1 /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
2 /* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et cindent: */
3 /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
4  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
5  * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
7 #ifndef AudioNode_h_
8 #define AudioNode_h_
10 #include "mozilla/DOMEventTargetHelper.h"
11 #include "mozilla/dom/AudioNodeBinding.h"
12 #include "nsCycleCollectionParticipant.h"
13 #include "nsTArray.h"
14 #include "AudioContext.h"
15 #include "MediaTrackGraph.h"
16 #include "WebAudioUtils.h"
17 #include "mozilla/ErrorResult.h"
18 #include "mozilla/MemoryReporting.h"
19 #include "nsPrintfCString.h"
20 #include "nsWeakReference.h"
21 #include "SelfRef.h"
23 namespace mozilla {
25 class AbstractThread;
27 namespace dom {
29 class AudioContext;
30 class AudioBufferSourceNode;
31 class AudioParam;
32 class AudioParamTimeline;
33 struct ThreeDPoint;
35 /**
36  * The DOM object representing a Web Audio AudioNode.
37  *
38  * Each AudioNode has a MediaTrack representing the actual
39  * real-time processing and output of this AudioNode.
40  *
41  * We track the incoming and outgoing connections to other AudioNodes.
42  * Outgoing connections have strong ownership.  Also, AudioNodes that will
43  * produce sound on their output even when they have silent or no input ask
44  * the AudioContext to keep playing or tail-time references to keep them alive
45  * until the context is finished.
46  *
47  * Explicit disconnections will only remove references from output nodes after
48  * the graph is notified and the main thread receives a reply.  Similarly,
49  * nodes with playing or tail-time references release these references only
50  * after receiving notification from their engine on the graph thread that
51  * playing has stopped.  Engines notifying the main thread that they have
52  * finished do so strictly *after* producing and returning their last block.
53  * In this way, an engine that receives non-null input knows that the input
54  * comes from nodes that are still alive and will keep their output nodes
55  * alive for at least as long as it takes to process messages from the graph
56  * thread.  i.e. the engine receiving non-null input knows that its node is
57  * still alive, and will still be alive when it receives a message from the
58  * engine.
59  */
60 class AudioNode : public DOMEventTargetHelper, public nsSupportsWeakReference {
61  protected:
62   // You can only use refcounting to delete this object
63   virtual ~AudioNode();
65  public:
66   AudioNode(AudioContext* aContext, uint32_t aChannelCount,
67             ChannelCountMode aChannelCountMode,
68             ChannelInterpretation aChannelInterpretation);
70   // This should be idempotent (safe to call multiple times).
71   virtual void DestroyMediaTrack();
76   virtual AudioBufferSourceNode* AsAudioBufferSourceNode() { return nullptr; }
GetParentObject()78   AudioContext* GetParentObject() const { return mContext; }
Context()80   AudioContext* Context() const { return mContext; }
82   virtual AudioNode* Connect(AudioNode& aDestination, uint32_t aOutput,
83                              uint32_t aInput, ErrorResult& aRv);
85   virtual void Connect(AudioParam& aDestination, uint32_t aOutput,
86                        ErrorResult& aRv);
88   virtual void Disconnect(ErrorResult& aRv);
89   virtual void Disconnect(uint32_t aOutput, ErrorResult& aRv);
90   virtual void Disconnect(AudioNode& aDestination, ErrorResult& aRv);
91   virtual void Disconnect(AudioNode& aDestination, uint32_t aOutput,
92                           ErrorResult& aRv);
93   virtual void Disconnect(AudioNode& aDestination, uint32_t aOutput,
94                           uint32_t aInput, ErrorResult& aRv);
95   virtual void Disconnect(AudioParam& aDestination, ErrorResult& aRv);
96   virtual void Disconnect(AudioParam& aDestination, uint32_t aOutput,
97                           ErrorResult& aRv);
99   // Called after input nodes have been explicitly added or removed through
100   // the Connect() or Disconnect() methods.
NotifyInputsChanged()101   virtual void NotifyInputsChanged() {}
102   // Indicate that the node should continue indefinitely to behave as if an
103   // input is connected, even though there is no longer a corresponding entry
104   // in mInputNodes.  Called after an input node has been removed because it
105   // is being garbage collected.
NotifyHasPhantomInput()106   virtual void NotifyHasPhantomInput() {}
108   // The following two virtual methods must be implemented by each node type
109   // to provide their number of input and output ports. These numbers are
110   // constant for the lifetime of the node. Both default to 1.
NumberOfInputs()111   virtual uint16_t NumberOfInputs() const { return 1; }
NumberOfOutputs()112   virtual uint16_t NumberOfOutputs() const { return 1; }
Id()114   uint32_t Id() const { return mId; }
116   bool PassThrough() const;
117   void SetPassThrough(bool aPassThrough);
ChannelCount()119   uint32_t ChannelCount() const { return mChannelCount; }
SetChannelCount(uint32_t aChannelCount,ErrorResult & aRv)120   virtual void SetChannelCount(uint32_t aChannelCount, ErrorResult& aRv) {
121     if (aChannelCount == 0 || aChannelCount > WebAudioUtils::MaxChannelCount) {
122       aRv.ThrowNotSupportedError(
123           nsPrintfCString("Channel count (%u) must be in the range [1, max "
124                           "supported channel count]",
125                           aChannelCount));
126       return;
127     }
128     mChannelCount = aChannelCount;
129     SendChannelMixingParametersToTrack();
130   }
ChannelCountModeValue()131   ChannelCountMode ChannelCountModeValue() const { return mChannelCountMode; }
SetChannelCountModeValue(ChannelCountMode aMode,ErrorResult & aRv)132   virtual void SetChannelCountModeValue(ChannelCountMode aMode,
133                                         ErrorResult& aRv) {
134     mChannelCountMode = aMode;
135     SendChannelMixingParametersToTrack();
136   }
ChannelInterpretationValue()137   ChannelInterpretation ChannelInterpretationValue() const {
138     return mChannelInterpretation;
139   }
SetChannelInterpretationValue(ChannelInterpretation aMode,ErrorResult & aRv)140   virtual void SetChannelInterpretationValue(ChannelInterpretation aMode,
141                                              ErrorResult& aRv) {
142     mChannelInterpretation = aMode;
143     SendChannelMixingParametersToTrack();
144   }
146   struct InputNode final {
147     InputNode() = default;
148     InputNode(const InputNode&) = delete;
149     InputNode(InputNode&&) = default;
~InputNodefinal151     ~InputNode() {
152       if (mTrackPort) {
153         mTrackPort->Destroy();
154       }
155     }
SizeOfExcludingThisfinal157     size_t SizeOfExcludingThis(MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf) const {
158       size_t amount = 0;
159       if (mTrackPort) {
160         amount += mTrackPort->SizeOfIncludingThis(aMallocSizeOf);
161       }
163       return amount;
164     }
166     // The InputNode is destroyed when mInputNode is disconnected.
167     AudioNode* MOZ_NON_OWNING_REF mInputNode;
168     RefPtr<MediaInputPort> mTrackPort;
169     // The index of the input port this node feeds into.
170     // This is not used for connections to AudioParams.
171     uint32_t mInputPort;
172     // The index of the output port this node comes out of.
173     uint32_t mOutputPort;
174   };
176   // Returns the track, if any.
GetTrack()177   AudioNodeTrack* GetTrack() const { return mTrack; }
InputNodes()179   const nsTArray<InputNode>& InputNodes() const { return mInputNodes; }
OutputNodes()180   const nsTArray<RefPtr<AudioNode>>& OutputNodes() const {
181     return mOutputNodes;
182   }
OutputParams()183   const nsTArray<RefPtr<AudioParam>>& OutputParams() const {
184     return mOutputParams;
185   }
187   template <typename T>
188   const nsTArray<InputNode>& InputsForDestination(uint32_t aOutputIndex) const;
190   void RemoveOutputParam(AudioParam* aParam);
192   // MarkActive() asks the context to keep the AudioNode alive until the
193   // context is finished.  This takes care of "playing" references and
194   // "tail-time" references.
MarkActive()195   void MarkActive() { Context()->RegisterActiveNode(this); }
196   // Active nodes call MarkInactive() when they have finished producing sound
197   // for the foreseeable future.
198   // Do not call MarkInactive from a node destructor.  If the destructor is
199   // called, then the node is already inactive.
200   // MarkInactive() may delete |this|.
MarkInactive()201   void MarkInactive() { Context()->UnregisterActiveNode(this); }
203   virtual size_t SizeOfExcludingThis(MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf) const;
204   virtual size_t SizeOfIncludingThis(MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf) const;
206   // Returns a string from constant static storage identifying the dom node
207   // type.
208   virtual const char* NodeType() const = 0;
210   // This can return nullptr, but only when the AudioNode has been created
211   // during document shutdown.
GetAbstractMainThread()212   AbstractThread* GetAbstractMainThread() const { return mAbstractMainThread; }
GetAudioParams()214   const nsTArray<RefPtr<AudioParam>>& GetAudioParams() const { return mParams; }
216  private:
217   // Given:
218   //
219   // - a DestinationType, that can be an AudioNode or an AudioParam ;
220   // - a Predicate, a function that takes an InputNode& and returns a bool ;
221   //
222   // This method iterates on the InputNodes() of the node at the index
223   // aDestinationIndex, and calls `DisconnectFromOutputIfConnected` with this
224   // input node, if aPredicate returns true.
225   template <typename DestinationType, typename Predicate>
226   bool DisconnectMatchingDestinationInputs(uint32_t aDestinationIndex,
227                                            Predicate aPredicate);
LastRelease()229   virtual void LastRelease() override {
230     // We are about to be deleted, disconnect the object from the graph before
231     // the derived type is destroyed.
232     DisconnectFromGraph();
233   }
234   // Callers must hold a reference to 'this'.
235   void DisconnectFromGraph();
237   template <typename DestinationType>
238   bool DisconnectFromOutputIfConnected(uint32_t aOutputIndex,
239                                        uint32_t aInputIndex);
241  protected:
242   // Helper for the Constructors for nodes.
243   void Initialize(const AudioNodeOptions& aOptions, ErrorResult& aRv);
245   // Helpers for sending different value types to tracks
246   void SendDoubleParameterToTrack(uint32_t aIndex, double aValue);
247   void SendInt32ParameterToTrack(uint32_t aIndex, int32_t aValue);
248   void SendChannelMixingParametersToTrack();
250  private:
251   RefPtr<AudioContext> mContext;
253  protected:
254   // Set in the constructor of all nodes except offline AudioDestinationNode.
255   // Must not become null until finished.
256   RefPtr<AudioNodeTrack> mTrack;
258   // The reference pointing out all audio params which belong to this node.
259   nsTArray<RefPtr<AudioParam>> mParams;
260   // Use this function to create an AudioParam, so as to automatically add
261   // the new AudioParam to `mParams`.
262   AudioParam* CreateAudioParam(
263       uint32_t aIndex, const nsAString& aName, float aDefaultValue,
264       float aMinValue = std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest(),
265       float aMaxValue = std::numeric_limits<float>::max());
267  private:
268   // For every InputNode, there is a corresponding entry in mOutputNodes of the
269   // InputNode's mInputNode.
270   nsTArray<InputNode> mInputNodes;
271   // For every mOutputNode entry, there is a corresponding entry in mInputNodes
272   // of the mOutputNode entry. We won't necessarily be able to identify the
273   // exact matching entry, since mOutputNodes doesn't include the port
274   // identifiers and the same node could be connected on multiple ports.
275   nsTArray<RefPtr<AudioNode>> mOutputNodes;
276   // For every mOutputParams entry, there is a corresponding entry in
277   // AudioParam::mInputNodes of the mOutputParams entry. We won't necessarily be
278   // able to identify the exact matching entry, since mOutputParams doesn't
279   // include the port identifiers and the same node could be connected on
280   // multiple ports.
281   nsTArray<RefPtr<AudioParam>> mOutputParams;
282   uint32_t mChannelCount;
283   ChannelCountMode mChannelCountMode;
284   ChannelInterpretation mChannelInterpretation;
285   const uint32_t mId;
286   // Whether the node just passes through its input.  This is a devtools API
287   // that only works for some node types.
288   bool mPassThrough;
289   // DocGroup-specifc AbstractThread::MainThread() for MediaTrackGraph
290   // operations.
291   const RefPtr<AbstractThread> mAbstractMainThread;
292 };
294 }  // namespace dom
295 }  // namespace mozilla
297 #endif