2 // Generated by generate_entry_points.py using data from egl.xml and egl_angle_ext.xml.
3 //
4 // Copyright 2020 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
5 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
6 // found in the LICENSE file.
7 //
8 // egl_ext_stubs_autogen.h: Stubs for EXT extension entry points.
13 #include <EGL/egl.h>
14 #include <EGL/eglext.h>
16 #include "common/PackedEGLEnums_autogen.h"
18 namespace gl
19 {
20 class Context;
21 }  // namespace gl
23 namespace egl
24 {
25 class AttributeMap;
26 class Device;
27 class Display;
28 class Image;
29 class Stream;
30 class Surface;
31 class Sync;
32 class Thread;
33 struct Config;
35 EGLint ClientWaitSyncKHR(Thread *thread,
36                          egl::Display *dpyPacked,
37                          Sync *syncPacked,
38                          EGLint flags,
39                          EGLTimeKHR timeout);
40 EGLImageKHR CreateImageKHR(Thread *thread,
41                            egl::Display *dpyPacked,
42                            gl::Context *ctxPacked,
43                            EGLenum target,
44                            EGLClientBuffer buffer,
45                            const AttributeMap &attrib_listPacked);
46 EGLClientBuffer CreateNativeClientBufferANDROID(Thread *thread,
47                                                 const AttributeMap &attrib_listPacked);
48 EGLSurface CreatePlatformPixmapSurfaceEXT(Thread *thread,
49                                           egl::Display *dpyPacked,
50                                           Config *configPacked,
51                                           void *native_pixmap,
52                                           const AttributeMap &attrib_listPacked);
53 EGLSurface CreatePlatformWindowSurfaceEXT(Thread *thread,
54                                           egl::Display *dpyPacked,
55                                           Config *configPacked,
56                                           void *native_window,
57                                           const AttributeMap &attrib_listPacked);
58 EGLStreamKHR CreateStreamKHR(Thread *thread,
59                              egl::Display *dpyPacked,
60                              const AttributeMap &attrib_listPacked);
61 EGLSyncKHR CreateSyncKHR(Thread *thread,
62                          egl::Display *dpyPacked,
63                          EGLenum type,
64                          const AttributeMap &attrib_listPacked);
65 EGLint DebugMessageControlKHR(Thread *thread,
66                               EGLDEBUGPROCKHR callback,
67                               const AttributeMap &attrib_listPacked);
68 EGLBoolean DestroyImageKHR(Thread *thread, egl::Display *dpyPacked, Image *imagePacked);
69 EGLBoolean DestroyStreamKHR(Thread *thread, egl::Display *dpyPacked, Stream *streamPacked);
70 EGLBoolean DestroySyncKHR(Thread *thread, egl::Display *dpyPacked, Sync *syncPacked);
71 EGLint DupNativeFenceFDANDROID(Thread *thread, egl::Display *dpyPacked, Sync *syncPacked);
72 EGLClientBuffer GetNativeClientBufferANDROID(Thread *thread, const struct AHardwareBuffer *buffer);
73 EGLDisplay GetPlatformDisplayEXT(Thread *thread,
74                                  EGLenum platform,
75                                  void *native_display,
76                                  const AttributeMap &attrib_listPacked);
77 EGLBoolean GetSyncAttribKHR(Thread *thread,
78                             egl::Display *dpyPacked,
79                             Sync *syncPacked,
80                             EGLint attribute,
81                             EGLint *value);
82 EGLint LabelObjectKHR(Thread *thread,
83                       egl::Display *displayPacked,
84                       ObjectType objectTypePacked,
85                       EGLObjectKHR object,
86                       EGLLabelKHR label);
87 EGLBoolean PostSubBufferNV(Thread *thread,
88                            egl::Display *dpyPacked,
89                            Surface *surfacePacked,
90                            EGLint x,
91                            EGLint y,
92                            EGLint width,
93                            EGLint height);
94 EGLBoolean PresentationTimeANDROID(Thread *thread,
95                                    egl::Display *dpyPacked,
96                                    Surface *surfacePacked,
97                                    EGLnsecsANDROID time);
98 EGLBoolean GetCompositorTimingSupportedANDROID(Thread *thread,
99                                                egl::Display *dpyPacked,
100                                                Surface *surfacePacked,
101                                                CompositorTiming namePacked);
102 EGLBoolean GetCompositorTimingANDROID(Thread *thread,
103                                       egl::Display *dpyPacked,
104                                       Surface *surfacePacked,
105                                       EGLint numTimestamps,
106                                       const EGLint *names,
107                                       EGLnsecsANDROID *values);
108 EGLBoolean GetNextFrameIdANDROID(Thread *thread,
109                                  egl::Display *dpyPacked,
110                                  Surface *surfacePacked,
111                                  EGLuint64KHR *frameId);
112 EGLBoolean GetFrameTimestampSupportedANDROID(Thread *thread,
113                                              egl::Display *dpyPacked,
114                                              Surface *surfacePacked,
115                                              Timestamp timestampPacked);
116 EGLBoolean GetFrameTimestampsANDROID(Thread *thread,
117                                      egl::Display *dpyPacked,
118                                      Surface *surfacePacked,
119                                      EGLuint64KHR frameId,
120                                      EGLint numTimestamps,
121                                      const EGLint *timestamps,
122                                      EGLnsecsANDROID *values);
123 EGLBoolean QueryDebugKHR(Thread *thread, EGLint attribute, EGLAttrib *value);
124 EGLBoolean QueryDeviceAttribEXT(Thread *thread,
125                                 Device *devicePacked,
126                                 EGLint attribute,
127                                 EGLAttrib *value);
128 const char *QueryDeviceStringEXT(Thread *thread, Device *devicePacked, EGLint name);
129 EGLBoolean QueryDisplayAttribEXT(Thread *thread,
130                                  egl::Display *dpyPacked,
131                                  EGLint attribute,
132                                  EGLAttrib *value);
133 EGLBoolean QueryStreamKHR(Thread *thread,
134                           egl::Display *dpyPacked,
135                           Stream *streamPacked,
136                           EGLenum attribute,
137                           EGLint *value);
138 EGLBoolean QueryStreamu64KHR(Thread *thread,
139                              egl::Display *dpyPacked,
140                              Stream *streamPacked,
141                              EGLenum attribute,
142                              EGLuint64KHR *value);
143 EGLBoolean QuerySurfacePointerANGLE(Thread *thread,
144                                     egl::Display *dpyPacked,
145                                     Surface *surfacePacked,
146                                     EGLint attribute,
147                                     void **value);
148 void SetBlobCacheFuncsANDROID(Thread *thread,
149                               egl::Display *dpyPacked,
150                               EGLSetBlobFuncANDROID set,
151                               EGLGetBlobFuncANDROID get);
152 EGLBoolean SignalSyncKHR(Thread *thread, egl::Display *dpyPacked, Sync *syncPacked, EGLenum mode);
153 EGLBoolean StreamAttribKHR(Thread *thread,
154                            egl::Display *dpyPacked,
155                            Stream *streamPacked,
156                            EGLenum attribute,
157                            EGLint value);
158 EGLBoolean StreamConsumerAcquireKHR(Thread *thread, egl::Display *dpyPacked, Stream *streamPacked);
159 EGLBoolean StreamConsumerGLTextureExternalKHR(Thread *thread,
160                                               egl::Display *dpyPacked,
161                                               Stream *streamPacked);
162 EGLBoolean StreamConsumerGLTextureExternalAttribsNV(Thread *thread,
163                                                     egl::Display *dpyPacked,
164                                                     Stream *streamPacked,
165                                                     const AttributeMap &attrib_listPacked);
166 EGLBoolean StreamConsumerReleaseKHR(Thread *thread, egl::Display *dpyPacked, Stream *streamPacked);
167 EGLBoolean SwapBuffersWithDamageKHR(Thread *thread,
168                                     egl::Display *dpyPacked,
169                                     Surface *surfacePacked,
170                                     const EGLint *rects,
171                                     EGLint n_rects);
172 EGLint WaitSyncKHR(Thread *thread, egl::Display *dpyPacked, Sync *syncPacked, EGLint flags);
173 EGLDeviceEXT CreateDeviceANGLE(Thread *thread,
174                                EGLint device_type,
175                                void *native_device,
176                                const EGLAttrib *attrib_list);
177 EGLBoolean ReleaseDeviceANGLE(Thread *thread, Device *devicePacked);
178 EGLBoolean CreateStreamProducerD3DTextureANGLE(Thread *thread,
179                                                egl::Display *dpyPacked,
180                                                Stream *streamPacked,
181                                                const AttributeMap &attrib_listPacked);
182 EGLBoolean StreamPostD3DTextureANGLE(Thread *thread,
183                                      egl::Display *dpyPacked,
184                                      Stream *streamPacked,
185                                      void *texture,
186                                      const AttributeMap &attrib_listPacked);
187 EGLBoolean GetMscRateANGLE(Thread *thread,
188                            egl::Display *dpyPacked,
189                            Surface *surfacePacked,
190                            EGLint *numerator,
191                            EGLint *denominator);
192 EGLBoolean GetSyncValuesCHROMIUM(Thread *thread,
193                                  egl::Display *dpyPacked,
194                                  Surface *surfacePacked,
195                                  EGLuint64KHR *ust,
196                                  EGLuint64KHR *msc,
197                                  EGLuint64KHR *sbc);
198 EGLint ProgramCacheGetAttribANGLE(Thread *thread, egl::Display *dpyPacked, EGLenum attrib);
199 void ProgramCacheQueryANGLE(Thread *thread,
200                             egl::Display *dpyPacked,
201                             EGLint index,
202                             void *key,
203                             EGLint *keysize,
204                             void *binary,
205                             EGLint *binarysize);
206 void ProgramCachePopulateANGLE(Thread *thread,
207                                egl::Display *dpyPacked,
208                                const void *key,
209                                EGLint keysize,
210                                const void *binary,
211                                EGLint binarysize);
212 EGLint ProgramCacheResizeANGLE(Thread *thread, egl::Display *dpyPacked, EGLint limit, EGLint mode);
213 const char *QueryStringiANGLE(Thread *thread, egl::Display *dpyPacked, EGLint name, EGLint index);
214 EGLBoolean SwapBuffersWithFrameTokenANGLE(Thread *thread,
215                                           egl::Display *dpyPacked,
216                                           Surface *surfacePacked,
217                                           EGLFrameTokenANGLE frametoken);
218 void ReleaseHighPowerGPUANGLE(Thread *thread, egl::Display *dpyPacked, gl::Context *ctxPacked);
219 void ReacquireHighPowerGPUANGLE(Thread *thread, egl::Display *dpyPacked, gl::Context *ctxPacked);
220 void HandleGPUSwitchANGLE(Thread *thread, egl::Display *dpyPacked);
221 EGLBoolean QueryDisplayAttribANGLE(Thread *thread,
222                                    egl::Display *dpyPacked,
223                                    EGLint attribute,
224                                    EGLAttrib *value);
225 }  // namespace egl