2/* Copyright (C) 2002-2006  Rodolphe Quiedeville    <rodolphe@quiedeville.org>
3 * Copyright (C) 2004       Eric Seigne             <eric.seigne@ryxeo.com>
4 * Copyright (C) 2004-2020  Laurent Destailleur     <eldy@users.sourceforge.net>
5 * Copyright (C) 2005       Marc Barilley / Ocebo   <marc@ocebo.com>
6 * Copyright (C) 2005-2015  Regis Houssin           <regis.houssin@inodbox.com>
7 * Copyright (C) 2006       Andre Cianfarani        <acianfa@free.fr>
8 * Copyright (C) 2010-2015  Juanjo Menent           <jmenent@2byte.es>
9 * Copyright (C) 2012-2013  Christophe Battarel     <christophe.battarel@altairis.fr>
10 * Copyright (C) 2012-2013  Cédric Salvador         <csalvador@gpcsolutions.fr>
11 * Copyright (C) 2012-2014  Raphaël Doursenaud      <rdoursenaud@gpcsolutions.fr>
12 * Copyright (C) 2013       Jean-Francois FERRY     <jfefe@aternatik.fr>
13 * Copyright (C) 2013-2014  Florian Henry           <florian.henry@open-concept.pro>
14 * Copyright (C) 2013       Cédric Salvador         <csalvador@gpcsolutions.fr>
15 * Copyright (C) 2014-2019  Ferran Marcet           <fmarcet@2byte.es>
16 * Copyright (C) 2015-2016  Marcos García           <marcosgdf@gmail.com>
17 * Copyright (C) 2018-2021  Frédéric France         <frederic.france@netlogic.fr>
18 *
19 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
20 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
21 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
22 * (at your option) any later version.
23 *
24 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
25 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
27 * GNU General Public License for more details.
28 *
29 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
30 * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
31 */
34 * \file 	htdocs/compta/facture/card.php
35 * \ingroup facture
36 * \brief 	Page to create/see an invoice
37 */
39require '../../main.inc.php';
40require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/compta/facture/class/facture.class.php';
41require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/compta/facture/class/facture-rec.class.php';
42require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/compta/bank/class/account.class.php';
43require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/compta/paiement/class/paiement.class.php';
44require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/modules/facture/modules_facture.php';
45require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/discount.class.php';
46require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/html.formfile.class.php';
47require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/html.formother.class.php';
48require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/html.formmargin.class.php';
49require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/invoice.lib.php';
50require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/functions2.lib.php';
51require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/date.lib.php';
52require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/extrafields.class.php';
53if (!empty($conf->commande->enabled)) {
54	require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/commande/class/commande.class.php';
56if (!empty($conf->projet->enabled)) {
57	require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/projet/class/project.class.php';
58	require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/html.formprojet.class.php';
60require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/doleditor.class.php';
62if (!empty($conf->variants->enabled)) {
63	require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/variants/class/ProductCombination.class.php';
65if (!empty($conf->accounting->enabled)) {
66	require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/accountancy/class/accountingjournal.class.php';
69// Load translation files required by the page
70$langs->loadLangs(array('bills', 'companies', 'compta', 'products', 'banks', 'main', 'withdrawals'));
71if (!empty($conf->incoterm->enabled)) {
72	$langs->load('incoterm');
74if (!empty($conf->margin->enabled)) {
75	$langs->load('margins');
78$projectid = (GETPOST('projectid', 'int') ? GETPOST('projectid', 'int') : 0);
80$id = (GETPOST('id', 'int') ? GETPOST('id', 'int') : GETPOST('facid', 'int')); // For backward compatibility
81$ref = GETPOST('ref', 'alpha');
82$socid = GETPOST('socid', 'int');
83$action = GETPOST('action', 'aZ09');
84$confirm = GETPOST('confirm', 'alpha');
85$cancel = GETPOST('cancel', 'alpha');
86$lineid = GETPOST('lineid', 'int');
87$userid = GETPOST('userid', 'int');
88$search_ref = GETPOST('sf_ref', 'alpha') ? GETPOST('sf_ref', 'alpha') : GETPOST('search_ref', 'alpha');
89$search_societe = GETPOST('search_societe', 'alpha');
90$search_montant_ht = GETPOST('search_montant_ht', 'alpha');
91$search_montant_ttc = GETPOST('search_montant_ttc', 'alpha');
92$origin = GETPOST('origin', 'alpha');
93$originid = (GETPOST('originid', 'int') ? GETPOST('originid', 'int') : GETPOST('origin_id', 'int')); // For backward compatibility
94$fac_rec = GETPOST('fac_rec', 'int');
96// PDF
97$hidedetails = (GETPOST('hidedetails', 'int') ? GETPOST('hidedetails', 'int') : (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_GENERATE_DOCUMENTS_HIDE_DETAILS) ? 1 : 0));
98$hidedesc = (GETPOST('hidedesc', 'int') ? GETPOST('hidedesc', 'int') : (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_GENERATE_DOCUMENTS_HIDE_DESC) ? 1 : 0));
99$hideref = (GETPOST('hideref', 'int') ? GETPOST('hideref', 'int') : (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_GENERATE_DOCUMENTS_HIDE_REF) ? 1 : 0));
101// Nombre de ligne pour choix de produit/service predefinis
102$NBLINES = 4;
104$usehm = (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_USE_HOURMIN_IN_DATE_RANGE) ? $conf->global->MAIN_USE_HOURMIN_IN_DATE_RANGE : 0);
106$object = new Facture($db);
107$extrafields = new ExtraFields($db);
109// Fetch optionals attributes and labels
112// Load object
113if ($id > 0 || !empty($ref)) {
114	if ($action != 'add') {
115		if (empty($conf->global->INVOICE_USE_SITUATION)) {
116			$fetch_situation = false;
117		} else {
118			$fetch_situation = true;
119		}
120		$ret = $object->fetch($id, $ref, '', '', $fetch_situation);
121	}
124// Initialize technical object to manage hooks of page. Note that conf->hooks_modules contains array of hook context
125$hookmanager->initHooks(array('invoicecard', 'globalcard'));
127$usercanread = $user->rights->facture->lire;
128$usercancreate = $user->rights->facture->creer;
129$usercanissuepayment = $user->rights->facture->paiement;
130$usercandelete = $user->rights->facture->supprimer;
131$usercanvalidate = ((empty($conf->global->MAIN_USE_ADVANCED_PERMS) && $usercancreate) || (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_USE_ADVANCED_PERMS) && !empty($user->rights->facture->invoice_advance->validate)));
132$usercansend = (empty($conf->global->MAIN_USE_ADVANCED_PERMS) || (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_USE_ADVANCED_PERMS) && !empty($user->rights->facture->invoice_advance->send)));
133$usercanreopen = ((empty($conf->global->MAIN_USE_ADVANCED_PERMS) && $usercancreate) || (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_USE_ADVANCED_PERMS) && !empty($user->rights->facture->invoice_advance->reopen)));
134if (!empty($conf->global->INVOICE_DISALLOW_REOPEN)) {
135	$usercanreopen = false;
137$usercanunvalidate = ((empty($conf->global->MAIN_USE_ADVANCED_PERMS) && !empty($usercancreate)) || (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_USE_ADVANCED_PERMS) && !empty($user->rights->facture->invoice_advance->unvalidate)));
139$usercanproductignorepricemin = ((!empty($conf->global->MAIN_USE_ADVANCED_PERMS) && empty($user->rights->produit->ignore_price_min_advance)) || empty($conf->global->MAIN_USE_ADVANCED_PERMS));
140$usercancreatemargin = $user->rights->margins->creer;
141$usercanreadallmargin = $user->rights->margins->liretous;
142$usercancreatewithdrarequest = $user->rights->prelevement->bons->creer;
144$permissionnote = $usercancreate; // Used by the include of actions_setnotes.inc.php
145$permissiondellink = $usercancreate; // Used by the include of actions_dellink.inc.php
146$permissiontoedit = $usercancreate; // Used by the include of actions_lineupdonw.inc.php
147$permissiontoadd = $usercancreate; // Used by the include of actions_addupdatedelete.inc.php
149// retained warranty invoice available type
150$retainedWarrantyInvoiceAvailableType = array();
151if (!empty($conf->global->INVOICE_USE_RETAINED_WARRANTY)) {
152	$retainedWarrantyInvoiceAvailableType = explode('+', $conf->global->INVOICE_USE_RETAINED_WARRANTY);
155// Security check
156$fieldid = (!empty($ref) ? 'ref' : 'rowid');
157if ($user->socid) {
158	$socid = $user->socid;
160$isdraft = (($object->statut == Facture::STATUS_DRAFT) ? 1 : 0);
161$result = restrictedArea($user, 'facture', $object->id, '', '', 'fk_soc', $fieldid, $isdraft);
165 * Actions
166 */
168$parameters = array('socid' => $socid);
169$reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks('doActions', $parameters, $object, $action); // Note that $action and $object may have been modified by some hooks
170if ($reshook < 0) {
171	setEventMessages($hookmanager->error, $hookmanager->errors, 'errors');
174if (empty($reshook)) {
175	if ($cancel) {
176		if (!empty($backtopage)) {
177			header("Location: ".$backtopage);
178			exit;
179		}
180		$action = '';
181	}
183	include DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/actions_setnotes.inc.php'; // Must be include, not include_once
185	include DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/actions_dellink.inc.php'; // Must be include, not include_once
187	include DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/actions_lineupdown.inc.php'; // Must be include, not include_once
189	// Action clone object
190	if ($action == 'confirm_clone' && $confirm == 'yes' && $permissiontoadd) {
191		$objectutil = dol_clone($object, 1); // To avoid to denaturate loaded object when setting some properties for clone. We use native clone to keep this->db valid.
193		$objectutil->date = dol_mktime(12, 0, 0, GETPOST('newdatemonth', 'int'), GETPOST('newdateday', 'int'), GETPOST('newdateyear', 'int'));
194		$objectutil->socid = $socid;
195		$result = $objectutil->createFromClone($user, $id);
196		if ($result > 0) {
197			header("Location: ".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?facid='.$result);
198			exit();
199		} else {
200			$langs->load("errors");
201			setEventMessages($objectutil->error, $objectutil->errors, 'errors');
202			$action = '';
203		}
204	} elseif ($action == 'reopen' && $usercanreopen) {
205		$result = $object->fetch($id);
207		if ($object->statut == Facture::STATUS_CLOSED || ($object->statut == Facture::STATUS_ABANDONED && ($object->close_code != 'replaced' || $object->getIdReplacingInvoice() == 0)) || ($object->statut == Facture::STATUS_VALIDATED && $object->paye == 1)) {    // ($object->statut == 1 && $object->paye == 1) should not happened but can be found when data are corrupted
208			$result = $object->setUnpaid($user);
209			if ($result > 0) {
210				header('Location: '.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?facid='.$id);
211				exit();
212			} else {
213				setEventMessages($object->error, $object->errors, 'errors');
214			}
215		}
216	} elseif ($action == 'confirm_delete' && $confirm == 'yes') {
217		// Delete invoice
218		$result = $object->fetch($id);
219		$object->fetch_thirdparty();
221		$idwarehouse = GETPOST('idwarehouse');
223		$qualified_for_stock_change = 0;
224		if (empty($conf->global->STOCK_SUPPORTS_SERVICES)) {
225			$qualified_for_stock_change = $object->hasProductsOrServices(2);
226		} else {
227			$qualified_for_stock_change = $object->hasProductsOrServices(1);
228		}
230		$isErasable = $object->is_erasable();
232		if (($usercandelete && $isErasable > 0)
233			|| ($usercancreate && $isErasable == 1)) {
234			$result = $object->delete($user, 0, $idwarehouse);
235			if ($result > 0) {
236				header('Location: '.DOL_URL_ROOT.'/compta/facture/list.php?restore_lastsearch_values=1');
237				exit();
238			} else {
239				setEventMessages($object->error, $object->errors, 'errors');
240				$action = '';
241			}
242		}
243	} elseif ($action == 'confirm_deleteline' && $confirm == 'yes' && $usercancreate) {
244		// Delete line
245		$object->fetch($id);
246		$object->fetch_thirdparty();
248		$result = $object->deleteline(GETPOST('lineid', 'int'));
249		if ($result > 0) {
250			// Define output language
251			$outputlangs = $langs;
252			$newlang = '';
253			if ($conf->global->MAIN_MULTILANGS && empty($newlang) && GETPOST('lang_id')) {
254				$newlang = GETPOST('lang_id');
255			}
256			if ($conf->global->MAIN_MULTILANGS && empty($newlang)) {
257				$newlang = $object->thirdparty->default_lang;
258			}
259			if (!empty($newlang)) {
260				$outputlangs = new Translate("", $conf);
261				$outputlangs->setDefaultLang($newlang);
262				$outputlangs->load('products');
263			}
264			if (empty($conf->global->MAIN_DISABLE_PDF_AUTOUPDATE)) {
265				$ret = $object->fetch($id); // Reload to get new records
266				$result = $object->generateDocument($object->model_pdf, $outputlangs, $hidedetails, $hidedesc, $hideref);
267			}
268			if ($result >= 0) {
269				header('Location: '.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?facid='.$id);
270				exit();
271			}
272		} else {
273			setEventMessages($object->error, $object->errors, 'errors');
274			$action = '';
275		}
276	} elseif ($action == 'unlinkdiscount' && $usercancreate) {
277		// Delete link of credit note to invoice
278		$discount = new DiscountAbsolute($db);
279		$result = $discount->fetch(GETPOST("discountid"));
280		$discount->unlink_invoice();
281	} elseif ($action == 'valid' && $usercancreate) {
282		// Validation
283		$object->fetch($id);
285		// On verifie signe facture
286		if ($object->type == Facture::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE) {
287			// Si avoir, le signe doit etre negatif
288			if ($object->total_ht >= 0) {
289				setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorInvoiceAvoirMustBeNegative"), null, 'errors');
290				$action = '';
291			}
292		} else {
293			// If not a credit note, amount with tax must be positive or nul.
294			// Note that amount excluding tax can be negative because you can have a invoice of 100 with vat of 20 that
295			// consumes a credit note of 100 with vat 0 (total with tax is 0 but without tax is -20).
296			// For some cases, credit notes can have a vat of 0 (for example when selling goods in France).
297			if (empty($conf->global->FACTURE_ENABLE_NEGATIVE) && $object->total_ttc < 0) {
298				setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorInvoiceOfThisTypeMustBePositive"), null, 'errors');
299				$action = '';
300			}
302			// Also negative lines should not be allowed on 'non Credit notes' invoices. A test is done when adding or updating lines but we must
303			// do it again in validation to avoid cases where invoice is created from another object that allow negative lines.
304			// Note that we can accept the negative line if sum with other lines with same vat makes total positive: Because all the lines will be merged together
305			// when converted into 'available credit' and we will get a positive available credit line.
306			// Note: Other solution if you want to add a negative line on invoice, is to create a discount for customer and consumme it (but this is possible on standard invoice only).
307			$array_of_total_ht_per_vat_rate = array();
308			$array_of_total_ht_devise_per_vat_rate = array();
309			foreach ($object->lines as $line) {
310				//$vat_src_code_for_line = $line->vat_src_code;		// TODO We chek sign of total per vat without taking into account the vat code because for the moment the vat code is lost/unknown when we add a down payment.
311				$vat_src_code_for_line = '';
312				if (empty($array_of_total_ht_per_vat_rate[$line->tva_tx.'_'.$vat_src_code_for_line])) {
313					$array_of_total_ht_per_vat_rate[$line->tva_tx.'_'.$vat_src_code_for_line] = 0;
314				}
315				if (empty($array_of_total_ht_devise_per_vat_rate[$line->tva_tx.'_'.$vat_src_code_for_line])) {
316					$array_of_total_ht_devise_per_vat_rate[$line->tva_tx.'_'.$vat_src_code_for_line] = 0;
317				}
318				$array_of_total_ht_per_vat_rate[$line->tva_tx.'_'.$vat_src_code_for_line] += $line->total_ht;
319				$array_of_total_ht_devise_per_vat_rate[$line->tva_tx.'_'.$vat_src_code_for_line] += $line->multicurrency_total_ht;
320			}
322			//var_dump($array_of_total_ht_per_vat_rate);exit;
323			foreach ($array_of_total_ht_per_vat_rate as $vatrate => $tmpvalue) {
324				$tmp_total_ht = price2num($array_of_total_ht_per_vat_rate[$vatrate]);
325				$tmp_total_ht_devise = price2num($array_of_total_ht_devise_per_vat_rate[$vatrate]);
327				if (($tmp_total_ht < 0 || $tmp_total_ht_devise < 0) && empty($conf->global->FACTURE_ENABLE_NEGATIVE_LINES)) {
328					if ($object->type == $object::TYPE_DEPOSIT) {
329						$langs->load("errors");
330						// Using negative lines on deposit lead to headach and blocking problems when you want to consume them.
331						setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorLinesCantBeNegativeOnDeposits"), null, 'errors');
332						$error++;
333						$action = '';
334					} else {
335						$tmpvatratetoshow = explode('_', $vatrate);
336						$tmpvatratetoshow[0] = round($tmpvatratetoshow[0], 2);
338						if ($tmpvatratetoshow[0] != 0) {
339							$langs->load("errors");
340							setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorLinesCantBeNegativeForOneVATRate", $tmpvatratetoshow[0]), null, 'errors');
341							$error++;
342							$action = '';
343						}
344					}
345				}
346			}
347		}
348	} elseif ($action == 'classin' && $usercancreate) {
349		$object->fetch($id);
350		$object->setProject($_POST['projectid']);
351	} elseif ($action == 'setmode' && $usercancreate) {
352		$object->fetch($id);
353		$result = $object->setPaymentMethods(GETPOST('mode_reglement_id', 'int'));
354		if ($result < 0) {
355			dol_print_error($db, $object->error);
356		}
357	} elseif ($action == 'setretainedwarrantyconditions' && $user->rights->facture->creer) {
358		$object->fetch($id);
359		$object->retained_warranty_fk_cond_reglement = 0; // To clean property
360		$result = $object->setRetainedWarrantyPaymentTerms(GETPOST('retained_warranty_fk_cond_reglement', 'int'));
361		if ($result < 0) {
362			dol_print_error($db, $object->error);
363		}
365		$old_rw_date_lim_reglement = $object->retained_warranty_date_limit;
366		$new_rw_date_lim_reglement = $object->calculate_date_lim_reglement($object->retained_warranty_fk_cond_reglement);
367		if ($new_rw_date_lim_reglement > $old_rw_date_lim_reglement) {
368			$object->retained_warranty_date_limit = $new_rw_date_lim_reglement;
369		}
370		if ($object->retained_warranty_date_limit < $object->date) {
371			$object->retained_warranty_date_limit = $object->date;
372		}
373		$result = $object->update($user);
374		if ($result < 0) {
375			dol_print_error($db, $object->error);
376		}
377	} elseif ($action == 'setretainedwarranty' && $user->rights->facture->creer) {
378		$object->fetch($id);
379		$result = $object->setRetainedWarranty(GETPOST('retained_warranty', 'float'));
380		if ($result < 0) {
381			dol_print_error($db, $object->error);
382		}
383	} elseif ($action == 'setretainedwarrantydatelimit' && $user->rights->facture->creer) {
384		$object->fetch($id);
385		$result = $object->setRetainedWarrantyDateLimit(GETPOST('retained_warranty_date_limit', 'float'));
386		if ($result < 0) {
387			dol_print_error($db, $object->error);
388		}
389	} elseif ($action == 'setmulticurrencycode' && $usercancreate) {	 // Multicurrency Code
390		$result = $object->setMulticurrencyCode(GETPOST('multicurrency_code', 'alpha'));
391	} elseif ($action == 'setmulticurrencyrate' && $usercancreate) {	// Multicurrency rate
392		$result = $object->setMulticurrencyRate(price2num(GETPOST('multicurrency_tx')), GETPOST('calculation_mode', 'int'));
393	} elseif ($action == 'setinvoicedate' && $usercancreate) {
394		$object->fetch($id);
395		$old_date_lim_reglement = $object->date_lim_reglement;
396		$newdate = dol_mktime(0, 0, 0, GETPOST('invoicedatemonth', 'int'), GETPOST('invoicedateday', 'int'), GETPOST('invoicedateyear', 'int'), 'tzserver');
397		if (empty($newdate)) {
398			setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorFieldRequired", $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("Date")), null, 'errors');
399			header('Location: '.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?facid='.$id.'&action=editinvoicedate&token='.newToken());
400			exit;
401		}
402		if ($newdate > (dol_now('tzuserrel') + (empty($conf->global->INVOICE_MAX_FUTURE_DELAY) ? 0 : $conf->global->INVOICE_MAX_FUTURE_DELAY))) {
403			if (empty($conf->global->INVOICE_MAX_FUTURE_DELAY)) {
404				setEventMessages($langs->trans("WarningInvoiceDateInFuture"), null, 'warnings');
405			} else {
406				setEventMessages($langs->trans("WarningInvoiceDateTooFarInFuture"), null, 'warnings');
407			}
408		}
410		$object->date = $newdate;
411		$new_date_lim_reglement = $object->calculate_date_lim_reglement();
412		if ($new_date_lim_reglement > $old_date_lim_reglement) {
413			$object->date_lim_reglement = $new_date_lim_reglement;
414		}
415		if ($object->date_lim_reglement < $object->date) {
416			$object->date_lim_reglement = $object->date;
417		}
418		$result = $object->update($user);
419		if ($result < 0) {
420			dol_print_error($db, $object->error);
421		}
422	} elseif ($action == 'setdate_pointoftax' && $usercancreate) {
423		$object->fetch($id);
425		$date_pointoftax = dol_mktime(0, 0, 0, GETPOST('date_pointoftaxmonth', 'int'), GETPOST('date_pointoftaxday', 'int'), GETPOST('date_pointoftaxyear', 'int'), 'tzserver');
427		$object->date_pointoftax = $date_pointoftax;
428		$result = $object->update($user);
429		if ($result < 0) {
430			dol_print_error($db, $object->error);
431		}
432	} elseif ($action == 'setconditions' && $usercancreate) {
433		$object->fetch($id);
434		$object->cond_reglement_code = 0; // To clean property
435		$object->cond_reglement_id = 0; // To clean property
437		$error = 0;
439		$db->begin();
441		if (!$error) {
442			$result = $object->setPaymentTerms(GETPOST('cond_reglement_id', 'int'));
443			if ($result < 0) {
444				$error++;
445				setEventMessages($object->error, $object->errors, 'errors');
446			}
447		}
449		if (!$error) {
450			$old_date_lim_reglement = $object->date_lim_reglement;
451			$new_date_lim_reglement = $object->calculate_date_lim_reglement();
452			if ($new_date_lim_reglement > $old_date_lim_reglement) {
453				$object->date_lim_reglement = $new_date_lim_reglement;
454			}
455			if ($object->date_lim_reglement < $object->date) {
456				$object->date_lim_reglement = $object->date;
457			}
458			$result = $object->update($user);
459			if ($result < 0) {
460				$error++;
461				setEventMessages($object->error, $object->errors, 'errors');
462			}
463		}
465		if ($error) {
466			$db->rollback();
467		} else {
468			$db->commit();
469		}
470	} elseif ($action == 'setpaymentterm' && $usercancreate) {
471		$object->fetch($id);
472		$object->date_lim_reglement = dol_mktime(12, 0, 0, $_POST['paymenttermmonth'], $_POST['paymenttermday'], $_POST['paymenttermyear']);
473		if ($object->date_lim_reglement < $object->date) {
474			$object->date_lim_reglement = $object->calculate_date_lim_reglement();
475			setEventMessages($langs->trans("DatePaymentTermCantBeLowerThanObjectDate"), null, 'warnings');
476		}
477		$result = $object->update($user);
478		if ($result < 0) {
479			dol_print_error($db, $object->error);
480		}
481	} elseif ($action == 'setrevenuestamp' && $usercancreate) {
482		$object->fetch($id);
483		$object->revenuestamp = GETPOST('revenuestamp');
484		$result = $object->update($user);
485		$object->update_price(1);
486		if ($result < 0) {
487			dol_print_error($db, $object->error);
488		} else {
489			// Define output language
490			if (empty($conf->global->MAIN_DISABLE_PDF_AUTOUPDATE)) {
491				$outputlangs = $langs;
492				$newlang = '';
493				if ($conf->global->MAIN_MULTILANGS && empty($newlang) && GETPOST('lang_id', 'aZ09')) {
494					$newlang = GETPOST('lang_id', 'aZ09');
495				}
496				if ($conf->global->MAIN_MULTILANGS && empty($newlang)) {
497					$newlang = $object->thirdparty->default_lang;
498				}
499				if (!empty($newlang)) {
500					$outputlangs = new Translate("", $conf);
501					$outputlangs->setDefaultLang($newlang);
502					$outputlangs->load('products');
503				}
504				$model = $object->model_pdf;
505				$ret = $object->fetch($id); // Reload to get new records
507				$result = $object->generateDocument($model, $outputlangs, $hidedetails, $hidedesc, $hideref);
508				if ($result < 0) {
509					setEventMessages($object->error, $object->errors, 'errors');
510				}
511			}
512		}
513	} elseif ($action == 'set_incoterms' && !empty($conf->incoterm->enabled)) {		// Set incoterm
514		$result = $object->setIncoterms(GETPOST('incoterm_id', 'int'), GETPOST('location_incoterms', 'alpha'));
515	} elseif ($action == 'setbankaccount' && $usercancreate) {	// bank account
516		$result = $object->setBankAccount(GETPOST('fk_account', 'int'));
517	} elseif ($action == 'setremisepercent' && $usercancreate) {
518		$object->fetch($id);
519		$result = $object->setDiscount($user, price2num(GETPOST('remise_percent'), '', 2));
520	} elseif ($action == "setabsolutediscount" && $usercancreate) {
521		// POST[remise_id] or POST[remise_id_for_payment]
523		// We use the credit to reduce amount of invoice
524		if (GETPOST("remise_id", 'int') > 0) {
525			$ret = $object->fetch($id);
526			if ($ret > 0) {
527				$result = $object->insert_discount(GETPOST("remise_id", 'int'));
528				if ($result < 0) {
529					setEventMessages($object->error, $object->errors, 'errors');
530				}
531			} else {
532				dol_print_error($db, $object->error);
533			}
534		}
535		// We use the credit to reduce remain to pay
536		if (GETPOST("remise_id_for_payment", 'int') > 0) {
537			require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/discount.class.php';
538			$discount = new DiscountAbsolute($db);
539			$discount->fetch(GETPOST("remise_id_for_payment", 'int'));
541			//var_dump($object->getRemainToPay(0));
542			//var_dump($discount->amount_ttc);exit;
543			if (price2num($discount->amount_ttc) > price2num($object->getRemainToPay(0))) {
544				// TODO Split the discount in 2 automatically
545				$error++;
546				setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorDiscountLargerThanRemainToPaySplitItBefore"), null, 'errors');
547			}
549			if (!$error) {
550				$result = $discount->link_to_invoice(0, $id);
551				if ($result < 0) {
552					setEventMessages($discount->error, $discount->errors, 'errors');
553				}
554			}
555		}
557		if (empty($conf->global->MAIN_DISABLE_PDF_AUTOUPDATE)) {
558			$outputlangs = $langs;
559			$newlang = '';
560			if ($conf->global->MAIN_MULTILANGS && empty($newlang) && GETPOST('lang_id', 'aZ09')) {
561				$newlang = GETPOST('lang_id', 'aZ09');
562			}
563			if ($conf->global->MAIN_MULTILANGS && empty($newlang)) {
564				$newlang = $object->thirdparty->default_lang;
565			}
566			if (!empty($newlang)) {
567				$outputlangs = new Translate("", $conf);
568				$outputlangs->setDefaultLang($newlang);
569			}
570			$ret = $object->fetch($id); // Reload to get new records
572			$result = $object->generateDocument($object->model_pdf, $outputlangs, $hidedetails, $hidedesc, $hideref);
573			if ($result < 0) {
574				setEventMessages($object->error, $object->errors, 'errors');
575			}
576		}
577	} elseif ($action == 'setref' && $usercancreate) {
578		$object->fetch($id);
579		$object->setValueFrom('ref', GETPOST('ref'), '', null, '', '', $user, 'BILL_MODIFY');
580	} elseif ($action == 'setref_client' && $usercancreate) {
581		$object->fetch($id);
582		$object->set_ref_client(GETPOST('ref_client'));
583	} elseif ($action == 'confirm_valid' && $confirm == 'yes' && $usercanvalidate) {
584		// Classify to validated
585		$idwarehouse = GETPOST('idwarehouse', 'int');
587		$object->fetch($id);
588		$object->fetch_thirdparty();
590		// Check parameters
592		// Check for mandatory fields in thirdparty (defined into setup)
593		$array_to_check = array('IDPROF1', 'IDPROF2', 'IDPROF3', 'IDPROF4', 'IDPROF5', 'IDPROF6', 'EMAIL');
594		foreach ($array_to_check as $key) {
595			$keymin = strtolower($key);
596			$i = (int) preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $key);
597			$vallabel = $object->thirdparty->$keymin;
599			if ($i > 0) {
600				if ($object->thirdparty->isACompany()) {
601					// Check for mandatory prof id (but only if country is other than ours)
602					if ($mysoc->country_id > 0 && $object->thirdparty->country_id == $mysoc->country_id) {
603						$idprof_mandatory = 'SOCIETE_'.$key.'_INVOICE_MANDATORY';
604						if (!$vallabel && !empty($conf->global->$idprof_mandatory)) {
605							$langs->load("errors");
606							$error++;
607							setEventMessages($langs->trans('ErrorProdIdIsMandatory', $langs->transcountry('ProfId'.$i, $object->thirdparty->country_code)).' ('.$langs->trans("ForbiddenBySetupRules").')', null, 'errors');
608						}
609					}
610				}
611			} else {
612				//var_dump($conf->global->SOCIETE_EMAIL_MANDATORY);
613				if ($key == 'EMAIL') {
614					// Check for mandatory
615					if (!empty($conf->global->SOCIETE_EMAIL_INVOICE_MANDATORY) && !isValidEMail($object->thirdparty->email)) {
616						$langs->load("errors");
617						$error++;
618						setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorBadEMail", $object->thirdparty->email).' ('.$langs->trans("ForbiddenBySetupRules").')', null, 'errors');
619					}
620				}
621			}
622		}
624		// Check for mandatory fields in invoice
625		$array_to_check = array('REF_CLIENT'=>'RefCustomer');
626		foreach ($array_to_check as $key => $val) {
627			$keymin = strtolower($key);
628			$vallabel = $object->$keymin;
630			// Check for mandatory
631			$keymandatory = 'INVOICE_'.$key.'_MANDATORY_FOR_VALIDATION';
632			if (!$vallabel && !empty($conf->global->$keymandatory)) {
633				$langs->load("errors");
634				$error++;
635				setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorFieldRequired", $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv($val)), null, 'errors');
636			}
637		}
639		// Check for warehouse
640		if ($object->type != Facture::TYPE_DEPOSIT && !empty($conf->global->STOCK_CALCULATE_ON_BILL)) {
641			$qualified_for_stock_change = 0;
642			if (empty($conf->global->STOCK_SUPPORTS_SERVICES)) {
643				$qualified_for_stock_change = $object->hasProductsOrServices(2);
644			} else {
645				$qualified_for_stock_change = $object->hasProductsOrServices(1);
646			}
648			if ($qualified_for_stock_change) {
649				if (!$idwarehouse || $idwarehouse == - 1) {
650					$error++;
651					setEventMessages($langs->trans('ErrorFieldRequired', $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("Warehouse")), null, 'errors');
652					$action = '';
653				}
654			}
655		}
657		if (!$error) {
658			$result = $object->validate($user, '', $idwarehouse);
659			if ($result >= 0) {
660				// Define output language
661				if (empty($conf->global->MAIN_DISABLE_PDF_AUTOUPDATE)) {
662					$outputlangs = $langs;
663					$newlang = '';
664					if ($conf->global->MAIN_MULTILANGS && empty($newlang) && GETPOST('lang_id', 'aZ09')) {
665						$newlang = GETPOST('lang_id', 'aZ09');
666					}
667					if ($conf->global->MAIN_MULTILANGS && empty($newlang)) {
668						$newlang = $object->thirdparty->default_lang;
669					}
670					if (!empty($newlang)) {
671						$outputlangs = new Translate("", $conf);
672						$outputlangs->setDefaultLang($newlang);
673						$outputlangs->load('products');
674					}
675					$model = $object->model_pdf;
677					$ret = $object->fetch($id); // Reload to get new records
679					$result = $object->generateDocument($model, $outputlangs, $hidedetails, $hidedesc, $hideref);
680					if ($result < 0) {
681						setEventMessages($object->error, $object->errors, 'errors');
682					}
683				}
684			} else {
685				if (count($object->errors)) {
686					setEventMessages(null, $object->errors, 'errors');
687				} else {
688					setEventMessages($object->error, $object->errors, 'errors');
689				}
690			}
691		}
692	} elseif ($action == 'confirm_modif' && $usercanunvalidate) {
693		// Go back to draft status (unvalidate)
694		$idwarehouse = GETPOST('idwarehouse', 'int');
696		$object->fetch($id);
697		$object->fetch_thirdparty();
699		// Check parameters
700		if ($object->type != Facture::TYPE_DEPOSIT && !empty($conf->global->STOCK_CALCULATE_ON_BILL)) {
701			$qualified_for_stock_change = 0;
702			if (empty($conf->global->STOCK_SUPPORTS_SERVICES)) {
703				$qualified_for_stock_change = $object->hasProductsOrServices(2);
704			} else {
705				$qualified_for_stock_change = $object->hasProductsOrServices(1);
706			}
708			if ($qualified_for_stock_change) {
709				if (!$idwarehouse || $idwarehouse == - 1) {
710					$error++;
711					setEventMessages($langs->trans('ErrorFieldRequired', $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("Warehouse")), null, 'errors');
712					$action = '';
713				}
714			}
715		}
717		if (!$error) {
718			// On verifie si la facture a des paiements
719			$sql = 'SELECT pf.amount';
720			$sql .= ' FROM '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'paiement_facture as pf';
721			$sql .= ' WHERE pf.fk_facture = '.$object->id;
723			$result = $db->query($sql);
724			if ($result) {
725				$i = 0;
726				$num = $db->num_rows($result);
728				while ($i < $num) {
729					$objp = $db->fetch_object($result);
730					$totalpaye += $objp->amount;
731					$i++;
732				}
733			} else {
734				dol_print_error($db, '');
735			}
737			$resteapayer = $object->total_ttc - $totalpaye;
739			// We check that invlice lines are transferred into accountancy
740			$ventilExportCompta = $object->getVentilExportCompta();
742			// On verifie si aucun paiement n'a ete effectue
743			if ($ventilExportCompta == 0) {
744				if (!empty($conf->global->INVOICE_CAN_ALWAYS_BE_EDITED) || ($resteapayer == $object->total_ttc && empty($object->paye))) {
745					$result = $object->setDraft($user, $idwarehouse);
746					if ($result < 0) {
747						setEventMessages($object->error, $object->errors, 'errors');
748					}
750					// Define output language
751					if (empty($conf->global->MAIN_DISABLE_PDF_AUTOUPDATE)) {
752						$outputlangs = $langs;
753						$newlang = '';
754						if ($conf->global->MAIN_MULTILANGS && empty($newlang) && GETPOST('lang_id', 'aZ09')) {
755							$newlang = GETPOST('lang_id', 'aZ09');
756						}
757						if ($conf->global->MAIN_MULTILANGS && empty($newlang)) {
758							$newlang = $object->thirdparty->default_lang;
759						}
760						if (!empty($newlang)) {
761							$outputlangs = new Translate("", $conf);
762							$outputlangs->setDefaultLang($newlang);
763							$outputlangs->load('products');
764						}
765						$model = $object->model_pdf;
766						$ret = $object->fetch($id); // Reload to get new records
768						$object->generateDocument($model, $outputlangs, $hidedetails, $hidedesc, $hideref);
769					}
770				}
771			}
772		}
773	} elseif ($action == 'confirm_paid' && $confirm == 'yes' && $usercanissuepayment) {
774		// Classify "paid"
775		$object->fetch($id);
776		$result = $object->setPaid($user);
777		if ($result < 0) {
778			setEventMessages($object->error, $object->errors, 'errors');
779		}
780	} elseif ($action == 'confirm_paid_partially' && $confirm == 'yes' && $usercanissuepayment) {
781		// Classif "paid partialy"
782		$object->fetch($id);
783		$close_code = GETPOST("close_code", 'restricthtml');
784		$close_note = GETPOST("close_note", 'restricthtml');
785		if ($close_code) {
786			$result = $object->setPaid($user, $close_code, $close_note);
787			if ($result < 0) {
788				setEventMessages($object->error, $object->errors, 'errors');
789			}
790		} else {
791			setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorFieldRequired", $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("Reason")), null, 'errors');
792		}
793	} elseif ($action == 'confirm_canceled' && $confirm == 'yes') {
794		// Classify "abandoned"
795		$object->fetch($id);
796		$close_code = GETPOST("close_code", 'restricthtml');
797		$close_note = GETPOST("close_note", 'restricthtml');
798		if ($close_code) {
799			$result = $object->setCanceled($user, $close_code, $close_note);
800			if ($result < 0) {
801				setEventMessages($object->error, $object->errors, 'errors');
802			}
803		} else {
804			setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorFieldRequired", $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("Reason")), null, 'errors');
805		}
806	} elseif ($action == 'confirm_converttoreduc' && $confirm == 'yes' && $usercancreate) {
807		// Convertir en reduc
808		$object->fetch($id);
809		$object->fetch_thirdparty();
810		//$object->fetch_lines();	// Already done into fetch
812		// Check if there is already a discount (protection to avoid duplicate creation when resubmit post)
813		$discountcheck = new DiscountAbsolute($db);
814		$result = $discountcheck->fetch(0, $object->id);
816		$canconvert = 0;
817		if ($object->type == Facture::TYPE_DEPOSIT && empty($discountcheck->id)) {
818			$canconvert = 1; // we can convert deposit into discount if deposit is payed (completely, partially or not at all) and not already converted (see real condition into condition used to show button converttoreduc)
819		}
820		if (($object->type == Facture::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE || $object->type == Facture::TYPE_STANDARD || $object->type == Facture::TYPE_SITUATION) && $object->paye == 0 && empty($discountcheck->id)) {
821			$canconvert = 1; // we can convert credit note into discount if credit note is not payed back and not already converted and amount of payment is 0 (see real condition into condition used to show button converttoreduc)
822		}
824		if ($canconvert) {
825			$db->begin();
827			$amount_ht = $amount_tva = $amount_ttc = array();
828			$multicurrency_amount_ht = $multicurrency_amount_tva = $multicurrency_amount_ttc = array();
830			// Loop on each vat rate
831			$i = 0;
832			foreach ($object->lines as $line) {
833				if ($line->product_type < 9 && $line->total_ht != 0) { // Remove lines with product_type greater than or equal to 9 and no need to create discount if amount is null
834					$keyforvatrate = $line->tva_tx.($line->vat_src_code ? ' ('.$line->vat_src_code.')' : '');
836					$amount_ht[$keyforvatrate] += $line->total_ht;
837					$amount_tva[$keyforvatrate] += $line->total_tva;
838					$amount_ttc[$keyforvatrate] += $line->total_ttc;
839					$multicurrency_amount_ht[$keyforvatrate] += $line->multicurrency_total_ht;
840					$multicurrency_amount_tva[$keyforvatrate] += $line->multicurrency_total_tva;
841					$multicurrency_amount_ttc[$keyforvatrate] += $line->multicurrency_total_ttc;
842					$i++;
843				}
844			}
846			// If some payments were already done, we change the amount to pay using same prorate
847			if (!empty($conf->global->INVOICE_ALLOW_REUSE_OF_CREDIT_WHEN_PARTIALLY_REFUNDED) && $object->type == Facture::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE) {
848				$alreadypaid = $object->getSommePaiement(); // This can be not 0 if we allow to create credit to reuse from credit notes partially refunded.
849				if ($alreadypaid && abs($alreadypaid) < abs($object->total_ttc)) {
850					$ratio = abs(($object->total_ttc - $alreadypaid) / $object->total_ttc);
851					foreach ($amount_ht as $vatrate => $val) {
852						$amount_ht[$vatrate] = price2num($amount_ht[$vatrate] * $ratio, 'MU');
853						$amount_tva[$vatrate] = price2num($amount_tva[$vatrate] * $ratio, 'MU');
854						$amount_ttc[$vatrate] = price2num($amount_ttc[$vatrate] * $ratio, 'MU');
855						$multicurrency_amount_ht[$vatrate] = price2num($multicurrency_amount_ht[$vatrate] * $ratio, 'MU');
856						$multicurrency_amount_tva[$vatrate] = price2num($multicurrency_amount_tva[$vatrate] * $ratio, 'MU');
857						$multicurrency_amount_ttc[$vatrate] = price2num($multicurrency_amount_ttc[$vatrate] * $ratio, 'MU');
858					}
859				}
860			}
861			//var_dump($amount_ht);var_dump($amount_tva);var_dump($amount_ttc);exit;
863			// Insert one discount by VAT rate category
864			$discount = new DiscountAbsolute($db);
865			if ($object->type == Facture::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE) {
866				$discount->description = '(CREDIT_NOTE)';
867			} elseif ($object->type == Facture::TYPE_DEPOSIT) {
868				$discount->description = '(DEPOSIT)';
869			} elseif ($object->type == Facture::TYPE_STANDARD || $object->type == Facture::TYPE_REPLACEMENT || $object->type == Facture::TYPE_SITUATION) {
870				$discount->description = '(EXCESS RECEIVED)';
871			} else {
872				setEventMessages($langs->trans('CantConvertToReducAnInvoiceOfThisType'), null, 'errors');
873			}
874			$discount->fk_soc = $object->socid;
875			$discount->fk_facture_source = $object->id;
877			$error = 0;
879			if ($object->type == Facture::TYPE_STANDARD || $object->type == Facture::TYPE_REPLACEMENT || $object->type == Facture::TYPE_SITUATION) {
880				// If we're on a standard invoice, we have to get excess received to create a discount in TTC without VAT
882				// Total payments
883				$sql = 'SELECT SUM(pf.amount) as total_paiements';
884				$sql .= ' FROM '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'paiement_facture as pf, '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'paiement as p';
885				$sql .= ' LEFT JOIN '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'c_paiement as c ON p.fk_paiement = c.id';
886				$sql .= ' WHERE pf.fk_facture = '.$object->id;
887				$sql .= ' AND pf.fk_paiement = p.rowid';
888				$sql .= ' AND p.entity IN ('.getEntity('invoice').')';
889				$resql = $db->query($sql);
890				if (!$resql) {
891					dol_print_error($db);
892				}
894				$res = $db->fetch_object($resql);
895				$total_paiements = $res->total_paiements;
897				// Total credit note and deposit
898				$total_creditnote_and_deposit = 0;
899				$sql = "SELECT re.rowid, re.amount_ht, re.amount_tva, re.amount_ttc,";
900				$sql .= " re.description, re.fk_facture_source";
901				$sql .= " FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."societe_remise_except as re";
902				$sql .= " WHERE fk_facture = ".$object->id;
903				$resql = $db->query($sql);
904				if (!empty($resql)) {
905					while ($obj = $db->fetch_object($resql)) {
906						$total_creditnote_and_deposit += $obj->amount_ttc;
907					}
908				} else {
909					dol_print_error($db);
910				}
912				$discount->amount_ht = $discount->amount_ttc = $total_paiements + $total_creditnote_and_deposit - $object->total_ttc;
913				$discount->amount_tva = 0;
914				$discount->tva_tx = 0;
915				$discount->vat_src_code = '';
917				$result = $discount->create($user);
918				if ($result < 0) {
919					$error++;
920				}
921			}
922			if ($object->type == Facture::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE || $object->type == Facture::TYPE_DEPOSIT) {
923				foreach ($amount_ht as $tva_tx => $xxx) {
924					$discount->amount_ht = abs($amount_ht[$tva_tx]);
925					$discount->amount_tva = abs($amount_tva[$tva_tx]);
926					$discount->amount_ttc = abs($amount_ttc[$tva_tx]);
927					$discount->multicurrency_amount_ht = abs($multicurrency_amount_ht[$tva_tx]);
928					$discount->multicurrency_amount_tva = abs($multicurrency_amount_tva[$tva_tx]);
929					$discount->multicurrency_amount_ttc = abs($multicurrency_amount_ttc[$tva_tx]);
931					// Clean vat code
932					$reg = array();
933					$vat_src_code = '';
934					if (preg_match('/\((.*)\)/', $tva_tx, $reg)) {
935						$vat_src_code = $reg[1];
936						$tva_tx = preg_replace('/\s*\(.*\)/', '', $tva_tx); // Remove code into vatrate.
937					}
939					$discount->tva_tx = abs($tva_tx);
940					$discount->vat_src_code = $vat_src_code;
942					$result = $discount->create($user);
943					if ($result < 0) {
944						$error++;
945						break;
946					}
947				}
948			}
950			if (empty($error)) {
951				if ($object->type != Facture::TYPE_DEPOSIT) {
952					// Classe facture
953					$result = $object->setPaid($user);
954					if ($result >= 0) {
955						$db->commit();
956					} else {
957						setEventMessages($object->error, $object->errors, 'errors');
958						$db->rollback();
959					}
960				} else {
961					$db->commit();
962				}
963			} else {
964				setEventMessages($discount->error, $discount->errors, 'errors');
965				$db->rollback();
966			}
967		}
968	} elseif ($action == 'confirm_delete_paiement' && $confirm == 'yes' && $usercancreate) {
969		// Delete payment
970		$object->fetch($id);
971		if ($object->statut == Facture::STATUS_VALIDATED && $object->paye == 0) {
972			$paiement = new Paiement($db);
973			$result = $paiement->fetch(GETPOST('paiement_id'));
974			if ($result > 0) {
975				$result = $paiement->delete(); // If fetch ok and found
976				header("Location: ".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?id=".$id);
977			}
978			if ($result < 0) {
979				setEventMessages($paiement->error, $paiement->errors, 'errors');
980			}
981		}
982	} elseif ($action == 'add' && $usercancreate) {
983		// Insert new invoice in database
984		if ($socid > 0) {
985			$object->socid = GETPOST('socid', 'int');
986		}
987		$selectedLines = GETPOST('toselect', 'array');
989		$db->begin();
991		$error = 0;
992		$originentity = GETPOST('originentity');
993		// Fill array 'array_options' with data from add form
994		$ret = $extrafields->setOptionalsFromPost(null, $object);
995		if ($ret < 0) {
996			$error++;
997		}
999		$dateinvoice = dol_mktime(0, 0, 0, GETPOST('remonth', 'int'), GETPOST('reday', 'int'), GETPOST('reyear', 'int'), 'tzserver');	// If we enter the 02 january, we need to save the 02 january for server
1000		$date_pointoftax = dol_mktime(0, 0, 0, GETPOST('date_pointoftaxmonth', 'int'), GETPOST('date_pointoftaxday', 'int'), GETPOST('date_pointoftaxyear', 'int'), 'tzserver');
1002		// Replacement invoice
1003		if (GETPOST('type') == Facture::TYPE_REPLACEMENT) {
1004			if (empty($dateinvoice)) {
1005				$error++;
1006				setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorFieldRequired", $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("Date")), null, 'errors');
1007				$action = 'create';
1008			} elseif ($dateinvoice > (dol_get_last_hour(dol_now('tzuserrel')) + (empty($conf->global->INVOICE_MAX_FUTURE_DELAY) ? 0 : $conf->global->INVOICE_MAX_FUTURE_DELAY))) {
1009				$error++;
1010				setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorDateIsInFuture"), null, 'errors');
1011				$action = 'create';
1012			}
1014			if (!(GETPOST('fac_replacement', 'int') > 0)) {
1015				$error++;
1016				setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorFieldRequired", $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("ReplaceInvoice")), null, 'errors');
1017				$action = 'create';
1018			}
1020			if (!$error) {
1021				// This is a replacement invoice
1022				$result = $object->fetch(GETPOST('fac_replacement', 'int'));
1023				$object->fetch_thirdparty();
1025				$object->date = $dateinvoice;
1026				$object->date_pointoftax = $date_pointoftax;
1027				$object->note_public		= trim(GETPOST('note_public', 'restricthtml'));
1028				// We do not copy the private note
1029				$object->ref_client			= GETPOST('ref_client', 'alphanohtml');
1030				$object->model_pdf = GETPOST('model', 'alphanohtml');
1031				$object->fk_project			= GETPOST('projectid', 'int');
1032				$object->cond_reglement_id	= GETPOST('cond_reglement_id', 'int');
1033				$object->mode_reglement_id	= GETPOST('mode_reglement_id', 'int');
1034				$object->fk_account = GETPOST('fk_account', 'int');
1035				$object->remise_absolue		= price2num(GETPOST('remise_absolue'), 'MU', 2);
1036				$object->remise_percent		= price2num(GETPOST('remise_percent'), '', 2);
1037				$object->fk_incoterms = GETPOST('incoterm_id', 'int');
1038				$object->location_incoterms = GETPOST('location_incoterms', 'alpha');
1039				$object->multicurrency_code = GETPOST('multicurrency_code', 'alpha');
1040				$object->multicurrency_tx   = GETPOST('originmulticurrency_tx', 'int');
1042				// Proprietes particulieres a facture de remplacement
1043				$object->fk_facture_source = GETPOST('fac_replacement', 'int');
1044				$object->type = Facture::TYPE_REPLACEMENT;
1046				$id = $object->createFromCurrent($user);
1047				if ($id <= 0) {
1048					setEventMessages($object->error, $object->errors, 'errors');
1049				}
1050			}
1051		}
1053		// Credit note invoice
1054		if (GETPOST('type') == Facture::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE) {
1055			$sourceinvoice = GETPOST('fac_avoir', 'int');
1056			if (!($sourceinvoice > 0) && empty($conf->global->INVOICE_CREDIT_NOTE_STANDALONE)) {
1057				$error++;
1058				setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorFieldRequired", $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("CorrectInvoice")), null, 'errors');
1059				$action = 'create';
1060			}
1062			if (empty($dateinvoice)) {
1063				$error++;
1064				setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorFieldRequired", $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("Date")), null, 'errors');
1065				$action = 'create';
1066			} elseif ($dateinvoice > (dol_get_last_hour(dol_now('tzuserrel')) + (empty($conf->global->INVOICE_MAX_FUTURE_DELAY) ? 0 : $conf->global->INVOICE_MAX_FUTURE_DELAY))) {
1067				$error++;
1068				setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorDateIsInFuture"), null, 'errors');
1069				$action = 'create';
1070			}
1072			if (!$error) {
1073				if (!empty($originentity)) {
1074					$object->entity = $originentity;
1075				}
1076				$object->socid = GETPOST('socid', 'int');
1077				$object->ref = GETPOST('ref');
1078				$object->date = $dateinvoice;
1079				$object->date_pointoftax = $date_pointoftax;
1080				$object->note_public		= trim(GETPOST('note_public', 'restricthtml'));
1081				// We do not copy the private note
1082				$object->ref_client			= GETPOST('ref_client');
1083				$object->model_pdf = GETPOST('model');
1084				$object->fk_project			= GETPOST('projectid', 'int');
1085				$object->cond_reglement_id	= 0;		// No payment term for a credit note
1086				$object->mode_reglement_id	= GETPOST('mode_reglement_id', 'int');
1087				$object->fk_account = GETPOST('fk_account', 'int');
1088				$object->remise_absolue		= price2num(GETPOST('remise_absolue'), 'MU');
1089				$object->remise_percent		= price2num(GETPOST('remise_percent'), '', 2);
1090				$object->fk_incoterms = GETPOST('incoterm_id', 'int');
1091				$object->location_incoterms = GETPOST('location_incoterms', 'alpha');
1092				$object->multicurrency_code = GETPOST('multicurrency_code', 'alpha');
1093				$object->multicurrency_tx   = GETPOST('originmulticurrency_tx', 'int');
1095				// Proprietes particulieres a facture avoir
1096				$object->fk_facture_source = $sourceinvoice > 0 ? $sourceinvoice : '';
1097				$object->type = Facture::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE;
1099				$facture_source = new Facture($db); // fetch origin object
1100				if ($facture_source->fetch($object->fk_facture_source) > 0) {
1101					if ($facture_source->type == Facture::TYPE_SITUATION) {
1102						$object->situation_counter = $facture_source->situation_counter;
1103						$object->situation_cycle_ref = $facture_source->situation_cycle_ref;
1104						$facture_source->fetchPreviousNextSituationInvoice();
1105					}
1106				}
1107				$id = $object->create($user);
1108				if ($id < 0) {
1109					$error++;
1110				} else {
1111					// copy internal contacts
1112					if ($object->copy_linked_contact($facture_source, 'internal') < 0) {
1113						$error++;
1114					} elseif ($facture_source->socid == $object->socid) {
1115						// copy external contacts if same company
1116						if ($object->copy_linked_contact($facture_source, 'external') < 0) {
1117							$error++;
1118						}
1119					}
1120				}
1122				// NOTE: Pb with situation invoice
1123				// NOTE: fields total on situation invoice are stored as cumulative values on total of lines (bad) but delta on invoice total
1124				// NOTE: fields total on credit note are stored as delta both on total of lines and on invoice total (good)
1125				// NOTE: fields situation_percent on situation invoice are stored as cumulative values on lines (bad)
1126				// NOTE: fields situation_percent on credit note are stored as delta on lines (good)
1127				if (GETPOST('invoiceAvoirWithLines', 'int') == 1 && $id > 0) {
1128					if (!empty($facture_source->lines)) {
1129						$fk_parent_line = 0;
1131						foreach ($facture_source->lines as $line) {
1132							// Extrafields
1133							if (method_exists($line, 'fetch_optionals')) {
1134								// load extrafields
1135								$line->fetch_optionals();
1136							}
1138							// Reset fk_parent_line for no child products and special product
1139							if (($line->product_type != 9 && empty($line->fk_parent_line)) || $line->product_type == 9) {
1140								$fk_parent_line = 0;
1141							}
1144							if ($facture_source->type == Facture::TYPE_SITUATION) {
1145								$source_fk_prev_id = $line->fk_prev_id; // temporary storing situation invoice fk_prev_id
1146								$line->fk_prev_id  = $line->id; // The new line of the new credit note we are creating must be linked to the situation invoice line it is created from
1148								if (!empty($facture_source->tab_previous_situation_invoice)) {
1149									// search the last standard invoice in cycle and the possible credit note between this last and facture_source
1150									// TODO Move this out of loop of $facture_source->lines
1151									$tab_jumped_credit_notes = array();
1152									$lineIndex = count($facture_source->tab_previous_situation_invoice) - 1;
1153									$searchPreviousInvoice = true;
1154									while ($searchPreviousInvoice) {
1155										if ($facture_source->tab_previous_situation_invoice[$lineIndex]->type == Facture::TYPE_SITUATION || $lineIndex < 1) {
1156											$searchPreviousInvoice = false; // find, exit;
1157											break;
1158										} else {
1159											if ($facture_source->tab_previous_situation_invoice[$lineIndex]->type == Facture::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE) {
1160												$tab_jumped_credit_notes[$lineIndex] = $facture_source->tab_previous_situation_invoice[$lineIndex]->id;
1161											}
1162											$lineIndex--; // go to previous invoice in cycle
1163										}
1164									}
1166									$maxPrevSituationPercent = 0;
1167									foreach ($facture_source->tab_previous_situation_invoice[$lineIndex]->lines as $prevLine) {
1168										if ($prevLine->id == $source_fk_prev_id) {
1169											$maxPrevSituationPercent = max($maxPrevSituationPercent, $prevLine->situation_percent);
1171											//$line->subprice  = $line->subprice - $prevLine->subprice;
1172											$line->total_ht  = $line->total_ht - $prevLine->total_ht;
1173											$line->total_tva = $line->total_tva - $prevLine->total_tva;
1174											$line->total_ttc = $line->total_ttc - $prevLine->total_ttc;
1175											$line->total_localtax1 = $line->total_localtax1 - $prevLine->total_localtax1;
1176											$line->total_localtax2 = $line->total_localtax2 - $prevLine->total_localtax2;
1178											$line->multicurrency_subprice  = $line->multicurrency_subprice - $prevLine->multicurrency_subprice;
1179											$line->multicurrency_total_ht  = $line->multicurrency_total_ht - $prevLine->multicurrency_total_ht;
1180											$line->multicurrency_total_tva = $line->multicurrency_total_tva - $prevLine->multicurrency_total_tva;
1181											$line->multicurrency_total_ttc = $line->multicurrency_total_ttc - $prevLine->multicurrency_total_ttc;
1182										}
1183									}
1185									// prorata
1186									$line->situation_percent = $maxPrevSituationPercent - $line->situation_percent;
1188									//print 'New line based on invoice id '.$facture_source->tab_previous_situation_invoice[$lineIndex]->id.' fk_prev_id='.$source_fk_prev_id.' will be fk_prev_id='.$line->fk_prev_id.' '.$line->total_ht.' '.$line->situation_percent.'<br>';
1190									// If there is some credit note between last situation invoice and invoice used for credit note generation (note: credit notes are stored as delta)
1191									$maxPrevSituationPercent = 0;
1192									foreach ($tab_jumped_credit_notes as $index => $creditnoteid) {
1193										foreach ($facture_source->tab_previous_situation_invoice[$index]->lines as $prevLine) {
1194											if ($prevLine->fk_prev_id == $source_fk_prev_id) {
1195												$maxPrevSituationPercent = $prevLine->situation_percent;
1197												$line->total_ht  -= $prevLine->total_ht;
1198												$line->total_tva -= $prevLine->total_tva;
1199												$line->total_ttc -= $prevLine->total_ttc;
1200												$line->total_localtax1 -= $prevLine->total_localtax1;
1201												$line->total_localtax2 -= $prevLine->total_localtax2;
1203												$line->multicurrency_subprice  -= $prevLine->multicurrency_subprice;
1204												$line->multicurrency_total_ht  -= $prevLine->multicurrency_total_ht;
1205												$line->multicurrency_total_tva -= $prevLine->multicurrency_total_tva;
1206												$line->multicurrency_total_ttc -= $prevLine->multicurrency_total_ttc;
1207											}
1208										}
1209									}
1211									// prorata
1212									$line->situation_percent += $maxPrevSituationPercent;
1214									//print 'New line based on invoice id '.$facture_source->tab_previous_situation_invoice[$lineIndex]->id.' fk_prev_id='.$source_fk_prev_id.' will be fk_prev_id='.$line->fk_prev_id.' '.$line->total_ht.' '.$line->situation_percent.'<br>';
1215								}
1216							}
1218							$line->fk_facture = $object->id;
1219							$line->fk_parent_line = $fk_parent_line;
1221							$line->subprice = -$line->subprice; // invert price for object
1222							$line->pa_ht = $line->pa_ht; // we choosed to have buy/cost price always positive, so no revert of sign here
1223							$line->total_ht = -$line->total_ht;
1224							$line->total_tva = -$line->total_tva;
1225							$line->total_ttc = -$line->total_ttc;
1226							$line->total_localtax1 = -$line->total_localtax1;
1227							$line->total_localtax2 = -$line->total_localtax2;
1229							$line->multicurrency_subprice = -$line->multicurrency_subprice;
1230							$line->multicurrency_total_ht = -$line->multicurrency_total_ht;
1231							$line->multicurrency_total_tva = -$line->multicurrency_total_tva;
1232							$line->multicurrency_total_ttc = -$line->multicurrency_total_ttc;
1234							$result = $line->insert(0, 1); // When creating credit note with same lines than source, we must ignore error if discount alreayd linked
1236							$object->lines[] = $line; // insert new line in current object
1238							// Defined the new fk_parent_line
1239							if ($result > 0 && $line->product_type == 9) {
1240								$fk_parent_line = $result;
1241							}
1242						}
1244						$object->update_price(1);
1245					}
1246				}
1248				if (GETPOST('invoiceAvoirWithPaymentRestAmount', 'int') == 1 && $id > 0) {
1249					if ($facture_source->fetch($object->fk_facture_source) > 0) {
1250						$totalpaye = $facture_source->getSommePaiement();
1251						$totalcreditnotes = $facture_source->getSumCreditNotesUsed();
1252						$totaldeposits = $facture_source->getSumDepositsUsed();
1253						$remain_to_pay = abs($facture_source->total_ttc - $totalpaye - $totalcreditnotes - $totaldeposits);
1255						$object->addline($langs->trans('invoiceAvoirLineWithPaymentRestAmount'), $remain_to_pay, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 'TTC');
1256					}
1257				}
1259				// Add link between credit note and origin
1260				if (!empty($object->fk_facture_source) && $id > 0) {
1261					$facture_source->fetch($object->fk_facture_source);
1262					$facture_source->fetchObjectLinked();
1264					if (!empty($facture_source->linkedObjectsIds)) {
1265						foreach ($facture_source->linkedObjectsIds as $sourcetype => $TIds) {
1266							$object->add_object_linked($sourcetype, current($TIds));
1267						}
1268					}
1269				}
1270			}
1271		}
1273		// Standard invoice or Deposit invoice, created from a Predefined template invoice
1274		if ((GETPOST('type') == Facture::TYPE_STANDARD || GETPOST('type') == Facture::TYPE_DEPOSIT) && GETPOST('fac_rec', 'int') > 0) {
1275			if (empty($dateinvoice)) {
1276				$error++;
1277				setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorFieldRequired", $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("Date")), null, 'errors');
1278				$action = 'create';
1279			} elseif ($dateinvoice > (dol_get_last_hour(dol_now('tzuserrel')) + (empty($conf->global->INVOICE_MAX_FUTURE_DELAY) ? 0 : $conf->global->INVOICE_MAX_FUTURE_DELAY))) {
1280				$error++;
1281				setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorDateIsInFuture"), null, 'errors');
1282				$action = 'create';
1283			}
1285			if (!$error) {
1286				$object->socid = GETPOST('socid', 'int');
1287				$object->type            = GETPOST('type');
1288				$object->ref             = GETPOST('ref');
1289				$object->date            = $dateinvoice;
1290				$object->date_pointoftax = $date_pointoftax;
1291				$object->note_public = trim(GETPOST('note_public', 'restricthtml'));
1292				$object->note_private    = trim(GETPOST('note_private', 'restricthtml'));
1293				$object->ref_client      = GETPOST('ref_client');
1294				$object->model_pdf = GETPOST('model');
1295				$object->fk_project = GETPOST('projectid', 'int');
1296				$object->cond_reglement_id	= (GETPOST('type') == 3 ? 1 : GETPOST('cond_reglement_id'));
1297				$object->mode_reglement_id	= GETPOST('mode_reglement_id', 'int');
1298				$object->fk_account = GETPOST('fk_account', 'int');
1299				$object->amount = price2num(GETPOST('amount'));
1300				$object->remise_absolue		= price2num(GETPOST('remise_absolue'), 'MU');
1301				$object->remise_percent		= price2num(GETPOST('remise_percent'), '', 2);
1302				$object->fk_incoterms = GETPOST('incoterm_id', 'int');
1303				$object->location_incoterms = GETPOST('location_incoterms', 'alpha');
1304				$object->multicurrency_code = GETPOST('multicurrency_code', 'alpha');
1305				$object->multicurrency_tx   = GETPOST('originmulticurrency_tx', 'int');
1307				// Source facture
1308				$object->fac_rec = GETPOST('fac_rec', 'int');
1310				$id = $object->create($user); // This include recopy of links from recurring invoice and recurring invoice lines
1311			}
1312		}
1314		// Standard or deposit invoice, not from a Predefined template invoice
1315		if ((GETPOST('type') == Facture::TYPE_STANDARD || GETPOST('type') == Facture::TYPE_DEPOSIT || GETPOST('type') == Facture::TYPE_PROFORMA || (GETPOST('type') == Facture::TYPE_SITUATION && !GETPOST('situations'))) && GETPOST('fac_rec') <= 0) {
1316			$typeamount = GETPOST('typedeposit', 'aZ09');
1317			$valuestandardinvoice = price2num(str_replace('%', '', GETPOST('valuestandardinvoice', 'alpha')), 'MU');
1318			$valuedeposit = price2num(str_replace('%', '', GETPOST('valuedeposit', 'alpha')), 'MU');
1320			if (GETPOST('socid', 'int') < 1) {
1321				$error++;
1322				setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorFieldRequired", $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("Customer")), null, 'errors');
1323				$action = 'create';
1324			}
1326			if (empty($dateinvoice)) {
1327				$error++;
1328				setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorFieldRequired", $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("Date")), null, 'errors');
1329				$action = 'create';
1330			} elseif ($dateinvoice > (dol_get_last_hour(dol_now('tzuserrel')) + (empty($conf->global->INVOICE_MAX_FUTURE_DELAY) ? 0 : $conf->global->INVOICE_MAX_FUTURE_DELAY))) {
1331				$error++;
1332				setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorDateIsInFuture"), null, 'errors');
1333				$action = 'create';
1334			}
1337			if (GETPOST('type') == Facture::TYPE_STANDARD) {
1338				if ($valuestandardinvoice < 0 || $valuestandardinvoice > 100) {
1339					setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorAPercentIsRequired"), null, 'errors');
1340					$error++;
1341					$action = 'create';
1342				}
1343			} elseif (GETPOST('type') == Facture::TYPE_DEPOSIT) {
1344				if ($typeamount && !empty($origin) && !empty($originid)) {
1345					if ($typeamount == 'amount' && $valuedeposit <= 0) {
1346						setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorAnAmountWithoutTaxIsRequired"), null, 'errors');
1347						$error++;
1348						$action = 'create';
1349					}
1350					if ($typeamount == 'variable' && $valuedeposit <= 0) {
1351						setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorAPercentIsRequired"), null, 'errors');
1352						$error++;
1353						$action = 'create';
1354					}
1355					if ($typeamount == 'variablealllines' && $valuedeposit <= 0) {
1356						setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorAPercentIsRequired"), null, 'errors');
1357						$error++;
1358						$action = 'create';
1359					}
1360				}
1361			}
1363			if (!$error) {
1364				// Si facture standard
1365				$object->socid = GETPOST('socid', 'int');
1366				$object->type				= GETPOST('type');
1367				$object->ref = GETPOST('ref');
1368				$object->date				= $dateinvoice;
1369				$object->date_pointoftax = $date_pointoftax;
1370				$object->note_public		= trim(GETPOST('note_public', 'restricthtml'));
1371				$object->note_private = trim(GETPOST('note_private', 'restricthtml'));
1372				$object->ref_client			= GETPOST('ref_client');
1373				$object->model_pdf = GETPOST('model');
1374				$object->fk_project			= GETPOST('projectid', 'int');
1375				$object->cond_reglement_id	= (GETPOST('type') == 3 ? 1 : GETPOST('cond_reglement_id'));
1376				$object->mode_reglement_id	= GETPOST('mode_reglement_id');
1377				$object->fk_account = GETPOST('fk_account', 'int');
1378				$object->amount = price2num(GETPOST('amount'));
1379				$object->remise_absolue		= price2num(GETPOST('remise_absolue'), 'MU');
1380				$object->remise_percent		= price2num(GETPOST('remise_percent'), '', 2);
1381				$object->fk_incoterms = GETPOST('incoterm_id', 'int');
1382				$object->location_incoterms = GETPOST('location_incoterms', 'alpha');
1383				$object->multicurrency_code = GETPOST('multicurrency_code', 'alpha');
1384				$object->multicurrency_tx   = GETPOST('originmulticurrency_tx', 'int');
1386				if (GETPOST('type') == Facture::TYPE_SITUATION) {
1387					$object->situation_counter = 1;
1388					$object->situation_final = 0;
1389					$object->situation_cycle_ref = $object->newCycle();
1390				}
1392				if (in_array($object->type, $retainedWarrantyInvoiceAvailableType)) {
1393					$object->retained_warranty = GETPOST('retained_warranty', 'int');
1394					$object->retained_warranty_fk_cond_reglement = GETPOST('retained_warranty_fk_cond_reglement', 'int');
1395				} else {
1396					$object->retained_warranty = 0;
1397					$object->retained_warranty_fk_cond_reglement = 0;
1398				}
1400				$retained_warranty_date_limit = GETPOST('retained_warranty_date_limit');
1401				if (!empty($retained_warranty_date_limit) && dol_stringtotime($retained_warranty_date_limit)) {
1402					$object->retained_warranty_date_limit = dol_stringtotime($retained_warranty_date_limit);
1403				}
1404				$object->retained_warranty_date_limit = !empty($object->retained_warranty_date_limit) ? $object->retained_warranty_date_limit : $object->calculate_date_lim_reglement($object->retained_warranty_fk_cond_reglement);
1406				$object->fetch_thirdparty();
1408				// If creation from another object of another module (Example: origin=propal, originid=1)
1409				if (!empty($origin) && !empty($originid)) {
1410					$regs = array();
1411					// Parse element/subelement (ex: project_task)
1412					$element = $subelement = $origin;
1413					if (preg_match('/^([^_]+)_([^_]+)/i', $origin, $regs)) {
1414						$element = $regs[1];
1415						$subelement = $regs[2];
1416					}
1418					// For compatibility
1419					if ($element == 'order') {
1420						$element = $subelement = 'commande';
1421					}
1422					if ($element == 'propal') {
1423						$element = 'comm/propal';
1424						$subelement = 'propal';
1425					}
1426					if ($element == 'contract') {
1427						$element = $subelement = 'contrat';
1428					}
1429					if ($element == 'inter') {
1430						$element = $subelement = 'ficheinter';
1431					}
1432					if ($element == 'shipping') {
1433						$element = $subelement = 'expedition';
1434					}
1436					$object->origin = $origin;
1437					$object->origin_id = $originid;
1439					// Possibility to add external linked objects with hooks
1440					$object->linked_objects[$object->origin] = $object->origin_id;
1441					// link with order if it is a shipping invoice
1442					if ($object->origin == 'shipping') {
1443						require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/expedition/class/expedition.class.php';
1444						$exp = new Expedition($db);
1445						$exp->fetch($object->origin_id);
1446						$exp->fetchObjectLinked();
1447						if (is_array($exp->linkedObjectsIds['commande']) && count($exp->linkedObjectsIds['commande']) > 0) {
1448							foreach ($exp->linkedObjectsIds['commande'] as $key => $value) {
1449								$object->linked_objects['commande'] = $value;
1450							}
1451						}
1452					}
1454					if (is_array($_POST['other_linked_objects']) && !empty($_POST['other_linked_objects'])) {
1455						$object->linked_objects = array_merge($object->linked_objects, $_POST['other_linked_objects']);
1456					}
1458					$id = $object->create($user); // This include class to add_object_linked() and add add_contact()
1460					if ($id > 0) {
1461						dol_include_once('/'.$element.'/class/'.$subelement.'.class.php');
1463						$classname = ucfirst($subelement);
1464						$srcobject = new $classname($db);
1466						dol_syslog("Try to find source object origin=".$object->origin." originid=".$object->origin_id." to add lines or deposit lines");
1467						$result = $srcobject->fetch($object->origin_id);
1469						// If deposit invoice - down payment with 1 line (fixed amount or percent)
1470						if (GETPOST('type') == Facture::TYPE_DEPOSIT && in_array($typeamount, array('amount', 'variable'))) {
1471							// Define the array $amountdeposit
1472							$amountdeposit = array();
1473							if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_DEPOSIT_MULTI_TVA)) {
1474								if ($typeamount == 'amount') {
1475									$amount = $valuedeposit;
1476								} else {
1477									$amount = $srcobject->total_ttc * ($valuedeposit / 100);
1478								}
1480								$TTotalByTva = array();
1481								foreach ($srcobject->lines as &$line) {
1482									if (!empty($line->special_code)) {
1483										continue;
1484									}
1485									$TTotalByTva[$line->tva_tx] += $line->total_ttc;
1486								}
1488								foreach ($TTotalByTva as $tva => &$total) {
1489									$coef = $total / $srcobject->total_ttc; // Calc coef
1490									$am = $amount * $coef;
1491									$amount_ttc_diff += $am;
1492									$amountdeposit[$tva] += $am / (1 + $tva / 100); // Convert into HT for the addline
1493								}
1494							} else {
1495								if ($typeamount == 'amount') {
1496									$amountdeposit[0] = $valuedeposit;
1497								} elseif ($typeamount == 'variable') {
1498									if ($result > 0) {
1499										$totalamount = 0;
1500										$lines = $srcobject->lines;
1501										$numlines = count($lines);
1502										for ($i = 0; $i < $numlines; $i++) {
1503											$qualified = 1;
1504											if (empty($lines[$i]->qty)) {
1505												$qualified = 0; // We discard qty=0, it is an option
1506											}
1507											if (!empty($lines[$i]->special_code)) {
1508												$qualified = 0; // We discard special_code (frais port, ecotaxe, option, ...)
1509											}
1510											if ($qualified) {
1511												$totalamount += $lines[$i]->total_ht; // Fixme : is it not for the customer ? Shouldn't we take total_ttc ?
1512												$tva_tx = $lines[$i]->tva_tx;
1513												$amountdeposit[$tva_tx] += ($lines[$i]->total_ht * $valuedeposit) / 100;
1514											}
1515										}
1517										if ($totalamount == 0) {
1518											$amountdeposit[0] = 0;
1519										}
1520									} else {
1521										setEventMessages($srcobject->error, $srcobject->errors, 'errors');
1522										$error++;
1523									}
1524								}
1526								$amount_ttc_diff = $amountdeposit[0];
1527							}
1529							foreach ($amountdeposit as $tva => $amount) {
1530								if (empty($amount)) {
1531									continue;
1532								}
1534								$arraylist = array(
1535									'amount' => 'FixAmount',
1536									'variable' => 'VarAmount'
1537								);
1538								$descline = '(DEPOSIT)';
1539								//$descline.= ' - '.$langs->trans($arraylist[$typeamount]);
1540								if ($typeamount == 'amount') {
1541									$descline .= ' ('.price($valuedeposit, '', $langs, 0, - 1, - 1, (!empty($object->multicurrency_code) ? $object->multicurrency_code : $conf->currency)).')';
1542								} elseif ($typeamount == 'variable') {
1543									$descline .= ' ('.$valuedeposit.'%)';
1544								}
1546								$descline .= ' - '.$srcobject->ref;
1547								$result = $object->addline(
1548									$descline,
1549									$amount, // subprice
1550									1, // quantity
1551									$tva, // vat rate
1552									0, // localtax1_tx
1553									0, // localtax2_tx
1554									(empty($conf->global->INVOICE_PRODUCTID_DEPOSIT) ? 0 : $conf->global->INVOICE_PRODUCTID_DEPOSIT), // fk_product
1555									0, // remise_percent
1556									0, // date_start
1557									0, // date_end
1558									0,
1559									$lines[$i]->info_bits, // info_bits
1560									0,
1561									'HT',
1562									0,
1563									0, // product_type
1564									1,
1565									$lines[$i]->special_code,
1566									$object->origin,
1567									0,
1568									0,
1569									0,
1570									0
1571									//,$langs->trans('Deposit') //Deprecated
1572								);
1573							}
1575							$diff = $object->total_ttc - $amount_ttc_diff;
1577							if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_DEPOSIT_MULTI_TVA) && $diff != 0) {
1578								$object->fetch_lines();
1579								$subprice_diff = $object->lines[0]->subprice - $diff / (1 + $object->lines[0]->tva_tx / 100);
1580								$object->updateline($object->lines[0]->id, $object->lines[0]->desc, $subprice_diff, $object->lines[0]->qty, $object->lines[0]->remise_percent, $object->lines[0]->date_start, $object->lines[0]->date_end, $object->lines[0]->tva_tx, 0, 0, 'HT', $object->lines[0]->info_bits, $object->lines[0]->product_type, 0, 0, 0, $object->lines[0]->pa_ht, $object->lines[0]->label, 0, array(), 100);
1581							}
1582						}
1584						// standard invoice, credit note, or down payment from a percent of all lines
1585						if (GETPOST('type') != Facture::TYPE_DEPOSIT || (GETPOST('type') == Facture::TYPE_DEPOSIT && $typeamount == 'variablealllines')) {
1586							if ($result > 0) {
1587								$lines = $srcobject->lines;
1588								if (empty($lines) && method_exists($srcobject, 'fetch_lines')) {
1589									$srcobject->fetch_lines();
1590									$lines = $srcobject->lines;
1591								}
1593								// If we create a standard invoice with a percent, we change amount by changing the qty
1594								if (GETPOST('type') == Facture::TYPE_STANDARD && $valuestandardinvoice > 0 && $valuestandardinvoice < 100) {
1595									if (is_array($lines)) {
1596										foreach ($lines as $line) {
1597											// We keep ->subprice and ->pa_ht, but we change the qty
1598											$line->qty = price2num($line->qty * $valuestandardinvoice / 100, 'MS');
1599										}
1600									}
1601								}
1602								// If we create a down payment with a percent on all lines, we change amount by changing the qty
1603								if (GETPOST('type') == Facture::TYPE_DEPOSIT && $typeamount == 'variablealllines') {
1604									if (is_array($lines)) {
1605										foreach ($lines as $line) {
1606											// We keep ->subprice and ->pa_ht, but we change the qty
1607											$line->qty = price2num($line->qty * $valuedeposit / 100, 'MS');
1608										}
1609									}
1610								}
1612								$fk_parent_line = 0;
1613								$num = count($lines);
1615								for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) {
1616									if (!in_array($lines[$i]->id, $selectedLines)) {
1617										continue; // Skip unselected lines
1618									}
1620									// Don't add lines with qty 0 when coming from a shipment including all order lines
1621									if ($srcobject->element == 'shipping' && $conf->global->SHIPMENT_GETS_ALL_ORDER_PRODUCTS && $lines[$i]->qty == 0) {
1622										continue;
1623									}
1624									// Don't add closed lines when coming from a contract (Set constant to '0,5' to exclude also inactive lines)
1625									if (!isset($conf->global->CONTRACT_EXCLUDE_SERVICES_STATUS_FOR_INVOICE)) {
1626										$conf->global->CONTRACT_EXCLUDE_SERVICES_STATUS_FOR_INVOICE = '5';
1627									}
1628									if ($srcobject->element == 'contrat' && in_array($lines[$i]->statut, explode(',', $conf->global->CONTRACT_EXCLUDE_SERVICES_STATUS_FOR_INVOICE))) {
1629										continue;
1630									}
1632									$label = (!empty($lines[$i]->label) ? $lines[$i]->label : '');
1633									$desc = (!empty($lines[$i]->desc) ? $lines[$i]->desc : $lines[$i]->libelle);
1634									if ($object->situation_counter == 1) {
1635										$lines[$i]->situation_percent = 0;
1636									}
1638									if ($lines[$i]->subprice < 0 && empty($conf->global->INVOICE_KEEP_DISCOUNT_LINES_AS_IN_ORIGIN)) {
1639										// Negative line, we create a discount line
1640										$discount = new DiscountAbsolute($db);
1641										$discount->fk_soc = $object->socid;
1642										$discount->amount_ht = abs($lines[$i]->total_ht);
1643										$discount->amount_tva = abs($lines[$i]->total_tva);
1644										$discount->amount_ttc = abs($lines[$i]->total_ttc);
1645										$discount->tva_tx = $lines[$i]->tva_tx;
1646										$discount->fk_user = $user->id;
1647										$discount->description = $desc;
1648										$discountid = $discount->create($user);
1649										if ($discountid > 0) {
1650											$result = $object->insert_discount($discountid); // This include link_to_invoice
1651										} else {
1652											setEventMessages($discount->error, $discount->errors, 'errors');
1653											$error++;
1654											break;
1655										}
1656									} else {
1657										// Positive line
1658										$product_type = ($lines[$i]->product_type ? $lines[$i]->product_type : 0);
1660										// Date start
1661										$date_start = false;
1662										if ($lines[$i]->date_debut_prevue) {
1663											$date_start = $lines[$i]->date_debut_prevue;
1664										}
1665										if ($lines[$i]->date_debut_reel) {
1666											$date_start = $lines[$i]->date_debut_reel;
1667										}
1668										if ($lines[$i]->date_start) {
1669											$date_start = $lines[$i]->date_start;
1670										}
1672										// Date end
1673										$date_end = false;
1674										if ($lines[$i]->date_fin_prevue) {
1675											$date_end = $lines[$i]->date_fin_prevue;
1676										}
1677										if ($lines[$i]->date_fin_reel) {
1678											$date_end = $lines[$i]->date_fin_reel;
1679										}
1680										if ($lines[$i]->date_end) {
1681											$date_end = $lines[$i]->date_end;
1682										}
1684										// Reset fk_parent_line for no child products and special product
1685										if (($lines[$i]->product_type != 9 && empty($lines[$i]->fk_parent_line)) || $lines[$i]->product_type == 9) {
1686											$fk_parent_line = 0;
1687										}
1689										// Extrafields
1690										if (method_exists($lines[$i], 'fetch_optionals')) {
1691											$lines[$i]->fetch_optionals();
1692											$array_options = $lines[$i]->array_options;
1693										}
1695										$tva_tx = $lines[$i]->tva_tx;
1696										if (!empty($lines[$i]->vat_src_code) && !preg_match('/\(/', $tva_tx)) {
1697											$tva_tx .= ' ('.$lines[$i]->vat_src_code.')';
1698										}
1700										// View third's localtaxes for NOW and do not use value from origin.
1701										// TODO Is this really what we want ? Yes if source is template invoice but what if proposal or order ?
1702										$localtax1_tx = get_localtax($tva_tx, 1, $object->thirdparty);
1703										$localtax2_tx = get_localtax($tva_tx, 2, $object->thirdparty);
1705										$result = $object->addline(
1706											$desc,
1707											$lines[$i]->subprice,
1708											$lines[$i]->qty,
1709											$tva_tx,
1710											$localtax1_tx,
1711											$localtax2_tx,
1712											$lines[$i]->fk_product,
1713											$lines[$i]->remise_percent,
1714											$date_start,
1715											$date_end,
1716											0,
1717											$lines[$i]->info_bits,
1718											$lines[$i]->fk_remise_except,
1719											'HT',
1720											0,
1721											$product_type,
1722											$lines[$i]->rang,
1723											$lines[$i]->special_code,
1724											$object->origin,
1725											$lines[$i]->rowid,
1726											$fk_parent_line,
1727											$lines[$i]->fk_fournprice,
1728											$lines[$i]->pa_ht,
1729											$label,
1730											$array_options,
1731											$lines[$i]->situation_percent,
1732											$lines[$i]->fk_prev_id,
1733											$lines[$i]->fk_unit
1734										);
1736										if ($result > 0) {
1737											$lineid = $result;
1738										} else {
1739											$lineid = 0;
1740											$error++;
1741											break;
1742										}
1744										// Defined the new fk_parent_line
1745										if ($result > 0 && $lines[$i]->product_type == 9) {
1746											$fk_parent_line = $result;
1747										}
1748									}
1749								}
1750							} else {
1751								setEventMessages($srcobject->error, $srcobject->errors, 'errors');
1752								$error++;
1753							}
1754						}
1756						// Now we create same links to contact than the ones found on origin object
1757						/* Useless, already into the create
1758						if (! empty($conf->global->MAIN_PROPAGATE_CONTACTS_FROM_ORIGIN))
1759						{
1760							$originforcontact = $object->origin;
1761							$originidforcontact = $object->origin_id;
1762							if ($originforcontact == 'shipping')     // shipment and order share the same contacts. If creating from shipment we take data of order
1763							{
1764								$originforcontact=$srcobject->origin;
1765								$originidforcontact=$srcobject->origin_id;
1766							}
1767							$sqlcontact = "SELECT code, fk_socpeople FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."element_contact as ec, ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."c_type_contact as ctc";
1768							$sqlcontact.= " WHERE element_id = ".((int) $originidforcontact)." AND ec.fk_c_type_contact = ctc.rowid AND ctc.element = '".$db->escape($originforcontact)."'";
1770							$resqlcontact = $db->query($sqlcontact);
1771							if ($resqlcontact)
1772							{
1773								while($objcontact = $db->fetch_object($resqlcontact))
1774								{
1775									//print $objcontact->code.'-'.$objcontact->fk_socpeople."\n";
1776									$object->add_contact($objcontact->fk_socpeople, $objcontact->code);
1777								}
1778							}
1779							else dol_print_error($resqlcontact);
1780						}*/
1782						// Hooks
1783						$parameters = array('objFrom' => $srcobject);
1784						$reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks('createFrom', $parameters, $object, $action); // Note that $action and $object may have been
1785						// modified by hook
1786						if ($reshook < 0) {
1787							setEventMessages($hookmanager->error, $hookmanager->errors, 'errors');
1788							$error++;
1789						}
1790					} else {
1791						setEventMessages($object->error, $object->errors, 'errors');
1792						$error++;
1793					}
1794				} else {   // If some invoice's lines coming from page
1795					$id = $object->create($user);
1797					for ($i = 1; $i <= $NBLINES; $i++) {
1798						if (GETPOST('idprod'.$i, 'int')) {
1799							$product = new Product($db);
1800							$product->fetch(GETPOST('idprod'.$i, 'int'));
1801							$startday = dol_mktime(12, 0, 0, GETPOST('date_start'.$i.'month'), GETPOST('date_start'.$i.'day'), GETPOST('date_start'.$i.'year'));
1802							$endday = dol_mktime(12, 0, 0, GETPOST('date_end'.$i.'month'), GETPOST('date_end'.$i.'day'), GETPOST('date_end'.$i.'year'));
1803							$result = $object->addline($product->description, $product->price, price2num(GETPOST('qty'.$i), 'MS'), $product->tva_tx, $product->localtax1_tx, $product->localtax2_tx, GETPOST('idprod'.$i, 'int'), price2num(GETPOST('remise_percent'.$i), '', 2), $startday, $endday, 0, 0, '', $product->price_base_type, $product->price_ttc, $product->type, -1, 0, '', 0, 0, null, 0, '', 0, 100, '', $product->fk_unit);
1804						}
1805					}
1806				}
1807			}
1808		}
1810		// Situation invoices
1811		if (GETPOST('type') == Facture::TYPE_SITUATION && GETPOST('situations')) {
1812			if (empty($dateinvoice)) {
1813				$error++;
1814				$mesg = $langs->trans("ErrorFieldRequired", $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("Date"));
1815				setEventMessages($mesg, null, 'errors');
1816			} elseif ($dateinvoice > (dol_get_last_hour(dol_now('tzuserrel')) + (empty($conf->global->INVOICE_MAX_FUTURE_DELAY) ? 0 : $conf->global->INVOICE_MAX_FUTURE_DELAY))) {
1817				$error++;
1818				setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorDateIsInFuture"), null, 'errors');
1819				$action = 'create';
1820			}
1822			if (!(GETPOST('situations', 'int') > 0)) {
1823				$error++;
1824				$mesg = $langs->trans("ErrorFieldRequired", $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("InvoiceSituation"));
1825				setEventMessages($mesg, null, 'errors');
1826				$action = 'create';
1827			}
1829			if (!$error) {
1830				$result = $object->fetch(GETPOST('situations', 'int'));
1831				$object->fk_facture_source = GETPOST('situations', 'int');
1832				$object->type = Facture::TYPE_SITUATION;
1834				if (!empty($origin) && !empty($originid)) {
1835					include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/price.lib.php';
1837					$object->origin = $origin;
1838					$object->origin_id = $originid;
1840					// retained warranty
1841					if (!empty($conf->global->INVOICE_USE_RETAINED_WARRANTY)) {
1842						$retained_warranty = GETPOST('retained_warranty', 'int');
1843						if (price2num($retained_warranty) > 0) {
1844							$object->retained_warranty = price2num($retained_warranty);
1845						}
1847						if (GETPOST('retained_warranty_fk_cond_reglement', 'int') > 0) {
1848							$object->retained_warranty_fk_cond_reglement = GETPOST('retained_warranty_fk_cond_reglement', 'int');
1849						}
1851						$retained_warranty_date_limit = GETPOST('retained_warranty_date_limit');
1852						if (!empty($retained_warranty_date_limit) && $db->jdate($retained_warranty_date_limit)) {
1853							$object->retained_warranty_date_limit = $db->jdate($retained_warranty_date_limit);
1854						}
1855						$object->retained_warranty_date_limit = !empty($object->retained_warranty_date_limit) ? $object->retained_warranty_date_limit : $object->calculate_date_lim_reglement($object->retained_warranty_fk_cond_reglement);
1856					}
1858					foreach ($object->lines as $i => &$line) {
1859						$line->origin = $object->origin;
1860						$line->origin_id = $line->id;
1861						$line->fk_prev_id = $line->id;
1862						$line->fetch_optionals();
1863						$line->situation_percent = $line->get_prev_progress($object->id); // get good progress including credit note
1865						// The $line->situation_percent has been modified, so we must recalculate all amounts
1866						$tabprice = calcul_price_total($line->qty, $line->subprice, $line->remise_percent, $line->tva_tx, $line->localtax1_tx, $line->localtax2_tx, 0, 'HT', 0, $line->product_type, $mysoc, '', $line->situation_percent);
1867						$line->total_ht = $tabprice[0];
1868						$line->total_tva = $tabprice[1];
1869						$line->total_ttc = $tabprice[2];
1870						$line->total_localtax1 = $tabprice[9];
1871						$line->total_localtax2 = $tabprice[10];
1872						$line->multicurrency_total_ht  = $tabprice[16];
1873						$line->multicurrency_total_tva = $tabprice[17];
1874						$line->multicurrency_total_ttc = $tabprice[18];
1876						// Si fk_remise_except defini on vérifie si la réduction à déjà été appliquée
1877						if ($line->fk_remise_except) {
1878							$discount = new DiscountAbsolute($line->db);
1879							$result = $discount->fetch($line->fk_remise_except);
1880							if ($result > 0) {
1881								// Check if discount not already affected to another invoice
1882								if ($discount->fk_facture_line > 0) {
1883									$line->fk_remise_except = 0;
1884								}
1885							}
1886						}
1887					}
1888				}
1890				$object->fetch_thirdparty();
1891				$object->date = $dateinvoice;
1892				$object->date_pointoftax = $date_pointoftax;
1893				$object->note_public = trim(GETPOST('note_public', 'restricthtml'));
1894				$object->note = trim(GETPOST('note', 'restricthtml'));
1895				$object->note_private = trim(GETPOST('note', 'restricthtml'));
1896				$object->ref_client = GETPOST('ref_client', 'alpha');
1897				$object->model_pdf = GETPOST('model', 'alpha');
1898				$object->fk_project = GETPOST('projectid', 'int');
1899				$object->cond_reglement_id = GETPOST('cond_reglement_id', 'int');
1900				$object->mode_reglement_id = GETPOST('mode_reglement_id', 'int');
1901				$object->remise_absolue =price2num(GETPOST('remise_absolue'), 'MU', 2);
1902				$object->remise_percent = price2num(GETPOST('remise_percent'), '', 2);
1904				// Proprietes particulieres a facture de remplacement
1906				$object->situation_counter = $object->situation_counter + 1;
1907				$id = $object->createFromCurrent($user);
1908				if ($id <= 0) {
1909					$mesg = $object->error;
1910				} else {
1911					$nextSituationInvoice = new Facture($db);
1912					$nextSituationInvoice->fetch($id);
1914					// create extrafields with data from create form
1915					$extrafields->fetch_name_optionals_label($nextSituationInvoice->table_element);
1916					$ret = $extrafields->setOptionalsFromPost(null, $nextSituationInvoice);
1917					if ($ret > 0) {
1918						$nextSituationInvoice->insertExtraFields();
1919					}
1920				}
1921			}
1922		}
1924		// End of object creation, we show it
1925		if ($id > 0 && !$error) {
1926			$db->commit();
1928			// Define output language
1929			if (empty($conf->global->MAIN_DISABLE_PDF_AUTOUPDATE) && count($object->lines)) {
1930				$outputlangs = $langs;
1931				$newlang = '';
1932				if ($conf->global->MAIN_MULTILANGS && empty($newlang) && GETPOST('lang_id', 'aZ09')) {
1933					$newlang = GETPOST('lang_id', 'aZ09');
1934				}
1935				if ($conf->global->MAIN_MULTILANGS && empty($newlang)) {
1936					$newlang = $object->thirdparty->default_lang;
1937				}
1938				if (!empty($newlang)) {
1939					$outputlangs = new Translate("", $conf);
1940					$outputlangs->setDefaultLang($newlang);
1941					$outputlangs->load('products');
1942				}
1943				$model = $object->model_pdf;
1944				$ret = $object->fetch($id); // Reload to get new records
1946				$result = $object->generateDocument($model, $outputlangs, $hidedetails, $hidedesc, $hideref);
1947				if ($result < 0) {
1948					setEventMessages($object->error, $object->errors, 'errors');
1949				}
1950			}
1952			header('Location: '.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?facid='.$id);
1953			exit();
1954		} else {
1955			$db->rollback();
1956			$action = 'create';
1957			$_GET["origin"] = $_POST["origin"];
1958			$_GET["originid"] = $_POST["originid"];
1959			setEventMessages($object->error, $object->errors, 'errors');
1960		}
1961	} elseif ($action == 'addline' && GETPOST('submitforalllines', 'alpha') && GETPOST('vatforalllines', 'alpha') !== '') {
1962		// Define vat_rate
1963		$vat_rate = (GETPOST('vatforalllines') ? GETPOST('vatforalllines') : 0);
1964		$vat_rate = str_replace('*', '', $vat_rate);
1965		$localtax1_rate = get_localtax($vat_rate, 1, $object->thirdparty, $mysoc);
1966		$localtax2_rate = get_localtax($vat_rate, 2, $object->thirdparty, $mysoc);
1967		foreach ($object->lines as $line) {
1968			$result = $object->updateline($line->id, $line->desc, $line->subprice, $line->qty, $line->remise_percent, $line->date_start, $line->date_end, $vat_rate, $localtax1_rate, $localtax2_rate, 'HT', $line->info_bits, $line->product_type, $line->fk_parent_line, 0, $line->fk_fournprice, $line->pa_ht, $line->label, $line->special_code, $line->array_options, $line->situation_percent, $line->fk_unit, $line->multicurrency_subprice);
1969		}
1970	} elseif ($action == 'addline' && $usercancreate) {		// Add a new line
1971		$langs->load('errors');
1972		$error = 0;
1974		// Set if we used free entry or predefined product
1975		$predef = '';
1976		$product_desc =(GETPOSTISSET('dp_desc') ? GETPOST('dp_desc', 'restricthtml') : '');
1977		$price_ht = price2num(GETPOST('price_ht'), 'MU', 2);
1978		$price_ht_devise = price2num(GETPOST('multicurrency_price_ht'), 'CU', 2);
1979		$prod_entry_mode = GETPOST('prod_entry_mode', 'alpha');
1980		if ($prod_entry_mode == 'free') {
1981			$idprod = 0;
1982			$tva_tx = (GETPOST('tva_tx', 'alpha') ? GETPOST('tva_tx', 'alpha') : 0);
1983		} else {
1984			$idprod = GETPOST('idprod', 'int');
1985			$tva_tx = '';
1986		}
1988		$qty = price2num(GETPOST('qty'.$predef), 'MS', 2);
1989		$remise_percent = price2num(GETPOST('remise_percent'.$predef), '', 2);
1991		// Extrafields
1992		$extralabelsline = $extrafields->fetch_name_optionals_label($object->table_element_line);
1993		$array_options = $extrafields->getOptionalsFromPost($object->table_element_line, $predef);
1994		// Unset extrafield
1995		if (is_array($extralabelsline)) {
1996			// Get extra fields
1997			foreach ($extralabelsline as $key => $value) {
1998				unset($_POST["options_".$key.$predef]);
1999			}
2000		}
2002		if ((empty($idprod) || $idprod < 0) && ($price_ht < 0) && ($qty < 0)) {
2003			setEventMessages($langs->trans('ErrorBothFieldCantBeNegative', $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv('UnitPriceHT'), $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv('Qty')), null, 'errors');
2004			$error++;
2005		}
2006		if (!$prod_entry_mode) {
2007			if (GETPOST('type') < 0 && !GETPOST('search_idprod')) {
2008				setEventMessages($langs->trans('ErrorChooseBetweenFreeEntryOrPredefinedProduct'), null, 'errors');
2009				$error++;
2010			}
2011		}
2012		if ($prod_entry_mode == 'free' && (empty($idprod) || $idprod < 0) && GETPOST('type') < 0) {
2013			setEventMessages($langs->trans('ErrorFieldRequired', $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv('Type')), null, 'errors');
2014			$error++;
2015		}
2016		if (($prod_entry_mode == 'free' && (empty($idprod) || $idprod < 0) && (($price_ht < 0 && empty($conf->global->FACTURE_ENABLE_NEGATIVE_LINES)) || $price_ht == '') && $price_ht_devise == '') && $object->type != Facture::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE) { 	// Unit price can be 0 but not ''
2017			if ($price_ht < 0 && empty($conf->global->FACTURE_ENABLE_NEGATIVE_LINES)) {
2018				$langs->load("errors");
2019				if ($object->type == $object::TYPE_DEPOSIT) {
2020					// Using negative lines on deposit lead to headach and blocking problems when you want to consume them.
2021					setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorLinesCantBeNegativeOnDeposits"), null, 'errors');
2022				} else {
2023					setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorFieldCantBeNegativeOnInvoice", $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("UnitPriceHT"), $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("CustomerAbsoluteDiscountShort")), null, 'errors');
2024				}
2025				$error++;
2026			} else {
2027				setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorFieldRequired", $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("UnitPriceHT")), null, 'errors');
2028				$error++;
2029			}
2030		}
2031		if ($qty == '') {
2032			setEventMessages($langs->trans('ErrorFieldRequired', $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv('Qty')), null, 'errors');
2033			$error++;
2034		}
2035		if ($prod_entry_mode == 'free' && empty($idprod) && empty($product_desc)) {
2036			setEventMessages($langs->trans('ErrorFieldRequired', $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv('Description')), null, 'errors');
2037			$error++;
2038		}
2039		if ($qty < 0) {
2040			$langs->load("errors");
2041			setEventMessages($langs->trans('ErrorQtyForCustomerInvoiceCantBeNegative'), null, 'errors');
2042			$error++;
2043		}
2045		if (!$error && !empty($conf->variants->enabled) && $prod_entry_mode != 'free') {
2046			if ($combinations = GETPOST('combinations', 'array')) {
2047				//Check if there is a product with the given combination
2048				$prodcomb = new ProductCombination($db);
2050				if ($res = $prodcomb->fetchByProductCombination2ValuePairs($idprod, $combinations)) {
2051					$idprod = $res->fk_product_child;
2052				} else {
2053					setEventMessages($langs->trans('ErrorProductCombinationNotFound'), null, 'errors');
2054					$error++;
2055				}
2056			}
2057		}
2059		if (!$error && ($qty >= 0) && (!empty($product_desc) || (!empty($idprod) && $idprod > 0))) {
2060			$ret = $object->fetch($id);
2061			if ($ret < 0) {
2062				dol_print_error($db, $object->error);
2063				exit();
2064			}
2065			$ret = $object->fetch_thirdparty();
2067			// Clean parameters
2068			$date_start = dol_mktime(GETPOST('date_start'.$predef.'hour'), GETPOST('date_start'.$predef.'min'), GETPOST('date_start'.$predef.'sec'), GETPOST('date_start'.$predef.'month'), GETPOST('date_start'.$predef.'day'), GETPOST('date_start'.$predef.'year'));
2069			$date_end = dol_mktime(GETPOST('date_end'.$predef.'hour'), GETPOST('date_end'.$predef.'min'), GETPOST('date_end'.$predef.'sec'), GETPOST('date_end'.$predef.'month'), GETPOST('date_end'.$predef.'day'), GETPOST('date_end'.$predef.'year'));
2070			$price_base_type = (GETPOST('price_base_type', 'alpha') ? GETPOST('price_base_type', 'alpha') : 'HT');
2072			// Define special_code for special lines
2073			$special_code = 0;
2074			// if (empty($_POST['qty'])) $special_code=3; // Options should not exists on invoices
2076			// Ecrase $pu par celui du produit
2077			// Ecrase $desc par celui du produit
2078			// Ecrase $tva_tx par celui du produit
2079			// Ecrase $base_price_type par celui du produit
2080			// Replaces $fk_unit with the product's
2081			if (!empty($idprod) && $idprod > 0) {
2082				$prod = new Product($db);
2083				$prod->fetch($idprod);
2085				$label = ((GETPOST('product_label') && GETPOST('product_label') != $prod->label) ? GETPOST('product_label') : '');
2087				// Search the correct price into loaded array product_price_by_qty using id of array retrieved into POST['pqp'].
2088				$pqp = (GETPOST('pbq', 'int') ? GETPOST('pbq', 'int') : 0);
2090				$datapriceofproduct = $prod->getSellPrice($mysoc, $object->thirdparty, $pqp);
2092				$pu_ht = $datapriceofproduct['pu_ht'];
2093				$pu_ttc = $datapriceofproduct['pu_ttc'];
2094				$price_min = $datapriceofproduct['price_min'];
2095				$price_base_type = $datapriceofproduct['price_base_type'];
2096				$tva_tx = $datapriceofproduct['tva_tx'];
2097				$tva_npr = $datapriceofproduct['tva_npr'];
2099				$tmpvat = price2num(preg_replace('/\s*\(.*\)/', '', $tva_tx));
2100				$tmpprodvat = price2num(preg_replace('/\s*\(.*\)/', '', $prod->tva_tx));
2102				// if price ht was forced (ie: from gui when calculated by margin rate and cost price). TODO Why this ?
2103				if (!empty($price_ht) || $price_ht === '0') {
2104					$pu_ht = price2num($price_ht, 'MU');
2105					$pu_ttc = price2num($pu_ht * (1 + ($tmpvat / 100)), 'MU');
2106				} elseif ($tmpvat != $tmpprodvat) {
2107					// On reevalue prix selon taux tva car taux tva transaction peut etre different
2108					// de ceux du produit par defaut (par exemple si pays different entre vendeur et acheteur).
2109					if ($price_base_type != 'HT') {
2110						$pu_ht = price2num($pu_ttc / (1 + ($tmpvat / 100)), 'MU');
2111					} else {
2112						$pu_ttc = price2num($pu_ht * (1 + ($tmpvat / 100)), 'MU');
2113					}
2114				}
2116				$desc = '';
2118				// Define output language
2119				if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_MULTILANGS) && !empty($conf->global->PRODUIT_TEXTS_IN_THIRDPARTY_LANGUAGE)) {
2120					$outputlangs = $langs;
2121					$newlang = '';
2122					if (empty($newlang) && GETPOST('lang_id', 'aZ09')) {
2123						$newlang = GETPOST('lang_id', 'aZ09');
2124					}
2125					if (empty($newlang)) {
2126						$newlang = $object->thirdparty->default_lang;
2127					}
2128					if (!empty($newlang)) {
2129						$outputlangs = new Translate("", $conf);
2130						$outputlangs->setDefaultLang($newlang);
2131						$outputlangs->load('products');
2132					}
2134					$desc = (!empty($prod->multilangs [$outputlangs->defaultlang] ["description"])) ? $prod->multilangs [$outputlangs->defaultlang] ["description"] : $prod->description;
2135				} else {
2136					$desc = $prod->description;
2137				}
2139				//If text set in desc is the same as product descpription (as now it's preloaded) whe add it only one time
2140				if ($product_desc==$desc && !empty($conf->global->PRODUIT_AUTOFILL_DESC)) {
2141					$product_desc='';
2142				}
2144				if (!empty($product_desc) && !empty($conf->global->MAIN_NO_CONCAT_DESCRIPTION)) {
2145					$desc = $product_desc;
2146				} else {
2147					$desc = dol_concatdesc($desc, $product_desc, '', !empty($conf->global->MAIN_CHANGE_ORDER_CONCAT_DESCRIPTION));
2148				}
2150				// Add custom code and origin country into description
2151				if (empty($conf->global->MAIN_PRODUCT_DISABLE_CUSTOMCOUNTRYCODE) && (!empty($prod->customcode) || !empty($prod->country_code))) {
2152					$tmptxt = '(';
2153					// Define output language
2154					if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_MULTILANGS) && !empty($conf->global->PRODUIT_TEXTS_IN_THIRDPARTY_LANGUAGE)) {
2155						$outputlangs = $langs;
2156						$newlang = '';
2157						if (empty($newlang) && GETPOST('lang_id', 'alpha')) {
2158							$newlang = GETPOST('lang_id', 'alpha');
2159						}
2160						if (empty($newlang)) {
2161							$newlang = $object->thirdparty->default_lang;
2162						}
2163						if (!empty($newlang)) {
2164							$outputlangs = new Translate("", $conf);
2165							$outputlangs->setDefaultLang($newlang);
2166							$outputlangs->load('products');
2167						}
2168						if (!empty($prod->customcode)) {
2169							$tmptxt .= $outputlangs->transnoentitiesnoconv("CustomCode").': '.$prod->customcode;
2170						}
2171						if (!empty($prod->customcode) && !empty($prod->country_code)) {
2172							$tmptxt .= ' - ';
2173						}
2174						if (!empty($prod->country_code)) {
2175							$tmptxt .= $outputlangs->transnoentitiesnoconv("CountryOrigin").': '.getCountry($prod->country_code, 0, $db, $outputlangs, 0);
2176						}
2177					} else {
2178						if (!empty($prod->customcode)) {
2179							$tmptxt .= $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("CustomCode").': '.$prod->customcode;
2180						}
2181						if (!empty($prod->customcode) && !empty($prod->country_code)) {
2182							$tmptxt .= ' - ';
2183						}
2184						if (!empty($prod->country_code)) {
2185							$tmptxt .= $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("CountryOrigin").': '.getCountry($prod->country_code, 0, $db, $langs, 0);
2186						}
2187					}
2188					$tmptxt .= ')';
2189					$desc = dol_concatdesc($desc, $tmptxt);
2190				}
2192				$type = $prod->type;
2193				$fk_unit = $prod->fk_unit;
2194			} else {
2195				$pu_ht = price2num($price_ht, 'MU');
2196				$pu_ttc = price2num(GETPOST('price_ttc'), 'MU');
2197				$tva_npr = (preg_match('/\*/', $tva_tx) ? 1 : 0);
2198				$tva_tx = str_replace('*', '', $tva_tx);
2199				if (empty($tva_tx)) {
2200					$tva_npr = 0;
2201				}
2202				$label = (GETPOST('product_label') ? GETPOST('product_label') : '');
2203				$desc = $product_desc;
2204				$type = GETPOST('type');
2205				$fk_unit = GETPOST('units', 'alpha');
2206				$pu_ht_devise = price2num($price_ht_devise, 'MU');
2207			}
2209			// Margin
2210			$fournprice = price2num(GETPOST('fournprice'.$predef) ? GETPOST('fournprice'.$predef) : '');
2211			$buyingprice = price2num(GETPOST('buying_price'.$predef) != '' ? GETPOST('buying_price'.$predef) : ''); // If buying_price is '0', we must keep this value
2213			// Local Taxes
2214			$localtax1_tx = get_localtax($tva_tx, 1, $object->thirdparty, $mysoc, $tva_npr);
2215			$localtax2_tx = get_localtax($tva_tx, 2, $object->thirdparty, $mysoc, $tva_npr);
2217			$info_bits = 0;
2218			if ($tva_npr) {
2219				$info_bits |= 0x01;
2220			}
2222			$price2num_pu_ht = price2num($pu_ht);
2223			$price2num_remise_percent = price2num($remise_percent);
2224			$price2num_price_min = price2num($price_min);
2225			if (empty($price2num_pu_ht)) {
2226				$price2num_pu_ht = 0;
2227			}
2228			if (empty($price2num_remise_percent)) {
2229				$price2num_remise_percent = 0;
2230			}
2231			if (empty($price2num_price_min)) {
2232				$price2num_price_min = 0;
2233			}
2235			if ($usercanproductignorepricemin && (!empty($price_min) && ($price2num_pu_ht * (1 - $price2num_remise_percent / 100) < $price2num_price_min))) {
2236				$mesg = $langs->trans("CantBeLessThanMinPrice", price(price2num($price_min, 'MU'), 0, $langs, 0, 0, - 1, $conf->currency));
2237				setEventMessages($mesg, null, 'errors');
2238			} else {
2239				// Add batchinfo if the detail_batch array is defined
2240				if (!empty($conf->productbatch->enabled) && !empty($lines[$i]->detail_batch) && is_array($lines[$i]->detail_batch) && !empty($conf->global->INVOICE_INCUDE_DETAILS_OF_LOTS_SERIALS)) {
2241					$langs->load('productbatch');
2242					foreach ($lines[$i]->detail_batch as $batchline) {
2243						$desc .= ' '.$langs->trans('Batch').' '.$batchline->batch.' '.$langs->trans('printQty', $batchline->qty).' ';
2244					}
2245				}
2247				// Insert line
2248				$result = $object->addline($desc, $pu_ht, $qty, $tva_tx, $localtax1_tx, $localtax2_tx, $idprod, $remise_percent, $date_start, $date_end, 0, $info_bits, '', $price_base_type, $pu_ttc, $type, - 1, $special_code, '', 0, GETPOST('fk_parent_line'), $fournprice, $buyingprice, $label, $array_options, $_POST['progress'], '', $fk_unit, $pu_ht_devise);
2250				if ($result > 0) {
2251					// Define output language and generate document
2252					if (empty($conf->global->MAIN_DISABLE_PDF_AUTOUPDATE)) {
2253						$outputlangs = $langs;
2254						$newlang = '';
2255						if ($conf->global->MAIN_MULTILANGS && empty($newlang) && GETPOST('lang_id', 'aZ09')) {
2256							$newlang = GETPOST('lang_id', 'aZ09');
2257						}
2258						if ($conf->global->MAIN_MULTILANGS && empty($newlang)) {
2259							$newlang = $object->thirdparty->default_lang;
2260						}
2261						if (!empty($newlang)) {
2262							$outputlangs = new Translate("", $conf);
2263							$outputlangs->setDefaultLang($newlang);
2264							$outputlangs->load('products');
2265						}
2266						$model = $object->model_pdf;
2267						$ret = $object->fetch($id); // Reload to get new records
2269						$result = $object->generateDocument($model, $outputlangs, $hidedetails, $hidedesc, $hideref);
2270						if ($result < 0) {
2271							setEventMessages($object->error, $object->errors, 'errors');
2272						}
2273					}
2275					unset($_POST['prod_entry_mode']);
2277					unset($_POST['qty']);
2278					unset($_POST['type']);
2279					unset($_POST['remise_percent']);
2280					unset($_POST['price_ht']);
2281					unset($_POST['multicurrency_price_ht']);
2282					unset($_POST['price_ttc']);
2283					unset($_POST['tva_tx']);
2284					unset($_POST['product_ref']);
2285					unset($_POST['product_label']);
2286					unset($_POST['product_desc']);
2287					unset($_POST['fournprice']);
2288					unset($_POST['buying_price']);
2289					unset($_POST['np_marginRate']);
2290					unset($_POST['np_markRate']);
2291					unset($_POST['dp_desc']);
2292					unset($_POST['idprod']);
2293					unset($_POST['units']);
2295					unset($_POST['date_starthour']);
2296					unset($_POST['date_startmin']);
2297					unset($_POST['date_startsec']);
2298					unset($_POST['date_startday']);
2299					unset($_POST['date_startmonth']);
2300					unset($_POST['date_startyear']);
2301					unset($_POST['date_endhour']);
2302					unset($_POST['date_endmin']);
2303					unset($_POST['date_endsec']);
2304					unset($_POST['date_endday']);
2305					unset($_POST['date_endmonth']);
2306					unset($_POST['date_endyear']);
2308					unset($_POST['situations']);
2309					unset($_POST['progress']);
2310				} else {
2311					setEventMessages($object->error, $object->errors, 'errors');
2312				}
2314				$action = '';
2315			}
2316		}
2317	} elseif ($action == 'updateline' && $usercancreate && !GETPOST('cancel', 'alpha')) {
2318		if (!$object->fetch($id) > 0) {
2319			dol_print_error($db);
2320		}
2321		$object->fetch_thirdparty();
2323		// Clean parameters
2324		$date_start = '';
2325		$date_end = '';
2326		$date_start = dol_mktime(GETPOST('date_starthour'), GETPOST('date_startmin'), GETPOST('date_startsec'), GETPOST('date_startmonth'), GETPOST('date_startday'), GETPOST('date_startyear'));
2327		$date_end = dol_mktime(GETPOST('date_endhour'), GETPOST('date_endmin'), GETPOST('date_endsec'), GETPOST('date_endmonth'), GETPOST('date_endday'), GETPOST('date_endyear'));
2328		$description = dol_htmlcleanlastbr(GETPOST('product_desc', 'restricthtml') ? GETPOST('product_desc', 'restricthtml') : GETPOST('desc', 'restricthtml'));
2329		$pu_ht = price2num(GETPOST('price_ht'), '', 2);
2330		$vat_rate = (GETPOST('tva_tx') ? GETPOST('tva_tx') : 0);
2331		$qty = GETPOST('qty');
2332		$pu_ht_devise = price2num(GETPOST('multicurrency_subprice'), '', 2);
2334		// Define info_bits
2335		$info_bits = 0;
2336		if (preg_match('/\*/', $vat_rate)) {
2337			$info_bits |= 0x01;
2338		}
2340		// Define vat_rate
2341		$vat_rate = str_replace('*', '', $vat_rate);
2342		$localtax1_rate = get_localtax($vat_rate, 1, $object->thirdparty);
2343		$localtax2_rate = get_localtax($vat_rate, 2, $object->thirdparty);
2345		// Add buying price
2346		$fournprice = price2num(GETPOST('fournprice') ? GETPOST('fournprice') : '');
2347		$buyingprice = price2num(GETPOST('buying_price') != '' ? GETPOST('buying_price') : ''); // If buying_price is '0', we muste keep this value
2349		// Extrafields
2350		$extralabelsline = $extrafields->fetch_name_optionals_label($object->table_element_line);
2351		$array_options = $extrafields->getOptionalsFromPost($object->table_element_line);
2352		// Unset extrafield
2353		if (is_array($extralabelsline)) {
2354			// Get extra fields
2355			foreach ($extralabelsline as $key => $value) {
2356				unset($_POST["options_".$key]);
2357			}
2358		}
2360		// Define special_code for special lines
2361		$special_code = GETPOST('special_code');
2362		if (!GETPOST('qty')) {
2363			$special_code = 3;
2364		}
2366		$line = new FactureLigne($db);
2367		$line->fetch(GETPOST('lineid', 'int'));
2368		$percent = $line->get_prev_progress($object->id);
2369		$progress = price2num(GETPOST('progress', 'alpha'));
2371		if ($object->type == Facture::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE && $object->situation_cycle_ref > 0) {
2372			// in case of situation credit note
2373			if ($progress >= 0) {
2374				$mesg = $langs->trans("CantBeNullOrPositive");
2375				setEventMessages($mesg, null, 'warnings');
2376				$error++;
2377				$result = -1;
2378			} elseif ($progress < $line->situation_percent) { // TODO : use a modified $line->get_prev_progress($object->id) result
2379				$mesg = $langs->trans("CantBeLessThanMinPercent");
2380				setEventMessages($mesg, null, 'warnings');
2381				$error++;
2382				$result = -1;
2383			} elseif ($progress < $percent) {
2384				$mesg = '<div class="warning">'.$langs->trans("CantBeLessThanMinPercent").'</div>';
2385				setEventMessages($mesg, null, 'warnings');
2386				$error++;
2387				$result = -1;
2388			}
2389		}
2391		$remise_percent = price2num(GETPOST('remise_percent'), '', 2);
2393		// Check minimum price
2394		$productid = GETPOST('productid', 'int');
2395		if (!empty($productid)) {
2396			$product = new Product($db);
2397			$product->fetch($productid);
2399			$type = $product->type;
2401			$price_min = $product->price_min;
2402			if ((!empty($conf->global->PRODUIT_MULTIPRICES) || !empty($conf->global->PRODUIT_CUSTOMER_PRICES_BY_QTY_MULTIPRICES)) && !empty($object->thirdparty->price_level)) {
2403				$price_min = $product->multiprices_min [$object->thirdparty->price_level];
2404			}
2406			$label = ((GETPOST('update_label') && GETPOST('product_label')) ? GETPOST('product_label') : '');
2408			// Check price is not lower than minimum (check is done only for standard or replacement invoices)
2409			if ($usercanproductignorepricemin && (($object->type == Facture::TYPE_STANDARD || $object->type == Facture::TYPE_REPLACEMENT) && $price_min && (price2num($pu_ht) * (1 - $remise_percent / 100) < price2num($price_min)))) {
2410				setEventMessages($langs->trans("CantBeLessThanMinPrice", price(price2num($price_min, 'MU'), 0, $langs, 0, 0, - 1, $conf->currency)), null, 'errors');
2411				$error++;
2412			}
2413		} else {
2414			$type = GETPOST('type');
2415			$label = (GETPOST('product_label') ? GETPOST('product_label') : '');
2417			// Check parameters
2418			if (GETPOST('type') < 0) {
2419				setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorFieldRequired", $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("Type")), null, 'errors');
2420				$error++;
2421			}
2422		}
2423		if ($qty < 0) {
2424			$langs->load("errors");
2425			setEventMessages($langs->trans('ErrorQtyForCustomerInvoiceCantBeNegative'), null, 'errors');
2426			$error++;
2427		}
2428		if ((empty($productid) && (($pu_ht < 0 && empty($conf->global->FACTURE_ENABLE_NEGATIVE_LINES)) || $pu_ht == '') && $pu_ht_devise == '') && $object->type != Facture::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE) { 	// Unit price can be 0 but not ''
2429			if ($pu_ht < 0 && empty($conf->global->FACTURE_ENABLE_NEGATIVE_LINES)) {
2430				$langs->load("errors");
2431				if ($object->type == $object::TYPE_DEPOSIT) {
2432					// Using negative lines on deposit lead to headach and blocking problems when you want to consume them.
2433					setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorLinesCantBeNegativeOnDeposits"), null, 'errors');
2434				} else {
2435					setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorFieldCantBeNegativeOnInvoice", $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("UnitPriceHT"), $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("CustomerAbsoluteDiscountShort")), null, 'errors');
2436				}
2437				$error++;
2438			} else {
2439				setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorFieldRequired", $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("UnitPriceHT")), null, 'errors');
2440				$error++;
2441			}
2442		}
2445		// Update line
2446		if (!$error) {
2447			if (empty($usercancreatemargin)) {
2448				foreach ($object->lines as &$line) {
2449					if ($line->id == GETPOST('lineid', 'int')) {
2450						$fournprice = $line->fk_fournprice;
2451						$buyingprice = $line->pa_ht;
2452						break;
2453					}
2454				}
2455			}
2457			$result = $object->updateline(
2458				GETPOST('lineid', 'int'),
2459				$description,
2460				$pu_ht,
2461				$qty,
2462				$remise_percent,
2463				$date_start,
2464				$date_end,
2465				$vat_rate,
2466				$localtax1_rate,
2467				$localtax2_rate,
2468				'HT',
2469				$info_bits,
2470				$type,
2471				GETPOST('fk_parent_line', 'int'),
2472				0,
2473				$fournprice,
2474				$buyingprice,
2475				$label,
2476				$special_code,
2477				$array_options,
2478				price2num(GETPOST('progress', 'alpha')),
2479				GETPOST('units', 'alpha'),
2480				$pu_ht_devise
2481			);
2483			if ($result >= 0) {
2484				if (empty($conf->global->MAIN_DISABLE_PDF_AUTOUPDATE)) {
2485					// Define output language
2486					$outputlangs = $langs;
2487					$newlang = '';
2488					if ($conf->global->MAIN_MULTILANGS && empty($newlang) && GETPOST('lang_id', 'aZ09')) {
2489						$newlang = GETPOST('lang_id', 'aZ09');
2490					}
2491					if ($conf->global->MAIN_MULTILANGS && empty($newlang)) {
2492						$newlang = $object->thirdparty->default_lang;
2493					}
2494					if (!empty($newlang)) {
2495						$outputlangs = new Translate("", $conf);
2496						$outputlangs->setDefaultLang($newlang);
2497						$outputlangs->load('products');
2498					}
2500					$ret = $object->fetch($id); // Reload to get new records
2501					$object->generateDocument($object->model_pdf, $outputlangs, $hidedetails, $hidedesc, $hideref);
2502				}
2504				unset($_POST['qty']);
2505				unset($_POST['type']);
2506				unset($_POST['productid']);
2507				unset($_POST['remise_percent']);
2508				unset($_POST['price_ht']);
2509				unset($_POST['multicurrency_price_ht']);
2510				unset($_POST['price_ttc']);
2511				unset($_POST['tva_tx']);
2512				unset($_POST['product_ref']);
2513				unset($_POST['product_label']);
2514				unset($_POST['product_desc']);
2515				unset($_POST['fournprice']);
2516				unset($_POST['buying_price']);
2517				unset($_POST['np_marginRate']);
2518				unset($_POST['np_markRate']);
2520				unset($_POST['dp_desc']);
2521				unset($_POST['idprod']);
2522				unset($_POST['units']);
2524				unset($_POST['date_starthour']);
2525				unset($_POST['date_startmin']);
2526				unset($_POST['date_startsec']);
2527				unset($_POST['date_startday']);
2528				unset($_POST['date_startmonth']);
2529				unset($_POST['date_startyear']);
2530				unset($_POST['date_endhour']);
2531				unset($_POST['date_endmin']);
2532				unset($_POST['date_endsec']);
2533				unset($_POST['date_endday']);
2534				unset($_POST['date_endmonth']);
2535				unset($_POST['date_endyear']);
2537				unset($_POST['situations']);
2538				unset($_POST['progress']);
2539			} else {
2540				setEventMessages($object->error, $object->errors, 'errors');
2541			}
2542		}
2543	} elseif ($action == 'updatealllines' && $usercancreate && $_POST['all_percent'] == $langs->trans('Modifier')) {	// Update all lines of situation invoice
2544		if (!$object->fetch($id) > 0) {
2545			dol_print_error($db);
2546		}
2547		if (GETPOST('all_progress') != "") {
2548			$all_progress = GETPOST('all_progress', 'int');
2549			foreach ($object->lines as $line) {
2550				$percent = $line->get_prev_progress($object->id);
2551				if (floatval($all_progress) < floatval($percent)) {
2552					$mesg = $langs->trans("Line").' '.$i.' : '.$langs->trans("CantBeLessThanMinPercent");
2553					setEventMessages($mesg, null, 'warnings');
2554					$result = -1;
2555				} else {
2556					$object->update_percent($line, $_POST['all_progress']);
2557				}
2558			}
2559		}
2560	} elseif ($action == 'updateline' && $usercancreate && $_POST['cancel'] == $langs->trans("Cancel")) {
2561		header('Location: '.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?facid='.$id); // To show again edited page
2562		exit();
2563	} elseif ($action == 'confirm_situationout' && $confirm == 'yes' && $usercancreate) {
2564		// Outing situation invoice from cycle
2565		$object->fetch($id, '', '', '', true);
2567		if (in_array($object->statut, array(Facture::STATUS_CLOSED, Facture::STATUS_VALIDATED))
2568			&& $object->type == Facture::TYPE_SITUATION
2569			&& $usercancreate
2570			&& !$objectidnext
2571			&& $object->is_last_in_cycle()
2572			&& $usercanunvalidate
2573			) {
2574			$outingError = 0;
2575			$newCycle = $object->newCycle(); // we need to keep the "situation behavior" so we place it on a new situation cycle
2576			if ($newCycle > 1) {
2577				// Search credit notes
2578				$lastCycle = $object->situation_cycle_ref;
2579				$lastSituationCounter = $object->situation_counter;
2580				$linkedCreditNotesList = array();
2582				if (count($object->tab_next_situation_invoice) > 0) {
2583					foreach ($object->tab_next_situation_invoice as $next_invoice) {
2584						if ($next_invoice->type == Facture::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE
2585							&& $next_invoice->situation_counter == $object->situation_counter
2586							&& $next_invoice->fk_facture_source == $object->id
2587						  ) {
2588							$linkedCreditNotesList[] = $next_invoice->id;
2589						}
2590					}
2591				}
2593				$object->situation_cycle_ref = $newCycle;
2594				$object->situation_counter = 1;
2595				$object->situation_final = 0;
2596				if ($object->update($user) > 0) {
2597					$errors = 0;
2598					if (count($linkedCreditNotesList) > 0) {
2599						// now, credit note must follow
2600						$sql = 'UPDATE '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'facture ';
2601						$sql .= ' SET situation_cycle_ref='.$newCycle;
2602						$sql .= ' , situation_final=0';
2603						$sql .= ' , situation_counter='.$object->situation_counter;
2604						$sql .= ' WHERE rowid IN ('.$db->sanitize(implode(',', $linkedCreditNotesList)).')';
2606						$resql = $db->query($sql);
2607						if (!$resql) {
2608							$errors++;
2609						}
2611						// Change each progression persent on each lines
2612						foreach ($object->lines as $line) {
2613							// no traitement for special product
2614							if ($line->product_type == 9) {
2615								continue;
2616							}
2619							if (!empty($object->tab_previous_situation_invoice)) {
2620								// search the last invoice in cycle
2621								$lineIndex = count($object->tab_previous_situation_invoice) - 1;
2622								$searchPreviousInvoice = true;
2623								while ($searchPreviousInvoice) {
2624									if ($object->tab_previous_situation_invoice[$lineIndex]->type == Facture::TYPE_SITUATION || $lineIndex < 1) {
2625										$searchPreviousInvoice = false; // find, exit;
2626										break;
2627									} else {
2628										$lineIndex--; // go to previous invoice in cycle
2629									}
2630								}
2633								$maxPrevSituationPercent = 0;
2634								foreach ($object->tab_previous_situation_invoice[$lineIndex]->lines as $prevLine) {
2635									if ($prevLine->id == $line->fk_prev_id) {
2636										$maxPrevSituationPercent = max($maxPrevSituationPercent, $prevLine->situation_percent);
2637									}
2638								}
2641								$line->situation_percent = $line->situation_percent - $maxPrevSituationPercent;
2643								if ($line->update() < 0) {
2644									$errors++;
2645								}
2646							}
2647						}
2648					}
2650					if (!$errors) {
2651						setEventMessages($langs->trans('Updated'), '', 'mesgs');
2652						header("Location: ".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?id=".$id);
2653					} else {
2654						setEventMessages($langs->trans('ErrorOutingSituationInvoiceCreditNote'), array(), 'errors');
2655					}
2656				} else {
2657					setEventMessages($langs->trans('ErrorOutingSituationInvoiceOnUpdate'), array(), 'errors');
2658				}
2659			} else {
2660				setEventMessages($langs->trans('ErrorFindNextSituationInvoice'), array(), 'errors');
2661			}
2662		}
2663	} elseif ($action == 'import_lines_from_object'
2664		&& $usercancreate
2665		&& $object->statut == Facture::STATUS_DRAFT
2666		&& ($object->type == Facture::TYPE_STANDARD || $object->type == Facture::TYPE_REPLACEMENT || $object->type == Facture::TYPE_DEPOSIT || $object->type == Facture::TYPE_PROFORMA || $object->type == Facture::TYPE_SITUATION)) {
2667		// add lines from objectlinked
2668		$fromElement = GETPOST('fromelement');
2669		$fromElementid = GETPOST('fromelementid');
2670		$importLines = GETPOST('line_checkbox');
2672		if (!empty($importLines) && is_array($importLines) && !empty($fromElement) && ctype_alpha($fromElement) && !empty($fromElementid)) {
2673			if ($fromElement == 'commande') {
2674				dol_include_once('/'.$fromElement.'/class/'.$fromElement.'.class.php');
2675				$lineClassName = 'OrderLine';
2676			} elseif ($fromElement == 'propal') {
2677				dol_include_once('/comm/'.$fromElement.'/class/'.$fromElement.'.class.php');
2678				$lineClassName = 'PropaleLigne';
2679			}
2680			$nextRang = count($object->lines) + 1;
2681			$importCount = 0;
2682			$error = 0;
2683			foreach ($importLines as $lineId) {
2684				$lineId = intval($lineId);
2685				$originLine = new $lineClassName($db);
2686				if (intval($fromElementid) > 0 && $originLine->fetch($lineId) > 0) {
2687					$originLine->fetch_optionals();
2688					$desc = $originLine->desc;
2689					$pu_ht = $originLine->subprice;
2690					$qty = $originLine->qty;
2691					$txtva = $originLine->tva_tx;
2692					$txlocaltax1 = $originLine->localtax1_tx;
2693					$txlocaltax2 = $originLine->localtax2_tx;
2694					$fk_product = $originLine->fk_product;
2695					$remise_percent = $originLine->remise_percent;
2696					$date_start = $originLine->date_start;
2697					$date_end = $originLine->date_end;
2698					$ventil = 0;
2699					$info_bits = $originLine->info_bits;
2700					$fk_remise_except = $originLine->fk_remise_except;
2701					$price_base_type = 'HT';
2702					$pu_ttc = 0;
2703					$type = $originLine->product_type;
2704					$rang = $nextRang++;
2705					$special_code = $originLine->special_code;
2706					$origin = $originLine->element;
2707					$origin_id = $originLine->id;
2708					$fk_parent_line = 0;
2709					$fk_fournprice = $originLine->fk_fournprice;
2710					$pa_ht = $originLine->pa_ht;
2711					$label = $originLine->label;
2712					$array_options = $originLine->array_options;
2713					if ($object->type == Facture::TYPE_SITUATION) {
2714						$situation_percent = 0;
2715					} else {
2716						$situation_percent = 100;
2717					}
2718					$fk_prev_id = '';
2719					$fk_unit = $originLine->fk_unit;
2720					$pu_ht_devise = $originLine->multicurrency_subprice;
2722					$res = $object->addline($desc, $pu_ht, $qty, $txtva, $txlocaltax1, $txlocaltax2, $fk_product, $remise_percent, $date_start, $date_end, $ventil, $info_bits, $fk_remise_except, $price_base_type, $pu_ttc, $type, $rang, $special_code, $origin, $origin_id, $fk_parent_line, $fk_fournprice, $pa_ht, $label, $array_options, $situation_percent, $fk_prev_id, $fk_unit, $pu_ht_devise);
2724					if ($res > 0) {
2725						$importCount++;
2726					} else {
2727						$error++;
2728					}
2729				} else {
2730					$error++;
2731				}
2732			}
2734			if ($error) {
2735				setEventMessages($langs->trans('ErrorsOnXLines', $error), null, 'errors');
2736			}
2737		}
2738	}
2740	// Actions when printing a doc from card
2741	include DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/actions_printing.inc.php';
2743	// Actions to send emails
2744	if (empty($id)) {
2745		$id = $facid;
2746	}
2747	$triggersendname = 'BILL_SENTBYMAIL';
2748	$paramname = 'id';
2750	$trackid = 'inv'.$object->id;
2751	include DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/actions_sendmails.inc.php';
2753	// Actions to build doc
2754	$upload_dir = $conf->facture->multidir_output[$object->entity];
2755	$permissiontoadd = $usercancreate;
2756	include DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/actions_builddoc.inc.php';
2759	if ($action == 'update_extras') {
2760		$object->oldcopy = dol_clone($object);
2762		// Fill array 'array_options' with data from add form
2763		$ret = $extrafields->setOptionalsFromPost(null, $object, GETPOST('attribute', 'restricthtml'));
2764		if ($ret < 0) {
2765			$error++;
2766		}
2768		if (!$error) {
2769			// Actions on extra fields
2770			$result = $object->insertExtraFields('BILL_MODIFY');
2771			if ($result < 0) {
2772				setEventMessages($object->error, $object->errors, 'errors');
2773				$error++;
2774			}
2775		}
2777		if ($error) {
2778			$action = 'edit_extras';
2779		}
2780	}
2782	if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_DISABLE_CONTACTS_TAB) && $usercancreate) {
2783		if ($action == 'addcontact') {
2784			$result = $object->fetch($id);
2786			if ($result > 0 && $id > 0) {
2787				$contactid = (GETPOST('userid') ? GETPOST('userid') : GETPOST('contactid'));
2788				$typeid = (GETPOST('typecontact') ? GETPOST('typecontact') : GETPOST('type'));
2789				$result = $object->add_contact($contactid, $typeid, GETPOST("source", 'aZ09'));
2790			}
2792			if ($result >= 0) {
2793				header("Location: ".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?id=".$object->id);
2794				exit();
2795			} else {
2796				if ($object->error == 'DB_ERROR_RECORD_ALREADY_EXISTS') {
2797					$langs->load("errors");
2798					setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorThisContactIsAlreadyDefinedAsThisType"), null, 'errors');
2799				} else {
2800					setEventMessages($object->error, $object->errors, 'errors');
2801				}
2802			}
2803		} elseif ($action == 'swapstatut') {
2804			// bascule du statut d'un contact
2805			if ($object->fetch($id)) {
2806				$result = $object->swapContactStatus(GETPOST('ligne', 'int'));
2807			} else {
2808				dol_print_error($db);
2809			}
2810		} elseif ($action == 'deletecontact') {
2811			// Efface un contact
2812			$object->fetch($id);
2813			$result = $object->delete_contact($lineid);
2815			if ($result >= 0) {
2816				header("Location: ".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?id=".$object->id);
2817				exit();
2818			} else {
2819				dol_print_error($db);
2820			}
2821		}
2823		if ($error) {
2824			$action = 'edit_extras';
2825		}
2826	}
2831 * View
2832 */
2834$form = new Form($db);
2835$formother = new FormOther($db);
2836$formfile = new FormFile($db);
2837$formmargin = new FormMargin($db);
2838$soc = new Societe($db);
2839$paymentstatic = new Paiement($db);
2840$bankaccountstatic = new Account($db);
2841if (!empty($conf->projet->enabled)) {
2842	$formproject = new FormProjets($db);
2845$now = dol_now();
2847$title = $langs->trans('InvoiceCustomer')." - ".$langs->trans('Card');
2849$help_url = "EN:Customers_Invoices|FR:Factures_Clients|ES:Facturas_a_clientes";
2851llxHeader('', $title, $help_url);
2853// Mode creation
2855if ($action == 'create') {
2856	$facturestatic = new Facture($db);
2857	$extrafields->fetch_name_optionals_label($facturestatic->table_element);
2859	print load_fiche_titre($langs->trans('NewBill'), '', 'bill');
2861	if ($socid > 0) {
2862		$res = $soc->fetch($socid);
2863	}
2865	$currency_code = $conf->currency;
2867	// Load objectsrc
2868	$remise_absolue = 0;
2869	if (!empty($origin) && !empty($originid)) {
2870		// Parse element/subelement (ex: project_task)
2871		$element = $subelement = $origin;
2872		$regs = array();
2873		if (preg_match('/^([^_]+)_([^_]+)/i', $origin, $regs)) {
2874			$element = $regs[1];
2875			$subelement = $regs[2];
2876		}
2878		if ($element == 'project') {
2879			$projectid = $originid;
2881			if (empty($cond_reglement_id)) {
2882				$cond_reglement_id = $soc->cond_reglement_id;
2883			}
2884			if (empty($mode_reglement_id)) {
2885				$mode_reglement_id = $soc->mode_reglement_id;
2886			}
2887			if (!$remise_percent) {
2888				$remise_percent = $soc->remise_percent;
2889			}
2890			if (!$dateinvoice) {
2891				// Do not set 0 here (0 for a date is 1970)
2892				$dateinvoice = (empty($dateinvoice) ? (empty($conf->global->MAIN_AUTOFILL_DATE) ?-1 : '') : $dateinvoice);
2893			}
2894		} else {
2895			// For compatibility
2896			if ($element == 'order' || $element == 'commande') {
2897				$element = $subelement = 'commande';
2898			}
2899			if ($element == 'propal') {
2900				$element = 'comm/propal';
2901				$subelement = 'propal';
2902			}
2903			if ($element == 'contract') {
2904				$element = $subelement = 'contrat';
2905			}
2906			if ($element == 'shipping') {
2907				$element = $subelement = 'expedition';
2908			}
2910			dol_include_once('/'.$element.'/class/'.$subelement.'.class.php');
2912			$classname = ucfirst($subelement);
2913			$objectsrc = new $classname($db);
2914			$objectsrc->fetch($originid);
2915			if (empty($objectsrc->lines) && method_exists($objectsrc, 'fetch_lines')) {
2916				$objectsrc->fetch_lines();
2917			}
2918			$objectsrc->fetch_thirdparty();
2920			$projectid = (!empty($projectid) ? $projectid : $objectsrc->fk_project);
2921			$ref_client = (!empty($objectsrc->ref_client) ? $objectsrc->ref_client : (!empty($objectsrc->ref_customer) ? $objectsrc->ref_customer : ''));
2923			// only if socid not filled else it's allready done upper
2924			if (empty($socid)) {
2925				$soc = $objectsrc->thirdparty;
2926			}
2928			$dateinvoice = (empty($dateinvoice) ? (empty($conf->global->MAIN_AUTOFILL_DATE) ?-1 : '') : $dateinvoice);
2930			if ($element == 'expedition') {
2931				$ref_client = (!empty($objectsrc->ref_customer) ? $objectsrc->ref_customer : '');
2933				$elem = $subelem = $objectsrc->origin;
2934				$expeoriginid = $objectsrc->origin_id;
2935				dol_include_once('/'.$elem.'/class/'.$subelem.'.class.php');
2936				$classname = ucfirst($subelem);
2938				$expesrc = new $classname($db);
2939				$expesrc->fetch($expeoriginid);
2941				$cond_reglement_id 	= (!empty($expesrc->cond_reglement_id) ? $expesrc->cond_reglement_id : (!empty($soc->cond_reglement_id) ? $soc->cond_reglement_id : 1));
2942				$mode_reglement_id 	= (!empty($expesrc->mode_reglement_id) ? $expesrc->mode_reglement_id : (!empty($soc->mode_reglement_id) ? $soc->mode_reglement_id : 0));
2943				$fk_account         = (!empty($expesrc->fk_account) ? $expesrc->fk_account : (!empty($soc->fk_account) ? $soc->fk_account : 0));
2944				$remise_percent 	= (!empty($expesrc->remise_percent) ? $expesrc->remise_percent : (!empty($soc->remise_percent) ? $soc->remise_percent : 0));
2945				$remise_absolue 	= (!empty($expesrc->remise_absolue) ? $expesrc->remise_absolue : (!empty($soc->remise_absolue) ? $soc->remise_absolue : 0));
2947				//Replicate extrafields
2948				$expesrc->fetch_optionals();
2949				$object->array_options = $expesrc->array_options;
2950			} else {
2951				$cond_reglement_id 	= (!empty($objectsrc->cond_reglement_id) ? $objectsrc->cond_reglement_id : (!empty($soc->cond_reglement_id) ? $soc->cond_reglement_id : 0));
2952				$mode_reglement_id 	= (!empty($objectsrc->mode_reglement_id) ? $objectsrc->mode_reglement_id : (!empty($soc->mode_reglement_id) ? $soc->mode_reglement_id : 0));
2953				$fk_account         = (!empty($objectsrc->fk_account) ? $objectsrc->fk_account : (!empty($soc->fk_account) ? $soc->fk_account : 0));
2954				$remise_percent 	= (!empty($objectsrc->remise_percent) ? $objectsrc->remise_percent : (!empty($soc->remise_percent) ? $soc->remise_percent : 0));
2955				$remise_absolue 	= (!empty($objectsrc->remise_absolue) ? $objectsrc->remise_absolue : (!empty($soc->remise_absolue) ? $soc->remise_absolue : 0));
2957				if (!empty($conf->multicurrency->enabled)) {
2958					if (!empty($objectsrc->multicurrency_code)) {
2959						$currency_code = $objectsrc->multicurrency_code;
2960					}
2961					if (!empty($conf->global->MULTICURRENCY_USE_ORIGIN_TX) && !empty($objectsrc->multicurrency_tx)) {
2962						$currency_tx = $objectsrc->multicurrency_tx;
2963					}
2964				}
2966				// Replicate extrafields
2967				$objectsrc->fetch_optionals();
2968				$object->array_options = $objectsrc->array_options;
2969			}
2970		}
2971	} else {
2972		$cond_reglement_id 	= $soc->cond_reglement_id;
2973		$mode_reglement_id 	= $soc->mode_reglement_id;
2974		$fk_account        	= $soc->fk_account;
2975		$remise_percent 	= $soc->remise_percent;
2976		$remise_absolue 	= 0;
2977		$dateinvoice = (empty($dateinvoice) ? (empty($conf->global->MAIN_AUTOFILL_DATE) ?-1 : '') : $dateinvoice); // Do not set 0 here (0 for a date is 1970)
2979		if (!empty($conf->multicurrency->enabled) && !empty($soc->multicurrency_code)) {
2980			$currency_code = $soc->multicurrency_code;
2981		}
2982	}
2984	// when payment condition is empty (means not override by payment condition form a other object, like third-party), try to use default value
2985	if (empty($cond_reglement_id)) {
2986		$cond_reglement_id = GETPOST("cond_reglement_id", 'int');
2987	}
2989	// when payment mode is empty (means not override by payment mode form a other object, like third-party), try to use default value
2990	if (empty($mode_reglement_id)) {
2991		$mode_reglement_id = GETPOST("mode_reglement_id", 'int');
2992	}
2994	if (!empty($soc->id)) {
2995		$absolute_discount = $soc->getAvailableDiscounts();
2996	}
2997	$note_public = $object->getDefaultCreateValueFor('note_public', ((!empty($origin) && !empty($originid) && is_object($objectsrc) && !empty($conf->global->FACTURE_REUSE_NOTES_ON_CREATE_FROM)) ? $objectsrc->note_public : null));
2998	$note_private = $object->getDefaultCreateValueFor('note_private', ((!empty($origin) && !empty($originid) && is_object($objectsrc) && !empty($conf->global->FACTURE_REUSE_NOTES_ON_CREATE_FROM)) ? $objectsrc->note_private : null));
3000	if (!empty($conf->use_javascript_ajax)) {
3001		require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/ajax.lib.php';
3002		print ajax_combobox('fac_replacement');
3003		print ajax_combobox('fac_avoir');
3004		print ajax_combobox('situations');
3005	}
3007	if ($origin == 'contrat') {
3008		$langs->load("admin");
3009		$text = $langs->trans("ToCreateARecurringInvoice");
3010		$text .= ' '.$langs->trans("ToCreateARecurringInvoiceGene", $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("MenuFinancial"), $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("BillsCustomers"), $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("ListOfTemplates"));
3011		if (empty($conf->global->INVOICE_DISABLE_AUTOMATIC_RECURRING_INVOICE)) {
3012			$text .= ' '.$langs->trans("ToCreateARecurringInvoiceGeneAuto", $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv('Module2300Name'));
3013		}
3014		print info_admin($text, 0, 0, 0).'<br>';
3015	}
3017	print '<form name="add" action="'.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'" method="POST" id="formtocreate" name="formtocreate">';
3018	print '<input type="hidden" name="token" value="'.newToken().'">';
3019	print '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="add">';
3020	if ($soc->id > 0) {
3021		print '<input type="hidden" name="socid" value="'.$soc->id.'">'."\n";
3022	}
3023	print '<input name="ref" type="hidden" value="provisoire">';
3024	print '<input name="ref_client" type="hidden" value="'.$ref_client.'">';
3025	print '<input name="force_cond_reglement_id" type="hidden" value="0">';
3026	print '<input name="force_mode_reglement_id" type="hidden" value="0">';
3027	print '<input name="force_fk_account" type="hidden" value="0">';
3028	print '<input type="hidden" name="origin" value="'.$origin.'">';
3029	print '<input type="hidden" name="originid" value="'.$originid.'">';
3030	print '<input type="hidden" name="originentity" value="'.GETPOST('originentity').'">';
3031	if (!empty($currency_tx)) {
3032		print '<input type="hidden" name="originmulticurrency_tx" value="'.$currency_tx.'">';
3033	}
3035	print dol_get_fiche_head('');
3037	print '<table class="border centpercent">';
3039	// Ref
3040	//print '<tr><td class="titlefieldcreate fieldrequired">'.$langs->trans('Ref').'</td><td colspan="2">'.$langs->trans('Draft').'</td></tr>';
3042	$exampletemplateinvoice = new FactureRec($db);
3043	$invoice_predefined = new FactureRec($db);
3044	if (empty($origin) && empty($originid) && GETPOST('fac_rec', 'int') > 0) {
3045		$invoice_predefined->fetch(GETPOST('fac_rec', 'int'));
3046	}
3048	// Thirdparty
3049	if ($soc->id > 0 && (!GETPOST('fac_rec', 'int') || !empty($invoice_predefined->frequency))) {
3050		// If thirdparty known and not a predefined invoiced without a recurring rule
3051		print '<tr><td class="fieldrequired">'.$langs->trans('Customer').'</td>';
3052		print '<td colspan="2">';
3053		print $soc->getNomUrl(1);
3054		print '<input type="hidden" name="socid" value="'.$soc->id.'">';
3055		// Outstanding Bill
3056		$arrayoutstandingbills = $soc->getOutstandingBills();
3057		$outstandingBills = $arrayoutstandingbills['opened'];
3058		print ' - <span class="opacitymedium">'.$langs->trans('CurrentOutstandingBill').':</span> ';
3059		print price($outstandingBills, '', $langs, 0, 0, -1, $conf->currency);
3060		if ($soc->outstanding_limit != '') {
3061			if ($outstandingBills > $soc->outstanding_limit) {
3062				print img_warning($langs->trans("OutstandingBillReached"));
3063			}
3064			print ' / '.price($soc->outstanding_limit, '', $langs, 0, 0, -1, $conf->currency);
3065		}
3066		print '</td>';
3067		print '</tr>'."\n";
3068	} else {
3069		print '<tr><td class="fieldrequired">'.$langs->trans('Customer').'</td>';
3070		print '<td colspan="2">';
3071		print img_picto('', 'company').$form->select_company($soc->id, 'socid', '((s.client = 1 OR s.client = 3) AND s.status=1)', 'SelectThirdParty', 0, 0, null, 0, 'minwidth300 widthcentpercentminusxx maxwidth500');
3072		// Option to reload page to retrieve customer informations.
3073		if (empty($conf->global->RELOAD_PAGE_ON_CUSTOMER_CHANGE_DISABLED)) {
3074			print '<script type="text/javascript">
3075			$(document).ready(function() {
3076				$("#socid").change(function() {
3077					/*
3078					console.log("Submit page");
3079					$(\'input[name="action"]\').val(\'create\');
3080					$(\'input[name="force_cond_reglement_id"]\').val(\'1\');
3081					$(\'input[name="force_mode_reglement_id"]\').val(\'1\');
3082					$(\'input[name="force_fk_account"]\').val(\'1\');
3083					$("#formtocreate").submit(); */
3085   					// For company change, we must reuse data of comany, not input already done, so we call a GET with action=create, not a POST submit.
3086					console.log("We have changed the company - Reload page");
3087					var socid = $(this).val();
3088			        var fac_rec = $(\'#fac_rec\').val();
3089        			window.location.href = "'.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?action=create&socid="+socid+"&fac_rec="+fac_rec;
3090				});
3091			});
3092			</script>';
3093		}
3094		if (!GETPOST('fac_rec', 'int')) {
3095			print ' <a href="'.DOL_URL_ROOT.'/societe/card.php?action=create&client=3&fournisseur=0&backtopage='.urlencode($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?action=create').'"><span class="fa fa-plus-circle valignmiddle paddingleft" title="'.$langs->trans("AddThirdParty").'"></span></a>';
3096		}
3097		print '</td>';
3098		print '</tr>'."\n";
3099	}
3101	// Overwrite some values if creation of invoice is from a predefined invoice
3102	if (empty($origin) && empty($originid) && GETPOST('fac_rec', 'int') > 0) {
3103		$invoice_predefined->fetch(GETPOST('fac_rec', 'int'));
3105		$dateinvoice = $invoice_predefined->date_when; // To use next gen date by default later
3106		if (empty($projectid)) {
3107			$projectid = $invoice_predefined->fk_project;
3108		}
3109		$cond_reglement_id = $invoice_predefined->cond_reglement_id;
3110		$mode_reglement_id = $invoice_predefined->mode_reglement_id;
3111		$fk_account = $invoice_predefined->fk_account;
3112		$note_public = $invoice_predefined->note_public;
3113		$note_private = $invoice_predefined->note_private;
3115		if (!empty($invoice_predefined->multicurrency_code)) {
3116			$currency_code = $invoice_predefined->multicurrency_code;
3117		}
3118		if (!empty($invoice_predefined->multicurrency_tx)) {
3119			$currency_tx = $invoice_predefined->multicurrency_tx;
3120		}
3122		$sql = 'SELECT r.rowid, r.titre as title, r.total_ttc';
3123		$sql .= ' FROM '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'facture_rec as r';
3124		$sql .= ' WHERE r.fk_soc = '.((int) $invoice_predefined->socid);
3126		$resql = $db->query($sql);
3127		if ($resql) {
3128			$num = $db->num_rows($resql);
3129			$i = 0;
3131			if ($num > 0) {
3132				print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans('CreateFromRepeatableInvoice').'</td><td>';
3133				//print '<input type="hidden" name="fac_rec" id="fac_rec" value="'.GETPOST('fac_rec', 'int').'">';
3134				print '<select class="flat" id="fac_rec" name="fac_rec">'; // We may want to change the template to use
3135				print '<option value="0" selected></option>';
3136				while ($i < $num) {
3137					$objp = $db->fetch_object($resql);
3138					print '<option value="'.$objp->rowid.'"';
3139					if (GETPOST('fac_rec', 'int') == $objp->rowid) {
3140						print ' selected';
3141						$exampletemplateinvoice->fetch(GETPOST('fac_rec', 'int'));
3142					}
3143					print '>'.$objp->title.' ('.price($objp->total_ttc).' '.$langs->trans("TTC").')</option>';
3144					$i++;
3145				}
3146				print '</select>';
3147				// Option to reload page to retrieve customer informations. Note, this clear other input
3148				if (empty($conf->global->RELOAD_PAGE_ON_TEMPLATE_CHANGE_DISABLED)) {
3149					print '<script type="text/javascript">
3150        			$(document).ready(function() {
3151        				$("#fac_rec").change(function() {
3152							console.log("We have changed the template invoice - Reload page");
3153        					var fac_rec = $(this).val();
3154        			        var socid = $(\'#socid\').val();
3155        					// For template invoice change, we must reuse data of template, not input already done, so we call a GET with action=create, not a POST submit.
3156        					window.location.href = "'.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?action=create&socid="+socid+"&fac_rec="+fac_rec;
3157        				});
3158        			});
3159        			</script>';
3160				}
3161				print '</td></tr>';
3162			}
3163			$db->free($resql);
3164		} else {
3165			dol_print_error($db);
3166		}
3167	}
3169	print '<tr><td class="tdtop fieldrequired">'.$langs->trans('Type').'</td><td colspan="2">';
3170	print '<div class="tagtable">'."\n";
3172	// Standard invoice
3173	print '<div class="tagtr listofinvoicetype"><div class="tagtd listofinvoicetype">';
3174	$tmp = '<input type="radio" id="radio_standard" name="type" value="0"'.(GETPOST('type') == 0 ? ' checked' : '').'> ';
3175	$tmp  = $tmp.'<label for="radio_standard" >'.$langs->trans("InvoiceStandardAsk").'</label>';
3176	$desc = $form->textwithpicto($tmp, $langs->transnoentities("InvoiceStandardDesc"), 1, 'help', '', 0, 3);
3177	print '<table class="nobordernopadding"><tr>';
3178	print '<td>';
3179	print $desc;
3180	print '</td>';
3181	if ((($origin == 'propal') || ($origin == 'commande')) && (!empty($originid))) {
3182		/*print '<td class="nowrap" style="padding-left: 5px">';
3183		$arraylist = array(
3184			//'amount' => $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv('FixAmount', $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv('Deposit')),
3185			//'variable' => $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv('VarAmountOneLine', $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv('Deposit')),
3186			'variablealllines' => $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv('VarAmountAllLines')
3187		);
3188		print $form->selectarray('typestandard', $arraylist, GETPOST('typestandard', 'aZ09'), 0, 0, 0, '', 1);
3189		print '</td>';*/
3190		print '<td class="nowrap" style="padding-left: 15px">';
3191		print '<span class="opacitymedium">'.$langs->trans('PercentOfOriginalObject').'</span>:<input class="right" placeholder="100%" type="text" id="valuestandardinvoice" name="valuestandardinvoice" size="3" value="'.(GETPOSTISSET('valuestandardinvoice') ? GETPOST('valuestandardinvoice', 'alpha') : '100%').'"/>';
3192		print '</td>';
3193	}
3194	print '</tr></table>';
3195	print '</div></div>';
3197	if ((empty($origin)) || ((($origin == 'propal') || ($origin == 'commande')) && (!empty($originid)))) {
3198		// Deposit - Down payment
3199		if (empty($conf->global->INVOICE_DISABLE_DEPOSIT)) {
3200			print '<div class="tagtr listofinvoicetype"><div class="tagtd listofinvoicetype">';
3201			$tmp = '<input type="radio" id="radio_deposit" name="type" value="3"'.(GETPOST('type') == 3 ? ' checked' : '').'> ';
3202			print '<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
3203    		jQuery(document).ready(function() {
3204    			jQuery("#typestandardinvoice, #valuestandardinvoice").click(function() {
3205    				jQuery("#radio_standard").prop("checked", true);
3206    			});
3207    			jQuery("#typedeposit, #valuedeposit").click(function() {
3208    				jQuery("#radio_deposit").prop("checked", true);
3209    			});
3210				jQuery("#typedeposit").change(function() {
3211					console.log("We change type of down payment");
3212					jQuery("#radio_deposit").prop("checked", true);
3213					setRadioForTypeOfIncoice();
3214				});
3215    			jQuery("#radio_standard, #radio_deposit, #radio_replacement, #radio_template").change(function() {
3216					setRadioForTypeOfIncoice();
3217				});
3218				function setRadioForTypeOfIncoice() {
3219					console.log("Change radio");
3220					if (jQuery("#radio_deposit").prop("checked") && (jQuery("#typedeposit").val() == \'amount\' || jQuery("#typedeposit").val() == \'variable\')) {
3221						jQuery(".checkforselect").prop("disabled", true);
3222						jQuery(".checkforselect").prop("checked", false);
3223					} else {
3224						jQuery(".checkforselect").prop("disabled", false);
3225						jQuery(".checkforselect").prop("checked", true);
3226					}
3227				};
3228    		});
3229    		</script>';
3231			$tmp  = $tmp.'<label for="radio_deposit" >'.$langs->trans("InvoiceDeposit").'</label>';
3232			$desc = $form->textwithpicto($tmp, $langs->transnoentities("InvoiceDepositDesc"), 1, 'help', '', 0, 3);
3233			print '<table class="nobordernopadding"><tr>';
3234			print '<td>';
3235			print $desc;
3236			print '</td>';
3237			if (($origin == 'propal') || ($origin == 'commande')) {
3238				print '<td class="nowrap" style="padding-left: 15px">';
3239				$arraylist = array(
3240					'amount' => $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv('FixAmount', $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv('Deposit')),
3241					'variable' => $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv('VarAmountOneLine', $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv('Deposit')),
3242					'variablealllines' => $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv('VarAmountAllLines')
3243				);
3244				print $form->selectarray('typedeposit', $arraylist, GETPOST('typedeposit', 'aZ09'), 0, 0, 0, '', 1);
3245				print '</td>';
3246				print '<td class="nowrap" style="padding-left: 5px">';
3247				print '<span class="opacitymedium paddingleft">'.$langs->trans("AmountOrPercent").'</span><input type="text" id="valuedeposit" name="valuedeposit" class="width75 right" value="'.GETPOST('valuedeposit', 'int').'"/>';
3248				print '</td>';
3249			}
3250			print '</tr></table>';
3252			print '</div></div>';
3253		}
3254	}
3256	if ($socid > 0) {
3257		if (!empty($conf->global->INVOICE_USE_SITUATION)) {
3258			// First situation invoice
3259			print '<div class="tagtr listofinvoicetype"><div class="tagtd listofinvoicetype">';
3260			$tmp = '<input id="radio_situation" type="radio" name="type" value="5"'.(GETPOST('type') == 5 ? ' checked' : '').'> ';
3261			$tmp  = $tmp.'<label for="radio_situation" >'.$langs->trans("InvoiceFirstSituationAsk").'</label>';
3262			$desc = $form->textwithpicto($tmp, $langs->transnoentities("InvoiceFirstSituationDesc"), 1, 'help', '', 0, 3);
3263			print $desc;
3264			print '</div></div>';
3266			// Next situation invoice
3267			$opt = $form->selectSituationInvoices(GETPOST('originid', 'int'), $socid);
3269			print '<div class="tagtr listofinvoicetype"><div class="tagtd listofinvoicetype">';
3270			$tmp = '<input type="radio" name="type" value="5"'.(GETPOST('type') == 5 && GETPOST('originid', 'int') ? ' checked' : '');
3271			if ($opt == ('<option value ="0" selected>'.$langs->trans('NoSituations').'</option>') || (GETPOST('origin') && GETPOST('origin') != 'facture' && GETPOST('origin') != 'commande')) {
3272				$tmp .= ' disabled';
3273			}
3274			$tmp .= '> ';
3275			$text = '<label>'.$tmp.$langs->trans("InvoiceSituationAsk").'</label> ';
3276			$text .= '<select class="flat" id="situations" name="situations"';
3277			if ($opt == ('<option value ="0" selected>'.$langs->trans('NoSituations').'</option>') || (GETPOST('origin') && GETPOST('origin') != 'facture' && GETPOST('origin') != 'commande')) {
3278				$text .= ' disabled';
3279			}
3280			$text .= '>';
3281			$text .= $opt;
3282			$text .= '</select>';
3283			$desc = $form->textwithpicto($text, $langs->transnoentities("InvoiceSituationDesc"), 1, 'help', '', 0, 3);
3284			print $desc;
3285			print '</div></div>';
3286		}
3288		// Replacement
3289		if (empty($conf->global->INVOICE_DISABLE_REPLACEMENT)) {
3290			// Type de facture
3291			$facids = $facturestatic->list_replacable_invoices($soc->id);
3292			if ($facids < 0) {
3293				dol_print_error($db, $facturestatic->error, $facturestatic->errors);
3294				exit();
3295			}
3296			$options = "";
3297			if (is_array($facids)) {
3298				foreach ($facids as $facparam) {
3299					$options .= '<option value="'.$facparam ['id'].'"';
3300					if ($facparam['id'] == GETPOST('fac_replacement', 'int')) {
3301						$options .= ' selected';
3302					}
3303					$options .= '>'.$facparam['ref'];
3304					$options .= ' ('.$facturestatic->LibStatut($facparam['paid'], $facparam['status'], 0, $facparam['alreadypaid']).')';
3305					$options .= '</option>';
3306				}
3307			}
3309			print '<!-- replacement line -->';
3310			print '<div class="tagtr listofinvoicetype"><div class="tagtd listofinvoicetype">';
3311			$tmp = '<input type="radio" name="type" id="radio_replacement" value="1"'.(GETPOST('type') == 1 ? ' checked' : '');
3312			if (!$options || $invoice_predefined->id > 0) {
3313				$tmp .= ' disabled';
3314			}
3315			$tmp .= '> ';
3316			print '<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
3317    		jQuery(document).ready(function() {
3318    			jQuery("#fac_replacement").change(function() {
3319    				jQuery("#radio_replacement").prop("checked", true);
3320    			});
3321    		});
3322    		</script>';
3323			$text = '<label>'.$tmp.$langs->trans("InvoiceReplacementAsk").'</label>';
3324			$text .= '<select class="flat" name="fac_replacement" id="fac_replacement"';
3325			if (!$options || $invoice_predefined->id > 0) {
3326				$text .= ' disabled';
3327			}
3328			$text .= '>';
3329			if ($options) {
3330				$text .= '<option value="-1">&nbsp;</option>';
3331				$text .= $options;
3332			} else {
3333				$text .= '<option value="-1">'.$langs->trans("NoReplacableInvoice").'</option>';
3334			}
3335			$text .= '</select>';
3336			$desc = $form->textwithpicto($text, $langs->transnoentities("InvoiceReplacementDesc"), 1, 'help', '', 0, 3);
3337			print $desc;
3338			print '</div></div>';
3339		}
3340	} else {
3341		if (!empty($conf->global->INVOICE_USE_SITUATION)) {
3342			print '<div class="tagtr listofinvoicetype"><div class="tagtd listofinvoicetype">';
3343			$tmp = '<input type="radio" name="type" id="radio_situation" value="0" disabled> ';
3344			$text = '<label>'.$tmp.$langs->trans("InvoiceFirstSituationAsk").'</label> ';
3345			$text .= '<span class="opacitymedium">('.$langs->trans("YouMustCreateInvoiceFromThird").')</span> ';
3346			$desc = $form->textwithpicto($text, $langs->transnoentities("InvoiceFirstSituationDesc"), 1, 'help', '', 0, 3);
3347			print $desc;
3348			print '</div></div>';
3350			print '<div class="tagtr listofinvoicetype"><div class="tagtd listofinvoicetype">';
3351			$tmp = '<input type="radio" name="type" id="radio_situation" value="0" disabled> ';
3352			$text = '<label>'.$tmp.$langs->trans("InvoiceSituationAsk").'</label> ';
3353			$text .= '<span class="opacitymedium">('.$langs->trans("YouMustCreateInvoiceFromThird").')</span> ';
3354			$desc = $form->textwithpicto($text, $langs->transnoentities("InvoiceFirstSituationDesc"), 1, 'help', '', 0, 3);
3355			print $desc;
3356			print '</div></div>';
3357		}
3359		print '<div class="tagtr listofinvoicetype"><div class="tagtd listofinvoicetype">';
3360		$tmp = '<input type="radio" name="type" id="radio_replacement" value="0" disabled> ';
3361		$text = '<label>'.$tmp.$langs->trans("InvoiceReplacement").'</label> ';
3362		$text .= '<span class="opacitymedium">('.$langs->trans("YouMustCreateInvoiceFromThird").')</span> ';
3363		$desc = $form->textwithpicto($text, $langs->transnoentities("InvoiceReplacementDesc"), 1, 'help', '', 0, 3);
3364		print $desc;
3365		print '</div></div>';
3366	}
3369	if (empty($origin)) {
3370		if ($socid > 0) {
3371			// Credit note
3372			if (empty($conf->global->INVOICE_DISABLE_CREDIT_NOTE)) {
3373				// Show link for credit note
3374				$facids = $facturestatic->list_qualified_avoir_invoices($soc->id);
3375				if ($facids < 0) {
3376					dol_print_error($db, $facturestatic->error, $facturestatic->errors);
3377					exit;
3378				}
3379				$optionsav = "";
3380				$newinvoice_static = new Facture($db);
3381				foreach ($facids as $key => $valarray) {
3382					$newinvoice_static->id = $key;
3383					$newinvoice_static->ref = $valarray ['ref'];
3384					$newinvoice_static->statut = $valarray ['status'];
3385					$newinvoice_static->type = $valarray ['type'];
3386					$newinvoice_static->paye = $valarray ['paye'];
3388					$optionsav .= '<option value="'.$key.'"';
3389					if ($key == GETPOST('fac_avoir')) {
3390						$optionsav .= ' selected';
3391					}
3392					$optionsav .= '>';
3393					$optionsav .= $newinvoice_static->ref;
3394					$optionsav .= ' ('.$newinvoice_static->getLibStatut(1, $valarray ['paymentornot']).')';
3395					$optionsav .= '</option>';
3396				}
3398				print '<div class="tagtr listofinvoicetype"><div class="tagtd listofinvoicetype">';
3399				$tmp = '<input type="radio" id="radio_creditnote" name="type" value="2"'.(GETPOST('type') == 2 ? ' checked' : '');
3400				if ((!$optionsav && empty($conf->global->INVOICE_CREDIT_NOTE_STANDALONE)) || $invoice_predefined->id > 0) {
3401					$tmp .= ' disabled';
3402				}
3403				$tmp .= '> ';
3404				// Show credit note options only if we checked credit note
3405				print '<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
3406    			jQuery(document).ready(function() {
3407    				if (! jQuery("#radio_creditnote").is(":checked"))
3408    				{
3409    					jQuery("#credit_note_options").hide();
3410    				}
3411    				jQuery("#radio_creditnote").click(function() {
3412    					jQuery("#credit_note_options").show();
3413    				});
3414    				jQuery("#radio_standard, #radio_replacement, #radio_deposit").click(function() {
3415    					jQuery("#credit_note_options").hide();
3416    				});
3417    			});
3418    			</script>';
3419				$text = '<label>'.$tmp.$langs->transnoentities("InvoiceAvoirAsk").'</label> ';
3420				// $text.='<input type="text" value="">';
3421				$text .= '<select class="flat valignmiddle" name="fac_avoir" id="fac_avoir"';
3422				if (!$optionsav || $invoice_predefined->id > 0) {
3423					$text .= ' disabled';
3424				}
3425				$text .= '>';
3426				if ($optionsav) {
3427					$text .= '<option value="-1"></option>';
3428					$text .= $optionsav;
3429				} else {
3430					$text .= '<option value="-1">'.$langs->trans("NoInvoiceToCorrect").'</option>';
3431				}
3432				$text .= '</select>';
3433				$desc = $form->textwithpicto($text, $langs->transnoentities("InvoiceAvoirDesc"), 1, 'help', '', 0, 3);
3434				print $desc;
3436				print '<div id="credit_note_options" class="clearboth">';
3437				print '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <input type="checkbox" name="invoiceAvoirWithLines" id="invoiceAvoirWithLines" value="1" onclick="$(\'#credit_note_options input[type=checkbox]\').not(this).prop(\'checked\', false);" '.(GETPOST('invoiceAvoirWithLines', 'int') > 0 ? 'checked' : '').' /> <label for="invoiceAvoirWithLines">'.$langs->trans('invoiceAvoirWithLines')."</label>";
3438				print '<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <input type="checkbox" name="invoiceAvoirWithPaymentRestAmount" id="invoiceAvoirWithPaymentRestAmount" value="1" onclick="$(\'#credit_note_options input[type=checkbox]\').not(this).prop(\'checked\', false);" '.(GETPOST('invoiceAvoirWithPaymentRestAmount', 'int') > 0 ? 'checked' : '').' /> <label for="invoiceAvoirWithPaymentRestAmount">'.$langs->trans('invoiceAvoirWithPaymentRestAmount')."</label>";
3439				print '</div>';
3441				print '</div></div>';
3442			}
3443		} else {
3444			print '<div class="tagtr listofinvoicetype"><div class="tagtd listofinvoicetype">';
3445			if (empty($conf->global->INVOICE_CREDIT_NOTE_STANDALONE)) {
3446				$tmp = '<input type="radio" name="type" id="radio_creditnote" value="0" disabled> ';
3447			} else {
3448				$tmp = '<input type="radio" name="type" id="radio_creditnote" value="2" > ';
3449			}
3450			$text = '<label>'.$tmp.$langs->trans("InvoiceAvoir").'</label> ';
3451			$text .= '<span class="opacitymedium">('.$langs->trans("YouMustCreateInvoiceFromThird").')</span> ';
3452			$desc = $form->textwithpicto($text, $langs->transnoentities("InvoiceAvoirDesc"), 1, 'help', '', 0, 3);
3453			print $desc;
3454			print '</div></div>'."\n";
3455		}
3456	}
3458	// Template invoice
3459	print '<div class="tagtr listofinvoicetype"><div class="tagtd listofinvoicetype">';
3460	$tmp = '<input type="radio" name="type" id="radio_template" value="0" disabled> ';
3461	$text = '<label>'.$tmp.$langs->trans("RepeatableInvoice").'</label> ';
3462	//$text.= '('.$langs->trans("YouMustCreateStandardInvoiceFirst").') ';
3463	$desc = $form->textwithpicto($text, $langs->transnoentities("YouMustCreateStandardInvoiceFirstDesc"), 1, 'help', '', 0, 3);
3464	print $desc;
3465	print '</div></div>';
3467	print '</div>';
3470	if (!empty($conf->global->INVOICE_USE_DEFAULT_DOCUMENT)) { // Hidden conf
3471		// Add auto select default document model
3472		$listtType = array(Facture::TYPE_STANDARD, Facture::TYPE_REPLACEMENT, Facture::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE, Facture::TYPE_DEPOSIT, Facture::TYPE_SITUATION);
3473		$jsListType = '';
3474		foreach ($listtType as $type) {
3475			$thisTypeConfName = 'FACTURE_ADDON_PDF_'.$type;
3476			$curent = !empty($conf->global->{$thisTypeConfName}) ? $conf->global->{$thisTypeConfName}:$conf->global->FACTURE_ADDON_PDF;
3477			$jsListType .= (!empty($jsListType) ? ',' : '').'"'.$type.'":"'.$curent.'"';
3478		}
3480		print '<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
3481        		$(document).ready(function() {
3482                    var listType = {'.$jsListType.'};
3483        			$("[name=\'type\'").change(function() {
3484        				if($( this ).prop("checked"))
3485                        {
3486                            if(($( this ).val() in listType))
3487                            {
3488                                $("#model").val(listType[$( this ).val()]);
3489                            }
3490                            else
3491                            {
3492                                $("#model").val("'.$conf->global->FACTURE_ADDON_PDF.'");
3493                            }
3494                        }
3495        			});
3496        		});
3497        		</script>';
3498	}
3502	print '</td></tr>';
3504	if ($socid > 0) {
3505		// Discounts for third party
3506		print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans('Discounts').'</td><td colspan="2">';
3508		$thirdparty = $soc;
3509		$discount_type = 0;
3510		$backtopage = urlencode($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?socid='.$thirdparty->id.'&action='.$action.'&origin='.GETPOST('origin', 'alpha').'&originid='.GETPOST('originid', 'int'));
3511		include DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/tpl/object_discounts.tpl.php';
3513		print '</td></tr>';
3514	}
3516	$newdateinvoice = dol_mktime(0, 0, 0, GETPOST('remonth', 'int'), GETPOST('reday', 'int'), GETPOST('reyear', 'int'), 'tzserver');
3517	$date_pointoftax = dol_mktime(0, 0, 0, GETPOST('date_pointoftaxmonth', 'int'), GETPOST('date_pointoftaxday', 'int'), GETPOST('date_pointoftaxyear', 'int'), 'tzserver');
3519	// Date invoice
3520	print '<tr><td class="fieldrequired">'.$langs->trans('DateInvoice').'</td><td colspan="2">';
3521	print $form->selectDate($newdateinvoice ? $newdateinvoice : $dateinvoice, '', '', '', '', "add", 1, 1);
3522	print '</td></tr>';
3524	// Date point of tax
3525	if (!empty($conf->global->INVOICE_POINTOFTAX_DATE)) {
3526		print '<tr><td class="fieldrequired">'.$langs->trans('DatePointOfTax').'</td><td colspan="2">';
3527		print $form->selectDate($date_pointoftax ? $date_pointoftax : -1, 'date_pointoftax', '', '', '', "add", 1, 1);
3528		print '</td></tr>';
3529	}
3531	// Payment term
3532	print '<tr><td class="nowrap fieldrequired">'.$langs->trans('PaymentConditionsShort').'</td><td colspan="2">';
3533	$form->select_conditions_paiements(GETPOSTISSET('cond_reglement_id') ? GETPOST('cond_reglement_id', 'int') : $cond_reglement_id, 'cond_reglement_id');
3534	print '</td></tr>';
3537	if ($conf->global->INVOICE_USE_RETAINED_WARRANTY) {
3538		$rwStyle = 'display:none;';
3539		if (in_array(GETPOST('type', 'int'), $retainedWarrantyInvoiceAvailableType)) {
3540			$rwStyle = '';
3541		}
3543		$retained_warranty = GETPOST('retained_warranty', 'int');
3544		if (empty($retained_warranty)) {
3545			if (!empty($objectsrc->retained_warranty)) { // use previous situation value
3546				$retained_warranty = $objectsrc->retained_warranty;
3547			}
3548		}
3549		$retained_warranty_js_default = !empty($retained_warranty) ? $retained_warranty : $conf->global->INVOICE_SITUATION_DEFAULT_RETAINED_WARRANTY_PERCENT;
3551		print '<tr class="retained-warranty-line" style="'.$rwStyle.'" ><td class="nowrap">'.$langs->trans('RetainedWarranty').'</td><td colspan="2">';
3552		print '<input id="new-situation-invoice-retained-warranty" name="retained_warranty" type="number" value="'.$retained_warranty.'" step="0.01" min="0" max="100" />%';
3554		// Retained warranty payment term
3555		print '<tr class="retained-warranty-line" style="'.$rwStyle.'" ><td class="nowrap">'.$langs->trans('PaymentConditionsShortRetainedWarranty').'</td><td colspan="2">';
3556		$retained_warranty_fk_cond_reglement = GETPOST('retained_warranty_fk_cond_reglement', 'int');
3557		if (empty($retained_warranty_fk_cond_reglement)) {
3558			$retained_warranty_fk_cond_reglement = $conf->global->INVOICE_SITUATION_DEFAULT_RETAINED_WARRANTY_COND_ID;
3559			if (!empty($objectsrc->retained_warranty_fk_cond_reglement)) { // use previous situation value
3560				$retained_warranty_fk_cond_reglement = $objectsrc->retained_warranty_fk_cond_reglement;
3561			} else {
3562				$retained_warranty_fk_cond_reglement = $conf->global->INVOICE_SITUATION_DEFAULT_RETAINED_WARRANTY_COND_ID;
3563			}
3564		}
3565		$form->select_conditions_paiements($retained_warranty_fk_cond_reglement, 'retained_warranty_fk_cond_reglement', -1, 1);
3566		print '</td></tr>';
3568		print '<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
3569		$(document).ready(function() {
3570		$("[name=\'type\']").change(function() {
3571				if($( this ).prop("checked") && $.inArray($( this ).val(), '.json_encode($retainedWarrantyInvoiceAvailableType).' ) !== -1)
3572				{
3573					$(".retained-warranty-line").show();
3574					$("#new-situation-invoice-retained-warranty").val("'.floatval($retained_warranty_js_default).'");
3575				}
3576				else{
3577					$(".retained-warranty-line").hide();
3578					$("#new-situation-invoice-retained-warranty").val("");
3579				}
3580			});
3582			$("[name=\'type\']:checked").trigger("change");
3583		});
3584		</script>';
3585	}
3587	// Payment mode
3588	print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans('PaymentMode').'</td><td colspan="2">';
3589	print img_picto('', 'bank', 'class="pictofixedwidth"');
3590	$form->select_types_paiements(GETPOSTISSET('mode_reglement_id') ? GETPOST('mode_reglement_id') : $mode_reglement_id, 'mode_reglement_id', 'CRDT', 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 'maxwidth200 widthcentpercentminusx');
3591	print '</td></tr>';
3593	// Bank Account
3594	if (!empty($conf->banque->enabled)) {
3595		print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans('BankAccount').'</td><td colspan="2">';
3596		$fk_account = GETPOST('fk_account', 'int');
3597		print img_picto('', 'bank_account', 'class="pictofixedwidth"').$form->select_comptes(($fk_account < 0 ? '' : $fk_account), 'fk_account', 0, '', 1, '', 0, 'maxwidth200 widthcentpercentminusx', 1);
3598		print '</td></tr>';
3599	}
3601	// Project
3602	if (!empty($conf->projet->enabled)) {
3603		$langs->load('projects');
3604		print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans('Project').'</td><td colspan="2">';
3605		print img_picto('', 'project').$formproject->select_projects(($socid > 0 ? $socid : -1), $projectid, 'projectid', 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 'maxwidth500 widthcentpercentminusxx');
3606		print ' <a href="'.DOL_URL_ROOT.'/projet/card.php?socid='.$soc->id.'&action=create&status=1&backtopage='.urlencode($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?action=create&socid='.$soc->id.($fac_rec ? '&fac_rec='.$fac_rec : '')).'"><span class="fa fa-plus-circle valignmiddle" title="'.$langs->trans("AddProject").'"></span></a>';
3607		print '</td></tr>';
3608	}
3610	// Incoterms
3611	if (!empty($conf->incoterm->enabled)) {
3612		print '<tr>';
3613		print '<td><label for="incoterm_id">'.$form->textwithpicto($langs->trans("IncotermLabel"), $objectsrc->label_incoterms, 1).'</label></td>';
3614		print '<td colspan="2" class="maxwidthonsmartphone">';
3615		$incoterm_id = GETPOST('incoterm_id');
3616		$incoterm_location = GETPOST('location_incoterms');
3617		if (empty($incoterm_id)) {
3618			$incoterm_id = (!empty($objectsrc->fk_incoterms) ? $objectsrc->fk_incoterms : $soc->fk_incoterms);
3619			$incoterm_location = (!empty($objectsrc->location_incoterms) ? $objectsrc->location_incoterms : $soc->location_incoterms);
3620		}
3621		print $form->select_incoterms($incoterm_id, $incoterm_location);
3622		print '</td></tr>';
3623	}
3625	// Other attributes
3626	$parameters = array('objectsrc' => $objectsrc, 'colspan' => ' colspan="2"', 'cols' => '2', 'socid'=>$socid);
3627	$reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks('formObjectOptions', $parameters, $object, $action); // Note that $action and $object may have been modified by hook
3628	print $hookmanager->resPrint;
3629	if (empty($reshook)) {
3630		if (!empty($conf->global->THIRDPARTY_PROPAGATE_EXTRAFIELDS_TO_INVOICE) && !empty($soc->id)) {
3631			// copy from thirdparty
3632			$tpExtrafields = new Extrafields($db);
3633			$tpExtrafieldLabels = $tpExtrafields->fetch_name_optionals_label($soc->table_element);
3634			if ($soc->fetch_optionals() > 0) {
3635				$object->array_options = array_merge($object->array_options, $soc->array_options);
3636			}
3637		};
3639		print $object->showOptionals($extrafields, 'create', $parameters);
3640	}
3642	// Template to use by default
3643	print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans('Model').'</td>';
3644	print '<td colspan="2">';
3645	print img_picto('', 'pdf', 'class="pictofixedwidth"');
3646	include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/modules/facture/modules_facture.php';
3647	$liste = ModelePDFFactures::liste_modeles($db);
3648	if (!empty($conf->global->INVOICE_USE_DEFAULT_DOCUMENT)) {
3649		// Hidden conf
3650		$paramkey = 'FACTURE_ADDON_PDF_'.$object->type;
3651		$preselected = !empty($conf->global->$paramkey) ? $conf->global->$paramkey : $conf->global->FACTURE_ADDON_PDF;
3652	} else {
3653		$preselected = $conf->global->FACTURE_ADDON_PDF;
3654	}
3655	print $form->selectarray('model', $liste, $preselected, 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 'maxwidth200 widthcentpercentminusx', 1);
3656	print "</td></tr>";
3658	// Multicurrency
3659	if (!empty($conf->multicurrency->enabled)) {
3660		print '<tr>';
3661		print '<td>'.$form->editfieldkey('Currency', 'multicurrency_code', '', $object, 0).'</td>';
3662		print '<td colspan="2" class="maxwidthonsmartphone">';
3663		print $form->selectMultiCurrency($currency_code, 'multicurrency_code');
3664		print '</td></tr>';
3665	}
3667	// Help of substitution key
3668	$htmltext = '';
3669	if (GETPOST('fac_rec', 'int') > 0) {
3670		$dateexample = ($newdateinvoice ? $newdateinvoice : $dateinvoice);
3671		if (empty($dateexample)) {
3672			$dateexample = dol_now();
3673		}
3674		$substitutionarray = array(
3675			'__TOTAL_HT__' => $langs->trans("AmountHT").' ('.$langs->trans("Example").': '.price($exampletemplateinvoice->total_ht).')',
3676			'__TOTAL_TTC__' =>  $langs->trans("AmountTTC").' ('.$langs->trans("Example").': '.price($exampletemplateinvoice->total_ttc).')',
3677			'__INVOICE_PREVIOUS_MONTH__' => $langs->trans("PreviousMonthOfInvoice").' ('.$langs->trans("Example").': '.dol_print_date(dol_time_plus_duree($dateexample, -1, 'm'), '%m').')',
3678			'__INVOICE_MONTH__' =>  $langs->trans("MonthOfInvoice").' ('.$langs->trans("Example").': '.dol_print_date($dateexample, '%m').')',
3679			'__INVOICE_NEXT_MONTH__' => $langs->trans("NextMonthOfInvoice").' ('.$langs->trans("Example").': '.dol_print_date(dol_time_plus_duree($dateexample, 1, 'm'), '%m').')',
3680			'__INVOICE_PREVIOUS_MONTH_TEXT__' => $langs->trans("TextPreviousMonthOfInvoice").' ('.$langs->trans("Example").': '.dol_print_date(dol_time_plus_duree($dateexample, -1, 'm'), '%B').')',
3681			'__INVOICE_MONTH_TEXT__' =>  $langs->trans("TextMonthOfInvoice").' ('.$langs->trans("Example").': '.dol_print_date($dateexample, '%B').')',
3682			'__INVOICE_NEXT_MONTH_TEXT__' => $langs->trans("TextNextMonthOfInvoice").' ('.$langs->trans("Example").': '.dol_print_date(dol_time_plus_duree($dateexample, 1, 'm'), '%B').')',
3683			'__INVOICE_PREVIOUS_YEAR__' => $langs->trans("PreviousYearOfInvoice").' ('.$langs->trans("Example").': '.dol_print_date(dol_time_plus_duree($dateexample, -1, 'y'), '%Y').')',
3684			'__INVOICE_YEAR__' =>  $langs->trans("YearOfInvoice").' ('.$langs->trans("Example").': '.dol_print_date($dateexample, '%Y').')',
3685			'__INVOICE_NEXT_YEAR__' => $langs->trans("NextYearOfInvoice").' ('.$langs->trans("Example").': '.dol_print_date(dol_time_plus_duree($dateexample, 1, 'y'), '%Y').')'
3686		);
3688		$htmltext = '<i>'.$langs->trans("FollowingConstantsWillBeSubstituted").':<br>';
3689		foreach ($substitutionarray as $key => $val) {
3690			$htmltext .= $key.' = '.$langs->trans($val).'<br>';
3691		}
3692		$htmltext .= '</i>';
3693	}
3695	// Public note
3696	print '<tr>';
3697	print '<td class="tdtop">';
3698	print $form->textwithpicto($langs->trans('NotePublic'), $htmltext);
3699	print '</td>';
3700	print '<td valign="top" colspan="2">';
3701	$doleditor = new DolEditor('note_public', $note_public, '', 80, 'dolibarr_notes', 'In', 0, false, empty($conf->global->FCKEDITOR_ENABLE_NOTE_PUBLIC) ? 0 : 1, ROWS_3, '90%');
3702	print $doleditor->Create(1);
3704	// Private note
3705	if (empty($user->socid)) {
3706		print '<tr>';
3707		print '<td class="tdtop">';
3708		print $form->textwithpicto($langs->trans('NotePrivate'), $htmltext);
3709		print '</td>';
3710		print '<td valign="top" colspan="2">';
3711		$doleditor = new DolEditor('note_private', $note_private, '', 80, 'dolibarr_notes', 'In', 0, false, empty($conf->global->FCKEDITOR_ENABLE_NOTE_PRIVATE) ? 0 : 1, ROWS_3, '90%');
3712		print $doleditor->Create(1);
3713		// print '<textarea name="note_private" wrap="soft" cols="70" rows="'.ROWS_3.'">'.$note_private.'.</textarea>
3714		print '</td></tr>';
3715	}
3717	// Lines from source (TODO Show them also when creating invoice from template invoice)
3718	if (!empty($origin) && !empty($originid) && is_object($objectsrc)) {
3719		$langs->loadLangs(array('orders', 'propal'));
3721		// TODO for compatibility
3722		if ($origin == 'contrat') {
3723			// Calcul contrat->price (HT), contrat->total (TTC), contrat->tva
3724			$objectsrc->remise_absolue = $remise_absolue;
3725			$objectsrc->remise_percent = $remise_percent;
3726			$objectsrc->update_price(1, - 1, 1);
3727		}
3729		print "\n<!-- Show ref of origin ".$classname." -->\n";
3730		print '<input type="hidden" name="amount"   value="'.$objectsrc->total_ht.'">'."\n";
3731		print '<input type="hidden" name="total"    value="'.$objectsrc->total_ttc.'">'."\n";
3732		print '<input type="hidden" name="tva"      value="'.$objectsrc->total_tva.'">'."\n";
3733		print '<input type="hidden" name="origin"   value="'.$objectsrc->element.'">';
3734		print '<input type="hidden" name="originid" value="'.$objectsrc->id.'">';
3736		switch (get_class($objectsrc)) {
3737			case 'Propal':
3738				$newclassname = 'CommercialProposal';
3739				break;
3740			case 'Commande':
3741				$newclassname = 'Order';
3742				break;
3743			case 'Expedition':
3744				$newclassname = 'Sending';
3745				break;
3746			case 'Contrat':
3747				$newclassname = 'Contract';
3748				break;
3749			case 'Fichinter':
3750				$newclassname = 'Intervention';
3751				break;
3752			default:
3753				$newclassname = get_class($objectsrc);
3754		}
3756		// Ref of origin
3757		print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans($newclassname).'</td>';
3758		print '<td colspan="2">';
3759		print $objectsrc->getNomUrl(1);
3760		// We check if Origin document (id and type is known) has already at least one invoice attached to it
3761		$objectsrc->fetchObjectLinked($originid, $origin, '', 'facture');
3762		if (is_array($objectsrc->linkedObjects['facture']) && count($objectsrc->linkedObjects['facture']) >= 1) {
3763			setEventMessages('WarningBillExist', null, 'warnings');
3764			echo ' - '.$langs->trans('LatestRelatedBill').' '.end($objectsrc->linkedObjects['facture'])->getNomUrl(1);
3765		}
3766		echo '</td></tr>';
3767		print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans('AmountHT').'</td><td colspan="2">'.price($objectsrc->total_ht).'</td></tr>';
3768		print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans('AmountVAT').'</td><td colspan="2">'.price($objectsrc->total_tva)."</td></tr>";
3769		if ($mysoc->localtax1_assuj == "1" || $objectsrc->total_localtax1 != 0) {		// Localtax1
3770			print '<tr><td>'.$langs->transcountry("AmountLT1", $mysoc->country_code).'</td><td colspan="2">'.price($objectsrc->total_localtax1)."</td></tr>";
3771		}
3773		if ($mysoc->localtax2_assuj == "1" || $objectsrc->total_localtax2 != 0) {		// Localtax2
3774			print '<tr><td>'.$langs->transcountry("AmountLT2", $mysoc->country_code).'</td><td colspan="2">'.price($objectsrc->total_localtax2)."</td></tr>";
3775		}
3776		print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans('AmountTTC').'</td><td colspan="2">'.price($objectsrc->total_ttc)."</td></tr>";
3778		if (!empty($conf->multicurrency->enabled)) {
3779			print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans('MulticurrencyAmountHT').'</td><td colspan="2">'.price($objectsrc->multicurrency_total_ht).'</td></tr>';
3780			print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans('MulticurrencyAmountVAT').'</td><td colspan="2">'.price($objectsrc->multicurrency_total_tva)."</td></tr>";
3781			print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans('MulticurrencyAmountTTC').'</td><td colspan="2">'.price($objectsrc->multicurrency_total_ttc)."</td></tr>";
3782		}
3783	}
3785	print "</table>\n";
3787	print dol_get_fiche_end();
3789	// Button "Create Draft"
3790	print '<div class="center">';
3791	print '<input type="submit" class="button" name="bouton" value="'.$langs->trans('CreateDraft').'">';
3792	print '<input type="button" class="button button-cancel" value="'.$langs->trans("Cancel").'" onClick="javascript:history.go(-1)">';
3793	print '</div>';
3795	// Show origin lines
3796	if (!empty($origin) && !empty($originid) && is_object($objectsrc)) {
3797		print '<br>';
3799		$title = $langs->trans('ProductsAndServices');
3800		print load_fiche_titre($title);
3802		print '<table class="noborder centpercent">';
3804		$objectsrc->printOriginLinesList('', $selectedLines);
3806		print '</table>';
3807	}
3809	print '</form>';
3810} elseif ($id > 0 || !empty($ref)) {
3811	/*
3812	 * Show object in view mode
3813	 */
3815	$result = $object->fetch($id, $ref);
3816	if ($result <= 0) {
3817		dol_print_error($db, $object->error, $object->errors);
3818		exit();
3819	}
3821	// fetch optionals attributes and labels
3822	$extrafields->fetch_name_optionals_label($object->table_element);
3824	if ($user->socid > 0 && $user->socid != $object->socid) {
3825		accessforbidden('', 0, 1);
3826	}
3828	$result = $object->fetch_thirdparty();
3830	$result = $soc->fetch($object->socid);
3831	if ($result < 0) {
3832		dol_print_error($db);
3833	}
3834	$selleruserevenustamp = $mysoc->useRevenueStamp();
3836	$totalpaye = $object->getSommePaiement();
3837	$totalcreditnotes = $object->getSumCreditNotesUsed();
3838	$totaldeposits = $object->getSumDepositsUsed();
3839	// print "totalpaye=".$totalpaye." totalcreditnotes=".$totalcreditnotes." totaldeposts=".$totaldeposits."
3840	// selleruserrevenuestamp=".$selleruserevenustamp;
3842	// We can also use bcadd to avoid pb with floating points
3843	// For example print 239.2 - 229.3 - 9.9; does not return 0.
3844	// $resteapayer=bcadd($object->total_ttc,$totalpaye,$conf->global->MAIN_MAX_DECIMALS_TOT);
3845	// $resteapayer=bcadd($resteapayer,$totalavoir,$conf->global->MAIN_MAX_DECIMALS_TOT);
3846	$resteapayer = price2num($object->total_ttc - $totalpaye - $totalcreditnotes - $totaldeposits, 'MT');
3848	// Multicurrency
3849	if (!empty($conf->multicurrency->enabled)) {
3850		$multicurrency_totalpaye = $object->getSommePaiement(1);
3851		$multicurrency_totalcreditnotes = $object->getSumCreditNotesUsed(1);
3852		$multicurrency_totaldeposits = $object->getSumDepositsUsed(1);
3853		$multicurrency_resteapayer = price2num($object->multicurrency_total_ttc - $multicurrency_totalpaye - $multicurrency_totalcreditnotes - $multicurrency_totaldeposits, 'MT');
3854		$resteapayer = price2num($multicurrency_resteapayer / $object->multicurrency_tx, 'MT');
3855	}
3857	if ($object->paye) {
3858		$resteapayer = 0;
3859	}
3860	$resteapayeraffiche = $resteapayer;
3862	if (!empty($conf->global->FACTURE_DEPOSITS_ARE_JUST_PAYMENTS)) {	// Never use this
3863		$filterabsolutediscount = "fk_facture_source IS NULL"; // If we want deposit to be substracted to payments only and not to total of final invoice
3864		$filtercreditnote = "fk_facture_source IS NOT NULL"; // If we want deposit to be substracted to payments only and not to total of final invoice
3865	} else {
3866		$filterabsolutediscount = "fk_facture_source IS NULL OR (description LIKE '(DEPOSIT)%' AND description NOT LIKE '(EXCESS RECEIVED)%')";
3867		$filtercreditnote = "fk_facture_source IS NOT NULL AND (description NOT LIKE '(DEPOSIT)%' OR description LIKE '(EXCESS RECEIVED)%')";
3868	}
3870	$absolute_discount = $soc->getAvailableDiscounts('', $filterabsolutediscount);
3871	$absolute_creditnote = $soc->getAvailableDiscounts('', $filtercreditnote);
3872	$absolute_discount = price2num($absolute_discount, 'MT');
3873	$absolute_creditnote = price2num($absolute_creditnote, 'MT');
3875	$author = new User($db);
3876	if ($object->user_author) {
3877		$author->fetch($object->user_author);
3878	}
3880	$objectidnext = $object->getIdReplacingInvoice();
3882	$head = facture_prepare_head($object);
3884	print dol_get_fiche_head($head, 'compta', $langs->trans('InvoiceCustomer'), -1, 'bill');
3886	$formconfirm = '';
3888	// Confirmation de la conversion de l'avoir en reduc
3889	if ($action == 'converttoreduc') {
3890		if ($object->type == Facture::TYPE_STANDARD || $object->type == Facture::TYPE_SITUATION) {
3891			$type_fac = 'ExcessReceived';
3892		} elseif ($object->type == Facture::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE) {
3893			$type_fac = 'CreditNote';
3894		} elseif ($object->type == Facture::TYPE_DEPOSIT) {
3895			$type_fac = 'Deposit';
3896		}
3897		$text = $langs->trans('ConfirmConvertToReduc', strtolower($langs->transnoentities($type_fac)));
3898		$text .= '<br>'.$langs->trans('ConfirmConvertToReduc2');
3899		$formconfirm = $form->formconfirm($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?facid='.$object->id, $langs->trans('ConvertToReduc'), $text, 'confirm_converttoreduc', '', "yes", 2);
3900	}
3902	// Confirmation to delete invoice
3903	if ($action == 'delete') {
3904		$text = $langs->trans('ConfirmDeleteBill', $object->ref);
3905		$formquestion = array();
3907		if ($object->type != Facture::TYPE_DEPOSIT && !empty($conf->global->STOCK_CALCULATE_ON_BILL) && $object->statut >= 1) {
3908			$qualified_for_stock_change = 0;
3909			if (empty($conf->global->STOCK_SUPPORTS_SERVICES)) {
3910				$qualified_for_stock_change = $object->hasProductsOrServices(2);
3911			} else {
3912				$qualified_for_stock_change = $object->hasProductsOrServices(1);
3913			}
3915			if ($qualified_for_stock_change) {
3916				$langs->load("stocks");
3917				require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/product/class/html.formproduct.class.php';
3918				$formproduct = new FormProduct($db);
3919				$label = $object->type == Facture::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE ? $langs->trans("SelectWarehouseForStockDecrease") : $langs->trans("SelectWarehouseForStockIncrease");
3920				$forcecombo = 0;
3921				if ($conf->browser->name == 'ie') {
3922					$forcecombo = 1; // There is a bug in IE10 that make combo inside popup crazy
3923				}
3924				$formquestion = array(
3925					// 'text' => $langs->trans("ConfirmClone"),
3926					// array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'clone_content', 'label' => $langs->trans("CloneMainAttributes"), 'value' => 1),
3927					// array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'update_prices', 'label' => $langs->trans("PuttingPricesUpToDate"), 'value' => 1),
3928					array('type' => 'other', 'name' => 'idwarehouse', 'label' => $label, 'value' => $formproduct->selectWarehouses(GETPOST('idwarehouse') ?GETPOST('idwarehouse') : 'ifone', 'idwarehouse', '', 1, 0, 0, $langs->trans("NoStockAction"), 0, $forcecombo))
3929				);
3930				$formconfirm = $form->formconfirm($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?facid='.$object->id, $langs->trans('DeleteBill'), $text, 'confirm_delete', $formquestion, "yes", 1);
3931			} else {
3932				$formconfirm = $form->formconfirm($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?facid='.$object->id, $langs->trans('DeleteBill'), $text, 'confirm_delete', '', 'no', 1);
3933			}
3934		} else {
3935			$formconfirm = $form->formconfirm($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?facid='.$object->id, $langs->trans('DeleteBill'), $text, 'confirm_delete', '', 'no', 1);
3936		}
3937	}
3939	// Confirmation to remove invoice from cycle
3940	if ($action == 'situationout') {
3941		$text = $langs->trans('ConfirmRemoveSituationFromCycle', $object->ref);
3942		$label = $langs->trans("ConfirmOuting");
3943		$formquestion = array();
3944		// remove situation from cycle
3945		if (in_array($object->statut, array(Facture::STATUS_CLOSED, Facture::STATUS_VALIDATED))
3946			&& $usercancreate
3947			&& !$objectidnext
3948			&& $object->is_last_in_cycle()
3949			&& $usercanunvalidate
3950			) {
3951			$formconfirm = $form->formconfirm($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?facid='.$object->id, $label, $text, 'confirm_situationout', $formquestion, "yes", 1);
3952		}
3953	}
3955	// Confirmation of validation
3956	if ($action == 'valid') {
3957		// we check object has a draft number
3958		$objectref = substr($object->ref, 1, 4);
3959		if ($objectref == 'PROV') {
3960			$savdate = $object->date;
3961			if (!empty($conf->global->FAC_FORCE_DATE_VALIDATION)) {
3962				$object->date = dol_now();
3963				$object->date_lim_reglement = $object->calculate_date_lim_reglement();
3964			}
3965			$numref = $object->getNextNumRef($soc);
3966			// $object->date=$savdate;
3967		} else {
3968			$numref = $object->ref;
3969		}
3971		$text = $langs->trans('ConfirmValidateBill', $numref);
3972		if (!empty($conf->notification->enabled)) {
3973			require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/notify.class.php';
3974			$notify = new Notify($db);
3975			$text .= '<br>';
3976			$text .= $notify->confirmMessage('BILL_VALIDATE', $object->socid, $object);
3977		}
3978		$formquestion = array();
3980		if ($object->type != Facture::TYPE_DEPOSIT && !empty($conf->global->STOCK_CALCULATE_ON_BILL)) {
3981			$qualified_for_stock_change = 0;
3982			if (empty($conf->global->STOCK_SUPPORTS_SERVICES)) {
3983				$qualified_for_stock_change = $object->hasProductsOrServices(2);
3984			} else {
3985				$qualified_for_stock_change = $object->hasProductsOrServices(1);
3986			}
3988			if ($qualified_for_stock_change) {
3989				$langs->load("stocks");
3990				require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/product/class/html.formproduct.class.php';
3991				require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/product/stock/class/entrepot.class.php';
3992				$formproduct = new FormProduct($db);
3993				$warehouse = new Entrepot($db);
3994				$warehouse_array = $warehouse->list_array();
3995				if (count($warehouse_array) == 1) {
3996					$label = $object->type == Facture::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE ? $langs->trans("WarehouseForStockIncrease", current($warehouse_array)) : $langs->trans("WarehouseForStockDecrease", current($warehouse_array));
3997					$value = '<input type="hidden" id="idwarehouse" name="idwarehouse" value="'.key($warehouse_array).'">';
3998				} else {
3999					$label = $object->type == Facture::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE ? $langs->trans("SelectWarehouseForStockIncrease") : $langs->trans("SelectWarehouseForStockDecrease");
4000					$value = $formproduct->selectWarehouses(GETPOST('idwarehouse') ?GETPOST('idwarehouse') : 'ifone', 'idwarehouse', '', 1);
4001				}
4002				$formquestion = array(
4003									// 'text' => $langs->trans("ConfirmClone"),
4004									// array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'clone_content', 'label' => $langs->trans("CloneMainAttributes"), 'value' =>
4005									// 1),
4006									// array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'update_prices', 'label' => $langs->trans("PuttingPricesUpToDate"), 'value'
4007									// => 1),
4008									array('type' => 'other', 'name' => 'idwarehouse', 'label' => $label, 'value' => $value));
4009			}
4010		}
4011		if ($object->type != Facture::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE && $object->total_ttc < 0) { 		// Can happen only if $conf->global->FACTURE_ENABLE_NEGATIVE is on
4012			$text .= '<br>'.img_warning().' '.$langs->trans("ErrorInvoiceOfThisTypeMustBePositive");
4013		}
4014		$formconfirm = $form->formconfirm($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?facid='.$object->id, $langs->trans('ValidateBill'), $text, 'confirm_valid', $formquestion, (($object->type != Facture::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE && $object->total_ttc < 0) ? "no" : "yes"), 2);
4015	}
4017	// Confirm back to draft status
4018	if ($action == 'modif') {
4019		$text = $langs->trans('ConfirmUnvalidateBill', $object->ref);
4020		$formquestion = array();
4022		if ($object->type != Facture::TYPE_DEPOSIT && !empty($conf->global->STOCK_CALCULATE_ON_BILL)) {
4023			$qualified_for_stock_change = 0;
4024			if (empty($conf->global->STOCK_SUPPORTS_SERVICES)) {
4025				$qualified_for_stock_change = $object->hasProductsOrServices(2);
4026			} else {
4027				$qualified_for_stock_change = $object->hasProductsOrServices(1);
4028			}
4030			if ($qualified_for_stock_change) {
4031				$langs->load("stocks");
4032				require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/product/class/html.formproduct.class.php';
4033				require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/product/stock/class/entrepot.class.php';
4034				$formproduct = new FormProduct($db);
4035				$warehouse = new Entrepot($db);
4036				$warehouse_array = $warehouse->list_array();
4037				if (count($warehouse_array) == 1) {
4038					$label = $object->type == Facture::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE ? $langs->trans("WarehouseForStockDecrease", current($warehouse_array)) : $langs->trans("WarehouseForStockIncrease", current($warehouse_array));
4039					$value = '<input type="hidden" id="idwarehouse" name="idwarehouse" value="'.key($warehouse_array).'">';
4040				} else {
4041					$label = $object->type == Facture::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE ? $langs->trans("SelectWarehouseForStockDecrease") : $langs->trans("SelectWarehouseForStockIncrease");
4042					$value = $formproduct->selectWarehouses(GETPOST('idwarehouse') ?GETPOST('idwarehouse') : 'ifone', 'idwarehouse', '', 1);
4043				}
4044				$formquestion = array(
4045									// 'text' => $langs->trans("ConfirmClone"),
4046									// array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'clone_content', 'label' => $langs->trans("CloneMainAttributes"), 'value' =>
4047									// 1),
4048									// array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'update_prices', 'label' => $langs->trans("PuttingPricesUpToDate"), 'value'
4049									// => 1),
4050									array('type' => 'other', 'name' => 'idwarehouse', 'label' => $label, 'value' => $value));
4051			}
4052		}
4054		$formconfirm = $form->formconfirm($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?facid='.$object->id, $langs->trans('UnvalidateBill'), $text, 'confirm_modif', $formquestion, "yes", 1);
4055	}
4057	// Confirmation du classement paye
4058	if ($action == 'paid' && $resteapayer <= 0) {
4059		$formconfirm = $form->formconfirm($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?facid='.$object->id, $langs->trans('ClassifyPaid'), $langs->trans('ConfirmClassifyPaidBill', $object->ref), 'confirm_paid', '', "yes", 1);
4060	}
4061	if ($action == 'paid' && $resteapayer > 0) {
4062		$close = array();
4063		// Code
4064		$i = 0;
4065		$close[$i]['code'] = 'discount_vat'; // escompte
4066		$i++;
4067		$close[$i]['code'] = 'badcustomer';
4068		$i++;
4069		$close[$i]['code'] = 'other';
4070		$i++;
4071		// Help
4072		$i = 0;
4073		$close[$i]['label'] = $langs->trans("HelpEscompte").'<br><br>'.$langs->trans("ConfirmClassifyPaidPartiallyReasonDiscountVatDesc");
4074		$i++;
4075		$close[$i]['label'] = $langs->trans("ConfirmClassifyPaidPartiallyReasonBadCustomerDesc");
4076		$i++;
4077		$close[$i]['label'] = $langs->trans("Other");
4078		$i++;
4079		// Texte
4080		$i = 0;
4081		$close[$i]['reason'] = $form->textwithpicto($langs->transnoentities("ConfirmClassifyPaidPartiallyReasonDiscount", $resteapayer, $langs->trans("Currency".$conf->currency)), $close[$i]['label'], 1);
4082		$i++;
4083		$close[$i]['reason'] = $form->textwithpicto($langs->transnoentities("ConfirmClassifyPaidPartiallyReasonBadCustomer", $resteapayer, $langs->trans("Currency".$conf->currency)), $close[$i]['label'], 1);
4084		$i++;
4085		$close[$i]['reason'] = $form->textwithpicto($langs->transnoentities("Other"), $close[$i]['label'], 1);
4086		$i++;
4087		// arrayreasons[code]=reason
4088		foreach ($close as $key => $val) {
4089			$arrayreasons[$close[$key]['code']] = $close[$key]['reason'];
4090		}
4092		// Cree un tableau formulaire
4093		$formquestion = array('text' => $langs->trans("ConfirmClassifyPaidPartiallyQuestion"), array('type' => 'radio', 'name' => 'close_code', 'label' => $langs->trans("Reason"), 'values' => $arrayreasons), array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'close_note', 'label' => $langs->trans("Comment"), 'value' => '', 'morecss' => 'minwidth300'));
4094		// Paiement incomplet. On demande si motif = escompte ou autre
4095		$formconfirm = $form->formconfirm($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?facid='.$object->id, $langs->trans('ClassifyPaid'), $langs->trans('ConfirmClassifyPaidPartially', $object->ref), 'confirm_paid_partially', $formquestion, "yes", 1, 310);
4096	}
4098	// Confirmation du classement abandonne
4099	if ($action == 'canceled') {
4100		// S'il y a une facture de remplacement pas encore validee (etat brouillon),
4101		// on ne permet pas de classer abandonner la facture.
4102		if ($objectidnext) {
4103			$facturereplacement = new Facture($db);
4104			$facturereplacement->fetch($objectidnext);
4105			$statusreplacement = $facturereplacement->statut;
4106		}
4107		if ($objectidnext && $statusreplacement == 0) {
4108			print '<div class="error">'.$langs->trans("ErrorCantCancelIfReplacementInvoiceNotValidated").'</div>';
4109		} else {
4110			// Code
4111			$close[1]['code'] = 'badcustomer';
4112			$close[2]['code'] = 'abandon';
4113			// Help
4114			$close[1]['label'] = $langs->trans("ConfirmClassifyPaidPartiallyReasonBadCustomerDesc");
4115			$close[2]['label'] = $langs->trans("ConfirmClassifyAbandonReasonOtherDesc");
4116			// Texte
4117			$close[1]['reason'] = $form->textwithpicto($langs->transnoentities("ConfirmClassifyPaidPartiallyReasonBadCustomer", $object->ref), $close[1]['label'], 1);
4118			$close[2]['reason'] = $form->textwithpicto($langs->transnoentities("ConfirmClassifyAbandonReasonOther"), $close[2]['label'], 1);
4119			// arrayreasons
4120			$arrayreasons[$close[1]['code']] = $close[1]['reason'];
4121			$arrayreasons[$close[2]['code']] = $close[2]['reason'];
4123			// Cree un tableau formulaire
4124			$formquestion = array('text' => $langs->trans("ConfirmCancelBillQuestion"), array('type' => 'radio', 'name' => 'close_code', 'label' => $langs->trans("Reason"), 'values' => $arrayreasons), array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'close_note', 'label' => $langs->trans("Comment"), 'value' => '', 'morecss' => 'minwidth300'));
4126			$formconfirm = $form->formconfirm($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?facid='.$object->id, $langs->trans('CancelBill'), $langs->trans('ConfirmCancelBill', $object->ref), 'confirm_canceled', $formquestion, "yes", 1, 250);
4127		}
4128	}
4130	if ($action == 'deletepayment') {
4131		$payment_id = GETPOST('paiement_id');
4132		$formconfirm = $form->formconfirm($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?id='.$object->id.'&paiement_id='.$payment_id, $langs->trans('DeletePayment'), $langs->trans('ConfirmDeletePayment'), 'confirm_delete_paiement', '', 'no', 1);
4133	}
4135	// Confirmation de la suppression d'une ligne produit
4136	if ($action == 'ask_deleteline') {
4137		$formconfirm = $form->formconfirm($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?facid='.$object->id.'&lineid='.$lineid, $langs->trans('DeleteProductLine'), $langs->trans('ConfirmDeleteProductLine'), 'confirm_deleteline', '', 'no', 1);
4138	}
4140	// Clone confirmation
4141	if ($action == 'clone') {
4142		// Create an array for form
4143		$formquestion = array(
4144			array('type' => 'other', 'name' => 'socid', 'label' => $langs->trans("SelectThirdParty"), 'value' => $form->select_company($object->socid, 'socid', '(s.client=1 OR s.client=2 OR s.client=3)', 1)),
4145			array('type' => 'date', 'name' => 'newdate', 'label' => $langs->trans("Date"), 'value' => dol_now())
4146		);
4147		// Ask confirmatio to clone
4148		$formconfirm = $form->formconfirm($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?facid='.$object->id, $langs->trans('ToClone'), $langs->trans('ConfirmCloneInvoice', $object->ref), 'confirm_clone', $formquestion, 'yes', 1, 250);
4149	}
4151	if ($action == "remove_file_comfirm") {
4152		$file = GETPOST('file', 'alpha');
4154		$formconfirm = $form->formconfirm(
4155			$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?facid='.$object->id.'&file='.$file,
4156			$langs->trans('DeleteFileHeader'),
4157			$langs->trans('DeleteFileText')."<br><br>".$file,
4158			'remove_file',
4159			'',
4160			'no',
4161			2
4162		);
4163	}
4165	// Call Hook formConfirm
4166	$parameters = array('formConfirm' => $formconfirm, 'lineid' => $lineid, 'remainingtopay' => &$resteapayer);
4167	$reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks('formConfirm', $parameters, $object, $action); // Note that $action and $object may have been modified by hook
4168	if (empty($reshook)) {
4169		$formconfirm .= $hookmanager->resPrint;
4170	} elseif ($reshook > 0) {
4171		$formconfirm = $hookmanager->resPrint;
4172	}
4174	// Print form confirm
4175	print $formconfirm;
4177	// Invoice content
4179	$linkback = '<a href="'.DOL_URL_ROOT.'/compta/facture/list.php?restore_lastsearch_values=1'.(!empty($socid) ? '&socid='.$socid : '').'">'.$langs->trans("BackToList").'</a>';
4181	$morehtmlref = '<div class="refidno">';
4182	// Ref invoice
4183	if ($object->status == $object::STATUS_DRAFT && !$mysoc->isInEEC() && !empty($conf->global->INVOICE_ALLOW_FREE_REF)) {
4184		$morehtmlref .= $form->editfieldkey("Ref", 'ref', $object->ref, $object, $usercancreate, 'string', '', 0, 1);
4185		$morehtmlref .= $form->editfieldval("Ref", 'ref', $object->ref, $object, $usercancreate, 'string', '', null, null, '', 1);
4186		$morehtmlref .= '<br>';
4187	}
4188	// Ref customer
4189	$morehtmlref .= $form->editfieldkey("RefCustomer", 'ref_client', $object->ref_client, $object, $usercancreate, 'string', '', 0, 1);
4190	$morehtmlref .= $form->editfieldval("RefCustomer", 'ref_client', $object->ref_client, $object, $usercancreate, 'string', '', null, null, '', 1);
4191	// Thirdparty
4192	$morehtmlref .= '<br>'.$langs->trans('ThirdParty').' : '.$object->thirdparty->getNomUrl(1, 'customer');
4193	if (empty($conf->global->MAIN_DISABLE_OTHER_LINK) && $object->thirdparty->id > 0) {
4194		$morehtmlref .= ' (<a href="'.DOL_URL_ROOT.'/compta/facture/list.php?socid='.$object->thirdparty->id.'&search_societe='.urlencode($object->thirdparty->name).'">'.$langs->trans("OtherBills").'</a>)';
4195	}
4196	// Project
4197	if (!empty($conf->projet->enabled)) {
4198		$langs->load("projects");
4199		$morehtmlref .= '<br>'.$langs->trans('Project').' ';
4200		if ($usercancreate) {
4201			if ($action != 'classify') {
4202				$morehtmlref .= '<a class="editfielda" href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?action=classify&amp;id='.$object->id.'">'.img_edit($langs->transnoentitiesnoconv('SetProject')).'</a> : ';
4203			}
4204			if ($action == 'classify') {
4205				//$morehtmlref.=$form->form_project($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?id=' . $object->id, $object->socid, $object->fk_project, 'projectid', 0, 0, 1, 1);
4206				$morehtmlref .= '<form method="post" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?id='.$object->id.'">';
4207				$morehtmlref .= '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="classin">';
4208				$morehtmlref .= '<input type="hidden" name="token" value="'.newToken().'">';
4209				$morehtmlref .= $formproject->select_projects($object->socid, $object->fk_project, 'projectid', $maxlength, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, '', 1);
4210				$morehtmlref .= '<input type="submit" class="button valignmiddle" value="'.$langs->trans("Modify").'">';
4211				$morehtmlref .= '</form>';
4212			} else {
4213				$morehtmlref .= $form->form_project($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?id='.$object->id, $object->socid, $object->fk_project, 'none', 0, 0, 0, 1);
4214			}
4215		} else {
4216			if (!empty($object->fk_project)) {
4217				$proj = new Project($db);
4218				$proj->fetch($object->fk_project);
4219				$morehtmlref .= '<a href="'.DOL_URL_ROOT.'/projet/card.php?id='.$object->fk_project.'" title="'.$langs->trans('ShowProject').'">';
4220				$morehtmlref .= $proj->ref;
4221				$morehtmlref .= '</a>';
4222			} else {
4223				$morehtmlref .= '';
4224			}
4225		}
4226	}
4227	$morehtmlref .= '</div>';
4229	$object->totalpaye = $totalpaye; // To give a chance to dol_banner_tab to use already paid amount to show correct status
4231	dol_banner_tab($object, 'ref', $linkback, 1, 'ref', 'ref', $morehtmlref, '', 0, '', '');
4233	print '<div class="fichecenter">';
4234	print '<div class="fichehalfleft">';
4235	print '<div class="underbanner clearboth"></div>';
4237	print '<table class="border tableforfield" width="100%">';
4239	// Type
4240	print '<tr><td class="titlefield fieldname_type">'.$langs->trans('Type').'</td><td class="valuefield fieldname_type">';
4241	print '<span class="badgeneutral">';
4242	print $object->getLibType();
4243	print '</span>';
4244	if ($object->module_source) {
4245		print ' <span class="opacitymediumbycolor paddingleft">('.$langs->trans("POS").' '.ucfirst($object->module_source).' - '.$langs->trans("Terminal").' '.$object->pos_source.')</span>';
4246	}
4247	if ($object->type == Facture::TYPE_REPLACEMENT) {
4248		$facreplaced = new Facture($db);
4249		$facreplaced->fetch($object->fk_facture_source);
4250		print ' <span class="opacitymediumbycolor paddingleft">('.$langs->transnoentities("ReplaceInvoice", $facreplaced->getNomUrl(1)).')</span>';
4251	}
4252	if ($object->type == Facture::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE && !empty($object->fk_facture_source)) {
4253		$facusing = new Facture($db);
4254		$facusing->fetch($object->fk_facture_source);
4255		print ' <span class="opacitymediumbycolor paddingleft">('.$langs->transnoentities("CorrectInvoice", $facusing->getNomUrl(1)).')</span>';
4256	}
4258	$facidavoir = $object->getListIdAvoirFromInvoice();
4259	if (count($facidavoir) > 0) {
4260		print ' <span class="opacitymediumbycolor paddingleft">('.$langs->transnoentities("InvoiceHasAvoir");
4261		$i = 0;
4262		foreach ($facidavoir as $id) {
4263			if ($i == 0) {
4264				print ' ';
4265			} else {
4266				print ',';
4267			}
4268			$facavoir = new Facture($db);
4269			$facavoir->fetch($id);
4270			print $facavoir->getNomUrl(1);
4271		}
4272		print ')</span>';
4273	}
4274	if ($objectidnext > 0) {
4275		$facthatreplace = new Facture($db);
4276		$facthatreplace->fetch($objectidnext);
4277		print ' <span class="opacitymediumbycolor paddingleft">('.str_replace('{s1}', $facthatreplace->getNomUrl(1), $langs->transnoentities("ReplacedByInvoice", '{s1}')).')</span>';
4278	}
4280	if ($object->type == Facture::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE || $object->type == Facture::TYPE_DEPOSIT) {
4281		$discount = new DiscountAbsolute($db);
4282		$result = $discount->fetch(0, $object->id);
4283		if ($result > 0) {
4284			print ' <span class="opacitymediumbycolor paddingleft">';
4285			$s = $langs->trans("CreditNoteConvertedIntoDiscount", '{s1}', '{s2}');
4286			$s = str_replace('{s1}', $object->getLibType(1), $s);
4287			$s = str_replace('{s2}', $discount->getNomUrl(1, 'discount'), $s);
4288			print $s;
4289			print '</span><br>';
4290		}
4291	}
4293	if ($object->fk_fac_rec_source > 0) {
4294		$tmptemplate = new FactureRec($db);
4295		$result = $tmptemplate->fetch($object->fk_fac_rec_source);
4296		if ($result > 0) {
4297			print ' <span class="opacitymediumbycolor paddingleft">';
4298			$s = $langs->transnoentities("GeneratedFromTemplate", '{s1}');
4299			$s = str_replace('{s1}', '<a href="'.DOL_URL_ROOT.'/compta/facture/card-rec.php?facid='.$tmptemplate->id.'">'.dol_escape_htmltag($tmptemplate->ref).'</a>', $s);
4300			print $s;
4301			print '</span>';
4302		}
4303	}
4304	print '</td></tr>';
4306	// Relative and absolute discounts
4307	print '<!-- Discounts -->'."\n";
4308	print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans('Discounts');
4309	print '</td><td>';
4310	$thirdparty = $soc;
4311	$discount_type = 0;
4312	$backtopage = urlencode($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?facid='.$object->id);
4313	include DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/tpl/object_discounts.tpl.php';
4314	print '</td></tr>';
4316	// Date invoice
4317	print '<tr><td>';
4318	print '<table class="nobordernopadding" width="100%"><tr><td>';
4319	print $langs->trans('DateInvoice');
4320	print '</td>';
4321	if ($action != 'editinvoicedate' && !empty($object->brouillon) && $usercancreate && empty($conf->global->FAC_FORCE_DATE_VALIDATION)) {
4322		print '<td class="right"><a class="editfielda" href="'.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?action=editinvoicedate&amp;facid='.$object->id.'">'.img_edit($langs->trans('SetDate'), 1).'</a></td>';
4323	}
4324	print '</tr></table>';
4325	print '</td><td>';
4327	if ($action == 'editinvoicedate') {
4328		$form->form_date($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?facid='.$object->id, $object->date, 'invoicedate');
4329	} else {
4330		print '<span class="valuedate">'.dol_print_date($object->date, 'day').'</span>';
4331	}
4332	print '</td>';
4334	print '</tr>';
4336	if (!empty($conf->global->INVOICE_POINTOFTAX_DATE)) {
4337		// Date invoice
4338		print '<tr><td>';
4339		print '<table class="nobordernopadding" width="100%"><tr><td>';
4340		print $langs->trans('DatePointOfTax');
4341		print '</td>';
4342		print '<td class="right"><a class="editfielda" href="'.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?action=editdate_pointoftax&amp;facid='.$object->id.'">'.img_edit($langs->trans('SetDate'), 1).'</a></td>';
4343		print '</tr></table>';
4344		print '</td><td>';
4345		if ($action == 'editdate_pointoftax') {
4346			$form->form_date($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?facid='.$object->id, $object->date_pointoftax, 'date_pointoftax');
4347		} else {
4348			print '<span class="valuedate">'.dol_print_date($object->date_pointoftax, 'day').'</span>';
4349		}
4350		print '</td></tr>';
4351	}
4353	// Payment term
4354	print '<tr><td>';
4355	print '<table class="nobordernopadding" width="100%"><tr><td>';
4356	print $langs->trans('PaymentConditionsShort');
4357	print '</td>';
4358	if ($object->type != Facture::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE && $action != 'editconditions' && $usercancreate) {
4359		print '<td class="right"><a class="editfielda" href="'.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?action=editconditions&amp;facid='.$object->id.'">'.img_edit($langs->trans('SetConditions'), 1).'</a></td>';
4360	}
4361	print '</tr></table>';
4362	print '</td><td>';
4363	if ($object->type != Facture::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE) {
4364		if ($action == 'editconditions') {
4365			$form->form_conditions_reglement($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?facid='.$object->id, $object->cond_reglement_id, 'cond_reglement_id');
4366		} else {
4367			$form->form_conditions_reglement($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?facid='.$object->id, $object->cond_reglement_id, 'none');
4368		}
4369	} else {
4370		print '&nbsp;';
4371	}
4372	print '</td></tr>';
4374	// Date payment term
4375	print '<tr><td>';
4376	print '<table class="nobordernopadding" width="100%"><tr><td>';
4377	print $langs->trans('DateMaxPayment');
4378	print '</td>';
4379	if ($object->type != Facture::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE && $action != 'editpaymentterm' && $usercancreate) {
4380		print '<td class="right"><a class="editfielda" href="'.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?action=editpaymentterm&amp;facid='.$object->id.'">'.img_edit($langs->trans('SetDate'), 1).'</a></td>';
4381	}
4382	print '</tr></table>';
4383	print '</td><td>';
4384	if ($object->type != Facture::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE) {
4385		if ($action == 'editpaymentterm') {
4386			$form->form_date($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?facid='.$object->id, $object->date_lim_reglement, 'paymentterm');
4387		} else {
4388			print '<span class="valuedate">'.dol_print_date($object->date_lim_reglement, 'day').'</span>';
4389			if ($object->hasDelay()) {
4390				print img_warning($langs->trans('Late'));
4391			}
4392		}
4393	} else {
4394		print '&nbsp;';
4395	}
4396	print '</td></tr>';
4398	// Payment mode
4399	print '<tr><td>';
4400	print '<table class="nobordernopadding" width="100%"><tr><td>';
4401	print $langs->trans('PaymentMode');
4402	print '</td>';
4403	if ($action != 'editmode' && $usercancreate) {
4404		print '<td class="right"><a class="editfielda" href="'.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?action=editmode&amp;facid='.$object->id.'">'.img_edit($langs->trans('SetMode'), 1).'</a></td>';
4405	}
4406	print '</tr></table>';
4407	print '</td><td>';
4408	if ($action == 'editmode') {
4409		$form->form_modes_reglement($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?facid='.$object->id, $object->mode_reglement_id, 'mode_reglement_id', 'CRDT', 1, 1);
4410	} else {
4411		$form->form_modes_reglement($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?facid='.$object->id, $object->mode_reglement_id, 'none', 'CRDT');
4412	}
4413	print '</td></tr>';
4415	// Multicurrency
4416	if (!empty($conf->multicurrency->enabled)) {
4417		// Multicurrency code
4418		print '<tr>';
4419		print '<td>';
4420		print '<table class="nobordernopadding" width="100%"><tr><td>';
4421		print $form->editfieldkey('Currency', 'multicurrency_code', '', $object, 0);
4422		print '</td>';
4423		if ($usercancreate && $action != 'editmulticurrencycode' && !empty($object->brouillon)) {
4424			print '<td class="right"><a class="editfielda" href="'.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?action=editmulticurrencycode&amp;id='.$object->id.'">'.img_edit($langs->transnoentitiesnoconv('SetMultiCurrencyCode'), 1).'</a></td>';
4425		}
4426		print '</tr></table>';
4427		print '</td><td>';
4428		$htmlname = (($usercancreate && $action == 'editmulticurrencycode') ? 'multicurrency_code' : 'none');
4429		$form->form_multicurrency_code($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?id='.$object->id, $object->multicurrency_code, $htmlname);
4430		print '</td></tr>';
4432		// Multicurrency rate
4433		if ($object->multicurrency_code != $conf->currency || $object->multicurrency_tx != 1) {
4434			print '<tr>';
4435			print '<td>';
4436			print '<table class="nobordernopadding" width="100%"><tr><td>';
4437			print $form->editfieldkey('CurrencyRate', 'multicurrency_tx', '', $object, 0);
4438			print '</td>';
4439			if ($usercancreate && $action != 'editmulticurrencyrate' && !empty($object->brouillon) && $object->multicurrency_code && $object->multicurrency_code != $conf->currency) {
4440				print '<td class="right"><a class="editfielda" href="'.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?action=editmulticurrencyrate&amp;id='.$object->id.'">'.img_edit($langs->transnoentitiesnoconv('SetMultiCurrencyCode'), 1).'</a></td>';
4441			}
4442			print '</tr></table>';
4443			print '</td><td>';
4444			if ($action == 'editmulticurrencyrate' || $action == 'actualizemulticurrencyrate') {
4445				if ($action == 'actualizemulticurrencyrate') {
4446					list($object->fk_multicurrency, $object->multicurrency_tx) = MultiCurrency::getIdAndTxFromCode($object->db, $object->multicurrency_code);
4447				}
4448				$form->form_multicurrency_rate($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?id='.$object->id, $object->multicurrency_tx, ($usercancreate ? 'multicurrency_tx' : 'none'), $object->multicurrency_code);
4449			} else {
4450				$form->form_multicurrency_rate($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?id='.$object->id, $object->multicurrency_tx, 'none', $object->multicurrency_code);
4451				if ($object->statut == $object::STATUS_DRAFT && $object->multicurrency_code && $object->multicurrency_code != $conf->currency) {
4452					print '<div class="inline-block"> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; ';
4453					print '<a href="'.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?id='.$object->id.'&action=actualizemulticurrencyrate">'.$langs->trans("ActualizeCurrency").'</a>';
4454					print '</div>';
4455				}
4456			}
4457			print '</td></tr>';
4458		}
4459	}
4461	// Bank Account
4462	if (!empty($conf->banque->enabled)) {
4463		print '<tr><td class="nowrap">';
4464		print '<table width="100%" class="nobordernopadding"><tr><td class="nowrap">';
4465		print $langs->trans('BankAccount');
4466		print '<td>';
4467		if (($action != 'editbankaccount') && $usercancreate) {
4468			print '<td class="right"><a class="editfielda" href="'.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?action=editbankaccount&amp;id='.$object->id.'">'.img_edit($langs->trans('SetBankAccount'), 1).'</a></td>';
4469		}
4470		print '</tr></table>';
4471		print '</td><td>';
4472		if ($action == 'editbankaccount') {
4473			$form->formSelectAccount($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?id='.$object->id, $object->fk_account, 'fk_account', 1);
4474		} else {
4475			$form->formSelectAccount($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?id='.$object->id, $object->fk_account, 'none');
4476		}
4477		print "</td>";
4478		print '</tr>';
4479	}
4481	// Incoterms
4482	if (!empty($conf->incoterm->enabled)) {
4483		print '<tr><td>';
4484		print '<table width="100%" class="nobordernopadding"><tr><td>';
4485		print $langs->trans('IncotermLabel');
4486		print '<td><td class="right">';
4487		if ($usercancreate) {
4488			print '<a class="editfielda" href="'.DOL_URL_ROOT.'/compta/facture/card.php?facid='.$object->id.'&action=editincoterm">'.img_edit().'</a>';
4489		} else {
4490			print '&nbsp;';
4491		}
4492		print '</td></tr></table>';
4493		print '</td>';
4494		print '<td>';
4495		if ($action != 'editincoterm') {
4496			print $form->textwithpicto($object->display_incoterms(), $object->label_incoterms, 1);
4497		} else {
4498			print $form->select_incoterms((!empty($object->fk_incoterms) ? $object->fk_incoterms : ''), (!empty($object->location_incoterms) ? $object->location_incoterms : ''), $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?id='.$object->id);
4499		}
4500		print '</td></tr>';
4501	}
4505	if (!empty($object->retained_warranty) || !empty($conf->global->INVOICE_USE_RETAINED_WARRANTY)) {
4506		$displayWarranty = true;
4507		if (!in_array($object->type, $retainedWarrantyInvoiceAvailableType) && empty($object->retained_warranty)) {
4508			$displayWarranty = false;
4509		}
4511		if ($displayWarranty) {
4512			// Retained Warranty
4513			print '<tr class="retained-warranty-lines"  ><td>';
4514			print '<table id="retained-warranty-table" class="nobordernopadding" width="100%"><tr><td>';
4515			print $langs->trans('RetainedWarranty');
4516			print '</td>';
4517			if ($action != 'editretainedwarranty' && $user->rights->facture->creer) {
4518				print '<td align="right"><a class="editfielda" href="'.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?action=editretainedwarranty&amp;facid='.$object->id.'">'.img_edit($langs->trans('setretainedwarranty'), 1).'</a></td>';
4519			}
4521			print '</tr></table>';
4522			print '</td><td>';
4523			if ($action == 'editretainedwarranty') {
4524				print '<form  id="retained-warranty-form"  method="POST" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?facid='.$object->id.'">';
4525				print '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="setretainedwarranty">';
4526				print '<input type="hidden" name="token" value="'.newToken().'">';
4527				print '<input name="retained_warranty" type="number" step="0.01" min="0" max="100" value="'.$object->retained_warranty.'" >';
4528				print '<input type="submit" class="button valignmiddle" value="'.$langs->trans("Modify").'">';
4529				print '</form>';
4530			} else {
4531				print price($object->retained_warranty).'%';
4532			}
4533			print '</td></tr>';
4535			// Retained warranty payment term
4536			print '<tr class="retained-warranty-lines"  ><td>';
4537			print '<table id="retained-warranty-cond-reglement-table"  class="nobordernopadding" width="100%"><tr><td>';
4538			print $langs->trans('PaymentConditionsShortRetainedWarranty');
4539			print '</td>';
4540			if ($action != 'editretainedwarrantypaymentterms' && $user->rights->facture->creer) {
4541				print '<td align="right"><a class="editfielda" href="'.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?action=editretainedwarrantypaymentterms&amp;facid='.$object->id.'">'.img_edit($langs->trans('setPaymentConditionsShortRetainedWarranty'), 1).'</a></td>';
4542			}
4544			print '</tr></table>';
4545			print '</td><td>';
4546			$defaultDate = !empty($object->retained_warranty_date_limit) ? $object->retained_warranty_date_limit : strtotime('-1 years', $object->date_lim_reglement);
4547			if ($object->date > $defaultDate) {
4548				$defaultDate = $object->date;
4549			}
4551			if ($action == 'editretainedwarrantypaymentterms') {
4552				//date('Y-m-d',$object->date_lim_reglement)
4553				print '<form method="POST" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?facid='.$object->id.'">';
4554				print '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="setretainedwarrantyconditions">';
4555				print '<input type="hidden" name="token" value="'.newToken().'">';
4556				$retained_warranty_fk_cond_reglement = GETPOST('retained_warranty_fk_cond_reglement', 'int');
4557				$retained_warranty_fk_cond_reglement = !empty($retained_warranty_fk_cond_reglement) ? $retained_warranty_fk_cond_reglement : $object->retained_warranty_fk_cond_reglement;
4558				$retained_warranty_fk_cond_reglement = !empty($retained_warranty_fk_cond_reglement) ? $retained_warranty_fk_cond_reglement : $conf->global->INVOICE_SITUATION_DEFAULT_RETAINED_WARRANTY_COND_ID;
4559				$form->select_conditions_paiements($retained_warranty_fk_cond_reglement, 'retained_warranty_fk_cond_reglement', -1, 1);
4560				print '<input type="submit" class="button valignmiddle" value="'.$langs->trans("Modify").'">';
4561				print '</form>';
4562			} else {
4563				$form->form_conditions_reglement($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?facid='.$object->id, $object->retained_warranty_fk_cond_reglement, 'none');
4564				if (!$displayWarranty) {
4565					print img_picto($langs->trans('RetainedWarrantyNeed100Percent'), 'warning.png', 'class="pictowarning valignmiddle" ');
4566				}
4567			}
4568			print '</td></tr>';
4570			// Retained Warranty payment date limit
4571			print '<tr class="retained-warranty-lines"  ><td>';
4572			print '<table id="retained-warranty-date-limit-table"  class="nobordernopadding" width="100%"><tr><td>';
4573			print $langs->trans('RetainedWarrantyDateLimit');
4574			print '</td>';
4575			if ($action != 'editretainedwarrantydatelimit' && $user->rights->facture->creer) {
4576				print '<td align="right"><a class="editfielda" href="'.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?action=editretainedwarrantydatelimit&amp;facid='.$object->id.'">'.img_edit($langs->trans('setretainedwarrantyDateLimit'), 1).'</a></td>';
4577			}
4579			print '</tr></table>';
4580			print '</td><td>';
4581			$defaultDate = !empty($object->retained_warranty_date_limit) ? $object->retained_warranty_date_limit : strtotime('-1 years', $object->date_lim_reglement);
4582			if ($object->date > $defaultDate) {
4583				$defaultDate = $object->date;
4584			}
4586			if ($action == 'editretainedwarrantydatelimit') {
4587				//date('Y-m-d',$object->date_lim_reglement)
4588				print '<form method="POST" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?facid='.$object->id.'">';
4589				print '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="setretainedwarrantydatelimit">';
4590				print '<input type="hidden" name="token" value="'.newToken().'">';
4591				print '<input name="retained_warranty_date_limit" type="date" step="1" min="'.dol_print_date($object->date, '%Y-%m-%d').'" value="'.dol_print_date($defaultDate, '%Y-%m-%d').'" >';
4592				print '<input type="submit" class="button valignmiddle" value="'.$langs->trans("Modify").'">';
4593				print '</form>';
4594			} else {
4595				print dol_print_date($object->retained_warranty_date_limit, 'day');
4596			}
4597			print '</td></tr>';
4598		}
4599	}
4602	// Other attributes
4603	$cols = 2;
4604	include DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/tpl/extrafields_view.tpl.php';
4606	print '</table>';
4608	print '</div>';
4609	print '<div class="fichehalfright">';
4610	print '<div class="ficheaddleft">';
4612	print '<!-- amounts -->'."\n";
4613	print '<table class="border bordertop tableforfield centpercent">';
4615	$sign = 1;
4616	if (!empty($conf->global->INVOICE_POSITIVE_CREDIT_NOTE_SCREEN) && $object->type == $object::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE) {
4617		$sign = -1; // We invert sign for output
4618	}
4620	if (!empty($conf->multicurrency->enabled) && ($object->multicurrency_code != $conf->currency)) {
4621		// Multicurrency Amount HT
4622		print '<tr><td class="titlefieldmiddle">'.$form->editfieldkey('MulticurrencyAmountHT', 'multicurrency_total_ht', '', $object, 0).'</td>';
4623		print '<td class="nowrap amountcard">'.price($sign * $object->multicurrency_total_ht, '', $langs, 0, -1, -1, (!empty($object->multicurrency_code) ? $object->multicurrency_code : $conf->currency)).'</td>';
4624		print '</tr>';
4626		// Multicurrency Amount VAT
4627		print '<tr><td>'.$form->editfieldkey('MulticurrencyAmountVAT', 'multicurrency_total_tva', '', $object, 0).'</td>';
4628		print '<td class="nowrap amountcard">'.price($sign * $object->multicurrency_total_tva, '', $langs, 0, -1, -1, (!empty($object->multicurrency_code) ? $object->multicurrency_code : $conf->currency)).'</td>';
4629		print '</tr>';
4631		// Multicurrency Amount TTC
4632		print '<tr><td>'.$form->editfieldkey('MulticurrencyAmountTTC', 'multicurrency_total_ttc', '', $object, 0).'</td>';
4633		print '<td class="nowrap amountcard">'.price($sign * $object->multicurrency_total_ttc, '', $langs, 0, -1, -1, (!empty($object->multicurrency_code) ? $object->multicurrency_code : $conf->currency)).'</td>';
4634		print '</tr>';
4635	}
4637	// Amount
4638	print '<tr><td class="titlefieldmiddle">'.$langs->trans('AmountHT').'</td>';
4639	print '<td class="nowrap amountcard">'.price($sign * $object->total_ht, 1, '', 1, - 1, - 1, $conf->currency).'</td></tr>';
4641	// Vat
4642	print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans('AmountVAT').'</td><td colspan="3" class="nowrap amountcard">'.price($sign * $object->total_tva, 1, '', 1, - 1, - 1, $conf->currency).'</td></tr>';
4643	print '</tr>';
4645	// Amount Local Taxes
4646	if (($mysoc->localtax1_assuj == "1" && $mysoc->useLocalTax(1)) || $object->total_localtax1 != 0) { 	// Localtax1
4647		print '<tr><td>'.$langs->transcountry("AmountLT1", $mysoc->country_code).'</td>';
4648		print '<td class="nowrap amountcard">'.price($sign * $object->total_localtax1, 1, '', 1, - 1, - 1, $conf->currency).'</td></tr>';
4649	}
4650	if (($mysoc->localtax2_assuj == "1" && $mysoc->useLocalTax(2)) || $object->total_localtax2 != 0) {	// Localtax2
4651		print '<tr><td>'.$langs->transcountry("AmountLT2", $mysoc->country_code).'</td>';
4652		print '<td class=nowrap amountcard">'.price($sign * $object->total_localtax2, 1, '', 1, - 1, - 1, $conf->currency).'</td></tr>';
4653	}
4655	// Revenue stamp
4656	if ($selleruserevenustamp) {	// Test company use revenue stamp
4657		print '<tr><td>';
4658		print '<table class="nobordernopadding" width="100%"><tr><td>';
4659		print $langs->trans('RevenueStamp');
4660		print '</td>';
4661		if ($action != 'editrevenuestamp' && !empty($object->brouillon) && $usercancreate) {
4662			print '<td class="right"><a class="editfielda" href="'.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?action=editrevenuestamp&amp;facid='.$object->id.'">'.img_edit($langs->trans('SetRevenuStamp'), 1).'</a></td>';
4663		}
4664		print '</tr></table>';
4665		print '</td><td>';
4666		if ($action == 'editrevenuestamp') {
4667			print '<form action="'.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?id='.$object->id.'" method="post">';
4668			print '<input type="hidden" name="token" value="'.newToken().'">';
4669			print '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="setrevenuestamp">';
4670			print '<input type="hidden" name="revenuestamp" id="revenuestamp_val" value="'.price2num($object->revenuestamp).'">';
4671			print $formother->select_revenue_stamp('', 'revenuestamp_type', $mysoc->country_code);
4672			print ' &rarr; <span id="revenuestamp_span"></span>';
4673			print ' <input type="submit" class="button buttongen" value="'.$langs->trans('Modify').'">';
4674			print '</form>';
4675			print " <script>
4676                $(document).ready(function(){
4677                    js_recalculate_revenuestamp();
4678                    $('select[name=revenuestamp_type]').on('change',function(){
4679                        js_recalculate_revenuestamp();
4680                    });
4681                });
4682                function js_recalculate_revenuestamp(){
4683					var valselected = $('select[name=revenuestamp_type]').val();
4684					console.log('Calculate revenue stamp from '+valselected);
4685					var revenue = 0;
4686					if (valselected.indexOf('%') == -1)
4687					{
4688						revenue = valselected;
4689					}
4690					else
4691					{
4692	                    var revenue_type = parseFloat(valselected);
4693	                    var amount_net = ".round($object->total_ht, 2).";
4694	                    revenue = revenue_type * amount_net / 100;
4695	                    revenue = revenue.toFixed(2);
4696					}
4697                    $('#revenuestamp_val').val(revenue);
4698                    $('#revenuestamp_span').html(revenue);
4699                }
4700            </script>";
4701		} else {
4702			print price($object->revenuestamp, 1, '', 1, - 1, - 1, $conf->currency);
4703		}
4704		print '</td></tr>';
4705	}
4707	// Total with tax
4708	print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans('AmountTTC').'</td><td class="nowrap amountcard">'.price($sign * $object->total_ttc, 1, '', 1, - 1, - 1, $conf->currency).'</td></tr>';
4710	print '</table>';
4713	$nbrows = 8;
4714	$nbcols = 3;
4715	if (!empty($conf->projet->enabled)) {
4716		$nbrows++;
4717	}
4718	if (!empty($conf->banque->enabled)) {
4719		$nbrows++;
4720		$nbcols++;
4721	}
4722	if ($mysoc->localtax1_assuj == "1" || $object->total_localtax1 != 0) {
4723		$nbrows++;
4724	}
4725	if ($mysoc->localtax2_assuj == "1" || $object->total_localtax2 != 0) {
4726		$nbrows++;
4727	}
4728	if ($selleruserevenustamp) {
4729		$nbrows++;
4730	}
4731	if (!empty($conf->multicurrency->enabled)) {
4732		$nbrows += 5;
4733	}
4734	if (!empty($conf->incoterm->enabled)) {
4735		$nbrows += 1;
4736	}
4738	// List of previous situation invoices
4739	if (($object->situation_cycle_ref > 0) && !empty($conf->global->INVOICE_USE_SITUATION)) {
4740		print '<table class="noborder situationstable" width="100%">';
4742		print '<tr class="liste_titre">';
4743		print '<td>'.$langs->trans('ListOfSituationInvoices').'</td>';
4744		print '<td></td>';
4745		print '<td class="center">'.$langs->trans('Situation').'</td>';
4746		if (!empty($conf->banque->enabled)) {
4747			print '<td class="right"></td>';
4748		}
4749		print '<td class="right">'.$langs->trans('AmountHT').'</td>';
4750		print '<td class="right">'.$langs->trans('AmountTTC').'</td>';
4751		print '<td width="18">&nbsp;</td>';
4752		print '</tr>';
4754		$total_prev_ht = $total_prev_ttc = 0;
4755		$total_global_ht = $total_global_ttc = 0;
4757		if (count($object->tab_previous_situation_invoice) > 0) {
4758			// List of previous invoices
4760			$current_situation_counter = array();
4761			foreach ($object->tab_previous_situation_invoice as $prev_invoice) {
4762				$tmptotalpaidforthisinvoice = $prev_invoice->getSommePaiement();
4763				$total_prev_ht += $prev_invoice->total_ht;
4764				$total_prev_ttc += $prev_invoice->total_ttc;
4765				$current_situation_counter[] = (($prev_invoice->type == Facture::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE) ?-1 : 1) * $prev_invoice->situation_counter;
4766				print '<tr class="oddeven">';
4767				print '<td>'.$prev_invoice->getNomUrl(1).'</td>';
4768				print '<td></td>';
4769				print '<td align="center" >'.(($prev_invoice->type == Facture::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE) ? $langs->trans('situationInvoiceShortcode_AS') : $langs->trans('situationInvoiceShortcode_S')).$prev_invoice->situation_counter.'</td>';
4770				if (!empty($conf->banque->enabled)) {
4771					print '<td class="right"></td>';
4772				}
4773				print '<td class="right"><span class="amount">'.price($prev_invoice->total_ht).'</span></td>';
4774				print '<td class="right"><span class="amount">'.price($prev_invoice->total_ttc).'</span></td>';
4775				print '<td class="right">'.$prev_invoice->getLibStatut(3, $tmptotalpaidforthisinvoice).'</td>';
4776				print '</tr>';
4777			}
4778		}
4781		$total_global_ht += $total_prev_ht;
4782		$total_global_ttc += $total_prev_ttc;
4783		$total_global_ht += $object->total_ht;
4784		$total_global_ttc += $object->total_ttc;
4785		$current_situation_counter[] = (($object->type == Facture::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE) ?-1 : 1) * $object->situation_counter;
4786		print '<tr class="oddeven">';
4787		print '<td>'.$object->getNomUrl(1).'</td>';
4788		print '<td></td>';
4789		print '<td class="center">'.(($object->type == Facture::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE) ? $langs->trans('situationInvoiceShortcode_AS') : $langs->trans('situationInvoiceShortcode_S')).$object->situation_counter.'</td>';
4790		if (!empty($conf->banque->enabled)) {
4791			print '<td class="right"></td>';
4792		}
4793		print '<td class="right"><span class="amount">'.price($object->total_ht).'</span></td>';
4794		print '<td class="right"><span class="amount">'.price($object->total_ttc).'</span></td>';
4795		print '<td class="right">'.$object->getLibStatut(3, $object->getSommePaiement()).'</td>';
4796		print '</tr>';
4799		print '<tr class="oddeven">';
4800		print '<td colspan="2" class="left"><b>'.$langs->trans('CurrentSituationTotal').'</b></td>';
4801		print '<td>';
4802		$i = 0;
4803		foreach ($current_situation_counter as $sit) {
4804			$curSign = $sit > 0 ? '+' : '-';
4805			$curType = $sit > 0 ? $langs->trans('situationInvoiceShortcode_S') : $langs->trans('situationInvoiceShortcode_AS');
4806			if ($i > 0) {
4807				print ' '.$curSign.' ';
4808			}
4809			print $curType.abs($sit);
4810			$i++;
4811		}
4812		print '</td>';
4813		if (!empty($conf->banque->enabled)) {
4814			print '<td></td>';
4815		}
4816		print '<td class="right"><b>'.price($total_global_ht).'</b></td>';
4817		print '<td class="right"><b>'.price($total_global_ttc).'</b></td>';
4818		print '<td width="18">&nbsp;</td>';
4819		print '</tr>';
4822		if (count($object->tab_next_situation_invoice) > 0) {
4823			// List of next invoices
4824			/*print '<tr class="liste_titre">';
4825			 print '<td>' . $langs->trans('ListOfNextSituationInvoices') . '</td>';
4826			 print '<td></td>';
4827			 print '<td></td>';
4828			 if (! empty($conf->banque->enabled)) print '<td class="right"></td>';
4829			 print '<td class="right">' . $langs->trans('AmountHT') . '</td>';
4830			 print '<td class="right">' . $langs->trans('AmountTTC') . '</td>';
4831			 print '<td width="18">&nbsp;</td>';
4832			 print '</tr>';*/
4834			$total_next_ht = $total_next_ttc = 0;
4836			foreach ($object->tab_next_situation_invoice as $next_invoice) {
4837				$totalpaye = $next_invoice->getSommePaiement();
4838				$total_next_ht += $next_invoice->total_ht;
4839				$total_next_ttc += $next_invoice->total_ttc;
4841				print '<tr class="oddeven">';
4842				print '<td>'.$next_invoice->getNomUrl(1).'</td>';
4843				print '<td></td>';
4844				print '<td class="center">'.(($next_invoice->type == Facture::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE) ? $langs->trans('situationInvoiceShortcode_AS') : $langs->trans('situationInvoiceShortcode_S')).$next_invoice->situation_counter.'</td>';
4845				if (!empty($conf->banque->enabled)) {
4846					print '<td class="right"></td>';
4847				}
4848				print '<td class="right"><span class="amount">'.price($next_invoice->total_ht).'</span></td>';
4849				print '<td class="right"><span class="amount">'.price($next_invoice->total_ttc).'</span></td>';
4850				print '<td class="right">'.$next_invoice->getLibStatut(3, $totalpaye).'</td>';
4851				print '</tr>';
4852			}
4854			$total_global_ht += $total_next_ht;
4855			$total_global_ttc += $total_next_ttc;
4857			print '<tr class="oddeven">';
4858			print '<td colspan="3" class="right"></td>';
4859			if (!empty($conf->banque->enabled)) {
4860				print '<td class="right"></td>';
4861			}
4862			print '<td class="right"><b>'.price($total_global_ht).'</b></td>';
4863			print '<td class="right"><b>'.price($total_global_ttc).'</b></td>';
4864			print '<td width="18">&nbsp;</td>';
4865			print '</tr>';
4866		}
4868		print '</table>';
4869	}
4871	$sign = 1;
4872	if ($object->type == $object::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE) {
4873		$sign = -1;
4874	}
4876	// List of payments already done
4878	print '<div class="div-table-responsive-no-min">';
4879	print '<table class="noborder paymenttable" width="100%">';
4881	print '<tr class="liste_titre">';
4882	print '<td class="liste_titre">'.($object->type == Facture::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE ? $langs->trans("PaymentsBack") : $langs->trans('Payments')).'</td>';
4883	print '<td class="liste_titre">'.$langs->trans('Date').'</td>';
4884	print '<td class="liste_titre">'.$langs->trans('Type').'</td>';
4885	if (!empty($conf->banque->enabled)) {
4886		print '<td class="liste_titre right">'.$langs->trans('BankAccount').'</td>';
4887	}
4888	print '<td class="liste_titre right">'.$langs->trans('Amount').'</td>';
4889	print '<td class="liste_titre" width="18">&nbsp;</td>';
4890	print '</tr>';
4892	// Payments already done (from payment on this invoice)
4893	$sql = 'SELECT p.datep as dp, p.ref, p.num_paiement as num_payment, p.rowid, p.fk_bank,';
4894	$sql .= ' c.code as payment_code, c.libelle as payment_label,';
4895	$sql .= ' pf.amount,';
4896	$sql .= ' ba.rowid as baid, ba.ref as baref, ba.label, ba.number as banumber, ba.account_number, ba.fk_accountancy_journal';
4897	$sql .= ' FROM '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'paiement_facture as pf, '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'paiement as p';
4898	$sql .= ' LEFT JOIN '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'c_paiement as c ON p.fk_paiement = c.id';
4899	$sql .= ' LEFT JOIN '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'bank as b ON p.fk_bank = b.rowid';
4900	$sql .= ' LEFT JOIN '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'bank_account as ba ON b.fk_account = ba.rowid';
4901	$sql .= ' WHERE pf.fk_facture = '.$object->id.' AND pf.fk_paiement = p.rowid';
4902	$sql .= ' AND p.entity IN ('.getEntity('invoice').')';
4903	$sql .= ' ORDER BY p.datep, p.tms';
4905	$result = $db->query($sql);
4906	if ($result) {
4907		$num = $db->num_rows($result);
4908		$i = 0;
4910		if ($num > 0) {
4911			while ($i < $num) {
4912				$objp = $db->fetch_object($result);
4914				$paymentstatic->id = $objp->rowid;
4915				$paymentstatic->datepaye = $db->jdate($objp->dp);
4916				$paymentstatic->ref = $objp->ref;
4917				$paymentstatic->num_payment = $objp->num_payment;
4918				$paymentstatic->payment_code = $objp->payment_code;
4920				print '<tr class="oddeven"><td class="nowraponall">';
4921				print $paymentstatic->getNomUrl(1);
4922				print '</td>';
4923				print '<td>';
4924				$dateofpayment = $db->jdate($objp->dp);
4925				$tmparray = dol_getdate($dateofpayment);
4926				if ($tmparray['seconds'] == 0 && $tmparray['minutes'] == 0 && ($tmparray['hours'] == 0 || $tmparray['hours'] == 12)) {	// We set hours to 0:00 or 12:00 because we don't know it
4927					print dol_print_date($dateofpayment, 'day');
4928				} else {	// Hours was set to real date of payment (special case for POS for example)
4929					print dol_print_date($dateofpayment, 'dayhour', 'tzuser');
4930				}
4931				print '</td>';
4932				$label = ($langs->trans("PaymentType".$objp->payment_code) != ("PaymentType".$objp->payment_code)) ? $langs->trans("PaymentType".$objp->payment_code) : $objp->payment_label;
4933				print '<td>'.$label.' '.$objp->num_payment.'</td>';
4934				if (!empty($conf->banque->enabled)) {
4935					$bankaccountstatic->id = $objp->baid;
4936					$bankaccountstatic->ref = $objp->baref;
4937					$bankaccountstatic->label = $objp->baref;
4938					$bankaccountstatic->number = $objp->banumber;
4940					if (!empty($conf->accounting->enabled)) {
4941						$bankaccountstatic->account_number = $objp->account_number;
4943						$accountingjournal = new AccountingJournal($db);
4944						$accountingjournal->fetch($objp->fk_accountancy_journal);
4945						$bankaccountstatic->accountancy_journal = $accountingjournal->getNomUrl(0, 1, 1, '', 1);
4946					}
4948					print '<td class="nowraponall">';
4949					if ($bankaccountstatic->id) {
4950						print $bankaccountstatic->getNomUrl(1, 'transactions');
4951					}
4952					print '</td>';
4953				}
4954				print '<td class="right"><span class="amount">'.price($sign * $objp->amount).'</span></td>';
4955				print '<td class="center">';
4956				if ($object->statut == Facture::STATUS_VALIDATED && $object->paye == 0 && $user->socid == 0) {
4957					print '<a href="'.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?id='.$object->id.'&action=deletepayment&token='.newToken().'&paiement_id='.$objp->rowid.'">';
4958					print img_delete();
4959					print '</a>';
4960				}
4961				print '</td>';
4962				print '</tr>';
4963				$i++;
4964			}
4965		}
4967		$db->free($result);
4968	} else {
4969		dol_print_error($db);
4970	}
4972	if ($object->type != Facture::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE) {
4973		// Total already paid
4974		print '<tr><td colspan="'.$nbcols.'" class="right">';
4975		print '<span class="opacitymedium">';
4976		if ($object->type != Facture::TYPE_DEPOSIT) {
4977			print $langs->trans('AlreadyPaidNoCreditNotesNoDeposits');
4978		} else {
4979			print $langs->trans('AlreadyPaid');
4980		}
4981		print '</span></td><td class="right'.(($totalpaye > 0) ? ' amountalreadypaid' : '').'">'.price($totalpaye).'</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>';
4983		$resteapayeraffiche = $resteapayer;
4984		$cssforamountpaymentcomplete = 'amountpaymentcomplete';
4986		// Loop on each credit note or deposit amount applied
4987		$creditnoteamount = 0;
4988		$depositamount = 0;
4989		$sql = "SELECT re.rowid, re.amount_ht, re.amount_tva, re.amount_ttc,";
4990		$sql .= " re.description, re.fk_facture_source";
4991		$sql .= " FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."societe_remise_except as re";
4992		$sql .= " WHERE fk_facture = ".$object->id;
4993		$resql = $db->query($sql);
4994		if ($resql) {
4995			$num = $db->num_rows($resql);
4996			$i = 0;
4997			$invoice = new Facture($db);
4998			while ($i < $num) {
4999				$obj = $db->fetch_object($resql);
5000				$invoice->fetch($obj->fk_facture_source);
5001				print '<tr><td colspan="'.$nbcols.'" class="right">';
5002				print '<span class="opacitymedium">';
5003				if ($invoice->type == Facture::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE) {
5004					print $langs->trans("CreditNote").' ';
5005				}
5006				if ($invoice->type == Facture::TYPE_DEPOSIT) {
5007					print $langs->trans("Deposit").' ';
5008				}
5009				print $invoice->getNomUrl(0);
5010				print '</span>';
5011				print '</td>';
5012				print '<td class="right"><span class="amount">'.price($obj->amount_ttc).'</span></td>';
5013				print '<td class="right">';
5014				print '<a href="'.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?facid='.$object->id.'&action=unlinkdiscount&discountid='.$obj->rowid.'">'.img_delete().'</a>';
5015				print '</td></tr>';
5016				$i++;
5017				if ($invoice->type == Facture::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE) {
5018					$creditnoteamount += $obj->amount_ttc;
5019				}
5020				if ($invoice->type == Facture::TYPE_DEPOSIT) {
5021					$depositamount += $obj->amount_ttc;
5022				}
5023			}
5024		} else {
5025			dol_print_error($db);
5026		}
5028		// Paye partiellement 'escompte'
5029		if (($object->statut == Facture::STATUS_CLOSED || $object->statut == Facture::STATUS_ABANDONED) && $object->close_code == 'discount_vat') {
5030			print '<tr><td colspan="'.$nbcols.'" class="nowrap right">';
5031			print '<span class="opacitymedium">';
5032			print $form->textwithpicto($langs->trans("Discount"), $langs->trans("HelpEscompte"), - 1);
5033			print '</span>';
5034			print '</td><td class="right"><span class="amount">'.price(price2num($object->total_ttc - $creditnoteamount - $depositamount - $totalpaye, 'MT')).'</span></td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>';
5035			$resteapayeraffiche = 0;
5036			$cssforamountpaymentcomplete = 'amountpaymentneutral';
5037		}
5038		// Paye partiellement ou Abandon 'badcustomer'
5039		if (($object->statut == Facture::STATUS_CLOSED || $object->statut == Facture::STATUS_ABANDONED) && $object->close_code == 'badcustomer') {
5040			print '<tr><td colspan="'.$nbcols.'" class="nowrap right">';
5041			print '<span class="opacitymedium">';
5042			print $form->textwithpicto($langs->trans("Abandoned"), $langs->trans("HelpAbandonBadCustomer"), - 1);
5043			print '</span>';
5044			print '</td><td class="right">'.price(price2num($object->total_ttc - $creditnoteamount - $depositamount - $totalpaye, 'MT')).'</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>';
5045			// $resteapayeraffiche=0;
5046			$cssforamountpaymentcomplete = 'amountpaymentneutral';
5047		}
5048		// Paye partiellement ou Abandon 'product_returned'
5049		if (($object->statut == Facture::STATUS_CLOSED || $object->statut == Facture::STATUS_ABANDONED) && $object->close_code == 'product_returned') {
5050			print '<tr><td colspan="'.$nbcols.'" class="nowrap right">';
5051			print '<span class="opacitymedium">';
5052			print $form->textwithpicto($langs->trans("ProductReturned"), $langs->trans("HelpAbandonProductReturned"), - 1);
5053			print '</span>';
5054			print '</td><td class="right"><span class="amount">'.price(price2num($object->total_ttc - $creditnoteamount - $depositamount - $totalpaye, 'MT')).'</span></td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>';
5055			$resteapayeraffiche = 0;
5056			$cssforamountpaymentcomplete = 'amountpaymentneutral';
5057		}
5058		// Paye partiellement ou Abandon 'abandon'
5059		if (($object->statut == Facture::STATUS_CLOSED || $object->statut == Facture::STATUS_ABANDONED) && $object->close_code == 'abandon') {
5060			print '<tr><td colspan="'.$nbcols.'" class="nowrap right">';
5061			$text = $langs->trans("HelpAbandonOther");
5062			if ($object->close_note) {
5063				$text .= '<br><br><b>'.$langs->trans("Reason").'</b>:'.$object->close_note;
5064			}
5065			print '<span class="opacitymedium">';
5066			print $form->textwithpicto($langs->trans("Abandoned"), $text, - 1);
5067			print '</span>';
5068			print '</td><td class="right"><span class="amount">'.price(price2num($object->total_ttc - $creditnoteamount - $depositamount - $totalpaye, 'MT')).'</span></td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>';
5069			$resteapayeraffiche = 0;
5070			$cssforamountpaymentcomplete = 'amountpaymentneutral';
5071		}
5073		// Billed
5074		print '<tr><td colspan="'.$nbcols.'" class="right">';
5075		print '<span class="opacitymedium">';
5076		print $langs->trans("Billed");
5077		print '</td><td class="right">'.price($object->total_ttc).'</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>';
5078		// Remainder to pay
5079		print '<tr><td colspan="'.$nbcols.'" class="right">';
5080		print '<span class="opacitymedium">';
5081		print $langs->trans('RemainderToPay');
5082		if ($resteapayeraffiche < 0) {
5083			print ' ('.$langs->trans('ExcessReceived').')';
5084		}
5085		print '</span>';
5086		print '</td>';
5087		print '<td class="right'.($resteapayeraffiche ? ' amountremaintopay' : (' '.$cssforamountpaymentcomplete)).'">'.price($resteapayeraffiche).'</td>';
5088		print '<td class="nowrap">&nbsp;</td></tr>';
5090		// Retained warranty : usualy use on construction industry
5091		if (!empty($object->situation_final) && !empty($object->retained_warranty) && $displayWarranty) {
5092			// Billed - retained warranty
5093			if ($object->type == Facture::TYPE_SITUATION) {
5094				$retainedWarranty = $total_global_ttc * $object->retained_warranty / 100;
5095			} else {
5096				// Because one day retained warranty could be used on standard invoices
5097				$retainedWarranty = $object->total_ttc * $object->retained_warranty / 100;
5098			}
5100			$billedWithRetainedWarranty = $object->total_ttc - $retainedWarranty;
5102			print '<tr><td colspan="'.$nbcols.'" align="right">'.$langs->trans("ToPayOn", dol_print_date($object->date_lim_reglement, 'day')).' :</td><td align="right">'.price($billedWithRetainedWarranty).'</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>';
5104			// retained warranty
5105			print '<tr><td colspan="'.$nbcols.'" align="right">';
5106			print $langs->trans("RetainedWarranty").' ('.$object->retained_warranty.'%)';
5107			print !empty($object->retained_warranty_date_limit) ? ' '.$langs->trans("ToPayOn", dol_print_date($object->retained_warranty_date_limit, 'day')) : '';
5108			print ' :</td><td align="right">'.price($retainedWarranty).'</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>';
5109		}
5110	} else { // Credit note
5111		$cssforamountpaymentcomplete = 'amountpaymentneutral';
5113		// Total already paid back
5114		print '<tr><td colspan="'.$nbcols.'" class="right">';
5115		print $langs->trans('AlreadyPaidBack');
5116		print ' :</td><td class="right"><span class="amount">'.price($sign * $totalpaye).'</span></td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>';
5118		// Billed
5119		print '<tr><td colspan="'.$nbcols.'" class="right">'.$langs->trans("Billed").' :</td><td class="right">'.price($sign * $object->total_ttc).'</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>';
5121		// Remainder to pay back
5122		print '<tr><td colspan="'.$nbcols.'" class="right">';
5123		print $langs->trans('RemainderToPayBack');
5124		if ($resteapayeraffiche > 0) {
5125			print ' ('.$langs->trans('ExcessPaid').')';
5126		}
5127		print ' :</td>';
5128		print '<td class="right'.($resteapayeraffiche ? ' amountremaintopayback' : (' '.$cssforamountpaymentcomplete)).'">'.price($sign * $resteapayeraffiche).'</td>';
5129		print '<td class="nowrap">&nbsp;</td></tr>';
5131		// Sold credit note
5132		// print '<tr><td colspan="'.$nbcols.'" class="right">'.$langs->trans('TotalTTC').' :</td>';
5133		// print '<td class="right" style="border: 1px solid;" bgcolor="#f0f0f0"><b>'.price($sign *
5134		// $object->total_ttc).'</b></td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>';
5135	}
5137	print '</table>';
5138	print '</div>';
5140	// Margin Infos
5141	if (!empty($conf->margin->enabled)) {
5142		$formmargin->displayMarginInfos($object);
5143	}
5145	print '</div>';
5146	print '</div>';
5147	print '</div>';
5149	print '<div class="clearboth"></div><br>';
5151	if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_DISABLE_CONTACTS_TAB)) {
5152		$blocname = 'contacts';
5153		$title = $langs->trans('ContactsAddresses');
5154		include DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/tpl/bloc_showhide.tpl.php';
5155	}
5157	if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_DISABLE_NOTES_TAB)) {
5158		$blocname = 'notes';
5159		$title = $langs->trans('Notes');
5160		include DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/tpl/bloc_showhide.tpl.php';
5161	}
5163	// Lines
5164	$result = $object->getLinesArray();
5166	// Show global modifiers
5167	if (!empty($conf->global->INVOICE_USE_SITUATION)) {
5168		if ($object->situation_cycle_ref && $object->statut == 0) {
5169			print '<!-- Area to change globally the situation percent -->'."\n";
5170			print '<div class="div-table-responsive">';
5172			print '<form name="updatealllines" id="updatealllines" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?id='.$object->id.'#updatealllines" method="POST">';
5173			print '<input type="hidden" name="token" value="'.newToken().'" />';
5174			print '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="updatealllines" />';
5175			print '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="'.$object->id.'" />';
5177			print '<table id="tablelines_all_progress" class="noborder noshadow" width="100%">';
5179			print '<tr class="liste_titre nodrag nodrop">';
5181			// Adds a line numbering column
5182			if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_VIEW_LINE_NUMBER)) {
5183				print '<td align="center" width="5">&nbsp;</td>';
5184			}
5185			print '<td class="minwidth500imp">'.$langs->trans('ModifyAllLines').'</td>';
5186			print '<td class="right">'.$langs->trans('Progress').'</td>';
5187			print '<td>&nbsp;</td>';
5188			print "</tr>\n";
5190			print '<tr class="nodrag nodrop">';
5191			// Adds a line numbering column
5192			if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_VIEW_LINE_NUMBER)) {
5193				print '<td align="center" width="5">&nbsp;</td>';
5194			}
5195			print '<td>&nbsp;</td>';
5196			print '<td class="nowrap right"><input type="text" size="1" value="" name="all_progress">%</td>';
5197			print '<td class="right"><input class="button" type="submit" name="all_percent" value="Modifier" /></td>';
5198			print '</tr>';
5200			print '</table>';
5202			print '</form>';
5204			print '</div>';
5205		}
5206	}
5208	print '	<form name="addproduct" id="addproduct" action="'.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?id='.$object->id.(($action != 'editline') ? '' : '#line_'.GETPOST('lineid', 'int')).'" method="POST">
5209	<input type="hidden" name="token" value="' . newToken().'">
5210	<input type="hidden" name="action" value="' . (($action != 'editline') ? 'addline' : 'updateline').'">
5211	<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="">
5212	<input type="hidden" name="page_y" value="">
5213	<input type="hidden" name="id" value="' . $object->id.'">
5214	';
5216	if (!empty($conf->use_javascript_ajax) && $object->statut == 0) {
5217		include DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/tpl/ajaxrow.tpl.php';
5218	}
5220	print '<div class="div-table-responsive-no-min">';
5221	print '<table id="tablelines" class="noborder noshadow" width="100%">';
5223	// Show object lines
5224	if (!empty($object->lines)) {
5225		$ret = $object->printObjectLines($action, $mysoc, $soc, $lineid, 1);
5226	}
5228	// Form to add new line
5229	if ($object->statut == 0 && $usercancreate && $action != 'valid' && $action != 'editline') {
5230		if ($action != 'editline' && $action != 'selectlines') {
5231			// Add free products/services
5233			$parameters = array();
5234			$reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks('formAddObjectLine', $parameters, $object, $action); // Note that $action and $object may have been modified by hook
5235			if ($reshook < 0) setEventMessages($hookmanager->error, $hookmanager->errors, 'errors');
5236			if (empty($reshook))
5237				$object->formAddObjectLine(1, $mysoc, $soc);
5238		}
5239	}
5241	print "</table>\n";
5242	print "</div>";
5244	print "</form>\n";
5246	print dol_get_fiche_end();
5249	// Actions buttons
5251	if ($action != 'prerelance' && $action != 'presend' && $action != 'valid' && $action != 'editline') {
5252		print '<div class="tabsAction">';
5254		$parameters = array();
5255		$reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks('addMoreActionsButtons', $parameters, $object, $action); // Note that $action and $object may have been modified by hook
5256		if (empty($reshook)) {
5257			// Editer une facture deja validee, sans paiement effectue et pas exporte en compta
5258			if ($object->statut == Facture::STATUS_VALIDATED) {
5259				// We check if lines of invoice are not already transfered into accountancy
5260				$ventilExportCompta = $object->getVentilExportCompta();
5262				if ($ventilExportCompta == 0) {
5263					if (!empty($conf->global->INVOICE_CAN_ALWAYS_BE_EDITED) || ($resteapayer == price2num($object->total_ttc, 'MT', 1) && empty($object->paye))) {
5264						if (!$objectidnext && $object->is_last_in_cycle()) {
5265							if ($usercanunvalidate) {
5266								print '<a class="butAction'.($conf->use_javascript_ajax ? ' reposition' : '').'" href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?facid='.$object->id.'&amp;action=modif">'.$langs->trans('Modify').'</a>';
5267							} else {
5268								print '<span class="butActionRefused classfortooltip" title="'.$langs->trans("NotEnoughPermissions").'">'.$langs->trans('Modify').'</span>';
5269							}
5270						} elseif (!$object->is_last_in_cycle()) {
5271							print '<span class="butActionRefused classfortooltip" title="'.$langs->trans("NotLastInCycle").'">'.$langs->trans('Modify').'</span>';
5272						} else {
5273							print '<span class="butActionRefused classfortooltip" title="'.$langs->trans("DisabledBecauseReplacedInvoice").'">'.$langs->trans('Modify').'</span>';
5274						}
5275					}
5276				} else {
5277					print '<span class="butActionRefused classfortooltip" title="'.$langs->trans("DisabledBecauseDispatchedInBookkeeping").'">'.$langs->trans('Modify').'</span>';
5278				}
5279			}
5281			$discount = new DiscountAbsolute($db);
5282			$result = $discount->fetch(0, $object->id);
5284			// Reopen a standard paid invoice
5285			if ((($object->type == Facture::TYPE_STANDARD || $object->type == Facture::TYPE_REPLACEMENT)
5286				|| ($object->type == Facture::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE && empty($discount->id))
5287				|| ($object->type == Facture::TYPE_DEPOSIT && empty($discount->id))
5288				|| ($object->type == Facture::TYPE_SITUATION && empty($discount->id)))
5289				&& ($object->statut == Facture::STATUS_CLOSED || $object->statut == Facture::STATUS_ABANDONED || ($object->statut == 1 && $object->paye == 1))   // Condition ($object->statut == 1 && $object->paye == 1) should not happened but can be found due to corrupted data
5290				&& ((empty($conf->global->MAIN_USE_ADVANCED_PERMS) && $usercancreate) || $usercanreopen)) {				// A paid invoice (partially or completely)
5291				if ($object->close_code != 'replaced' || (!$objectidnext)) { 				// Not replaced by another invoice or replaced but the replacement invoice has been deleted
5292					print '<a class="butAction'.($conf->use_javascript_ajax ? ' reposition' : '').'" href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?facid='.$object->id.'&amp;action=reopen">'.$langs->trans('ReOpen').'</a>';
5293				} else {
5294					print '<span class="butActionRefused classfortooltip" title="'.$langs->trans("DisabledBecauseReplacedInvoice").'">'.$langs->trans('ReOpen').'</span>';
5295				}
5296			}
5298			// Validate
5299			if ($object->statut == Facture::STATUS_DRAFT && count($object->lines) > 0 && ((($object->type == Facture::TYPE_STANDARD || $object->type == Facture::TYPE_REPLACEMENT || $object->type == Facture::TYPE_DEPOSIT || $object->type == Facture::TYPE_PROFORMA || $object->type == Facture::TYPE_SITUATION) && (!empty($conf->global->FACTURE_ENABLE_NEGATIVE) || $object->total_ttc >= 0)) || ($object->type == Facture::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE && $object->total_ttc <= 0))) {
5300				if ($usercanvalidate) {
5301					print '<a class="butAction'.($conf->use_javascript_ajax ? ' reposition' : '').'" href="'.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?facid='.$object->id.'&amp;action=valid">'.$langs->trans('Validate').'</a>';
5302				}
5303			}
5305			// Send by mail
5306			if (empty($user->socid)) {
5307				if (($object->statut == Facture::STATUS_VALIDATED || $object->statut == Facture::STATUS_CLOSED) || !empty($conf->global->FACTURE_SENDBYEMAIL_FOR_ALL_STATUS)) {
5308					if ($objectidnext) {
5309						print '<span class="butActionRefused classfortooltip" title="'.$langs->trans("DisabledBecauseReplacedInvoice").'">'.$langs->trans('SendMail').'</span>';
5310					} else {
5311						if ($usercansend) {
5312							print '<a class="butAction" href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?facid='.$object->id.'&action=presend&mode=init#formmailbeforetitle">'.$langs->trans('SendMail').'</a>';
5313						} else {
5314							print '<a class="butActionRefused classfortooltip" href="#">'.$langs->trans('SendMail').'</a>';
5315						}
5316					}
5317				}
5318			}
5320			// Request a direct debit order
5321			if ($object->statut > Facture::STATUS_DRAFT && $object->paye == 0 && $num == 0) {
5322				if ($resteapayer > 0) {
5323					if ($usercancreatewithdrarequest) {
5324						if (!$objectidnext && $object->close_code != 'replaced') { 				// Not replaced by another invoice
5325							print '<a class="butAction" href="'.DOL_URL_ROOT.'/compta/facture/prelevement.php?facid='.$object->id.'" title="'.dol_escape_htmltag($langs->trans("MakeWithdrawRequest")).'">'.$langs->trans("MakeWithdrawRequest").'</a>';
5326						} else {
5327							print '<span class="butActionRefused classfortooltip" title="'.$langs->trans("DisabledBecauseReplacedInvoice").'">'.$langs->trans('MakeWithdrawRequest').'</span>';
5328						}
5329					} else {
5330						//print '<a class="butActionRefused classfortooltip" href="#" title="'.dol_escape_htmltag($langs->trans("NotEnoughPermissions")).'">'.$langs->trans("MakeWithdrawRequest").'</a>';
5331					}
5332				} else {
5333					//print '<a class="butActionRefused classfortooltip" href="#" title="'.dol_escape_htmltag($langs->trans("AmountMustBePositive")).'">'.$langs->trans("MakeWithdrawRequest").'</a>';
5334				}
5335			}
5337			// POS Ticket
5338			if (!empty($conf->takepos->enabled) && $object->module_source == 'takepos') {
5339				$langs->load("cashdesk");
5340				$receipt_url = DOL_URL_ROOT."/takepos/receipt.php";
5341				print '<a target="_blank" class="butAction" href="'.$receipt_url.'?facid='.$object->id.'">'.$langs->trans('POSTicket').'</a>';
5342			}
5344			// Create payment
5345			if ($object->type != Facture::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE && $object->statut == 1 && $object->paye == 0 && $usercanissuepayment) {
5346				if ($objectidnext) {
5347					print '<span class="butActionRefused classfortooltip" title="'.$langs->trans("DisabledBecauseReplacedInvoice").'">'.$langs->trans('DoPayment').'</span>';
5348				} else {
5349					//if ($resteapayer == 0) {		// Sometimes we can receive more, so we accept to enter more and will offer a button to convert into discount (but it is not a credit note, just a prepayment done)
5350					//	print '<div class="inline-block divButAction"><span class="butActionRefused classfortooltip" title="' . $langs->trans("DisabledBecauseRemainderToPayIsZero") . '">' . $langs->trans('DoPayment') . '</span></div>';
5351					//} else {
5352						print '<a class="butAction" href="'.DOL_URL_ROOT.'/compta/paiement.php?facid='.$object->id.'&amp;action=create&amp;accountid='.$object->fk_account.'">'.$langs->trans('DoPayment').'</a>';
5353					//}
5354				}
5355			}
5357			// Reverse back money or convert to reduction
5358			if ($object->type == Facture::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE || $object->type == Facture::TYPE_DEPOSIT || $object->type == Facture::TYPE_STANDARD || $object->type == Facture::TYPE_SITUATION) {
5359				// For credit note only
5360				if ($object->type == Facture::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE && $object->statut == Facture::STATUS_VALIDATED && $object->paye == 0 && $usercanissuepayment) {
5361					if ($resteapayer == 0) {
5362						print '<span class="butActionRefused classfortooltip" title="'.$langs->trans("DisabledBecauseRemainderToPayIsZero").'">'.$langs->trans('DoPaymentBack').'</span>';
5363					} else {
5364						print '<a class="butAction" href="'.DOL_URL_ROOT.'/compta/paiement.php?facid='.$object->id.'&amp;action=create&amp;accountid='.$object->fk_account.'">'.$langs->trans('DoPaymentBack').'</a>';
5365					}
5366				}
5368				// For standard invoice with excess received
5369				if (($object->type == Facture::TYPE_STANDARD || $object->type == Facture::TYPE_SITUATION) && $object->statut == Facture::STATUS_VALIDATED && empty($object->paye) && $resteapayer < 0 && $usercancreate && empty($discount->id)) {
5370					print '<a class="butAction'.($conf->use_javascript_ajax ? ' reposition' : '').'" href="'.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?facid='.$object->id.'&amp;action=converttoreduc">'.$langs->trans('ConvertExcessReceivedToReduc').'</a>';
5371				}
5372				// For credit note
5373				if ($object->type == Facture::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE && $object->statut == Facture::STATUS_VALIDATED && $object->paye == 0 && $usercancreate
5374					&& (!empty($conf->global->INVOICE_ALLOW_REUSE_OF_CREDIT_WHEN_PARTIALLY_REFUNDED) || $object->getSommePaiement() == 0)
5375					) {
5376					print '<a class="butAction'.($conf->use_javascript_ajax ? ' reposition' : '').'" href="'.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?facid='.$object->id.'&amp;action=converttoreduc" title="'.dol_escape_htmltag($langs->trans("ConfirmConvertToReduc2")).'">'.$langs->trans('ConvertToReduc').'</a>';
5377				}
5378				// For deposit invoice
5379				if ($object->type == Facture::TYPE_DEPOSIT && $usercancreate && $object->statut > 0 && empty($discount->id)) {
5380					print '<a class="butAction'.($conf->use_javascript_ajax ? ' reposition' : '').'" href="'.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?facid='.$object->id.'&amp;action=converttoreduc">'.$langs->trans('ConvertToReduc').'</a>';
5381				}
5382			}
5384			// Classify paid
5385			if (($object->statut == Facture::STATUS_VALIDATED && $object->paye == 0 && $usercanissuepayment && (($object->type != Facture::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE && $object->type != Facture::TYPE_DEPOSIT && $resteapayer <= 0) || ($object->type == Facture::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE && $resteapayer >= 0)))
5386				|| ($object->type == Facture::TYPE_DEPOSIT && $object->paye == 0 && $object->total_ttc > 0 && $resteapayer == 0 && $usercanissuepayment && empty($discount->id))
5387			) {
5388				print '<a class="butAction'.($conf->use_javascript_ajax ? ' reposition' : '').'" href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?facid='.$object->id.'&amp;action=paid">'.$langs->trans('ClassifyPaid').'</a>';
5389			}
5391			// Classify 'closed not completely paid' (possible if validated and not yet filed paid)
5392			if ($object->statut == Facture::STATUS_VALIDATED && $object->paye == 0 && $resteapayer > 0 && $usercanissuepayment) {
5393				if ($totalpaye > 0 || $totalcreditnotes > 0) {
5394					// If one payment or one credit note was linked to this invoice
5395					print '<a class="butAction'.($conf->use_javascript_ajax ? ' reposition' : '').'" href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?facid='.$object->id.'&amp;action=paid">'.$langs->trans('ClassifyPaidPartially').'</a>';
5396				} else {
5397					if (empty($conf->global->INVOICE_CAN_NEVER_BE_CANCELED)) {
5398						if ($objectidnext) {
5399							print '<span class="butActionRefused classfortooltip" title="'.$langs->trans("DisabledBecauseReplacedInvoice").'">'.$langs->trans('ClassifyCanceled').'</span>';
5400						} else {
5401							print '<a class="butAction'.($conf->use_javascript_ajax ? ' reposition' : '').'" href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?facid='.$object->id.'&amp;action=canceled">'.$langs->trans('ClassifyCanceled').'</a>';
5402						}
5403					}
5404				}
5405			}
5407			// Create a credit note
5408			if (($object->type == Facture::TYPE_STANDARD || ($object->type == Facture::TYPE_DEPOSIT && empty($conf->global->FACTURE_DEPOSITS_ARE_JUST_PAYMENTS)) || $object->type == Facture::TYPE_PROFORMA) && $object->statut > 0 && $usercancreate) {
5409				if (!$objectidnext) {
5410					print '<a class="butAction" href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?socid='.$object->socid.'&amp;fac_avoir='.$object->id.'&amp;action=create&amp;type=2'.($object->fk_project > 0 ? '&amp;projectid='.$object->fk_project : '').($object->entity > 0 ? '&amp;originentity='.$object->entity : '').'">'.$langs->trans("CreateCreditNote").'</a>';
5411				}
5412			}
5414			// For situation invoice with excess received
5415			if ($object->statut > Facture::STATUS_DRAFT
5416				&& $object->type == Facture::TYPE_SITUATION
5417				&& ($object->total_ttc - $totalpaye - $totalcreditnotes - $totaldeposits) > 0
5418				&& $usercancreate
5419				&& !$objectidnext
5420				&& $object->is_last_in_cycle()
5421				&& $conf->global->INVOICE_USE_SITUATION_CREDIT_NOTE
5422				) {
5423				if ($usercanunvalidate) {
5424					print '<a class="butAction" href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?socid='.$object->socid.'&amp;fac_avoir='.$object->id.'&amp;invoiceAvoirWithLines=1&amp;action=create&amp;type=2'.($object->fk_project > 0 ? '&amp;projectid='.$object->fk_project : '').'">'.$langs->trans("CreateCreditNote").'</a>';
5425				} else {
5426					print '<span class="butActionRefused classfortooltip" title="'.$langs->trans("NotEnoughPermissions").'">'.$langs->trans("CreateCreditNote").'</span>';
5427				}
5428			}
5430			// Clone
5431			if (($object->type == Facture::TYPE_STANDARD || $object->type == Facture::TYPE_DEPOSIT || $object->type == Facture::TYPE_PROFORMA) && $usercancreate) {
5432				print '<a class="butAction'.($conf->use_javascript_ajax ? ' reposition' : '').'" href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?facid='.$object->id.'&amp;action=clone&amp;object=invoice">'.$langs->trans("ToClone").'</a>';
5433			}
5435			// Clone as predefined / Create template
5436			if (($object->type == Facture::TYPE_STANDARD || $object->type == Facture::TYPE_DEPOSIT || $object->type == Facture::TYPE_PROFORMA) && $object->statut == 0 && $usercancreate) {
5437				if (!$objectidnext && count($object->lines) > 0) {
5438					print '<a class="butAction" href="'.DOL_URL_ROOT.'/compta/facture/card-rec.php?facid='.$object->id.'&amp;action=create">'.$langs->trans("ChangeIntoRepeatableInvoice").'</a>';
5439				}
5440			}
5442			// Remove situation from cycle
5443			if (in_array($object->statut, array(Facture::STATUS_CLOSED, Facture::STATUS_VALIDATED))
5444				&& $object->type == Facture::TYPE_SITUATION
5445				&& $usercancreate
5446				&& !$objectidnext
5447				&& $object->situation_counter > 1
5448				&& $object->is_last_in_cycle()
5449				&& $usercanunvalidate
5450				) {
5451				if (($object->total_ttc - $totalcreditnotes) == 0) {
5452					print '<a id="butSituationOut" class="butAction" href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?facid='.$object->id.'&amp;action=situationout">'.$langs->trans("RemoveSituationFromCycle").'</a>';
5453				} else {
5454					print '<a id="butSituationOutRefused" class="butActionRefused classfortooltip" href="#" title="'.$langs->trans("DisabledBecauseNotEnouthCreditNote").'" >'.$langs->trans("RemoveSituationFromCycle").'</a>';
5455				}
5456			}
5458			// Create next situation invoice
5459			if ($usercancreate && ($object->type == 5) && ($object->statut == 1 || $object->statut == 2)) {
5460				if ($object->is_last_in_cycle() && $object->situation_final != 1) {
5461					print '<a class="butAction" href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?action=create&amp;type=5&amp;origin=facture&amp;originid='.$object->id.'&amp;socid='.$object->socid.'" >'.$langs->trans('CreateNextSituationInvoice').'</a>';
5462				} elseif (!$object->is_last_in_cycle()) {
5463					print '<a class="butActionRefused classfortooltip" href="#" title="'.$langs->trans("DisabledBecauseNotLastInCycle").'">'.$langs->trans('CreateNextSituationInvoice').'</a>';
5464				} else {
5465					print '<a class="butActionRefused classfortooltip" href="#" title="'.$langs->trans("DisabledBecauseFinal").'">'.$langs->trans('CreateNextSituationInvoice').'</a>';
5466				}
5467			}
5469			// Delete
5470			$isErasable = $object->is_erasable();
5471			if ($usercandelete || ($usercancreate && $isErasable == 1)) {	// isErasable = 1 means draft with temporary ref (draft can always be deleted with no need of permissions)
5472				//var_dump($isErasable);
5473				if ($isErasable == -4) {
5474					print '<a class="butActionRefused classfortooltip" href="#" title="'.$langs->trans("DisabledBecausePayments").'">'.$langs->trans('Delete').'</a>';
5475				} elseif ($isErasable == -3) {
5476					print '<a class="butActionRefused classfortooltip" href="#" title="'.$langs->trans("DisabledBecauseNotLastSituationInvoice").'">'.$langs->trans('Delete').'</a>';
5477				} elseif ($isErasable == -2) {
5478					print '<a class="butActionRefused classfortooltip" href="#" title="'.$langs->trans("DisabledBecauseNotLastInvoice").'">'.$langs->trans('Delete').'</a>';
5479				} elseif ($isErasable == -1) {
5480					print '<a class="butActionRefused classfortooltip" href="#" title="'.$langs->trans("DisabledBecauseDispatchedInBookkeeping").'">'.$langs->trans('Delete').'</a>';
5481				} elseif ($isErasable <= 0) {	// Any other cases
5482					print '<a class="butActionRefused classfortooltip" href="#" title="'.$langs->trans("DisabledBecauseNotErasable").'">'.$langs->trans('Delete').'</a>';
5483				} elseif ($objectidnext) {
5484					print '<a class="butActionRefused classfortooltip" href="#" title="'.$langs->trans("DisabledBecauseReplacedInvoice").'">'.$langs->trans('Delete').'</a>';
5485				} else {
5486					print '<a class="butActionDelete'.($conf->use_javascript_ajax ? ' reposition' : '').'" href="'.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?facid='.$object->id.'&amp;action=delete&amp;token='.newToken().'">'.$langs->trans('Delete').'</a>';
5487				}
5488			} else {
5489				print '<a class="butActionRefused classfortooltip" href="#" title="'.$langs->trans("NotAllowed").'">'.$langs->trans('Delete').'</a>';
5490			}
5491		}
5492		print '</div>';
5493	}
5495	// Select mail models is same action as presend
5496	if (GETPOST('modelselected', 'alpha')) {
5497		$action = 'presend';
5498	}
5499	if ($action != 'prerelance' && $action != 'presend') {
5500		print '<div class="fichecenter"><div class="fichehalfleft">';
5501		print '<a name="builddoc"></a>'; // ancre
5503		// Generated documents
5504		$filename = dol_sanitizeFileName($object->ref);
5505		$filedir = $conf->facture->multidir_output[$object->entity].'/'.dol_sanitizeFileName($object->ref);
5506		$urlsource = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?facid='.$object->id;
5507		$genallowed = $usercanread;
5508		$delallowed = $usercancreate;
5510		print $formfile->showdocuments(
5511			'facture',
5512			$filename,
5513			$filedir,
5514			$urlsource,
5515			$genallowed,
5516			$delallowed,
5517			$object->model_pdf,
5518			1,
5519			0,
5520			0,
5521			28,
5522			0,
5523			'',
5524			'',
5525			'',
5526			$soc->default_lang,
5527			'',
5528			$object,
5529			0,
5530			'remove_file_comfirm'
5531		);
5533		$somethingshown = $formfile->numoffiles;
5535		// Show links to link elements
5536		$linktoelem = $form->showLinkToObjectBlock($object, null, array('invoice'));
5538		$compatibleImportElementsList = false;
5539		if ($usercancreate
5540			&& $object->statut == Facture::STATUS_DRAFT
5541			&& ($object->type == Facture::TYPE_STANDARD || $object->type == Facture::TYPE_REPLACEMENT || $object->type == Facture::TYPE_DEPOSIT || $object->type == Facture::TYPE_PROFORMA || $object->type == Facture::TYPE_SITUATION)) {
5542			$compatibleImportElementsList = array('commande', 'propal'); // import from linked elements
5543		}
5544		$somethingshown = $form->showLinkedObjectBlock($object, $linktoelem, $compatibleImportElementsList);
5547		// Show online payment link
5548		$useonlinepayment = (!empty($conf->paypal->enabled) || !empty($conf->stripe->enabled) || !empty($conf->paybox->enabled));
5550		if ($object->statut != Facture::STATUS_DRAFT && $useonlinepayment) {
5551			print '<br><!-- Link to pay -->'."\n";
5552			require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/payments.lib.php';
5553			print showOnlinePaymentUrl('invoice', $object->ref).'<br>';
5554		}
5556		print '</div><div class="fichehalfright"><div class="ficheaddleft">';
5558		// List of actions on element
5559		include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/html.formactions.class.php';
5560		$formactions = new FormActions($db);
5561		$somethingshown = $formactions->showactions($object, 'invoice', $socid, 1);
5563		print '</div></div></div>';
5564	}
5567	// Presend form
5568	$modelmail = 'facture_send';
5569	$defaulttopic = 'SendBillRef';
5570	$diroutput = $conf->facture->multidir_output[$object->entity];
5571	$trackid = 'inv'.$object->id;
5573	include DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/tpl/card_presend.tpl.php';
5576// End of page