFeatures::BidiCaretAffinityEnabled());
713       if (!IsAtFragmentStart(caret_position) &&
714           !IsAtFragmentEnd(caret_position))
715         return BidiBoundaryType::kNotBoundary;
716       return GetSideAffinity(caret_position) == SideAffinity::kLeft
717                  ? BidiBoundaryType::kLeftBoundary
718                  : BidiBoundaryType::kRightBoundary;
719     }
721     // Helper function for Create().
CreateUncanonicalized(const PositionInFlatTreeWithAffinity & position)722     static RenderedPosition CreateUncanonicalized(
723         const PositionInFlatTreeWithAffinity& position) {
724       if (position.IsNull() || !position.AnchorNode()->GetLayoutObject())
725         return RenderedPosition();
726       const PositionInFlatTreeWithAffinity adjusted =
727           ComputeInlineAdjustedPosition(position);
728       if (adjusted.IsNull())
729         return RenderedPosition();
731       if (NGInlineFormattingContextOf(adjusted.GetPosition())) {
732         const NGCaretPosition caret_position = ComputeNGCaretPosition(adjusted);
733         if (caret_position.IsNull())
734           return RenderedPosition();
735         return RenderedPosition(AbstractInlineBox(caret_position.cursor),
736                                 GetPotentialBidiBoundaryType(caret_position));
737       }
739       const InlineBoxPosition box_position = ComputeInlineBoxPosition(adjusted);
740       if (!box_position.inline_box)
741         return RenderedPosition();
742       return RenderedPosition(AbstractInlineBox(*box_position.inline_box),
743                               GetPotentialBidiBoundaryType(box_position));
744     }
746     AbstractInlineBox box_;
747     BidiBoundaryType bidi_boundary_type_ = BidiBoundaryType::kNotBoundary;
748   };
ShouldAdjustBaseAtBidiBoundary(const RenderedPosition & base,const RenderedPosition & extent)750   static bool ShouldAdjustBaseAtBidiBoundary(const RenderedPosition& base,
751                                              const RenderedPosition& extent) {
752     DCHECK(base.AtBidiBoundary());
753     if (extent.IsPossiblyOtherBoundaryOf(base))
754       return false;
755     return base.BidiRunContains(extent);
756   }
ShouldAdjustExtentAtBidiBoundary(const RenderedPosition & base,const RenderedPosition & extent)758   static bool ShouldAdjustExtentAtBidiBoundary(const RenderedPosition& base,
759                                                const RenderedPosition& extent) {
760     if (!extent.AtBidiBoundary())
761       return false;
762     return extent.BidiRunContains(base);
763   }
764 };
766 RangeSelectionAdjuster::RenderedPosition
Create(const PositionInFlatTreeWithAffinity & position)767 RangeSelectionAdjuster::RenderedPosition::Create(
768     const PositionInFlatTreeWithAffinity& position) {
769   const RenderedPosition uncanonicalized = CreateUncanonicalized(position);
770   const BidiBoundaryType potential_type = uncanonicalized.bidi_boundary_type_;
771   if (potential_type == BidiBoundaryType::kNotBoundary)
772     return uncanonicalized;
773   const AbstractInlineBox& box = uncanonicalized.box_;
774   DCHECK(box.IsNotNull());
776   // When at bidi boundary, ensure that |box_| belongs to the higher-level bidi
777   // run.
779   // For example, abc FED |ghi should be changed into abc FED| ghi
780   if (potential_type == BidiBoundaryType::kLeftBoundary) {
781     const AbstractInlineBox prev_box = box.PrevLeafChildIgnoringLineBreak();
782     if (prev_box.IsNotNull() && prev_box.BidiLevel() > box.BidiLevel())
783       return RenderedPosition(prev_box, BidiBoundaryType::kRightBoundary);
784     BidiBoundaryType type =
785         prev_box.IsNotNull() && prev_box.BidiLevel() == box.BidiLevel()
786             ? BidiBoundaryType::kNotBoundary
787             : BidiBoundaryType::kLeftBoundary;
788     return RenderedPosition(box, type);
789   }
791   // potential_type == BidiBoundaryType::kRightBoundary
792   // For example, abc| FED ghi should be changed into abc |FED ghi
793   const AbstractInlineBox next_box = box.NextLeafChildIgnoringLineBreak();
794   if (next_box.IsNotNull() && next_box.BidiLevel() > box.BidiLevel())
795     return RenderedPosition(next_box, BidiBoundaryType::kLeftBoundary);
796   BidiBoundaryType type =
797       next_box.IsNotNull() && next_box.BidiLevel() == box.BidiLevel()
798           ? BidiBoundaryType::kNotBoundary
799           : BidiBoundaryType::kRightBoundary;
800   return RenderedPosition(box, type);
801 }
803 }  // namespace
AdjustForCaretPositionResolution(const InlineBoxPosition & caret_position)805 InlineBoxPosition BidiAdjustment::AdjustForCaretPositionResolution(
806     const InlineBoxPosition& caret_position) {
807   const AbstractInlineBoxAndSideAffinity unadjusted(caret_position);
808   const AbstractInlineBoxAndSideAffinity adjusted =
809       unadjusted.AtLeftSide()
810           ? CaretPositionResolutionAdjuster<TraverseRight>::AdjustFor(
811                 unadjusted.GetBox())
812           : CaretPositionResolutionAdjuster<TraverseLeft>::AdjustFor(
813                 unadjusted.GetBox());
814   return adjusted.ToInlineBoxPosition();
815 }
AdjustForCaretPositionResolution(const NGCaretPosition & caret_position)817 NGCaretPosition BidiAdjustment::AdjustForCaretPositionResolution(
818     const NGCaretPosition& caret_position) {
819   DCHECK(!RuntimeEnabledFeatures::BidiCaretAffinityEnabled());
820   const AbstractInlineBoxAndSideAffinity unadjusted(caret_position);
821   const AbstractInlineBoxAndSideAffinity adjusted =
822       unadjusted.AtLeftSide()
823           ? CaretPositionResolutionAdjuster<TraverseRight>::AdjustFor(
824                 unadjusted.GetBox())
825           : CaretPositionResolutionAdjuster<TraverseLeft>::AdjustFor(
826                 unadjusted.GetBox());
827   return adjusted.ToNGCaretPosition();
828 }
AdjustForHitTest(const InlineBoxPosition & caret_position)830 InlineBoxPosition BidiAdjustment::AdjustForHitTest(
831     const InlineBoxPosition& caret_position) {
832   const AbstractInlineBoxAndSideAffinity unadjusted(caret_position);
833   const AbstractInlineBoxAndSideAffinity adjusted =
834       unadjusted.AtLeftSide()
835           ? HitTestAdjuster<TraverseRight>::AdjustFor(unadjusted.GetBox())
836           : HitTestAdjuster<TraverseLeft>::AdjustFor(unadjusted.GetBox());
837   return adjusted.ToInlineBoxPosition();
838 }
AdjustForHitTest(const NGCaretPosition & caret_position)840 NGCaretPosition BidiAdjustment::AdjustForHitTest(
841     const NGCaretPosition& caret_position) {
842   DCHECK(!RuntimeEnabledFeatures::BidiCaretAffinityEnabled());
843   const AbstractInlineBoxAndSideAffinity unadjusted(caret_position);
844   const AbstractInlineBoxAndSideAffinity adjusted =
845       unadjusted.AtLeftSide()
846           ? HitTestAdjuster<TraverseRight>::AdjustFor(unadjusted.GetBox())
847           : HitTestAdjuster<TraverseLeft>::AdjustFor(unadjusted.GetBox());
848   return adjusted.ToNGCaretPosition();
849 }
AdjustForRangeSelection(const PositionInFlatTreeWithAffinity & base,const PositionInFlatTreeWithAffinity & extent)851 SelectionInFlatTree BidiAdjustment::AdjustForRangeSelection(
852     const PositionInFlatTreeWithAffinity& base,
853     const PositionInFlatTreeWithAffinity& extent) {
854   return RangeSelectionAdjuster::AdjustFor(base, extent);
855 }
857 // TODO(xiaochengh): Move this function to a better place
ParagraphDirectionOf(const InlineBox & box)858 TextDirection ParagraphDirectionOf(const InlineBox& box) {
859   const ComputedStyle& block_style = *box.Root().Block().Style();
860   if (block_style.GetUnicodeBidi() != UnicodeBidi::kPlaintext)
861     return block_style.Direction();
863   // There is no reliable way to get the paragraph direction in legacy
864   // layout when 'unicode-bidi: plaintext' is set. Use the lowest-level
865   // inline box's direction as a workaround.
866   UBiDiLevel min_level = 128;
867   for (const InlineBox* runner = box.Root().FirstLeafChild(); runner;
868        runner = runner->NextLeafChild()) {
869     min_level = std::min(min_level, runner->BidiLevel());
870   }
871   return DirectionFromLevel(min_level);
872 }
874 }  // namespace blink