1 // Copyright (c) 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include <windows.h>
7 #include <stdio.h>
8 #include <tchar.h>
10 #include <algorithm>
11 #include <iostream>
12 #include <sstream>
13 #include <string>
15 #include "base/win/shlwapi.h"
17 #pragma warning(disable : 4996)
19 // Create |count| number of temp files at |folder_path| using GUID based method.
20 // The time cost in millisecond of creating every 500 temp files or all the
21 // files if |count| < 500 is printed to the console.
22 bool CreateFilesUsingGuid(UINT count, const char* folder_path);
24 // Create |count| number of temp files at |folder_path| using GetTempFileName()
25 // API. The time cost in millisecond of creating every 500 temp files or all the
26 // files if |count| < 500 is printed to the console.
27 bool CreateFilesUsingGetTempFileName(UINT count, const char* folder_path);
29 // This method converts GUID to a string.
30 char* ConvertGuidToString(const GUID* id, char* out);
32 // If |folder_path| doesn't exist, creat it, otherwise check if it is empty.
33 bool CreateOrValidateTempDirectory(const char* folder_path);
35 // Deletes all the content in |folder_path|.
36 void DeleteDirectoryContent(const char* folder_path);
38 // Deletes |folder_path| including its contents and the raw directory.
39 bool DeleteDirectory(const char* folder_path);
41 // Deletes |folder_path| including its contents and the raw directory, and print
42 // the delete status to the console.
43 void DeleteDirectoryAndPrintMsg(const char* folder_path);
45 // Prints the elapsed time at current step for the latest cycle.
46 void FormatPrintElapsedTime(UINT cur_step,
47                             UINT total_step,
48                             const LARGE_INTEGER& elapsed_ms);
50 // Maximum number of temp files allowed to create. This is limited by the
51 // implementation of GetTempFileName().
52 // "This limits GetTempFileName to a maximum of 65,535 unique file names if the
53 // lpPathName and lpPrefixString parameters remain the same."
54 // https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa364991(v=vs.85).aspx
55 UINT kMaxFileCreate = 65535;
57 // Query the time cost each time when this amount of temp files are created.
58 UINT kFileCountPerMetric = 500;
main()60 int main() {
61   // Gets the temp path env string.
62   DWORD temp_path_ret = 0;
63   CHAR temp_folder_path[MAX_PATH];
64   temp_path_ret = ::GetTempPathA(MAX_PATH, temp_folder_path);
65   if (temp_path_ret > MAX_PATH || temp_path_ret == 0) {
66     std::cout << "GetTempPath failed" << std::endl;
67     return 0;
68   }
70   // A temporary directory where the new temp files created by GetTempFileName()
71   // are written.
72   std::string temp_dir_gettempfilename(
73       std::string(temp_folder_path).append("TempDirGetTempFileName\\"));
75   // A temporary directory where the new temp files created by Guid-based method
76   // are written.
77   std::string temp_dir_guid(
78       std::string(temp_folder_path).append("TempDirGuid\\"));
80   UINT file_create_count;
81   std::string user_input;
83   while (true) {
84     std::cout << "\nPlease enter # of files to create (maximum "
85               << kMaxFileCreate << "), or \"quit\" to end the program : ";
86     std::getline(std::cin, user_input);
88     std::transform(user_input.begin(), user_input.end(), user_input.begin(),
89                    ::tolower);
90     if (user_input == "quit")
91       break;
93     std::cout << std::endl;
94     std::stringstream ss(user_input);
96     if (ss >> file_create_count && file_create_count <= kMaxFileCreate) {
97       std::cout << "\nPlease select method to create temp file names,\n"
98                 << "\"t\" for GetTempFileName \n"
99                 << "\"g\" for GUID-based \n"
100                 << "\"b\" for both \n"
101                 << "or \"quit\" to end the program : ";
102       std::getline(std::cin, user_input);
104       std::transform(user_input.begin(), user_input.end(), user_input.begin(),
105                      ::tolower);
106       if (user_input == "quit")
107         break;
109       if (user_input == "t" || user_input == "b") {
110         std::cout << "\nGetTempFileName Performance:\n [start -   end] / total "
111                      "--- time "
112                      "cost in ms"
113                   << std::endl;
114         if (CreateFilesUsingGetTempFileName(file_create_count,
115                                             temp_dir_gettempfilename.c_str())) {
116           std::cout << "File creation succeeds at " << temp_dir_gettempfilename
117                     << ", now clean all of them!" << std::endl;
118         }
119         DeleteDirectoryAndPrintMsg(temp_dir_gettempfilename.c_str());
120       }
122       if (user_input == "g" || user_input == "b") {
123         std::cout << "\nGUID-based Performance:\n [start -   end] / total --- "
124                      "time cost in ms"
125                   << std::endl;
126         if (CreateFilesUsingGuid(file_create_count, temp_dir_guid.c_str())) {
127           std::cout << "File creation succeeds at " << temp_dir_guid
128                     << ", now clean all of them!" << std::endl;
129         }
130         DeleteDirectoryAndPrintMsg(temp_dir_guid.c_str());
131       }
132     } else {
133       std::cout << "Input number is invalid, please enter # of files to create "
134                    "(maximum "
135                 << kMaxFileCreate << "), or \"quit\" to end the program : ";
136     }
137     std::cout << std::endl;
138   }
139   return 0;
140 }
CreateFilesUsingGuid(UINT count,const char * dir_path)142 bool CreateFilesUsingGuid(UINT count, const char* dir_path) {
143   if (!CreateOrValidateTempDirectory(dir_path))
144     return false;
146   LARGE_INTEGER starting_time, ending_time, elapsed_ms;
147   ::QueryPerformanceCounter(&starting_time);
148   LARGE_INTEGER frequency;
149   ::QueryPerformanceFrequency(&frequency);
151   for (UINT i = 1; i <= count; ++i) {
152     GUID guid;
153     ::CoCreateGuid(&guid);
154     char buffer[37];
155     ConvertGuidToString(&guid, buffer);
156     std::string temp_name = std::string(dir_path).append(buffer).append(".tmp");
158     HANDLE file_handle =
159         ::CreateFileA(temp_name.c_str(), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL,
160                       CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL);
161     ::CloseHandle(file_handle);
163     if (i % kFileCountPerMetric == 0 || i == count) {
164       ::QueryPerformanceCounter(&ending_time);
165       // Convert the elapsed number of ticks to milliseconds.
166       elapsed_ms.QuadPart = (ending_time.QuadPart - starting_time.QuadPart) *
167                             1000 / frequency.QuadPart;
169       FormatPrintElapsedTime(i, count, elapsed_ms);
171       ::QueryPerformanceCounter(&starting_time);
172     }
173   }
174   return true;
175 }
CreateFilesUsingGetTempFileName(UINT count,const char * dir_path)177 bool CreateFilesUsingGetTempFileName(UINT count, const char* dir_path) {
178   if (!CreateOrValidateTempDirectory(dir_path))
179     return false;
181   CHAR temp_name[MAX_PATH];
182   LARGE_INTEGER starting_time, ending_time, elapsed_ms;
183   ::QueryPerformanceCounter(&starting_time);
184   LARGE_INTEGER frequency;
185   ::QueryPerformanceFrequency(&frequency);
187   for (UINT i = 1; i <= count; ++i) {
188     ::GetTempFileNameA(dir_path, "", 0, temp_name);
189     if (i % kFileCountPerMetric == 0 || i == count) {
190       ::QueryPerformanceCounter(&ending_time);
191       // Convert the elapsed number of ticks to milliseconds.
192       elapsed_ms.QuadPart = (ending_time.QuadPart - starting_time.QuadPart) *
193                             1000 / frequency.QuadPart;
195       FormatPrintElapsedTime(i, count, elapsed_ms);
197       ::QueryPerformanceCounter(&starting_time);
198     }
199   }
200   return true;
201 }
ConvertGuidToString(const GUID * id,char * out)203 char* ConvertGuidToString(const GUID* id, char* out) {
204   int i;
205   char* ret = out;
206   out += sprintf(out, "%.8lX-%.4hX-%.4hX-", id->Data1, id->Data2, id->Data3);
207   for (i = 0; i < sizeof(id->Data4); ++i) {
208     out += sprintf(out, "%.2hhX", id->Data4[i]);
209     if (i == 1)
210       *(out++) = '-';
211   }
212   return ret;
213 }
CreateOrValidateTempDirectory(const char * folder_path)215 bool CreateOrValidateTempDirectory(const char* folder_path) {
216   if (::PathFileExistsA(folder_path)) {
217     if (!::PathIsDirectoryEmptyA(folder_path)) {
218       std::cout << folder_path
219                 << " directory is not empty, please remove all its content.";
220       return false;
221     }
222     return true;
223   } else if (::CreateDirectoryA(folder_path, NULL) == 0) {
224     std::cout << folder_path << "directory creation fails.";
225     return false;
226   } else {
227     return true;
228   }
229 }
DeleteDirectoryContent(const char * folder_path)231 void DeleteDirectoryContent(const char* folder_path) {
232   char file_found[MAX_PATH];
233   WIN32_FIND_DATAA info;
234   HANDLE hp;
235   sprintf(file_found, "%s\\*.*", folder_path);
236   hp = ::FindFirstFileA(file_found, &info);
237   do {
238     if ((strcmp(info.cFileName, ".") == 0) ||
239         (strcmp(info.cFileName, "..") == 0)) {
240       continue;
241     }
242     sprintf(file_found, "%s\\%s", folder_path, info.cFileName);
243     ::DeleteFileA(file_found);
244   } while (::FindNextFileA(hp, &info));
245   ::FindClose(hp);
246 }
DeleteDirectory(const char * folder_path)248 bool DeleteDirectory(const char* folder_path) {
249   DeleteDirectoryContent(folder_path);
250   return ::RemoveDirectoryA(folder_path) != 0;
251 }
DeleteDirectoryAndPrintMsg(const char * folder_path)253 void DeleteDirectoryAndPrintMsg(const char* folder_path) {
254   if (DeleteDirectory(folder_path)) {
255     std::cout << folder_path << " directory is deleted!" << std::endl;
256   } else {
257     std::cout << "[Attention] " << folder_path
258               << " directory's deletion fails, please take a look by yourself!"
259               << std::endl;
260   }
261 }
FormatPrintElapsedTime(UINT cur_step,UINT total_step,const LARGE_INTEGER & elapsed_ms)263 void FormatPrintElapsedTime(UINT cur_step,
264                             UINT total_step,
265                             const LARGE_INTEGER& elapsed_ms) {
266   UINT count_prev = 0;
267   if (cur_step % kFileCountPerMetric == 0)
268     count_prev = cur_step + 1 - kFileCountPerMetric;
269   else if (cur_step > kFileCountPerMetric)
270     count_prev = cur_step / kFileCountPerMetric * kFileCountPerMetric + 1;
271   printf(" [%5d - %5d] / %d --- %lld\n", count_prev, cur_step, total_step,
272          elapsed_ms.QuadPart);
273 }