3  Coppermine Photo Gallery
4  ************************
5  Copyright (c) 2003-2016 Coppermine Dev Team
6  v1.0 originally written by Gregory Demar
8  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
9  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3
10  as published by the Free Software Foundation.
12  ********************************************
13  Coppermine version: 1.6.03
14  $HeadURL$
17function strip_IPTC($data) {
18    if (is_array($data)) {
19        foreach ($data as $key=>$item) {
20             $data[$key]=strip_IPTC($item);
21        }
22    } else {
23         $data=htmlentities(strip_tags(trim($data,"\x7f..\xff\x0..\x1f")),ENT_QUOTES); //sanitize data against sql/html injection; trim any nongraphical non-ASCII character:
24    }
25    return $data;
28function get_IPTC($filename) {
29        $IPTC_data=array();
30        $size = GetImageSize ($filename, $info);
31        if (isset($info["APP13"])) {
32            $iptc = iptcparse($info["APP13"]);
33            if (is_array($iptc)) {
34                $IPTC_data=array(        "Title"                        =>         $iptc["2#005"][0],        # Max 65 octets, non-repeatable, alphanumeric
35                                        "Urgency"                =>         $iptc["2#010"][0],        # Max 1 octet, non-repeatable, numeric, 1 - High, 8 - Low
36                                        "Category"                =>         $iptc["2#015"][0],        # Max 3 octets, non-repeatable, alpha
37                                        "SubCategories"                =>         $iptc["2#020"],                # Max 32 octets, repeatable, alphanumeric
38                                        "Keywords"                =>         $iptc["2#025"],                # Max 64 octets, repeatable, alphanumeric
39                                        "Instructions"                =>         $iptc["2#040"][0],        # Max 256 octets, non-repeatable, alphanumeric
40                                        "CreationDate"                =>         $iptc["2#055"][0],        # Max 8 octets, non-repeatable, numeric, YYYYMMDD
41                                        "CreationTime"                =>         $iptc["2#060"][0],        # Max 11 octets, non-repeatable, numeric+-, HHMMSS(+|-)HHMM
42                                        "ProgramUsed"                =>         $iptc["2#065"][0],        # Max 32 octets, non-repeatable, alphanumeric
43                                        "Author"                =>         $iptc["2#080"][0],        #!Max 32 octets, repeatable, alphanumeric
44                                        "Position"                =>         $iptc["2#085"][0],        #!Max 32 octets, repeatable, alphanumeric
45                                        "City"                        =>         $iptc["2#090"][0],        # Max 32 octets, non-repeatable, alphanumeric
46                                        "State"                        =>         $iptc["2#095"][0],        # Max 32 octets, non-repeatable, alphanumeric
47                                        "Country"                =>         $iptc["2#101"][0],        # Max 64 octets, non-repeatable, alphanumeric
48                                        "TransmissionReference"        =>         $iptc["2#103"][0],        # Max 32 octets, non-repeatable, alphanumeric
49                                        "Headline"                =>         $iptc["2#105"][0],        # Max 256 octets, non-repeatable, alphanumeric
50                                        "Credit"                =>         $iptc["2#110"][0],        # Max 32 octets, non-repeatable, alphanumeric
51                                        "Source"                =>         $iptc["2#115"][0],        # Max 32 octets, non-repeatable, alphanumeric
52                                        "Copyright"                =>         $iptc["2#116"][0],        # Max 128 octets, non-repeatable, alphanumeric
53                                        "Caption"                =>         $iptc["2#120"][0],        # Max 2000 octets, non-repeatable, alphanumeric
54                                        "CaptionWriter"                =>         $iptc["2#122"][0],       # Max 32 octets, non-repeatable, alphanumeric
55                );
56                $IPTC_data=strip_IPTC($IPTC_data); //sanitize data against sql/html injection; trim any nongraphical non-ASCII character:
57                $IPTC_data=filter_content($IPTC_data);   //run the data against the bad word list
58            }
59        }
60return $IPTC_data;