1 /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
2  * vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
3  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
4  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
5  * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
7 /* JavaScript API. */
9 #ifndef js_Context_h
10 #define js_Context_h
12 #include "jspubtd.h"
13 // [SMDOC] Nested Thread Data Structures (JSContext, JSRuntime)
14 //
15 // Spidermonkey has two nested data structures for representing threads,
16 // JSContext and JSRuntime. All JS threads are represented by a context.
17 // Contexts can contain runtimes. A runtime however is not present for
18 // all threads. Threads also interact with the GC. See "Nested GC
19 // DataStructures" for more info.
20 //
21 // Context
22 // -------
23 // JSContext represents a thread: there must be exactly one JSContext for each
24 // thread running JS/Wasm.
25 //
26 // Internally, helper threads can also have a JSContext. They do not always have
27 // an active context, but one may be requested by AutoSetHelperThreadContext,
28 // which activates a pre-allocated JSContext for the duration of its lifetime.
29 //
30 // Runtime
31 // -------
32 // JSRuntime is very similar to JSContext: each runtime belongs to one context
33 // (thread), but helper threads don't have their own runtimes (they're shared by
34 // all runtimes in the process and use the runtime of the task they're
35 // executing).
36 //
37 // Note:
38 // Locking, contexts, and memory allocation.
39 //
40 // It is important that SpiderMonkey be initialized, and the first context
41 // be created, in a single-threaded fashion.  Otherwise the behavior of the
42 // library is undefined.
43 // See:
44 // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Projects/SpiderMonkey/JSAPI_reference
46 // Create a new context (and runtime) for this thread.
47 extern JS_PUBLIC_API JSContext* JS_NewContext(
48     uint32_t maxbytes, JSRuntime* parentRuntime = nullptr);
50 // Destroy a context allocated with JS_NewContext. Must be called on the thread
51 // that called JS_NewContext.
52 extern JS_PUBLIC_API void JS_DestroyContext(JSContext* cx);
54 JS_PUBLIC_API void* JS_GetContextPrivate(JSContext* cx);
56 JS_PUBLIC_API void JS_SetContextPrivate(JSContext* cx, void* data);
58 extern JS_PUBLIC_API JSRuntime* JS_GetParentRuntime(JSContext* cx);
60 extern JS_PUBLIC_API JSRuntime* JS_GetRuntime(JSContext* cx);
62 extern JS_PUBLIC_API void JS_SetFutexCanWait(JSContext* cx);
64 namespace js {
66 void AssertHeapIsIdle();
68 } /* namespace js */
70 namespace JS {
72 /**
73  * Asserts (in debug and release builds) that `obj` belongs to the current
74  * thread's context.
75  */
76 JS_PUBLIC_API void AssertObjectBelongsToCurrentThread(JSObject* obj);
78 /**
79  * Install a process-wide callback to validate script filenames. The JS engine
80  * will invoke this callback for each JS script it parses or XDR decodes.
81  *
82  * If the callback returns |false|, an exception is thrown and parsing/decoding
83  * will be aborted.
84  *
85  * See also CompileOptions::setSkipFilenameValidation to opt-out of the callback
86  * for specific parse jobs.
87  */
88 using FilenameValidationCallback = bool (*)(const char* filename,
89                                             bool isSystemRealm);
90 JS_PUBLIC_API void SetFilenameValidationCallback(FilenameValidationCallback cb);
92 } /* namespace JS */
94 #endif  // js_Context_h