1 /*
2  * Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
3  *
4  * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
5  * found in the LICENSE file.
6  */
8 #ifndef GrVkBackendContext_DEFINED
9 #define GrVkBackendContext_DEFINED
11 #include "include/core/SkRefCnt.h"
12 #include "include/gpu/vk/GrVkMemoryAllocator.h"
13 #include "include/gpu/vk/GrVkTypes.h"
15 class GrVkExtensions;
17 enum GrVkExtensionFlags {
18     kEXT_debug_report_GrVkExtensionFlag    = 0x0001,
19     kNV_glsl_shader_GrVkExtensionFlag      = 0x0002,
20     kKHR_surface_GrVkExtensionFlag         = 0x0004,
21     kKHR_swapchain_GrVkExtensionFlag       = 0x0008,
22     kKHR_win32_surface_GrVkExtensionFlag   = 0x0010,
23     kKHR_android_surface_GrVkExtensionFlag = 0x0020,
24     kKHR_xcb_surface_GrVkExtensionFlag     = 0x0040,
25 };
27 enum GrVkFeatureFlags {
28     kGeometryShader_GrVkFeatureFlag    = 0x0001,
29     kDualSrcBlend_GrVkFeatureFlag      = 0x0002,
30     kSampleRateShading_GrVkFeatureFlag = 0x0004,
31 };
33 // It is not guarenteed VkPhysicalDeviceProperties2 will be in the client's header so we forward
34 // declare it here to be safe.
35 struct VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2;
37 // The BackendContext contains all of the base Vulkan objects needed by the GrVkGpu. The assumption
38 // is that the client will set these up and pass them to the GrVkGpu constructor. The VkDevice
39 // created must support at least one graphics queue, which is passed in as well.
40 // The QueueFamilyIndex must match the family of the given queue. It is needed for CommandPool
41 // creation, and any GrBackendObjects handed to us (e.g., for wrapped textures) needs to be created
42 // in or transitioned to that family. The refs held by members of this struct must be released
43 // (either by deleting the struct or manually releasing the refs) before the underlying vulkan
44 // device and instance are destroyed.
45 struct SK_API GrVkBackendContext {
46     VkInstance                       fInstance;
47     VkPhysicalDevice                 fPhysicalDevice;
48     VkDevice                         fDevice;
49     VkQueue                          fQueue;
50     uint32_t                         fGraphicsQueueIndex;
51     uint32_t                         fMinAPIVersion; // Deprecated. Set fInstanceVersion instead.
52     uint32_t                         fInstanceVersion = 0; // Deprecated. Set fMaxApiVersion instead
53     // The max api version set here should match the value set in VkApplicationInfo::apiVersion when
54     // then VkInstance was created.
55     uint32_t                         fMaxAPIVersion = 0;
56     uint32_t                         fExtensions = 0; // Deprecated. Use fVkExtensions instead.
57     const GrVkExtensions*            fVkExtensions = nullptr;
58     uint32_t                         fFeatures; // Deprecated. Use fDeviceFeatures[2] instead.
59     // The client can create their VkDevice with either a VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures or
60     // VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2 struct, thus we have to support taking both. The
61     // VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2 struct is needed so we know if the client enabled any extension
62     // specific features. If fDeviceFeatures2 is not null then we ignore fDeviceFeatures. If both
63     // fDeviceFeatures and fDeviceFeatures2 are null we will assume no features are enabled.
64     const VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures*  fDeviceFeatures = nullptr;
65     const VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2* fDeviceFeatures2 = nullptr;
66     sk_sp<GrVkMemoryAllocator>       fMemoryAllocator;
67     GrVkGetProc                      fGetProc = nullptr;
68     // This is deprecated and should be set to false. The client is responsible for managing the
69     // lifetime of the VkInstance and VkDevice objects.
70     bool                             fOwnsInstanceAndDevice = false;
71     // Indicates that we are working with protected content and all CommandPool and Queue operations
72     // should be done in a protected context.
73     GrProtected                      fProtectedContext = GrProtected::kNo;
74 };
76 #endif