1 /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
2  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
3  * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
5 /*
6  * shexp.c: shell-like wildcard match routines
7  *
8  * See shexp.h for public documentation.
9  */
11 #include "seccomon.h"
12 #include "portreg.h"
14 /* ----------------------------- shexp_valid ------------------------------ */
16 static int
_valid_subexp(const char * exp,char stop1,char stop2)17 _valid_subexp(const char *exp, char stop1, char stop2)
18 {
19     register int x;
20     int nsc = 0; /* Number of special characters */
21     int np;      /* Number of pipe characters in union */
22     int tld = 0; /* Number of tilde characters */
24     for (x = 0; exp[x] && (exp[x] != stop1) && (exp[x] != stop2); ++x) {
25         switch (exp[x]) {
26             case '~':
27                 if (tld) /* at most one exclusion */
28                     return INVALID_SXP;
29                 if (stop1) /* no exclusions within unions */
30                     return INVALID_SXP;
31                 if (!exp[x + 1]) /* exclusion cannot be last character */
32                     return INVALID_SXP;
33                 if (!x) /* exclusion cannot be first character */
34                     return INVALID_SXP;
35                 ++tld;
36             /* fall through */
37             case '*':
38             case '?':
39             case '$':
40                 ++nsc;
41                 break;
42             case '[':
43                 ++nsc;
44                 if ((!exp[++x]) || (exp[x] == ']'))
45                     return INVALID_SXP;
46                 for (; exp[x] && (exp[x] != ']'); ++x) {
47                     if (exp[x] == '\\' && !exp[++x])
48                         return INVALID_SXP;
49                 }
50                 if (!exp[x])
51                     return INVALID_SXP;
52                 break;
53             case '(':
54                 ++nsc;
55                 if (stop1) /* no nested unions */
56                     return INVALID_SXP;
57                 np = -1;
58                 do {
59                     int t = _valid_subexp(&exp[++x], ')', '|');
60                     if (t == 0 || t == INVALID_SXP)
61                         return INVALID_SXP;
62                     x += t;
63                     if (!exp[x])
64                         return INVALID_SXP;
65                     ++np;
66                 } while (exp[x] == '|');
67                 if (np < 1) /* must be at least one pipe */
68                     return INVALID_SXP;
69                 break;
70             case ')':
71             case '|':
72             case ']':
73                 return INVALID_SXP;
74             case '\\':
75                 ++nsc;
76                 if (!exp[++x])
77                     return INVALID_SXP;
78                 break;
79             default:
80                 break;
81         }
82     }
83     if ((!stop1) && (!nsc)) /* must be at least one special character */
84         return NON_SXP;
85     return ((exp[x] == stop1 || exp[x] == stop2) ? x : INVALID_SXP);
86 }
88 int
PORT_RegExpValid(const char * exp)89 PORT_RegExpValid(const char *exp)
90 {
91     int x;
93     x = _valid_subexp(exp, '\0', '\0');
94     return (x < 0 ? x : VALID_SXP);
95 }
97 /* ----------------------------- shexp_match ----------------------------- */
99 #define MATCH 0
100 #define NOMATCH 1
101 #define ABORTED -1
103 static int
104 _shexp_match(const char *str, const char *exp, PRBool case_insensitive,
105              unsigned int level);
107 /* Count characters until we reach a NUL character or either of the
108  * two delimiter characters, stop1 or stop2.  If we encounter a bracketed
109  * expression, look only for NUL or ']' inside it.  Do not look for stop1
110  * or stop2 inside it. Return ABORTED if bracketed expression is unterminated.
111  * Handle all escaping.
112  * Return index in input string of first stop found, or ABORTED if not found.
113  * If "dest" is non-NULL, copy counted characters to it and NUL terminate.
114  */
115 static int
_scan_and_copy(const char * exp,char stop1,char stop2,char * dest)116 _scan_and_copy(const char *exp, char stop1, char stop2, char *dest)
117 {
118     register int sx; /* source index */
119     register char cc;
121     for (sx = 0; (cc = exp[sx]) && cc != stop1 && cc != stop2; sx++) {
122         if (cc == '\\') {
123             if (!exp[++sx])
124                 return ABORTED; /* should be impossible */
125         } else if (cc == '[') {
126             while ((cc = exp[++sx]) && cc != ']') {
127                 if (cc == '\\' && !exp[++sx])
128                     return ABORTED;
129             }
130             if (!cc)
131                 return ABORTED; /* should be impossible */
132         }
133     }
134     if (dest && sx) {
135         /* Copy all but the closing delimiter. */
136         memcpy(dest, exp, sx);
137         dest[sx] = 0;
138     }
139     return cc ? sx : ABORTED; /* index of closing delimiter */
140 }
142 /* On input, exp[0] is the opening parenthesis of a union.
143  * See if any of the alternatives in the union matches as a pattern.
144  * The strategy is to take each of the alternatives, in turn, and append
145  * the rest of the expression (after the closing ')' that marks the end of
146  * this union) to that alternative, and then see if the resultant expression
147  * matches the input string.  Repeat this until some alternative matches,
148  * or we have an abort.
149  */
150 static int
_handle_union(const char * str,const char * exp,PRBool case_insensitive,unsigned int level)151 _handle_union(const char *str, const char *exp, PRBool case_insensitive,
152               unsigned int level)
153 {
154     register int sx; /* source index */
155     int cp;          /* source index of closing parenthesis */
156     int count;
157     int ret = NOMATCH;
158     char *e2;
160     /* Find the closing parenthesis that ends this union in the expression */
161     cp = _scan_and_copy(exp, ')', '\0', NULL);
162     if (cp == ABORTED || cp < 4) /* must be at least "(a|b" before ')' */
163         return ABORTED;
164     ++cp; /* now index of char after closing parenthesis */
165     e2 = (char *)PORT_Alloc(1 + strlen(exp));
166     if (!e2)
167         return ABORTED;
168     for (sx = 1;; ++sx) {
169         /* Here, exp[sx] is one character past the preceding '(' or '|'. */
170         /* Copy everything up to the next delimiter to e2 */
171         count = _scan_and_copy(exp + sx, ')', '|', e2);
172         if (count == ABORTED || !count) {
173             ret = ABORTED;
174             break;
175         }
176         sx += count;
177         /* Append everything after closing parenthesis to e2. This is safe. */
178         strcpy(e2 + count, exp + cp);
179         ret = _shexp_match(str, e2, case_insensitive, level + 1);
180         if (ret != NOMATCH || !exp[sx] || exp[sx] == ')')
181             break;
182     }
183     PORT_Free(e2);
184     if (sx < 2)
185         ret = ABORTED;
186     return ret;
187 }
189 /* returns 1 if val is in range from start..end, case insensitive. */
190 static int
_is_char_in_range(int start,int end,int val)191 _is_char_in_range(int start, int end, int val)
192 {
193     char map[256];
194     memset(map, 0, sizeof map);
195     while (start <= end)
196         map[tolower(start++)] = 1;
197     return map[tolower(val)];
198 }
200 static int
_shexp_match(const char * str,const char * exp,PRBool case_insensitive,unsigned int level)201 _shexp_match(const char *str, const char *exp, PRBool case_insensitive,
202              unsigned int level)
203 {
204     register int x; /* input string index */
205     register int y; /* expression index */
206     int ret, neg;
208     if (level > 20) /* Don't let the stack get too deep. */
209         return ABORTED;
210     for (x = 0, y = 0; exp[y]; ++y, ++x) {
211         if ((!str[x]) && (exp[y] != '$') && (exp[y] != '*')) {
212             return NOMATCH;
213         }
214         switch (exp[y]) {
215             case '$':
216                 if (str[x])
217                     return NOMATCH;
218                 --x; /* we don't want loop to increment x */
219                 break;
220             case '*':
221                 while (exp[++y] == '*') {
222                 }
223                 if (!exp[y])
224                     return MATCH;
225                 while (str[x]) {
226                     ret = _shexp_match(&str[x++], &exp[y], case_insensitive,
227                                        level + 1);
228                     switch (ret) {
229                         case NOMATCH:
230                             continue;
231                         case ABORTED:
232                             return ABORTED;
233                         default:
234                             return MATCH;
235                     }
236                 }
237                 if ((exp[y] == '$') && (exp[y + 1] == '\0') && (!str[x]))
238                     return MATCH;
239                 else
240                     return NOMATCH;
241             case '[': {
242                 int start, end = 0, i;
243                 neg = ((exp[++y] == '^') && (exp[y + 1] != ']'));
244                 if (neg)
245                     ++y;
246                 i = y;
247                 start = (unsigned char)(exp[i++]);
248                 if (start == '\\')
249                     start = (unsigned char)(exp[i++]);
250                 if (isalnum(start) && exp[i++] == '-') {
251                     end = (unsigned char)(exp[i++]);
252                     if (end == '\\')
253                         end = (unsigned char)(exp[i++]);
254                 }
255                 if (isalnum(end) && exp[i] == ']') {
256                     /* This is a range form: a-b */
257                     int val = (unsigned char)(str[x]);
258                     if (end < start) { /* swap them */
259                         start ^= end;
260                         end ^= start;
261                         start ^= end;
262                     }
263                     if (case_insensitive && isalpha(val)) {
264                         val = _is_char_in_range(start, end, val);
265                         if (neg == val)
266                             return NOMATCH;
267                     } else if (neg != ((val < start) || (val > end))) {
268                         return NOMATCH;
269                     }
270                     y = i;
271                 } else {
272                     /* Not range form */
273                     int matched = 0;
274                     for (; exp[y] != ']'; y++) {
275                         if (exp[y] == '\\')
276                             ++y;
277                         if (case_insensitive) {
278                             matched |= (toupper(str[x]) == toupper(exp[y]));
279                         } else {
280                             matched |= (str[x] == exp[y]);
281                         }
282                     }
283                     if (neg == matched)
284                         return NOMATCH;
285                 }
286             } break;
287             case '(':
288                 if (!exp[y + 1])
289                     return ABORTED;
290                 return _handle_union(&str[x], &exp[y], case_insensitive, level);
291             case '?':
292                 break;
293             case '|':
294             case ']':
295             case ')':
296                 return ABORTED;
297             case '\\':
298                 ++y;
299             /* fall through */
300             default:
301                 if (case_insensitive) {
302                     if (toupper(str[x]) != toupper(exp[y]))
303                         return NOMATCH;
304                 } else {
305                     if (str[x] != exp[y])
306                         return NOMATCH;
307                 }
308                 break;
309         }
310     }
311     return (str[x] ? NOMATCH : MATCH);
312 }
314 static int
port_RegExpMatch(const char * str,const char * xp,PRBool case_insensitive)315 port_RegExpMatch(const char *str, const char *xp, PRBool case_insensitive)
316 {
317     char *exp = 0;
318     int x, ret = MATCH;
320     if (!strchr(xp, '~'))
321         return _shexp_match(str, xp, case_insensitive, 0);
323     exp = PORT_Strdup(xp);
324     if (!exp)
325         return NOMATCH;
327     x = _scan_and_copy(exp, '~', '\0', NULL);
328     if (x != ABORTED && exp[x] == '~') {
329         exp[x++] = '\0';
330         ret = _shexp_match(str, &exp[x], case_insensitive, 0);
331         switch (ret) {
332             case NOMATCH:
333                 ret = MATCH;
334                 break;
335             case MATCH:
336                 ret = NOMATCH;
337                 break;
338             default:
339                 break;
340         }
341     }
342     if (ret == MATCH)
343         ret = _shexp_match(str, exp, case_insensitive, 0);
345     PORT_Free(exp);
346     return ret;
347 }
349 /* ------------------------------ shexp_cmp ------------------------------- */
351 int
PORT_RegExpSearch(const char * str,const char * exp)352 PORT_RegExpSearch(const char *str, const char *exp)
353 {
354     switch (PORT_RegExpValid(exp)) {
355         case INVALID_SXP:
356             return -1;
357         case NON_SXP:
358             return (strcmp(exp, str) ? 1 : 0);
359         default:
360             return port_RegExpMatch(str, exp, PR_FALSE);
361     }
362 }
364 int
PORT_RegExpCaseSearch(const char * str,const char * exp)365 PORT_RegExpCaseSearch(const char *str, const char *exp)
366 {
367     switch (PORT_RegExpValid(exp)) {
368         case INVALID_SXP:
369             return -1;
370         case NON_SXP:
371             return (PORT_Strcasecmp(exp, str) ? 1 : 0);
372         default:
373             return port_RegExpMatch(str, exp, PR_TRUE);
374     }
375 }