1# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3# found in the LICENSE file.
5"""SCM-specific utility classes."""
7import distutils.version
8import glob
9import io
10import os
11import platform
12import re
13import sys
15import gclient_utils
16import subprocess2
19def ValidateEmail(email):
20  return (
21      re.match(r"^[a-zA-Z0-9._%\-+]+@[a-zA-Z0-9._%-]+.[a-zA-Z]{2,6}$", email)
22      is not None)
25def GetCasedPath(path):
26  """Elcheapos way to get the real path case on Windows."""
27  if sys.platform.startswith('win') and os.path.exists(path):
28    # Reconstruct the path.
29    path = os.path.abspath(path)
30    paths = path.split('\\')
31    for i in range(len(paths)):
32      if i == 0:
33        # Skip drive letter.
34        continue
35      subpath = '\\'.join(paths[:i+1])
36      prev = len('\\'.join(paths[:i]))
37      # glob.glob will return the cased path for the last item only. This is why
38      # we are calling it in a loop. Extract the data we want and put it back
39      # into the list.
40      paths[i] = glob.glob(subpath + '*')[0][prev+1:len(subpath)]
41    path = '\\'.join(paths)
42  return path
45def GenFakeDiff(filename):
46  """Generates a fake diff from a file."""
47  file_content = gclient_utils.FileRead(filename, 'rb').splitlines(True)
48  filename = filename.replace(os.sep, '/')
49  nb_lines = len(file_content)
50  # We need to use / since patch on unix will fail otherwise.
51  data = io.StringIO()
52  data.write("Index: %s\n" % filename)
53  data.write('=' * 67 + '\n')
54  # Note: Should we use /dev/null instead?
55  data.write("--- %s\n" % filename)
56  data.write("+++ %s\n" % filename)
57  data.write("@@ -0,0 +1,%d @@\n" % nb_lines)
58  # Prepend '+' to every lines.
59  for line in file_content:
60    data.write('+')
61    data.write(line)
62  result = data.getvalue()
63  data.close()
64  return result
67def determine_scm(root):
68  """Similar to upload.py's version but much simpler.
70  Returns 'git' or None.
71  """
72  if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(root, '.git')):
73    return 'git'
74  else:
75    try:
76      subprocess2.check_call(
77          ['git', 'rev-parse', '--show-cdup'],
78          stdout=subprocess2.VOID,
79          stderr=subprocess2.VOID,
80          cwd=root)
81      return 'git'
82    except (OSError, subprocess2.CalledProcessError):
83      return None
86def only_int(val):
87  if val.isdigit():
88    return int(val)
89  else:
90    return 0
93class GIT(object):
94  current_version = None
96  @staticmethod
97  def ApplyEnvVars(kwargs):
98    env = kwargs.pop('env', None) or os.environ.copy()
99    # Don't prompt for passwords; just fail quickly and noisily.
100    # By default, git will use an interactive terminal prompt when a username/
101    # password is needed.  That shouldn't happen in the chromium workflow,
102    # and if it does, then gclient may hide the prompt in the midst of a flood
103    # of terminal spew.  The only indication that something has gone wrong
104    # will be when gclient hangs unresponsively.  Instead, we disable the
105    # password prompt and simply allow git to fail noisily.  The error
106    # message produced by git will be copied to gclient's output.
107    env.setdefault('GIT_ASKPASS', 'true')
108    env.setdefault('SSH_ASKPASS', 'true')
109    # 'cat' is a magical git string that disables pagers on all platforms.
110    env.setdefault('GIT_PAGER', 'cat')
111    return env
113  @staticmethod
114  def Capture(args, cwd, strip_out=True, **kwargs):
115    env = GIT.ApplyEnvVars(kwargs)
116    output = subprocess2.check_output(
117        ['git'] + args, cwd=cwd, stderr=subprocess2.PIPE, env=env, **kwargs)
118    output = output.decode('utf-8', 'replace')
119    return output.strip() if strip_out else output
121  @staticmethod
122  def CaptureStatus(cwd, upstream_branch):
123    """Returns git status.
125    Returns an array of (status, file) tuples."""
126    if upstream_branch is None:
127      upstream_branch = GIT.GetUpstreamBranch(cwd)
128      if upstream_branch is None:
129        raise gclient_utils.Error('Cannot determine upstream branch')
130    command = ['-c', 'core.quotePath=false', 'diff',
131               '--name-status', '--no-renames', '-r', '%s...' % upstream_branch]
132    status = GIT.Capture(command, cwd)
133    results = []
134    if status:
135      for statusline in status.splitlines():
136        # 3-way merges can cause the status can be 'MMM' instead of 'M'. This
137        # can happen when the user has 2 local branches and he diffs between
138        # these 2 branches instead diffing to upstream.
139        m = re.match(r'^(\w)+\t(.+)$', statusline)
140        if not m:
141          raise gclient_utils.Error(
142              'status currently unsupported: %s' % statusline)
143        # Only grab the first letter.
144        results.append(('%s      ' % m.group(1)[0], m.group(2)))
145    return results
147  @staticmethod
148  def GetConfig(cwd, key, default=None):
149    try:
150      return GIT.Capture(['config', key], cwd=cwd)
151    except subprocess2.CalledProcessError:
152      return default
154  @staticmethod
155  def GetBranchConfig(cwd, branch, key, default=None):
156    assert branch, 'A branch must be given'
157    key = 'branch.%s.%s' % (branch, key)
158    return GIT.GetConfig(cwd, key, default)
160  @staticmethod
161  def SetConfig(cwd, key, value=None):
162    if value is None:
163      args = ['config', '--unset', key]
164    else:
165      args = ['config', key, value]
166    GIT.Capture(args, cwd=cwd)
168  @staticmethod
169  def SetBranchConfig(cwd, branch, key, value=None):
170    assert branch, 'A branch must be given'
171    key = 'branch.%s.%s' % (branch, key)
172    GIT.SetConfig(cwd, key, value)
174  @staticmethod
175  def IsWorkTreeDirty(cwd):
176    return GIT.Capture(['status', '-s'], cwd=cwd) != ''
178  @staticmethod
179  def GetEmail(cwd):
180    """Retrieves the user email address if known."""
181    return GIT.GetConfig(cwd, 'user.email', '')
183  @staticmethod
184  def ShortBranchName(branch):
185    """Converts a name like 'refs/heads/foo' to just 'foo'."""
186    return branch.replace('refs/heads/', '')
188  @staticmethod
189  def GetBranchRef(cwd):
190    """Returns the full branch reference, e.g. 'refs/heads/master'."""
191    try:
192      return GIT.Capture(['symbolic-ref', 'HEAD'], cwd=cwd)
193    except subprocess2.CalledProcessError:
194      return None
196  @staticmethod
197  def GetBranch(cwd):
198    """Returns the short branch name, e.g. 'master'."""
199    branchref = GIT.GetBranchRef(cwd)
200    if branchref:
201      return GIT.ShortBranchName(branchref)
202    return None
204  @staticmethod
205  def GetRemoteBranches(cwd):
206    return GIT.Capture(['branch', '-r'], cwd=cwd).split()
208  @staticmethod
209  def FetchUpstreamTuple(cwd, branch=None):
210    """Returns a tuple containing remote and remote ref,
211       e.g. 'origin', 'refs/heads/master'
212    """
213    try:
214      branch = branch or GIT.GetBranch(cwd)
215    except subprocess2.CalledProcessError:
216      pass
217    if branch:
218      upstream_branch = GIT.GetBranchConfig(cwd, branch, 'merge')
219      if upstream_branch:
220        remote = GIT.GetBranchConfig(cwd, branch, 'remote', '.')
221        return remote, upstream_branch
223    upstream_branch = GIT.GetConfig(cwd, 'rietveld.upstream-branch')
224    if upstream_branch:
225      remote = GIT.GetConfig(cwd, 'rietveld.upstream-remote', '.')
226      return remote, upstream_branch
228    # Else, try to guess the origin remote.
229    remote_branches = GIT.GetRemoteBranches(cwd)
230    if 'origin/main' in remote_branches:
231      # Fall back on origin/main if it exits.
232      return 'origin', 'refs/heads/main'
233    elif 'origin/master' in remote_branches:
234      # Fall back on origin/master if it exits.
235      return 'origin', 'refs/heads/master'
237    return None, None
239  @staticmethod
240  def RefToRemoteRef(ref, remote):
241    """Convert a checkout ref to the equivalent remote ref.
243    Returns:
244      A tuple of the remote ref's (common prefix, unique suffix), or None if it
245      doesn't appear to refer to a remote ref (e.g. it's a commit hash).
246    """
247    # TODO(mmoss): This is just a brute-force mapping based of the expected git
248    # config. It's a bit better than the even more brute-force replace('heads',
249    # ...), but could still be smarter (like maybe actually using values gleaned
250    # from the git config).
251    m = re.match('^(refs/(remotes/)?)?branch-heads/', ref or '')
252    if m:
253      return ('refs/remotes/branch-heads/', ref.replace(m.group(0), ''))
255    m = re.match('^((refs/)?remotes/)?%s/|(refs/)?heads/' % remote, ref or '')
256    if m:
257      return ('refs/remotes/%s/' % remote, ref.replace(m.group(0), ''))
259    return None
261  @staticmethod
262  def RemoteRefToRef(ref, remote):
263    assert remote, 'A remote must be given'
264    if not ref or not ref.startswith('refs/'):
265      return None
266    if not ref.startswith('refs/remotes/'):
267      return ref
268    if ref.startswith('refs/remotes/branch-heads/'):
269      return 'refs' + ref[len('refs/remotes'):]
270    if ref.startswith('refs/remotes/%s/' % remote):
271      return 'refs/heads' + ref[len('refs/remotes/%s' % remote):]
272    return None
274  @staticmethod
275  def GetUpstreamBranch(cwd):
276    """Gets the current branch's upstream branch."""
277    remote, upstream_branch = GIT.FetchUpstreamTuple(cwd)
278    if remote != '.' and upstream_branch:
279      remote_ref = GIT.RefToRemoteRef(upstream_branch, remote)
280      if remote_ref:
281        upstream_branch = ''.join(remote_ref)
282    return upstream_branch
284  @staticmethod
285  def IsAncestor(cwd, maybe_ancestor, ref):
286    """Verifies if |maybe_ancestor| is an ancestor of |ref|."""
287    try:
288      GIT.Capture(['merge-base', '--is-ancestor', maybe_ancestor, ref], cwd=cwd)
289      return True
290    except subprocess2.CalledProcessError:
291      return False
293  @staticmethod
294  def GetOldContents(cwd, filename, branch=None):
295    if not branch:
296      branch = GIT.GetUpstreamBranch(cwd)
297    if platform.system() == 'Windows':
298      # git show <sha>:<path> wants a posix path.
299      filename = filename.replace('\\', '/')
300    command = ['show', '%s:%s' % (branch, filename)]
301    try:
302      return GIT.Capture(command, cwd=cwd, strip_out=False)
303    except subprocess2.CalledProcessError:
304      return ''
306  @staticmethod
307  def GenerateDiff(cwd, branch=None, branch_head='HEAD', full_move=False,
308                   files=None):
309    """Diffs against the upstream branch or optionally another branch.
311    full_move means that move or copy operations should completely recreate the
312    files, usually in the prospect to apply the patch for a try job."""
313    if not branch:
314      branch = GIT.GetUpstreamBranch(cwd)
315    command = ['-c', 'core.quotePath=false', 'diff',
316               '-p', '--no-color', '--no-prefix', '--no-ext-diff',
317               branch + "..." + branch_head]
318    if full_move:
319      command.append('--no-renames')
320    else:
321      command.append('-C')
322    # TODO(maruel): --binary support.
323    if files:
324      command.append('--')
325      command.extend(files)
326    diff = GIT.Capture(command, cwd=cwd, strip_out=False).splitlines(True)
327    for i in range(len(diff)):
328      # In the case of added files, replace /dev/null with the path to the
329      # file being added.
330      if diff[i].startswith('--- /dev/null'):
331        diff[i] = '--- %s' % diff[i+1][4:]
332    return ''.join(diff)
334  @staticmethod
335  def GetDifferentFiles(cwd, branch=None, branch_head='HEAD'):
336    """Returns the list of modified files between two branches."""
337    if not branch:
338      branch = GIT.GetUpstreamBranch(cwd)
339    command = ['-c', 'core.quotePath=false', 'diff',
340               '--name-only', branch + "..." + branch_head]
341    return GIT.Capture(command, cwd=cwd).splitlines(False)
343  @staticmethod
344  def GetAllFiles(cwd):
345    """Returns the list of all files under revision control."""
346    command = ['-c', 'core.quotePath=false', 'ls-files', '--', '.']
347    return GIT.Capture(command, cwd=cwd).splitlines(False)
349  @staticmethod
350  def GetPatchName(cwd):
351    """Constructs a name for this patch."""
352    short_sha = GIT.Capture(['rev-parse', '--short=4', 'HEAD'], cwd=cwd)
353    return "%s#%s" % (GIT.GetBranch(cwd), short_sha)
355  @staticmethod
356  def GetCheckoutRoot(cwd):
357    """Returns the top level directory of a git checkout as an absolute path.
358    """
359    root = GIT.Capture(['rev-parse', '--show-cdup'], cwd=cwd)
360    return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(cwd, root))
362  @staticmethod
363  def GetGitDir(cwd):
364    return os.path.abspath(GIT.Capture(['rev-parse', '--git-dir'], cwd=cwd))
366  @staticmethod
367  def IsInsideWorkTree(cwd):
368    try:
369      return GIT.Capture(['rev-parse', '--is-inside-work-tree'], cwd=cwd)
370    except (OSError, subprocess2.CalledProcessError):
371      return False
373  @staticmethod
374  def IsDirectoryVersioned(cwd, relative_dir):
375    """Checks whether the given |relative_dir| is part of cwd's repo."""
376    return bool(GIT.Capture(['ls-tree', 'HEAD', relative_dir], cwd=cwd))
378  @staticmethod
379  def CleanupDir(cwd, relative_dir):
380    """Cleans up untracked file inside |relative_dir|."""
381    return bool(GIT.Capture(['clean', '-df', relative_dir], cwd=cwd))
383  @staticmethod
384  def ResolveCommit(cwd, rev):
385    # We do this instead of rev-parse --verify rev^{commit}, since on Windows
386    # git can be either an executable or batch script, each of which requires
387    # escaping the caret (^) a different way.
388    if gclient_utils.IsFullGitSha(rev):
389      # git-rev parse --verify FULL_GIT_SHA always succeeds, even if we don't
390      # have FULL_GIT_SHA locally. Removing the last character forces git to
391      # check if FULL_GIT_SHA refers to an object in the local database.
392      rev = rev[:-1]
393    try:
394      return GIT.Capture(['rev-parse', '--quiet', '--verify', rev], cwd=cwd)
395    except subprocess2.CalledProcessError:
396      return None
398  @staticmethod
399  def IsValidRevision(cwd, rev, sha_only=False):
400    """Verifies the revision is a proper git revision.
402    sha_only: Fail unless rev is a sha hash.
403    """
404    sha = GIT.ResolveCommit(cwd, rev)
405    if sha is None:
406      return False
407    if sha_only:
408      return sha == rev.lower()
409    return True
411  @classmethod
412  def AssertVersion(cls, min_version):
413    """Asserts git's version is at least min_version."""
414    if cls.current_version is None:
415      current_version = cls.Capture(['--version'], '.')
416      matched = re.search(r'git version (.+)', current_version)
417      cls.current_version = distutils.version.LooseVersion(matched.group(1))
418    min_version = distutils.version.LooseVersion(min_version)
419    return (min_version <= cls.current_version, cls.current_version)