1 // Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
2 //
3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
6 //
7 //     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8 //
9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13 // limitations under the License.
15 //
16 // Author: dsites@google.com (Dick Sites)
17 //
18 //
19 // Terminology:
20 // Incoming original text has HTML tags and entities removed, all but letters
21 // removed, and letters lowercased. Strings of non-letters are mapped to a
22 // single ASCII space.
23 //
24 // One scriptspan has a run of letters/spaces  in a single script. This is the
25 // fundamental text unit that is scored. There is an optional backmap from
26 // scriptspan text to the original document text, so that the language ranges
27 // reported in ResultChunkVector refer to byte ranges inthe original text.
28 //
29 // Scripts come in two forms, the full Unicode scripts described by
30 //   http://www.unicode.org/Public/UNIDATA/Scripts.txt
31 // and a modified list used exclusively in CLD2. The modified form maps all
32 // the CJK scripts to one, Hani. The current version description is in
33 //  i18n/encodings/cld2/builddata/script_summary.txt
34 // In addition, all non-letters are mapped to the Common script.
35 //
36 // ULScript describes this Unicode Letter script.
37 //
38 // Scoring uses text nil-grams, uni-grams, bi-grams, quad-grams, and octa-grams.
39 // Nilgrams (no text lookup at all) are for script-based pseudo-languages and
40 // for languages that are 1:1 with a given script. Unigrams and bigrams are
41 // used to score the CJK languages, all in the Hani script. Quadgrams and
42 // octagrams are used to score all other languages.
43 //
44 // RType is the Recognition Type per ulscript.
45 //
46 // The scoring tables map various grams to language-probability scores.
47 // A given gram that hits in scoring table maps to an indirect subscript into
48 // a list of packed languages and log probabilities.
49 //
50 // Languages are stored in two forms: 10-bit values in the Languge enum, and
51 // shorter 8-bit per-ulscript values in the scoring tables.
52 //
53 // Language refers to the full 10-bit range.
54 // pslang refers to the per-ulscript shorter values.
55 //
56 // Log probabilities also come in two forms. The full range uses values 0..255
57 // to represent minus log base 10th-root-of-2, covering 1 .. 1/2**25.5 or about
58 // TODO BOGUS description, 24 vs 12
59 // 1/47.5M. The second form quantizes these into multiples of 8 that can be
60 // added together to represent probability products. The quantized form uses
61 // values 24..0 with 0 now least likely instead of most likely, thus making
62 // larger sums for more probable results. 24 maps to original 1/2**4.8 (~1/28)
63 // and 0 maps to original 1/2**24.0 (~1/16M).
64 //
65 // qprob refers to quantized log probabilities.
66 //
67 // langprob is a uint32 holding three 1-byte pslangs and a 1-byte subscript to
68 // a list of three qprobs. It always nees a companion ulscript
69 //
70 // A scriptspan is scored via one or more hitbuffers
76 #include <stdio.h>
78 #include "integral_types.h"           // for uint8 etc.
80 #include "cld2tablesummary.h"
81 #include "compact_lang_det_impl.h"    // for ResultChunkVector
82 #include "getonescriptspan.h"
83 #include "langspan.h"
84 #include "tote.h"
85 #include "utf8statetable.h"
87 namespace CLD2 {
89 static const int kMaxBoosts = 4;              // For each of PerScriptLangBoosts
90                                               // must be power of two for wrap()
91 static const int kChunksizeQuads = 20;        // For non-CJK
92 static const int kChunksizeUnis = 50;         // For CJK
93 static const int kMaxScoringHits = 1000;
94 static const int kMaxSummaries = kMaxScoringHits / kChunksizeQuads;
97 // The first four tables are for CJK languages,
98 // the next three for quadgram languages, and
99 // the last for expected scores.
100 typedef struct {
101   const UTF8PropObj* unigram_obj;               // 80K CJK characters
102   const CLD2TableSummary* unigram_compat_obj;   // 256 CJK lookup probabilities
103   const CLD2TableSummary* deltabi_obj;
104   const CLD2TableSummary* distinctbi_obj;
106   const CLD2TableSummary* quadgram_obj;         // Primary quadgram lookup table
107   const CLD2TableSummary* quadgram_obj2;        // Secondary  "
108   const CLD2TableSummary* deltaocta_obj;
109   const CLD2TableSummary* distinctocta_obj;
111   const short* kExpectedScore;      // Expected base + delta + distinct score
112                                     // per 1KB input
113                                     // Subscripted by language and script4
114 } ScoringTables;
116 // Context for boosting several languages
117 typedef struct {
118    int32 n;
119    uint32 langprob[kMaxBoosts];
wrap__anon523733350208120    int wrap(int32 n) {return n & (kMaxBoosts - 1);}
121 } LangBoosts;
123 typedef struct {
124    LangBoosts latn;
125    LangBoosts othr;
126 } PerScriptLangBoosts;
130 // ScoringContext carries state across scriptspans
131 // ScoringContext also has read-only scoring tables mapping grams to qprobs
132 typedef struct {
133   FILE* debug_file;                   // Non-NULL if debug output wanted
134   bool flags_cld2_score_as_quads;
135   bool flags_cld2_html;
136   bool flags_cld2_cr;
137   bool flags_cld2_verbose;
138   ULScript ulscript;        // langprobs below are with respect to this script
139   Language prior_chunk_lang;          // Mostly for debug output
140   // boost has a packed set of per-script langs and probabilites
141   // whack has a per-script lang to be suppressed from ever scoring (zeroed)
142   // When a language in a close set is given as an explicit hint, others in
143   //  that set will be whacked.
144   PerScriptLangBoosts langprior_boost;  // From http content-lang or meta lang=
145   PerScriptLangBoosts langprior_whack;  // From http content-lang or meta lang=
146   PerScriptLangBoosts distinct_boost;   // From distinctive letter groups
147   int oldest_distinct_boost;          // Subscript in hitbuffer of oldest
148                                       // distinct score to use
149   const ScoringTables* scoringtables; // Probability lookup tables
150   ScriptScanner* scanner;             // For ResultChunkVector backmap
152   // Inits boosts
init__anon523733350408153   void init() {
154     memset(&langprior_boost, 0, sizeof(langprior_boost));
155     memset(&langprior_whack, 0, sizeof(langprior_whack));
156     memset(&distinct_boost, 0, sizeof(distinct_boost));
157   };
158 } ScoringContext;
162 // Begin private
164 // Holds one scoring-table lookup hit. We hold indirect subscript instead of
165 // langprob to allow a single hit to use a variable number of langprobs.
166 typedef struct {
167   int offset;         // First byte of quad/octa etc. in scriptspan
168   int indirect;       // subscript of langprobs in scoring table
169 } ScoringHit;
171 typedef enum {
172   UNIHIT                       = 0,
173   QUADHIT                      = 1,
174   DELTAHIT                     = 2,
175   DISTINCTHIT                  = 3
176 } LinearHitType;
178 // Holds one scoring-table lookup hit resolved into a langprob.
179 typedef struct {
180   uint16 offset;      // First byte of quad/octa etc. in scriptspan
181   uint16 type;        // LinearHitType
182   uint32 langprob;    // langprob from scoring table
183 } LangprobHit;
185 // Holds arrays of scoring-table lookup hits for (part of) a scriptspan
186 typedef struct {
187   ULScript ulscript;        // langprobs below are with respect to this script
188   int maxscoringhits;       // determines size of arrays below
189   int next_base;            // First unused entry in each array
190   int next_delta;           //   "
191   int next_distinct;        //   "
192   int next_linear;          //   "
193   int next_chunk_start;     // First unused chunk_start entry
194   int lowest_offset;        // First byte of text span used to fill hitbuffer
195   // Dummy entry at the end of each giving offset of first unused text byte
196   ScoringHit base[kMaxScoringHits + 1];         // Uni/quad hits
197   ScoringHit delta[kMaxScoringHits + 1];        // delta-bi/delta-octa hits
198   ScoringHit distinct[kMaxScoringHits + 1];     // distinct-word hits
199   LangprobHit linear[4 * kMaxScoringHits + 1];  // Above three merge-sorted
200                                                 // (4: some bases => 2 linear)
201   int chunk_start[kMaxSummaries + 1];           // First linear[] subscr of
202                                                 //  each scored chunk
203   int chunk_offset[kMaxSummaries + 1];          // First text subscr of
204                                                 //  each scored chunk
init__anon523733350808206   void init() {
207     ulscript = ULScript_Common;
208     maxscoringhits = kMaxScoringHits;
209     next_base = 0;
210     next_delta = 0;
211     next_distinct = 0;
212     next_linear = 0;
213     next_chunk_start = 0;
214     lowest_offset = 0;
215     base[0].offset = 0;
216     base[0].indirect = 0;
217     delta[0].offset = 0;
218     delta[0].indirect = 0;
219     distinct[0].offset = 0;
220     distinct[0].indirect = 0;
221     linear[0].offset = 0;
222     linear[0].langprob = 0;
223     chunk_start[0] = 0;
224     chunk_offset[0] = 0;
225   };
226 } ScoringHitBuffer;
228 // TODO: Explain here why we need both ChunkSpan and ChunkSummary
229 typedef struct {
230   int chunk_base;       // Subscript of first hitbuffer.base[] in chunk
231   int chunk_delta;      // Subscript of first hitbuffer.delta[]
232   int chunk_distinct;   // Subscript of first hitbuffer.distinct[]
233   int base_len;         // Number of hitbuffer.base[] in chunk
234   int delta_len;        // Number of hitbuffer.delta[] in chunk
235   int distinct_len;     // Number of hitbuffer.distinct[] in chunk
236 } ChunkSpan;
239 // Packed into 20 bytes for space
240 typedef struct {
241   uint16 offset;              // Text offset within current scriptspan.text
242   uint16 chunk_start;         // Scoring subscr within hitbuffer->linear[]
243   uint16 lang1;               // Top lang, mapped to full Language
244   uint16 lang2;               // Second lang, mapped to full Language
245   uint16 score1;              // Top lang raw score
246   uint16 score2;              // Second lang raw score
247   uint16 bytes;               // Number of lower letters bytes in chunk
248   uint16 grams;               // Number of scored base quad- uni-grams in chunk
249   uint16 ulscript;            // ULScript of chunk
250   uint8 reliability_delta;    // Reliability 0..100, delta top:second scores
251   uint8 reliability_score;    // Reliability 0..100, top:expected score
252 } ChunkSummary;
255 // We buffer up ~50 chunk summaries, corresponding to chunks of 20 quads in a
256 // 1000-quad hit buffer, so we can do boundary adjustment on them
257 // when adjacent entries are different languages. After that, we add them
258 // all into the document score
259 //
260 // About 50 * 20 = 1000 bytes. OK for stack alloc
261 typedef struct {
262   int n;
263   ChunkSummary chunksummary[kMaxSummaries + 1];
264 } SummaryBuffer;
266 // End private
269 // Score RTypeNone or RTypeOne scriptspan into doc_tote and vec, updating
270 // scoringcontext
271 void ScoreEntireScriptSpan(const LangSpan& scriptspan,
272                            ScoringContext* scoringcontext,
273                            DocTote* doc_tote,
274                            ResultChunkVector* vec);
276 // Score RTypeCJK scriptspan into doc_tote and vec, updating scoringcontext
277 void ScoreCJKScriptSpan(const LangSpan& scriptspan,
278                         ScoringContext* scoringcontext,
279                         DocTote* doc_tote,
280                         ResultChunkVector* vec);
282 // Score RTypeMany scriptspan into doc_tote and vec, updating scoringcontext
283 void ScoreQuadScriptSpan(const LangSpan& scriptspan,
284                          ScoringContext* scoringcontext,
285                          DocTote* doc_tote,
286                          ResultChunkVector* vec);
288 // Score one scriptspan into doc_tote and vec, updating scoringcontext
289 void ScoreOneScriptSpan(const LangSpan& scriptspan,
290                         ScoringContext* scoringcontext,
291                         DocTote* doc_tote,
292                         ResultChunkVector* vec);
294 }       // End namespace CLD2