1 /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
2  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
3  * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
5 use crate::attr::{AttrSelectorOperation, NamespaceConstraint, ParsedAttrSelectorOperation};
6 use crate::bloom::{BloomFilter, BLOOM_HASH_MASK};
7 use crate::nth_index_cache::NthIndexCacheInner;
8 use crate::parser::{AncestorHashes, Combinator, Component, LocalName};
9 use crate::parser::{NonTSPseudoClass, Selector, SelectorImpl, SelectorIter, SelectorList};
10 use crate::tree::Element;
11 use smallvec::SmallVec;
12 use std::borrow::Borrow;
13 use std::iter;
15 pub use crate::context::*;
17 // The bloom filter for descendant CSS selectors will have a <1% false
18 // positive rate until it has this many selectors in it, then it will
19 // rapidly increase.
22 bitflags! {
23     /// Set of flags that are set on either the element or its parent (depending
24     /// on the flag) if the element could potentially match a selector.
25     pub struct ElementSelectorFlags: usize {
26         /// When a child is added or removed from the parent, all the children
27         /// must be restyled, because they may match :nth-last-child,
28         /// :last-of-type, :nth-last-of-type, or :only-of-type.
29         const HAS_SLOW_SELECTOR = 1 << 0;
31         /// When a child is added or removed from the parent, any later
32         /// children must be restyled, because they may match :nth-child,
33         /// :first-of-type, or :nth-of-type.
34         const HAS_SLOW_SELECTOR_LATER_SIBLINGS = 1 << 1;
36         /// When a child is added or removed from the parent, the first and
37         /// last children must be restyled, because they may match :first-child,
38         /// :last-child, or :only-child.
39         const HAS_EDGE_CHILD_SELECTOR = 1 << 2;
41         /// The element has an empty selector, so when a child is appended we
42         /// might need to restyle the parent completely.
43         const HAS_EMPTY_SELECTOR = 1 << 3;
44     }
45 }
47 impl ElementSelectorFlags {
48     /// Returns the subset of flags that apply to the element.
for_self(self) -> ElementSelectorFlags49     pub fn for_self(self) -> ElementSelectorFlags {
50         self & (ElementSelectorFlags::HAS_EMPTY_SELECTOR)
51     }
53     /// Returns the subset of flags that apply to the parent.
for_parent(self) -> ElementSelectorFlags54     pub fn for_parent(self) -> ElementSelectorFlags {
55         self & (ElementSelectorFlags::HAS_SLOW_SELECTOR |
56             ElementSelectorFlags::HAS_SLOW_SELECTOR_LATER_SIBLINGS |
57             ElementSelectorFlags::HAS_EDGE_CHILD_SELECTOR)
58     }
59 }
61 /// Holds per-compound-selector data.
62 struct LocalMatchingContext<'a, 'b: 'a, Impl: SelectorImpl> {
63     shared: &'a mut MatchingContext<'b, Impl>,
64     matches_hover_and_active_quirk: MatchesHoverAndActiveQuirk,
65 }
67 #[inline(always)]
matches_selector_list<E>( selector_list: &SelectorList<E::Impl>, element: &E, context: &mut MatchingContext<E::Impl>, ) -> bool where E: Element,68 pub fn matches_selector_list<E>(
69     selector_list: &SelectorList<E::Impl>,
70     element: &E,
71     context: &mut MatchingContext<E::Impl>,
72 ) -> bool
73 where
74     E: Element,
75 {
76     // This is pretty much any(..) but manually inlined because the compiler
77     // refuses to do so from querySelector / querySelectorAll.
78     for selector in &selector_list.0 {
79         let matches = matches_selector(selector, 0, None, element, context, &mut |_, _| {});
81         if matches {
82             return true;
83         }
84     }
86     false
87 }
89 #[inline(always)]
may_match(hashes: &AncestorHashes, bf: &BloomFilter) -> bool90 fn may_match(hashes: &AncestorHashes, bf: &BloomFilter) -> bool {
91     // Check the first three hashes. Note that we can check for zero before
92     // masking off the high bits, since if any of the first three hashes is
93     // zero the fourth will be as well. We also take care to avoid the
94     // special-case complexity of the fourth hash until we actually reach it,
95     // because we usually don't.
96     //
97     // To be clear: this is all extremely hot.
98     for i in 0..3 {
99         let packed = hashes.packed_hashes[i];
100         if packed == 0 {
101             // No more hashes left - unable to fast-reject.
102             return true;
103         }
105         if !bf.might_contain_hash(packed & BLOOM_HASH_MASK) {
106             // Hooray! We fast-rejected on this hash.
107             return false;
108         }
109     }
111     // Now do the slighty-more-complex work of synthesizing the fourth hash,
112     // and check it against the filter if it exists.
113     let fourth = hashes.fourth_hash();
114     fourth == 0 || bf.might_contain_hash(fourth)
115 }
117 /// A result of selector matching, includes 3 failure types,
118 ///
119 ///   NotMatchedAndRestartFromClosestLaterSibling
120 ///   NotMatchedAndRestartFromClosestDescendant
121 ///   NotMatchedGlobally
122 ///
123 /// When NotMatchedGlobally appears, stop selector matching completely since
124 /// the succeeding selectors never matches.
125 /// It is raised when
126 ///   Child combinator cannot find the candidate element.
127 ///   Descendant combinator cannot find the candidate element.
128 ///
129 /// When NotMatchedAndRestartFromClosestDescendant appears, the selector
130 /// matching does backtracking and restarts from the closest Descendant
131 /// combinator.
132 /// It is raised when
133 ///   NextSibling combinator cannot find the candidate element.
134 ///   LaterSibling combinator cannot find the candidate element.
135 ///   Child combinator doesn't match on the found element.
136 ///
137 /// When NotMatchedAndRestartFromClosestLaterSibling appears, the selector
138 /// matching does backtracking and restarts from the closest LaterSibling
139 /// combinator.
140 /// It is raised when
141 ///   NextSibling combinator doesn't match on the found element.
142 ///
143 /// For example, when the selector "d1 d2 a" is provided and we cannot *find*
144 /// an appropriate ancestor element for "d1", this selector matching raises
145 /// NotMatchedGlobally since even if "d2" is moved to more upper element, the
146 /// candidates for "d1" becomes less than before and d1 .
147 ///
148 /// The next example is siblings. When the selector "b1 + b2 ~ d1 a" is
149 /// provided and we cannot *find* an appropriate brother element for b1,
150 /// the selector matching raises NotMatchedAndRestartFromClosestDescendant.
151 /// The selectors ("b1 + b2 ~") doesn't match and matching restart from "d1".
152 ///
153 /// The additional example is child and sibling. When the selector
154 /// "b1 + c1 > b2 ~ d1 a" is provided and the selector "b1" doesn't match on
155 /// the element, this "b1" raises NotMatchedAndRestartFromClosestLaterSibling.
156 /// However since the selector "c1" raises
157 /// NotMatchedAndRestartFromClosestDescendant. So the selector
158 /// "b1 + c1 > b2 ~ " doesn't match and restart matching from "d1".
159 #[derive(Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq)]
160 enum SelectorMatchingResult {
161     Matched,
162     NotMatchedAndRestartFromClosestLaterSibling,
163     NotMatchedAndRestartFromClosestDescendant,
164     NotMatchedGlobally,
165 }
167 /// Whether the :hover and :active quirk applies.
168 ///
169 /// https://quirks.spec.whatwg.org/#the-active-and-hover-quirk
170 #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
171 enum MatchesHoverAndActiveQuirk {
172     Yes,
173     No,
174 }
176 /// Matches a selector, fast-rejecting against a bloom filter.
177 ///
178 /// We accept an offset to allow consumers to represent and match against
179 /// partial selectors (indexed from the right). We use this API design, rather
180 /// than having the callers pass a SelectorIter, because creating a SelectorIter
181 /// requires dereferencing the selector to get the length, which adds an
182 /// unncessary cache miss for cases when we can fast-reject with AncestorHashes
183 /// (which the caller can store inline with the selector pointer).
184 #[inline(always)]
matches_selector<E, F>( selector: &Selector<E::Impl>, offset: usize, hashes: Option<&AncestorHashes>, element: &E, context: &mut MatchingContext<E::Impl>, flags_setter: &mut F, ) -> bool where E: Element, F: FnMut(&E, ElementSelectorFlags),185 pub fn matches_selector<E, F>(
186     selector: &Selector<E::Impl>,
187     offset: usize,
188     hashes: Option<&AncestorHashes>,
189     element: &E,
190     context: &mut MatchingContext<E::Impl>,
191     flags_setter: &mut F,
192 ) -> bool
193 where
194     E: Element,
195     F: FnMut(&E, ElementSelectorFlags),
196 {
197     // Use the bloom filter to fast-reject.
198     if let Some(hashes) = hashes {
199         if let Some(filter) = context.bloom_filter {
200             if !may_match(hashes, filter) {
201                 return false;
202             }
203         }
204     }
206     matches_complex_selector(selector.iter_from(offset), element, context, flags_setter)
207 }
209 /// Whether a compound selector matched, and whether it was the rightmost
210 /// selector inside the complex selector.
211 pub enum CompoundSelectorMatchingResult {
212     /// The selector was fully matched.
213     FullyMatched,
214     /// The compound selector matched, and the next combinator offset is
215     /// `next_combinator_offset`.
216     Matched { next_combinator_offset: usize },
217     /// The selector didn't match.
218     NotMatched,
219 }
221 /// Matches a compound selector belonging to `selector`, starting at offset
222 /// `from_offset`, matching left to right.
223 ///
224 /// Requires that `from_offset` points to a `Combinator`.
225 ///
226 /// NOTE(emilio): This doesn't allow to match in the leftmost sequence of the
227 /// complex selector, but it happens to be the case we don't need it.
matches_compound_selector_from<E>( selector: &Selector<E::Impl>, mut from_offset: usize, context: &mut MatchingContext<E::Impl>, element: &E, ) -> CompoundSelectorMatchingResult where E: Element,228 pub fn matches_compound_selector_from<E>(
229     selector: &Selector<E::Impl>,
230     mut from_offset: usize,
231     context: &mut MatchingContext<E::Impl>,
232     element: &E,
233 ) -> CompoundSelectorMatchingResult
234 where
235     E: Element,
236 {
237     if cfg!(debug_assertions) && from_offset != 0 {
238         selector.combinator_at_parse_order(from_offset - 1); // This asserts.
239     }
241     let mut local_context = LocalMatchingContext {
242         shared: context,
243         matches_hover_and_active_quirk: MatchesHoverAndActiveQuirk::No,
244     };
246     // Find the end of the selector or the next combinator, then match
247     // backwards, so that we match in the same order as
248     // matches_complex_selector, which is usually faster.
249     let start_offset = from_offset;
250     for component in selector.iter_raw_parse_order_from(from_offset) {
251         if matches!(*component, Component::Combinator(..)) {
252             debug_assert_ne!(from_offset, 0, "Selector started with a combinator?");
253             break;
254         }
256         from_offset += 1;
257     }
259     debug_assert!(from_offset >= 1);
260     debug_assert!(from_offset <= selector.len());
262     let iter = selector.iter_from(selector.len() - from_offset);
263     debug_assert!(
264         iter.clone().next().is_some() ||
265             (from_offset != selector.len() &&
266                 matches!(
267                     selector.combinator_at_parse_order(from_offset),
268                     Combinator::SlotAssignment | Combinator::PseudoElement
269                 )),
270         "Got the math wrong: {:?} | {:?} | {} {}",
271         selector,
272         selector.iter_raw_match_order().as_slice(),
273         from_offset,
274         start_offset
275     );
277     for component in iter {
278         if !matches_simple_selector(component, element, &mut local_context, &mut |_, _| {}) {
279             return CompoundSelectorMatchingResult::NotMatched;
280         }
281     }
283     if from_offset != selector.len() {
284         return CompoundSelectorMatchingResult::Matched {
285             next_combinator_offset: from_offset,
286         };
287     }
289     CompoundSelectorMatchingResult::FullyMatched
290 }
292 /// Matches a complex selector.
293 #[inline(always)]
matches_complex_selector<E, F>( mut iter: SelectorIter<E::Impl>, element: &E, context: &mut MatchingContext<E::Impl>, flags_setter: &mut F, ) -> bool where E: Element, F: FnMut(&E, ElementSelectorFlags),294 pub fn matches_complex_selector<E, F>(
295     mut iter: SelectorIter<E::Impl>,
296     element: &E,
297     context: &mut MatchingContext<E::Impl>,
298     flags_setter: &mut F,
299 ) -> bool
300 where
301     E: Element,
302     F: FnMut(&E, ElementSelectorFlags),
303 {
304     // If this is the special pseudo-element mode, consume the ::pseudo-element
305     // before proceeding, since the caller has already handled that part.
306     if context.matching_mode() == MatchingMode::ForStatelessPseudoElement && !context.is_nested() {
307         // Consume the pseudo.
308         match *iter.next().unwrap() {
309             Component::PseudoElement(ref pseudo) => {
310                 if let Some(ref f) = context.pseudo_element_matching_fn {
311                     if !f(pseudo) {
312                         return false;
313                     }
314                 }
315             },
316             _ => {
317                 debug_assert!(
318                     false,
319                     "Used MatchingMode::ForStatelessPseudoElement \
320                      in a non-pseudo selector"
321                 );
322             },
323         }
325         if !iter.matches_for_stateless_pseudo_element() {
326             return false;
327         }
329         // Advance to the non-pseudo-element part of the selector.
330         let next_sequence = iter.next_sequence().unwrap();
331         debug_assert_eq!(next_sequence, Combinator::PseudoElement);
332     }
334     let result =
335         matches_complex_selector_internal(iter, element, context, flags_setter, Rightmost::Yes);
337     matches!(result, SelectorMatchingResult::Matched)
338 }
340 #[inline]
matches_hover_and_active_quirk<Impl: SelectorImpl>( selector_iter: &SelectorIter<Impl>, context: &MatchingContext<Impl>, rightmost: Rightmost, ) -> MatchesHoverAndActiveQuirk341 fn matches_hover_and_active_quirk<Impl: SelectorImpl>(
342     selector_iter: &SelectorIter<Impl>,
343     context: &MatchingContext<Impl>,
344     rightmost: Rightmost,
345 ) -> MatchesHoverAndActiveQuirk {
346     if context.quirks_mode() != QuirksMode::Quirks {
347         return MatchesHoverAndActiveQuirk::No;
348     }
350     if context.is_nested() {
351         return MatchesHoverAndActiveQuirk::No;
352     }
354     // This compound selector had a pseudo-element to the right that we
355     // intentionally skipped.
356     if rightmost == Rightmost::Yes &&
357         context.matching_mode() == MatchingMode::ForStatelessPseudoElement
358     {
359         return MatchesHoverAndActiveQuirk::No;
360     }
362     let all_match = selector_iter.clone().all(|simple| match *simple {
363         Component::LocalName(_) |
364         Component::AttributeInNoNamespaceExists { .. } |
365         Component::AttributeInNoNamespace { .. } |
366         Component::AttributeOther(_) |
367         Component::ID(_) |
368         Component::Class(_) |
369         Component::PseudoElement(_) |
370         Component::Negation(_) |
371         Component::FirstChild |
372         Component::LastChild |
373         Component::OnlyChild |
374         Component::Empty |
375         Component::NthChild(_, _) |
376         Component::NthLastChild(_, _) |
377         Component::NthOfType(_, _) |
378         Component::NthLastOfType(_, _) |
379         Component::FirstOfType |
380         Component::LastOfType |
381         Component::OnlyOfType => false,
382         Component::NonTSPseudoClass(ref pseudo_class) => pseudo_class.is_active_or_hover(),
383         _ => true,
384     });
386     if all_match {
387         MatchesHoverAndActiveQuirk::Yes
388     } else {
389         MatchesHoverAndActiveQuirk::No
390     }
391 }
393 #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
394 enum Rightmost {
395     Yes,
396     No,
397 }
399 #[inline(always)]
next_element_for_combinator<E>( element: &E, combinator: Combinator, selector: &SelectorIter<E::Impl>, context: &MatchingContext<E::Impl>, ) -> Option<E> where E: Element,400 fn next_element_for_combinator<E>(
401     element: &E,
402     combinator: Combinator,
403     selector: &SelectorIter<E::Impl>,
404     context: &MatchingContext<E::Impl>,
405 ) -> Option<E>
406 where
407     E: Element,
408 {
409     match combinator {
410         Combinator::NextSibling | Combinator::LaterSibling => element.prev_sibling_element(),
411         Combinator::Child | Combinator::Descendant => {
412             match element.parent_element() {
413                 Some(e) => return Some(e),
414                 None => {},
415             }
417             if !element.parent_node_is_shadow_root() {
418                 return None;
419             }
421             // https://drafts.csswg.org/css-scoping/#host-element-in-tree:
422             //
423             //   For the purpose of Selectors, a shadow host also appears in
424             //   its shadow tree, with the contents of the shadow tree treated
425             //   as its children. (In other words, the shadow host is treated as
426             //   replacing the shadow root node.)
427             //
428             // and also:
429             //
430             //   When considered within its own shadow trees, the shadow host is
431             //   featureless. Only the :host, :host(), and :host-context()
432             //   pseudo-classes are allowed to match it.
433             //
434             // Since we know that the parent is a shadow root, we necessarily
435             // are in a shadow tree of the host, and the next selector will only
436             // match if the selector is a featureless :host selector.
437             if !selector.clone().is_featureless_host_selector() {
438                 return None;
439             }
441             element.containing_shadow_host()
442         },
443         Combinator::Part => element.containing_shadow_host(),
444         Combinator::SlotAssignment => {
445             debug_assert!(element
446                 .assigned_slot()
447                 .map_or(true, |s| s.is_html_slot_element()));
448             let scope = context.current_host?;
449             let mut current_slot = element.assigned_slot()?;
450             while current_slot.containing_shadow_host().unwrap().opaque() != scope {
451                 current_slot = current_slot.assigned_slot()?;
452             }
453             Some(current_slot)
454         },
455         Combinator::PseudoElement => element.pseudo_element_originating_element(),
456     }
457 }
matches_complex_selector_internal<E, F>( mut selector_iter: SelectorIter<E::Impl>, element: &E, context: &mut MatchingContext<E::Impl>, flags_setter: &mut F, rightmost: Rightmost, ) -> SelectorMatchingResult where E: Element, F: FnMut(&E, ElementSelectorFlags),459 fn matches_complex_selector_internal<E, F>(
460     mut selector_iter: SelectorIter<E::Impl>,
461     element: &E,
462     context: &mut MatchingContext<E::Impl>,
463     flags_setter: &mut F,
464     rightmost: Rightmost,
465 ) -> SelectorMatchingResult
466 where
467     E: Element,
468     F: FnMut(&E, ElementSelectorFlags),
469 {
470     debug!(
471         "Matching complex selector {:?} for {:?}",
472         selector_iter, element
473     );
475     let matches_compound_selector = matches_compound_selector(
476         &mut selector_iter,
477         element,
478         context,
479         flags_setter,
480         rightmost,
481     );
483     let combinator = selector_iter.next_sequence();
484     if combinator.map_or(false, |c| c.is_sibling()) {
485         flags_setter(
486             element,
487             ElementSelectorFlags::HAS_SLOW_SELECTOR_LATER_SIBLINGS,
488         );
489     }
491     if !matches_compound_selector {
492         return SelectorMatchingResult::NotMatchedAndRestartFromClosestLaterSibling;
493     }
495     let combinator = match combinator {
496         None => return SelectorMatchingResult::Matched,
497         Some(c) => c,
498     };
500     let candidate_not_found = match combinator {
501         Combinator::NextSibling | Combinator::LaterSibling => {
502             SelectorMatchingResult::NotMatchedAndRestartFromClosestDescendant
503         },
504         Combinator::Child |
505         Combinator::Descendant |
506         Combinator::SlotAssignment |
507         Combinator::Part |
508         Combinator::PseudoElement => SelectorMatchingResult::NotMatchedGlobally,
509     };
511     let mut next_element =
512         next_element_for_combinator(element, combinator, &selector_iter, &context);
514     // Stop matching :visited as soon as we find a link, or a combinator for
515     // something that isn't an ancestor.
516     let mut visited_handling = if element.is_link() || combinator.is_sibling() {
517         VisitedHandlingMode::AllLinksUnvisited
518     } else {
519         context.visited_handling()
520     };
522     loop {
523         let element = match next_element {
524             None => return candidate_not_found,
525             Some(next_element) => next_element,
526         };
528         let result = context.with_visited_handling_mode(visited_handling, |context| {
529             matches_complex_selector_internal(
530                 selector_iter.clone(),
531                 &element,
532                 context,
533                 flags_setter,
534                 Rightmost::No,
535             )
536         });
538         match (result, combinator) {
539             // Return the status immediately.
540             (SelectorMatchingResult::Matched, _) |
541             (SelectorMatchingResult::NotMatchedGlobally, _) |
542             (_, Combinator::NextSibling) => {
543                 return result;
544             },
546             // Upgrade the failure status to
547             // NotMatchedAndRestartFromClosestDescendant.
548             (_, Combinator::PseudoElement) | (_, Combinator::Child) => {
549                 return SelectorMatchingResult::NotMatchedAndRestartFromClosestDescendant;
550             },
552             // If the failure status is
553             // NotMatchedAndRestartFromClosestDescendant and combinator is
554             // Combinator::LaterSibling, give up this Combinator::LaterSibling
555             // matching and restart from the closest descendant combinator.
556             (
557                 SelectorMatchingResult::NotMatchedAndRestartFromClosestDescendant,
558                 Combinator::LaterSibling,
559             ) => {
560                 return result;
561             },
563             // The Combinator::Descendant combinator and the status is
564             // NotMatchedAndRestartFromClosestLaterSibling or
565             // NotMatchedAndRestartFromClosestDescendant, or the
566             // Combinator::LaterSibling combinator and the status is
567             // NotMatchedAndRestartFromClosestDescendant, we can continue to
568             // matching on the next candidate element.
569             _ => {},
570         }
572         if element.is_link() {
573             visited_handling = VisitedHandlingMode::AllLinksUnvisited;
574         }
576         next_element = next_element_for_combinator(&element, combinator, &selector_iter, &context);
577     }
578 }
580 #[inline]
matches_local_name<E>(element: &E, local_name: &LocalName<E::Impl>) -> bool where E: Element,581 fn matches_local_name<E>(element: &E, local_name: &LocalName<E::Impl>) -> bool
582 where
583     E: Element,
584 {
585     let name = select_name(
586         element.is_html_element_in_html_document(),
587         &local_name.name,
588         &local_name.lower_name,
589     )
590     .borrow();
591     element.has_local_name(name)
592 }
594 /// Determines whether the given element matches the given compound selector.
595 #[inline]
matches_compound_selector<E, F>( selector_iter: &mut SelectorIter<E::Impl>, element: &E, context: &mut MatchingContext<E::Impl>, flags_setter: &mut F, rightmost: Rightmost, ) -> bool where E: Element, F: FnMut(&E, ElementSelectorFlags),596 fn matches_compound_selector<E, F>(
597     selector_iter: &mut SelectorIter<E::Impl>,
598     element: &E,
599     context: &mut MatchingContext<E::Impl>,
600     flags_setter: &mut F,
601     rightmost: Rightmost,
602 ) -> bool
603 where
604     E: Element,
605     F: FnMut(&E, ElementSelectorFlags),
606 {
607     let matches_hover_and_active_quirk =
608         matches_hover_and_active_quirk(&selector_iter, context, rightmost);
610     // Handle some common cases first.
611     // We may want to get rid of this at some point if we can make the
612     // generic case fast enough.
613     let mut selector = selector_iter.next();
614     if let Some(&Component::LocalName(ref local_name)) = selector {
615         if !matches_local_name(element, local_name) {
616             return false;
617         }
618         selector = selector_iter.next();
619     }
620     let class_and_id_case_sensitivity = context.classes_and_ids_case_sensitivity();
621     if let Some(&Component::ID(ref id)) = selector {
622         if !element.has_id(id, class_and_id_case_sensitivity) {
623             return false;
624         }
625         selector = selector_iter.next();
626     }
627     while let Some(&Component::Class(ref class)) = selector {
628         if !element.has_class(class, class_and_id_case_sensitivity) {
629             return false;
630         }
631         selector = selector_iter.next();
632     }
633     let selector = match selector {
634         Some(s) => s,
635         None => return true,
636     };
638     let mut local_context = LocalMatchingContext {
639         shared: context,
640         matches_hover_and_active_quirk,
641     };
642     iter::once(selector)
643         .chain(selector_iter)
644         .all(|simple| matches_simple_selector(simple, element, &mut local_context, flags_setter))
645 }
647 /// Determines whether the given element matches the given single selector.
matches_simple_selector<E, F>( selector: &Component<E::Impl>, element: &E, context: &mut LocalMatchingContext<E::Impl>, flags_setter: &mut F, ) -> bool where E: Element, F: FnMut(&E, ElementSelectorFlags),648 fn matches_simple_selector<E, F>(
649     selector: &Component<E::Impl>,
650     element: &E,
651     context: &mut LocalMatchingContext<E::Impl>,
652     flags_setter: &mut F,
653 ) -> bool
654 where
655     E: Element,
656     F: FnMut(&E, ElementSelectorFlags),
657 {
658     debug_assert!(context.shared.is_nested() || !context.shared.in_negation());
660     match *selector {
661         Component::Combinator(_) => unreachable!(),
662         Component::Part(ref parts) => {
663             let mut hosts = SmallVec::<[E; 4]>::new();
665             let mut host = match element.containing_shadow_host() {
666                 Some(h) => h,
667                 None => return false,
668             };
670             let current_host = context.shared.current_host;
671             if current_host != Some(host.opaque()) {
672                 loop {
673                     let outer_host = host.containing_shadow_host();
674                     if outer_host.as_ref().map(|h| h.opaque()) == current_host {
675                         break;
676                     }
677                     let outer_host = match outer_host {
678                         Some(h) => h,
679                         None => return false,
680                     };
681                     // TODO(emilio): if worth it, we could early return if
682                     // host doesn't have the exportparts attribute.
683                     hosts.push(host);
684                     host = outer_host;
685                 }
686             }
688             // Translate the part into the right scope.
689             parts.iter().all(|part| {
690                 let mut part = part.clone();
691                 for host in hosts.iter().rev() {
692                     part = match host.imported_part(&part) {
693                         Some(p) => p,
694                         None => return false,
695                     };
696                 }
697                 element.is_part(&part)
698             })
699         },
700         Component::Slotted(ref selector) => {
701             // <slots> are never flattened tree slottables.
702             !element.is_html_slot_element() &&
703                 context.shared.nest(|context| {
704                     matches_complex_selector(selector.iter(), element, context, flags_setter)
705                 })
706         },
707         Component::PseudoElement(ref pseudo) => {
708             element.match_pseudo_element(pseudo, context.shared)
709         },
710         Component::LocalName(ref local_name) => matches_local_name(element, local_name),
711         Component::ExplicitUniversalType | Component::ExplicitAnyNamespace => true,
712         Component::Namespace(_, ref url) | Component::DefaultNamespace(ref url) => {
713             element.has_namespace(&url.borrow())
714         },
715         Component::ExplicitNoNamespace => {
716             let ns = crate::parser::namespace_empty_string::<E::Impl>();
717             element.has_namespace(&ns.borrow())
718         },
719         Component::ID(ref id) => {
720             element.has_id(id, context.shared.classes_and_ids_case_sensitivity())
721         },
722         Component::Class(ref class) => {
723             element.has_class(class, context.shared.classes_and_ids_case_sensitivity())
724         },
725         Component::AttributeInNoNamespaceExists {
726             ref local_name,
727             ref local_name_lower,
728         } => {
729             let is_html = element.is_html_element_in_html_document();
730             element.attr_matches(
731                 &NamespaceConstraint::Specific(&crate::parser::namespace_empty_string::<E::Impl>()),
732                 select_name(is_html, local_name, local_name_lower),
733                 &AttrSelectorOperation::Exists,
734             )
735         },
736         Component::AttributeInNoNamespace {
737             ref local_name,
738             ref value,
739             operator,
740             case_sensitivity,
741             never_matches,
742         } => {
743             if never_matches {
744                 return false;
745             }
746             let is_html = element.is_html_element_in_html_document();
747             element.attr_matches(
748                 &NamespaceConstraint::Specific(&crate::parser::namespace_empty_string::<E::Impl>()),
749                 local_name,
750                 &AttrSelectorOperation::WithValue {
751                     operator,
752                     case_sensitivity: case_sensitivity.to_unconditional(is_html),
753                     expected_value: value,
754                 },
755             )
756         },
757         Component::AttributeOther(ref attr_sel) => {
758             if attr_sel.never_matches {
759                 return false;
760             }
761             let is_html = element.is_html_element_in_html_document();
762             let empty_string;
763             let namespace = match attr_sel.namespace() {
764                 Some(ns) => ns,
765                 None => {
766                     empty_string = crate::parser::namespace_empty_string::<E::Impl>();
767                     NamespaceConstraint::Specific(&empty_string)
768                 },
769             };
770             element.attr_matches(
771                 &namespace,
772                 select_name(is_html, &attr_sel.local_name, &attr_sel.local_name_lower),
773                 &match attr_sel.operation {
774                     ParsedAttrSelectorOperation::Exists => AttrSelectorOperation::Exists,
775                     ParsedAttrSelectorOperation::WithValue {
776                         operator,
777                         case_sensitivity,
778                         ref expected_value,
779                     } => AttrSelectorOperation::WithValue {
780                         operator,
781                         case_sensitivity: case_sensitivity.to_unconditional(is_html),
782                         expected_value,
783                     },
784                 },
785             )
786         },
787         Component::NonTSPseudoClass(ref pc) => {
788             if context.matches_hover_and_active_quirk == MatchesHoverAndActiveQuirk::Yes &&
789                 !context.shared.is_nested() &&
790                 pc.is_active_or_hover() &&
791                 !element.is_link()
792             {
793                 return false;
794             }
796             element.match_non_ts_pseudo_class(pc, &mut context.shared, flags_setter)
797         },
798         Component::FirstChild => matches_first_child(element, flags_setter),
799         Component::LastChild => matches_last_child(element, flags_setter),
800         Component::OnlyChild => {
801             matches_first_child(element, flags_setter) && matches_last_child(element, flags_setter)
802         },
803         Component::Root => element.is_root(),
804         Component::Empty => {
805             flags_setter(element, ElementSelectorFlags::HAS_EMPTY_SELECTOR);
806             element.is_empty()
807         },
808         Component::Host(ref selector) => {
809             context
810                 .shared
811                 .shadow_host()
812                 .map_or(false, |host| host == element.opaque()) &&
813                 selector.as_ref().map_or(true, |selector| {
814                     context.shared.nest(|context| {
815                         matches_complex_selector(selector.iter(), element, context, flags_setter)
816                     })
817                 })
818         },
819         Component::Scope => match context.shared.scope_element {
820             Some(ref scope_element) => element.opaque() == *scope_element,
821             None => element.is_root(),
822         },
823         Component::NthChild(a, b) => {
824             matches_generic_nth_child(element, context, a, b, false, false, flags_setter)
825         },
826         Component::NthLastChild(a, b) => {
827             matches_generic_nth_child(element, context, a, b, false, true, flags_setter)
828         },
829         Component::NthOfType(a, b) => {
830             matches_generic_nth_child(element, context, a, b, true, false, flags_setter)
831         },
832         Component::NthLastOfType(a, b) => {
833             matches_generic_nth_child(element, context, a, b, true, true, flags_setter)
834         },
835         Component::FirstOfType => {
836             matches_generic_nth_child(element, context, 0, 1, true, false, flags_setter)
837         },
838         Component::LastOfType => {
839             matches_generic_nth_child(element, context, 0, 1, true, true, flags_setter)
840         },
841         Component::OnlyOfType => {
842             matches_generic_nth_child(element, context, 0, 1, true, false, flags_setter) &&
843                 matches_generic_nth_child(element, context, 0, 1, true, true, flags_setter)
844         },
845         Component::Is(ref list) | Component::Where(ref list) => context.shared.nest(|context| {
846             for selector in &**list {
847                 if matches_complex_selector(selector.iter(), element, context, flags_setter) {
848                     return true;
849                 }
850             }
851             false
852         }),
853         Component::Negation(ref list) => context.shared.nest_for_negation(|context| {
854             for selector in &**list {
855                 if matches_complex_selector(selector.iter(), element, context, flags_setter) {
856                     return false;
857                 }
858             }
859             true
860         }),
861     }
862 }
864 #[inline(always)]
select_name<'a, T>(is_html: bool, local_name: &'a T, local_name_lower: &'a T) -> &'a T865 fn select_name<'a, T>(is_html: bool, local_name: &'a T, local_name_lower: &'a T) -> &'a T {
866     if is_html {
867         local_name_lower
868     } else {
869         local_name
870     }
871 }
873 #[inline]
matches_generic_nth_child<E, F>( element: &E, context: &mut LocalMatchingContext<E::Impl>, a: i32, b: i32, is_of_type: bool, is_from_end: bool, flags_setter: &mut F, ) -> bool where E: Element, F: FnMut(&E, ElementSelectorFlags),874 fn matches_generic_nth_child<E, F>(
875     element: &E,
876     context: &mut LocalMatchingContext<E::Impl>,
877     a: i32,
878     b: i32,
879     is_of_type: bool,
880     is_from_end: bool,
881     flags_setter: &mut F,
882 ) -> bool
883 where
884     E: Element,
885     F: FnMut(&E, ElementSelectorFlags),
886 {
887     if element.ignores_nth_child_selectors() {
888         return false;
889     }
891     flags_setter(
892         element,
893         if is_from_end {
894             ElementSelectorFlags::HAS_SLOW_SELECTOR
895         } else {
896             ElementSelectorFlags::HAS_SLOW_SELECTOR_LATER_SIBLINGS
897         },
898     );
900     // Grab a reference to the appropriate cache.
901     let mut cache = context
902         .shared
903         .nth_index_cache
904         .as_mut()
905         .map(|c| c.get(is_of_type, is_from_end));
907     // Lookup or compute the index.
908     let index = if let Some(i) = cache.as_mut().and_then(|c| c.lookup(element.opaque())) {
909         i
910     } else {
911         let i = nth_child_index(element, is_of_type, is_from_end, cache.as_deref_mut());
912         if let Some(c) = cache.as_mut() {
913             c.insert(element.opaque(), i)
914         }
915         i
916     };
917     debug_assert_eq!(
918         index,
919         nth_child_index(element, is_of_type, is_from_end, None),
920         "invalid cache"
921     );
923     // Is there a non-negative integer n such that An+B=index?
924     match index.checked_sub(b) {
925         None => false,
926         Some(an) => match an.checked_div(a) {
927             Some(n) => n >= 0 && a * n == an,
928             None /* a == 0 */ => an == 0,
929         },
930     }
931 }
933 #[inline]
nth_child_index<E>( element: &E, is_of_type: bool, is_from_end: bool, mut cache: Option<&mut NthIndexCacheInner>, ) -> i32 where E: Element,934 fn nth_child_index<E>(
935     element: &E,
936     is_of_type: bool,
937     is_from_end: bool,
938     mut cache: Option<&mut NthIndexCacheInner>,
939 ) -> i32
940 where
941     E: Element,
942 {
943     // The traversal mostly processes siblings left to right. So when we walk
944     // siblings to the right when computing NthLast/NthLastOfType we're unlikely
945     // to get cache hits along the way. As such, we take the hit of walking the
946     // siblings to the left checking the cache in the is_from_end case (this
947     // matches what Gecko does). The indices-from-the-left is handled during the
948     // regular look further below.
949     if let Some(ref mut c) = cache {
950         if is_from_end && !c.is_empty() {
951             let mut index: i32 = 1;
952             let mut curr = element.clone();
953             while let Some(e) = curr.prev_sibling_element() {
954                 curr = e;
955                 if !is_of_type || element.is_same_type(&curr) {
956                     if let Some(i) = c.lookup(curr.opaque()) {
957                         return i - index;
958                     }
959                     index += 1;
960                 }
961             }
962         }
963     }
965     let mut index: i32 = 1;
966     let mut curr = element.clone();
967     let next = |e: E| {
968         if is_from_end {
969             e.next_sibling_element()
970         } else {
971             e.prev_sibling_element()
972         }
973     };
974     while let Some(e) = next(curr) {
975         curr = e;
976         if !is_of_type || element.is_same_type(&curr) {
977             // If we're computing indices from the left, check each element in the
978             // cache. We handle the indices-from-the-right case at the top of this
979             // function.
980             if !is_from_end {
981                 if let Some(i) = cache.as_mut().and_then(|c| c.lookup(curr.opaque())) {
982                     return i + index;
983                 }
984             }
985             index += 1;
986         }
987     }
989     index
990 }
992 #[inline]
matches_first_child<E, F>(element: &E, flags_setter: &mut F) -> bool where E: Element, F: FnMut(&E, ElementSelectorFlags),993 fn matches_first_child<E, F>(element: &E, flags_setter: &mut F) -> bool
994 where
995     E: Element,
996     F: FnMut(&E, ElementSelectorFlags),
997 {
998     flags_setter(element, ElementSelectorFlags::HAS_EDGE_CHILD_SELECTOR);
999     element.prev_sibling_element().is_none()
1000 }
1002 #[inline]
matches_last_child<E, F>(element: &E, flags_setter: &mut F) -> bool where E: Element, F: FnMut(&E, ElementSelectorFlags),1003 fn matches_last_child<E, F>(element: &E, flags_setter: &mut F) -> bool
1004 where
1005     E: Element,
1006     F: FnMut(&E, ElementSelectorFlags),
1007 {
1008     flags_setter(element, ElementSelectorFlags::HAS_EDGE_CHILD_SELECTOR);
1009     element.next_sibling_element().is_none()
1010 }