1#!/usr/bin/env python
3# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
4# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
5# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
8This utility is used by the build system to create test inputs for the
9signed tree head decoding and verification implementation. The format is
10generally lines of <key>:<value> pairs except for the to-be-signed
11section, which consists of one or more lines of hex bytes. Comments may
12appear at the end of lines and begin with '//'.
13The following keys are valid:
14signingKey: A pykey key identifier to use to sign the to-be-signed data.
15            Required.
16spki: A pykey key identifier to create an encoded SubjectPublicKeyInfo
17      to be included with the test data. The tests will use this spki to
18      validate the signature. Required.
19prefix: Hex bytes to include at the beginning of the signed tree head
20        data. This data is not covered by the signature (typically this
21        is used for the log_id field). Optional. Defaults to the empty
22        string.
23hash: The name of a hash algorithm to use when signing. Optional.
24      Defaults to 'sha256'.
27from pyasn1.codec.der import encoder
28import binascii
30import os
31import sys
34    os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "..", "..", "manager", "tools")
36import pykey
39def sign(signingKey, hashAlgorithm, hexToSign):
40    """Given a pykey, the name of a hash function, and hex bytes to
41    sign, signs the data (as binary) and returns a hex string consisting
42    of the signature."""
43    # key.sign returns a hex string in the format "'<hex bytes>'H",
44    # so we have to strip off the "'"s and trailing 'H'
45    return signingKey.sign(binascii.unhexlify(hexToSign), "hash:%s" % hashAlgorithm)[
46        1:-2
47    ]
50class Error(Exception):
51    """Base class for exceptions in this module."""
53    pass
56class UnknownParameterTypeError(Error):
57    """Base class for handling unexpected input in this module."""
59    def __init__(self, value):
60        super(Error, self).__init__()
61        self.value = value
62        self.category = "key"
64    def __str__(self):
65        return 'Unknown %s type "%s"' % (self.category, repr(self.value))
68class InputTooLongError(Error):
69    """Helper exception type for inputs that are too long."""
71    def __init__(self, length):
72        super(InputTooLongError, self).__init__()
73        self.length = length
75    def __str__(self):
76        return "Input too long: %s > 65535" % self.length
79def getTwoByteLenAsHex(callLenOnMe):
80    """Given something that len can be called on, returns a hex string
81    representing the two-byte length of the something, in network byte
82    order (the length must be less than or equal to 65535)."""
83    length = len(callLenOnMe)
84    if length > 65535:
85        raise InputTooLongError(length)
86    return bytes([length // 256, length % 256]).hex()
89def createSTH(configStream):
90    """Given a stream that will provide the specification for a signed
91    tree head (see the comment at the top of this file), creates the
92    corresponding signed tree head. Returns a string that can be
93    compiled as C/C++ that declares two const char*s kSTHHex and
94    kSPKIHex corresponding to the hex encoding of the signed tree head
95    and the hex encoding of the subject public key info from the
96    specification, respectively."""
97    toSign = ""
98    prefix = ""
99    hashAlgorithm = "sha256"
100    for line in configStream.readlines():
101        if ":" in line:
102            param = line.split(":")[0]
103            arg = line.split(":")[1].split("//")[0].strip()
104            if param == "signingKey":
105                signingKey = pykey.keyFromSpecification(arg)
106            elif param == "spki":
107                spki = pykey.keyFromSpecification(arg)
108            elif param == "prefix":
109                prefix = arg
110            elif param == "hash":
111                hashAlgorithm = arg
112            else:
113                raise UnknownParameterTypeError(param)
114        else:
115            toSign = toSign + line.split("//")[0].strip()
116    signature = sign(signingKey, hashAlgorithm, toSign)
117    lengthBytesHex = getTwoByteLenAsHex(binascii.unhexlify(signature))
118    sth = prefix + toSign + lengthBytesHex + signature
119    spkiHex = encoder.encode(spki.asSubjectPublicKeyInfo()).hex()
120    return 'const char* kSTHHex = "%s";\nconst char* kSPKIHex = "%s";\n' % (
121        sth,
122        spkiHex,
123    )
126def main(output, inputPath):
127    """Given a file-like output and the path to a signed tree head
128    specification (see the comment at the top of this file), reads the
129    specification, creates the signed tree head, and outputs test data
130    that can be included by a gtest corresponding to the
131    specification."""
132    with open(inputPath) as configStream:
133        output.write(createSTH(configStream))