1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 #include "src/ipc/host_impl.h"
19 #include <inttypes.h>
21 #include <algorithm>
22 #include <utility>
24 #include "perfetto/base/task_runner.h"
25 #include "perfetto/ext/base/utils.h"
26 #include "perfetto/ext/ipc/service.h"
27 #include "perfetto/ext/ipc/service_descriptor.h"
29 #include "protos/perfetto/ipc/wire_protocol.gen.h"
31 // TODO(primiano): put limits on #connections/uid and req. queue (b/69093705).
33 namespace perfetto {
34 namespace ipc {
36 // static
CreateInstance(const char * socket_name,base::TaskRunner * task_runner)37 std::unique_ptr<Host> Host::CreateInstance(const char* socket_name,
38                                            base::TaskRunner* task_runner) {
39   std::unique_ptr<HostImpl> host(new HostImpl(socket_name, task_runner));
40   if (!host->sock() || !host->sock()->is_listening())
41     return nullptr;
42   return std::unique_ptr<Host>(std::move(host));
43 }
45 // static
CreateInstance(base::ScopedFile socket_fd,base::TaskRunner * task_runner)46 std::unique_ptr<Host> Host::CreateInstance(base::ScopedFile socket_fd,
47                                            base::TaskRunner* task_runner) {
48   std::unique_ptr<HostImpl> host(
49       new HostImpl(std::move(socket_fd), task_runner));
50   if (!host->sock() || !host->sock()->is_listening())
51     return nullptr;
52   return std::unique_ptr<Host>(std::move(host));
53 }
HostImpl(base::ScopedFile socket_fd,base::TaskRunner * task_runner)55 HostImpl::HostImpl(base::ScopedFile socket_fd, base::TaskRunner* task_runner)
56     : task_runner_(task_runner), weak_ptr_factory_(this) {
57   PERFETTO_DCHECK_THREAD(thread_checker_);
58   sock_ = base::UnixSocket::Listen(std::move(socket_fd), this, task_runner_,
59                                    base::SockFamily::kUnix,
60                                    base::SockType::kStream);
61 }
HostImpl(const char * socket_name,base::TaskRunner * task_runner)63 HostImpl::HostImpl(const char* socket_name, base::TaskRunner* task_runner)
64     : task_runner_(task_runner), weak_ptr_factory_(this) {
65   PERFETTO_DCHECK_THREAD(thread_checker_);
66   sock_ = base::UnixSocket::Listen(socket_name, this, task_runner_,
67                                    base::SockFamily::kUnix,
68                                    base::SockType::kStream);
69 }
71 HostImpl::~HostImpl() = default;
ExposeService(std::unique_ptr<Service> service)73 bool HostImpl::ExposeService(std::unique_ptr<Service> service) {
74   PERFETTO_DCHECK_THREAD(thread_checker_);
75   const std::string& service_name = service->GetDescriptor().service_name;
76   if (GetServiceByName(service_name)) {
77     PERFETTO_DLOG("Duplicate ExposeService(): %s", service_name.c_str());
78     return false;
79   }
80   ServiceID sid = ++last_service_id_;
81   ExposedService exposed_service(sid, service_name, std::move(service));
82   services_.emplace(sid, std::move(exposed_service));
83   return true;
84 }
OnNewIncomingConnection(base::UnixSocket *,std::unique_ptr<base::UnixSocket> new_conn)86 void HostImpl::OnNewIncomingConnection(
87     base::UnixSocket*,
88     std::unique_ptr<base::UnixSocket> new_conn) {
89   PERFETTO_DCHECK_THREAD(thread_checker_);
90   std::unique_ptr<ClientConnection> client(new ClientConnection());
91   ClientID client_id = ++last_client_id_;
92   clients_by_socket_[new_conn.get()] = client.get();
93   client->id = client_id;
94   client->sock = std::move(new_conn);
95   clients_[client_id] = std::move(client);
96 }
OnDataAvailable(base::UnixSocket * sock)98 void HostImpl::OnDataAvailable(base::UnixSocket* sock) {
99   PERFETTO_DCHECK_THREAD(thread_checker_);
100   auto it = clients_by_socket_.find(sock);
101   if (it == clients_by_socket_.end())
102     return;
103   ClientConnection* client = it->second;
104   BufferedFrameDeserializer& frame_deserializer = client->frame_deserializer;
106   size_t rsize;
107   do {
108     auto buf = frame_deserializer.BeginReceive();
109     base::ScopedFile fd;
110     rsize = client->sock->Receive(buf.data, buf.size, &fd);
111     if (fd) {
112       PERFETTO_DCHECK(!client->received_fd);
113       client->received_fd = std::move(fd);
114     }
115     if (!frame_deserializer.EndReceive(rsize))
116       return OnDisconnect(client->sock.get());
117   } while (rsize > 0);
119   for (;;) {
120     std::unique_ptr<Frame> frame = frame_deserializer.PopNextFrame();
121     if (!frame)
122       break;
123     OnReceivedFrame(client, *frame);
124   }
125 }
OnReceivedFrame(ClientConnection * client,const Frame & req_frame)127 void HostImpl::OnReceivedFrame(ClientConnection* client,
128                                const Frame& req_frame) {
129   if (req_frame.has_msg_bind_service())
130     return OnBindService(client, req_frame);
131   if (req_frame.has_msg_invoke_method())
132     return OnInvokeMethod(client, req_frame);
134   PERFETTO_DLOG("Received invalid RPC frame from client %" PRIu64, client->id);
135   Frame reply_frame;
136   reply_frame.set_request_id(req_frame.request_id());
137   reply_frame.mutable_msg_request_error()->set_error("unknown request");
138   SendFrame(client, reply_frame);
139 }
OnBindService(ClientConnection * client,const Frame & req_frame)141 void HostImpl::OnBindService(ClientConnection* client, const Frame& req_frame) {
142   // Binding a service doesn't do anything major. It just returns back the
143   // service id and its method map.
144   const Frame::BindService& req = req_frame.msg_bind_service();
145   Frame reply_frame;
146   reply_frame.set_request_id(req_frame.request_id());
147   auto* reply = reply_frame.mutable_msg_bind_service_reply();
148   const ExposedService* service = GetServiceByName(req.service_name());
149   if (service) {
150     reply->set_success(true);
151     reply->set_service_id(service->id);
152     uint32_t method_id = 1;  // method ids start at index 1.
153     for (const auto& desc_method : service->instance->GetDescriptor().methods) {
154       Frame::BindServiceReply::MethodInfo* method_info = reply->add_methods();
155       method_info->set_name(desc_method.name);
156       method_info->set_id(method_id++);
157     }
158   }
159   SendFrame(client, reply_frame);
160 }
OnInvokeMethod(ClientConnection * client,const Frame & req_frame)162 void HostImpl::OnInvokeMethod(ClientConnection* client,
163                               const Frame& req_frame) {
164   const Frame::InvokeMethod& req = req_frame.msg_invoke_method();
165   Frame reply_frame;
166   RequestID request_id = req_frame.request_id();
167   reply_frame.set_request_id(request_id);
168   reply_frame.mutable_msg_invoke_method_reply()->set_success(false);
169   auto svc_it = services_.find(req.service_id());
170   if (svc_it == services_.end())
171     return SendFrame(client, reply_frame);  // |success| == false by default.
173   Service* service = svc_it->second.instance.get();
174   const ServiceDescriptor& svc = service->GetDescriptor();
175   const auto& methods = svc.methods;
176   const uint32_t method_id = req.method_id();
177   if (method_id == 0 || method_id > methods.size())
178     return SendFrame(client, reply_frame);
180   const ServiceDescriptor::Method& method = methods[method_id - 1];
181   std::unique_ptr<ProtoMessage> decoded_req_args(
182       method.request_proto_decoder(req.args_proto()));
183   if (!decoded_req_args)
184     return SendFrame(client, reply_frame);
186   Deferred<ProtoMessage> deferred_reply;
187   base::WeakPtr<HostImpl> host_weak_ptr = weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr();
188   ClientID client_id = client->id;
190   if (!req.drop_reply()) {
191     deferred_reply.Bind([host_weak_ptr, client_id,
192                          request_id](AsyncResult<ProtoMessage> reply) {
193       if (!host_weak_ptr)
194         return;  // The reply came too late, the HostImpl has gone.
195       host_weak_ptr->ReplyToMethodInvocation(client_id, request_id,
196                                              std::move(reply));
197     });
198   }
200   service->client_info_ = ClientInfo(client->id, client->sock->peer_uid());
201   service->received_fd_ = &client->received_fd;
202   method.invoker(service, *decoded_req_args, std::move(deferred_reply));
203   service->received_fd_ = nullptr;
204   service->client_info_ = ClientInfo();
205 }
ReplyToMethodInvocation(ClientID client_id,RequestID request_id,AsyncResult<ProtoMessage> reply)207 void HostImpl::ReplyToMethodInvocation(ClientID client_id,
208                                        RequestID request_id,
209                                        AsyncResult<ProtoMessage> reply) {
210   auto client_iter = clients_.find(client_id);
211   if (client_iter == clients_.end())
212     return;  // client has disconnected by the time we got the async reply.
214   ClientConnection* client = client_iter->second.get();
215   Frame reply_frame;
216   reply_frame.set_request_id(request_id);
218   // TODO(fmayer): add a test to guarantee that the reply is consumed within the
219   // same call stack and not kept around. ConsumerIPCService::OnTraceData()
220   // relies on this behavior.
221   auto* reply_frame_data = reply_frame.mutable_msg_invoke_method_reply();
222   reply_frame_data->set_has_more(reply.has_more());
223   if (reply.success()) {
224     std::string reply_proto = reply->SerializeAsString();
225     reply_frame_data->set_reply_proto(reply_proto);
226     reply_frame_data->set_success(true);
227   }
228   SendFrame(client, reply_frame, reply.fd());
229 }
231 // static
SendFrame(ClientConnection * client,const Frame & frame,int fd)232 void HostImpl::SendFrame(ClientConnection* client, const Frame& frame, int fd) {
233   std::string buf = BufferedFrameDeserializer::Serialize(frame);
235   // TODO(primiano): this should do non-blocking I/O. But then what if the
236   // socket buffer is full? We might want to either drop the request or throttle
237   // the send and PostTask the reply later? Right now we are making Send()
238   // blocking as a workaround. Propagate bakpressure to the caller instead.
239   bool res = client->sock->Send(buf.data(), buf.size(), fd);
240   PERFETTO_CHECK(res || !client->sock->is_connected());
241 }
OnDisconnect(base::UnixSocket * sock)243 void HostImpl::OnDisconnect(base::UnixSocket* sock) {
244   PERFETTO_DCHECK_THREAD(thread_checker_);
245   auto it = clients_by_socket_.find(sock);
246   if (it == clients_by_socket_.end())
247     return;
248   ClientID client_id = it->second->id;
249   ClientInfo client_info(client_id, sock->peer_uid());
250   clients_by_socket_.erase(it);
251   PERFETTO_DCHECK(clients_.count(client_id));
252   clients_.erase(client_id);
254   for (const auto& service_it : services_) {
255     Service& service = *service_it.second.instance;
256     service.client_info_ = client_info;
257     service.OnClientDisconnected();
258     service.client_info_ = ClientInfo();
259   }
260 }
GetServiceByName(const std::string & name)262 const HostImpl::ExposedService* HostImpl::GetServiceByName(
263     const std::string& name) {
264   // This could be optimized by using another map<name,ServiceID>. However this
265   // is used only by Bind/ExposeService that are quite rare (once per client
266   // connection and once per service instance), not worth it.
267   for (const auto& it : services_) {
268     if (it.second.name == name)
269       return &it.second;
270   }
271   return nullptr;
272 }
ExposedService(ServiceID id_,const std::string & name_,std::unique_ptr<Service> instance_)274 HostImpl::ExposedService::ExposedService(ServiceID id_,
275                                          const std::string& name_,
276                                          std::unique_ptr<Service> instance_)
277     : id(id_), name(name_), instance(std::move(instance_)) {}
279 HostImpl::ExposedService::ExposedService(ExposedService&&) noexcept = default;
280 HostImpl::ExposedService& HostImpl::ExposedService::operator=(
281     HostImpl::ExposedService&&) = default;
282 HostImpl::ExposedService::~ExposedService() = default;
284 HostImpl::ClientConnection::~ClientConnection() = default;
286 }  // namespace ipc
287 }  // namespace perfetto