1#! /usr/bin/env python3
3# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
4# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
5# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
7"""This script analyzes a JSON file emitted by DMD."""
9from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division
11import argparse
12import collections
13import gzip
14import io
15import json
16import os
17import platform
18import re
19import shutil
20import sys
21import tempfile
22from bisect import bisect_right
23from functools import cmp_to_key
25# The DMD output version this script handles.
26outputVersion = 5
28# If --ignore-alloc-fns is specified, stack frames containing functions that
29# match these strings will be removed from the *start* of stack traces. (Once
30# we hit a non-matching frame, any subsequent frames won't be removed even if
31# they do match.)
32allocatorFns = [
33    # Matches malloc, replace_malloc, moz_xmalloc, vpx_malloc, js_malloc,
34    # pod_malloc, malloc_zone_*, g_malloc.
35    "malloc",
36    # Matches calloc, replace_calloc, moz_xcalloc, vpx_calloc, js_calloc,
37    # pod_calloc, malloc_zone_calloc, pod_callocCanGC.
38    "calloc",
39    # Matches realloc, replace_realloc, moz_xrealloc, vpx_realloc, js_realloc,
40    # pod_realloc, pod_reallocCanGC.
41    "realloc",
42    # Matches memalign, posix_memalign, replace_memalign, replace_posix_memalign,
43    # moz_xmemalign, vpx_memalign, malloc_zone_memalign.
44    "memalign",
45    "operator new(",
46    "operator new[](",
47    "g_slice_alloc",
48    # This one necessary to fully filter some sequences of allocation functions
49    # that happen in practice. Note that ??? entries that follow non-allocation
50    # functions won't be stripped, as explained above.
51    "???",
55def cmp(a, b):
56    return (a > b) - (a < b)
59class Record(object):
60    """A record is an aggregation of heap blocks that have identical stack
61    traces. It can also be used to represent the difference between two
62    records."""
64    def __init__(self):
65        self.numBlocks = 0
66        self.reqSize = 0
67        self.slopSize = 0
68        self.usableSize = 0
69        self.allocatedAtDesc = None
70        self.reportedAtDescs = []
71        self.usableSizes = collections.defaultdict(int)
73    def isZero(self, args):
74        return (
75            self.numBlocks == 0
76            and self.reqSize == 0
77            and self.slopSize == 0
78            and self.usableSize == 0
79            and len(self.usableSizes) == 0
80        )
82    def negate(self):
83        self.numBlocks = -self.numBlocks
84        self.reqSize = -self.reqSize
85        self.slopSize = -self.slopSize
86        self.usableSize = -self.usableSize
88        negatedUsableSizes = collections.defaultdict(int)
89        for usableSize, count in self.usableSizes.items():
90            negatedUsableSizes[-usableSize] = count
91        self.usableSizes = negatedUsableSizes
93    def subtract(self, r):
94        # We should only be calling this on records with matching stack traces.
95        # Check this.
96        assert self.allocatedAtDesc == r.allocatedAtDesc
97        assert self.reportedAtDescs == r.reportedAtDescs
99        self.numBlocks -= r.numBlocks
100        self.reqSize -= r.reqSize
101        self.slopSize -= r.slopSize
102        self.usableSize -= r.usableSize
104        usableSizes1 = self.usableSizes
105        usableSizes2 = r.usableSizes
106        usableSizes3 = collections.defaultdict(int)
107        for usableSize in usableSizes1:
108            counts1 = usableSizes1[usableSize]
109            if usableSize in usableSizes2:
110                counts2 = usableSizes2[usableSize]
111                del usableSizes2[usableSize]
112                counts3 = counts1 - counts2
113                if counts3 != 0:
114                    if counts3 < 0:
115                        usableSize = -usableSize
116                        counts3 = -counts3
117                    usableSizes3[usableSize] = counts3
118            else:
119                usableSizes3[usableSize] = counts1
121        for usableSize in usableSizes2:
122            usableSizes3[-usableSize] = usableSizes2[usableSize]
124        self.usableSizes = usableSizes3
126    @staticmethod
127    def cmpByUsableSize(r1, r2):
128        # Sort by usable size, then by req size.
129        return cmp(abs(r1.usableSize), abs(r2.usableSize)) or Record.cmpByReqSize(
130            r1, r2
131        )
133    @staticmethod
134    def cmpByReqSize(r1, r2):
135        # Sort by req size.
136        return cmp(abs(r1.reqSize), abs(r2.reqSize))
138    @staticmethod
139    def cmpBySlopSize(r1, r2):
140        # Sort by slop size.
141        return cmp(abs(r1.slopSize), abs(r2.slopSize))
143    @staticmethod
144    def cmpByNumBlocks(r1, r2):
145        # Sort by block counts, then by usable size.
146        return cmp(abs(r1.numBlocks), abs(r2.numBlocks)) or Record.cmpByUsableSize(
147            r1, r2
148        )
151sortByChoices = {
152    "usable": Record.cmpByUsableSize,  # the default
153    "req": Record.cmpByReqSize,
154    "slop": Record.cmpBySlopSize,
155    "num-blocks": Record.cmpByNumBlocks,
159def parseCommandLine():
160    # 24 is the maximum number of frames that DMD will produce.
161    def range_1_24(string):
162        value = int(string)
163        if value < 1 or value > 24:
164            msg = "{:s} is not in the range 1..24".format(string)
165            raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(msg)
166        return value
168    description = """
169Analyze heap data produced by DMD.
170If one file is specified, analyze it; if two files are specified, analyze the
172Input files can be gzipped.
173Write to stdout unless -o/--output is specified.
174Stack traces are fixed to show function names, filenames and line numbers
175unless --no-fix-stacks is specified; stack fixing modifies the original file
176and may take some time. If specified, the BREAKPAD_SYMBOLS_PATH environment
177variable is used to find breakpad symbols for stack fixing.
179    p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description)
181    p.add_argument(
182        "-o",
183        "--output",
184        type=argparse.FileType("w"),
185        help="output file; stdout if unspecified",
186    )
188    p.add_argument(
189        "-f",
190        "--max-frames",
191        type=range_1_24,
192        default=8,
193        help="maximum number of frames to consider in each trace",
194    )
196    p.add_argument(
197        "-s",
198        "--sort-by",
199        choices=sortByChoices.keys(),
200        default="usable",
201        help="sort the records by a particular metric",
202    )
204    p.add_argument(
205        "-a",
206        "--ignore-alloc-fns",
207        action="store_true",
208        help="ignore allocation functions at the start of traces",
209    )
211    p.add_argument("--no-fix-stacks", action="store_true", help="do not fix stacks")
213    p.add_argument(
214        "--clamp-contents",
215        action="store_true",
216        help="for a scan mode log, clamp addresses to the start of live blocks, "
217        "or zero if not in one",
218    )
220    p.add_argument(
221        "--print-clamp-stats",
222        action="store_true",
223        help="print information about the results of pointer clamping; mostly "
224        "useful for debugging clamping",
225    )
227    p.add_argument(
228        "--filter-stacks-for-testing",
229        action="store_true",
230        help="filter stack traces; only useful for testing purposes",
231    )
233    p.add_argument(
234        "--allocation-filter",
235        help="Only print entries that have a stack that matches the filter",
236    )
238    p.add_argument("input_file", help="a file produced by DMD")
240    p.add_argument(
241        "input_file2",
242        nargs="?",
243        help="a file produced by DMD; if present, it is diff'd with input_file",
244    )
246    return p.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
249# Fix stacks if necessary: first write the output to a tempfile, then replace
250# the original file with it.
251def fixStackTraces(inputFilename, isZipped, opener):
252    # This append() call is needed to make the import statements work when this
253    # script is installed as a symlink.
254    sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(__file__))
256    bpsyms = os.environ.get("BREAKPAD_SYMBOLS_PATH", None)
257    sysname = platform.system()
258    if bpsyms and os.path.exists(bpsyms):
259        import fix_stacks as fixModule
261        def fix(line):
262            return fixModule.fixSymbols(line, jsonMode=True, breakpadSymsDir=bpsyms)
264    elif sysname in ("Linux", "Darwin", "Windows"):
265        import fix_stacks as fixModule
267        def fix(line):
268            return fixModule.fixSymbols(line, jsonMode=True)
270    else:
271        return
273    # Fix stacks, writing output to a temporary file, and then overwrite the
274    # original file.
275    tmpFile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
277    # If the input is gzipped, then the output (written initially to |tmpFile|)
278    # should be gzipped as well.
279    #
280    # And we want to set its pre-gzipped filename to '' rather than the name of
281    # the temporary file, so that programs like the Unix 'file' utility don't
282    # say that it was called 'tmp6ozTxE' (or something like that) before it was
283    # zipped. So that explains the |filename=''| parameter.
284    #
285    # But setting the filename like that clobbers |tmpFile.name|, so we must
286    # get that now in order to move |tmpFile| at the end.
287    tmpFilename = tmpFile.name
288    if isZipped:
289        tmpFile = gzip.GzipFile(filename="", fileobj=tmpFile, mode="wb")
291    with opener(inputFilename, "rb") as inputFile:
292        for line in inputFile:
293            tmpFile.write(fix(line))
295    tmpFile.close()
297    shutil.move(tmpFilename, inputFilename)
300def getDigestFromFile(args, inputFile):
301    # Handle gzipped input if necessary.
302    isZipped = inputFile.endswith(".gz")
303    opener = gzip.open if isZipped else open
305    # Fix stack traces unless otherwise instructed.
306    if not args.no_fix_stacks:
307        fixStackTraces(inputFile, isZipped, opener)
309    if args.clamp_contents:
310        clampBlockList(args, inputFile, isZipped, opener)
312    with opener(inputFile, "rb") as f:
313        j = json.load(f)
315    if j["version"] != outputVersion:
316        raise Exception("'version' property isn't '{:d}'".format(outputVersion))
318    # Extract the main parts of the JSON object.
319    invocation = j["invocation"]
320    dmdEnvVar = invocation["dmdEnvVar"]
321    mode = invocation["mode"]
322    blockList = j["blockList"]
323    traceTable = j["traceTable"]
324    frameTable = j["frameTable"]
326    # Insert the necessary entries for unrecorded stack traces. Note that 'ut'
327    # and 'uf' will not overlap with any keys produced by DMD's
328    # ToIdStringConverter::Base32() function.
329    unrecordedTraceID = "ut"
330    unrecordedFrameID = "uf"
331    traceTable[unrecordedTraceID] = [unrecordedFrameID]
332    frameTable[
333        unrecordedFrameID
334    ] = "#00: (no stack trace recorded due to --stacks=partial)"
336    # For the purposes of this script, 'scan' behaves like 'live'.
337    if mode == "scan":
338        mode = "live"
340    if mode not in ["live", "dark-matter", "cumulative"]:
341        raise Exception("bad 'mode' property: '{:s}'".format(mode))
343    # Remove allocation functions at the start of traces.
344    if args.ignore_alloc_fns:
345        # Build a regexp that matches every function in allocatorFns.
346        escapedAllocatorFns = map(re.escape, allocatorFns)
347        fn_re = re.compile("|".join(escapedAllocatorFns))
349        # Remove allocator fns from each stack trace.
350        for traceKey, frameKeys in traceTable.items():
351            numSkippedFrames = 0
352            for frameKey in frameKeys:
353                frameDesc = frameTable[frameKey]
354                if re.search(fn_re, frameDesc):
355                    numSkippedFrames += 1
356                else:
357                    break
358            if numSkippedFrames > 0:
359                traceTable[traceKey] = frameKeys[numSkippedFrames:]
361    # Trim the number of frames.
362    for traceKey, frameKeys in traceTable.items():
363        if len(frameKeys) > args.max_frames:
364            del frameKeys[args.max_frames :]
366    def buildTraceDescription(traceTable, frameTable, traceKey):
367        frameKeys = traceTable[traceKey]
368        fmt = "    #{:02d}{:}"
370        if args.filter_stacks_for_testing:
371            # This option is used by `test_dmd.js`, which runs the code in
372            # `SmokeDMD.cpp`. When running that test, there is too much
373            # variation in the stack traces across different machines and
374            # platforms to do exact output matching. However, every stack trace
375            # should have at least three frames that contain `DMD` (in one of
376            # `DMD.cpp`, `SmokeDMD.cpp`, `SmokeDMD`, or `SmokeDMD.exe`). Some
377            # example frames from automation (where `..` indicates excised path
378            # segments):
379            #
380            # Linux debug, with stack fixing using breakpad syms:
381            # `#01: replace_realloc(void*, unsigned long) [../dmd/DMD.cpp:1110]`
382            #
383            # Linux opt, with native stack fixing:
384            # `#02: TestFull(char const*, int, char const*, int) (../dmd/test/SmokeDMD.cpp:165)`
385            #
386            # Mac opt, with native stack fixing:
387            # `#03: RunTests() (../build/tests/bin/SmokeDMD + 0x21f9)`
388            #
389            # Windows opt, with native stack fixing failing due to a missing PDB:
390            # `#04: ??? (..\\build\\tests\\bin\\SmokeDMD.exe + 0x1c58)`
391            #
392            # If we see three such frames, we replace the entire stack trace
393            # with a single, predictable frame. This imprecise matching will at
394            # least detect if stack fixing fails completely.
395            dmd_frame_matches = 0
396            for frameKey in frameKeys:
397                frameDesc = frameTable[frameKey]
398                if "DMD" in frameDesc:
399                    dmd_frame_matches += 1
400                    if dmd_frame_matches >= 3:
401                        return [fmt.format(1, ": ... DMD.cpp ...")]
403        # The frame number is always '#00' (see DMD.h for why), so we have to
404        # replace that with the correct frame number.
405        desc = []
406        for n, frameKey in enumerate(traceTable[traceKey], start=1):
407            desc.append(fmt.format(n, frameTable[frameKey][3:]))
408        return desc
410    # Aggregate blocks into records. All sufficiently similar blocks go into a
411    # single record.
413    if mode in ["live", "cumulative"]:
414        liveOrCumulativeRecords = collections.defaultdict(Record)
415    elif mode == "dark-matter":
416        unreportedRecords = collections.defaultdict(Record)
417        onceReportedRecords = collections.defaultdict(Record)
418        twiceReportedRecords = collections.defaultdict(Record)
420    heapUsableSize = 0
421    heapBlocks = 0
423    recordKeyPartCache = {}
425    for block in blockList:
426        # For each block we compute a |recordKey|, and all blocks with the same
427        # |recordKey| are aggregated into a single record. The |recordKey| is
428        # derived from the block's 'alloc' and 'reps' (if present) stack
429        # traces.
430        #
431        # We use frame descriptions (e.g. "#00: foo (X.cpp:99)") when comparing
432        # traces for equality. We can't use trace keys or frame keys because
433        # they're not comparable across different DMD runs (which is relevant
434        # when doing diffs).
435        #
436        # Using frame descriptions also fits in with the stack trimming done
437        # for --max-frames, which requires that stack traces with common
438        # beginnings but different endings to be considered equivalent. E.g. if
439        # we have distinct traces T1:[A:D1,B:D2,C:D3] and T2:[X:D1,Y:D2,Z:D4]
440        # and we trim the final frame of each they should be considered
441        # equivalent because the untrimmed frame descriptions (D1 and D2)
442        # match.
443        #
444        # Having said all that, during a single invocation of dmd.py on a
445        # single DMD file, for a single frameKey value the record key will
446        # always be the same, and we might encounter it 1000s of times. So we
447        # cache prior results for speed.
448        def makeRecordKeyPart(traceKey):
449            if traceKey in recordKeyPartCache:
450                return recordKeyPartCache[traceKey]
452            recordKeyPart = str(
453                list(map(lambda frameKey: frameTable[frameKey], traceTable[traceKey]))
454            )
455            recordKeyPartCache[traceKey] = recordKeyPart
456            return recordKeyPart
458        allocatedAtTraceKey = block.get("alloc", unrecordedTraceID)
459        if mode in ["live", "cumulative"]:
460            recordKey = makeRecordKeyPart(allocatedAtTraceKey)
461            records = liveOrCumulativeRecords
462        elif mode == "dark-matter":
463            recordKey = makeRecordKeyPart(allocatedAtTraceKey)
464            if "reps" in block:
465                reportedAtTraceKeys = block["reps"]
466                for reportedAtTraceKey in reportedAtTraceKeys:
467                    recordKey += makeRecordKeyPart(reportedAtTraceKey)
468                if len(reportedAtTraceKeys) == 1:
469                    records = onceReportedRecords
470                else:
471                    records = twiceReportedRecords
472            else:
473                records = unreportedRecords
475        record = records[recordKey]
477        if "req" not in block:
478            raise Exception("'req' property missing in block'")
480        reqSize = block["req"]
481        slopSize = block.get("slop", 0)
483        if "num" in block:
484            num = block["num"]
485        else:
486            num = 1
488        usableSize = reqSize + slopSize
489        heapUsableSize += num * usableSize
490        heapBlocks += num
492        record.numBlocks += num
493        record.reqSize += num * reqSize
494        record.slopSize += num * slopSize
495        record.usableSize += num * usableSize
496        if record.allocatedAtDesc is None:
497            record.allocatedAtDesc = buildTraceDescription(
498                traceTable, frameTable, allocatedAtTraceKey
499            )
501        if mode in ["live", "cumulative"]:
502            pass
503        elif mode == "dark-matter":
504            if "reps" in block and record.reportedAtDescs == []:
506                def f(k):
507                    return buildTraceDescription(traceTable, frameTable, k)
509                record.reportedAtDescs = list(map(f, reportedAtTraceKeys))
510        record.usableSizes[usableSize] += num
512    # All the processed data for a single DMD file is called a "digest".
513    digest = {}
514    digest["dmdEnvVar"] = dmdEnvVar
515    digest["mode"] = mode
516    digest["heapUsableSize"] = heapUsableSize
517    digest["heapBlocks"] = heapBlocks
518    if mode in ["live", "cumulative"]:
519        digest["liveOrCumulativeRecords"] = liveOrCumulativeRecords
520    elif mode == "dark-matter":
521        digest["unreportedRecords"] = unreportedRecords
522        digest["onceReportedRecords"] = onceReportedRecords
523        digest["twiceReportedRecords"] = twiceReportedRecords
524    return digest
527def diffRecords(args, records1, records2):
528    records3 = {}
530    # Process records1.
531    for k in records1:
532        r1 = records1[k]
533        if k in records2:
534            # This record is present in both records1 and records2.
535            r2 = records2[k]
536            del records2[k]
537            r2.subtract(r1)
538            if not r2.isZero(args):
539                records3[k] = r2
540        else:
541            # This record is present only in records1.
542            r1.negate()
543            records3[k] = r1
545    for k in records2:
546        # This record is present only in records2.
547        records3[k] = records2[k]
549    return records3
552def diffDigests(args, d1, d2):
553    if d1["mode"] != d2["mode"]:
554        raise Exception("the input files have different 'mode' properties")
556    d3 = {}
557    d3["dmdEnvVar"] = (d1["dmdEnvVar"], d2["dmdEnvVar"])
558    d3["mode"] = d1["mode"]
559    d3["heapUsableSize"] = d2["heapUsableSize"] - d1["heapUsableSize"]
560    d3["heapBlocks"] = d2["heapBlocks"] - d1["heapBlocks"]
561    if d1["mode"] in ["live", "cumulative"]:
562        d3["liveOrCumulativeRecords"] = diffRecords(
563            args, d1["liveOrCumulativeRecords"], d2["liveOrCumulativeRecords"]
564        )
565    elif d1["mode"] == "dark-matter":
566        d3["unreportedRecords"] = diffRecords(
567            args, d1["unreportedRecords"], d2["unreportedRecords"]
568        )
569        d3["onceReportedRecords"] = diffRecords(
570            args, d1["onceReportedRecords"], d2["onceReportedRecords"]
571        )
572        d3["twiceReportedRecords"] = diffRecords(
573            args, d1["twiceReportedRecords"], d2["twiceReportedRecords"]
574        )
575    return d3
578def printDigest(args, digest):
579    dmdEnvVar = digest["dmdEnvVar"]
580    mode = digest["mode"]
581    heapUsableSize = digest["heapUsableSize"]
582    heapBlocks = digest["heapBlocks"]
583    if mode in ["live", "cumulative"]:
584        liveOrCumulativeRecords = digest["liveOrCumulativeRecords"]
585    elif mode == "dark-matter":
586        unreportedRecords = digest["unreportedRecords"]
587        onceReportedRecords = digest["onceReportedRecords"]
588        twiceReportedRecords = digest["twiceReportedRecords"]
590    separator = "#" + "-" * 65 + "\n"
592    def number(n):
593        """Format a number with comma as a separator."""
594        return "{:,d}".format(n)
596    def perc(m, n):
597        return 0 if n == 0 else (100 * m / n)
599    def plural(n):
600        return "" if n == 1 else "s"
602    # Prints to stdout, or to file if -o/--output was specified.
603    def out(*arguments, **kwargs):
604        print(*arguments, file=args.output, **kwargs)
606    def printStack(traceDesc):
607        for frameDesc in traceDesc:
608            out(frameDesc)
610    def printRecords(recordKind, records, heapUsableSize):
611        RecordKind = recordKind.capitalize()
612        out(separator)
613        numRecords = len(records)
614        cmpRecords = sortByChoices[args.sort_by]
615        sortedRecords = sorted(
616            records.values(), key=cmp_to_key(cmpRecords), reverse=True
617        )
618        kindBlocks = 0
619        kindUsableSize = 0
620        maxRecord = 1000
622        if args.allocation_filter:
623            sortedRecords = list(
624                filter(
625                    lambda x: any(
626                        map(lambda y: args.allocation_filter in y, x.allocatedAtDesc)
627                    ),
628                    sortedRecords,
629                )
630            )
632        # First iteration: get totals, etc.
633        for record in sortedRecords:
634            kindBlocks += record.numBlocks
635            kindUsableSize += record.usableSize
637        # Second iteration: print.
638        if numRecords == 0:
639            out("# no {:} heap blocks\n".format(recordKind))
641        kindCumulativeUsableSize = 0
642        for i, record in enumerate(sortedRecords, start=1):
643            # Stop printing at the |maxRecord|th record.
644            if i == maxRecord:
645                out(
646                    "# {:}: stopping after {:,d} heap block records\n".format(
647                        RecordKind, i
648                    )
649                )
650                break
652            kindCumulativeUsableSize += record.usableSize
654            out(RecordKind + " {")
655            out(
656                "  {:} block{:} in heap block record {:,d} of {:,d}".format(
657                    number(record.numBlocks), plural(record.numBlocks), i, numRecords
658                )
659            )
660            out(
661                "  {:} bytes ({:} requested / {:} slop)".format(
662                    number(record.usableSize),
663                    number(record.reqSize),
664                    number(record.slopSize),
665                )
666            )
668            usableSizes = sorted(
669                record.usableSizes.items(), key=lambda x: abs(x[0]), reverse=True
670            )
671            hasSingleBlock = len(usableSizes) == 1 and usableSizes[0][1] == 1
673            if not hasSingleBlock:
674                out("  Individual block sizes: ", end="")
675                if len(usableSizes) == 0:
676                    out("(no change)", end="")
677                else:
678                    isFirst = True
679                    for usableSize, count in usableSizes:
680                        if not isFirst:
681                            out("; ", end="")
682                        out("{:}".format(number(usableSize)), end="")
683                        if count > 1:
684                            out(" x {:,d}".format(count), end="")
685                        isFirst = False
686                out()
688            out(
689                "  {:4.2f}% of the heap ({:4.2f}% cumulative)".format(
690                    perc(record.usableSize, heapUsableSize),
691                    perc(kindCumulativeUsableSize, heapUsableSize),
692                )
693            )
694            if mode in ["live", "cumulative"]:
695                pass
696            elif mode == "dark-matter":
697                out(
698                    "  {:4.2f}% of {:} ({:4.2f}% cumulative)".format(
699                        perc(record.usableSize, kindUsableSize),
700                        recordKind,
701                        perc(kindCumulativeUsableSize, kindUsableSize),
702                    )
703                )
704            out("  Allocated at {")
705            printStack(record.allocatedAtDesc)
706            out("  }")
707            if mode in ["live", "cumulative"]:
708                pass
709            elif mode == "dark-matter":
710                for n, reportedAtDesc in enumerate(record.reportedAtDescs):
711                    again = "again " if n > 0 else ""
712                    out("  Reported {:}at {{".format(again))
713                    printStack(reportedAtDesc)
714                    out("  }")
715            out("}\n")
717        return (kindUsableSize, kindBlocks)
719    def printInvocation(n, dmdEnvVar, mode):
720        out("Invocation{:} {{".format(n))
721        if dmdEnvVar is None:
722            out("  $DMD is undefined")
723        else:
724            out("  $DMD = '" + dmdEnvVar + "'")
725        out("  Mode = '" + mode + "'")
726        out("}\n")
728    # Print command line. Strip dirs so the output is deterministic, which is
729    # needed for testing.
730    out(separator, end="")
731    out("# " + " ".join(map(os.path.basename, sys.argv)) + "\n")
733    # Print invocation(s).
734    if type(dmdEnvVar) is not tuple:
735        printInvocation("", dmdEnvVar, mode)
736    else:
737        printInvocation(" 1", dmdEnvVar[0], mode)
738        printInvocation(" 2", dmdEnvVar[1], mode)
740    # Print records.
741    if mode in ["live", "cumulative"]:
742        liveOrCumulativeUsableSize, liveOrCumulativeBlocks = printRecords(
743            mode, liveOrCumulativeRecords, heapUsableSize
744        )
745    elif mode == "dark-matter":
746        twiceReportedUsableSize, twiceReportedBlocks = printRecords(
747            "twice-reported", twiceReportedRecords, heapUsableSize
748        )
750        unreportedUsableSize, unreportedBlocks = printRecords(
751            "unreported", unreportedRecords, heapUsableSize
752        )
754        onceReportedUsableSize, onceReportedBlocks = printRecords(
755            "once-reported", onceReportedRecords, heapUsableSize
756        )
758    # Print summary.
759    out(separator)
760    out("Summary {")
761    if mode in ["live", "cumulative"]:
762        out(
763            "  Total: {:} bytes in {:} blocks".format(
764                number(liveOrCumulativeUsableSize), number(liveOrCumulativeBlocks)
765            )
766        )
767    elif mode == "dark-matter":
768        fmt = "  {:15} {:>12} bytes ({:6.2f}%) in {:>7} blocks ({:6.2f}%)"
769        out(fmt.format("Total:", number(heapUsableSize), 100, number(heapBlocks), 100))
770        out(
771            fmt.format(
772                "Unreported:",
773                number(unreportedUsableSize),
774                perc(unreportedUsableSize, heapUsableSize),
775                number(unreportedBlocks),
776                perc(unreportedBlocks, heapBlocks),
777            )
778        )
779        out(
780            fmt.format(
781                "Once-reported:",
782                number(onceReportedUsableSize),
783                perc(onceReportedUsableSize, heapUsableSize),
784                number(onceReportedBlocks),
785                perc(onceReportedBlocks, heapBlocks),
786            )
787        )
788        out(
789            fmt.format(
790                "Twice-reported:",
791                number(twiceReportedUsableSize),
792                perc(twiceReportedUsableSize, heapUsableSize),
793                number(twiceReportedBlocks),
794                perc(twiceReportedBlocks, heapBlocks),
795            )
796        )
797    out("}\n")
801# Pretty printer for DMD JSON
805def prettyPrintDmdJson(out, j):
806    out.write("{\n")
808    out.write(' "version": {0},\n'.format(j["version"]))
809    out.write(' "invocation": ')
810    json.dump(j["invocation"], out, sort_keys=True)
811    out.write(",\n")
813    out.write(' "blockList": [')
814    first = True
815    for b in j["blockList"]:
816        out.write("" if first else ",")
817        out.write("\n  ")
818        json.dump(b, out, sort_keys=True)
819        first = False
820    out.write("\n ],\n")
822    out.write(' "traceTable": {')
823    first = True
824    for k, l in j["traceTable"].items():
825        out.write("" if first else ",")
826        out.write('\n  "{0}": {1}'.format(k, json.dumps(l)))
827        first = False
828    out.write("\n },\n")
830    out.write(' "frameTable": {')
831    first = True
832    for k, v in j["frameTable"].items():
833        out.write("" if first else ",")
834        out.write('\n  "{0}": {1}'.format(k, json.dumps(v)))
835        first = False
836    out.write("\n }\n")
838    out.write("}\n")
842# Code for clamping addresses using conservative pointer analysis.
845# Start is the address of the first byte of the block, while end is
846# the address of the first byte after the final byte in the block.
847class AddrRange:
848    def __init__(self, block, length):
849        self.block = block
850        self.start = int(block, 16)
851        self.length = length
852        self.end = self.start + self.length
854        assert self.start > 0
855        assert length >= 0
858class ClampStats:
859    def __init__(self):
860        # Number of pointers already pointing to the start of a block.
861        self.startBlockPtr = 0
863        # Number of pointers pointing to the middle of a block. These
864        # are clamped to the start of the block they point into.
865        self.midBlockPtr = 0
867        # Number of null pointers.
868        self.nullPtr = 0
870        # Number of non-null pointers that didn't point into the middle
871        # of any blocks. These are clamped to null.
872        self.nonNullNonBlockPtr = 0
874    def clampedBlockAddr(self, sameAddress):
875        if sameAddress:
876            self.startBlockPtr += 1
877        else:
878            self.midBlockPtr += 1
880    def nullAddr(self):
881        self.nullPtr += 1
883    def clampedNonBlockAddr(self):
884        self.nonNullNonBlockPtr += 1
886    def log(self):
887        sys.stderr.write("Results:\n")
888        sys.stderr.write(
889            "  Number of pointers already pointing to start of blocks: "
890            + str(self.startBlockPtr)
891            + "\n"
892        )
893        sys.stderr.write(
894            "  Number of pointers clamped to start of blocks: "
895            + str(self.midBlockPtr)
896            + "\n"
897        )
898        sys.stderr.write(
899            "  Number of non-null pointers not pointing into blocks "
900            "clamped to null: " + str(self.nonNullNonBlockPtr) + "\n"
901        )
902        sys.stderr.write("  Number of null pointers: " + str(self.nullPtr) + "\n")
905# Search the block ranges array for a block that address points into.
906# The search is carried out in an array of starting addresses for each blocks
907# because it is faster.
908def clampAddress(blockRanges, blockStarts, clampStats, address):
909    i = bisect_right(blockStarts, address)
911    # Any addresses completely out of the range should have been eliminated already.
912    assert i > 0
913    r = blockRanges[i - 1]
914    assert r.start <= address
916    if address >= r.end:
917        assert address < blockRanges[i].start
918        clampStats.clampedNonBlockAddr()
919        return "0"
921    clampStats.clampedBlockAddr(r.start == address)
922    return r.block
925def clampBlockList(args, inputFileName, isZipped, opener):
926    # XXX This isn't very efficient because we end up reading and writing
927    # the file multiple times.
928    with opener(inputFileName, "rb") as f:
929        j = json.load(f)
931    if j["version"] != outputVersion:
932        raise Exception("'version' property isn't '{:d}'".format(outputVersion))
934    # Check that the invocation is reasonable for contents clamping.
935    invocation = j["invocation"]
936    if invocation["mode"] != "scan":
937        raise Exception("Log was taken in mode " + invocation["mode"] + " not scan")
939    sys.stderr.write("Creating block range list.\n")
940    blockList = j["blockList"]
941    blockRanges = []
942    for block in blockList:
943        blockRanges.append(AddrRange(block["addr"], block["req"]))
944    blockRanges.sort(key=lambda r: r.start)
946    # Make sure there are no overlapping blocks.
947    prevRange = blockRanges[0]
948    for currRange in blockRanges[1:]:
949        assert prevRange.end <= currRange.start
950        prevRange = currRange
952    sys.stderr.write("Clamping block contents.\n")
953    clampStats = ClampStats()
954    firstAddr = blockRanges[0].start
955    lastAddr = blockRanges[-1].end
957    blockStarts = []
958    for r in blockRanges:
959        blockStarts.append(r.start)
961    for block in blockList:
962        # Small blocks don't have any contents.
963        if "contents" not in block:
964            continue
966        cont = block["contents"]
967        for i in range(len(cont)):
968            address = int(cont[i], 16)
970            if address == 0:
971                clampStats.nullAddr()
972                continue
974            # If the address is before the first block or after the last
975            # block then it can't be within a block.
976            if address < firstAddr or address >= lastAddr:
977                clampStats.clampedNonBlockAddr()
978                cont[i] = "0"
979                continue
981            cont[i] = clampAddress(blockRanges, blockStarts, clampStats, address)
983        # Remove any trailing nulls.
984        while len(cont) and cont[-1] == "0":
985            cont.pop()
987    if args.print_clamp_stats:
988        clampStats.log()
990    sys.stderr.write("Saving file.\n")
991    tmpFile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
992    tmpFilename = tmpFile.name
993    if isZipped:
994        tmpFile = gzip.GzipFile(filename="", fileobj=tmpFile, mode="wb")
995    prettyPrintDmdJson(io.TextIOWrapper(tmpFile, encoding="utf-8"), j)
996    tmpFile.close()
997    shutil.move(tmpFilename, inputFileName)
1000def main():
1001    args = parseCommandLine()
1002    digest = getDigestFromFile(args, args.input_file)
1003    if args.input_file2:
1004        digest2 = getDigestFromFile(args, args.input_file2)
1005        digest = diffDigests(args, digest, digest2)
1006    printDigest(args, digest)
1009if __name__ == "__main__":
1010    main()