2 * Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
16import fs from 'fs';
17import path from 'path';
18import utils from './utils.js';
19const { waitEvent } = utils;
20import expect from 'expect';
21import sinon from 'sinon';
22import {
23  getTestState,
24  setupTestBrowserHooks,
25  setupTestPageAndContextHooks,
26  itFailsFirefox,
27  describeFailsFirefox,
28} from './mocha-utils'; // eslint-disable-line import/extensions
29import { Page, Metrics } from '../lib/cjs/puppeteer/common/Page.js';
30import { JSHandle } from '../lib/cjs/puppeteer/common/JSHandle.js';
32describe('Page', function () {
33  setupTestBrowserHooks();
34  setupTestPageAndContextHooks();
35  describe('Page.close', function () {
36    it('should reject all promises when page is closed', async () => {
37      const { context } = getTestState();
39      const newPage = await context.newPage();
40      let error = null;
41      await Promise.all([
42        newPage
43          .evaluate(() => new Promise(() => {}))
44          .catch((error_) => (error = error_)),
45        newPage.close(),
46      ]);
47      expect(error.message).toContain('Protocol error');
48    });
49    it('should not be visible in browser.pages', async () => {
50      const { browser } = getTestState();
52      const newPage = await browser.newPage();
53      expect(await browser.pages()).toContain(newPage);
54      await newPage.close();
55      expect(await browser.pages()).not.toContain(newPage);
56    });
57    it('should run beforeunload if asked for', async () => {
58      const { context, server, isChrome } = getTestState();
60      const newPage = await context.newPage();
61      await newPage.goto(server.PREFIX + '/beforeunload.html');
62      // We have to interact with a page so that 'beforeunload' handlers
63      // fire.
64      await newPage.click('body');
65      const pageClosingPromise = newPage.close({ runBeforeUnload: true });
66      const dialog = await waitEvent(newPage, 'dialog');
67      expect(dialog.type()).toBe('beforeunload');
68      expect(dialog.defaultValue()).toBe('');
69      if (isChrome) expect(dialog.message()).toBe('');
70      else expect(dialog.message()).toBeTruthy();
71      await dialog.accept();
72      await pageClosingPromise;
73    });
74    it('should *not* run beforeunload by default', async () => {
75      const { context, server } = getTestState();
77      const newPage = await context.newPage();
78      await newPage.goto(server.PREFIX + '/beforeunload.html');
79      // We have to interact with a page so that 'beforeunload' handlers
80      // fire.
81      await newPage.click('body');
82      await newPage.close();
83    });
84    it('should set the page close state', async () => {
85      const { context } = getTestState();
87      const newPage = await context.newPage();
88      expect(newPage.isClosed()).toBe(false);
89      await newPage.close();
90      expect(newPage.isClosed()).toBe(true);
91    });
92    it('should terminate network waiters', async () => {
93      const { context, server } = getTestState();
95      const newPage = await context.newPage();
96      const results = await Promise.all([
97        newPage.waitForRequest(server.EMPTY_PAGE).catch((error) => error),
98        newPage.waitForResponse(server.EMPTY_PAGE).catch((error) => error),
99        newPage.close(),
100      ]);
101      for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
102        const message = results[i].message;
103        expect(message).toContain('Target closed');
104        expect(message).not.toContain('Timeout');
105      }
106    });
107  });
109  describe('Page.Events.Load', function () {
110    it('should fire when expected', async () => {
111      const { page } = getTestState();
113      await Promise.all([
114        page.goto('about:blank'),
115        utils.waitEvent(page, 'load'),
116      ]);
117    });
118  });
120  // This test fails on Firefox on CI consistently but cannot be replicated
121  // locally. Skipping for now to unblock the Mitt release and given FF support
122  // isn't fully done yet but raising an issue to ask the FF folks to have a
123  // look at this.
124  describe('removing and adding event handlers', () => {
125    it('should correctly fire event handlers as they are added and then removed', async () => {
126      const { page, server } = getTestState();
128      const handler = sinon.spy();
129      page.on('response', handler);
130      await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
131      expect(handler.callCount).toBe(1);
132      page.off('response', handler);
133      await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
134      // Still one because we removed the handler.
135      expect(handler.callCount).toBe(1);
136      page.on('response', handler);
137      await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
138      // Two now because we added the handler back.
139      expect(handler.callCount).toBe(2);
140    });
141  });
143  describe('Page.Events.error', function () {
144    it('should throw when page crashes', async () => {
145      const { page } = getTestState();
147      let error = null;
148      page.on('error', (err) => (error = err));
149      page.goto('chrome://crash').catch(() => {});
150      await waitEvent(page, 'error');
151      expect(error.message).toBe('Page crashed!');
152    });
153  });
155  describe('Page.Events.Popup', function () {
156    it('should work', async () => {
157      const { page } = getTestState();
159      const [popup] = await Promise.all([
160        new Promise<Page>((x) => page.once('popup', x)),
161        page.evaluate(() => window.open('about:blank')),
162      ]);
163      expect(await page.evaluate(() => !!window.opener)).toBe(false);
164      expect(await popup.evaluate(() => !!window.opener)).toBe(true);
165    });
166    it('should work with noopener', async () => {
167      const { page } = getTestState();
169      const [popup] = await Promise.all([
170        new Promise<Page>((x) => page.once('popup', x)),
171        page.evaluate(() => window.open('about:blank', null, 'noopener')),
172      ]);
173      expect(await page.evaluate(() => !!window.opener)).toBe(false);
174      expect(await popup.evaluate(() => !!window.opener)).toBe(false);
175    });
176    it('should work with clicking target=_blank and without rel=opener', async () => {
177      const { page, server } = getTestState();
179      await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
180      await page.setContent('<a target=_blank href="/one-style.html">yo</a>');
181      const [popup] = await Promise.all([
182        new Promise<Page>((x) => page.once('popup', x)),
183        page.click('a'),
184      ]);
185      expect(await page.evaluate(() => !!window.opener)).toBe(false);
186      expect(await popup.evaluate(() => !!window.opener)).toBe(false);
187    });
188    it('should work with clicking target=_blank and with rel=opener', async () => {
189      const { page, server } = getTestState();
191      await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
192      await page.setContent(
193        '<a target=_blank rel=opener href="/one-style.html">yo</a>'
194      );
195      const [popup] = await Promise.all([
196        new Promise<Page>((x) => page.once('popup', x)),
197        page.click('a'),
198      ]);
199      expect(await page.evaluate(() => !!window.opener)).toBe(false);
200      expect(await popup.evaluate(() => !!window.opener)).toBe(true);
201    });
202    it('should work with fake-clicking target=_blank and rel=noopener', async () => {
203      const { page, server } = getTestState();
205      await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
206      await page.setContent(
207        '<a target=_blank rel=noopener href="/one-style.html">yo</a>'
208      );
209      const [popup] = await Promise.all([
210        new Promise<Page>((x) => page.once('popup', x)),
211        page.$eval('a', (a: HTMLAnchorElement) => a.click()),
212      ]);
213      expect(await page.evaluate(() => !!window.opener)).toBe(false);
214      expect(await popup.evaluate(() => !!window.opener)).toBe(false);
215    });
216    it('should work with clicking target=_blank and rel=noopener', async () => {
217      const { page, server } = getTestState();
219      await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
220      await page.setContent(
221        '<a target=_blank rel=noopener href="/one-style.html">yo</a>'
222      );
223      const [popup] = await Promise.all([
224        new Promise<Page>((x) => page.once('popup', x)),
225        page.click('a'),
226      ]);
227      expect(await page.evaluate(() => !!window.opener)).toBe(false);
228      expect(await popup.evaluate(() => !!window.opener)).toBe(false);
229    });
230  });
232  describe('BrowserContext.overridePermissions', function () {
233    function getPermission(page, name) {
234      return page.evaluate(
235        (name) =>
236          navigator.permissions.query({ name }).then((result) => result.state),
237        name
238      );
239    }
241    it('should be prompt by default', async () => {
242      const { page, server } = getTestState();
244      await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
245      expect(await getPermission(page, 'geolocation')).toBe('prompt');
246    });
247    it('should deny permission when not listed', async () => {
248      const { page, server, context } = getTestState();
250      await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
251      await context.overridePermissions(server.EMPTY_PAGE, []);
252      expect(await getPermission(page, 'geolocation')).toBe('denied');
253    });
254    it('should fail when bad permission is given', async () => {
255      const { page, server, context } = getTestState();
257      await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
258      let error = null;
259      await context
260        // @ts-expect-error purposeful bad input for test
261        .overridePermissions(server.EMPTY_PAGE, ['foo'])
262        .catch((error_) => (error = error_));
263      expect(error.message).toBe('Unknown permission: foo');
264    });
265    it('should grant permission when listed', async () => {
266      const { page, server, context } = getTestState();
268      await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
269      await context.overridePermissions(server.EMPTY_PAGE, ['geolocation']);
270      expect(await getPermission(page, 'geolocation')).toBe('granted');
271    });
272    it('should reset permissions', async () => {
273      const { page, server, context } = getTestState();
275      await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
276      await context.overridePermissions(server.EMPTY_PAGE, ['geolocation']);
277      expect(await getPermission(page, 'geolocation')).toBe('granted');
278      await context.clearPermissionOverrides();
279      expect(await getPermission(page, 'geolocation')).toBe('prompt');
280    });
281    it('should trigger permission onchange', async () => {
282      const { page, server, context } = getTestState();
284      await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
285      await page.evaluate(() => {
286        globalThis.events = [];
287        return navigator.permissions
288          .query({ name: 'geolocation' })
289          .then(function (result) {
290            globalThis.events.push(result.state);
291            result.onchange = function () {
292              globalThis.events.push(result.state);
293            };
294          });
295      });
296      expect(await page.evaluate(() => globalThis.events)).toEqual(['prompt']);
297      await context.overridePermissions(server.EMPTY_PAGE, []);
298      expect(await page.evaluate(() => globalThis.events)).toEqual([
299        'prompt',
300        'denied',
301      ]);
302      await context.overridePermissions(server.EMPTY_PAGE, ['geolocation']);
303      expect(await page.evaluate(() => globalThis.events)).toEqual([
304        'prompt',
305        'denied',
306        'granted',
307      ]);
308      await context.clearPermissionOverrides();
309      expect(await page.evaluate(() => globalThis.events)).toEqual([
310        'prompt',
311        'denied',
312        'granted',
313        'prompt',
314      ]);
315    });
316    it(
317      'should isolate permissions between browser contexts',
318      async () => {
319        const { page, server, context, browser } = getTestState();
321        await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
322        const otherContext = await browser.createIncognitoBrowserContext();
323        const otherPage = await otherContext.newPage();
324        await otherPage.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
325        expect(await getPermission(page, 'geolocation')).toBe('prompt');
326        expect(await getPermission(otherPage, 'geolocation')).toBe('prompt');
328        await context.overridePermissions(server.EMPTY_PAGE, []);
329        await otherContext.overridePermissions(server.EMPTY_PAGE, [
330          'geolocation',
331        ]);
332        expect(await getPermission(page, 'geolocation')).toBe('denied');
333        expect(await getPermission(otherPage, 'geolocation')).toBe('granted');
335        await context.clearPermissionOverrides();
336        expect(await getPermission(page, 'geolocation')).toBe('prompt');
337        expect(await getPermission(otherPage, 'geolocation')).toBe('granted');
339        await otherContext.close();
340      }
341    );
342  });
344  describe('Page.setGeolocation', function () {
345    it('should work', async () => {
346      const { page, server, context } = getTestState();
348      await context.overridePermissions(server.PREFIX, ['geolocation']);
349      await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
350      await page.setGeolocation({ longitude: 10, latitude: 10 });
351      const geolocation = await page.evaluate(
352        () =>
353          new Promise((resolve) =>
354            navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition((position) => {
355              resolve({
356                latitude: position.coords.latitude,
357                longitude: position.coords.longitude,
358              });
359            })
360          )
361      );
362      expect(geolocation).toEqual({
363        latitude: 10,
364        longitude: 10,
365      });
366    });
367    it('should throw when invalid longitude', async () => {
368      const { page } = getTestState();
370      let error = null;
371      try {
372        await page.setGeolocation({ longitude: 200, latitude: 10 });
373      } catch (error_) {
374        error = error_;
375      }
376      expect(error.message).toContain('Invalid longitude "200"');
377    });
378  });
380  describe('Page.setOfflineMode', function () {
381    it('should work', async () => {
382      const { page, server } = getTestState();
384      await page.setOfflineMode(true);
385      let error = null;
386      await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE).catch((error_) => (error = error_));
387      expect(error).toBeTruthy();
388      await page.setOfflineMode(false);
389      const response = await page.reload();
390      expect(response.status()).toBe(200);
391    });
392    it('should emulate navigator.onLine', async () => {
393      const { page } = getTestState();
395      expect(await page.evaluate(() => window.navigator.onLine)).toBe(true);
396      await page.setOfflineMode(true);
397      expect(await page.evaluate(() => window.navigator.onLine)).toBe(false);
398      await page.setOfflineMode(false);
399      expect(await page.evaluate(() => window.navigator.onLine)).toBe(true);
400    });
401  });
403  describe('ExecutionContext.queryObjects', function () {
404    it('should work', async () => {
405      const { page } = getTestState();
407      // Instantiate an object
408      await page.evaluate(() => (globalThis.set = new Set(['hello', 'world'])));
409      const prototypeHandle = await page.evaluateHandle(() => Set.prototype);
410      const objectsHandle = await page.queryObjects(prototypeHandle);
411      const count = await page.evaluate(
412        (objects: JSHandle[]) => objects.length,
413        objectsHandle
414      );
415      expect(count).toBe(1);
416      const values = await page.evaluate(
417        (objects) => Array.from(objects[0].values()),
418        objectsHandle
419      );
420      expect(values).toEqual(['hello', 'world']);
421    });
422    it('should work for non-blank page', async () => {
423      const { page, server } = getTestState();
425      // Instantiate an object
426      await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
427      await page.evaluate(() => (globalThis.set = new Set(['hello', 'world'])));
428      const prototypeHandle = await page.evaluateHandle(() => Set.prototype);
429      const objectsHandle = await page.queryObjects(prototypeHandle);
430      const count = await page.evaluate(
431        (objects: JSHandle[]) => objects.length,
432        objectsHandle
433      );
434      expect(count).toBe(1);
435    });
436    it('should fail for disposed handles', async () => {
437      const { page } = getTestState();
439      const prototypeHandle = await page.evaluateHandle(
440        () => HTMLBodyElement.prototype
441      );
442      await prototypeHandle.dispose();
443      let error = null;
444      await page
445        .queryObjects(prototypeHandle)
446        .catch((error_) => (error = error_));
447      expect(error.message).toBe('Prototype JSHandle is disposed!');
448    });
449    it('should fail primitive values as prototypes', async () => {
450      const { page } = getTestState();
452      const prototypeHandle = await page.evaluateHandle(() => 42);
453      let error = null;
454      await page
455        .queryObjects(prototypeHandle)
456        .catch((error_) => (error = error_));
457      expect(error.message).toBe(
458        'Prototype JSHandle must not be referencing primitive value'
459      );
460    });
461  });
463  describe('Page.Events.Console', function () {
464    it('should work', async () => {
465      const { page } = getTestState();
467      let message = null;
468      page.once('console', (m) => (message = m));
469      await Promise.all([
470        page.evaluate(() => console.log('hello', 5, { foo: 'bar' })),
471        waitEvent(page, 'console'),
472      ]);
473      expect(message.text()).toEqual('hello 5 JSHandle@object');
474      expect(message.type()).toEqual('log');
475      expect(message.args()).toHaveLength(3);
476      expect(message.location()).toEqual({
477        url: expect.any(String),
478        lineNumber: expect.any(Number),
479        columnNumber: expect.any(Number),
480      });
482      expect(await message.args()[0].jsonValue()).toEqual('hello');
483      expect(await message.args()[1].jsonValue()).toEqual(5);
484      expect(await message.args()[2].jsonValue()).toEqual({ foo: 'bar' });
485    });
486    it('should work for different console API calls', async () => {
487      const { page } = getTestState();
489      const messages = [];
490      page.on('console', (msg) => messages.push(msg));
491      // All console events will be reported before `page.evaluate` is finished.
492      await page.evaluate(() => {
493        // A pair of time/timeEnd generates only one Console API call.
494        console.time('calling console.time');
495        console.timeEnd('calling console.time');
496        console.trace('calling console.trace');
497        console.dir('calling console.dir');
498        console.warn('calling console.warn');
499        console.error('calling console.error');
500        console.log(Promise.resolve('should not wait until resolved!'));
501      });
502      expect(messages.map((msg) => msg.type())).toEqual([
503        'timeEnd',
504        'trace',
505        'dir',
506        'warning',
507        'error',
508        'log',
509      ]);
510      expect(messages[0].text()).toContain('calling console.time');
511      expect(messages.slice(1).map((msg) => msg.text())).toEqual([
512        'calling console.trace',
513        'calling console.dir',
514        'calling console.warn',
515        'calling console.error',
516        'JSHandle@promise',
517      ]);
518    });
519    it('should not fail for window object', async () => {
520      const { page } = getTestState();
522      let message = null;
523      page.once('console', (msg) => (message = msg));
524      await Promise.all([
525        page.evaluate(() => console.error(window)),
526        waitEvent(page, 'console'),
527      ]);
528      expect(message.text()).toBe('JSHandle@object');
529    });
530    it('should trigger correct Log', async () => {
531      const { page, server, isChrome } = getTestState();
533      await page.goto('about:blank');
534      const [message] = await Promise.all([
535        waitEvent(page, 'console'),
536        page.evaluate(
537          async (url: string) => fetch(url).catch(() => {}),
538          server.EMPTY_PAGE
539        ),
540      ]);
541      expect(message.text()).toContain('Access-Control-Allow-Origin');
542      if (isChrome) expect(message.type()).toEqual('error');
543      else expect(message.type()).toEqual('warn');
544    });
545    it('should have location when fetch fails', async () => {
546      const { page, server } = getTestState();
548      // The point of this test is to make sure that we report console messages from
549      // Log domain: https://vanilla.aslushnikov.com/?Log.entryAdded
550      await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
551      const [message] = await Promise.all([
552        waitEvent(page, 'console'),
553        page.setContent(`<script>fetch('http://wat');</script>`),
554      ]);
555      expect(message.text()).toContain(`ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED`);
556      expect(message.type()).toEqual('error');
557      expect(message.location()).toEqual({
558        url: 'http://wat/',
559        lineNumber: undefined,
560      });
561    });
562    it('should have location and stack trace for console API calls', async () => {
563      const { page, server, isChrome } = getTestState();
565      await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
566      const [message] = await Promise.all([
567        waitEvent(page, 'console'),
568        page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/consolelog.html'),
569      ]);
570      expect(message.text()).toBe('yellow');
571      expect(message.type()).toBe('log');
572      expect(message.location()).toEqual({
573        url: server.PREFIX + '/consolelog.html',
574        lineNumber: 8,
575        columnNumber: isChrome ? 16 : 8, // console.|log vs |console.log
576      });
577      expect(message.stackTrace()).toEqual([
578        {
579          url: server.PREFIX + '/consolelog.html',
580          lineNumber: 8,
581          columnNumber: isChrome ? 16 : 8, // console.|log vs |console.log
582        },
583        {
584          url: server.PREFIX + '/consolelog.html',
585          lineNumber: 11,
586          columnNumber: 8,
587        },
588        {
589          url: server.PREFIX + '/consolelog.html',
590          lineNumber: 13,
591          columnNumber: 6,
592        },
593      ]);
594    });
595    // @see https://github.com/puppeteer/puppeteer/issues/3865
596    it('should not throw when there are console messages in detached iframes', async () => {
597      const { page, server } = getTestState();
599      await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
600      await page.evaluate(async () => {
601        // 1. Create a popup that Puppeteer is not connected to.
602        const win = window.open(
603          window.location.href,
604          'Title',
605          'toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=780,height=200,top=0,left=0'
606        );
607        await new Promise((x) => (win.onload = x));
608        // 2. In this popup, create an iframe that console.logs a message.
609        win.document.body.innerHTML = `<iframe src='/consolelog.html'></iframe>`;
610        const frame = win.document.querySelector('iframe');
611        await new Promise((x) => (frame.onload = x));
612        // 3. After that, remove the iframe.
613        frame.remove();
614      });
615      const popupTarget = page
616        .browserContext()
617        .targets()
618        .find((target) => target !== page.target());
619      // 4. Connect to the popup and make sure it doesn't throw.
620      await popupTarget.page();
621    });
622  });
624  describe('Page.Events.DOMContentLoaded', function () {
625    it('should fire when expected', async () => {
626      const { page } = getTestState();
628      page.goto('about:blank');
629      await waitEvent(page, 'domcontentloaded');
630    });
631  });
633  describe('Page.metrics', function () {
634    it('should get metrics from a page', async () => {
635      const { page } = getTestState();
637      await page.goto('about:blank');
638      const metrics = await page.metrics();
639      checkMetrics(metrics);
640    });
641    it('metrics event fired on console.timeStamp', async () => {
642      const { page } = getTestState();
644      const metricsPromise = new Promise<{ metrics: Metrics; title: string }>(
645        (fulfill) => page.once('metrics', fulfill)
646      );
647      await page.evaluate(() => console.timeStamp('test42'));
648      const metrics = await metricsPromise;
649      expect(metrics.title).toBe('test42');
650      checkMetrics(metrics.metrics);
651    });
652    function checkMetrics(metrics) {
653      const metricsToCheck = new Set([
654        'Timestamp',
655        'Documents',
656        'Frames',
657        'JSEventListeners',
658        'Nodes',
659        'LayoutCount',
660        'RecalcStyleCount',
661        'LayoutDuration',
662        'RecalcStyleDuration',
663        'ScriptDuration',
664        'TaskDuration',
665        'JSHeapUsedSize',
666        'JSHeapTotalSize',
667      ]);
668      for (const name in metrics) {
669        expect(metricsToCheck.has(name)).toBeTruthy();
670        expect(metrics[name]).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(0);
671        metricsToCheck.delete(name);
672      }
673      expect(metricsToCheck.size).toBe(0);
674    }
675  });
677  describe('Page.waitForRequest', function () {
678    it('should work', async () => {
679      const { page, server } = getTestState();
681      await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
682      const [request] = await Promise.all([
683        page.waitForRequest(server.PREFIX + '/digits/2.png'),
684        page.evaluate(() => {
685          fetch('/digits/1.png');
686          fetch('/digits/2.png');
687          fetch('/digits/3.png');
688        }),
689      ]);
690      expect(request.url()).toBe(server.PREFIX + '/digits/2.png');
691    });
692    it('should work with predicate', async () => {
693      const { page, server } = getTestState();
695      await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
696      const [request] = await Promise.all([
697        page.waitForRequest(
698          (request) => request.url() === server.PREFIX + '/digits/2.png'
699        ),
700        page.evaluate(() => {
701          fetch('/digits/1.png');
702          fetch('/digits/2.png');
703          fetch('/digits/3.png');
704        }),
705      ]);
706      expect(request.url()).toBe(server.PREFIX + '/digits/2.png');
707    });
708    it('should respect timeout', async () => {
709      const { page, puppeteer } = getTestState();
711      let error = null;
712      await page
713        .waitForRequest(() => false, { timeout: 1 })
714        .catch((error_) => (error = error_));
715      expect(error).toBeInstanceOf(puppeteer.errors.TimeoutError);
716    });
717    it('should respect default timeout', async () => {
718      const { page, puppeteer } = getTestState();
720      let error = null;
721      page.setDefaultTimeout(1);
722      await page
723        .waitForRequest(() => false)
724        .catch((error_) => (error = error_));
725      expect(error).toBeInstanceOf(puppeteer.errors.TimeoutError);
726    });
727    it('should work with async predicate', async () => {
728      const { page, server } = getTestState();
729      await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
730      const [response] = await Promise.all([
731        page.waitForResponse(async (response) => {
732          return response.url() === server.PREFIX + '/digits/2.png';
733        }),
734        page.evaluate(() => {
735          fetch('/digits/1.png');
736          fetch('/digits/2.png');
737          fetch('/digits/3.png');
738        }),
739      ]);
740      expect(response.url()).toBe(server.PREFIX + '/digits/2.png');
741    });
742    it('should work with no timeout', async () => {
743      const { page, server } = getTestState();
745      await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
746      const [request] = await Promise.all([
747        page.waitForRequest(server.PREFIX + '/digits/2.png', { timeout: 0 }),
748        page.evaluate(() =>
749          setTimeout(() => {
750            fetch('/digits/1.png');
751            fetch('/digits/2.png');
752            fetch('/digits/3.png');
753          }, 50)
754        ),
755      ]);
756      expect(request.url()).toBe(server.PREFIX + '/digits/2.png');
757    });
758  });
760  describe('Page.waitForResponse', function () {
761    it('should work', async () => {
762      const { page, server } = getTestState();
764      await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
765      const [response] = await Promise.all([
766        page.waitForResponse(server.PREFIX + '/digits/2.png'),
767        page.evaluate(() => {
768          fetch('/digits/1.png');
769          fetch('/digits/2.png');
770          fetch('/digits/3.png');
771        }),
772      ]);
773      expect(response.url()).toBe(server.PREFIX + '/digits/2.png');
774    });
775    it('should respect timeout', async () => {
776      const { page, puppeteer } = getTestState();
778      let error = null;
779      await page
780        .waitForResponse(() => false, { timeout: 1 })
781        .catch((error_) => (error = error_));
782      expect(error).toBeInstanceOf(puppeteer.errors.TimeoutError);
783    });
784    it('should respect default timeout', async () => {
785      const { page, puppeteer } = getTestState();
787      let error = null;
788      page.setDefaultTimeout(1);
789      await page
790        .waitForResponse(() => false)
791        .catch((error_) => (error = error_));
792      expect(error).toBeInstanceOf(puppeteer.errors.TimeoutError);
793    });
794    it('should work with predicate', async () => {
795      const { page, server } = getTestState();
797      await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
798      const [response] = await Promise.all([
799        page.waitForResponse(
800          (response) => response.url() === server.PREFIX + '/digits/2.png'
801        ),
802        page.evaluate(() => {
803          fetch('/digits/1.png');
804          fetch('/digits/2.png');
805          fetch('/digits/3.png');
806        }),
807      ]);
808      expect(response.url()).toBe(server.PREFIX + '/digits/2.png');
809    });
810    it('should work with no timeout', async () => {
811      const { page, server } = getTestState();
813      await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
814      const [response] = await Promise.all([
815        page.waitForResponse(server.PREFIX + '/digits/2.png', { timeout: 0 }),
816        page.evaluate(() =>
817          setTimeout(() => {
818            fetch('/digits/1.png');
819            fetch('/digits/2.png');
820            fetch('/digits/3.png');
821          }, 50)
822        ),
823      ]);
824      expect(response.url()).toBe(server.PREFIX + '/digits/2.png');
825    });
826  });
828  describe('Page.exposeFunction', function () {
829    it('should work', async () => {
830      const { page } = getTestState();
832      await page.exposeFunction('compute', function (a, b) {
833        return a * b;
834      });
835      const result = await page.evaluate(async function () {
836        return await globalThis.compute(9, 4);
837      });
838      expect(result).toBe(36);
839    });
840    it('should throw exception in page context', async () => {
841      const { page } = getTestState();
843      await page.exposeFunction('woof', function () {
844        throw new Error('WOOF WOOF');
845      });
846      const { message, stack } = await page.evaluate(async () => {
847        try {
848          await globalThis.woof();
849        } catch (error) {
850          return { message: error.message, stack: error.stack };
851        }
852      });
853      expect(message).toBe('WOOF WOOF');
854      expect(stack).toContain(__filename);
855    });
856    it('should support throwing "null"', async () => {
857      const { page } = getTestState();
859      await page.exposeFunction('woof', function () {
860        throw null;
861      });
862      const thrown = await page.evaluate(async () => {
863        try {
864          await globalThis.woof();
865        } catch (error) {
866          return error;
867        }
868      });
869      expect(thrown).toBe(null);
870    });
871    it('should be callable from-inside evaluateOnNewDocument', async () => {
872      const { page } = getTestState();
874      let called = false;
875      await page.exposeFunction('woof', function () {
876        called = true;
877      });
878      await page.evaluateOnNewDocument(() => globalThis.woof());
879      await page.reload();
880      expect(called).toBe(true);
881    });
882    it('should survive navigation', async () => {
883      const { page, server } = getTestState();
885      await page.exposeFunction('compute', function (a, b) {
886        return a * b;
887      });
889      await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
890      const result = await page.evaluate(async function () {
891        return await globalThis.compute(9, 4);
892      });
893      expect(result).toBe(36);
894    });
895    it('should await returned promise', async () => {
896      const { page } = getTestState();
898      await page.exposeFunction('compute', function (a, b) {
899        return Promise.resolve(a * b);
900      });
902      const result = await page.evaluate(async function () {
903        return await globalThis.compute(3, 5);
904      });
905      expect(result).toBe(15);
906    });
907    it('should work on frames', async () => {
908      const { page, server } = getTestState();
910      await page.exposeFunction('compute', function (a, b) {
911        return Promise.resolve(a * b);
912      });
914      await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/frames/nested-frames.html');
915      const frame = page.frames()[1];
916      const result = await frame.evaluate(async function () {
917        return await globalThis.compute(3, 5);
918      });
919      expect(result).toBe(15);
920    });
921    it('should work on frames before navigation', async () => {
922      const { page, server } = getTestState();
924      await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/frames/nested-frames.html');
925      await page.exposeFunction('compute', function (a, b) {
926        return Promise.resolve(a * b);
927      });
929      const frame = page.frames()[1];
930      const result = await frame.evaluate(async function () {
931        return await globalThis.compute(3, 5);
932      });
933      expect(result).toBe(15);
934    });
935    it('should work with complex objects', async () => {
936      const { page } = getTestState();
938      await page.exposeFunction('complexObject', function (a, b) {
939        return { x: a.x + b.x };
940      });
941      const result = await page.evaluate<() => Promise<{ x: number }>>(
942        async () => globalThis.complexObject({ x: 5 }, { x: 2 })
943      );
944      expect(result.x).toBe(7);
945    });
946  });
948  describe('Page.Events.PageError', function () {
949    it('should fire', async () => {
950      const { page, server } = getTestState();
952      let error = null;
953      page.once('pageerror', (e) => (error = e));
954      await Promise.all([
955        page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/error.html'),
956        waitEvent(page, 'pageerror'),
957      ]);
958      expect(error.message).toContain('Fancy');
959    });
960  });
962  describe('Page.setUserAgent', function () {
963    it('should work', async () => {
964      const { page, server } = getTestState();
966      expect(await page.evaluate(() => navigator.userAgent)).toContain(
967        'Mozilla'
968      );
969      await page.setUserAgent('foobar');
970      const [request] = await Promise.all([
971        server.waitForRequest('/empty.html'),
972        page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE),
973      ]);
974      expect(request.headers['user-agent']).toBe('foobar');
975    });
976    it('should work for subframes', async () => {
977      const { page, server } = getTestState();
979      expect(await page.evaluate(() => navigator.userAgent)).toContain(
980        'Mozilla'
981      );
982      await page.setUserAgent('foobar');
983      const [request] = await Promise.all([
984        server.waitForRequest('/empty.html'),
985        utils.attachFrame(page, 'frame1', server.EMPTY_PAGE),
986      ]);
987      expect(request.headers['user-agent']).toBe('foobar');
988    });
989    it('should emulate device user-agent', async () => {
990      const { page, server, puppeteer } = getTestState();
992      await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/mobile.html');
993      expect(await page.evaluate(() => navigator.userAgent)).not.toContain(
994        'iPhone'
995      );
996      await page.setUserAgent(puppeteer.devices['iPhone 6'].userAgent);
997      expect(await page.evaluate(() => navigator.userAgent)).toContain(
998        'iPhone'
999      );
1000    });
1001  });
1003  describe('Page.setContent', function () {
1004    const expectedOutput =
1005      '<html><head></head><body><div>hello</div></body></html>';
1006    it('should work', async () => {
1007      const { page } = getTestState();
1009      await page.setContent('<div>hello</div>');
1010      const result = await page.content();
1011      expect(result).toBe(expectedOutput);
1012    });
1013    it('should work with doctype', async () => {
1014      const { page } = getTestState();
1016      const doctype = '<!DOCTYPE html>';
1017      await page.setContent(`${doctype}<div>hello</div>`);
1018      const result = await page.content();
1019      expect(result).toBe(`${doctype}${expectedOutput}`);
1020    });
1021    it('should work with HTML 4 doctype', async () => {
1022      const { page } = getTestState();
1024      const doctype =
1025        '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ' +
1026        '"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">';
1027      await page.setContent(`${doctype}<div>hello</div>`);
1028      const result = await page.content();
1029      expect(result).toBe(`${doctype}${expectedOutput}`);
1030    });
1031    it('should respect timeout', async () => {
1032      const { page, server, puppeteer } = getTestState();
1034      const imgPath = '/img.png';
1035      // stall for image
1036      server.setRoute(imgPath, () => {});
1037      let error = null;
1038      await page
1039        .setContent(`<img src="${server.PREFIX + imgPath}"></img>`, {
1040          timeout: 1,
1041        })
1042        .catch((error_) => (error = error_));
1043      expect(error).toBeInstanceOf(puppeteer.errors.TimeoutError);
1044    });
1045    it('should respect default navigation timeout', async () => {
1046      const { page, server, puppeteer } = getTestState();
1048      page.setDefaultNavigationTimeout(1);
1049      const imgPath = '/img.png';
1050      // stall for image
1051      server.setRoute(imgPath, () => {});
1052      let error = null;
1053      await page
1054        .setContent(`<img src="${server.PREFIX + imgPath}"></img>`)
1055        .catch((error_) => (error = error_));
1056      expect(error).toBeInstanceOf(puppeteer.errors.TimeoutError);
1057    });
1058    it('should await resources to load', async () => {
1059      const { page, server } = getTestState();
1061      const imgPath = '/img.png';
1062      let imgResponse = null;
1063      server.setRoute(imgPath, (req, res) => (imgResponse = res));
1064      let loaded = false;
1065      const contentPromise = page
1066        .setContent(`<img src="${server.PREFIX + imgPath}"></img>`)
1067        .then(() => (loaded = true));
1068      await server.waitForRequest(imgPath);
1069      expect(loaded).toBe(false);
1070      imgResponse.end();
1071      await contentPromise;
1072    });
1073    it('should work fast enough', async () => {
1074      const { page } = getTestState();
1076      for (let i = 0; i < 20; ++i) await page.setContent('<div>yo</div>');
1077    });
1078    it('should work with tricky content', async () => {
1079      const { page } = getTestState();
1081      await page.setContent('<div>hello world</div>' + '\x7F');
1082      expect(await page.$eval('div', (div) => div.textContent)).toBe(
1083        'hello world'
1084      );
1085    });
1086    it('should work with accents', async () => {
1087      const { page } = getTestState();
1089      await page.setContent('<div>aberración</div>');
1090      expect(await page.$eval('div', (div) => div.textContent)).toBe(
1091        'aberración'
1092      );
1093    });
1094    it('should work with emojis', async () => {
1095      const { page } = getTestState();
1097      await page.setContent('<div>��</div>');
1098      expect(await page.$eval('div', (div) => div.textContent)).toBe('��');
1099    });
1100    it('should work with newline', async () => {
1101      const { page } = getTestState();
1103      await page.setContent('<div>\n</div>');
1104      expect(await page.$eval('div', (div) => div.textContent)).toBe('\n');
1105    });
1106  });
1108  describe('Page.setBypassCSP', function () {
1109    it('should bypass CSP meta tag', async () => {
1110      const { page, server } = getTestState();
1112      // Make sure CSP prohibits addScriptTag.
1113      await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/csp.html');
1114      await page
1115        .addScriptTag({ content: 'window.__injected = 42;' })
1116        .catch((error) => void error);
1117      expect(await page.evaluate(() => globalThis.__injected)).toBe(undefined);
1119      // By-pass CSP and try one more time.
1120      await page.setBypassCSP(true);
1121      await page.reload();
1122      await page.addScriptTag({ content: 'window.__injected = 42;' });
1123      expect(await page.evaluate(() => globalThis.__injected)).toBe(42);
1124    });
1126    it('should bypass CSP header', async () => {
1127      const { page, server } = getTestState();
1129      // Make sure CSP prohibits addScriptTag.
1130      server.setCSP('/empty.html', 'default-src "self"');
1131      await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
1132      await page
1133        .addScriptTag({ content: 'window.__injected = 42;' })
1134        .catch((error) => void error);
1135      expect(await page.evaluate(() => globalThis.__injected)).toBe(undefined);
1137      // By-pass CSP and try one more time.
1138      await page.setBypassCSP(true);
1139      await page.reload();
1140      await page.addScriptTag({ content: 'window.__injected = 42;' });
1141      expect(await page.evaluate(() => globalThis.__injected)).toBe(42);
1142    });
1144    it('should bypass after cross-process navigation', async () => {
1145      const { page, server } = getTestState();
1147      await page.setBypassCSP(true);
1148      await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/csp.html');
1149      await page.addScriptTag({ content: 'window.__injected = 42;' });
1150      expect(await page.evaluate(() => globalThis.__injected)).toBe(42);
1152      await page.goto(server.CROSS_PROCESS_PREFIX + '/csp.html');
1153      await page.addScriptTag({ content: 'window.__injected = 42;' });
1154      expect(await page.evaluate(() => globalThis.__injected)).toBe(42);
1155    });
1156    it('should bypass CSP in iframes as well', async () => {
1157      const { page, server } = getTestState();
1159      await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
1160      {
1161        // Make sure CSP prohibits addScriptTag in an iframe.
1162        const frame = await utils.attachFrame(
1163          page,
1164          'frame1',
1165          server.PREFIX + '/csp.html'
1166        );
1167        await frame
1168          .addScriptTag({ content: 'window.__injected = 42;' })
1169          .catch((error) => void error);
1170        expect(await frame.evaluate(() => globalThis.__injected)).toBe(
1171          undefined
1172        );
1173      }
1175      // By-pass CSP and try one more time.
1176      await page.setBypassCSP(true);
1177      await page.reload();
1179      {
1180        const frame = await utils.attachFrame(
1181          page,
1182          'frame1',
1183          server.PREFIX + '/csp.html'
1184        );
1185        await frame
1186          .addScriptTag({ content: 'window.__injected = 42;' })
1187          .catch((error) => void error);
1188        expect(await frame.evaluate(() => globalThis.__injected)).toBe(42);
1189      }
1190    });
1191  });
1193  describe('Page.addScriptTag', function () {
1194    it('should throw an error if no options are provided', async () => {
1195      const { page } = getTestState();
1197      let error = null;
1198      try {
1199        // @ts-expect-error purposefully passing bad options
1200        await page.addScriptTag('/injectedfile.js');
1201      } catch (error_) {
1202        error = error_;
1203      }
1204      expect(error.message).toBe(
1205        'Provide an object with a `url`, `path` or `content` property'
1206      );
1207    });
1209    it('should work with a url', async () => {
1210      const { page, server } = getTestState();
1212      await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
1213      const scriptHandle = await page.addScriptTag({ url: '/injectedfile.js' });
1214      expect(scriptHandle.asElement()).not.toBeNull();
1215      expect(await page.evaluate(() => globalThis.__injected)).toBe(42);
1216    });
1218    it('should work with a url and type=module', async () => {
1219      const { page, server } = getTestState();
1221      await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
1222      await page.addScriptTag({ url: '/es6/es6import.js', type: 'module' });
1223      expect(await page.evaluate(() => globalThis.__es6injected)).toBe(42);
1224    });
1226    it('should work with a path and type=module', async () => {
1227      const { page, server } = getTestState();
1229      await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
1230      await page.addScriptTag({
1231        path: path.join(__dirname, 'assets/es6/es6pathimport.js'),
1232        type: 'module',
1233      });
1234      await page.waitForFunction('window.__es6injected');
1235      expect(await page.evaluate(() => globalThis.__es6injected)).toBe(42);
1236    });
1238    it('should work with a content and type=module', async () => {
1239      const { page, server } = getTestState();
1241      await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
1242      await page.addScriptTag({
1243        content: `import num from '/es6/es6module.js';window.__es6injected = num;`,
1244        type: 'module',
1245      });
1246      await page.waitForFunction('window.__es6injected');
1247      expect(await page.evaluate(() => globalThis.__es6injected)).toBe(42);
1248    });
1250    it('should throw an error if loading from url fail', async () => {
1251      const { page, server } = getTestState();
1253      await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
1254      let error = null;
1255      try {
1256        await page.addScriptTag({ url: '/nonexistfile.js' });
1257      } catch (error_) {
1258        error = error_;
1259      }
1260      expect(error.message).toBe('Loading script from /nonexistfile.js failed');
1261    });
1263    it('should work with a path', async () => {
1264      const { page, server } = getTestState();
1266      await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
1267      const scriptHandle = await page.addScriptTag({
1268        path: path.join(__dirname, 'assets/injectedfile.js'),
1269      });
1270      expect(scriptHandle.asElement()).not.toBeNull();
1271      expect(await page.evaluate(() => globalThis.__injected)).toBe(42);
1272    });
1274    it('should include sourcemap when path is provided', async () => {
1275      const { page, server } = getTestState();
1277      await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
1278      await page.addScriptTag({
1279        path: path.join(__dirname, 'assets/injectedfile.js'),
1280      });
1281      const result = await page.evaluate(
1282        () => globalThis.__injectedError.stack
1283      );
1284      expect(result).toContain(path.join('assets', 'injectedfile.js'));
1285    });
1287    it('should work with content', async () => {
1288      const { page, server } = getTestState();
1290      await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
1291      const scriptHandle = await page.addScriptTag({
1292        content: 'window.__injected = 35;',
1293      });
1294      expect(scriptHandle.asElement()).not.toBeNull();
1295      expect(await page.evaluate(() => globalThis.__injected)).toBe(35);
1296    });
1298    // @see https://github.com/puppeteer/puppeteer/issues/4840
1299    xit('should throw when added with content to the CSP page', async () => {
1300      const { page, server } = getTestState();
1302      await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/csp.html');
1303      let error = null;
1304      await page
1305        .addScriptTag({ content: 'window.__injected = 35;' })
1306        .catch((error_) => (error = error_));
1307      expect(error).toBeTruthy();
1308    });
1310    it('should throw when added with URL to the CSP page', async () => {
1311      const { page, server } = getTestState();
1313      await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/csp.html');
1314      let error = null;
1315      await page
1316        .addScriptTag({ url: server.CROSS_PROCESS_PREFIX + '/injectedfile.js' })
1317        .catch((error_) => (error = error_));
1318      expect(error).toBeTruthy();
1319    });
1320  });
1322  describe('Page.addStyleTag', function () {
1323    it('should throw an error if no options are provided', async () => {
1324      const { page } = getTestState();
1326      let error = null;
1327      try {
1328        // @ts-expect-error purposefully passing bad input
1329        await page.addStyleTag('/injectedstyle.css');
1330      } catch (error_) {
1331        error = error_;
1332      }
1333      expect(error.message).toBe(
1334        'Provide an object with a `url`, `path` or `content` property'
1335      );
1336    });
1338    it('should work with a url', async () => {
1339      const { page, server } = getTestState();
1341      await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
1342      const styleHandle = await page.addStyleTag({ url: '/injectedstyle.css' });
1343      expect(styleHandle.asElement()).not.toBeNull();
1344      expect(
1345        await page.evaluate(
1346          `window.getComputedStyle(document.querySelector('body')).getPropertyValue('background-color')`
1347        )
1348      ).toBe('rgb(255, 0, 0)');
1349    });
1351    it('should throw an error if loading from url fail', async () => {
1352      const { page, server } = getTestState();
1354      await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
1355      let error = null;
1356      try {
1357        await page.addStyleTag({ url: '/nonexistfile.js' });
1358      } catch (error_) {
1359        error = error_;
1360      }
1361      expect(error.message).toBe('Loading style from /nonexistfile.js failed');
1362    });
1364    it('should work with a path', async () => {
1365      const { page, server } = getTestState();
1367      await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
1368      const styleHandle = await page.addStyleTag({
1369        path: path.join(__dirname, 'assets/injectedstyle.css'),
1370      });
1371      expect(styleHandle.asElement()).not.toBeNull();
1372      expect(
1373        await page.evaluate(
1374          `window.getComputedStyle(document.querySelector('body')).getPropertyValue('background-color')`
1375        )
1376      ).toBe('rgb(255, 0, 0)');
1377    });
1379    it('should include sourcemap when path is provided', async () => {
1380      const { page, server } = getTestState();
1382      await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
1383      await page.addStyleTag({
1384        path: path.join(__dirname, 'assets/injectedstyle.css'),
1385      });
1386      const styleHandle = await page.$('style');
1387      const styleContent = await page.evaluate(
1388        (style: HTMLStyleElement) => style.innerHTML,
1389        styleHandle
1390      );
1391      expect(styleContent).toContain(path.join('assets', 'injectedstyle.css'));
1392    });
1394    it('should work with content', async () => {
1395      const { page, server } = getTestState();
1397      await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
1398      const styleHandle = await page.addStyleTag({
1399        content: 'body { background-color: green; }',
1400      });
1401      expect(styleHandle.asElement()).not.toBeNull();
1402      expect(
1403        await page.evaluate(
1404          `window.getComputedStyle(document.querySelector('body')).getPropertyValue('background-color')`
1405        )
1406      ).toBe('rgb(0, 128, 0)');
1407    });
1409    it(
1410      'should throw when added with content to the CSP page',
1411      async () => {
1412        const { page, server } = getTestState();
1414        await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/csp.html');
1415        let error = null;
1416        await page
1417          .addStyleTag({ content: 'body { background-color: green; }' })
1418          .catch((error_) => (error = error_));
1419        expect(error).toBeTruthy();
1420      }
1421    );
1423    it('should throw when added with URL to the CSP page', async () => {
1424      const { page, server } = getTestState();
1426      await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/csp.html');
1427      let error = null;
1428      await page
1429        .addStyleTag({
1430          url: server.CROSS_PROCESS_PREFIX + '/injectedstyle.css',
1431        })
1432        .catch((error_) => (error = error_));
1433      expect(error).toBeTruthy();
1434    });
1435  });
1437  describe('Page.url', function () {
1438    it('should work', async () => {
1439      const { page, server } = getTestState();
1441      expect(page.url()).toBe('about:blank');
1442      await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
1443      expect(page.url()).toBe(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
1444    });
1445  });
1447  describe('Page.setJavaScriptEnabled', function () {
1448    it('should work', async () => {
1449      const { page } = getTestState();
1451      await page.setJavaScriptEnabled(false);
1452      await page.goto(
1453        'data:text/html, <script>var something = "forbidden"</script>'
1454      );
1455      let error = null;
1456      await page.evaluate('something').catch((error_) => (error = error_));
1457      expect(error.message).toContain('something is not defined');
1459      await page.setJavaScriptEnabled(true);
1460      await page.goto(
1461        'data:text/html, <script>var something = "forbidden"</script>'
1462      );
1463      expect(await page.evaluate('something')).toBe('forbidden');
1464    });
1465  });
1467  describe('Page.setCacheEnabled', function () {
1468    it('should enable or disable the cache based on the state passed', async () => {
1469      const { page, server } = getTestState();
1471      await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/cached/one-style.html');
1472      const [cachedRequest] = await Promise.all([
1473        server.waitForRequest('/cached/one-style.html'),
1474        page.reload(),
1475      ]);
1476      // Rely on "if-modified-since" caching in our test server.
1477      expect(cachedRequest.headers['if-modified-since']).not.toBe(undefined);
1479      await page.setCacheEnabled(false);
1480      const [nonCachedRequest] = await Promise.all([
1481        server.waitForRequest('/cached/one-style.html'),
1482        page.reload(),
1483      ]);
1484      expect(nonCachedRequest.headers['if-modified-since']).toBe(undefined);
1485    });
1486    it(
1487      'should stay disabled when toggling request interception on/off',
1488      async () => {
1489        const { page, server } = getTestState();
1491        await page.setCacheEnabled(false);
1492        await page.setRequestInterception(true);
1493        await page.setRequestInterception(false);
1495        await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/cached/one-style.html');
1496        const [nonCachedRequest] = await Promise.all([
1497          server.waitForRequest('/cached/one-style.html'),
1498          page.reload(),
1499        ]);
1500        expect(nonCachedRequest.headers['if-modified-since']).toBe(undefined);
1501      }
1502    );
1503  });
1505  describe('printing to PDF', function () {
1506    it('can print to PDF and save to file', async () => {
1507      // Printing to pdf is currently only supported in headless
1508      const { isHeadless, page } = getTestState();
1510      if (!isHeadless) return;
1512      const outputFile = __dirname + '/assets/output.pdf';
1513      await page.pdf({ path: outputFile });
1514      expect(fs.readFileSync(outputFile).byteLength).toBeGreaterThan(0);
1515      fs.unlinkSync(outputFile);
1516    });
1517  });
1519  describe('Page.title', function () {
1520    it('should return the page title', async () => {
1521      const { page, server } = getTestState();
1523      await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/title.html');
1524      expect(await page.title()).toBe('Woof-Woof');
1525    });
1526  });
1528  describe('Page.select', function () {
1529    it('should select single option', async () => {
1530      const { page, server } = getTestState();
1532      await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/select.html');
1533      await page.select('select', 'blue');
1534      expect(await page.evaluate(() => globalThis.result.onInput)).toEqual([
1535        'blue',
1536      ]);
1537      expect(await page.evaluate(() => globalThis.result.onChange)).toEqual([
1538        'blue',
1539      ]);
1540    });
1541    it('should select only first option', async () => {
1542      const { page, server } = getTestState();
1544      await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/select.html');
1545      await page.select('select', 'blue', 'green', 'red');
1546      expect(await page.evaluate(() => globalThis.result.onInput)).toEqual([
1547        'blue',
1548      ]);
1549      expect(await page.evaluate(() => globalThis.result.onChange)).toEqual([
1550        'blue',
1551      ]);
1552    });
1553    it('should not throw when select causes navigation', async () => {
1554      const { page, server } = getTestState();
1556      await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/select.html');
1557      await page.$eval('select', (select) =>
1558        select.addEventListener(
1559          'input',
1560          () => ((window as any).location = '/empty.html')
1561        )
1562      );
1563      await Promise.all([
1564        page.select('select', 'blue'),
1565        page.waitForNavigation(),
1566      ]);
1567      expect(page.url()).toContain('empty.html');
1568    });
1569    it('should select multiple options', async () => {
1570      const { page, server } = getTestState();
1572      await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/select.html');
1573      await page.evaluate(() => globalThis.makeMultiple());
1574      await page.select('select', 'blue', 'green', 'red');
1575      expect(await page.evaluate(() => globalThis.result.onInput)).toEqual([
1576        'blue',
1577        'green',
1578        'red',
1579      ]);
1580      expect(await page.evaluate(() => globalThis.result.onChange)).toEqual([
1581        'blue',
1582        'green',
1583        'red',
1584      ]);
1585    });
1586    it('should respect event bubbling', async () => {
1587      const { page, server } = getTestState();
1589      await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/select.html');
1590      await page.select('select', 'blue');
1591      expect(
1592        await page.evaluate(() => globalThis.result.onBubblingInput)
1593      ).toEqual(['blue']);
1594      expect(
1595        await page.evaluate(() => globalThis.result.onBubblingChange)
1596      ).toEqual(['blue']);
1597    });
1598    it('should throw when element is not a <select>', async () => {
1599      const { page, server } = getTestState();
1601      let error = null;
1602      await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/select.html');
1603      await page.select('body', '').catch((error_) => (error = error_));
1604      expect(error.message).toContain('Element is not a <select> element.');
1605    });
1606    it('should return [] on no matched values', async () => {
1607      const { page, server } = getTestState();
1609      await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/select.html');
1610      const result = await page.select('select', '42', 'abc');
1611      expect(result).toEqual([]);
1612    });
1613    it('should return an array of matched values', async () => {
1614      const { page, server } = getTestState();
1616      await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/select.html');
1617      await page.evaluate(() => globalThis.makeMultiple());
1618      const result = await page.select('select', 'blue', 'black', 'magenta');
1619      expect(
1620        result.reduce(
1621          (accumulator, current) =>
1622            ['blue', 'black', 'magenta'].includes(current) && accumulator,
1623          true
1624        )
1625      ).toEqual(true);
1626    });
1627    it('should return an array of one element when multiple is not set', async () => {
1628      const { page, server } = getTestState();
1630      await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/select.html');
1631      const result = await page.select(
1632        'select',
1633        '42',
1634        'blue',
1635        'black',
1636        'magenta'
1637      );
1638      expect(result.length).toEqual(1);
1639    });
1640    it('should return [] on no values', async () => {
1641      const { page, server } = getTestState();
1643      await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/select.html');
1644      const result = await page.select('select');
1645      expect(result).toEqual([]);
1646    });
1647    it('should deselect all options when passed no values for a multiple select', async () => {
1648      const { page, server } = getTestState();
1650      await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/select.html');
1651      await page.evaluate(() => globalThis.makeMultiple());
1652      await page.select('select', 'blue', 'black', 'magenta');
1653      await page.select('select');
1654      expect(
1655        await page.$eval('select', (select: HTMLSelectElement) =>
1656          Array.from(select.options).every(
1657            (option: HTMLOptionElement) => !option.selected
1658          )
1659        )
1660      ).toEqual(true);
1661    });
1662    it('should deselect all options when passed no values for a select without multiple', async () => {
1663      const { page, server } = getTestState();
1665      await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/select.html');
1666      await page.select('select', 'blue', 'black', 'magenta');
1667      await page.select('select');
1668      expect(
1669        await page.$eval('select', (select: HTMLSelectElement) =>
1670          Array.from(select.options).every(
1671            (option: HTMLOptionElement) => !option.selected
1672          )
1673        )
1674      ).toEqual(true);
1675    });
1676    it('should throw if passed in non-strings', async () => {
1677      const { page } = getTestState();
1679      await page.setContent('<select><option value="12"/></select>');
1680      let error = null;
1681      try {
1682        // @ts-expect-error purposefully passing bad input
1683        await page.select('select', 12);
1684      } catch (error_) {
1685        error = error_;
1686      }
1687      expect(error.message).toContain('Values must be strings');
1688    });
1689    // @see https://github.com/puppeteer/puppeteer/issues/3327
1690    it(
1691      'should work when re-defining top-level Event class',
1692      async () => {
1693        const { page, server } = getTestState();
1695        await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/select.html');
1696        await page.evaluate(() => (window.Event = null));
1697        await page.select('select', 'blue');
1698        expect(await page.evaluate(() => globalThis.result.onInput)).toEqual([
1699          'blue',
1700        ]);
1701        expect(await page.evaluate(() => globalThis.result.onChange)).toEqual([
1702          'blue',
1703        ]);
1704      }
1705    );
1706  });
1708  describe('Page.Events.Close', function () {
1709    itFailsFirefox('should work with window.close', async () => {
1710      const { page, context } = getTestState();
1712      const newPagePromise = new Promise<Page>((fulfill) =>
1713        context.once('targetcreated', (target) => fulfill(target.page()))
1714      );
1715      await page.evaluate(
1716        () => (window['newPage'] = window.open('about:blank'))
1717      );
1718      const newPage = await newPagePromise;
1719      const closedPromise = new Promise((x) => newPage.on('close', x));
1720      await page.evaluate(() => window['newPage'].close());
1721      await closedPromise;
1722    });
1723    it('should work with page.close', async () => {
1724      const { context } = getTestState();
1726      const newPage = await context.newPage();
1727      const closedPromise = new Promise((x) => newPage.on('close', x));
1728      await newPage.close();
1729      await closedPromise;
1730    });
1731  });
1733  describe('Page.browser', function () {
1734    it('should return the correct browser instance', async () => {
1735      const { page, browser } = getTestState();
1737      expect(page.browser()).toBe(browser);
1738    });
1739  });
1741  describe('Page.browserContext', function () {
1742    it('should return the correct browser context instance', async () => {
1743      const { page, context } = getTestState();
1745      expect(page.browserContext()).toBe(context);
1746    });
1747  });