1 // Copyright 2019 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include <utility>
7 #include "build/build_config.h"
8 #include "core/fxcrt/fx_system.h"
9 #include "core/fxge/dib/fx_dib.h"
10 #include "public/fpdf_progressive.h"
11 #include "testing/embedder_test.h"
12 #include "testing/embedder_test_constants.h"
13 #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
15 namespace {
17 constexpr FX_ARGB kBlack = 0xFF000000;
18 constexpr FX_ARGB kBlue = 0xFF0000FF;
19 constexpr FX_ARGB kGreen = 0xFF00FF00;
20 constexpr FX_ARGB kRed = 0xFFFF0000;
21 constexpr FX_ARGB kWhite = 0xFFFFFFFF;
23 #if defined(_SKIA_SUPPORT_) || defined(_SKIA_SUPPORT_PATHS_)
24 #if defined(OS_LINUX) || defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
25 static constexpr char kAnnotationStampWithApBaseContentChecksum[] =
26     "fbd62f1df1cae1fd2fbf5a24bed6b4cd";
27 #else
28 static constexpr char kAnnotationStampWithApBaseContentChecksum[] =
29     "44e6dd3c36d8bbfb38d306b442e61241";
30 #endif  // defined(OS_LINUX) || defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
31 #else
32 #if defined(OS_WIN)
33 static constexpr char kAnnotationStampWithApBaseContentChecksum[] =
34     "649d6792ea50faf98c013c2d81710595";
35 #elif defined(OS_APPLE)
36 static constexpr char kAnnotationStampWithApBaseContentChecksum[] =
37     "83e9f5222c4c959b0b63a5cd24f773a1";
38 #else
39 static constexpr char kAnnotationStampWithApBaseContentChecksum[] =
40     "a24edc7740f1d6f76899652dcf825dea";
41 #endif
42 #endif  // defined(_SKIA_SUPPORT_) || defined(_SKIA_SUPPORT_PATHS_)
44 }  // namespace
46 class FPDFProgressiveRenderEmbedderTest : public EmbedderTest {
47  public:
48   class FakePause : public IFSDK_PAUSE {
49    public:
FakePause(bool should_pause)50     explicit FakePause(bool should_pause) : should_pause_(should_pause) {
51       IFSDK_PAUSE::version = 1;
52       IFSDK_PAUSE::user = nullptr;
53       IFSDK_PAUSE::NeedToPauseNow = Pause_NeedToPauseNow;
54     }
55     ~FakePause() = default;
Pause_NeedToPauseNow(IFSDK_PAUSE * param)56     static FPDF_BOOL Pause_NeedToPauseNow(IFSDK_PAUSE* param) {
57       return static_cast<FakePause*>(param)->should_pause_;
58     }
60    private:
61     const bool should_pause_;
62   };
64   // StartRenderPageWithFlags() with no flags.
65   // The call returns true if the rendering is complete.
66   bool StartRenderPage(FPDF_PAGE page, IFSDK_PAUSE* pause);
68   // Start rendering of |page| into a bitmap with the ability to |pause| the
69   // rendering with the specified rendering |flags|.
70   // The call returns true if the rendering is complete.
71   //
72   // See public/fpdfview.h for a list of page rendering flags.
73   bool StartRenderPageWithFlags(FPDF_PAGE page, IFSDK_PAUSE* pause, int flags);
75   // Start rendering of |page| into a bitmap with the ability to pause the
76   // rendering with the specified rendering |flags| and the specified
77   // |color_scheme|. This also takes in the |background_color| for the bitmap.
78   // The call returns true if the rendering is complete.
79   //
80   // See public/fpdfview.h for the list of page rendering flags and
81   // the list of colors in the scheme.
82   bool StartRenderPageWithColorSchemeAndBackground(
83       FPDF_PAGE page,
84       IFSDK_PAUSE* pause,
85       int flags,
86       const FPDF_COLORSCHEME* color_scheme,
87       uint32_t background_color);
89   // Continue rendering of |page| into the bitmap created in
90   // StartRenderPageWithFlags().
91   // The call returns true if the rendering is complete.
92   bool ContinueRenderPage(FPDF_PAGE page, IFSDK_PAUSE* pause);
94   // Simplified form of FinishRenderPageWithForms() with no form handle.
95   ScopedFPDFBitmap FinishRenderPage(FPDF_PAGE page);
97   // Finish rendering of |page| into the bitmap created in
98   // StartRenderPageWithFlags(). This also renders the forms associated with
99   // the page. The form handle associated with |page| should be passed in via
100   // |handle|. If |handle| is nullptr, then forms on the page will not be
101   // rendered.
102   // This returns the bitmap generated by the progressive render calls.
103   ScopedFPDFBitmap FinishRenderPageWithForms(FPDF_PAGE page,
104                                              FPDF_FORMHANDLE handle);
106   // Convert the |page| into a bitmap with a |background_color|, using the
107   // color scheme render API with the specific |flags| and |color_scheme|.
108   // The form handle associated with |page| should be passed in via |handle|.
109   // If |handle| is nullptr, then forms on the page will not be rendered.
110   // This returns the bitmap generated by the progressive render calls.
111   //
112   // See public/fpdfview.h for a list of page rendering flags and
113   // the color scheme that can be applied for rendering.
114   ScopedFPDFBitmap RenderPageWithForcedColorScheme(
115       FPDF_PAGE page,
116       FPDF_FORMHANDLE handle,
117       int flags,
118       const FPDF_COLORSCHEME* color_scheme,
119       FX_ARGB background_color);
121  protected:
122   // Utility method to render the |page_num| of the currently loaded Pdf
123   // using RenderPageWithForcedColorScheme() passing in the render options
124   // and expected values for bitmap verification.
125   void VerifyRenderingWithColorScheme(int page_num,
126                                       int flags,
127                                       const FPDF_COLORSCHEME* color_scheme,
128                                       FX_ARGB background_color,
129                                       int bitmap_width,
130                                       int bitmap_height,
131                                       const char* md5);
133  private:
134   // Keeps the bitmap used for progressive rendering alive until
135   // FPDF_RenderPage_Close() is called after which the bitmap is returned
136   // to the caller.
137   ScopedFPDFBitmap progressive_render_bitmap_;
138   int progressive_render_flags_ = 0;
139 };
StartRenderPage(FPDF_PAGE page,IFSDK_PAUSE * pause)141 bool FPDFProgressiveRenderEmbedderTest::StartRenderPage(FPDF_PAGE page,
142                                                         IFSDK_PAUSE* pause) {
143   return StartRenderPageWithFlags(page, pause, 0);
144 }
StartRenderPageWithFlags(FPDF_PAGE page,IFSDK_PAUSE * pause,int flags)146 bool FPDFProgressiveRenderEmbedderTest::StartRenderPageWithFlags(
147     FPDF_PAGE page,
148     IFSDK_PAUSE* pause,
149     int flags) {
150   int width = static_cast<int>(FPDF_GetPageWidth(page));
151   int height = static_cast<int>(FPDF_GetPageHeight(page));
152   progressive_render_flags_ = flags;
153   int alpha = FPDFPage_HasTransparency(page) ? 1 : 0;
154   progressive_render_bitmap_ =
155       ScopedFPDFBitmap(FPDFBitmap_Create(width, height, alpha));
156   FPDF_DWORD fill_color = alpha ? 0x00000000 : 0xFFFFFFFF;
157   FPDFBitmap_FillRect(progressive_render_bitmap_.get(), 0, 0, width, height,
158                       fill_color);
159   int rv = FPDF_RenderPageBitmap_Start(progressive_render_bitmap_.get(), page,
160                                        0, 0, width, height, 0,
161                                        progressive_render_flags_, pause);
163 }
165 bool FPDFProgressiveRenderEmbedderTest::
StartRenderPageWithColorSchemeAndBackground(FPDF_PAGE page,IFSDK_PAUSE * pause,int flags,const FPDF_COLORSCHEME * color_scheme,uint32_t background_color)166     StartRenderPageWithColorSchemeAndBackground(
167         FPDF_PAGE page,
168         IFSDK_PAUSE* pause,
169         int flags,
170         const FPDF_COLORSCHEME* color_scheme,
171         uint32_t background_color) {
172   int width = static_cast<int>(FPDF_GetPageWidth(page));
173   int height = static_cast<int>(FPDF_GetPageHeight(page));
174   progressive_render_flags_ = flags;
175   int alpha = FPDFPage_HasTransparency(page) ? 1 : 0;
176   progressive_render_bitmap_ =
177       ScopedFPDFBitmap(FPDFBitmap_Create(width, height, alpha));
178   ASSERT(progressive_render_bitmap_);
179   FPDFBitmap_FillRect(progressive_render_bitmap_.get(), 0, 0, width, height,
180                       background_color);
181   int rv = FPDF_RenderPageBitmapWithColorScheme_Start(
182       progressive_render_bitmap_.get(), page, 0, 0, width, height, 0,
183       progressive_render_flags_, color_scheme, pause);
185 }
ContinueRenderPage(FPDF_PAGE page,IFSDK_PAUSE * pause)187 bool FPDFProgressiveRenderEmbedderTest::ContinueRenderPage(FPDF_PAGE page,
188                                                            IFSDK_PAUSE* pause) {
189   ASSERT(progressive_render_bitmap_);
191   int rv = FPDF_RenderPage_Continue(page, pause);
193 }
FinishRenderPage(FPDF_PAGE page)195 ScopedFPDFBitmap FPDFProgressiveRenderEmbedderTest::FinishRenderPage(
196     FPDF_PAGE page) {
197   return FinishRenderPageWithForms(page, /*handle=*/nullptr);
198 }
FinishRenderPageWithForms(FPDF_PAGE page,FPDF_FORMHANDLE handle)200 ScopedFPDFBitmap FPDFProgressiveRenderEmbedderTest::FinishRenderPageWithForms(
201     FPDF_PAGE page,
202     FPDF_FORMHANDLE handle) {
203   ASSERT(progressive_render_bitmap_);
205   int width = static_cast<int>(FPDF_GetPageWidth(page));
206   int height = static_cast<int>(FPDF_GetPageHeight(page));
207   FPDF_FFLDraw(handle, progressive_render_bitmap_.get(), page, 0, 0, width,
208                height, 0, progressive_render_flags_);
209   FPDF_RenderPage_Close(page);
210   return std::move(progressive_render_bitmap_);
211 }
213 ScopedFPDFBitmap
RenderPageWithForcedColorScheme(FPDF_PAGE page,FPDF_FORMHANDLE handle,int flags,const FPDF_COLORSCHEME * color_scheme,FX_ARGB background_color)214 FPDFProgressiveRenderEmbedderTest::RenderPageWithForcedColorScheme(
215     FPDF_PAGE page,
216     FPDF_FORMHANDLE handle,
217     int flags,
218     const FPDF_COLORSCHEME* color_scheme,
219     FX_ARGB background_color) {
220   FakePause pause(true);
221   bool render_done = StartRenderPageWithColorSchemeAndBackground(
222                          page, &pause, flags, color_scheme, background_color) ==
223                      FPDF_RENDER_TOBECONTINUED;
224   EXPECT_FALSE(render_done);
226   while (!render_done) {
227     render_done = ContinueRenderPage(page, &pause);
228   }
229   return FinishRenderPageWithForms(page, form_handle_);
230 }
TEST_F(FPDFProgressiveRenderEmbedderTest,RenderWithoutPause)232 TEST_F(FPDFProgressiveRenderEmbedderTest, RenderWithoutPause) {
233   // Test rendering of page content using progressive render APIs
234   // without pausing the rendering.
235   ASSERT_TRUE(OpenDocument("annotation_stamp_with_ap.pdf"));
236   FPDF_PAGE page = LoadPage(0);
237   ASSERT_TRUE(page);
238   FakePause pause(false);
239   EXPECT_TRUE(StartRenderPage(page, &pause));
240   ScopedFPDFBitmap bitmap = FinishRenderPage(page);
241   CompareBitmap(bitmap.get(), 595, 842,
242                 kAnnotationStampWithApBaseContentChecksum);
243   UnloadPage(page);
244 }
TEST_F(FPDFProgressiveRenderEmbedderTest,RenderWithPause)246 TEST_F(FPDFProgressiveRenderEmbedderTest, RenderWithPause) {
247   // Test rendering of page content using progressive render APIs
248   // with pause in rendering.
249   ASSERT_TRUE(OpenDocument("annotation_stamp_with_ap.pdf"));
250   FPDF_PAGE page = LoadPage(0);
251   ASSERT_TRUE(page);
252   FakePause pause(true);
253   bool render_done = StartRenderPage(page, &pause);
254   EXPECT_FALSE(render_done);
256   while (!render_done) {
257     render_done = ContinueRenderPage(page, &pause);
258   }
259   ScopedFPDFBitmap bitmap = FinishRenderPage(page);
260   CompareBitmap(bitmap.get(), 595, 842,
261                 kAnnotationStampWithApBaseContentChecksum);
262   UnloadPage(page);
263 }
TEST_F(FPDFProgressiveRenderEmbedderTest,RenderAnnotWithPause)265 TEST_F(FPDFProgressiveRenderEmbedderTest, RenderAnnotWithPause) {
266   // Test rendering of the page with annotations using progressive render APIs
267   // with pause in rendering.
268   ASSERT_TRUE(OpenDocument("annotation_stamp_with_ap.pdf"));
269   FPDF_PAGE page = LoadPage(0);
270   ASSERT_TRUE(page);
271   FakePause pause(true);
272   bool render_done = StartRenderPageWithFlags(page, &pause, FPDF_ANNOT);
273   EXPECT_FALSE(render_done);
275   while (!render_done) {
276     render_done = ContinueRenderPage(page, &pause);
277   }
278   ScopedFPDFBitmap bitmap = FinishRenderPage(page);
279   CompareBitmap(bitmap.get(), 595, 842, pdfium::kAnnotationStampWithApChecksum);
280   UnloadPage(page);
281 }
TEST_F(FPDFProgressiveRenderEmbedderTest,RenderFormsWithPause)283 TEST_F(FPDFProgressiveRenderEmbedderTest, RenderFormsWithPause) {
284   // Test rendering of the page with forms using progressive render APIs
285   // with pause in rendering.
286   ASSERT_TRUE(OpenDocument("text_form.pdf"));
287   FPDF_PAGE page = LoadPage(0);
288   ASSERT_TRUE(page);
289   FakePause pause(true);
290   bool render_done = StartRenderPage(page, &pause);
291   EXPECT_FALSE(render_done);
293   while (!render_done) {
294     render_done = ContinueRenderPage(page, &pause);
295   }
296   ScopedFPDFBitmap bitmap = FinishRenderPageWithForms(page, form_handle_);
297   CompareBitmap(bitmap.get(), 300, 300, pdfium::kTextFormChecksum);
298   UnloadPage(page);
299 }
VerifyRenderingWithColorScheme(int page_num,int flags,const FPDF_COLORSCHEME * color_scheme,FX_ARGB background_color,int bitmap_width,int bitmap_height,const char * md5)301 void FPDFProgressiveRenderEmbedderTest::VerifyRenderingWithColorScheme(
302     int page_num,
303     int flags,
304     const FPDF_COLORSCHEME* color_scheme,
305     FX_ARGB background_color,
306     int bitmap_width,
307     int bitmap_height,
308     const char* md5) {
309   ASSERT_TRUE(document_);
311   FPDF_PAGE page = LoadPage(page_num);
312   ASSERT_TRUE(page);
314   ScopedFPDFBitmap bitmap = RenderPageWithForcedColorScheme(
315       page, form_handle_, flags, color_scheme, background_color);
316   ASSERT_TRUE(bitmap);
317   CompareBitmap(bitmap.get(), bitmap_width, bitmap_height, md5);
318   UnloadPage(page);
319 }
321 // TODO(crbug.com/pdfium/11): Fix this test and enable.
322 #if defined(_SKIA_SUPPORT_) || defined(_SKIA_SUPPORT_PATHS_)
323 #define MAYBE_RenderTextWithColorScheme DISABLED_RenderTextWithColorScheme
324 #else
325 #define MAYBE_RenderTextWithColorScheme RenderTextWithColorScheme
326 #endif
TEST_F(FPDFProgressiveRenderEmbedderTest,MAYBE_RenderTextWithColorScheme)327 TEST_F(FPDFProgressiveRenderEmbedderTest, MAYBE_RenderTextWithColorScheme) {
328 // Test rendering of text with forced color scheme on.
329 #if defined(OS_WIN)
330   static constexpr char kMD5ContentWithText[] =
331       "4245f32cc11748a00fd69852a5e5808d";
332 #elif defined(OS_APPLE)
333   static constexpr char kMD5ContentWithText[] =
334       "754a742f10ce0926b766dc3dd47d1f64";
335 #else
336   static constexpr char kMD5ContentWithText[] =
337       "f14d3caba5a973a28be8653aac9e4df3";
338 #endif
340   ASSERT_TRUE(OpenDocument("hello_world.pdf"));
342   FPDF_COLORSCHEME color_scheme{kBlack, kWhite, kWhite, kWhite};
343   VerifyRenderingWithColorScheme(/*page_num=*/0, /*flags=*/0, &color_scheme,
344                                  kBlack, 200, 200, kMD5ContentWithText);
345 }
347 // TODO(crbug.com/pdfium/11): Fix this test and enable.
348 #if defined(_SKIA_SUPPORT_) || defined(_SKIA_SUPPORT_PATHS_)
349 #define MAYBE_RenderPathWithColorScheme DISABLED_RenderPathWithColorScheme
350 #else
351 #define MAYBE_RenderPathWithColorScheme RenderPathWithColorScheme
352 #endif
TEST_F(FPDFProgressiveRenderEmbedderTest,MAYBE_RenderPathWithColorScheme)353 TEST_F(FPDFProgressiveRenderEmbedderTest, MAYBE_RenderPathWithColorScheme) {
354   // Test rendering of paths with forced color scheme on.
355   static const char kMD5Rectangles[] = "249f59b0d066c4f6bd89782a80822219";
357   ASSERT_TRUE(OpenDocument("rectangles.pdf"));
359   FPDF_COLORSCHEME color_scheme{kWhite, kRed, kBlue, kBlue};
360   VerifyRenderingWithColorScheme(/*page_num=*/0, /*flags=*/0, &color_scheme,
361                                  kBlack, 200, 300, kMD5Rectangles);
362 }
364 // TODO(crbug.com/pdfium/11): Fix this test and enable.
365 #if defined(_SKIA_SUPPORT_) || defined(_SKIA_SUPPORT_PATHS_)
366 #define MAYBE_RenderPathWithColorSchemeAndConvertFillToStroke \
367   DISABLED_RenderPathWithColorSchemeAndConvertFillToStroke
368 #else
369 #define MAYBE_RenderPathWithColorSchemeAndConvertFillToStroke \
370   RenderPathWithColorSchemeAndConvertFillToStroke
371 #endif
TEST_F(FPDFProgressiveRenderEmbedderTest,MAYBE_RenderPathWithColorSchemeAndConvertFillToStroke)372 TEST_F(FPDFProgressiveRenderEmbedderTest,
373        MAYBE_RenderPathWithColorSchemeAndConvertFillToStroke) {
374   // Test rendering of paths with forced color scheme on and conversion from
375   // fill to stroke enabled. The fill paths should be rendered as stroke.
376   static const char kMD5Rectangles[] = "0ebcc11e617635eca1fa9ce475383a80";
378   ASSERT_TRUE(OpenDocument("rectangles.pdf"));
380   FPDF_COLORSCHEME color_scheme{kWhite, kRed, kBlue, kBlue};
381   VerifyRenderingWithColorScheme(/*page_num=*/0, FPDF_CONVERT_FILL_TO_STROKE,
382                                  &color_scheme, kBlack, 200, 300,
383                                  kMD5Rectangles);
384 }
386 // TODO(crbug.com/pdfium/11): Fix this test and enable.
387 #if defined(_SKIA_SUPPORT_) || defined(_SKIA_SUPPORT_PATHS_)
388 #define MAYBE_RenderHighlightWithColorScheme \
389   DISABLED_RenderHighlightWithColorScheme
390 #else
391 #define MAYBE_RenderHighlightWithColorScheme RenderHighlightWithColorScheme
392 #endif
TEST_F(FPDFProgressiveRenderEmbedderTest,MAYBE_RenderHighlightWithColorScheme)393 TEST_F(FPDFProgressiveRenderEmbedderTest,
394        MAYBE_RenderHighlightWithColorScheme) {
395 // Test rendering of highlight with forced color scheme on.
396 //
397 // Note: The fill color rendered for highlight is different from the normal
398 // path since highlights have Multiply blend mode, while the other path has
399 // Normal blend mode.
400 #if defined(OS_APPLE)
401   static constexpr char kMD5ContentWithHighlightFill[] =
402       "a820afec9b99d3d3f2e9e9382bbad7c1";
403 #else
404   static constexpr char kMD5ContentWithHighlightFill[] =
405       "a08a0639f89446f66f3689ee8e08b9fe";
406 #endif
408   ASSERT_TRUE(OpenDocument("annotation_highlight_square_with_ap.pdf"));
410   FPDF_COLORSCHEME color_scheme{kRed, kGreen, kWhite, kWhite};
411   VerifyRenderingWithColorScheme(/*page_num=*/0, FPDF_ANNOT, &color_scheme,
412                                  kBlue, 612, 792, kMD5ContentWithHighlightFill);
413 }
415 // TODO(crbug.com/pdfium/11): Fix this test and enable.
416 #if defined(_SKIA_SUPPORT_) || defined(_SKIA_SUPPORT_PATHS_)
417 #define MAYBE_RenderHighlightWithColorSchemeAndConvertFillToStroke \
418   DISABLED_RenderHighlightWithColorSchemeAndConvertFillToStroke
419 #else
420 #define MAYBE_RenderHighlightWithColorSchemeAndConvertFillToStroke \
421   RenderHighlightWithColorSchemeAndConvertFillToStroke
422 #endif
TEST_F(FPDFProgressiveRenderEmbedderTest,MAYBE_RenderHighlightWithColorSchemeAndConvertFillToStroke)423 TEST_F(FPDFProgressiveRenderEmbedderTest,
424        MAYBE_RenderHighlightWithColorSchemeAndConvertFillToStroke) {
425 // Test rendering of highlight with forced color and converting fill to
426 // stroke. The highlight should be rendered as a stroke of the rect.
427 //
428 // Note: The stroke color rendered for highlight is different from the normal
429 // path since highlights have Multiply blend mode, while the other path has
430 // Normal blend mode.
431 #if defined(OS_APPLE)
432   static constexpr char kMD5ContentWithHighlight[] =
433       "8837bea0b3520164b1784e513c882a2d";
434 #else
435   static constexpr char kMD5ContentWithHighlight[] =
436       "3dd8c02f5c06bac85e0d2c8bf37d1dc4";
437 #endif
439   ASSERT_TRUE(OpenDocument("annotation_highlight_square_with_ap.pdf"));
441   FPDF_COLORSCHEME color_scheme{kRed, kGreen, kWhite, kWhite};
442   VerifyRenderingWithColorScheme(
443       /*page_num=*/0, FPDF_ANNOT | FPDF_CONVERT_FILL_TO_STROKE, &color_scheme,
444       kBlue, 612, 792, kMD5ContentWithHighlight);
445 }
447 // TODO(crbug.com/pdfium/11): Fix this test and enable.
448 #if defined(_SKIA_SUPPORT_) || defined(_SKIA_SUPPORT_PATHS_)
449 #define MAYBE_RenderInkWithColorScheme DISABLED_RenderInkWithColorScheme
450 #else
451 #define MAYBE_RenderInkWithColorScheme RenderInkWithColorScheme
452 #endif
TEST_F(FPDFProgressiveRenderEmbedderTest,MAYBE_RenderInkWithColorScheme)453 TEST_F(FPDFProgressiveRenderEmbedderTest, MAYBE_RenderInkWithColorScheme) {
454 // Test rendering of multiple ink with forced color scheme on.
455 #if defined(OS_WIN)
456   static constexpr char kMD5ContentWithInk[] =
457       "1933e4ab19b9108ddcecd1a6abb20c85";
458 #else
459   static constexpr char kMD5ContentWithInk[] =
460       "797bce7dc6c50ee86b095405df9fe5aa";
461 #endif
463   ASSERT_TRUE(OpenDocument("annotation_ink_multiple.pdf"));
465   FPDF_COLORSCHEME color_scheme{kBlack, kGreen, kRed, kRed};
466   VerifyRenderingWithColorScheme(/*page_num=*/0, FPDF_ANNOT, &color_scheme,
467                                  kBlack, 612, 792, kMD5ContentWithInk);
468 }
470 // TODO(crbug.com/pdfium/11): Fix this test and enable.
471 #if defined(_SKIA_SUPPORT_) || defined(_SKIA_SUPPORT_PATHS_)
472 #define MAYBE_RenderStampWithColorScheme DISABLED_RenderStampWithColorScheme
473 #else
474 #define MAYBE_RenderStampWithColorScheme RenderStampWithColorScheme
475 #endif
TEST_F(FPDFProgressiveRenderEmbedderTest,MAYBE_RenderStampWithColorScheme)476 TEST_F(FPDFProgressiveRenderEmbedderTest, MAYBE_RenderStampWithColorScheme) {
477 // Test rendering of static annotation with forced color scheme on.
478 #if defined(OS_WIN)
479   static constexpr char kMD5ContentWithStamp[] =
480       "71dce8f1221e1d2fe59d74258c3afd54";
481 #elif defined(OS_APPLE)
482   static constexpr char kMD5ContentWithStamp[] =
483       "e2d9bef817d366021e5727d9350bde43";
484 #else
485   static constexpr char kMD5ContentWithStamp[] =
486       "d5518b1d9765fa62897a24d12244080f";
487 #endif
489   ASSERT_TRUE(OpenDocument("annotation_stamp_with_ap.pdf"));
491   FPDF_COLORSCHEME color_scheme{kBlue, kGreen, kRed, kRed};
492   VerifyRenderingWithColorScheme(/*page_num=*/0, FPDF_ANNOT, &color_scheme,
493                                  kWhite, 595, 842, kMD5ContentWithStamp);
494 }
496 // TODO(crbug.com/pdfium/11): Fix this test and enable.
497 #if defined(_SKIA_SUPPORT_) || defined(_SKIA_SUPPORT_PATHS_)
498 #define MAYBE_RenderFormWithColorScheme DISABLED_RenderFormWithColorScheme
499 #else
500 #define MAYBE_RenderFormWithColorScheme RenderFormWithColorScheme
501 #endif
TEST_F(FPDFProgressiveRenderEmbedderTest,MAYBE_RenderFormWithColorScheme)502 TEST_F(FPDFProgressiveRenderEmbedderTest, MAYBE_RenderFormWithColorScheme) {
503   // Test rendering of form does not change with forced color scheme on.
504   static constexpr char kMD5ContentWithForm[] =
505       "080f7a4381606659301440e1b14dca35";
507   ASSERT_TRUE(OpenDocument("annotiter.pdf"));
509   FPDF_COLORSCHEME color_scheme{kGreen, kGreen, kRed, kRed};
510   VerifyRenderingWithColorScheme(/*page_num=*/0, FPDF_ANNOT, &color_scheme,
511                                  kWhite, 612, 792, kMD5ContentWithForm);
513   // Verify that the MD5 hash matches when rendered without |color_scheme|.
514   VerifyRenderingWithColorScheme(/*page_num=*/0, FPDF_ANNOT,
515                                  /*color_scheme=*/nullptr, kWhite, 612, 792,
516                                  kMD5ContentWithForm);
517 }