1# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3# found in the LICENSE file.
5"""Gclient-specific SCM-specific operations."""
7from __future__ import print_function
9import collections
10import contextlib
11import errno
12import json
13import logging
14import os
15import posixpath
16import re
17import sys
18import tempfile
19import threading
20import traceback
23  import urlparse
24except ImportError:  # For Py3 compatibility
25  import urllib.parse as urlparse
27import gclient_utils
28import git_cache
29import scm
30import shutil
31import subprocess2
34THIS_FILE_PATH = os.path.abspath(__file__)
36GSUTIL_DEFAULT_PATH = os.path.join(
37    os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'gsutil.py')
40class NoUsableRevError(gclient_utils.Error):
41  """Raised if requested revision isn't found in checkout."""
44class DiffFiltererWrapper(object):
45  """Simple base class which tracks which file is being diffed and
46  replaces instances of its file name in the original and
47  working copy lines of the git diff output."""
48  index_string = None
49  original_prefix = "--- "
50  working_prefix = "+++ "
52  def __init__(self, relpath, print_func):
53    # Note that we always use '/' as the path separator to be
54    # consistent with cygwin-style output on Windows
55    self._relpath = relpath.replace("\\", "/")
56    self._current_file = None
57    self._print_func = print_func
59  def SetCurrentFile(self, current_file):
60    self._current_file = current_file
62  @property
63  def _replacement_file(self):
64    return posixpath.join(self._relpath, self._current_file)
66  def _Replace(self, line):
67    return line.replace(self._current_file, self._replacement_file)
69  def Filter(self, line):
70    if (line.startswith(self.index_string)):
71      self.SetCurrentFile(line[len(self.index_string):])
72      line = self._Replace(line)
73    else:
74      if (line.startswith(self.original_prefix) or
75          line.startswith(self.working_prefix)):
76        line = self._Replace(line)
77    self._print_func(line)
80class GitDiffFilterer(DiffFiltererWrapper):
81  index_string = "diff --git "
83  def SetCurrentFile(self, current_file):
84    # Get filename by parsing "a/<filename> b/<filename>"
85    self._current_file = current_file[:(len(current_file)/2)][2:]
87  def _Replace(self, line):
88    return re.sub("[a|b]/" + self._current_file, self._replacement_file, line)
91# SCMWrapper base class
93class SCMWrapper(object):
94  """Add necessary glue between all the supported SCM.
96  This is the abstraction layer to bind to different SCM.
97  """
98  def __init__(self, url=None, root_dir=None, relpath=None, out_fh=None,
99               out_cb=None, print_outbuf=False):
100    self.url = url
101    self._root_dir = root_dir
102    if self._root_dir:
103      self._root_dir = self._root_dir.replace('/', os.sep)
104    self.relpath = relpath
105    if self.relpath:
106      self.relpath = self.relpath.replace('/', os.sep)
107    if self.relpath and self._root_dir:
108      self.checkout_path = os.path.join(self._root_dir, self.relpath)
109    if out_fh is None:
110      out_fh = sys.stdout
111    self.out_fh = out_fh
112    self.out_cb = out_cb
113    self.print_outbuf = print_outbuf
115  def Print(self, *args, **kwargs):
116    kwargs.setdefault('file', self.out_fh)
117    if kwargs.pop('timestamp', True):
118      self.out_fh.write('[%s] ' % gclient_utils.Elapsed())
119    print(*args, **kwargs)
121  def RunCommand(self, command, options, args, file_list=None):
122    commands = ['update', 'updatesingle', 'revert',
123                'revinfo', 'status', 'diff', 'pack', 'runhooks']
125    if not command in commands:
126      raise gclient_utils.Error('Unknown command %s' % command)
128    if not command in dir(self):
129      raise gclient_utils.Error('Command %s not implemented in %s wrapper' % (
130          command, self.__class__.__name__))
132    return getattr(self, command)(options, args, file_list)
134  @staticmethod
135  def _get_first_remote_url(checkout_path):
136    log = scm.GIT.Capture(
137        ['config', '--local', '--get-regexp', r'remote.*.url'],
138        cwd=checkout_path)
139    # Get the second token of the first line of the log.
140    return log.splitlines()[0].split(' ', 1)[1]
142  def GetCacheMirror(self):
143    if getattr(self, 'cache_dir', None):
144      url, _ = gclient_utils.SplitUrlRevision(self.url)
145      return git_cache.Mirror(url)
146    return None
148  def GetActualRemoteURL(self, options):
149    """Attempt to determine the remote URL for this SCMWrapper."""
150    # Git
151    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.checkout_path, '.git')):
152      actual_remote_url = self._get_first_remote_url(self.checkout_path)
154      mirror = self.GetCacheMirror()
155      # If the cache is used, obtain the actual remote URL from there.
156      if (mirror and mirror.exists() and
157          mirror.mirror_path.replace('\\', '/') ==
158          actual_remote_url.replace('\\', '/')):
159        actual_remote_url = self._get_first_remote_url(mirror.mirror_path)
160      return actual_remote_url
161    return None
163  def DoesRemoteURLMatch(self, options):
164    """Determine whether the remote URL of this checkout is the expected URL."""
165    if not os.path.exists(self.checkout_path):
166      # A checkout which doesn't exist can't be broken.
167      return True
169    actual_remote_url = self.GetActualRemoteURL(options)
170    if actual_remote_url:
171      return (gclient_utils.SplitUrlRevision(actual_remote_url)[0].rstrip('/')
172              == gclient_utils.SplitUrlRevision(self.url)[0].rstrip('/'))
173    else:
174      # This may occur if the self.checkout_path exists but does not contain a
175      # valid git checkout.
176      return False
178  def _DeleteOrMove(self, force):
179    """Delete the checkout directory or move it out of the way.
181    Args:
182        force: bool; if True, delete the directory. Otherwise, just move it.
183    """
184    if force and os.environ.get('CHROME_HEADLESS') == '1':
185      self.Print('_____ Conflicting directory found in %s. Removing.'
186                 % self.checkout_path)
187      gclient_utils.AddWarning('Conflicting directory %s deleted.'
188                               % self.checkout_path)
189      gclient_utils.rmtree(self.checkout_path)
190    else:
191      bad_scm_dir = os.path.join(self._root_dir, '_bad_scm',
192                                 os.path.dirname(self.relpath))
194      try:
195        os.makedirs(bad_scm_dir)
196      except OSError as e:
197        if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
198          raise
200      dest_path = tempfile.mkdtemp(
201          prefix=os.path.basename(self.relpath),
202          dir=bad_scm_dir)
203      self.Print('_____ Conflicting directory found in %s. Moving to %s.'
204                 % (self.checkout_path, dest_path))
205      gclient_utils.AddWarning('Conflicting directory %s moved to %s.'
206                               % (self.checkout_path, dest_path))
207      shutil.move(self.checkout_path, dest_path)
210class GitWrapper(SCMWrapper):
211  """Wrapper for Git"""
212  name = 'git'
213  remote = 'origin'
215  @property
216  def cache_dir(self):
217    try:
218      return git_cache.Mirror.GetCachePath()
219    except RuntimeError:
220      return None
222  def __init__(self, url=None, *args, **kwargs):
223    """Removes 'git+' fake prefix from git URL."""
224    if url and (url.startswith('git+http://') or
225                url.startswith('git+https://')):
226      url = url[4:]
227    SCMWrapper.__init__(self, url, *args, **kwargs)
228    filter_kwargs = { 'time_throttle': 1, 'out_fh': self.out_fh }
229    if self.out_cb:
230      filter_kwargs['predicate'] = self.out_cb
231    self.filter = gclient_utils.GitFilter(**filter_kwargs)
232    self._running_under_rosetta = None
234  def GetCheckoutRoot(self):
235    return scm.GIT.GetCheckoutRoot(self.checkout_path)
237  def GetRevisionDate(self, _revision):
238    """Returns the given revision's date in ISO-8601 format (which contains the
239    time zone)."""
240    # TODO(floitsch): get the time-stamp of the given revision and not just the
241    # time-stamp of the currently checked out revision.
242    return self._Capture(['log', '-n', '1', '--format=%ai'])
244  def _GetDiffFilenames(self, base):
245    """Returns the names of files modified since base."""
246    return self._Capture(
247        # Filter to remove base if it is None.
248        list(filter(bool, ['-c', 'core.quotePath=false', 'diff', '--name-only',
249                           base])
250        )).split()
252  def diff(self, options, _args, _file_list):
253    _, revision = gclient_utils.SplitUrlRevision(self.url)
254    if not revision:
255      revision = 'refs/remotes/%s/master' % self.remote
256    self._Run(['-c', 'core.quotePath=false', 'diff', revision], options)
258  def pack(self, _options, _args, _file_list):
259    """Generates a patch file which can be applied to the root of the
260    repository.
262    The patch file is generated from a diff of the merge base of HEAD and
263    its upstream branch.
264    """
265    try:
266      merge_base = [self._Capture(['merge-base', 'HEAD', self.remote])]
267    except subprocess2.CalledProcessError:
268      merge_base = []
269    gclient_utils.CheckCallAndFilter(
270        ['git', 'diff'] + merge_base,
271        cwd=self.checkout_path,
272        filter_fn=GitDiffFilterer(self.relpath, print_func=self.Print).Filter)
274  def _Scrub(self, target, options):
275    """Scrubs out all changes in the local repo, back to the state of target."""
276    quiet = []
277    if not options.verbose:
278      quiet = ['--quiet']
279    self._Run(['reset', '--hard', target] + quiet, options)
280    if options.force and options.delete_unversioned_trees:
281      # where `target` is a commit that contains both upper and lower case
282      # versions of the same file on a case insensitive filesystem, we are
283      # actually in a broken state here. The index will have both 'a' and 'A',
284      # but only one of them will exist on the disk. To progress, we delete
285      # everything that status thinks is modified.
286      output = self._Capture([
287          '-c', 'core.quotePath=false', 'status', '--porcelain'], strip=False)
288      for line in output.splitlines():
289        # --porcelain (v1) looks like:
290        # XY filename
291        try:
292          filename = line[3:]
293          self.Print('_____ Deleting residual after reset: %r.' % filename)
294          gclient_utils.rm_file_or_tree(
295            os.path.join(self.checkout_path, filename))
296        except OSError:
297          pass
299  def _FetchAndReset(self, revision, file_list, options):
300    """Equivalent to git fetch; git reset."""
301    self._SetFetchConfig(options)
303    self._Fetch(options, prune=True, quiet=options.verbose)
304    self._Scrub(revision, options)
305    if file_list is not None:
306      files = self._Capture(
307          ['-c', 'core.quotePath=false', 'ls-files']).splitlines()
308      file_list.extend(
309          [os.path.join(self.checkout_path, f) for f in files])
311  def _DisableHooks(self):
312    hook_dir = os.path.join(self.checkout_path, '.git', 'hooks')
313    if not os.path.isdir(hook_dir):
314      return
315    for f in os.listdir(hook_dir):
316      if not f.endswith('.sample') and not f.endswith('.disabled'):
317        disabled_hook_path = os.path.join(hook_dir, f + '.disabled')
318        if os.path.exists(disabled_hook_path):
319          os.remove(disabled_hook_path)
320        os.rename(os.path.join(hook_dir, f), disabled_hook_path)
322  def _maybe_break_locks(self, options):
323    """This removes all .lock files from this repo's .git directory, if the
324    user passed the --break_repo_locks command line flag.
326    In particular, this will cleanup index.lock files, as well as ref lock
327    files.
328    """
329    if options.break_repo_locks:
330      git_dir = os.path.join(self.checkout_path, '.git')
331      for path, _, filenames in os.walk(git_dir):
332        for filename in filenames:
333          if filename.endswith('.lock'):
334            to_break = os.path.join(path, filename)
335            self.Print('breaking lock: %s' % (to_break,))
336            try:
337              os.remove(to_break)
338            except OSError as ex:
339              self.Print('FAILED to break lock: %s: %s' % (to_break, ex))
340              raise
342  def apply_patch_ref(self, patch_repo, patch_rev, target_rev, options,
343                      file_list):
344    """Apply a patch on top of the revision we're synced at.
346    The patch ref is given by |patch_repo|@|patch_rev|.
347    |target_rev| is usually the branch that the |patch_rev| was uploaded against
348    (e.g. 'refs/heads/master'), but this is not required.
350    We cherry-pick all commits reachable from |patch_rev| on top of the curret
351    HEAD, excluding those reachable from |target_rev|
352    (i.e. git cherry-pick target_rev..patch_rev).
354    Graphically, it looks like this:
356     ... -> o -> [possibly already landed commits] -> target_rev
357             \
358              -> [possibly not yet landed dependent CLs] -> patch_rev
360    The final checkout state is then:
362     ... -> HEAD -> [possibly not yet landed dependent CLs] -> patch_rev
364    After application, if |options.reset_patch_ref| is specified, we soft reset
365    the cherry-picked changes, keeping them in git index only.
367    Args:
368      patch_repo: The patch origin.
369          e.g. 'https://foo.googlesource.com/bar'
370      patch_rev: The revision to patch.
371          e.g. 'refs/changes/1234/34/1'.
372      target_rev: The revision to use when finding the merge base.
373          Typically, the branch that the patch was uploaded against.
374          e.g. 'refs/heads/master' or 'refs/heads/infra/config'.
375      options: The options passed to gclient.
376      file_list: A list where modified files will be appended.
377    """
379    # Abort any cherry-picks in progress.
380    try:
381      self._Capture(['cherry-pick', '--abort'])
382    except subprocess2.CalledProcessError:
383      pass
385    base_rev = self._Capture(['rev-parse', 'HEAD'])
387    if not target_rev:
388      raise gclient_utils.Error('A target revision for the patch must be given')
389    elif target_rev.startswith(('refs/heads/', 'refs/branch-heads')):
390      # If |target_rev| is in refs/heads/** or refs/branch-heads/**, try first
391      # to find the corresponding remote ref for it, since |target_rev| might
392      # point to a local ref which is not up to date with the corresponding
393      # remote ref.
394      remote_ref = ''.join(scm.GIT.RefToRemoteRef(target_rev, self.remote))
395      self.Print('Trying the corresponding remote ref for %r: %r\n' % (
396          target_rev, remote_ref))
397      if scm.GIT.IsValidRevision(self.checkout_path, remote_ref):
398        target_rev = remote_ref
399    elif not scm.GIT.IsValidRevision(self.checkout_path, target_rev):
400      # Fetch |target_rev| if it's not already available.
401      url, _ = gclient_utils.SplitUrlRevision(self.url)
402      mirror = self._GetMirror(url, options, target_rev)
403      if mirror:
404        rev_type = 'branch' if target_rev.startswith('refs/') else 'hash'
405        self._UpdateMirrorIfNotContains(mirror, options, rev_type, target_rev)
406      self._Fetch(options, refspec=target_rev)
408    self.Print('===Applying patch===')
409    self.Print('Revision to patch is %r @ %r.' % (patch_repo, patch_rev))
410    self.Print('Current dir is %r' % self.checkout_path)
411    self._Capture(['reset', '--hard'])
412    self._Capture(['fetch', '--no-tags', patch_repo, patch_rev])
413    patch_rev = self._Capture(['rev-parse', 'FETCH_HEAD'])
415    if not options.rebase_patch_ref:
416      self._Capture(['checkout', patch_rev])
417      # Adjust base_rev to be the first parent of our checked out patch ref;
418      # This will allow us to correctly extend `file_list`, and will show the
419      # correct file-list to programs which do `git diff --cached` expecting to
420      # see the patch diff.
421      base_rev = self._Capture(['rev-parse', patch_rev+'~'])
423    else:
424      self.Print('Will cherrypick %r .. %r on top of %r.' % (
425          target_rev, patch_rev, base_rev))
426      try:
427        if scm.GIT.IsAncestor(self.checkout_path, patch_rev, target_rev):
428          # If |patch_rev| is an ancestor of |target_rev|, check it out.
429          self._Capture(['checkout', patch_rev])
430        else:
431          # If a change was uploaded on top of another change, which has already
432          # landed, one of the commits in the cherry-pick range will be
433          # redundant, since it has already landed and its changes incorporated
434          # in the tree.
435          # We pass '--keep-redundant-commits' to ignore those changes.
436          self._Capture(['cherry-pick', target_rev + '..' + patch_rev,
437                         '--keep-redundant-commits'])
439      except subprocess2.CalledProcessError as e:
440        self.Print('Failed to apply patch.')
441        self.Print('Revision to patch was %r @ %r.' % (patch_repo, patch_rev))
442        self.Print('Tried to cherrypick %r .. %r on top of %r.' % (
443            target_rev, patch_rev, base_rev))
444        self.Print('Current dir is %r' % self.checkout_path)
445        self.Print('git returned non-zero exit status %s:\n%s' % (
446            e.returncode, e.stderr.decode('utf-8')))
447        # Print the current status so that developers know what changes caused
448        # the patch failure, since git cherry-pick doesn't show that
449        # information.
450        self.Print(self._Capture(['status']))
451        try:
452          self._Capture(['cherry-pick', '--abort'])
453        except subprocess2.CalledProcessError:
454          pass
455        raise
457    if file_list is not None:
458      file_list.extend(self._GetDiffFilenames(base_rev))
460    if options.reset_patch_ref:
461      self._Capture(['reset', '--soft', base_rev])
463  def update(self, options, args, file_list):
464    """Runs git to update or transparently checkout the working copy.
466    All updated files will be appended to file_list.
468    Raises:
469      Error: if can't get URL for relative path.
470    """
471    if args:
472      raise gclient_utils.Error("Unsupported argument(s): %s" % ",".join(args))
474    self._CheckMinVersion("1.6.6")
476    # If a dependency is not pinned, track the default remote branch.
477    default_rev = 'refs/remotes/%s/master' % self.remote
478    url, deps_revision = gclient_utils.SplitUrlRevision(self.url)
479    revision = deps_revision
480    managed = True
481    if options.revision:
482      # Override the revision number.
483      revision = str(options.revision)
484    if revision == 'unmanaged':
485      # Check again for a revision in case an initial ref was specified
486      # in the url, for example bla.git@refs/heads/custombranch
487      revision = deps_revision
488      managed = False
489    if not revision:
490      revision = default_rev
492    if managed:
493      self._DisableHooks()
495    printed_path = False
496    verbose = []
497    if options.verbose:
498      self.Print('_____ %s at %s' % (self.relpath, revision), timestamp=False)
499      verbose = ['--verbose']
500      printed_path = True
502    revision_ref = revision
503    if ':' in revision:
504      revision_ref, _, revision = revision.partition(':')
506    if revision_ref.startswith('refs/branch-heads'):
507      options.with_branch_heads = True
509    mirror = self._GetMirror(url, options, revision_ref)
510    if mirror:
511      url = mirror.mirror_path
513    remote_ref = scm.GIT.RefToRemoteRef(revision, self.remote)
514    if remote_ref:
515      # Rewrite remote refs to their local equivalents.
516      revision = ''.join(remote_ref)
517      rev_type = "branch"
518    elif revision.startswith('refs/'):
519      # Local branch? We probably don't want to support, since DEPS should
520      # always specify branches as they are in the upstream repo.
521      rev_type = "branch"
522    else:
523      # hash is also a tag, only make a distinction at checkout
524      rev_type = "hash"
526    # If we are going to introduce a new project, there is a possibility that
527    # we are syncing back to a state where the project was originally a
528    # sub-project rolled by DEPS (realistic case: crossing the Blink merge point
529    # syncing backwards, when Blink was a DEPS entry and not part of src.git).
530    # In such case, we might have a backup of the former .git folder, which can
531    # be used to avoid re-fetching the entire repo again (useful for bisects).
532    backup_dir = self.GetGitBackupDirPath()
533    target_dir = os.path.join(self.checkout_path, '.git')
534    if os.path.exists(backup_dir) and not os.path.exists(target_dir):
535      gclient_utils.safe_makedirs(self.checkout_path)
536      os.rename(backup_dir, target_dir)
537      # Reset to a clean state
538      self._Scrub('HEAD', options)
540    if (not os.path.exists(self.checkout_path) or
541        (os.path.isdir(self.checkout_path) and
542         not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.checkout_path, '.git')))):
543      if mirror:
544        self._UpdateMirrorIfNotContains(mirror, options, rev_type, revision)
545      try:
546        self._Clone(revision, url, options)
547      except subprocess2.CalledProcessError:
548        self._DeleteOrMove(options.force)
549        self._Clone(revision, url, options)
550      if file_list is not None:
551        files = self._Capture(
552            ['-c', 'core.quotePath=false', 'ls-files']).splitlines()
553        file_list.extend(
554            [os.path.join(self.checkout_path, f) for f in files])
555      if mirror:
556        self._Capture(
557            ['remote', 'set-url', '--push', 'origin', mirror.url])
558      if not verbose:
559        # Make the output a little prettier. It's nice to have some whitespace
560        # between projects when cloning.
561        self.Print('')
562      return self._Capture(['rev-parse', '--verify', 'HEAD'])
564    if mirror:
565      self._Capture(
566          ['remote', 'set-url', '--push', 'origin', mirror.url])
568    if not managed:
569      self._SetFetchConfig(options)
570      self.Print('________ unmanaged solution; skipping %s' % self.relpath)
571      return self._Capture(['rev-parse', '--verify', 'HEAD'])
573    self._maybe_break_locks(options)
575    if mirror:
576      self._UpdateMirrorIfNotContains(mirror, options, rev_type, revision)
578    # See if the url has changed (the unittests use git://foo for the url, let
579    # that through).
580    current_url = self._Capture(['config', 'remote.%s.url' % self.remote])
581    return_early = False
582    # TODO(maruel): Delete url != 'git://foo' since it's just to make the
583    # unit test pass. (and update the comment above)
584    # Skip url auto-correction if remote.origin.gclient-auto-fix-url is set.
585    # This allows devs to use experimental repos which have a different url
586    # but whose branch(s) are the same as official repos.
587    if (current_url.rstrip('/') != url.rstrip('/') and url != 'git://foo' and
588        subprocess2.capture(
589            ['git', 'config', 'remote.%s.gclient-auto-fix-url' % self.remote],
590            cwd=self.checkout_path).strip() != 'False'):
591      self.Print('_____ switching %s from %s to new upstream %s' % (
592          self.relpath, current_url, url))
593      if not (options.force or options.reset):
594        # Make sure it's clean
595        self._CheckClean(revision)
596      # Switch over to the new upstream
597      self._Run(['remote', 'set-url', self.remote, url], options)
598      if mirror:
599        with open(os.path.join(
600            self.checkout_path, '.git', 'objects', 'info', 'alternates'),
601            'w') as fh:
602          fh.write(os.path.join(url, 'objects'))
603      self._EnsureValidHeadObjectOrCheckout(revision, options, url)
604      self._FetchAndReset(revision, file_list, options)
606      return_early = True
607    else:
608      self._EnsureValidHeadObjectOrCheckout(revision, options, url)
610    if return_early:
611      return self._Capture(['rev-parse', '--verify', 'HEAD'])
613    cur_branch = self._GetCurrentBranch()
615    # Cases:
616    # 0) HEAD is detached. Probably from our initial clone.
617    #   - make sure HEAD is contained by a named ref, then update.
618    # Cases 1-4. HEAD is a branch.
619    # 1) current branch is not tracking a remote branch
620    #   - try to rebase onto the new hash or branch
621    # 2) current branch is tracking a remote branch with local committed
622    #    changes, but the DEPS file switched to point to a hash
623    #   - rebase those changes on top of the hash
624    # 3) current branch is tracking a remote branch w/or w/out changes, and
625    #    no DEPS switch
626    #   - see if we can FF, if not, prompt the user for rebase, merge, or stop
627    # 4) current branch is tracking a remote branch, but DEPS switches to a
628    #    different remote branch, and
629    #   a) current branch has no local changes, and --force:
630    #      - checkout new branch
631    #   b) current branch has local changes, and --force and --reset:
632    #      - checkout new branch
633    #   c) otherwise exit
635    # GetUpstreamBranch returns something like 'refs/remotes/origin/master' for
636    # a tracking branch
637    # or 'master' if not a tracking branch (it's based on a specific rev/hash)
638    # or it returns None if it couldn't find an upstream
639    if cur_branch is None:
640      upstream_branch = None
641      current_type = "detached"
642      logging.debug("Detached HEAD")
643    else:
644      upstream_branch = scm.GIT.GetUpstreamBranch(self.checkout_path)
645      if not upstream_branch or not upstream_branch.startswith('refs/remotes'):
646        current_type = "hash"
647        logging.debug("Current branch is not tracking an upstream (remote)"
648                      " branch.")
649      elif upstream_branch.startswith('refs/remotes'):
650        current_type = "branch"
651      else:
652        raise gclient_utils.Error('Invalid Upstream: %s' % upstream_branch)
654    self._SetFetchConfig(options)
656    # Fetch upstream if we don't already have |revision|.
657    if not scm.GIT.IsValidRevision(self.checkout_path, revision, sha_only=True):
658      self._Fetch(options, prune=options.force)
660      if not scm.GIT.IsValidRevision(self.checkout_path, revision,
661                                     sha_only=True):
662        # Update the remotes first so we have all the refs.
663        remote_output = scm.GIT.Capture(['remote'] + verbose + ['update'],
664                cwd=self.checkout_path)
665        if verbose:
666          self.Print(remote_output)
668    revision = self._AutoFetchRef(options, revision)
670    # This is a big hammer, debatable if it should even be here...
671    if options.force or options.reset:
672      target = 'HEAD'
673      if options.upstream and upstream_branch:
674        target = upstream_branch
675      self._Scrub(target, options)
677    if current_type == 'detached':
678      # case 0
679      # We just did a Scrub, this is as clean as it's going to get. In
680      # particular if HEAD is a commit that contains two versions of the same
681      # file on a case-insensitive filesystem (e.g. 'a' and 'A'), there's no way
682      # to actually "Clean" the checkout; that commit is uncheckoutable on this
683      # system. The best we can do is carry forward to the checkout step.
684      if not (options.force or options.reset):
685        self._CheckClean(revision)
686      self._CheckDetachedHead(revision, options)
687      if self._Capture(['rev-list', '-n', '1', 'HEAD']) == revision:
688        self.Print('Up-to-date; skipping checkout.')
689      else:
690        # 'git checkout' may need to overwrite existing untracked files. Allow
691        # it only when nuclear options are enabled.
692        self._Checkout(
693            options,
694            revision,
695            force=(options.force and options.delete_unversioned_trees),
696            quiet=True,
697        )
698      if not printed_path:
699        self.Print('_____ %s at %s' % (self.relpath, revision), timestamp=False)
700    elif current_type == 'hash':
701      # case 1
702      # Can't find a merge-base since we don't know our upstream. That makes
703      # this command VERY likely to produce a rebase failure. For now we
704      # assume origin is our upstream since that's what the old behavior was.
705      upstream_branch = self.remote
706      if options.revision or deps_revision:
707        upstream_branch = revision
708      self._AttemptRebase(upstream_branch, file_list, options,
709                          printed_path=printed_path, merge=options.merge)
710      printed_path = True
711    elif rev_type == 'hash':
712      # case 2
713      self._AttemptRebase(upstream_branch, file_list, options,
714                          newbase=revision, printed_path=printed_path,
715                          merge=options.merge)
716      printed_path = True
717    elif remote_ref and ''.join(remote_ref) != upstream_branch:
718      # case 4
719      new_base = ''.join(remote_ref)
720      if not printed_path:
721        self.Print('_____ %s at %s' % (self.relpath, revision), timestamp=False)
722      switch_error = ("Could not switch upstream branch from %s to %s\n"
723                     % (upstream_branch, new_base) +
724                     "Please use --force or merge or rebase manually:\n" +
725                     "cd %s; git rebase %s\n" % (self.checkout_path, new_base) +
726                     "OR git checkout -b <some new branch> %s" % new_base)
727      force_switch = False
728      if options.force:
729        try:
730          self._CheckClean(revision)
731          # case 4a
732          force_switch = True
733        except gclient_utils.Error as e:
734          if options.reset:
735            # case 4b
736            force_switch = True
737          else:
738            switch_error = '%s\n%s' % (e.message, switch_error)
739      if force_switch:
740        self.Print("Switching upstream branch from %s to %s" %
741                   (upstream_branch, new_base))
742        switch_branch = 'gclient_' + remote_ref[1]
743        self._Capture(['branch', '-f', switch_branch, new_base])
744        self._Checkout(options, switch_branch, force=True, quiet=True)
745      else:
746        # case 4c
747        raise gclient_utils.Error(switch_error)
748    else:
749      # case 3 - the default case
750      rebase_files = self._GetDiffFilenames(upstream_branch)
751      if verbose:
752        self.Print('Trying fast-forward merge to branch : %s' % upstream_branch)
753      try:
754        merge_args = ['merge']
755        if options.merge:
756          merge_args.append('--ff')
757        else:
758          merge_args.append('--ff-only')
759        merge_args.append(upstream_branch)
760        merge_output = self._Capture(merge_args)
761      except subprocess2.CalledProcessError as e:
762        rebase_files = []
763        if re.match(b'fatal: Not possible to fast-forward, aborting.',
764                    e.stderr):
765          if not printed_path:
766            self.Print('_____ %s at %s' % (self.relpath, revision),
767                       timestamp=False)
768            printed_path = True
769          while True:
770            if not options.auto_rebase:
771              try:
772                action = self._AskForData(
773                    'Cannot %s, attempt to rebase? '
774                    '(y)es / (q)uit / (s)kip : ' %
775                        ('merge' if options.merge else 'fast-forward merge'),
776                    options)
777              except ValueError:
778                raise gclient_utils.Error('Invalid Character')
779            if options.auto_rebase or re.match(r'yes|y', action, re.I):
780              self._AttemptRebase(upstream_branch, rebase_files, options,
781                                  printed_path=printed_path, merge=False)
782              printed_path = True
783              break
784            elif re.match(r'quit|q', action, re.I):
785              raise gclient_utils.Error("Can't fast-forward, please merge or "
786                                        "rebase manually.\n"
787                                        "cd %s && git " % self.checkout_path
788                                        + "rebase %s" % upstream_branch)
789            elif re.match(r'skip|s', action, re.I):
790              self.Print('Skipping %s' % self.relpath)
791              return
792            else:
793              self.Print('Input not recognized')
794        elif re.match(b"error: Your local changes to '.*' would be "
795                      b"overwritten by merge.  Aborting.\nPlease, commit your "
796                      b"changes or stash them before you can merge.\n",
797                      e.stderr):
798          if not printed_path:
799            self.Print('_____ %s at %s' % (self.relpath, revision),
800                       timestamp=False)
801            printed_path = True
802          raise gclient_utils.Error(e.stderr.decode('utf-8'))
803        else:
804          # Some other problem happened with the merge
805          logging.error("Error during fast-forward merge in %s!" % self.relpath)
806          self.Print(e.stderr.decode('utf-8'))
807          raise
808      else:
809        # Fast-forward merge was successful
810        if not re.match('Already up-to-date.', merge_output) or verbose:
811          if not printed_path:
812            self.Print('_____ %s at %s' % (self.relpath, revision),
813                       timestamp=False)
814            printed_path = True
815          self.Print(merge_output.strip())
816          if not verbose:
817            # Make the output a little prettier. It's nice to have some
818            # whitespace between projects when syncing.
819            self.Print('')
821      if file_list is not None:
822        file_list.extend(
823            [os.path.join(self.checkout_path, f) for f in rebase_files])
825    # If the rebase generated a conflict, abort and ask user to fix
826    if self._IsRebasing():
827      raise gclient_utils.Error('\n____ %s at %s\n'
828                                '\nConflict while rebasing this branch.\n'
829                                'Fix the conflict and run gclient again.\n'
830                                'See man git-rebase for details.\n'
831                                % (self.relpath, revision))
833    if verbose:
834      self.Print('Checked out revision %s' % self.revinfo(options, (), None),
835                 timestamp=False)
837    # If --reset and --delete_unversioned_trees are specified, remove any
838    # untracked directories.
839    if options.reset and options.delete_unversioned_trees:
840      # GIT.CaptureStatus() uses 'dit diff' to compare to a specific SHA1 (the
841      # merge-base by default), so doesn't include untracked files. So we use
842      # 'git ls-files --directory --others --exclude-standard' here directly.
843      paths = scm.GIT.Capture(
844          ['-c', 'core.quotePath=false', 'ls-files',
845           '--directory', '--others', '--exclude-standard'],
846          self.checkout_path)
847      for path in (p for p in paths.splitlines() if p.endswith('/')):
848        full_path = os.path.join(self.checkout_path, path)
849        if not os.path.islink(full_path):
850          self.Print('_____ removing unversioned directory %s' % path)
851          gclient_utils.rmtree(full_path)
853    return self._Capture(['rev-parse', '--verify', 'HEAD'])
855  def revert(self, options, _args, file_list):
856    """Reverts local modifications.
858    All reverted files will be appended to file_list.
859    """
860    if not os.path.isdir(self.checkout_path):
861      # revert won't work if the directory doesn't exist. It needs to
862      # checkout instead.
863      self.Print('_____ %s is missing, syncing instead' % self.relpath)
864      # Don't reuse the args.
865      return self.update(options, [], file_list)
867    default_rev = "refs/heads/master"
868    if options.upstream:
869      if self._GetCurrentBranch():
870        upstream_branch = scm.GIT.GetUpstreamBranch(self.checkout_path)
871        default_rev = upstream_branch or default_rev
872    _, deps_revision = gclient_utils.SplitUrlRevision(self.url)
873    if not deps_revision:
874      deps_revision = default_rev
875    if deps_revision.startswith('refs/heads/'):
876      deps_revision = deps_revision.replace('refs/heads/', self.remote + '/')
877    try:
878      deps_revision = self.GetUsableRev(deps_revision, options)
879    except NoUsableRevError as e:
880      # If the DEPS entry's url and hash changed, try to update the origin.
881      # See also http://crbug.com/520067.
882      logging.warning(
883          "Couldn't find usable revision, will retrying to update instead: %s",
884          e.message)
885      return self.update(options, [], file_list)
887    if file_list is not None:
888      files = self._GetDiffFilenames(deps_revision)
890    self._Scrub(deps_revision, options)
891    self._Run(['clean', '-f', '-d'], options)
893    if file_list is not None:
894      file_list.extend([os.path.join(self.checkout_path, f) for f in files])
896  def revinfo(self, _options, _args, _file_list):
897    """Returns revision"""
898    return self._Capture(['rev-parse', 'HEAD'])
900  def runhooks(self, options, args, file_list):
901    self.status(options, args, file_list)
903  def status(self, options, _args, file_list):
904    """Display status information."""
905    if not os.path.isdir(self.checkout_path):
906      self.Print('________ couldn\'t run status in %s:\n'
907                 'The directory does not exist.' % self.checkout_path)
908    else:
909      merge_base = []
910      if self.url:
911        _, base_rev = gclient_utils.SplitUrlRevision(self.url)
912        if base_rev:
913          merge_base = [base_rev]
914      self._Run(
915          ['-c', 'core.quotePath=false', 'diff', '--name-status'] + merge_base,
916          options, always_show_header=options.verbose)
917      if file_list is not None:
918        files = self._GetDiffFilenames(merge_base[0] if merge_base else None)
919        file_list.extend([os.path.join(self.checkout_path, f) for f in files])
921  def GetUsableRev(self, rev, options):
922    """Finds a useful revision for this repository."""
923    sha1 = None
924    if not os.path.isdir(self.checkout_path):
925      raise NoUsableRevError(
926          'This is not a git repo, so we cannot get a usable rev.')
928    if scm.GIT.IsValidRevision(cwd=self.checkout_path, rev=rev):
929      sha1 = rev
930    else:
931      # May exist in origin, but we don't have it yet, so fetch and look
932      # again.
933      self._Fetch(options)
934      if scm.GIT.IsValidRevision(cwd=self.checkout_path, rev=rev):
935        sha1 = rev
937    if not sha1:
938      raise NoUsableRevError(
939          'Hash %s does not appear to be a valid hash in this repo.' % rev)
941    return sha1
943  def GetGitBackupDirPath(self):
944    """Returns the path where the .git folder for the current project can be
945    staged/restored. Use case: subproject moved from DEPS <-> outer project."""
946    return os.path.join(self._root_dir,
947                        'old_' + self.relpath.replace(os.sep, '_')) + '.git'
949  def _GetMirror(self, url, options, revision_ref=None):
950    """Get a git_cache.Mirror object for the argument url."""
951    if not self.cache_dir:
952      return None
953    mirror_kwargs = {
954        'print_func': self.filter,
955        'refs': []
956    }
957    if hasattr(options, 'with_branch_heads') and options.with_branch_heads:
958      mirror_kwargs['refs'].append('refs/branch-heads/*')
959    elif revision_ref and revision_ref.startswith('refs/branch-heads/'):
960      mirror_kwargs['refs'].append(revision_ref)
961    if hasattr(options, 'with_tags') and options.with_tags:
962      mirror_kwargs['refs'].append('refs/tags/*')
963    elif revision_ref and revision_ref.startswith('refs/tags/'):
964      mirror_kwargs['refs'].append(revision_ref)
965    return git_cache.Mirror(url, **mirror_kwargs)
967  def _UpdateMirrorIfNotContains(self, mirror, options, rev_type, revision):
968    """Update a git mirror by fetching the latest commits from the remote,
969    unless mirror already contains revision whose type is sha1 hash.
970    """
971    if rev_type == 'hash' and mirror.contains_revision(revision):
972      if options.verbose:
973        self.Print('skipping mirror update, it has rev=%s already' % revision,
974                   timestamp=False)
975      return
977    if getattr(options, 'shallow', False):
978      # HACK(hinoka): These repositories should be super shallow.
979      if 'flash' in mirror.url:
980        depth = 10
981      else:
982        depth = 10000
983    else:
984      depth = None
985    mirror.populate(verbose=options.verbose,
986                    bootstrap=not getattr(options, 'no_bootstrap', False),
987                    depth=depth,
988                    lock_timeout=getattr(options, 'lock_timeout', 0))
990  def _Clone(self, revision, url, options):
991    """Clone a git repository from the given URL.
993    Once we've cloned the repo, we checkout a working branch if the specified
994    revision is a branch head. If it is a tag or a specific commit, then we
995    leave HEAD detached as it makes future updates simpler -- in this case the
996    user should first create a new branch or switch to an existing branch before
997    making changes in the repo."""
998    if not options.verbose:
999      # git clone doesn't seem to insert a newline properly before printing
1000      # to stdout
1001      self.Print('')
1002    cfg = gclient_utils.DefaultIndexPackConfig(url)
1003    clone_cmd = cfg + ['clone', '--no-checkout', '--progress']
1004    if self.cache_dir:
1005      clone_cmd.append('--shared')
1006    if options.verbose:
1007      clone_cmd.append('--verbose')
1008    clone_cmd.append(url)
1009    # If the parent directory does not exist, Git clone on Windows will not
1010    # create it, so we need to do it manually.
1011    parent_dir = os.path.dirname(self.checkout_path)
1012    gclient_utils.safe_makedirs(parent_dir)
1014    template_dir = None
1015    if hasattr(options, 'no_history') and options.no_history:
1016      if gclient_utils.IsGitSha(revision):
1017        # In the case of a subproject, the pinned sha is not necessarily the
1018        # head of the remote branch (so we can't just use --depth=N). Instead,
1019        # we tell git to fetch all the remote objects from SHA..HEAD by means of
1020        # a template git dir which has a 'shallow' file pointing to the sha.
1021        template_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(
1022            prefix='_gclient_gittmp_%s' % os.path.basename(self.checkout_path),
1023            dir=parent_dir)
1024        self._Run(['init', '--bare', template_dir], options, cwd=self._root_dir)
1025        with open(os.path.join(template_dir, 'shallow'), 'w') as template_file:
1026          template_file.write(revision)
1027        clone_cmd.append('--template=' + template_dir)
1028      else:
1029        # Otherwise, we're just interested in the HEAD. Just use --depth.
1030        clone_cmd.append('--depth=1')
1032    tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(
1033        prefix='_gclient_%s_' % os.path.basename(self.checkout_path),
1034        dir=parent_dir)
1035    try:
1036      clone_cmd.append(tmp_dir)
1037      if self.print_outbuf:
1038        print_stdout = True
1039        filter_fn = None
1040      else:
1041        print_stdout = False
1042        filter_fn = self.filter
1043      self._Run(clone_cmd, options, cwd=self._root_dir, retry=True,
1044                print_stdout=print_stdout, filter_fn=filter_fn)
1045      gclient_utils.safe_makedirs(self.checkout_path)
1046      gclient_utils.safe_rename(os.path.join(tmp_dir, '.git'),
1047                                os.path.join(self.checkout_path, '.git'))
1048      # TODO(https://github.com/git-for-windows/git/issues/2569): Remove once
1049      # fixed.
1050      if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
1051        try:
1052          self._Run(['config', '--unset', 'core.worktree'], options,
1053                    cwd=self.checkout_path)
1054        except subprocess2.CalledProcessError:
1055          pass
1056    except:
1057      traceback.print_exc(file=self.out_fh)
1058      raise
1059    finally:
1060      if os.listdir(tmp_dir):
1061        self.Print('_____ removing non-empty tmp dir %s' % tmp_dir)
1062      gclient_utils.rmtree(tmp_dir)
1063      if template_dir:
1064        gclient_utils.rmtree(template_dir)
1065    self._SetFetchConfig(options)
1066    self._Fetch(options, prune=options.force)
1067    revision = self._AutoFetchRef(options, revision)
1068    remote_ref = scm.GIT.RefToRemoteRef(revision, self.remote)
1069    self._Checkout(options, ''.join(remote_ref or revision), quiet=True)
1070    if self._GetCurrentBranch() is None:
1071      # Squelch git's very verbose detached HEAD warning and use our own
1072      self.Print(
1073        ('Checked out %s to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits\n'
1074         'in this repo, you should use \'git checkout <branch>\' to switch to\n'
1075         'an existing branch or use \'git checkout %s -b <branch>\' to\n'
1076         'create a new branch for your work.') % (revision, self.remote))
1078  def _AskForData(self, prompt, options):
1079    if options.jobs > 1:
1080      self.Print(prompt)
1081      raise gclient_utils.Error("Background task requires input. Rerun "
1082                                "gclient with --jobs=1 so that\n"
1083                                "interaction is possible.")
1084    return gclient_utils.AskForData(prompt)
1087  def _AttemptRebase(self, upstream, files, options, newbase=None,
1088                     branch=None, printed_path=False, merge=False):
1089    """Attempt to rebase onto either upstream or, if specified, newbase."""
1090    if files is not None:
1091      files.extend(self._GetDiffFilenames(upstream))
1092    revision = upstream
1093    if newbase:
1094      revision = newbase
1095    action = 'merge' if merge else 'rebase'
1096    if not printed_path:
1097      self.Print('_____ %s : Attempting %s onto %s...' % (
1098          self.relpath, action, revision))
1099      printed_path = True
1100    else:
1101      self.Print('Attempting %s onto %s...' % (action, revision))
1103    if merge:
1104      merge_output = self._Capture(['merge', revision])
1105      if options.verbose:
1106        self.Print(merge_output)
1107      return
1109    # Build the rebase command here using the args
1110    # git rebase [options] [--onto <newbase>] <upstream> [<branch>]
1111    rebase_cmd = ['rebase']
1112    if options.verbose:
1113      rebase_cmd.append('--verbose')
1114    if newbase:
1115      rebase_cmd.extend(['--onto', newbase])
1116    rebase_cmd.append(upstream)
1117    if branch:
1118      rebase_cmd.append(branch)
1120    try:
1121      rebase_output = scm.GIT.Capture(rebase_cmd, cwd=self.checkout_path)
1122    except subprocess2.CalledProcessError as e:
1123      if (re.match(br'cannot rebase: you have unstaged changes', e.stderr) or
1124          re.match(br'cannot rebase: your index contains uncommitted changes',
1125                   e.stderr)):
1126        while True:
1127          rebase_action = self._AskForData(
1128              'Cannot rebase because of unstaged changes.\n'
1129              '\'git reset --hard HEAD\' ?\n'
1130              'WARNING: destroys any uncommitted work in your current branch!'
1131              ' (y)es / (q)uit / (s)how : ', options)
1132          if re.match(r'yes|y', rebase_action, re.I):
1133            self._Scrub('HEAD', options)
1134            # Should this be recursive?
1135            rebase_output = scm.GIT.Capture(rebase_cmd, cwd=self.checkout_path)
1136            break
1137          elif re.match(r'quit|q', rebase_action, re.I):
1138            raise gclient_utils.Error("Please merge or rebase manually\n"
1139                                      "cd %s && git " % self.checkout_path
1140                                      + "%s" % ' '.join(rebase_cmd))
1141          elif re.match(r'show|s', rebase_action, re.I):
1142            self.Print('%s' % e.stderr.decode('utf-8').strip())
1143            continue
1144          else:
1145            gclient_utils.Error("Input not recognized")
1146            continue
1147      elif re.search(br'^CONFLICT', e.stdout, re.M):
1148        raise gclient_utils.Error("Conflict while rebasing this branch.\n"
1149                                  "Fix the conflict and run gclient again.\n"
1150                                  "See 'man git-rebase' for details.\n")
1151      else:
1152        self.Print(e.stdout.decode('utf-8').strip())
1153        self.Print('Rebase produced error output:\n%s' %
1154        e.stderr.decode('utf-8').strip())
1155        raise gclient_utils.Error("Unrecognized error, please merge or rebase "
1156                                  "manually.\ncd %s && git " %
1157                                  self.checkout_path
1158                                  + "%s" % ' '.join(rebase_cmd))
1160    self.Print(rebase_output.strip())
1161    if not options.verbose:
1162      # Make the output a little prettier. It's nice to have some
1163      # whitespace between projects when syncing.
1164      self.Print('')
1166  @staticmethod
1167  def _CheckMinVersion(min_version):
1168    (ok, current_version) = scm.GIT.AssertVersion(min_version)
1169    if not ok:
1170      raise gclient_utils.Error('git version %s < minimum required %s' %
1171                                (current_version, min_version))
1173  def _EnsureValidHeadObjectOrCheckout(self, revision, options, url):
1174    # Special case handling if all 3 conditions are met:
1175    #   * the mirros have recently changed, but deps destination remains same,
1176    #   * the git histories of mirrors are conflicting.
1177    #   * git cache is used
1178    # This manifests itself in current checkout having invalid HEAD commit on
1179    # most git operations. Since git cache is used, just deleted the .git
1180    # folder, and re-create it by cloning.
1181    try:
1182      self._Capture(['rev-list', '-n', '1', 'HEAD'])
1183    except subprocess2.CalledProcessError as e:
1184      if (b'fatal: bad object HEAD' in e.stderr
1185          and self.cache_dir and self.cache_dir in url):
1186        self.Print((
1187          'Likely due to DEPS change with git cache_dir, '
1188          'the current commit points to no longer existing object.\n'
1189          '%s' % e)
1190        )
1191        self._DeleteOrMove(options.force)
1192        self._Clone(revision, url, options)
1193      else:
1194        raise
1196  def _IsRebasing(self):
1197    # Check for any of REBASE-i/REBASE-m/REBASE/AM. Unfortunately git doesn't
1198    # have a plumbing command to determine whether a rebase is in progress, so
1199    # for now emualate (more-or-less) git-rebase.sh / git-completion.bash
1200    g = os.path.join(self.checkout_path, '.git')
1201    return (
1202      os.path.isdir(os.path.join(g, "rebase-merge")) or
1203      os.path.isdir(os.path.join(g, "rebase-apply")))
1205  def _CheckClean(self, revision, fixup=False):
1206    lockfile = os.path.join(self.checkout_path, ".git", "index.lock")
1207    if os.path.exists(lockfile):
1208      raise gclient_utils.Error(
1209        '\n____ %s at %s\n'
1210        '\tYour repo is locked, possibly due to a concurrent git process.\n'
1211        '\tIf no git executable is running, then clean up %r and try again.\n'
1212        % (self.relpath, revision, lockfile))
1214    # Make sure the tree is clean; see git-rebase.sh for reference
1215    try:
1216      scm.GIT.Capture(['update-index', '--ignore-submodules', '--refresh'],
1217                      cwd=self.checkout_path)
1218    except subprocess2.CalledProcessError:
1219      raise gclient_utils.Error('\n____ %s at %s\n'
1220                                '\tYou have unstaged changes.\n'
1221                                '\tPlease commit, stash, or reset.\n'
1222                                  % (self.relpath, revision))
1223    try:
1224      scm.GIT.Capture(['diff-index', '--cached', '--name-status', '-r',
1225                       '--ignore-submodules', 'HEAD', '--'],
1226                       cwd=self.checkout_path)
1227    except subprocess2.CalledProcessError:
1228      raise gclient_utils.Error('\n____ %s at %s\n'
1229                                '\tYour index contains uncommitted changes\n'
1230                                '\tPlease commit, stash, or reset.\n'
1231                                  % (self.relpath, revision))
1233  def _CheckDetachedHead(self, revision, _options):
1234    # HEAD is detached. Make sure it is safe to move away from (i.e., it is
1235    # reference by a commit). If not, error out -- most likely a rebase is
1236    # in progress, try to detect so we can give a better error.
1237    try:
1238      scm.GIT.Capture(['name-rev', '--no-undefined', 'HEAD'],
1239          cwd=self.checkout_path)
1240    except subprocess2.CalledProcessError:
1241      # Commit is not contained by any rev. See if the user is rebasing:
1242      if self._IsRebasing():
1243        # Punt to the user
1244        raise gclient_utils.Error('\n____ %s at %s\n'
1245                                  '\tAlready in a conflict, i.e. (no branch).\n'
1246                                  '\tFix the conflict and run gclient again.\n'
1247                                  '\tOr to abort run:\n\t\tgit-rebase --abort\n'
1248                                  '\tSee man git-rebase for details.\n'
1249                                   % (self.relpath, revision))
1250      # Let's just save off the commit so we can proceed.
1251      name = ('saved-by-gclient-' +
1252              self._Capture(['rev-parse', '--short', 'HEAD']))
1253      self._Capture(['branch', '-f', name])
1254      self.Print('_____ found an unreferenced commit and saved it as \'%s\'' %
1255          name)
1257  def _GetCurrentBranch(self):
1258    # Returns name of current branch or None for detached HEAD
1259    branch = self._Capture(['rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref=strict', 'HEAD'])
1260    if branch == 'HEAD':
1261      return None
1262    return branch
1264  def _Capture(self, args, **kwargs):
1265    set_git_dir = 'cwd' not in kwargs
1266    kwargs.setdefault('cwd', self.checkout_path)
1267    kwargs.setdefault('stderr', subprocess2.PIPE)
1268    strip = kwargs.pop('strip', True)
1269    env = scm.GIT.ApplyEnvVars(kwargs)
1270    # If an explicit cwd isn't set, then default to the .git/ subdir so we get
1271    # stricter behavior.  This can be useful in cases of slight corruption --
1272    # we don't accidentally go corrupting parent git checks too.  See
1273    # https://crbug.com/1000825 for an example.
1274    if set_git_dir:
1275      git_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.checkout_path, '.git'))
1276      # Depending on how the .gclient file was defined, self.checkout_path
1277      # might be set to a unicode string, not a regular string; on Windows
1278      # Python2, we can't set env vars to be unicode strings, so we
1279      # forcibly cast the value to a string before setting it.
1280      env.setdefault('GIT_DIR', str(git_dir))
1281    ret = subprocess2.check_output(
1282        ['git'] + args, env=env, **kwargs).decode('utf-8')
1283    if strip:
1284      ret = ret.strip()
1285    self.Print('Finished running: %s %s' % ('git', ' '.join(args)))
1286    return ret
1288  def _Checkout(self, options, ref, force=False, quiet=None):
1289    """Performs a 'git-checkout' operation.
1291    Args:
1292      options: The configured option set
1293      ref: (str) The branch/commit to checkout
1294      quiet: (bool/None) Whether or not the checkout should pass '--quiet'; if
1295          'None', the behavior is inferred from 'options.verbose'.
1296    Returns: (str) The output of the checkout operation
1297    """
1298    if quiet is None:
1299      quiet = (not options.verbose)
1300    checkout_args = ['checkout']
1301    if force:
1302      checkout_args.append('--force')
1303    if quiet:
1304      checkout_args.append('--quiet')
1305    checkout_args.append(ref)
1306    return self._Capture(checkout_args)
1308  def _Fetch(self, options, remote=None, prune=False, quiet=False,
1309             refspec=None):
1310    cfg = gclient_utils.DefaultIndexPackConfig(self.url)
1311    # When updating, the ref is modified to be a remote ref .
1312    # (e.g. refs/heads/NAME becomes refs/remotes/REMOTE/NAME).
1313    # Try to reverse that mapping.
1314    original_ref = scm.GIT.RemoteRefToRef(refspec, self.remote)
1315    if original_ref:
1316      refspec = original_ref + ':' + refspec
1317      # When a mirror is configured, it only fetches
1318      # refs/{heads,branch-heads,tags}/*.
1319      # If asked to fetch other refs, we must fetch those directly from the
1320      # repository, and not from the mirror.
1321      if not original_ref.startswith(
1322          ('refs/heads/', 'refs/branch-heads/', 'refs/tags/')):
1323        remote, _ = gclient_utils.SplitUrlRevision(self.url)
1324    fetch_cmd =  cfg + [
1325        'fetch',
1326        remote or self.remote,
1327    ]
1328    if refspec:
1329      fetch_cmd.append(refspec)
1331    if prune:
1332      fetch_cmd.append('--prune')
1333    if options.verbose:
1334      fetch_cmd.append('--verbose')
1335    if not hasattr(options, 'with_tags') or not options.with_tags:
1336      fetch_cmd.append('--no-tags')
1337    elif quiet:
1338      fetch_cmd.append('--quiet')
1339    self._Run(fetch_cmd, options, show_header=options.verbose, retry=True)
1341  def _SetFetchConfig(self, options):
1342    """Adds, and optionally fetches, "branch-heads" and "tags" refspecs
1343    if requested."""
1344    if options.force or options.reset:
1345      try:
1346        self._Run(['config', '--unset-all', 'remote.%s.fetch' % self.remote],
1347                  options)
1348        self._Run(['config', 'remote.%s.fetch' % self.remote,
1349                   '+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/%s/*' % self.remote], options)
1350      except subprocess2.CalledProcessError as e:
1351        # If exit code was 5, it means we attempted to unset a config that
1352        # didn't exist. Ignore it.
1353        if e.returncode != 5:
1354          raise
1355    if hasattr(options, 'with_branch_heads') and options.with_branch_heads:
1356      config_cmd = ['config', 'remote.%s.fetch' % self.remote,
1357                    '+refs/branch-heads/*:refs/remotes/branch-heads/*',
1358                    '^\\+refs/branch-heads/\\*:.*$']
1359      self._Run(config_cmd, options)
1360    if hasattr(options, 'with_tags') and options.with_tags:
1361      config_cmd = ['config', 'remote.%s.fetch' % self.remote,
1362                    '+refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*',
1363                    '^\\+refs/tags/\\*:.*$']
1364      self._Run(config_cmd, options)
1366  def _AutoFetchRef(self, options, revision):
1367    """Attempts to fetch |revision| if not available in local repo.
1369    Returns possibly updated revision."""
1370    if not scm.GIT.IsValidRevision(self.checkout_path, revision):
1371      self._Fetch(options, refspec=revision)
1372      revision = self._Capture(['rev-parse', 'FETCH_HEAD'])
1373    return revision
1375  def _IsRunningUnderRosetta(self):
1376    if sys.platform != 'darwin':
1377      return False
1378    if self._running_under_rosetta is None:
1379      # If we are running under Rosetta, platform.machine() is
1380      # 'x86_64'; we need to use a sysctl to see if we're being
1381      # translated.
1382      import ctypes
1383      libSystem = ctypes.CDLL("libSystem.dylib")
1384      ret = ctypes.c_int(0)
1385      size = ctypes.c_size_t(4)
1386      e = libSystem.sysctlbyname(ctypes.c_char_p(b'sysctl.proc_translated'),
1387                                 ctypes.byref(ret), ctypes.byref(size), None, 0)
1388      self._running_under_rosetta = e == 0 and ret.value == 1
1389    return self._running_under_rosetta
1391  def _Run(self, args, options, **kwargs):
1392    # Disable 'unused options' warning | pylint: disable=unused-argument
1393    kwargs.setdefault('cwd', self.checkout_path)
1394    kwargs.setdefault('filter_fn', self.filter)
1395    kwargs.setdefault('show_header', True)
1396    env = scm.GIT.ApplyEnvVars(kwargs)
1398    cmd = ['git'] + args
1400    if self._IsRunningUnderRosetta():
1401      # We currently only ship an Intel Python binary in depot_tools.
1402      # Intel binaries run under Rosetta on ARM Macs, and by default
1403      # prefer to run their subprocesses as Intel under Rosetta too.
1404      # Intel git running under Rosetta has a bug where it fails to
1405      # clone src.git (rdar://7868319), so until we ship a native
1406      # ARM python3 binary, explicitly use `arch` to let git run
1407      # the native ARM slice instead of the Intel slice.
1408      # TODO(thakis): Remove this again once we ship an arm64 python3
1409      # binary.
1410      cmd = ['arch', '-arch', 'arm64e', '-arch', 'arm64'] + cmd
1411    gclient_utils.CheckCallAndFilter(cmd, env=env, **kwargs)
1414class CipdPackage(object):
1415  """A representation of a single CIPD package."""
1417  def __init__(self, name, version, authority_for_subdir):
1418    self._authority_for_subdir = authority_for_subdir
1419    self._name = name
1420    self._version = version
1422  @property
1423  def authority_for_subdir(self):
1424    """Whether this package has authority to act on behalf of its subdir.
1426    Some operations should only be performed once per subdirectory. A package
1427    that has authority for its subdirectory is the only package that should
1428    perform such operations.
1430    Returns:
1431      bool; whether this package has subdir authority.
1432    """
1433    return self._authority_for_subdir
1435  @property
1436  def name(self):
1437    return self._name
1439  @property
1440  def version(self):
1441    return self._version
1444class CipdRoot(object):
1445  """A representation of a single CIPD root."""
1446  def __init__(self, root_dir, service_url):
1447    self._all_packages = set()
1448    self._mutator_lock = threading.Lock()
1449    self._packages_by_subdir = collections.defaultdict(list)
1450    self._root_dir = root_dir
1451    self._service_url = service_url
1453  def add_package(self, subdir, package, version):
1454    """Adds a package to this CIPD root.
1456    As far as clients are concerned, this grants both root and subdir authority
1457    to packages arbitrarily. (The implementation grants root authority to the
1458    first package added and subdir authority to the first package added for that
1459    subdir, but clients should not depend on or expect that behavior.)
1461    Args:
1462      subdir: str; relative path to where the package should be installed from
1463        the cipd root directory.
1464      package: str; the cipd package name.
1465      version: str; the cipd package version.
1466    Returns:
1467      CipdPackage; the package that was created and added to this root.
1468    """
1469    with self._mutator_lock:
1470      cipd_package = CipdPackage(
1471          package, version,
1472          not self._packages_by_subdir[subdir])
1473      self._all_packages.add(cipd_package)
1474      self._packages_by_subdir[subdir].append(cipd_package)
1475      return cipd_package
1477  def packages(self, subdir):
1478    """Get the list of configured packages for the given subdir."""
1479    return list(self._packages_by_subdir[subdir])
1481  def clobber(self):
1482    """Remove the .cipd directory.
1484    This is useful for forcing ensure to redownload and reinitialize all
1485    packages.
1486    """
1487    with self._mutator_lock:
1488      cipd_cache_dir = os.path.join(self.root_dir, '.cipd')
1489      try:
1490        gclient_utils.rmtree(os.path.join(cipd_cache_dir))
1491      except OSError:
1492        if os.path.exists(cipd_cache_dir):
1493          raise
1495  @contextlib.contextmanager
1496  def _create_ensure_file(self):
1497    try:
1498      contents = '$ParanoidMode CheckPresence\n\n'
1499      for subdir, packages in sorted(self._packages_by_subdir.items()):
1500        contents += '@Subdir %s\n' % subdir
1501        for package in sorted(packages, key=lambda p: p.name):
1502          contents += '%s %s\n' % (package.name, package.version)
1503        contents += '\n'
1504      ensure_file = None
1505      with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(
1506          suffix='.ensure', delete=False, mode='wb') as ensure_file:
1507        ensure_file.write(contents.encode('utf-8', 'replace'))
1508      yield ensure_file.name
1509    finally:
1510      if ensure_file is not None and os.path.exists(ensure_file.name):
1511        os.remove(ensure_file.name)
1513  def ensure(self):
1514    """Run `cipd ensure`."""
1515    with self._mutator_lock:
1516      with self._create_ensure_file() as ensure_file:
1517        cmd = [
1518            'cipd', 'ensure',
1519            '-log-level', 'error',
1520            '-root', self.root_dir,
1521            '-ensure-file', ensure_file,
1522        ]
1523        gclient_utils.CheckCallAndFilter(
1524            cmd, print_stdout=True, show_header=True)
1526  def run(self, command):
1527    if command == 'update':
1528      self.ensure()
1529    elif command == 'revert':
1530      self.clobber()
1531      self.ensure()
1533  def created_package(self, package):
1534    """Checks whether this root created the given package.
1536    Args:
1537      package: CipdPackage; the package to check.
1538    Returns:
1539      bool; whether this root created the given package.
1540    """
1541    return package in self._all_packages
1543  @property
1544  def root_dir(self):
1545    return self._root_dir
1547  @property
1548  def service_url(self):
1549    return self._service_url
1552class CipdWrapper(SCMWrapper):
1553  """Wrapper for CIPD.
1555  Currently only supports chrome-infra-packages.appspot.com.
1556  """
1557  name = 'cipd'
1559  def __init__(self, url=None, root_dir=None, relpath=None, out_fh=None,
1560               out_cb=None, root=None, package=None):
1561    super(CipdWrapper, self).__init__(
1562        url=url, root_dir=root_dir, relpath=relpath, out_fh=out_fh,
1563        out_cb=out_cb)
1564    assert root.created_package(package)
1565    self._package = package
1566    self._root = root
1568  #override
1569  def GetCacheMirror(self):
1570    return None
1572  #override
1573  def GetActualRemoteURL(self, options):
1574    return self._root.service_url
1576  #override
1577  def DoesRemoteURLMatch(self, options):
1578    del options
1579    return True
1581  def revert(self, options, args, file_list):
1582    """Does nothing.
1584    CIPD packages should be reverted at the root by running
1585    `CipdRoot.run('revert')`.
1586    """
1587    pass
1589  def diff(self, options, args, file_list):
1590    """CIPD has no notion of diffing."""
1591    pass
1593  def pack(self, options, args, file_list):
1594    """CIPD has no notion of diffing."""
1595    pass
1597  def revinfo(self, options, args, file_list):
1598    """Grab the instance ID."""
1599    try:
1600      tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
1601      describe_json_path = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'describe.json')
1602      cmd = [
1603          'cipd', 'describe',
1604          self._package.name,
1605          '-log-level', 'error',
1606          '-version', self._package.version,
1607          '-json-output', describe_json_path
1608      ]
1609      gclient_utils.CheckCallAndFilter(cmd)
1610      with open(describe_json_path) as f:
1611        describe_json = json.load(f)
1612      return describe_json.get('result', {}).get('pin', {}).get('instance_id')
1613    finally:
1614      gclient_utils.rmtree(tmpdir)
1616  def status(self, options, args, file_list):
1617    pass
1619  def update(self, options, args, file_list):
1620    """Does nothing.
1622    CIPD packages should be updated at the root by running
1623    `CipdRoot.run('update')`.
1624    """
1625    pass