1# NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by utils/update_mir_test_checks.py
2# RUN: llc -march=amdgcn -mcpu=gfx900 -run-pass simple-register-coalescing -verify-machineinstrs -o - %s | FileCheck %s
4# The failure occurs when the coalescer tries to removePartialRedundency() on the
5# "%2:vreg_64 = COPY %3" in bb.1. The coalescer tries to prune and extend each
6# subrange of %2, the subrange for %2.sub1 has a def location (in bb.2) in the
7# predecessor path 2->3->1. But for another predecessor path 0->4->1,
8# the subrange has only one undef location in bb.0. If we don't compute Undef set,
9# it will fail to find the reaching def for %2.sub1 in predecessor bb.4 and bb.0
10# and crash with error message:
11# "Use of $noreg does not have a corresponding definition on every path
12#  LLVM ERROR: Use not jointly dominated by defs"
15name:            _amdgpu_ps_main
16alignment:       1
17tracksRegLiveness: true
18body:             |
19  ; CHECK-LABEL: name: _amdgpu_ps_main
20  ; CHECK: bb.0:
21  ; CHECK:   successors: %bb.2(0x40000000), %bb.4(0x40000000)
22  ; CHECK:   liveins: $sgpr2, $sgpr3, $vgpr3
23  ; CHECK:   [[COPY:%[0-9]+]]:sgpr_32 = COPY $sgpr2
24  ; CHECK:   undef %1.sub0:vreg_64 = COPY [[COPY]]
25  ; CHECK:   undef %2.sub0:vreg_64 = COPY [[COPY]]
26  ; CHECK:   S_CBRANCH_VCCNZ %bb.2, implicit undef $vcc
27  ; CHECK:   S_BRANCH %bb.4
28  ; CHECK: bb.1:
29  ; CHECK:   successors: %bb.2(0x80000000)
30  ; CHECK:   S_NOP 0, implicit %2.sub0
31  ; CHECK: bb.2:
32  ; CHECK:   successors: %bb.3(0x04000000), %bb.2(0x7c000000)
33  ; CHECK:   [[COPY1:%[0-9]+]]:vreg_64 = COPY %2
34  ; CHECK:   %1.sub0:vreg_64 = COPY [[COPY1]].sub0
35  ; CHECK:   %2:vreg_64 = COPY %1
36  ; CHECK:   S_CBRANCH_EXECNZ %bb.2, implicit undef $exec
37  ; CHECK:   S_BRANCH %bb.3
38  ; CHECK: bb.3:
39  ; CHECK:   successors: %bb.1(0x80000000)
40  ; CHECK:   %2:vreg_64 = COPY [[COPY1]]
41  ; CHECK:   S_BRANCH %bb.1
42  ; CHECK: bb.4:
43  ; CHECK:   successors: %bb.1(0x80000000)
44  ; CHECK:   S_BRANCH %bb.1
45  bb.0:
46    liveins: $sgpr2, $sgpr3, $vgpr3
48    %0:sgpr_32 = COPY $sgpr2
49    undef %1.sub0:vreg_64 = COPY %0
50    undef %2.sub0:vreg_64 = COPY %0
51    S_CBRANCH_VCCNZ %bb.2, implicit undef $vcc
52    S_BRANCH %bb.4
54  bb.1:
55    %2:vreg_64 = COPY %3
56    S_NOP 0, implicit %2.sub0
58  bb.2:
59    successors: %bb.3(0x04000000), %bb.2(0x7c000000)
61    %3:vreg_64 = COPY %2
62    %1.sub0:vreg_64 = COPY %3.sub0
63    %2:vreg_64 = COPY %1
64    S_CBRANCH_EXECNZ %bb.2, implicit undef $exec
65    S_BRANCH %bb.3
67  bb.3:
68    S_BRANCH %bb.1
70  bb.4:
71    %3:vreg_64 = COPY %2
72    S_BRANCH %bb.1