1#!/usr/bin/env python
2# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
3# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
4# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
6from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals
8import math
9import os
10import platform
11import posixpath
12import shlex
13import subprocess
14import sys
15import traceback
18read_input = input
19if sys.version_info.major == 2:
20    read_input = raw_input
23def add_tests_dir_to_path():
24    from os.path import dirname, exists, join, realpath
26    js_src_dir = dirname(dirname(realpath(sys.argv[0])))
27    assert exists(join(js_src_dir, "jsapi.h"))
28    sys.path.insert(0, join(js_src_dir, "tests"))
33from lib import jittests
34from lib.tests import (
35    get_jitflags,
36    valid_jitflags,
37    get_cpu_count,
38    get_environment_overlay,
39    change_env,
41from lib.tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
44def which(name):
45    if name.find(os.path.sep) != -1:
46        return os.path.abspath(name)
48    for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep):
49        full = os.path.join(path, name)
50        if os.path.exists(full):
51            return os.path.abspath(full)
53    return name
56def choose_item(jobs, max_items, display):
57    job_count = len(jobs)
59    # Don't present a choice if there are too many tests
60    if job_count > max_items:
61        raise Exception("Too many jobs.")
63    for i, job in enumerate(jobs, 1):
64        print("{}) {}".format(i, display(job)))
66    item = read_input("Which one:\n")
67    try:
68        item = int(item)
69        if item > job_count or item < 1:
70            raise Exception("Input isn't between 1 and {}".format(job_count))
71    except ValueError:
72        raise Exception("Unrecognized input")
74    return jobs[item - 1]
77def main(argv):
78    # The [TESTS] optional arguments are paths of test files relative
79    # to the jit-test/tests directory.
80    import argparse
82    op = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Run jit-test JS shell tests")
83    op.add_argument(
84        "-s",
85        "--show-cmd",
86        dest="show_cmd",
87        action="store_true",
88        help="show js shell command run",
89    )
90    op.add_argument(
91        "-f",
92        "--show-failed-cmd",
93        dest="show_failed",
94        action="store_true",
95        help="show command lines of failed tests",
96    )
97    op.add_argument(
98        "-o",
99        "--show-output",
100        dest="show_output",
101        action="store_true",
102        help="show output from js shell",
103    )
104    op.add_argument(
105        "-F",
106        "--failed-only",
107        dest="failed_only",
108        action="store_true",
109        help="if --show-output is given, only print output for" " failed tests",
110    )
111    op.add_argument(
112        "--no-show-failed",
113        dest="no_show_failed",
114        action="store_true",
115        help="don't print output for failed tests" " (no-op with --show-output)",
116    )
117    op.add_argument(
118        "-x",
119        "--exclude",
120        dest="exclude",
121        default=[],
122        action="append",
123        help="exclude given test dir or path",
124    )
125    op.add_argument(
126        "--exclude-from",
127        dest="exclude_from",
128        type=str,
129        help="exclude each test dir or path in FILE",
130    )
131    op.add_argument(
132        "--slow",
133        dest="run_slow",
134        action="store_true",
135        help="also run tests marked as slow",
136    )
137    op.add_argument(
138        "--no-slow",
139        dest="run_slow",
140        action="store_false",
141        help="do not run tests marked as slow (the default)",
142    )
143    op.add_argument(
144        "-t",
145        "--timeout",
146        dest="timeout",
147        type=float,
148        default=150.0,
149        help="set test timeout in seconds",
150    )
151    op.add_argument(
152        "--no-progress",
153        dest="hide_progress",
154        action="store_true",
155        help="hide progress bar",
156    )
157    op.add_argument(
158        "--tinderbox",
159        dest="format",
160        action="store_const",
161        const="automation",
162        help="Use automation-parseable output format",
163    )
164    op.add_argument(
165        "--format",
166        dest="format",
167        default="none",
168        choices=("automation", "none"),
169        help="Output format (default %(default)s).",
170    )
171    op.add_argument(
172        "--args",
173        dest="shell_args",
174        metavar="ARGS",
175        default="",
176        help="extra args to pass to the JS shell",
177    )
178    op.add_argument(
179        "--feature-args",
180        dest="feature_args",
181        metavar="ARGS",
182        default="",
183        help="even more args to pass to the JS shell "
184        "(for compatibility with jstests.py)",
185    )
186    op.add_argument(
187        "-w",
188        "--write-failures",
189        dest="write_failures",
190        metavar="FILE",
191        help="Write a list of failed tests to [FILE]",
192    )
193    op.add_argument(
194        "-C",
195        "--check-output",
196        action="store_true",
197        dest="check_output",
198        help="Run tests to check output for different jit-flags",
199    )
200    op.add_argument(
201        "-r",
202        "--read-tests",
203        dest="read_tests",
204        metavar="FILE",
205        help="Run test files listed in [FILE]",
206    )
207    op.add_argument(
208        "-R",
209        "--retest",
210        dest="retest",
211        metavar="FILE",
212        help="Retest using test list file [FILE]",
213    )
214    op.add_argument(
215        "-g",
216        "--debug",
217        action="store_const",
218        const="gdb",
219        dest="debugger",
220        help="Run a single test under the gdb debugger",
221    )
222    op.add_argument(
223        "-G",
224        "--debug-rr",
225        action="store_const",
226        const="rr",
227        dest="debugger",
228        help="Run a single test under the rr debugger",
229    )
230    op.add_argument(
231        "--debugger", type=str, help="Run a single test under the specified debugger"
232    )
233    op.add_argument(
234        "--valgrind",
235        dest="valgrind",
236        action="store_true",
237        help="Enable the |valgrind| flag, if valgrind is in $PATH.",
238    )
239    op.add_argument(
240        "--unusable-error-status",
241        action="store_true",
242        help="Ignore incorrect exit status on tests that should return nonzero.",
243    )
244    op.add_argument(
245        "--valgrind-all",
246        dest="valgrind_all",
247        action="store_true",
248        help="Run all tests with valgrind, if valgrind is in $PATH.",
249    )
250    op.add_argument(
251        "--avoid-stdio",
252        dest="avoid_stdio",
253        action="store_true",
254        help="Use js-shell file indirection instead of piping stdio.",
255    )
256    op.add_argument(
257        "--write-failure-output",
258        dest="write_failure_output",
259        action="store_true",
260        help="With --write-failures=FILE, additionally write the"
261        " output of failed tests to [FILE]",
262    )
263    op.add_argument(
264        "--jitflags",
265        dest="jitflags",
266        default="none",
267        choices=valid_jitflags(),
268        help="IonMonkey option combinations (default %(default)s).",
269    )
270    op.add_argument(
271        "--ion",
272        dest="jitflags",
273        action="store_const",
274        const="ion",
275        help="Run tests once with --ion-eager and once with"
276        " --baseline-eager (equivalent to --jitflags=ion)",
277    )
278    op.add_argument(
279        "--no-xdr",
280        dest="use_xdr",
281        action="store_false",
282        help="Whether to disable caching of self-hosted parsed content in XDR format.",
283    )
284    op.add_argument(
285        "--tbpl",
286        dest="jitflags",
287        action="store_const",
288        const="all",
289        help="Run tests with all IonMonkey option combinations"
290        " (equivalent to --jitflags=all)",
291    )
292    op.add_argument(
293        "-j",
294        "--worker-count",
295        dest="max_jobs",
296        type=int,
297        default=max(1, get_cpu_count()),
298        help="Number of tests to run in parallel (default %(default)s).",
299    )
300    op.add_argument(
301        "--remote", action="store_true", help="Run tests on a remote device"
302    )
303    op.add_argument(
304        "--deviceIP",
305        action="store",
306        type=str,
307        dest="device_ip",
308        help="IP address of remote device to test",
309    )
310    op.add_argument(
311        "--devicePort",
312        action="store",
313        type=int,
314        dest="device_port",
315        default=20701,
316        help="port of remote device to test",
317    )
318    op.add_argument(
319        "--deviceSerial",
320        action="store",
321        type=str,
322        dest="device_serial",
323        default=None,
324        help="ADB device serial number of remote device to test",
325    )
326    op.add_argument(
327        "--remoteTestRoot",
328        dest="remote_test_root",
329        action="store",
330        type=str,
331        default="/data/local/tmp/test_root",
332        help="The remote directory to use as test root" " (e.g.  %(default)s)",
333    )
334    op.add_argument(
335        "--localLib",
336        dest="local_lib",
337        action="store",
338        type=str,
339        help="The location of libraries to push -- preferably" " stripped",
340    )
341    op.add_argument(
342        "--repeat", type=int, default=1, help="Repeat tests the given number of times."
343    )
344    op.add_argument("--this-chunk", type=int, default=1, help="The test chunk to run.")
345    op.add_argument(
346        "--total-chunks", type=int, default=1, help="The total number of test chunks."
347    )
348    op.add_argument(
349        "--ignore-timeouts",
350        dest="ignore_timeouts",
351        metavar="FILE",
352        help="Ignore timeouts of tests listed in [FILE]",
353    )
354    op.add_argument(
355        "--retry-remote-timeouts",
356        dest="timeout_retry",
357        type=int,
358        default=1,
359        help="Number of time to retry timeout on remote devices",
360    )
361    op.add_argument(
362        "--test-reflect-stringify",
363        dest="test_reflect_stringify",
364        help="instead of running tests, use them to test the "
365        "Reflect.stringify code in specified file",
366    )
367    # --enable-webrender is ignored as it is not relevant for JIT
368    # tests, but is required for harness compatibility.
369    op.add_argument(
370        "--enable-webrender",
371        action="store_true",
372        dest="enable_webrender",
373        default=False,
374        help=argparse.SUPPRESS,
375    )
376    op.add_argument("js_shell", metavar="JS_SHELL", help="JS shell to run tests with")
377    op.add_argument(
378        "-z", "--gc-zeal", help="GC zeal mode to use when running the shell"
379    )
381    options, test_args = op.parse_known_args(argv)
382    js_shell = which(options.js_shell)
383    test_environment = get_environment_overlay(js_shell, options.gc_zeal)
385    if not (os.path.isfile(js_shell) and os.access(js_shell, os.X_OK)):
386        if (
387            platform.system() != "Windows"
388            or os.path.isfile(js_shell)
389            or not os.path.isfile(js_shell + ".exe")
390            or not os.access(js_shell + ".exe", os.X_OK)
391        ):
392            op.error("shell is not executable: " + js_shell)
394    if jittests.stdio_might_be_broken():
395        # Prefer erring on the side of caution and not using stdio if
396        # it might be broken on this platform.  The file-redirect
397        # fallback should work on any platform, so at worst by
398        # guessing wrong we might have slowed down the tests a bit.
399        #
400        # XXX technically we could check for broken stdio, but it
401        # really seems like overkill.
402        options.avoid_stdio = True
404    if options.retest:
405        options.read_tests = options.retest
406        options.write_failures = options.retest
408    test_list = []
409    read_all = True
411    if test_args:
412        read_all = False
413        for arg in test_args:
414            test_list += jittests.find_tests(arg)
416    if options.read_tests:
417        read_all = False
418        try:
419            f = open(options.read_tests)
420            for line in f:
421                test_list.append(os.path.join(jittests.TEST_DIR, line.strip("\n")))
422            f.close()
423        except IOError:
424            if options.retest:
425                read_all = True
426            else:
427                sys.stderr.write(
428                    "Exception thrown trying to read test file"
429                    " '{}'\n".format(options.read_tests)
430                )
431                traceback.print_exc()
432                sys.stderr.write("---\n")
434    if read_all:
435        test_list = jittests.find_tests()
437    if options.exclude_from:
438        with open(options.exclude_from) as fh:
439            for line in fh:
440                line_exclude = line.strip()
441                if not line_exclude.startswith("#") and len(line_exclude):
442                    options.exclude.append(line_exclude)
444    if options.exclude:
445        exclude_list = []
446        for exclude in options.exclude:
447            exclude_list += jittests.find_tests(exclude)
448        test_list = [test for test in test_list if test not in set(exclude_list)]
450    if not test_list:
451        print("No tests found matching command line arguments.", file=sys.stderr)
452        sys.exit(0)
454    test_list = [jittests.JitTest.from_file(_, options) for _ in test_list]
456    if not options.run_slow:
457        test_list = [_ for _ in test_list if not _.slow]
459    if options.test_reflect_stringify is not None:
460        for test in test_list:
461            test.test_reflect_stringify = options.test_reflect_stringify
463    # If chunking is enabled, determine which tests are part of this chunk.
464    # This code was adapted from testing/mochitest/runtestsremote.py.
465    if options.total_chunks > 1:
466        total_tests = len(test_list)
467        tests_per_chunk = math.ceil(total_tests / float(options.total_chunks))
468        start = int(round((options.this_chunk - 1) * tests_per_chunk))
469        end = int(round(options.this_chunk * tests_per_chunk))
470        test_list = test_list[start:end]
472    if not test_list:
473        print(
474            "No tests found matching command line arguments after filtering.",
475            file=sys.stderr,
476        )
477        sys.exit(0)
479    # The full test list is ready. Now create copies for each JIT configuration.
480    test_flags = get_jitflags(options.jitflags)
482    test_list = [_ for test in test_list for _ in test.copy_variants(test_flags)]
484    job_list = (test for test in test_list)
485    job_count = len(test_list)
487    if options.repeat:
489        def repeat_copy(job_list_generator, repeat):
490            job_list = list(job_list_generator)
491            for i in range(repeat):
492                for test in job_list:
493                    if i == 0:
494                        yield test
495                    else:
496                        yield test.copy()
498        job_list = repeat_copy(job_list, options.repeat)
499        job_count *= options.repeat
501    if options.ignore_timeouts:
502        read_all = False
503        try:
504            with open(options.ignore_timeouts) as f:
505                ignore = set()
506                for line in f.readlines():
507                    path = line.strip("\n")
508                    ignore.add(path)
509                options.ignore_timeouts = ignore
510        except IOError:
511            sys.exit("Error reading file: " + options.ignore_timeouts)
512    else:
513        options.ignore_timeouts = set()
515    prefix = (
516        [js_shell] + shlex.split(options.shell_args) + shlex.split(options.feature_args)
517    )
518    prologue = os.path.join(jittests.LIB_DIR, "prologue.js")
519    if options.remote:
520        prologue = posixpath.join(options.remote_test_root, "lib", "prologue.js")
522    prefix += ["-f", prologue]
524    if options.debugger:
525        if job_count > 1:
526            print(
527                "Multiple tests match command line"
528                " arguments, debugger can only run one"
529            )
530            jobs = list(job_list)
532            def display_job(job):
533                flags = ""
534                if len(job.jitflags) != 0:
535                    flags = "({})".format(" ".join(job.jitflags))
536                return "{} {}".format(job.path, flags)
538            try:
539                tc = choose_item(jobs, max_items=50, display=display_job)
540            except Exception as e:
541                sys.exit(str(e))
542        else:
543            tc = next(job_list)
545        if options.debugger == "gdb":
546            debug_cmd = ["gdb", "--args"]
547        elif options.debugger == "lldb":
548            debug_cmd = ["lldb", "--"]
549        elif options.debugger == "rr":
550            debug_cmd = ["rr", "record"]
551        else:
552            debug_cmd = options.debugger.split()
554        with change_env(test_environment):
555            with TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir:
556                if options.debugger == "rr":
557                    subprocess.call(
558                        debug_cmd
559                        + tc.command(
560                            prefix, jittests.LIB_DIR, jittests.MODULE_DIR, tempdir
561                        )
562                    )
563                    os.execvp("rr", ["rr", "replay"])
564                else:
565                    os.execvp(
566                        debug_cmd[0],
567                        debug_cmd
568                        + tc.command(
569                            prefix, jittests.LIB_DIR, jittests.MODULE_DIR, tempdir
570                        ),
571                    )
572        sys.exit()
574    try:
575        ok = None
576        if options.remote:
577            ok = jittests.run_tests(job_list, job_count, prefix, options, remote=True)
578        else:
579            with change_env(test_environment):
580                ok = jittests.run_tests(job_list, job_count, prefix, options)
581        if not ok:
582            sys.exit(2)
583    except OSError:
584        if not os.path.exists(prefix[0]):
585            print(
586                "JS shell argument: file does not exist:" " '{}'".format(prefix[0]),
587                file=sys.stderr,
588            )
589            sys.exit(1)
590        else:
591            raise
594if __name__ == "__main__":
595    main(sys.argv[1:])