1 /*
2  *
3  * Copyright 2015-2016 gRPC authors.
4  *
5  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  *
9  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10  *
11  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  * limitations under the License.
16  *
17  */
19 #ifndef GRPC_GRPC_H
20 #define GRPC_GRPC_H
22 #include <grpc/support/port_platform.h>
24 #include <grpc/status.h>
26 #include <grpc/byte_buffer.h>
27 #include <grpc/impl/codegen/connectivity_state.h>
28 #include <grpc/impl/codegen/grpc_types.h>
29 #include <grpc/impl/codegen/propagation_bits.h>
30 #include <grpc/slice.h>
31 #include <grpc/support/time.h>
32 #include <stddef.h>
34 #ifdef __cplusplus
35 extern "C" {
36 #endif
38 /*! \mainpage GRPC Core
39  *
40  * The GRPC Core library is a low-level library designed to be wrapped by higher
41  * level libraries. The top-level API is provided in grpc.h. Security related
42  * functionality lives in grpc_security.h.
43  */
45 GRPCAPI void grpc_metadata_array_init(grpc_metadata_array* array);
46 GRPCAPI void grpc_metadata_array_destroy(grpc_metadata_array* array);
48 GRPCAPI void grpc_call_details_init(grpc_call_details* details);
49 GRPCAPI void grpc_call_details_destroy(grpc_call_details* details);
51 /** Registers a plugin to be initialized and destroyed with the library.
53     The \a init and \a destroy functions will be invoked as part of
54     \a grpc_init() and \a grpc_shutdown(), respectively.
55     Note that these functions can be invoked an arbitrary number of times
56     (and hence so will \a init and \a destroy).
57     It is safe to pass NULL to either argument. Plugins are destroyed in
58     the reverse order they were initialized. */
59 GRPCAPI void grpc_register_plugin(void (*init)(void), void (*destroy)(void));
61 /** Initialize the grpc library.
63     After it's called, a matching invocation to grpc_shutdown() is expected.
65     It is not safe to call any other grpc functions before calling this.
66     (To avoid overhead, little checking is done, and some things may work. We
67     do not warrant that they will continue to do so in future revisions of this
68     library). */
69 GRPCAPI void grpc_init(void);
71 /** Shut down the grpc library.
73     Before it's called, there should haven been a matching invocation to
74     grpc_init().
76     The last call to grpc_shutdown will initiate cleaning up of grpc library
77     internals, which can happen in another thread. Once the clean-up is done,
78     no memory is used by grpc, nor are any instructions executing within the
79     grpc library.  Prior to calling, all application owned grpc objects must
80     have been destroyed. */
81 GRPCAPI void grpc_shutdown(void);
83 /** EXPERIMENTAL. Returns 1 if the grpc library has been initialized.
84     TODO(ericgribkoff) Decide if this should be promoted to non-experimental as
85     part of stabilizing the fork support API, as tracked in
86     https://github.com/grpc/grpc/issues/15334 */
87 GRPCAPI int grpc_is_initialized(void);
89 /** EXPERIMENTAL. Blocking shut down grpc library.
90     This is only for wrapped language to use now. */
91 GRPCAPI void grpc_shutdown_blocking(void);
93 /** Return a string representing the current version of grpc */
94 GRPCAPI const char* grpc_version_string(void);
96 /** Return a string specifying what the 'g' in gRPC stands for */
97 GRPCAPI const char* grpc_g_stands_for(void);
99 /** Returns the completion queue factory based on the attributes. MAY return a
100     NULL if no factory can be found */
101 GRPCAPI const grpc_completion_queue_factory*
102 grpc_completion_queue_factory_lookup(
103     const grpc_completion_queue_attributes* attributes);
105 /** Helper function to create a completion queue with grpc_cq_completion_type
106     of GRPC_CQ_NEXT and grpc_cq_polling_type of GRPC_CQ_DEFAULT_POLLING */
107 GRPCAPI grpc_completion_queue* grpc_completion_queue_create_for_next(
108     void* reserved);
110 /** Helper function to create a completion queue with grpc_cq_completion_type
111     of GRPC_CQ_PLUCK and grpc_cq_polling_type of GRPC_CQ_DEFAULT_POLLING */
112 GRPCAPI grpc_completion_queue* grpc_completion_queue_create_for_pluck(
113     void* reserved);
115 /** Helper function to create a completion queue with grpc_cq_completion_type
116     of GRPC_CQ_CALLBACK and grpc_cq_polling_type of GRPC_CQ_DEFAULT_POLLING.
117     This function is experimental. */
118 GRPCAPI grpc_completion_queue* grpc_completion_queue_create_for_callback(
119     grpc_experimental_completion_queue_functor* shutdown_callback,
120     void* reserved);
122 /** Create a completion queue */
123 GRPCAPI grpc_completion_queue* grpc_completion_queue_create(
124     const grpc_completion_queue_factory* factory,
125     const grpc_completion_queue_attributes* attributes, void* reserved);
127 /** Blocks until an event is available, the completion queue is being shut down,
128     or deadline is reached.
130     Returns a grpc_event with type GRPC_QUEUE_TIMEOUT on timeout,
131     otherwise a grpc_event describing the event that occurred.
133     Callers must not call grpc_completion_queue_next and
134     grpc_completion_queue_pluck simultaneously on the same completion queue. */
135 GRPCAPI grpc_event grpc_completion_queue_next(grpc_completion_queue* cq,
136                                               gpr_timespec deadline,
137                                               void* reserved);
139 /** Blocks until an event with tag 'tag' is available, the completion queue is
140     being shutdown or deadline is reached.
142     Returns a grpc_event with type GRPC_QUEUE_TIMEOUT on timeout,
143     otherwise a grpc_event describing the event that occurred.
145     Callers must not call grpc_completion_queue_next and
146     grpc_completion_queue_pluck simultaneously on the same completion queue.
148     Completion queues support a maximum of GRPC_MAX_COMPLETION_QUEUE_PLUCKERS
149     concurrently executing plucks at any time. */
150 GRPCAPI grpc_event grpc_completion_queue_pluck(grpc_completion_queue* cq,
151                                                void* tag, gpr_timespec deadline,
152                                                void* reserved);
154 /** Maximum number of outstanding grpc_completion_queue_pluck executions per
155     completion queue */
158 /** Begin destruction of a completion queue. Once all possible events are
159     drained then grpc_completion_queue_next will start to produce
160     GRPC_QUEUE_SHUTDOWN events only. At that point it's safe to call
161     grpc_completion_queue_destroy.
163     After calling this function applications should ensure that no
164     NEW work is added to be published on this completion queue. */
165 GRPCAPI void grpc_completion_queue_shutdown(grpc_completion_queue* cq);
167 /** Destroy a completion queue. The caller must ensure that the queue is
168     drained and no threads are executing grpc_completion_queue_next */
169 GRPCAPI void grpc_completion_queue_destroy(grpc_completion_queue* cq);
171 /*********** EXPERIMENTAL API ************/
172 /** Initializes a thread local cache for \a cq.
173  * grpc_flush_cq_tls_cache() MUST be called on the same thread,
174  * with the same cq.
175  */
176 GRPCAPI void grpc_completion_queue_thread_local_cache_init(
177     grpc_completion_queue* cq);
179 /*********** EXPERIMENTAL API ************/
180 /** Flushes the thread local cache for \a cq.
181  * Returns 1 if there was contents in the cache.  If there was an event
182  * in \a cq tls cache, its tag is placed in tag, and ok is set to the
183  * event success.
184  */
185 GRPCAPI int grpc_completion_queue_thread_local_cache_flush(
186     grpc_completion_queue* cq, void** tag, int* ok);
188 /** Check the connectivity state of a channel. */
189 GRPCAPI grpc_connectivity_state grpc_channel_check_connectivity_state(
190     grpc_channel* channel, int try_to_connect);
192 /** Number of active "external connectivity state watchers" attached to a
193  * channel.
194  * Useful for testing. **/
195 GRPCAPI int grpc_channel_num_external_connectivity_watchers(
196     grpc_channel* channel);
198 /** Watch for a change in connectivity state.
199     Once the channel connectivity state is different from last_observed_state,
200     tag will be enqueued on cq with success=1.
201     If deadline expires BEFORE the state is changed, tag will be enqueued on cq
202     with success=0. */
203 GRPCAPI void grpc_channel_watch_connectivity_state(
204     grpc_channel* channel, grpc_connectivity_state last_observed_state,
205     gpr_timespec deadline, grpc_completion_queue* cq, void* tag);
207 /** Check whether a grpc channel supports connectivity watcher */
208 GRPCAPI int grpc_channel_support_connectivity_watcher(grpc_channel* channel);
210 /** Create a call given a grpc_channel, in order to call 'method'. All
211     completions are sent to 'completion_queue'. 'method' and 'host' need only
212     live through the invocation of this function.
213     If parent_call is non-NULL, it must be a server-side call. It will be used
214     to propagate properties from the server call to this new client call,
215     depending on the value of \a propagation_mask (see propagation_bits.h for
216     possible values). */
217 GRPCAPI grpc_call* grpc_channel_create_call(
218     grpc_channel* channel, grpc_call* parent_call, uint32_t propagation_mask,
219     grpc_completion_queue* completion_queue, grpc_slice method,
220     const grpc_slice* host, gpr_timespec deadline, void* reserved);
222 /** Ping the channels peer (load balanced channels will select one sub-channel
223     to ping); if the channel is not connected, posts a failed. */
224 GRPCAPI void grpc_channel_ping(grpc_channel* channel, grpc_completion_queue* cq,
225                                void* tag, void* reserved);
227 /** Pre-register a method/host pair on a channel. */
228 GRPCAPI void* grpc_channel_register_call(grpc_channel* channel,
229                                          const char* method, const char* host,
230                                          void* reserved);
232 /** Create a call given a handle returned from grpc_channel_register_call.
233     \sa grpc_channel_create_call. */
234 GRPCAPI grpc_call* grpc_channel_create_registered_call(
235     grpc_channel* channel, grpc_call* parent_call, uint32_t propagation_mask,
236     grpc_completion_queue* completion_queue, void* registered_call_handle,
237     gpr_timespec deadline, void* reserved);
239 /** Allocate memory in the grpc_call arena: this memory is automatically
240     discarded at call completion */
241 GRPCAPI void* grpc_call_arena_alloc(grpc_call* call, size_t size);
243 /** Start a batch of operations defined in the array ops; when complete, post a
244     completion of type 'tag' to the completion queue bound to the call.
245     The order of ops specified in the batch has no significance.
246     Only one operation of each type can be active at once in any given
247     batch.
248     If a call to grpc_call_start_batch returns GRPC_CALL_OK you must call
249     grpc_completion_queue_next or grpc_completion_queue_pluck on the completion
250     queue associated with 'call' for work to be performed. If a call to
251     grpc_call_start_batch returns any value other than GRPC_CALL_OK it is
252     guaranteed that no state associated with 'call' is changed and it is not
253     appropriate to call grpc_completion_queue_next or
254     grpc_completion_queue_pluck consequent to the failed grpc_call_start_batch
255     call.
256     If a call to grpc_call_start_batch with an empty batch returns
257     GRPC_CALL_OK, the tag is put in the completion queue immediately.
258     THREAD SAFETY: access to grpc_call_start_batch in multi-threaded environment
259     needs to be synchronized. As an optimization, you may synchronize batches
260     containing just send operations independently from batches containing just
261     receive operations. Access to grpc_call_start_batch with an empty batch is
262     thread-compatible. */
263 GRPCAPI grpc_call_error grpc_call_start_batch(grpc_call* call,
264                                               const grpc_op* ops, size_t nops,
265                                               void* tag, void* reserved);
267 /** Returns a newly allocated string representing the endpoint to which this
268     call is communicating with. The string is in the uri format accepted by
269     grpc_channel_create.
270     The returned string should be disposed of with gpr_free().
272     WARNING: this value is never authenticated or subject to any security
273     related code. It must not be used for any authentication related
274     functionality. Instead, use grpc_auth_context. */
275 GRPCAPI char* grpc_call_get_peer(grpc_call* call);
277 struct census_context;
279 /** Set census context for a call; Must be called before first call to
280    grpc_call_start_batch(). */
281 GRPCAPI void grpc_census_call_set_context(grpc_call* call,
282                                           struct census_context* context);
284 /** Retrieve the calls current census context. */
285 GRPCAPI struct census_context* grpc_census_call_get_context(grpc_call* call);
287 /** Return a newly allocated string representing the target a channel was
288     created for. */
289 GRPCAPI char* grpc_channel_get_target(grpc_channel* channel);
291 /** Request info about the channel.
292     \a channel_info indicates what information is being requested and
293     how that information will be returned.
294     \a channel_info is owned by the caller. */
295 GRPCAPI void grpc_channel_get_info(grpc_channel* channel,
296                                    const grpc_channel_info* channel_info);
298 /** EXPERIMENTAL.  Resets the channel's connect backoff.
299     TODO(roth): When we see whether this proves useful, either promote
300     to non-experimental or remove it. */
301 GRPCAPI void grpc_channel_reset_connect_backoff(grpc_channel* channel);
303 /** Create a client channel to 'target'. Additional channel level configuration
304     MAY be provided by grpc_channel_args, though the expectation is that most
305     clients will want to simply pass NULL. The user data in 'args' need only
306     live through the invocation of this function. However, if any args of the
307     'pointer' type are passed, then the referenced vtable must be maintained
308     by the caller until grpc_channel_destroy terminates. See grpc_channel_args
309     definition for more on this. */
310 GRPCAPI grpc_channel* grpc_insecure_channel_create(
311     const char* target, const grpc_channel_args* args, void* reserved);
313 /** Create a lame client: this client fails every operation attempted on it. */
314 GRPCAPI grpc_channel* grpc_lame_client_channel_create(
315     const char* target, grpc_status_code error_code, const char* error_message);
317 /** Close and destroy a grpc channel */
318 GRPCAPI void grpc_channel_destroy(grpc_channel* channel);
320 /** Error handling for grpc_call
321    Most grpc_call functions return a grpc_error. If the error is not GRPC_OK
322    then the operation failed due to some unsatisfied precondition.
323    If a grpc_call fails, it's guaranteed that no change to the call state
324    has been made. */
326 /** Cancel an RPC.
327     Can be called multiple times, from any thread.
328     THREAD-SAFETY grpc_call_cancel and grpc_call_cancel_with_status
329     are thread-safe, and can be called at any point before grpc_call_unref
330     is called.*/
331 GRPCAPI grpc_call_error grpc_call_cancel(grpc_call* call, void* reserved);
333 /** Cancel an RPC.
334     Can be called multiple times, from any thread.
335     If a status has not been received for the call, set it to the status code
336     and description passed in.
337     Importantly, this function does not send status nor description to the
338     remote endpoint.
339     Note that \a description doesn't need be a static string.
340     It doesn't need to be alive after the call to
341     grpc_call_cancel_with_status completes.
342     */
343 GRPCAPI grpc_call_error grpc_call_cancel_with_status(grpc_call* call,
344                                                      grpc_status_code status,
345                                                      const char* description,
346                                                      void* reserved);
348 /** Ref a call.
349     THREAD SAFETY: grpc_call_ref is thread-compatible */
350 GRPCAPI void grpc_call_ref(grpc_call* call);
352 /** Unref a call.
353     THREAD SAFETY: grpc_call_unref is thread-compatible */
354 GRPCAPI void grpc_call_unref(grpc_call* call);
356 /** Request notification of a new call.
357     Once a call is received, a notification tagged with \a tag_new is added to
358     \a cq_for_notification. \a call, \a details and \a request_metadata are
359     updated with the appropriate call information. \a cq_bound_to_call is bound
360     to \a call, and batch operation notifications for that call will be posted
361     to \a cq_bound_to_call.
362     Note that \a cq_for_notification must have been registered to the server via
363     \a grpc_server_register_completion_queue. */
364 GRPCAPI grpc_call_error grpc_server_request_call(
365     grpc_server* server, grpc_call** call, grpc_call_details* details,
366     grpc_metadata_array* request_metadata,
367     grpc_completion_queue* cq_bound_to_call,
368     grpc_completion_queue* cq_for_notification, void* tag_new);
370 /** How to handle payloads for a registered method */
371 typedef enum {
372   /** Don't try to read the payload */
374   /** Read the initial payload as a byte buffer */
376 } grpc_server_register_method_payload_handling;
378 /** Registers a method in the server.
379     Methods to this (host, method) pair will not be reported by
380     grpc_server_request_call, but instead be reported by
381     grpc_server_request_registered_call when passed the appropriate
382     registered_method (as returned by this function).
383     Must be called before grpc_server_start.
384     Returns NULL on failure. */
385 GRPCAPI void* grpc_server_register_method(
386     grpc_server* server, const char* method, const char* host,
387     grpc_server_register_method_payload_handling payload_handling,
388     uint32_t flags);
390 /** Request notification of a new pre-registered call. 'cq_for_notification'
391     must have been registered to the server via
392     grpc_server_register_completion_queue. */
393 GRPCAPI grpc_call_error grpc_server_request_registered_call(
394     grpc_server* server, void* registered_method, grpc_call** call,
395     gpr_timespec* deadline, grpc_metadata_array* request_metadata,
396     grpc_byte_buffer** optional_payload,
397     grpc_completion_queue* cq_bound_to_call,
398     grpc_completion_queue* cq_for_notification, void* tag_new);
400 /** Create a server. Additional configuration for each incoming channel can
401     be specified with args. If no additional configuration is needed, args can
402     be NULL. The user data in 'args' need only live through the invocation of
403     this function. However, if any args of the 'pointer' type are passed, then
404     the referenced vtable must be maintained by the caller until
405     grpc_server_destroy terminates. See grpc_channel_args definition for more
406     on this. */
407 GRPCAPI grpc_server* grpc_server_create(const grpc_channel_args* args,
408                                         void* reserved);
410 /** Register a completion queue with the server. Must be done for any
411     notification completion queue that is passed to grpc_server_request_*_call
412     and to grpc_server_shutdown_and_notify. Must be performed prior to
413     grpc_server_start. */
414 GRPCAPI void grpc_server_register_completion_queue(grpc_server* server,
415                                                    grpc_completion_queue* cq,
416                                                    void* reserved);
418 /** Add a HTTP2 over plaintext over tcp listener.
419     Returns bound port number on success, 0 on failure.
420     REQUIRES: server not started */
421 GRPCAPI int grpc_server_add_insecure_http2_port(grpc_server* server,
422                                                 const char* addr);
424 /** Start a server - tells all listeners to start listening */
425 GRPCAPI void grpc_server_start(grpc_server* server);
427 /** Begin shutting down a server.
428     After completion, no new calls or connections will be admitted.
429     Existing calls will be allowed to complete.
430     Send a GRPC_OP_COMPLETE event when there are no more calls being serviced.
431     Shutdown is idempotent, and all tags will be notified at once if multiple
432     grpc_server_shutdown_and_notify calls are made. 'cq' must have been
433     registered to this server via grpc_server_register_completion_queue. */
434 GRPCAPI void grpc_server_shutdown_and_notify(grpc_server* server,
435                                              grpc_completion_queue* cq,
436                                              void* tag);
438 /** Cancel all in-progress calls.
439     Only usable after shutdown. */
440 GRPCAPI void grpc_server_cancel_all_calls(grpc_server* server);
442 /** Destroy a server.
443     Shutdown must have completed beforehand (i.e. all tags generated by
444     grpc_server_shutdown_and_notify must have been received, and at least
445     one call to grpc_server_shutdown_and_notify must have been made). */
446 GRPCAPI void grpc_server_destroy(grpc_server* server);
448 /** Enable or disable a tracer.
450     Tracers (usually controlled by the environment variable GRPC_TRACE)
451     allow printf-style debugging on GRPC internals, and are useful for
452     tracking down problems in the field.
454     Use of this function is not strictly thread-safe, but the
455     thread-safety issues raised by it should not be of concern. */
456 GRPCAPI int grpc_tracer_set_enabled(const char* name, int enabled);
458 /** Check whether a metadata key is legal (will be accepted by core) */
459 GRPCAPI int grpc_header_key_is_legal(grpc_slice slice);
461 /** Check whether a non-binary metadata value is legal (will be accepted by
462     core) */
463 GRPCAPI int grpc_header_nonbin_value_is_legal(grpc_slice slice);
465 /** Check whether a metadata key corresponds to a binary value */
466 GRPCAPI int grpc_is_binary_header(grpc_slice slice);
468 /** Convert grpc_call_error values to a string */
469 GRPCAPI const char* grpc_call_error_to_string(grpc_call_error error);
471 /** Create a buffer pool */
472 GRPCAPI grpc_resource_quota* grpc_resource_quota_create(const char* trace_name);
474 /** Add a reference to a buffer pool */
475 GRPCAPI void grpc_resource_quota_ref(grpc_resource_quota* resource_quota);
477 /** Drop a reference to a buffer pool */
478 GRPCAPI void grpc_resource_quota_unref(grpc_resource_quota* resource_quota);
480 /** Update the size of a buffer pool */
481 GRPCAPI void grpc_resource_quota_resize(grpc_resource_quota* resource_quota,
482                                         size_t new_size);
484 /** Update the size of the maximum number of threads allowed */
485 GRPCAPI void grpc_resource_quota_set_max_threads(
486     grpc_resource_quota* resource_quota, int new_max_threads);
488 /** Fetch a vtable for a grpc_channel_arg that points to a grpc_resource_quota
489  */
490 GRPCAPI const grpc_arg_pointer_vtable* grpc_resource_quota_arg_vtable(void);
492 /************* CHANNELZ API *************/
493 /** Channelz is under active development. The following APIs will see some
494     churn as the feature is implemented. This comment will be removed once
495     channelz is officially supported, and these APIs become stable. For now
496     you may track the progress by following this github issue:
497     https://github.com/grpc/grpc/issues/15340
499     the following APIs return allocated JSON strings that match the response
500     objects from the channelz proto, found here:
501     https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/master/src/proto/grpc/channelz/channelz.proto.
503     For easy conversion to protobuf, The JSON is formatted according to:
504     https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/proto3#json. */
506 /* Gets all root channels (i.e. channels the application has directly
507    created). This does not include subchannels nor non-top level channels.
508    The returned string is allocated and must be freed by the application. */
509 GRPCAPI char* grpc_channelz_get_top_channels(intptr_t start_channel_id);
511 /* Gets all servers that exist in the process. */
512 GRPCAPI char* grpc_channelz_get_servers(intptr_t start_server_id);
514 /* Returns a single Server, or else a NOT_FOUND code. */
515 GRPCAPI char* grpc_channelz_get_server(intptr_t server_id);
517 /* Gets all server sockets that exist in the server. */
518 GRPCAPI char* grpc_channelz_get_server_sockets(intptr_t server_id,
519                                                intptr_t start_socket_id,
520                                                intptr_t max_results);
522 /* Returns a single Channel, or else a NOT_FOUND code. The returned string
523    is allocated and must be freed by the application. */
524 GRPCAPI char* grpc_channelz_get_channel(intptr_t channel_id);
526 /* Returns a single Subchannel, or else a NOT_FOUND code. The returned string
527    is allocated and must be freed by the application. */
528 GRPCAPI char* grpc_channelz_get_subchannel(intptr_t subchannel_id);
530 /* Returns a single Socket, or else a NOT_FOUND code. The returned string
531    is allocated and must be freed by the application. */
532 GRPCAPI char* grpc_channelz_get_socket(intptr_t socket_id);
534 #ifdef __cplusplus
535 }
536 #endif
538 #endif /* GRPC_GRPC_H */