1 /* -*- Mode: c; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t; -*- */
2 /* cairo - a vector graphics library with display and print output
3  *
4  * Copyright 2009 Andrea Canciani
5  *
6  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7  * modify it either under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
8  * License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation
9  * (the "LGPL") or, at your option, under the terms of the Mozilla
10  * Public License Version 1.1 (the "MPL"). If you do not alter this
11  * notice, a recipient may use your version of this file under either
12  * the MPL or the LGPL.
13  *
14  * You should have received a copy of the LGPL along with this library
15  * in the file COPYING-LGPL-2.1; if not, write to the Free Software
16  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA
17  * You should have received a copy of the MPL along with this library
18  * in the file COPYING-MPL-1.1
19  *
20  * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
21  * Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
22  * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
23  * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
24  *
25  * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY
26  * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the LGPL or the MPL for
27  * the specific language governing rights and limitations.
28  *
29  * The Original Code is the cairo graphics library.
30  *
31  * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Andrea Canciani.
32  *
33  * Contributor(s):
34  *	Andrea Canciani <ranma42@gmail.com>
35  */
37 #include "cairoint.h"
39 #include "cairo-array-private.h"
40 #include "cairo-pattern-private.h"
42 /*
43  * Rasterizer for mesh patterns.
44  *
45  * This implementation is based on techniques derived from several
46  * papers (available from ACM):
47  *
48  * - Lien, Shantz and Pratt "Adaptive Forward Differencing for
49  *   Rendering Curves and Surfaces" (discussion of the AFD technique,
50  *   bound of 1/sqrt(2) on step length without proof)
51  *
52  * - Popescu and Rosen, "Forward rasterization" (description of
53  *   forward rasterization, proof of the previous bound)
54  *
55  * - Klassen, "Integer Forward Differencing of Cubic Polynomials:
56  *   Analysis and Algorithms"
57  *
58  * - Klassen, "Exact Integer Hybrid Subdivision and Forward
59  *   Differencing of Cubics" (improving the bound on the minimum
60  *   number of steps)
61  *
62  * - Chang, Shantz and Rocchetti, "Rendering Cubic Curves and Surfaces
63  *   with Integer Adaptive Forward Differencing" (analysis of forward
64  *   differencing applied to Bezier patches)
65  *
66  * Notes:
67  * - Poor performance expected in degenerate cases
68  *
69  * - Patches mostly outside the drawing area are drawn completely (and
70  *   clipped), wasting time
71  *
72  * - Both previous problems are greatly reduced by splitting until a
73  *   reasonably small size and clipping the new tiles: execution time
74  *   is quadratic in the convex-hull diameter instead than linear to
75  *   the painted area. Splitting the tiles doesn't change the painted
76  *   area but (usually) reduces the bounding box area (bbox area can
77  *   remain the same after splitting, but cannot grow)
78  *
79  * - The initial implementation used adaptive forward differencing,
80  *   but simple forward differencing scored better in benchmarks
81  *
82  * Idea:
83  *
84  * We do a sampling over the cubic patch with step du and dv (in the
85  * two parameters) that guarantees that any point of our sampling will
86  * be at most at 1/sqrt(2) from its adjacent points. In formulae
87  * (assuming B is the patch):
88  *
89  *   |B(u,v) - B(u+du,v)| < 1/sqrt(2)
90  *   |B(u,v) - B(u,v+dv)| < 1/sqrt(2)
91  *
92  * This means that every pixel covered by the patch will contain at
93  * least one of the samples, thus forward rasterization can be
94  * performed. Sketch of proof (from Popescu and Rosen):
95  *
96  * Let's take the P pixel we're interested into. If we assume it to be
97  * square, its boundaries define 9 regions on the plane:
98  *
99  * 1|2|3
100  * -+-+-
101  * 8|P|4
102  * -+-+-
103  * 7|6|5
104  *
105  * Let's check that the pixel P will contain at least one point
106  * assuming that it is covered by the patch.
107  *
108  * Since the pixel is covered by the patch, its center will belong to
109  * (at least) one of the quads:
110  *
111  *   {(B(u,v), B(u+du,v), B(u,v+dv), B(u+du,v+dv)) for u,v in [0,1]}
112  *
113  * If P doesn't contain any of the corners of the quad:
114  *
115  * - if one of the corners is in 1,3,5 or 7, other two of them have to
116  *   be in 2,4,6 or 8, thus if the last corner is not in P, the length
117  *   of one of the edges will be > 1/sqrt(2)
118  *
119  * - if none of the corners is in 1,3,5 or 7, all of them are in 2,4,6
120  *   and/or 8. If they are all in different regions, they can't
121  *   satisfy the distance constraint. If two of them are in the same
122  *   region (let's say 2), no point is in 6 and again it is impossible
123  *   to have the center of P in the quad respecting the distance
124  *   constraint (both these assertions can be checked by continuity
125  *   considering the length of the edges of a quad with the vertices
126  *   on the edges of P)
127  *
128  * Each of the cases led to a contradiction, so P contains at least
129  * one of the corners of the quad.
130  */
132 /*
133  * Make sure that errors are less than 1 in fixed point math if you
134  * change these values.
135  *
136  * The error is amplified by about steps^3/4 times.
137  * The rasterizer always uses a number of steps that is a power of 2.
138  *
139  * 256 is the maximum allowed number of steps (to have error < 1)
140  * using 8.24 for the differences.
141  */
142 #define STEPS_MAX_V 256.0
143 #define STEPS_MAX_U 256.0
145 /*
146  * If the patch/curve is only partially visible, split it to a finer
147  * resolution to get higher chances to clip (part of) it.
148  *
149  * These values have not been computed, but simply obtained
150  * empirically (by benchmarking some patches). They should never be
151  * greater than STEPS_MAX_V (or STEPS_MAX_U), but they can be as small
152  * as 1 (depending on how much you want to spend time in splitting the
153  * patch/curve when trying to save some rasterization time).
154  */
155 #define STEPS_CLIP_V 64.0
156 #define STEPS_CLIP_U 64.0
159 /* Utils */
160 static inline double
sqlen(cairo_point_double_t p0,cairo_point_double_t p1)161 sqlen (cairo_point_double_t p0, cairo_point_double_t p1)
162 {
163     cairo_point_double_t delta;
165     delta.x = p0.x - p1.x;
166     delta.y = p0.y - p1.y;
168     return delta.x * delta.x + delta.y * delta.y;
169 }
171 static inline int16_t
_color_delta_to_shifted_short(int32_t from,int32_t to,int shift)172 _color_delta_to_shifted_short (int32_t from, int32_t to, int shift)
173 {
174     int32_t delta = to - from;
176     /* We need to round toward zero, because otherwise adding the
177      * delta 2^shift times can overflow */
178     if (delta >= 0)
179 	return delta >> shift;
180     else
181 	return -((-delta) >> shift);
182 }
184 /*
185  * Convert a number of steps to the equivalent shift.
186  *
187  * Input: the square of the minimum number of steps
188  *
189  * Output: the smallest integer x such that 2^x > steps
190  */
191 static inline int
sqsteps2shift(double steps_sq)192 sqsteps2shift (double steps_sq)
193 {
194     int r;
195     frexp (MAX (1.0, steps_sq), &r);
196     return (r + 1) >> 1;
197 }
199 /*
200  * FD functions
201  *
202  * A Bezier curve is defined (with respect to a parameter t in
203  * [0,1]) from its nodes (x,y,z,w) like this:
204  *
205  *   B(t) = x(1-t)^3 + 3yt(1-t)^2 + 3zt^2(1-t) + wt^3
206  *
207  * To efficiently evaluate a Bezier curve, the rasterizer uses forward
208  * differences. Given x, y, z, w (the 4 nodes of the Bezier curve), it
209  * is possible to convert them to forward differences form and walk
210  * over the curve using fd_init (), fd_down () and fd_fwd ().
211  *
212  * f[0] is always the value of the Bezier curve for "current" t.
213  */
215 /*
216  * Initialize the coefficient for forward differences.
217  *
218  * Input: x,y,z,w are the 4 nodes of the Bezier curve
219  *
220  * Output: f[i] is the i-th difference of the curve
221  *
222  * f[0] is the value of the curve for t==0, i.e. f[0]==x.
223  *
224  * The initial step is 1; this means that each step increases t by 1
225  * (so fd_init () immediately followed by fd_fwd (f) n times makes
226  * f[0] be the value of the curve for t==n).
227  */
228 static inline void
fd_init(double x,double y,double z,double w,double f[4])229 fd_init (double x, double y, double z, double w, double f[4])
230 {
231     f[0] = x;
232     f[1] = w - x;
233     f[2] = 6. * (w - 2. * z + y);
234     f[3] = 6. * (w - 3. * z + 3. * y - x);
235 }
237 /*
238  * Halve the step of the coefficients for forward differences.
239  *
240  * Input: f[i] is the i-th difference of the curve
241  *
242  * Output: f[i] is the i-th difference of the curve with half the
243  *         original step
244  *
245  * f[0] is not affected, so the current t is not changed.
246  *
247  * The other coefficients are changed so that the step is half the
248  * original step. This means that doing fd_fwd (f) n times with the
249  * input f results in the same f[0] as doing fd_fwd (f) 2n times with
250  * the output f.
251  */
252 static inline void
fd_down(double f[4])253 fd_down (double f[4])
254 {
255     f[3] *= 0.125;
256     f[2] = f[2] * 0.25 - f[3];
257     f[1] = (f[1] - f[2]) * 0.5;
258 }
260 /*
261  * Perform one step of forward differences along the curve.
262  *
263  * Input: f[i] is the i-th difference of the curve
264  *
265  * Output: f[i] is the i-th difference of the curve after one step
266  */
267 static inline void
fd_fwd(double f[4])268 fd_fwd (double f[4])
269 {
270     f[0] += f[1];
271     f[1] += f[2];
272     f[2] += f[3];
273 }
275 /*
276  * Transform to integer forward differences.
277  *
278  * Input: d[n] is the n-th difference (in double precision)
279  *
280  * Output: i[n] is the n-th difference (in fixed point precision)
281  *
282  * i[0] is 9.23 fixed point, other differences are 4.28 fixed point.
283  */
284 static inline void
fd_fixed(double d[4],int32_t i[4])285 fd_fixed (double d[4], int32_t i[4])
286 {
287     i[0] = _cairo_fixed_16_16_from_double (256 *  2 * d[0]);
288     i[1] = _cairo_fixed_16_16_from_double (256 * 16 * d[1]);
289     i[2] = _cairo_fixed_16_16_from_double (256 * 16 * d[2]);
290     i[3] = _cairo_fixed_16_16_from_double (256 * 16 * d[3]);
291 }
293 /*
294  * Perform one step of integer forward differences along the curve.
295  *
296  * Input: f[n] is the n-th difference
297  *
298  * Output: f[n] is the n-th difference
299  *
300  * f[0] is 9.23 fixed point, other differences are 4.28 fixed point.
301  */
302 static inline void
fd_fixed_fwd(int32_t f[4])303 fd_fixed_fwd (int32_t f[4])
304 {
305     f[0] += (f[1] >> 5) + ((f[1] >> 4) & 1);
306     f[1] += f[2];
307     f[2] += f[3];
308 }
310 /*
311  * Compute the minimum number of steps that guarantee that walking
312  * over a curve will leave no holes.
313  *
314  * Input: p[0..3] the nodes of the Bezier curve
315  *
316  * Returns: the square of the number of steps
317  *
318  * Idea:
319  *
320  * We want to make sure that at every step we move by less than
321  * 1/sqrt(2).
322  *
323  * The derivative of the cubic Bezier with nodes (p0, p1, p2, p3) is
324  * the quadratic Bezier with nodes (p1-p0, p2-p1, p3-p2) scaled by 3,
325  * so (since a Bezier curve is always bounded by its convex hull), we
326  * can say that:
327  *
328  *  max(|B'(t)|) <= 3 max (|p1-p0|, |p2-p1|, |p3-p2|)
329  *
330  * We can improve this by noticing that a quadratic Bezier (a,b,c) is
331  * bounded by the quad (a,lerp(a,b,t),lerp(b,c,t),c) for any t, so
332  * (substituting the previous values, using t=0.5 and simplifying):
333  *
334  *  max(|B'(t)|) <= 3 max (|p1-p0|, |p2-p0|/2, |p3-p1|/2, |p3-p2|)
335  *
336  * So, to guarantee a maximum step length of 1/sqrt(2) we must do:
337  *
338  *   3 max (|p1-p0|, |p2-p0|/2, |p3-p1|/2, |p3-p2|) sqrt(2) steps
339  */
340 static inline double
bezier_steps_sq(cairo_point_double_t p[4])341 bezier_steps_sq (cairo_point_double_t p[4])
342 {
343     double tmp = sqlen (p[0], p[1]);
344     tmp = MAX (tmp, sqlen (p[2], p[3]));
345     tmp = MAX (tmp, sqlen (p[0], p[2]) * .25);
346     tmp = MAX (tmp, sqlen (p[1], p[3]) * .25);
347     return 18.0 * tmp;
348 }
350 /*
351  * Split a 1D Bezier cubic using de Casteljau's algorithm.
352  *
353  * Input: x,y,z,w the nodes of the Bezier curve
354  *
355  * Output: x0,y0,z0,w0 and x1,y1,z1,w1 are respectively the nodes of
356  *         the first half and of the second half of the curve
357  *
358  * The output control nodes have to be distinct.
359  */
360 static inline void
split_bezier_1D(double x,double y,double z,double w,double * x0,double * y0,double * z0,double * w0,double * x1,double * y1,double * z1,double * w1)361 split_bezier_1D (double  x,  double  y,  double  z,  double  w,
362 		 double *x0, double *y0, double *z0, double *w0,
363 		 double *x1, double *y1, double *z1, double *w1)
364 {
365     double tmp;
367     *x0 = x;
368     *w1 = w;
370     tmp = 0.5 * (y + z);
371     *y0 = 0.5 * (x + y);
372     *z1 = 0.5 * (z + w);
374     *z0 = 0.5 * (*y0 + tmp);
375     *y1 = 0.5 * (tmp + *z1);
377     *w0 = *x1 = 0.5 * (*z0 + *y1);
378 }
380 /*
381  * Split a Bezier curve using de Casteljau's algorithm.
382  *
383  * Input: p[0..3] the nodes of the Bezier curve
384  *
385  * Output: fst_half[0..3] and snd_half[0..3] are respectively the
386  *         nodes of the first and of the second half of the curve
387  *
388  * fst_half and snd_half must be different, but they can be the same as
389  * nodes.
390  */
391 static void
split_bezier(cairo_point_double_t p[4],cairo_point_double_t fst_half[4],cairo_point_double_t snd_half[4])392 split_bezier (cairo_point_double_t p[4],
393 	      cairo_point_double_t fst_half[4],
394 	      cairo_point_double_t snd_half[4])
395 {
396     split_bezier_1D (p[0].x, p[1].x, p[2].x, p[3].x,
397 		     &fst_half[0].x, &fst_half[1].x, &fst_half[2].x, &fst_half[3].x,
398 		     &snd_half[0].x, &snd_half[1].x, &snd_half[2].x, &snd_half[3].x);
400     split_bezier_1D (p[0].y, p[1].y, p[2].y, p[3].y,
401 		     &fst_half[0].y, &fst_half[1].y, &fst_half[2].y, &fst_half[3].y,
402 		     &snd_half[0].y, &snd_half[1].y, &snd_half[2].y, &snd_half[3].y);
403 }
406 typedef enum _intersection {
407     INSIDE = -1, /* the interval is entirely contained in the reference interval */
408     OUTSIDE = 0, /* the interval has no intersection with the reference interval */
409     PARTIAL = 1  /* the interval intersects the reference interval (but is not fully inside it) */
410 } intersection_t;
412 /*
413  * Check if an interval if inside another.
414  *
415  * Input: a,b are the extrema of the first interval
416  *        c,d are the extrema of the second interval
417  *
418  * Returns: INSIDE  iff [a,b) intersection [c,d) = [a,b)
419  *          OUTSIDE iff [a,b) intersection [c,d) = {}
420  *          PARTIAL otherwise
421  *
422  * The function assumes a < b and c < d
423  *
424  * Note: Bitwise-anding the results along each component gives the
425  *       expected result for [a,b) x [A,B) intersection [c,d) x [C,D).
426  */
427 static inline int
intersect_interval(double a,double b,double c,double d)428 intersect_interval (double a, double b, double c, double d)
429 {
430     if (c <= a && b <= d)
431 	return INSIDE;
432     else if (a >= d || b <= c)
433 	return OUTSIDE;
434     else
435 	return PARTIAL;
436 }
438 /*
439  * Set the color of a pixel.
440  *
441  * Input: data is the base pointer of the image
442  *        width, height are the dimensions of the image
443  *        stride is the stride in bytes between adjacent rows
444  *        x, y are the coordinates of the pixel to be colored
445  *        r,g,b,a are the color components of the color to be set
446  *
447  * Output: the (x,y) pixel in data has the (r,g,b,a) color
448  *
449  * The input color components are not premultiplied, but the data
450  * stored in the image is assumed to be in CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32 (8 bpc,
451  * premultiplied).
452  *
453  * If the pixel to be set is outside the image, this function does
454  * nothing.
455  */
456 static inline void
draw_pixel(unsigned char * data,int width,int height,int stride,int x,int y,uint16_t r,uint16_t g,uint16_t b,uint16_t a)457 draw_pixel (unsigned char *data, int width, int height, int stride,
458 	    int x, int y, uint16_t r, uint16_t g, uint16_t b, uint16_t a)
459 {
460     if (likely (0 <= x && 0 <= y && x < width && y < height)) {
461 	uint32_t tr, tg, tb, ta;
463 	/* Premultiply and round */
464 	ta = a;
465 	tr = r * ta + 0x8000;
466 	tg = g * ta + 0x8000;
467 	tb = b * ta + 0x8000;
469 	tr += tr >> 16;
470 	tg += tg >> 16;
471 	tb += tb >> 16;
473 	*((uint32_t*) (data + y*(ptrdiff_t)stride + 4*x)) = ((ta << 16) & 0xff000000) |
474 	    ((tr >> 8) & 0xff0000) | ((tg >> 16) & 0xff00) | (tb >> 24);
475     }
476 }
478 /*
479  * Forward-rasterize a cubic curve using forward differences.
480  *
481  * Input: data is the base pointer of the image
482  *        width, height are the dimensions of the image
483  *        stride is the stride in bytes between adjacent rows
484  *        ushift is log2(n) if n is the number of desired steps
485  *        dxu[i], dyu[i] are the x,y forward differences of the curve
486  *        r0,g0,b0,a0 are the color components of the start point
487  *        r3,g3,b3,a3 are the color components of the end point
488  *
489  * Output: data will be changed to have the requested curve drawn in
490  *         the specified colors
491  *
492  * The input color components are not premultiplied, but the data
493  * stored in the image is assumed to be in CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32 (8 bpc,
494  * premultiplied).
495  *
496  * The function draws n+1 pixels, that is from the point at step 0 to
497  * the point at step n, both included. This is the discrete equivalent
498  * to drawing the curve for values of the interpolation parameter in
499  * [0,1] (including both extremes).
500  */
501 static inline void
rasterize_bezier_curve(unsigned char * data,int width,int height,int stride,int ushift,double dxu[4],double dyu[4],uint16_t r0,uint16_t g0,uint16_t b0,uint16_t a0,uint16_t r3,uint16_t g3,uint16_t b3,uint16_t a3)502 rasterize_bezier_curve (unsigned char *data, int width, int height, int stride,
503 			int ushift, double dxu[4], double dyu[4],
504 			uint16_t r0, uint16_t g0, uint16_t b0, uint16_t a0,
505 			uint16_t r3, uint16_t g3, uint16_t b3, uint16_t a3)
506 {
507     int32_t xu[4], yu[4];
508     int x0, y0, u, usteps = 1 << ushift;
510     uint16_t r = r0, g = g0, b = b0, a = a0;
511     int16_t dr = _color_delta_to_shifted_short (r0, r3, ushift);
512     int16_t dg = _color_delta_to_shifted_short (g0, g3, ushift);
513     int16_t db = _color_delta_to_shifted_short (b0, b3, ushift);
514     int16_t da = _color_delta_to_shifted_short (a0, a3, ushift);
516     fd_fixed (dxu, xu);
517     fd_fixed (dyu, yu);
519     /*
520      * Use (dxu[0],dyu[0]) as origin for the forward differences.
521      *
522      * This makes it possible to handle much larger coordinates (the
523      * ones that can be represented as cairo_fixed_t)
524      */
525     x0 = _cairo_fixed_from_double (dxu[0]);
526     y0 = _cairo_fixed_from_double (dyu[0]);
527     xu[0] = 0;
528     yu[0] = 0;
530     for (u = 0; u <= usteps; ++u) {
531 	/*
532 	 * This rasterizer assumes that pixels are integer aligned
533 	 * squares, so a generic (x,y) point belongs to the pixel with
534 	 * top-left coordinates (floor(x), floor(y))
535 	 */
537 	int x = _cairo_fixed_integer_floor (x0 + (xu[0] >> 15) + ((xu[0] >> 14) & 1));
538 	int y = _cairo_fixed_integer_floor (y0 + (yu[0] >> 15) + ((yu[0] >> 14) & 1));
540 	draw_pixel (data, width, height, stride, x, y, r, g, b, a);
542 	fd_fixed_fwd (xu);
543 	fd_fixed_fwd (yu);
544 	r += dr;
545 	g += dg;
546 	b += db;
547 	a += da;
548     }
549 }
551 /*
552  * Clip, split and rasterize a Bezier curve.
553  *
554  * Input: data is the base pointer of the image
555  *        width, height are the dimensions of the image
556  *        stride is the stride in bytes between adjacent rows
557  *        p[i] is the i-th node of the Bezier curve
558  *        c0[i] is the i-th color component at the start point
559  *        c3[i] is the i-th color component at the end point
560  *
561  * Output: data will be changed to have the requested curve drawn in
562  *         the specified colors
563  *
564  * The input color components are not premultiplied, but the data
565  * stored in the image is assumed to be in CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32 (8 bpc,
566  * premultiplied).
567  *
568  * The color components are red, green, blue and alpha, in this order.
569  *
570  * The function guarantees that it will draw the curve with a step
571  * small enough to never have a distance above 1/sqrt(2) between two
572  * consecutive points (which is needed to ensure that no hole can
573  * appear when using this function to rasterize a patch).
574  */
575 static void
draw_bezier_curve(unsigned char * data,int width,int height,int stride,cairo_point_double_t p[4],double c0[4],double c3[4])576 draw_bezier_curve (unsigned char *data, int width, int height, int stride,
577 		   cairo_point_double_t p[4], double c0[4], double c3[4])
578 {
579     double top, bottom, left, right, steps_sq;
580     int i, v;
582     top = bottom = p[0].y;
583     for (i = 1; i < 4; ++i) {
584 	top    = MIN (top,    p[i].y);
585 	bottom = MAX (bottom, p[i].y);
586     }
588     /* Check visibility */
589     v = intersect_interval (top, bottom, 0, height);
590     if (v == OUTSIDE)
591 	return;
593     left = right = p[0].x;
594     for (i = 1; i < 4; ++i) {
595 	left  = MIN (left,  p[i].x);
596 	right = MAX (right, p[i].x);
597     }
599     v &= intersect_interval (left, right, 0, width);
600     if (v == OUTSIDE)
601 	return;
603     steps_sq = bezier_steps_sq (p);
604     if (steps_sq >= (v == INSIDE ? STEPS_MAX_U * STEPS_MAX_U : STEPS_CLIP_U * STEPS_CLIP_U)) {
605 	/*
606 	 * The number of steps is greater than the threshold. This
607 	 * means that either the error would become too big if we
608 	 * directly rasterized it or that we can probably save some
609 	 * time by splitting the curve and clipping part of it
610 	 */
611 	cairo_point_double_t first[4], second[4];
612 	double midc[4];
613 	split_bezier (p, first, second);
614 	midc[0] = (c0[0] + c3[0]) * 0.5;
615 	midc[1] = (c0[1] + c3[1]) * 0.5;
616 	midc[2] = (c0[2] + c3[2]) * 0.5;
617 	midc[3] = (c0[3] + c3[3]) * 0.5;
618 	draw_bezier_curve (data, width, height, stride, first, c0, midc);
619 	draw_bezier_curve (data, width, height, stride, second, midc, c3);
620     } else {
621 	double xu[4], yu[4];
622 	int ushift = sqsteps2shift (steps_sq), k;
624 	fd_init (p[0].x, p[1].x, p[2].x, p[3].x, xu);
625 	fd_init (p[0].y, p[1].y, p[2].y, p[3].y, yu);
627 	for (k = 0; k < ushift; ++k) {
628 	    fd_down (xu);
629 	    fd_down (yu);
630 	}
632 	rasterize_bezier_curve (data, width, height, stride, ushift,
633 				xu, yu,
634 				_cairo_color_double_to_short (c0[0]),
635 				_cairo_color_double_to_short (c0[1]),
636 				_cairo_color_double_to_short (c0[2]),
637 				_cairo_color_double_to_short (c0[3]),
638 				_cairo_color_double_to_short (c3[0]),
639 				_cairo_color_double_to_short (c3[1]),
640 				_cairo_color_double_to_short (c3[2]),
641 				_cairo_color_double_to_short (c3[3]));
643 	/* Draw the end point, to make sure that we didn't leave it
644 	 * out because of rounding */
645 	draw_pixel (data, width, height, stride,
646 		    _cairo_fixed_integer_floor (_cairo_fixed_from_double (p[3].x)),
647 		    _cairo_fixed_integer_floor (_cairo_fixed_from_double (p[3].y)),
648 		    _cairo_color_double_to_short (c3[0]),
649 		    _cairo_color_double_to_short (c3[1]),
650 		    _cairo_color_double_to_short (c3[2]),
651 		    _cairo_color_double_to_short (c3[3]));
652     }
653 }
655 /*
656  * Forward-rasterize a cubic Bezier patch using forward differences.
657  *
658  * Input: data is the base pointer of the image
659  *        width, height are the dimensions of the image
660  *        stride is the stride in bytes between adjacent rows
661  *        vshift is log2(n) if n is the number of desired steps
662  *        p[i][j], p[i][j] are the the nodes of the Bezier patch
663  *        col[i][j] is the j-th color component of the i-th corner
664  *
665  * Output: data will be changed to have the requested patch drawn in
666  *         the specified colors
667  *
668  * The nodes of the patch are as follows:
669  *
670  * u\v 0    - >    1
671  * 0  p00 p01 p02 p03
672  * |  p10 p11 p12 p13
673  * v  p20 p21 p22 p23
674  * 1  p30 p31 p32 p33
675  *
676  * i.e. u varies along the first component (rows), v varies along the
677  * second one (columns).
678  *
679  * The color components are red, green, blue and alpha, in this order.
680  * c[0..3] are the colors in p00, p30, p03, p33 respectively
681  *
682  * The input color components are not premultiplied, but the data
683  * stored in the image is assumed to be in CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32 (8 bpc,
684  * premultiplied).
685  *
686  * If the patch folds over itself, the part with the highest v
687  * parameter is considered above. If both have the same v, the one
688  * with the highest u parameter is above.
689  *
690  * The function draws n+1 curves, that is from the curve at step 0 to
691  * the curve at step n, both included. This is the discrete equivalent
692  * to drawing the patch for values of the interpolation parameter in
693  * [0,1] (including both extremes).
694  */
695 static inline void
rasterize_bezier_patch(unsigned char * data,int width,int height,int stride,int vshift,cairo_point_double_t p[4][4],double col[4][4])696 rasterize_bezier_patch (unsigned char *data, int width, int height, int stride, int vshift,
697 			cairo_point_double_t p[4][4], double col[4][4])
698 {
699     double pv[4][2][4], cstart[4], cend[4], dcstart[4], dcend[4];
700     int v, i, k;
702     v = 1 << vshift;
704     /*
705      * pv[i][0] is the function (represented using forward
706      * differences) mapping v to the x coordinate of the i-th node of
707      * the Bezier curve with parameter u.
708      * (Likewise p[i][0] gives the y coordinate).
709      *
710      * This means that (pv[0][0][0],pv[0][1][0]),
711      * (pv[1][0][0],pv[1][1][0]), (pv[2][0][0],pv[2][1][0]) and
712      * (pv[3][0][0],pv[3][1][0]) are the nodes of the Bezier curve for
713      * the "current" v value (see the FD comments for more details).
714      */
715     for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
716 	fd_init (p[i][0].x, p[i][1].x, p[i][2].x, p[i][3].x, pv[i][0]);
717 	fd_init (p[i][0].y, p[i][1].y, p[i][2].y, p[i][3].y, pv[i][1]);
718 	for (k = 0; k < vshift; ++k) {
719 	    fd_down (pv[i][0]);
720 	    fd_down (pv[i][1]);
721 	}
722     }
724     for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
725 	cstart[i]  = col[0][i];
726 	cend[i]    = col[1][i];
727 	dcstart[i] = (col[2][i] - col[0][i]) / v;
728 	dcend[i]   = (col[3][i] - col[1][i]) / v;
729     }
731     v++;
732     while (v--) {
733 	cairo_point_double_t nodes[4];
734 	for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
735 	    nodes[i].x = pv[i][0][0];
736 	    nodes[i].y = pv[i][1][0];
737 	}
739 	draw_bezier_curve (data, width, height, stride, nodes, cstart, cend);
741 	for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
742 	    fd_fwd (pv[i][0]);
743 	    fd_fwd (pv[i][1]);
744 	    cstart[i] += dcstart[i];
745 	    cend[i] += dcend[i];
746 	}
747     }
748 }
750 /*
751  * Clip, split and rasterize a Bezier cubic patch.
752  *
753  * Input: data is the base pointer of the image
754  *        width, height are the dimensions of the image
755  *        stride is the stride in bytes between adjacent rows
756  *        p[i][j], p[i][j] are the nodes of the patch
757  *        col[i][j] is the j-th color component of the i-th corner
758  *
759  * Output: data will be changed to have the requested patch drawn in
760  *         the specified colors
761  *
762  * The nodes of the patch are as follows:
763  *
764  * u\v 0    - >    1
765  * 0  p00 p01 p02 p03
766  * |  p10 p11 p12 p13
767  * v  p20 p21 p22 p23
768  * 1  p30 p31 p32 p33
769  *
770  * i.e. u varies along the first component (rows), v varies along the
771  * second one (columns).
772  *
773  * The color components are red, green, blue and alpha, in this order.
774  * c[0..3] are the colors in p00, p30, p03, p33 respectively
775  *
776  * The input color components are not premultiplied, but the data
777  * stored in the image is assumed to be in CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32 (8 bpc,
778  * premultiplied).
779  *
780  * If the patch folds over itself, the part with the highest v
781  * parameter is considered above. If both have the same v, the one
782  * with the highest u parameter is above.
783  *
784  * The function guarantees that it will draw the patch with a step
785  * small enough to never have a distance above 1/sqrt(2) between two
786  * adjacent points (which guarantees that no hole can appear).
787  *
788  * This function can be used to rasterize a tile of PDF type 7
789  * shadings (see http://www.adobe.com/devnet/pdf/pdf_reference.html).
790  */
791 static void
draw_bezier_patch(unsigned char * data,int width,int height,int stride,cairo_point_double_t p[4][4],double c[4][4])792 draw_bezier_patch (unsigned char *data, int width, int height, int stride,
793 		     cairo_point_double_t p[4][4], double c[4][4])
794 {
795     double top, bottom, left, right, steps_sq;
796     int i, j, v;
798     top = bottom = p[0][0].y;
799     for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
800 	for (j= 0; j < 4; ++j) {
801 	    top    = MIN (top,    p[i][j].y);
802 	    bottom = MAX (bottom, p[i][j].y);
803 	}
804     }
806     v = intersect_interval (top, bottom, 0, height);
807     if (v == OUTSIDE)
808 	return;
810     left = right = p[0][0].x;
811     for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
812 	for (j= 0; j < 4; ++j) {
813 	    left  = MIN (left,  p[i][j].x);
814 	    right = MAX (right, p[i][j].x);
815 	}
816     }
818     v &= intersect_interval (left, right, 0, width);
819     if (v == OUTSIDE)
820 	return;
822     steps_sq = 0;
823     for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
824 	steps_sq = MAX (steps_sq, bezier_steps_sq (p[i]));
826     if (steps_sq >= (v == INSIDE ? STEPS_MAX_V * STEPS_MAX_V : STEPS_CLIP_V * STEPS_CLIP_V)) {
827 	/* The number of steps is greater than the threshold. This
828 	 * means that either the error would become too big if we
829 	 * directly rasterized it or that we can probably save some
830 	 * time by splitting the curve and clipping part of it. The
831 	 * patch is only split in the v direction to guarantee that
832 	 * rasterizing each part will overwrite parts with low v with
833 	 * overlapping parts with higher v. */
835 	cairo_point_double_t first[4][4], second[4][4];
836 	double subc[4][4];
838 	for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
839 	    split_bezier (p[i], first[i], second[i]);
841 	for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
842 	    subc[0][i] = c[0][i];
843 	    subc[1][i] = c[1][i];
844 	    subc[2][i] = 0.5 * (c[0][i] + c[2][i]);
845 	    subc[3][i] = 0.5 * (c[1][i] + c[3][i]);
846 	}
848 	draw_bezier_patch (data, width, height, stride, first, subc);
850 	for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
851 	    subc[0][i] = subc[2][i];
852 	    subc[1][i] = subc[3][i];
853 	    subc[2][i] = c[2][i];
854 	    subc[3][i] = c[3][i];
855 	}
856 	draw_bezier_patch (data, width, height, stride, second, subc);
857     } else {
858 	rasterize_bezier_patch (data, width, height, stride, sqsteps2shift (steps_sq), p, c);
859     }
860 }
862 /*
863  * Draw a tensor product shading pattern.
864  *
865  * Input: mesh is the mesh pattern
866  *        data is the base pointer of the image
867  *        width, height are the dimensions of the image
868  *        stride is the stride in bytes between adjacent rows
869  *
870  * Output: data will be changed to have the pattern drawn on it
871  *
872  * data is assumed to be clear and its content is assumed to be in
873  * CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32 (8 bpc, premultiplied).
874  *
875  * This function can be used to rasterize a PDF type 7 shading (see
876  * http://www.adobe.com/devnet/pdf/pdf_reference.html).
877  */
878 void
_cairo_mesh_pattern_rasterize(const cairo_mesh_pattern_t * mesh,void * data,int width,int height,int stride,double x_offset,double y_offset)879 _cairo_mesh_pattern_rasterize (const cairo_mesh_pattern_t *mesh,
880 			       void                       *data,
881 			       int                         width,
882 			       int                         height,
883 			       int                         stride,
884 			       double                      x_offset,
885 			       double                      y_offset)
886 {
887     cairo_point_double_t nodes[4][4];
888     double colors[4][4];
889     cairo_matrix_t p2u;
890     unsigned int i, j, k, n;
891     cairo_status_t status;
892     const cairo_mesh_patch_t *patch;
893     const cairo_color_t *c;
895     assert (mesh->base.status == CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS);
896     assert (mesh->current_patch == NULL);
898     p2u = mesh->base.matrix;
899     status = cairo_matrix_invert (&p2u);
900     assert (status == CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS);
902     n = _cairo_array_num_elements (&mesh->patches);
903     patch = _cairo_array_index_const (&mesh->patches, 0);
904     for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
905 	for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
906 	    for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
907 		nodes[j][k] = patch->points[j][k];
908 		cairo_matrix_transform_point (&p2u, &nodes[j][k].x, &nodes[j][k].y);
909 		nodes[j][k].x += x_offset;
910 		nodes[j][k].y += y_offset;
911 	    }
912 	}
914 	c = &patch->colors[0];
915 	colors[0][0] = c->red;
916 	colors[0][1] = c->green;
917 	colors[0][2] = c->blue;
918 	colors[0][3] = c->alpha;
920 	c = &patch->colors[3];
921 	colors[1][0] = c->red;
922 	colors[1][1] = c->green;
923 	colors[1][2] = c->blue;
924 	colors[1][3] = c->alpha;
926 	c = &patch->colors[1];
927 	colors[2][0] = c->red;
928 	colors[2][1] = c->green;
929 	colors[2][2] = c->blue;
930 	colors[2][3] = c->alpha;
932 	c = &patch->colors[2];
933 	colors[3][0] = c->red;
934 	colors[3][1] = c->green;
935 	colors[3][2] = c->blue;
936 	colors[3][3] = c->alpha;
938 	draw_bezier_patch (data, width, height, stride, nodes, colors);
939 	patch++;
940     }
941 }