2-- Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
4-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5-- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
8--     https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12-- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14-- limitations under the License.
16CREATE VIEW battery_view AS
18  all_ts.ts as ts,
19  current_avg_ua,
20  capacity_percent,
21  charge_uah,
22  current_ua
23FROM (
24  SELECT distinct(ts) AS ts
25  FROM counter c
26  JOIN counter_track t on c.track_id = t.id
27  WHERE name LIKE 'batt.%'
28) AS all_ts
30  SELECT ts, value AS current_avg_ua
31  FROM counter c
32  JOIN counter_track t on c.track_id = t.id
33  WHERE name='batt.current.avg_ua'
34) USING(ts)
36  SELECT ts, value AS capacity_percent
37  FROM counter c
38  JOIN counter_track t on c.track_id = t.id
39  WHERE name='batt.capacity_pct'
40) USING(ts)
42  SELECT ts, value AS charge_uah
43  FROM counter c
44  JOIN counter_track t on c.track_id = t.id
45  WHERE name='batt.charge_uah'
46) USING(ts)
48  SELECT ts, value AS current_ua
49  FROM counter c
50  JOIN counter_track t on c.track_id = t.id
51  WHERE name='batt.current_ua'
52) USING(ts)
53ORDER BY ts;
55DROP TABLE IF EXISTS android_batt_wakelocks_merged;
56CREATE TABLE android_batt_wakelocks_merged AS
58  MIN(ts) AS ts,
59  MAX(ts_end) AS ts_end
60FROM (
61    SELECT
62        *,
63        SUM(new_group) OVER (ORDER BY ts) AS group_id
64    FROM (
65        SELECT
66            ts,
67            ts + dur AS ts_end,
68            -- There is a new group if there was a gap before this wakelock.
69            -- i.e. the max end timestamp of all preceding wakelocks is before
70            -- the start timestamp of this one.
71            -- The null check is for the first row which is always a new group.
72            IFNULL(
73                MAX(ts + dur) OVER (
74                    ORDER BY ts
76                ) < ts,
77                true
78            ) AS new_group
79        FROM slice
80        WHERE slice.name LIKE 'WakeLock %' AND dur != -1
81    )
83GROUP BY group_id;
85CREATE TABLE suspend_slice_ AS
87       ts,
88       dur
89FROM (
90    SELECT
91       ts,
92       ts - lag(ts) OVER w AS lag_dur,
93       lead(ts) OVER w - ts AS dur,
94       start,
95       event,
96       lag(start) OVER w AS lag_start,
97       lag(event) OVER w AS lag_event,
98       lag(start, 2) OVER w AS lag_2_start,
99       lag(event, 2) OVER w AS lag_2_event,
100       lead(start) OVER w AS lead_start,
101       lead(event) OVER w AS lead_event,
102       lead(start, 2) OVER w AS lead_2_start,
103       lead(event, 2) OVER w AS lead_2_event
104    FROM (
105        SELECT
106               ts,
107               EXTRACT_ARG(arg_set_id, 'start') AS start,
108               EXTRACT_ARG(arg_set_id, 'val') AS event
109        FROM raw
110        WHERE name = 'suspend_resume'
111    )
112    WINDOW w AS (ORDER BY ts)
114-- We want to find the start and end events with action='timekeeping_freeze'.
115-- Unfortunately b/70292203 leads to the action string being lost.
116-- In practice, these events often show up in a sequence like the following:
117-- start = 1, event = 1     [string would have been 'machine_suspend']
118-- start = 1, event = (any) [string would have been 'timekeeping_freeze'] *
120--                             (sleep happens here)
122-- start = 0, event = (any) [string would have been 'timekeeping_freeze']
123-- start = 0, event = 1     [string would have been 'machine_suspend']
125-- So we look for this pattern of start and event, anchored on the event marked
126-- with "*".
127WHERE (
128    lag_start = 1 AND lag_event = 1
129    AND start = 1
130    AND lead_start = 0
131    AND lead_2_start = 0 AND lead_2_event = 1
133-- Or in newer kernels we seem to have a very different pattern. We can take
134-- advantage of that fact that we get several events with identical timestamp
135-- just before sleeping (normally this never happens):
136-- gap = 0, start = 1, event = 3
137-- gap = 0, start = 0, event = 3
138-- gap = 0, start = 1, event = 0
140--  (sleep happens here)
142-- gap = (any), start = 0, event = 0
144OR (
145    lag_dur = 0
146    AND lead_start = 0 AND lead_event = 0
147    AND start = 1 AND event = 0
148    AND lag_start = 0 AND lag_event = 3
149    AND lag_2_start = 1 AND lag_2_event = 3
152SELECT RUN_METRIC('android/global_counter_span_view.sql',
153  'table_name', 'screen_state',
154  'counter_name', 'ScreenState');
156CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE screen_state_span_with_suspend
157    USING span_join(screen_state_span, suspend_slice_);
159CREATE VIEW android_batt_event AS
161       ts,
162       dur,
163       'Suspended' AS slice_name,
164       'Suspend / resume' AS track_name,
165       'slice' AS track_type
166FROM suspend_slice_;
168CREATE VIEW android_batt_output AS
169SELECT AndroidBatteryMetric(
170  'battery_counters', (
171    SELECT RepeatedField(
172      AndroidBatteryMetric_BatteryCounters(
173        'timestamp_ns', ts,
174        'charge_counter_uah', charge_uah,
175        'capacity_percent', capacity_percent,
176        'current_ua', current_ua,
177        'current_avg_ua', current_avg_ua
178      )
179    )
180    FROM battery_view
181  ),
182  'battery_aggregates', (
183    SELECT NULL_IF_EMPTY(AndroidBatteryMetric_BatteryAggregates(
184      'total_screen_off_ns',
185      SUM(CASE WHEN state = 1.0 AND tbl = 'total' THEN dur ELSE 0 END),
186      'total_screen_on_ns',
187      SUM(CASE WHEN state = 2.0 AND tbl = 'total' THEN dur ELSE 0 END),
188      'total_screen_doze_ns',
189      SUM(CASE WHEN state = 3.0 AND tbl = 'total' THEN dur ELSE 0 END),
190      'sleep_ns',
191      (SELECT SUM(dur) FROM suspend_slice_),
192      'sleep_screen_off_ns',
193      SUM(CASE WHEN state = 1.0 AND tbl = 'sleep' THEN dur ELSE 0 END),
194      'sleep_screen_on_ns',
195      SUM(CASE WHEN state = 2.0 AND tbl = 'sleep' THEN dur ELSE 0 END),
196      'sleep_screen_doze_ns',
197      SUM(CASE WHEN state = 3.0 AND tbl = 'sleep' THEN dur ELSE 0 END),
198      'total_wakelock_ns',
199      (SELECT SUM(ts_end - ts) FROM android_batt_wakelocks_merged)
200    ))
201    FROM (
202         SELECT dur, screen_state_val AS state, 'total' AS tbl
203         FROM screen_state_span
204         UNION ALL
205         SELECT dur, screen_state_val AS state, 'sleep' AS tbl
206         FROM screen_state_span_with_suspend
207    )
208  )