1 /*
2  * Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
3  *
4  * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
5  * found in the LICENSE file.
6  */
8 #include "include/core/SkColor.h"
9 #include "include/core/SkColorFilter.h"
10 #include "include/core/SkPaint.h"
11 #include "include/core/SkShader.h"
12 #include "include/private/SkTo.h"
13 #include "src/core/SkArenaAlloc.h"
14 #include "src/core/SkBlendModePriv.h"
15 #include "src/core/SkBlitter.h"
16 #include "src/core/SkColorSpacePriv.h"
17 #include "src/core/SkColorSpaceXformSteps.h"
18 #include "src/core/SkOpts.h"
19 #include "src/core/SkRasterPipeline.h"
20 #include "src/core/SkUtils.h"
21 #include "src/shaders/SkShaderBase.h"
23 class SkRasterPipelineBlitter final : public SkBlitter {
24 public:
25     // This is our common entrypoint for creating the blitter once we've sorted out shaders.
26     static SkBlitter* Create(const SkPixmap&, const SkPaint&, SkArenaAlloc*,
27                              const SkRasterPipeline& shaderPipeline,
28                              bool is_opaque, bool is_constant);
SkRasterPipelineBlitter(SkPixmap dst,SkBlendMode blend,SkArenaAlloc * alloc)30     SkRasterPipelineBlitter(SkPixmap dst,
31                             SkBlendMode blend,
32                             SkArenaAlloc* alloc)
33         : fDst(dst)
34         , fBlend(blend)
35         , fAlloc(alloc)
36         , fColorPipeline(alloc)
37     {}
39     void blitH     (int x, int y, int w)                            override;
40     void blitAntiH (int x, int y, const SkAlpha[], const int16_t[]) override;
41     void blitAntiH2(int x, int y, U8CPU a0, U8CPU a1)               override;
42     void blitAntiV2(int x, int y, U8CPU a0, U8CPU a1)               override;
43     void blitMask  (const SkMask&, const SkIRect& clip)             override;
44     void blitRect  (int x, int y, int width, int height)            override;
45     void blitV     (int x, int y, int height, SkAlpha alpha)        override;
47 private:
48     void append_load_dst      (SkRasterPipeline*) const;
49     void append_store         (SkRasterPipeline*) const;
51     SkPixmap               fDst;
52     SkBlendMode            fBlend;
53     SkArenaAlloc*          fAlloc;
54     SkRasterPipeline       fColorPipeline;
56     SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtx
57         fDstPtr       = {nullptr,0},  // Always points to the top-left of fDst.
58         fMaskPtr      = {nullptr,0};  // Updated each call to blitMask().
59     SkRasterPipeline_EmbossCtx fEmbossCtx;  // Used only for k3D_Format masks.
61     // We may be able to specialize blitH() or blitRect() into a memset.
62     void   (*fMemset2D)(SkPixmap*, int x,int y, int w,int h, uint64_t color) = nullptr;
63     uint64_t fMemsetColor = 0;   // Big enough for largest memsettable dst format, F16.
65     // Built lazily on first use.
66     std::function<void(size_t, size_t, size_t, size_t)> fBlitRect,
67                                                         fBlitAntiH,
68                                                         fBlitMaskA8,
69                                                         fBlitMaskLCD16,
70                                                         fBlitMask3D;
72     // These values are pointed to by the blit pipelines above,
73     // which allows us to adjust them from call to call.
74     float fCurrentCoverage = 0.0f;
75     float fDitherRate      = 0.0f;
77     typedef SkBlitter INHERITED;
78 };
SkCreateRasterPipelineBlitter(const SkPixmap & dst,const SkPaint & paint,const SkMatrix & ctm,SkArenaAlloc * alloc)80 SkBlitter* SkCreateRasterPipelineBlitter(const SkPixmap& dst,
81                                          const SkPaint& paint,
82                                          const SkMatrix& ctm,
83                                          SkArenaAlloc* alloc) {
84     // For legacy to keep working, we need to sometimes still distinguish null dstCS from sRGB.
85 #if 0
86     SkColorSpace* dstCS = dst.colorSpace() ? dst.colorSpace()
87                                            : sk_srgb_singleton();
88 #else
89     SkColorSpace* dstCS = dst.colorSpace();
90 #endif
91     SkColorType dstCT = dst.colorType();
92     SkColor4f paintColor = paint.getColor4f();
93     SkColorSpaceXformSteps(sk_srgb_singleton(), kUnpremul_SkAlphaType,
94                            dstCS,               kUnpremul_SkAlphaType).apply(paintColor.vec());
96     auto shader = as_SB(paint.getShader());
98     SkRasterPipeline_<256> shaderPipeline;
99     if (!shader) {
100         // Having no shader makes things nice and easy... just use the paint color.
101         shaderPipeline.append_constant_color(alloc, paintColor.premul().vec());
102         bool is_opaque    = paintColor.fA == 1.0f,
103              is_constant  = true;
104         return SkRasterPipelineBlitter::Create(dst, paint, alloc,
105                                                shaderPipeline, is_opaque, is_constant);
106     }
108     bool is_opaque    = shader->isOpaque() && paintColor.fA == 1.0f;
109     bool is_constant  = shader->isConstant();
111     if (shader->appendStages({&shaderPipeline, alloc, dstCT, dstCS, paint, nullptr, ctm})) {
112         if (paintColor.fA != 1.0f) {
113             shaderPipeline.append(SkRasterPipeline::scale_1_float,
114                                   alloc->make<float>(paintColor.fA));
115         }
116         return SkRasterPipelineBlitter::Create(dst, paint, alloc,
117                                                shaderPipeline, is_opaque, is_constant);
118     }
120     // The shader has opted out of drawing anything.
121     return alloc->make<SkNullBlitter>();
122 }
SkCreateRasterPipelineBlitter(const SkPixmap & dst,const SkPaint & paint,const SkRasterPipeline & shaderPipeline,bool is_opaque,SkArenaAlloc * alloc)124 SkBlitter* SkCreateRasterPipelineBlitter(const SkPixmap& dst,
125                                          const SkPaint& paint,
126                                          const SkRasterPipeline& shaderPipeline,
127                                          bool is_opaque,
128                                          SkArenaAlloc* alloc) {
129     bool is_constant = false;  // If this were the case, it'd be better to just set a paint color.
130     return SkRasterPipelineBlitter::Create(dst, paint, alloc,
131                                            shaderPipeline, is_opaque, is_constant);
132 }
Create(const SkPixmap & dst,const SkPaint & paint,SkArenaAlloc * alloc,const SkRasterPipeline & shaderPipeline,bool is_opaque,bool is_constant)134 SkBlitter* SkRasterPipelineBlitter::Create(const SkPixmap& dst,
135                                            const SkPaint& paint,
136                                            SkArenaAlloc* alloc,
137                                            const SkRasterPipeline& shaderPipeline,
138                                            bool is_opaque,
139                                            bool is_constant) {
140     auto blitter = alloc->make<SkRasterPipelineBlitter>(dst,
141                                                         paint.getBlendMode(),
142                                                         alloc);
144     // Our job in this factory is to fill out the blitter's color pipeline.
145     // This is the common front of the full blit pipelines, each constructed lazily on first use.
146     // The full blit pipelines handle reading and writing the dst, blending, coverage, dithering.
147     auto colorPipeline = &blitter->fColorPipeline;
149     // Let's get the shader in first.
150     colorPipeline->extend(shaderPipeline);
152     // If there's a color filter it comes next.
153     if (auto colorFilter = paint.getColorFilter()) {
154         SkStageRec rec = {
155             colorPipeline, alloc, dst.colorType(), dst.colorSpace(), paint, nullptr, SkMatrix::I()
156         };
157         colorFilter->appendStages(rec, is_opaque);
158         is_opaque = is_opaque && (colorFilter->getFlags() & SkColorFilter::kAlphaUnchanged_Flag);
159     }
161     // Not all formats make sense to dither (think, F16).  We set their dither rate
162     // to zero.  We need to decide if we're going to dither now to keep is_constant accurate.
163     if (paint.isDither()) {
164         switch (dst.info().colorType()) {
165             default:                        blitter->fDitherRate =      0.0f; break;
166             case kARGB_4444_SkColorType:    blitter->fDitherRate =   1/15.0f; break;
167             case   kRGB_565_SkColorType:    blitter->fDitherRate =   1/63.0f; break;
168             case    kGray_8_SkColorType:
169             case  kRGB_888x_SkColorType:
170             case kRGBA_8888_SkColorType:
171             case kBGRA_8888_SkColorType:    blitter->fDitherRate =  1/255.0f; break;
172             case kRGB_101010x_SkColorType:
173             case kRGBA_1010102_SkColorType: blitter->fDitherRate = 1/1023.0f; break;
174         }
175         // TODO: for constant colors, we could try to measure the effect of dithering, and if
176         //       it has no value (i.e. all variations result in the same 32bit color, then we
177         //       could disable it (for speed, by not adding the stage).
178     }
179     is_constant = is_constant && (blitter->fDitherRate == 0.0f);
181     // We're logically done here.  The code between here and return blitter is all optimization.
183     // A pipeline that's still constant here can collapse back into a constant color.
184     if (is_constant) {
185         SkColor4f constantColor;
186         SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtx constantColorPtr = { &constantColor, 0 };
187         colorPipeline->append_gamut_clamp_if_normalized(dst.info());
188         colorPipeline->append(SkRasterPipeline::store_f32, &constantColorPtr);
189         colorPipeline->run(0,0,1,1);
190         colorPipeline->reset();
191         colorPipeline->append_constant_color(alloc, constantColor);
193         is_opaque = constantColor.fA == 1.0f;
194     }
196     // We can strength-reduce SrcOver into Src when opaque.
197     if (is_opaque && blitter->fBlend == SkBlendMode::kSrcOver) {
198         blitter->fBlend = SkBlendMode::kSrc;
199     }
201     // When we're drawing a constant color in Src mode, we can sometimes just memset.
202     // (The previous two optimizations help find more opportunities for this one.)
203     if (is_constant && blitter->fBlend == SkBlendMode::kSrc) {
204         // Run our color pipeline all the way through to produce what we'd memset when we can.
205         // Not all blits can memset, so we need to keep colorPipeline too.
206         SkRasterPipeline_<256> p;
207         p.extend(*colorPipeline);
208         p.append_gamut_clamp_if_normalized(dst.info());
209         blitter->fDstPtr = SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtx{&blitter->fMemsetColor, 0};
210         blitter->append_store(&p);
211         p.run(0,0,1,1);
213         switch (blitter->fDst.shiftPerPixel()) {
214             case 0: blitter->fMemset2D = [](SkPixmap* dst, int x,int y, int w,int h, uint64_t c) {
215                 void* p = dst->writable_addr(x,y);
216                 while (h --> 0) {
217                     memset(p, c, w);
218                     p = SkTAddOffset<void>(p, dst->rowBytes());
219                 }
220             }; break;
222             case 1: blitter->fMemset2D = [](SkPixmap* dst, int x,int y, int w,int h, uint64_t c) {
223                 SkOpts::rect_memset16(dst->writable_addr16(x,y), c, w, dst->rowBytes(), h);
224             }; break;
226             case 2: blitter->fMemset2D = [](SkPixmap* dst, int x,int y, int w,int h, uint64_t c) {
227                 SkOpts::rect_memset32(dst->writable_addr32(x,y), c, w, dst->rowBytes(), h);
228             }; break;
230             case 3: blitter->fMemset2D = [](SkPixmap* dst, int x,int y, int w,int h, uint64_t c) {
231                 SkOpts::rect_memset64(dst->writable_addr64(x,y), c, w, dst->rowBytes(), h);
232             }; break;
234             // TODO(F32)?
235         }
236     }
238     blitter->fDstPtr = SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtx{
239         blitter->fDst.writable_addr(),
240         blitter->fDst.rowBytesAsPixels(),
241     };
243     return blitter;
244 }
append_load_dst(SkRasterPipeline * p) const246 void SkRasterPipelineBlitter::append_load_dst(SkRasterPipeline* p) const {
247     p->append_load_dst(fDst.info().colorType(), &fDstPtr);
248     if (fDst.info().alphaType() == kUnpremul_SkAlphaType) {
249         p->append(SkRasterPipeline::premul_dst);
250     }
251 }
append_store(SkRasterPipeline * p) const253 void SkRasterPipelineBlitter::append_store(SkRasterPipeline* p) const {
254     if (fDst.info().alphaType() == kUnpremul_SkAlphaType) {
255         p->append(SkRasterPipeline::unpremul);
256     }
257     if (fDitherRate > 0.0f) {
258         p->append(SkRasterPipeline::dither, &fDitherRate);
259     }
261     p->append_store(fDst.info().colorType(), &fDstPtr);
262 }
blitH(int x,int y,int w)264 void SkRasterPipelineBlitter::blitH(int x, int y, int w) {
265     this->blitRect(x,y,w,1);
266 }
blitRect(int x,int y,int w,int h)268 void SkRasterPipelineBlitter::blitRect(int x, int y, int w, int h) {
269     if (fMemset2D) {
270         fMemset2D(&fDst, x,y, w,h, fMemsetColor);
271         return;
272     }
274     if (!fBlitRect) {
275         SkRasterPipeline p(fAlloc);
276         p.extend(fColorPipeline);
277         p.append_gamut_clamp_if_normalized(fDst.info());
278         if (fBlend == SkBlendMode::kSrcOver
279                 && (fDst.info().colorType() == kRGBA_8888_SkColorType ||
280                     fDst.info().colorType() == kBGRA_8888_SkColorType)
281                 && !fDst.colorSpace()
282                 && fDst.info().alphaType() != kUnpremul_SkAlphaType
283                 && fDitherRate == 0.0f) {
284             if (fDst.info().colorType() == kBGRA_8888_SkColorType) {
285                 p.append(SkRasterPipeline::swap_rb);
286             }
287             p.append(SkRasterPipeline::srcover_rgba_8888, &fDstPtr);
288         } else {
289             if (fBlend != SkBlendMode::kSrc) {
290                 this->append_load_dst(&p);
291                 SkBlendMode_AppendStages(fBlend, &p);
292             }
293             this->append_store(&p);
294         }
295         fBlitRect = p.compile();
296     }
298     fBlitRect(x,y,w,h);
299 }
blitAntiH(int x,int y,const SkAlpha aa[],const int16_t runs[])301 void SkRasterPipelineBlitter::blitAntiH(int x, int y, const SkAlpha aa[], const int16_t runs[]) {
302     if (!fBlitAntiH) {
303         SkRasterPipeline p(fAlloc);
304         p.extend(fColorPipeline);
305         p.append_gamut_clamp_if_normalized(fDst.info());
306         if (SkBlendMode_ShouldPreScaleCoverage(fBlend, /*rgb_coverage=*/false)) {
307             p.append(SkRasterPipeline::scale_1_float, &fCurrentCoverage);
308             this->append_load_dst(&p);
309             SkBlendMode_AppendStages(fBlend, &p);
310         } else {
311             this->append_load_dst(&p);
312             SkBlendMode_AppendStages(fBlend, &p);
313             p.append(SkRasterPipeline::lerp_1_float, &fCurrentCoverage);
314         }
316         this->append_store(&p);
317         fBlitAntiH = p.compile();
318     }
320     for (int16_t run = *runs; run > 0; run = *runs) {
321         switch (*aa) {
322             case 0x00:                       break;
323             case 0xff: this->blitH(x,y,run); break;
324             default:
325                 fCurrentCoverage = *aa * (1/255.0f);
326                 fBlitAntiH(x,y,run,1);
327         }
328         x    += run;
329         runs += run;
330         aa   += run;
331     }
332 }
blitAntiH2(int x,int y,U8CPU a0,U8CPU a1)334 void SkRasterPipelineBlitter::blitAntiH2(int x, int y, U8CPU a0, U8CPU a1) {
335     SkIRect clip = {x,y, x+2,y+1};
336     uint8_t coverage[] = { (uint8_t)a0, (uint8_t)a1 };
338     SkMask mask;
339     mask.fImage    = coverage;
340     mask.fBounds   = clip;
341     mask.fRowBytes = 2;
342     mask.fFormat   = SkMask::kA8_Format;
344     this->blitMask(mask, clip);
345 }
blitAntiV2(int x,int y,U8CPU a0,U8CPU a1)347 void SkRasterPipelineBlitter::blitAntiV2(int x, int y, U8CPU a0, U8CPU a1) {
348     SkIRect clip = {x,y, x+1,y+2};
349     uint8_t coverage[] = { (uint8_t)a0, (uint8_t)a1 };
351     SkMask mask;
352     mask.fImage    = coverage;
353     mask.fBounds   = clip;
354     mask.fRowBytes = 1;
355     mask.fFormat   = SkMask::kA8_Format;
357     this->blitMask(mask, clip);
358 }
blitV(int x,int y,int height,SkAlpha alpha)360 void SkRasterPipelineBlitter::blitV(int x, int y, int height, SkAlpha alpha) {
361     SkIRect clip = {x,y, x+1,y+height};
363     SkMask mask;
364     mask.fImage    = &alpha;
365     mask.fBounds   = clip;
366     mask.fRowBytes = 0;     // so we reuse the 1 "row" for all of height
367     mask.fFormat   = SkMask::kA8_Format;
369     this->blitMask(mask, clip);
370 }
blitMask(const SkMask & mask,const SkIRect & clip)372 void SkRasterPipelineBlitter::blitMask(const SkMask& mask, const SkIRect& clip) {
373     if (mask.fFormat == SkMask::kBW_Format) {
374         // TODO: native BW masks?
375         return INHERITED::blitMask(mask, clip);
376     }
378     // ARGB and SDF masks shouldn't make it here.
379     SkASSERT(mask.fFormat == SkMask::kA8_Format
380           || mask.fFormat == SkMask::kLCD16_Format
381           || mask.fFormat == SkMask::k3D_Format);
383     auto extract_mask_plane = [&mask](int plane, SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtx* ctx) {
384         // LCD is 16-bit per pixel; A8 and 3D are 8-bit per pixel.
385         size_t bpp = mask.fFormat == SkMask::kLCD16_Format ? 2 : 1;
387         // Select the right mask plane.  Usually plane == 0 and this is just mask.fImage.
388         auto ptr = (uintptr_t)mask.fImage
389                  + plane * mask.computeImageSize();
391         // Update ctx to point "into" this current mask, but lined up with fDstPtr at (0,0).
392         // This sort of trickery upsets UBSAN (pointer-overflow) so our ptr must be a uintptr_t.
393         // mask.fRowBytes is a uint32_t, which would break our addressing math on 64-bit builds.
394         size_t rowBytes = mask.fRowBytes;
395         ctx->stride = rowBytes / bpp;
396         ctx->pixels = (void*)(ptr - mask.fBounds.left() * bpp
397                                   - mask.fBounds.top()  * rowBytes);
398     };
400     extract_mask_plane(0, &fMaskPtr);
401     if (mask.fFormat == SkMask::k3D_Format) {
402         extract_mask_plane(1, &fEmbossCtx.mul);
403         extract_mask_plane(2, &fEmbossCtx.add);
404     }
406     // Lazily build whichever pipeline we need, specialized for each mask format.
407     if (mask.fFormat == SkMask::kA8_Format && !fBlitMaskA8) {
408         SkRasterPipeline p(fAlloc);
409         p.extend(fColorPipeline);
410         p.append_gamut_clamp_if_normalized(fDst.info());
411         if (SkBlendMode_ShouldPreScaleCoverage(fBlend, /*rgb_coverage=*/false)) {
412             p.append(SkRasterPipeline::scale_u8, &fMaskPtr);
413             this->append_load_dst(&p);
414             SkBlendMode_AppendStages(fBlend, &p);
415         } else {
416             this->append_load_dst(&p);
417             SkBlendMode_AppendStages(fBlend, &p);
418             p.append(SkRasterPipeline::lerp_u8, &fMaskPtr);
419         }
420         this->append_store(&p);
421         fBlitMaskA8 = p.compile();
422     }
423     if (mask.fFormat == SkMask::kLCD16_Format && !fBlitMaskLCD16) {
424         SkRasterPipeline p(fAlloc);
425         p.extend(fColorPipeline);
426         p.append_gamut_clamp_if_normalized(fDst.info());
427         if (SkBlendMode_ShouldPreScaleCoverage(fBlend, /*rgb_coverage=*/true)) {
428             // Somewhat unusually, scale_565 needs dst loaded first.
429             this->append_load_dst(&p);
430             p.append(SkRasterPipeline::scale_565, &fMaskPtr);
431             SkBlendMode_AppendStages(fBlend, &p);
432         } else {
433             this->append_load_dst(&p);
434             SkBlendMode_AppendStages(fBlend, &p);
435             p.append(SkRasterPipeline::lerp_565, &fMaskPtr);
436         }
437         this->append_store(&p);
438         fBlitMaskLCD16 = p.compile();
439     }
440     if (mask.fFormat == SkMask::k3D_Format && !fBlitMask3D) {
441         SkRasterPipeline p(fAlloc);
442         p.extend(fColorPipeline);
443         // This bit is where we differ from kA8_Format:
444         p.append(SkRasterPipeline::emboss, &fEmbossCtx);
445         // Now onward just as kA8.
446         p.append_gamut_clamp_if_normalized(fDst.info());
447         if (SkBlendMode_ShouldPreScaleCoverage(fBlend, /*rgb_coverage=*/false)) {
448             p.append(SkRasterPipeline::scale_u8, &fMaskPtr);
449             this->append_load_dst(&p);
450             SkBlendMode_AppendStages(fBlend, &p);
451         } else {
452             this->append_load_dst(&p);
453             SkBlendMode_AppendStages(fBlend, &p);
454             p.append(SkRasterPipeline::lerp_u8, &fMaskPtr);
455         }
456         this->append_store(&p);
457         fBlitMask3D = p.compile();
458     }
460     std::function<void(size_t,size_t,size_t,size_t)>* blitter = nullptr;
461     switch (mask.fFormat) {
462         case SkMask::kA8_Format:    blitter = &fBlitMaskA8;    break;
463         case SkMask::kLCD16_Format: blitter = &fBlitMaskLCD16; break;
464         case SkMask::k3D_Format:    blitter = &fBlitMask3D;    break;
465         default:
466             SkASSERT(false);
467             return;
468     }
470     SkASSERT(blitter);
471     (*blitter)(clip.left(),clip.top(), clip.width(),clip.height());
472 }