1# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - errors
3# No errors
4NoErrorCommitIsDone=Žiadna chyba sa zaväzujeme
5# Errors
6ErrorButCommitIsDone=Boli nájdené chyby, ale my overiť aj cez to
7ErrorBadEMail=Email %s is wrong
8ErrorBadMXDomain=Email %s seems wrong (domain has no valid MX record)
9ErrorBadUrl=Url %s je zle
10ErrorBadValueForParamNotAString=Bad value for your parameter. It appends generally when translation is missing.
11ErrorRefAlreadyExists=Reference <b>%s</b> already exists.
12ErrorLoginAlreadyExists=Prihlásenie %s už existuje.
13ErrorGroupAlreadyExists=Skupina %s už existuje.
14ErrorRecordNotFound=Záznam nie je nájdený.
15ErrorFailToCopyFile=Nepodarilo sa skopírovať súbor <b>&quot;%s&quot;</b> na <b>&quot;%s&quot;.</b>
16ErrorFailToCopyDir=Failed to copy directory '<b>%s</b>' into '<b>%s</b>'.
17ErrorFailToRenameFile=Nepodarilo sa premenovať súbor <b>&quot;%s&quot;</b> na <b>&quot;%s&quot;.</b>
18ErrorFailToDeleteFile=Nepodarilo sa odstrániť súbor <b>&quot;%s&quot;.</b>
19ErrorFailToCreateFile=Nepodarilo sa vytvoriť súbor <b>&quot;%s&quot;.</b>
20ErrorFailToRenameDir=Nepodarilo sa premenovať adresár <b>&quot;%s&quot;</b> na <b>&quot;%s&quot;.</b>
21ErrorFailToCreateDir=Nepodarilo sa vytvoriť adresár <b>&quot;%s&quot;.</b>
22ErrorFailToDeleteDir=Nepodarilo sa zmazať adresár <b>&quot;%s&quot;.</b>
23ErrorFailToMakeReplacementInto=Failed to make replacement into file '<b>%s</b>'.
24ErrorFailToGenerateFile=Failed to generate file '<b>%s</b>'.
25ErrorThisContactIsAlreadyDefinedAsThisType=Tento kontakt je už definovaný ako kontakt pre tento typ.
26ErrorCashAccountAcceptsOnlyCashMoney=Tento bankový účet peňažný účet, takže prijíma platby typu iba v hotovosti.
27ErrorFromToAccountsMustDiffers=Zdrojovej a cieľovej bankové účty musí byť iný.
28ErrorBadThirdPartyName=Bad value for third-party name
29ErrorProdIdIsMandatory=%s je povinné
30ErrorBadCustomerCodeSyntax=Bad syntaxe pre zákazníka kódu
31ErrorBadBarCodeSyntax=Bad syntax for barcode. May be you set a bad barcode type or you defined a barcode mask for numbering that does not match value scanned.
32ErrorCustomerCodeRequired=Zákazník požadoval kód
33ErrorBarCodeRequired=Barcode required
34ErrorCustomerCodeAlreadyUsed=Zákaznícky kód už používaný
35ErrorBarCodeAlreadyUsed=Barcode already used
36ErrorPrefixRequired=Prefix nutné
37ErrorBadSupplierCodeSyntax=Bad syntax for vendor code
38ErrorSupplierCodeRequired=Vendor code required
39ErrorSupplierCodeAlreadyUsed=Vendor code already used
40ErrorBadParameters=Bad parametre
41ErrorWrongParameters=Wrong or missing parameters
42ErrorBadValueForParameter=Wrong value '%s' for parameter '%s'
43ErrorBadImageFormat=Image file has not a supported format (Your PHP does not support functions to convert images of this format)
44ErrorBadDateFormat=Hodnota &quot;%s&quot; má nesprávny formát dátumu
45ErrorWrongDate=Date is not correct!
46ErrorFailedToWriteInDir=Nepodarilo sa zapísať do adresára %s
47ErrorFoundBadEmailInFile=Našiel nesprávne email syntaxe %s riadkov v súbore (%s príklad súlade s emailom = %s)
48ErrorUserCannotBeDelete=User cannot be deleted. Maybe it is associated to Dolibarr entities.
49ErrorFieldsRequired=Niektoré požadované pole sa nevypĺňa.
50ErrorSubjectIsRequired=The email topic is required
51ErrorFailedToCreateDir=Nepodarilo sa vytvoriť adresár. Uistite sa, že webový server má užívateľ oprávnenie na zápis do adresára dokumentov Dolibarr. Ak je parameter <b>safe_mode</b> je povolené na tomto PHP, skontrolujte, či Dolibarr php súbory, vlastné pre užívateľa webového servera (alebo skupina).
52ErrorNoMailDefinedForThisUser=Žiadna pošta definované pre tohto používateľa
53ErrorSetupOfEmailsNotComplete=Setup of emails is not complete
54ErrorFeatureNeedJavascript=Táto funkcia potrebujete mať Java scripty byť aktivovaný do práce. Zmeniť v nastavení - displej.
55ErrorTopMenuMustHaveAParentWithId0=Ponuka typu &quot;top&quot; nemôže mať rodič menu. Dajte 0 do nadradenej ponuky alebo zvoliť ponuku typu &quot;vľavo&quot;.
56ErrorLeftMenuMustHaveAParentId=Ponuka typu &quot;ľavica&quot;, musí mať rodič id.
57ErrorFileNotFound=Súbor nebol nájdený <b>%s</b> (Bad cesta, zlé oprávnenia alebo odmietnutie prístupu na PHP safe_mode OpenBasedir alebo parameter)
58ErrorDirNotFound=Adresár <b>%s</b> nebol nájdený (Bad cesta, zlé oprávnenia alebo odmietnutie prístupu na PHP safe_mode OpenBasedir alebo parameter)
59ErrorFunctionNotAvailableInPHP=Funkcia <b>%s</b> je nutné pre túto funkciu, ale nie je k dispozícii v tejto verzii / nastavenie PHP.
60ErrorDirAlreadyExists=Adresár s týmto názvom už existuje.
61ErrorFileAlreadyExists=Súbor s týmto názvom už existuje.
62ErrorPartialFile=Súbor nedostali úplne servera.
63ErrorNoTmpDir=Dočasné direct %s neexistuje.
64ErrorUploadBlockedByAddon=Pridať zablokovaný PHP / Apache pluginu.
65ErrorFileSizeTooLarge=Súbor je príliš veľký.
66ErrorFieldTooLong=Field %s is too long.
67ErrorSizeTooLongForIntType=Veľkosť príliš dlhá pre typ int (%s číslice maximum)
68ErrorSizeTooLongForVarcharType=Veľkosť príliš dlho typu string (%s znakov maximum)
69ErrorNoValueForSelectType=Vyplňte, prosím, hodnotu zoznamu vyberte
70ErrorNoValueForCheckBoxType=Vyplňte, prosím, hodnotu checkbox zoznamu
71ErrorNoValueForRadioType=Prosím vyplňte hodnotu pre rozhlasové zoznamu
72ErrorBadFormatValueList=The list value cannot have more than one comma: <u>%s</u>, but need at least one: key,value
73ErrorFieldCanNotContainSpecialCharacters=The field <b>%s</b> must not contains special characters.
74ErrorFieldCanNotContainSpecialNorUpperCharacters=The field <b>%s</b> must not contain special characters, nor upper case characters and cannot contain only numbers.
75ErrorFieldMustHaveXChar=The field <b>%s</b> must have at least %s characters.
76ErrorNoAccountancyModuleLoaded=Nie účtovníctva modul aktivovaný
77ErrorExportDuplicateProfil=This profile name already exists for this export set.
78ErrorLDAPSetupNotComplete=Dolibarr-LDAP zhoda nie je úplná.
79ErrorLDAPMakeManualTest=. LDIF súbor bol vytvorený v adresári %s. Skúste načítať ručne z príkazového riadku získať viac informácií o chybách.
80ErrorCantSaveADoneUserWithZeroPercentage=Can't save an action with "status not started" if field "done by" is also filled.
81ErrorRefAlreadyExists=Reference <b>%s</b> already exists.
82ErrorPleaseTypeBankTransactionReportName=Please enter the bank statement name where the entry has to be reported (Format YYYYMM or YYYYMMDD)
83ErrorRecordHasChildren=Failed to delete record since it has some child records.
84ErrorRecordHasAtLeastOneChildOfType=Object has at least one child of type %s
85ErrorRecordIsUsedCantDelete=Can't delete record. It is already used or included into another object.
86ErrorModuleRequireJavascript=Javascript musí byť vypnutá, že táto funkcia pracovať. Ak chcete povoliť / zakázať Javascript, prejdite do ponuky Home-&gt; Nastavenie-&gt; Zobrazenie.
87ErrorPasswordsMustMatch=Obaja napísaný hesla sa musia zhodovať sa navzájom
88ErrorContactEMail=A technical error occured. Please, contact administrator to following email <b>%s</b> and provide the error code <b>%s</b> in your message, or add a screen copy of this page.
89ErrorWrongValueForField=Field <b>%s</b>: '<b>%s</b>' does not match regex rule <b>%s</b>
90ErrorFieldValueNotIn=Field <b>%s</b>: '<b>%s</b>' is not a value found in field <b>%s</b> of <b>%s</b>
91ErrorFieldRefNotIn=Field <b>%s</b>: '<b>%s</b>' is not a <b>%s</b> existing ref
92ErrorsOnXLines=%s errors found
93ErrorFileIsInfectedWithAVirus=Antivírusový program nebol schopný overiť súbor (súbor môže byť napadnutý vírusom)
94ErrorSpecialCharNotAllowedForField=Špeciálne znaky nie sú povolené pre pole &quot;%s&quot;
95ErrorNumRefModel=Existuje odkaz do databázy (%s) a nie je kompatibilný s týmto pravidlom číslovania. Odobrať záznam alebo premenovať odkaz na aktiváciu tohto modulu.
96ErrorQtyTooLowForThisSupplier=Quantity too low for this vendor or no price defined on this product for this vendor
97ErrorOrdersNotCreatedQtyTooLow=Some orders haven't been created because of too-low quantities
98ErrorModuleSetupNotComplete=Setup of module %s looks to be uncomplete. Go on Home - Setup - Modules to complete.
99ErrorBadMask=Chyba na masku
100ErrorBadMaskFailedToLocatePosOfSequence=Chyba maska ​​bez poradovým číslom
101ErrorBadMaskBadRazMonth=Chyba, zlá hodnota po resete
102ErrorMaxNumberReachForThisMask=Maximum number reached for this mask
103ErrorCounterMustHaveMoreThan3Digits=Counter must have more than 3 digits
104ErrorSelectAtLeastOne=Error, select at least one entry.
105ErrorDeleteNotPossibleLineIsConsolidated=Delete not possible because record is linked to a bank transaction that is conciliated
106ErrorProdIdAlreadyExist=%s je priradený do inej tretej
107ErrorFailedToSendPassword=Nepodarilo sa odoslať heslo
108ErrorFailedToLoadRSSFile=Nedokáže dostať RSS feed. Skúste pridať konštantný MAIN_SIMPLEXMLLOAD_DEBUG prípade chybových hlásení neposkytuje dostatok informácií.
109ErrorForbidden=Access denied.<br>You try to access to a page, area or feature of a disabled module or without being in an authenticated session or that is not allowed to your user.
110ErrorForbidden2=Povolenie pre toto prihlásenie môže byť definovaná správcom Dolibarr z ponuky %s-&gt; %s.
111ErrorForbidden3=Zdá sa, že Dolibarr nie je využitá prostredníctvom overené relácie. Pozrite sa na dokumentáciu k nastaveniu Dolibarr vedieť, ako riadiť autentizácia (htaccess, mod_auth alebo iné ...).
112ErrorNoImagickReadimage=Trieda Imagick nie je nájdený v tejto PHP. Náhľad nie je môžu byť k dispozícii. Správcovia môžu zakázať túto kartu z menu Nastavenie - Zobrazenie.
113ErrorRecordAlreadyExists=Záznam už existuje
114ErrorLabelAlreadyExists=This label already exists
115ErrorCantReadFile=Chyba pri čítaní súboru &quot;%s&quot;
116ErrorCantReadDir=Chyba pri čítaní adresára &quot;%s&quot;
117ErrorBadLoginPassword=Nesprávna hodnota pre prihlásenie alebo heslo
118ErrorLoginDisabled=Váš účet bol zakázaný
119ErrorFailedToRunExternalCommand=Nepodarilo sa spustiť externý príkaz. Skontrolujte, že je k dispozícii, a spustiteľný váš PHP servera. Ak PHP <b>Safe Mode</b> je aktívny, skontrolujte, či je príkaz vnútri adresára definovaného parametrom <b>safe_mode_exec_dir.</b>
120ErrorFailedToChangePassword=Nepodarilo sa zmeniť heslo
121ErrorLoginDoesNotExists=Užívateľ s prihlásením <b>%s</b> nebol nájdený.
122ErrorLoginHasNoEmail=Tento užívateľ nemá žiadnu e-mailovú adresu. Proces prerušená.
123ErrorBadValueForCode=Bad hodnota bezpečnostného kódu. Skúste to znova s ​​novou hodnotou ...
124ErrorBothFieldCantBeNegative=Polia %s a %s nemôžu byť negatívna
125ErrorFieldCantBeNegativeOnInvoice=Field <strong>%s</strong> cannot be negative on this type of invoice. If you need to add a discount line, just create the discount first (from field '%s' in thirdparty card) and apply it to the invoice.
126ErrorLinesCantBeNegativeForOneVATRate=Total of lines (net of tax) can't be negative for a given not null VAT rate (Found a negative total for VAT rate <b>%s</b>%%).
127ErrorLinesCantBeNegativeOnDeposits=Lines can't be negative in a deposit. You will face problems when you will need to consume the deposit in final invoice if you do so.
128ErrorQtyForCustomerInvoiceCantBeNegative=Quantity for line into customer invoices can't be negative
129ErrorWebServerUserHasNotPermission=Užívateľský účet <b>%s</b> použiť na spustenie webový server nemá oprávnenie pre ktoré
130ErrorNoActivatedBarcode=Žiaden čiarový kód aktivovaný typ
131ErrUnzipFails=Nepodarilo sa rozbaliť %s s ZipArchive
132ErrNoZipEngine=No engine to zip/unzip %s file in this PHP
133ErrorFileMustBeADolibarrPackage=Súborov %s musí byť zips Dolibarr balíček
134ErrorModuleFileRequired=You must select a Dolibarr module package file
135ErrorPhpCurlNotInstalled=PHP CURL nie je nainštalovaný, je to nevyhnutné hovoriť s Paypal
136ErrorFailedToAddToMailmanList=Nepodarilo sa pridať záznam do %s %s poštár zoznamu alebo SPIP základne
137ErrorFailedToRemoveToMailmanList=Nepodarilo sa odstrániť záznam %s %s na zoznam poštár alebo SPIP základne
138ErrorNewValueCantMatchOldValue=Nová hodnota nemôže byť presne staré
139ErrorFailedToValidatePasswordReset=Nepodarilo sa Reinita heslo. Môže byť REINIT už bola vykonaná (tento odkaz možno použiť iba raz). Ak nie, skúste reštartovať REINIT procesu.
140ErrorToConnectToMysqlCheckInstance=Connect to database fails. Check database server is running (for example, with mysql/mariadb, you can launch it from command line with 'sudo service mysql start').
141ErrorFailedToAddContact=Nepodarilo sa pridať kontakt
142ErrorDateMustBeBeforeToday=The date must be lower than today
143ErrorDateMustBeInFuture=The date must be greater than today
144ErrorPaymentModeDefinedToWithoutSetup=Platobný režim bol nastavený na typ %s ale nastavenie modulu Faktúry nebola dokončená definovať informácie, ktoré sa pre tento platobný režim.
145ErrorPHPNeedModule=Chyba, musí mať PHP modul <b>%s</b> nainštalovať túto funkciu používať.
146ErrorOpenIDSetupNotComplete=Môžete nastavenie Dolibarr konfiguračný súbor, aby OpenID overovania, ale URL OpenID služby nie je definovaný do stálych %s
147ErrorWarehouseMustDiffers=Zdrojovej a cieľovej sklady musia sa líši
148ErrorBadFormat=Bad format!
149ErrorMemberNotLinkedToAThirpartyLinkOrCreateFirst=Error, this member is not yet linked to any third party. Link member to an existing third party or create a new third party before creating subscription with invoice.
150ErrorThereIsSomeDeliveries=Error, there is some deliveries linked to this shipment. Deletion refused.
151ErrorCantDeletePaymentReconciliated=Can't delete a payment that had generated a bank entry that was reconciled
152ErrorCantDeletePaymentSharedWithPayedInvoice=Can't delete a payment shared by at least one invoice with status Paid
153ErrorPriceExpression1=Cannot assign to constant '%s'
154ErrorPriceExpression2=Cannot redefine built-in function '%s'
155ErrorPriceExpression3=Undefined variable '%s' in function definition
156ErrorPriceExpression4=Illegal character '%s'
157ErrorPriceExpression5=Unexpected '%s'
158ErrorPriceExpression6=Wrong number of arguments (%s given, %s expected)
159ErrorPriceExpression8=Unexpected operator '%s'
160ErrorPriceExpression9=An unexpected error occured
161ErrorPriceExpression10=Operator '%s' lacks operand
162ErrorPriceExpression11=Expecting '%s'
163ErrorPriceExpression14=Division by zero
164ErrorPriceExpression17=Undefined variable '%s'
165ErrorPriceExpression19=Expression not found
166ErrorPriceExpression20=Empty expression
167ErrorPriceExpression21=Empty result '%s'
168ErrorPriceExpression22=Negative result '%s'
169ErrorPriceExpression23=Unknown or non set variable '%s' in %s
170ErrorPriceExpression24=Variable '%s' exists but has no value
171ErrorPriceExpressionInternal=Internal error '%s'
172ErrorPriceExpressionUnknown=Unknown error '%s'
173ErrorSrcAndTargetWarehouseMustDiffers=Zdrojovej a cieľovej sklady musia sa líši
174ErrorTryToMakeMoveOnProductRequiringBatchData=Error, trying to make a stock movement without lot/serial information, on product '%s' requiring lot/serial information
175ErrorCantSetReceptionToTotalDoneWithReceptionToApprove=All recorded receptions must first be verified (approved or denied) before being allowed to do this action
176ErrorCantSetReceptionToTotalDoneWithReceptionDenied=All recorded receptions must first be verified (approved) before being allowed to do this action
177ErrorGlobalVariableUpdater0=HTTP request failed with error '%s'
178ErrorGlobalVariableUpdater1=Invalid JSON format '%s'
179ErrorGlobalVariableUpdater2=Missing parameter '%s'
180ErrorGlobalVariableUpdater3=The requested data was not found in result
181ErrorGlobalVariableUpdater4=SOAP client failed with error '%s'
182ErrorGlobalVariableUpdater5=No global variable selected
183ErrorFieldMustBeANumeric=Field <b>%s</b> must be a numeric value
184ErrorMandatoryParametersNotProvided=Mandatory parameter(s) not provided
185ErrorOppStatusRequiredIfAmount=You set an estimated amount for this lead. So you must also enter it's status.
186ErrorFailedToLoadModuleDescriptorForXXX=Failed to load module descriptor class for %s
187ErrorBadDefinitionOfMenuArrayInModuleDescriptor=Bad Definition Of Menu Array In Module Descriptor (bad value for key fk_menu)
188ErrorSavingChanges=An error has occurred when saving the changes
189ErrorWarehouseRequiredIntoShipmentLine=Warehouse is required on the line to ship
190ErrorFileMustHaveFormat=File must have format %s
191ErrorFilenameCantStartWithDot=Filename can't start with a '.'
192ErrorSupplierCountryIsNotDefined=Country for this vendor is not defined. Correct this first.
193ErrorsThirdpartyMerge=Failed to merge the two records. Request canceled.
194ErrorStockIsNotEnoughToAddProductOnOrder=Stock is not enough for product %s to add it into a new order.
195ErrorStockIsNotEnoughToAddProductOnInvoice=Stock is not enough for product %s to add it into a new invoice.
196ErrorStockIsNotEnoughToAddProductOnShipment=Stock is not enough for product %s to add it into a new shipment.
197ErrorStockIsNotEnoughToAddProductOnProposal=Stock is not enough for product %s to add it into a new proposal.
198ErrorFailedToLoadLoginFileForMode=Failed to get the login key for mode '%s'.
199ErrorModuleNotFound=File of module was not found.
200ErrorFieldAccountNotDefinedForBankLine=Value for Accounting account not defined for source line id %s (%s)
201ErrorFieldAccountNotDefinedForInvoiceLine=Value for Accounting account not defined for invoice id %s (%s)
202ErrorFieldAccountNotDefinedForLine=Value for Accounting account not defined for the line (%s)
203ErrorBankStatementNameMustFollowRegex=Error, bank statement name must follow the following syntax rule %s
204ErrorPhpMailDelivery=Check that you don't use a too high number of recipients and that your email content is not similar to a Spam. Ask also your administrator to check firewall and server logs files for a more complete information.
205ErrorUserNotAssignedToTask=User must be assigned to task to be able to enter time consumed.
206ErrorTaskAlreadyAssigned=Task already assigned to user
207ErrorModuleFileSeemsToHaveAWrongFormat=The module package seems to have a wrong format.
208ErrorModuleFileSeemsToHaveAWrongFormat2=At least one mandatory directory must exists into zip of module: <strong>%s</strong> or <strong>%s</strong>
209ErrorFilenameDosNotMatchDolibarrPackageRules=The name of the module package (<strong>%s</strong>) does not match expected name syntax: <strong>%s</strong>
210ErrorDuplicateTrigger=Error, duplicate trigger name %s. Already loaded from %s.
211ErrorNoWarehouseDefined=Error, no warehouses defined.
212ErrorBadLinkSourceSetButBadValueForRef=The link you use is not valid. A 'source' for payment is defined, but value for 'ref' is not valid.
213ErrorTooManyErrorsProcessStopped=Too many errors. Process was stopped.
214ErrorMassValidationNotAllowedWhenStockIncreaseOnAction=Mass validation is not possible when option to increase/decrease stock is set on this action (you must validate one by one so you can define the warehouse to increase/decrease)
215ErrorObjectMustHaveStatusDraftToBeValidated=Object %s must have status 'Draft' to be validated.
216ErrorObjectMustHaveLinesToBeValidated=Object %s must have lines to be validated.
217ErrorOnlyInvoiceValidatedCanBeSentInMassAction=Only validated invoices can be sent using the "Send by email" mass action.
218ErrorChooseBetweenFreeEntryOrPredefinedProduct=You must choose if article is a predefined product or not
219ErrorDiscountLargerThanRemainToPaySplitItBefore=The discount you try to apply is larger than remain to pay. Split the discount in 2 smaller discounts before.
220ErrorFileNotFoundWithSharedLink=File was not found. May be the share key was modified or file was removed recently.
221ErrorProductBarCodeAlreadyExists=The product barcode %s already exists on another product reference.
222ErrorNoteAlsoThatSubProductCantBeFollowedByLot=Note also that using kits to have auto increase/decrease of subproducts is not possible when at least one subproduct (or subproduct of subproducts) needs a serial/lot number.
223ErrorDescRequiredForFreeProductLines=Description is mandatory for lines with free product
224ErrorAPageWithThisNameOrAliasAlreadyExists=The page/container <strong>%s</strong> has the same name or alternative alias that the one your try to use
225ErrorDuringChartLoad=Error when loading chart of accounts. If few accounts were not loaded, you can still enter them manually.
226ErrorBadSyntaxForParamKeyForContent=Bad syntax for param keyforcontent. Must have a value starting with %s or %s
227ErrorVariableKeyForContentMustBeSet=Error, the constant with name %s (with text content to show) or %s (with external url to show) must be set.
228ErrorURLMustStartWithHttp=URL %s must start with http:// or https://
229ErrorNewRefIsAlreadyUsed=Error, the new reference is already used
230ErrorDeletePaymentLinkedToAClosedInvoiceNotPossible=Error, delete payment linked to a closed invoice is not possible.
231ErrorSearchCriteriaTooSmall=Search criteria too small.
232ErrorObjectMustHaveStatusActiveToBeDisabled=Objects must have status 'Active' to be disabled
233ErrorObjectMustHaveStatusDraftOrDisabledToBeActivated=Objects must have status 'Draft' or 'Disabled' to be enabled
234ErrorNoFieldWithAttributeShowoncombobox=No fields has property 'showoncombobox' into definition of object '%s'. No way to show the combolist.
235ErrorFieldRequiredForProduct=Field '%s' is required for product %s
236ProblemIsInSetupOfTerminal=Problem is in setup of terminal %s.
237ErrorAddAtLeastOneLineFirst=Add at least one line first
238ErrorRecordAlreadyInAccountingDeletionNotPossible=Error, record is already transferred in accounting, deletion is not possible.
239ErrorLanguageMandatoryIfPageSetAsTranslationOfAnother=Error, language is mandatory if you set the page as a translation of another one.
240ErrorLanguageOfTranslatedPageIsSameThanThisPage=Error, language of translated page is same than this one.
241ErrorBatchNoFoundForProductInWarehouse=No lot/serial found for product "%s" in warehouse "%s".
242ErrorBatchNoFoundEnoughQuantityForProductInWarehouse=No enough quantity for this lot/serial for product "%s" in warehouse "%s".
243ErrorOnlyOneFieldForGroupByIsPossible=Only 1 field for the 'Group by' is possible (others are discarded)
244ErrorTooManyDifferentValueForSelectedGroupBy=Found too many different value (more than <b>%s</b>) for the field '<b>%s</b>', so we can't use it as a 'Group by' for graphics. The field 'Group By' has been removed. May be you wanted to use it as an X-Axis ?
245ErrorReplaceStringEmpty=Error, the string to replace into is empty
246ErrorProductNeedBatchNumber=Error, product '<b>%s</b>' need a lot/serial number
247ErrorProductDoesNotNeedBatchNumber=Error, product '<b>%s</b>' does not accept a lot/serial number
248ErrorFailedToReadObject=Error, failed to read object of type <b>%s</b>
249ErrorParameterMustBeEnabledToAllwoThisFeature=Error, parameter <b>%s</b> must be enabled into <b>conf/conf.php<b> to allow use of Command Line Interface by the internal job scheduler
250ErrorLoginDateValidity=Error, this login is outside the validity date range
251ErrorValueLength=Length of field '<b>%s</b>' must be higher than '<b>%s</b>'
252ErrorReservedKeyword=The word '<b>%s</b>' is a reserved keyword
253ErrorNotAvailableWithThisDistribution=Not available with this distribution
254ErrorPublicInterfaceNotEnabled=Public interface was not enabled
255ErrorLanguageRequiredIfPageIsTranslationOfAnother=The language of new page must be defined if it is set as a translation of another page
256ErrorLanguageMustNotBeSourceLanguageIfPageIsTranslationOfAnother=The language of new page must not be the source language if it is set as a translation of another page
257ErrorAParameterIsRequiredForThisOperation=A parameter is mandatory for this operation
259# Warnings
260WarningParamUploadMaxFileSizeHigherThanPostMaxSize=Your PHP parameter upload_max_filesize (%s) is higher than PHP parameter post_max_size (%s). This is not a consistent setup.
261WarningPasswordSetWithNoAccount=A password was set for this member. However, no user account was created. So this password is stored but can't be used to login to Dolibarr. It may be used by an external module/interface but if you don't need to define any login nor password for a member, you can disable option "Manage a login for each member" from Member module setup. If you need to manage a login but don't need any password, you can keep this field empty to avoid this warning. Note: Email can also be used as a login if the member is linked to a user.
262WarningMandatorySetupNotComplete=Click here to setup mandatory parameters
263WarningEnableYourModulesApplications=Click here to enable your modules and applications
264WarningSafeModeOnCheckExecDir=Pozor, PHP <b>safe_mode</b> voľba je na to príkaz musí byť uložené vo vnútri adresára deklarovanej <b>safe_mode_exec_dir</b> parametrov php.
265WarningBookmarkAlreadyExists=Záložka s týmto názvom, alebo tento cieľ (URL) už existuje.
266WarningPassIsEmpty=Pozor, databáza je heslo prázdne. Toto je bezpečnostná diera. Mali by ste pridať heslo do databázy a zmeniť svoj conf.php súboru v tomto zmysle.
267WarningConfFileMustBeReadOnly=Pozor, môže váš konfiguračný súbor <b>(htdocs / conf / conf.php)</b> musia byť prepísané webovom serveri. To je vážna bezpečnostná diera. Zmeniť oprávnenia k súboru, ktorý chcete v režime len pre čítanie pre užívateľov operačného systému používaného webového servera. Ak používate systém Windows a FAT formát disku, musíte vedieť, že je súborový systém neumožňuje pridať práva na súbore, takže nemôže byť úplne bezpečný.
268WarningsOnXLines=Upozornenie na <b>%s</b> zdrojovom zázname (s)
269WarningNoDocumentModelActivated=No model, for document generation, has been activated. A model will be chosen by default until you check your module setup.
270WarningLockFileDoesNotExists=Warning, once setup is finished, you must disable the installation/migration tools by adding a file <b>install.lock</b> into directory <b>%s</b>. Omitting the creation of this file is a grave security risk.
271WarningUntilDirRemoved=All security warnings (visible by admin users only) will remain active as long as the vulnerability is present (or that constant MAIN_REMOVE_INSTALL_WARNING is added in Setup->Other Setup).
272WarningCloseAlways=Pozor, zatváranie sa vykonáva, aj keď suma líši zdrojových a cieľových prvkov. Povoľte túto funkciu so zvýšenou opatrnosťou.
273WarningUsingThisBoxSlowDown=Upozornenie Pri použití tohto políčka spomaliť vážne všetky stránky zobrazujúce krabici.
274WarningClickToDialUserSetupNotComplete=Nastavenie ClickToDial informácií pre užívateľa si nie sú kompletné (pozri tab ClickToDial na vaše užívateľské karty).
275WarningFeatureDisabledWithDisplayOptimizedForBlindNoJs=Feature disabled when display setup is optimized for blind person or text browsers.
276WarningPaymentDateLowerThanInvoiceDate=Payment date (%s) is earlier than invoice date (%s) for invoice %s.
277WarningTooManyDataPleaseUseMoreFilters=Too many data (more than %s lines). Please use more filters or set the constant %s to a higher limit.
278WarningSomeLinesWithNullHourlyRate=Some times were recorded by some users while their hourly rate was not defined. A value of 0 %s per hour was used but this may result in wrong valuation of time spent.
279WarningYourLoginWasModifiedPleaseLogin=Your login was modified. For security purpose you will have to login with your new login before next action.
280WarningAnEntryAlreadyExistForTransKey=An entry already exists for the translation key for this language
281WarningNumberOfRecipientIsRestrictedInMassAction=Warning, number of different recipient is limited to <b>%s</b> when using the mass actions on lists
282WarningDateOfLineMustBeInExpenseReportRange=Warning, the date of line is not in the range of the expense report
283WarningProjectDraft=Project is still in draft mode. Don't forget to validate it if you plan to use tasks.
284WarningProjectClosed=Project is closed. You must re-open it first.
285WarningSomeBankTransactionByChequeWereRemovedAfter=Some bank transaction were removed after that the receipt including them were generated. So nb of cheques and total of receipt may differ from number and total in list.
286WarningFailedToAddFileIntoDatabaseIndex=Warning, failed to add file entry into ECM database index table
287WarningTheHiddenOptionIsOn=Warning, the hidden option <b>%s</b> is on.
288WarningCreateSubAccounts=Warning, you can't create directly a sub account, you must create a third party or an user and assign them an accounting code to find them in this list
289WarningAvailableOnlyForHTTPSServers=Available only if using HTTPS secured connection.