1"""This will be the home for the policy that hooks in the new
2code that adds all the email6 features.
4from __future__ import unicode_literals
5from __future__ import division
6from __future__ import absolute_import
7from future.builtins import super
9from future.standard_library.email._policybase import (Policy, Compat32,
10                                                  compat32, _extend_docstrings)
11from future.standard_library.email.utils import _has_surrogates
12from future.standard_library.email.headerregistry import HeaderRegistry as HeaderRegistry
14__all__ = [
15    'Compat32',
16    'compat32',
17    'Policy',
18    'EmailPolicy',
19    'default',
20    'strict',
21    'SMTP',
22    'HTTP',
23    ]
26class EmailPolicy(Policy):
28    """+
31    The API extensions enabled by this policy are currently provisional.
32    Refer to the documentation for details.
34    This policy adds new header parsing and folding algorithms.  Instead of
35    simple strings, headers are custom objects with custom attributes
36    depending on the type of the field.  The folding algorithm fully
37    implements RFCs 2047 and 5322.
39    In addition to the settable attributes listed above that apply to
40    all Policies, this policy adds the following additional attributes:
42    refold_source       -- if the value for a header in the Message object
43                           came from the parsing of some source, this attribute
44                           indicates whether or not a generator should refold
45                           that value when transforming the message back into
46                           stream form.  The possible values are:
48                           none  -- all source values use original folding
49                           long  -- source values that have any line that is
50                                    longer than max_line_length will be
51                                    refolded
52                           all  -- all values are refolded.
54                           The default is 'long'.
56    header_factory      -- a callable that takes two arguments, 'name' and
57                           'value', where 'name' is a header field name and
58                           'value' is an unfolded header field value, and
59                           returns a string-like object that represents that
60                           header.  A default header_factory is provided that
61                           understands some of the RFC5322 header field types.
62                           (Currently address fields and date fields have
63                           special treatment, while all other fields are
64                           treated as unstructured.  This list will be
65                           completed before the extension is marked stable.)
66    """
68    refold_source = 'long'
69    header_factory = HeaderRegistry()
71    def __init__(self, **kw):
72        # Ensure that each new instance gets a unique header factory
73        # (as opposed to clones, which share the factory).
74        if 'header_factory' not in kw:
75            object.__setattr__(self, 'header_factory', HeaderRegistry())
76        super().__init__(**kw)
78    def header_max_count(self, name):
79        """+
80        The implementation for this class returns the max_count attribute from
81        the specialized header class that would be used to construct a header
82        of type 'name'.
83        """
84        return self.header_factory[name].max_count
86    # The logic of the next three methods is chosen such that it is possible to
87    # switch a Message object between a Compat32 policy and a policy derived
88    # from this class and have the results stay consistent.  This allows a
89    # Message object constructed with this policy to be passed to a library
90    # that only handles Compat32 objects, or to receive such an object and
91    # convert it to use the newer style by just changing its policy.  It is
92    # also chosen because it postpones the relatively expensive full rfc5322
93    # parse until as late as possible when parsing from source, since in many
94    # applications only a few headers will actually be inspected.
96    def header_source_parse(self, sourcelines):
97        """+
98        The name is parsed as everything up to the ':' and returned unmodified.
99        The value is determined by stripping leading whitespace off the
100        remainder of the first line, joining all subsequent lines together, and
101        stripping any trailing carriage return or linefeed characters.  (This
102        is the same as Compat32).
104        """
105        name, value = sourcelines[0].split(':', 1)
106        value = value.lstrip(' \t') + ''.join(sourcelines[1:])
107        return (name, value.rstrip('\r\n'))
109    def header_store_parse(self, name, value):
110        """+
111        The name is returned unchanged.  If the input value has a 'name'
112        attribute and it matches the name ignoring case, the value is returned
113        unchanged.  Otherwise the name and value are passed to header_factory
114        method, and the resulting custom header object is returned as the
115        value.  In this case a ValueError is raised if the input value contains
116        CR or LF characters.
118        """
119        if hasattr(value, 'name') and value.name.lower() == name.lower():
120            return (name, value)
121        if isinstance(value, str) and len(value.splitlines())>1:
122            raise ValueError("Header values may not contain linefeed "
123                             "or carriage return characters")
124        return (name, self.header_factory(name, value))
126    def header_fetch_parse(self, name, value):
127        """+
128        If the value has a 'name' attribute, it is returned to unmodified.
129        Otherwise the name and the value with any linesep characters removed
130        are passed to the header_factory method, and the resulting custom
131        header object is returned.  Any surrogateescaped bytes get turned
132        into the unicode unknown-character glyph.
134        """
135        if hasattr(value, 'name'):
136            return value
137        return self.header_factory(name, ''.join(value.splitlines()))
139    def fold(self, name, value):
140        """+
141        Header folding is controlled by the refold_source policy setting.  A
142        value is considered to be a 'source value' if and only if it does not
143        have a 'name' attribute (having a 'name' attribute means it is a header
144        object of some sort).  If a source value needs to be refolded according
145        to the policy, it is converted into a custom header object by passing
146        the name and the value with any linesep characters removed to the
147        header_factory method.  Folding of a custom header object is done by
148        calling its fold method with the current policy.
150        Source values are split into lines using splitlines.  If the value is
151        not to be refolded, the lines are rejoined using the linesep from the
152        policy and returned.  The exception is lines containing non-ascii
153        binary data.  In that case the value is refolded regardless of the
154        refold_source setting, which causes the binary data to be CTE encoded
155        using the unknown-8bit charset.
157        """
158        return self._fold(name, value, refold_binary=True)
160    def fold_binary(self, name, value):
161        """+
162        The same as fold if cte_type is 7bit, except that the returned value is
163        bytes.
165        If cte_type is 8bit, non-ASCII binary data is converted back into
166        bytes.  Headers with binary data are not refolded, regardless of the
167        refold_header setting, since there is no way to know whether the binary
168        data consists of single byte characters or multibyte characters.
170        """
171        folded = self._fold(name, value, refold_binary=self.cte_type=='7bit')
172        return folded.encode('ascii', 'surrogateescape')
174    def _fold(self, name, value, refold_binary=False):
175        if hasattr(value, 'name'):
176            return value.fold(policy=self)
177        maxlen = self.max_line_length if self.max_line_length else float('inf')
178        lines = value.splitlines()
179        refold = (self.refold_source == 'all' or
180                  self.refold_source == 'long' and
181                    (lines and len(lines[0])+len(name)+2 > maxlen or
182                     any(len(x) > maxlen for x in lines[1:])))
183        if refold or refold_binary and _has_surrogates(value):
184            return self.header_factory(name, ''.join(lines)).fold(policy=self)
185        return name + ': ' + self.linesep.join(lines) + self.linesep
188default = EmailPolicy()
189# Make the default policy use the class default header_factory
190del default.header_factory
191strict = default.clone(raise_on_defect=True)
192SMTP = default.clone(linesep='\r\n')
193HTTP = default.clone(linesep='\r\n', max_line_length=None)