1 /*
2  * Copyright 2014 Google Inc.
3  *
4  * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
5  * found in the LICENSE file.
6  */
8 #ifndef GrPathRendering_DEFINED
9 #define GrPathRendering_DEFINED
11 #include "include/core/SkPath.h"
13 class GrGpu;
14 class GrPath;
15 class GrProgramInfo;
16 class GrRenderTarget;
17 class GrRenderTargetProxy;
18 class GrScissorState;
19 class GrStencilSettings;
20 class GrStyle;
21 struct GrUserStencilSettings;
22 struct SkScalerContextEffects;
23 class SkDescriptor;
24 class SkTypeface;
26 /**
27  * Abstract class wrapping HW path rendering API.
28  *
29  * The subclasses of this class use the possible HW API to render paths (as opposed to path
30  * rendering implemented in Skia on top of a "3d" HW API).
31  * The subclasses hold the global state needed to render paths, including shadow of the global HW
32  * API state. Similar to GrGpu.
33  *
34  * It is expected that the lifetimes of GrGpuXX and GrXXPathRendering are the same. The call context
35  * interface (eg.  * the concrete instance of GrGpu subclass) should be provided to the instance
36  * during construction.
37  */
38 class GrPathRendering {
39 public:
~GrPathRendering()40     virtual ~GrPathRendering() { }
42     enum PathTransformType {
43         kNone_PathTransformType,        //!< []
44         kTranslateX_PathTransformType,  //!< [kMTransX]
45         kTranslateY_PathTransformType,  //!< [kMTransY]
46         kTranslate_PathTransformType,   //!< [kMTransX, kMTransY]
47         kAffine_PathTransformType,      //!< [kMScaleX, kMSkewX, kMTransX, kMSkewY, kMScaleY, kMTransY]
49         kLast_PathTransformType = kAffine_PathTransformType
50     };
PathTransformSize(PathTransformType type)52     static inline int PathTransformSize(PathTransformType type) {
53         switch (type) {
54             case kNone_PathTransformType:
55                 return 0;
56             case kTranslateX_PathTransformType:
57             case kTranslateY_PathTransformType:
58                 return 1;
59             case kTranslate_PathTransformType:
60                 return 2;
61             case kAffine_PathTransformType:
62                 return 6;
64             default:
65                 SK_ABORT("Unknown path transform type");
66         }
67     }
69     // No native support for inverse at this time
70     enum FillType {
71         /** Specifies that "inside" is computed by a non-zero sum of signed
72             edge crossings
73         */
74         kWinding_FillType,
75         /** Specifies that "inside" is computed by an odd number of edge
76             crossings
77         */
78         kEvenOdd_FillType,
79     };
81     static const GrUserStencilSettings& GetStencilPassSettings(FillType);
83     /**
84      * Creates a new gpu path, based on the specified path and stroke and returns it.
85      *
86      * @param SkPath    the geometry.
87      * @param GrStyle   the style applied to the path. Styles with non-dash path effects are not
88      *                  allowed.
89      * @return a new GPU path object.
90      */
91     virtual sk_sp<GrPath> createPath(const SkPath&, const GrStyle&) = 0;
93     /** None of these params are optional, pointers used just to avoid making copies. */
94     struct StencilPathArgs {
StencilPathArgsStencilPathArgs95         StencilPathArgs(bool useHWAA,
96                         GrRenderTargetProxy* proxy,
97                         GrSurfaceOrigin origin,
98                         const SkMatrix* viewMatrix,
99                         const GrScissorState* scissor,
100                         const GrStencilSettings* stencil)
101             : fUseHWAA(useHWAA)
102             , fProxy(proxy)
103             , fOrigin(origin)
104             , fViewMatrix(viewMatrix)
105             , fScissor(scissor)
106             , fStencil(stencil) {
107         }
108         bool                     fUseHWAA;
109         GrRenderTargetProxy*     fProxy;
110         GrSurfaceOrigin          fOrigin;
111         const SkMatrix*          fViewMatrix;
112         const GrScissorState*    fScissor;
113         const GrStencilSettings* fStencil;
114     };
116     void stencilPath(const StencilPathArgs& args, const GrPath* path);
118     void drawPath(GrRenderTarget*,
119                   const GrProgramInfo&,
120                   const GrStencilSettings& stencilPassSettings,  // Cover pass settings in pipeline.
121                   const GrPath* path);
123 protected:
GrPathRendering(GrGpu * gpu)124     GrPathRendering(GrGpu* gpu) : fGpu(gpu) { }
126     virtual void onStencilPath(const StencilPathArgs&, const GrPath*) = 0;
127     virtual void onDrawPath(const GrStencilSettings&, const GrPath*) = 0;
129     GrGpu* fGpu;
130 private:
131     GrPathRendering& operator=(const GrPathRendering&);
132 };
134 #endif