1 /*
2  *
3  * Copyright 2018 gRPC authors.
4  *
5  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  *
9  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10  *
11  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  * limitations under the License.
16  *
17  */
22 #include <grpc/support/port_platform.h>
24 #include <grpc/grpc.h>
26 #include "src/core/lib/iomgr/pollset_set.h"
27 #include "src/core/lib/security/credentials/alts/grpc_alts_credentials_options.h"
28 #include "src/core/tsi/alts/handshaker/alts_handshaker_client.h"
29 #include "src/core/tsi/alts/handshaker/alts_handshaker_service_api_util.h"
30 #include "src/core/tsi/transport_security.h"
31 #include "src/core/tsi/transport_security_interface.h"
33 #define TSI_ALTS_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_PEER_PROPERTY "service_accont"
35 #define TSI_ALTS_RPC_VERSIONS "rpc_versions"
37 const size_t kTsiAltsNumOfPeerProperties = 3;
39 typedef struct alts_tsi_handshaker alts_tsi_handshaker;
41 /**
42  * This method creates a ALTS TSI handshaker instance.
43  *
44  * - options: ALTS credentials options containing information passed from TSI
45  *   caller (e.g., rpc protocol versions).
46  * - target_name: the name of the endpoint that the channel is connecting to,
47  *   and will be used for secure naming check.
48  * - handshaker_service_url: address of ALTS handshaker service in the format of
49  *   "host:port".
50  * - is_client: boolean value indicating if the handshaker is used at the client
51  *   (is_client = true) or server (is_client = false) side.
52  * - interested_parties: set of pollsets interested in this connection.
53  * - self: address of ALTS TSI handshaker instance to be returned from the
54  *   method.
55  *
56  * It returns TSI_OK on success and an error status code on failure. Note that
57  * if interested_parties is nullptr, a dedicated TSI thread will be created and
58  * used.
59  */
60 tsi_result alts_tsi_handshaker_create(
61     const grpc_alts_credentials_options* options, const char* target_name,
62     const char* handshaker_service_url, bool is_client,
63     grpc_pollset_set* interested_parties, tsi_handshaker** self);
65 /**
66  * This method creates an ALTS TSI handshaker result instance.
67  *
68  * - resp: data received from the handshaker service.
69  * - is_client: a boolean value indicating if the result belongs to a
70  *   client or not.
71  * - result: address of ALTS TSI handshaker result instance.
72  */
73 tsi_result alts_tsi_handshaker_result_create(grpc_gcp_handshaker_resp* resp,
74                                              bool is_client,
75                                              tsi_handshaker_result** result);
77 /**
78  * This method sets unused bytes of ALTS TSI handshaker result instance.
79  *
80  * - result: an ALTS TSI handshaker result instance.
81  * - recv_bytes: data received from the handshaker service.
82  * - bytes_consumed: size of data consumed by the handshaker service.
83  */
84 void alts_tsi_handshaker_result_set_unused_bytes(tsi_handshaker_result* result,
85                                                  grpc_slice* recv_bytes,
86                                                  size_t bytes_consumed);
88 /**
89  * This method returns a boolean value indicating if an ALTS TSI handshaker
90  * has been shutdown or not.
91  */
92 bool alts_tsi_handshaker_has_shutdown(alts_tsi_handshaker* handshaker);