1 /*
2  *  Copyright 2020 The WebRTC Project Authors. All rights reserved.
3  *
4  *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
5  *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
6  *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
7  *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
8  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
9  */
14 #include <stdint.h>
16 #include <cstring>
17 #include <memory>
18 #include <type_traits>
19 #include <utility>
21 namespace webrtc {
22 namespace bounded_inline_vector_impl {
24 template <bool...>
25 struct BoolPack;
27 // Tests if all its parameters (x0, x1, ..., xn) are true. The implementation
28 // checks whether (x0, x1, ..., xn, true) == (true, x0, x1, ..., xn), which is
29 // true iff true == x0 && x0 == x1 && x1 == x2 ... && xn-1 == xn && xn == true.
30 template <bool... Bs>
31 using AllTrue = std::is_same<BoolPack<Bs..., true>, BoolPack<true, Bs...>>;
33 template <typename To, typename... Froms>
34 using AllConvertible = AllTrue<std::is_convertible<Froms, To>::value...>;
36 // Initializes part of an uninitialized array. Unlike normal array
37 // initialization, does not zero the remaining array elements. Caller is
38 // responsible for ensuring that there is enough space in `data`.
39 template <typename T>
InitializeElements(T * data)40 void InitializeElements(T* data) {}
41 template <typename T, typename U, typename... Us>
InitializeElements(T * data,U && element,Us &&...elements)42 void InitializeElements(T* data, U&& element, Us&&... elements) {
43   // Placement new, because we construct a new object in uninitialized memory.
44   ::new (data) T(std::forward<U>(element));
45   InitializeElements(data + 1, std::forward<Us>(elements)...);
46 }
48 // Default initializes uninitialized array elements.
49 // TODO(kwiberg): Replace with std::uninitialized_default_construct_n() (C++17).
50 template <typename T>
DefaultInitializeElements(T * data,int size)51 void DefaultInitializeElements(T* data, int size) {
52   for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
53     // Placement new, because we construct a new object in uninitialized memory.
54     ::new (&data[i]) T;
55   }
56 }
58 // Copies from source to uninitialized destination. Caller is responsible for
59 // ensuring that there is enough space in `dst_data`.
60 template <typename T>
CopyElements(const T * src_data,int src_size,T * dst_data,int * dst_size)61 void CopyElements(const T* src_data, int src_size, T* dst_data, int* dst_size) {
62   if /*constexpr*/ (std::is_trivially_copy_constructible<T>::value) {
63     std::memcpy(dst_data, src_data, src_size * sizeof(T));
64   } else {
65     std::uninitialized_copy_n(src_data, src_size, dst_data);
66   }
67   *dst_size = src_size;
68 }
70 // Moves from source to uninitialized destination. Caller is responsible for
71 // ensuring that there is enough space in `dst_data`.
72 template <typename T>
MoveElements(T * src_data,int src_size,T * dst_data,int * dst_size)73 void MoveElements(T* src_data, int src_size, T* dst_data, int* dst_size) {
74   if /*constexpr*/ (std::is_trivially_move_constructible<T>::value) {
75     std::memcpy(dst_data, src_data, src_size * sizeof(T));
76   } else {
77     // TODO(kwiberg): Use std::uninitialized_move_n() instead (C++17).
78     for (int i = 0; i < src_size; ++i) {
79       // Placement new, because we create a new object in uninitialized
80       // memory.
81       ::new (&dst_data[i]) T(std::move(src_data[i]));
82     }
83   }
84   *dst_size = src_size;
85 }
87 // Destroys elements, leaving them uninitialized.
88 template <typename T>
DestroyElements(T * data,int size)89 void DestroyElements(T* data, int size) {
90   if /*constexpr*/ (!std::is_trivially_destructible<T>::value) {
91     for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
92       data[i].~T();
93     }
94   }
95 }
97 // If elements are trivial and the total capacity is at most this many bytes,
98 // copy everything instead of just the elements that are in use; this is more
99 // efficient, and makes BoundedInlineVector trivially copyable.
100 static constexpr int kSmallSize = 64;
102 // Storage implementations.
103 //
104 // There are diferent Storage structs for diferent kinds of element types. The
105 // common contract is the following:
106 //
107 //   * They have public `size` variables and `data` array members.
108 //
109 //   * Their owner is responsible for enforcing the invariant that the first
110 //     `size` elements in `data` are initialized, and the remaining elements are
111 //     not initialized.
112 //
113 //   * They implement default construction, construction with one or more
114 //     elements, copy/move construction, copy/move assignment, and destruction;
115 //     the owner must ensure that the invariant holds whenever these operations
116 //     occur.
118 // Storage implementation for nontrivial element types.
119 template <typename T,
120           int fixed_capacity,
121           bool is_trivial = std::is_trivial<T>::value,
122           bool is_small = (sizeof(T) * fixed_capacity <= kSmallSize)>
123 struct Storage {
124   static_assert(!std::is_trivial<T>::value, "");
126   template <
127       typename... Ts,
128       typename std::enable_if_t<AllConvertible<T, Ts...>::value>* = nullptr>
StorageStorage129   explicit Storage(Ts&&... elements) : size(sizeof...(Ts)) {
130     InitializeElements(data, std::forward<Ts>(elements)...);
131   }
StorageStorage133   Storage(const Storage& other) {
134     CopyElements(other.data, other.size, data, &size);
135   }
StorageStorage137   Storage(Storage&& other) {
138     MoveElements(other.data, other.size, data, &size);
139   }
141   Storage& operator=(const Storage& other) {
142     if (this != &other) {
143       DestroyElements(data, size);
144       CopyElements(other.data, other.size, data, &size);
145     }
146     return *this;
147   }
149   Storage& operator=(Storage&& other) {
150     DestroyElements(data, size);
151     size = 0;  // Needed in case of self assignment.
152     MoveElements(other.data, other.size, data, &size);
153     return *this;
154   }
~StorageStorage156   ~Storage() { DestroyElements(data, size); }
158   int size;
159   union {
160     // Since this array is in a union, we get to construct and destroy it
161     // manually.
162     T data[fixed_capacity];  // NOLINT(runtime/arrays)
163   };
164 };
166 // Storage implementation for trivial element types when the capacity is small
167 // enough that we can cheaply copy everything.
168 template <typename T, int fixed_capacity>
169 struct Storage<T, fixed_capacity, /*is_trivial=*/true, /*is_small=*/true> {
170   static_assert(std::is_trivial<T>::value, "");
171   static_assert(sizeof(T) * fixed_capacity <= kSmallSize, "");
173   template <
174       typename... Ts,
175       typename std::enable_if_t<AllConvertible<T, Ts...>::value>* = nullptr>
176   explicit Storage(Ts&&... elements) : size(sizeof...(Ts)) {
177     InitializeElements(data, std::forward<Ts>(elements)...);
178   }
180   Storage(const Storage&) = default;
181   Storage& operator=(const Storage&) = default;
182   ~Storage() = default;
184   int size;
185   T data[fixed_capacity];  // NOLINT(runtime/arrays)
186 };
188 // Storage implementation for trivial element types when the capacity is large
189 // enough that we want to avoid copying uninitialized elements.
190 template <typename T, int fixed_capacity>
191 struct Storage<T, fixed_capacity, /*is_trivial=*/true, /*is_small=*/false> {
192   static_assert(std::is_trivial<T>::value, "");
193   static_assert(sizeof(T) * fixed_capacity > kSmallSize, "");
195   template <
196       typename... Ts,
197       typename std::enable_if_t<AllConvertible<T, Ts...>::value>* = nullptr>
198   explicit Storage(Ts&&... elements) : size(sizeof...(Ts)) {
199     InitializeElements(data, std::forward<Ts>(elements)...);
200   }
202   Storage(const Storage& other) : size(other.size) {
203     std::memcpy(data, other.data, other.size * sizeof(T));
204   }
206   Storage& operator=(const Storage& other) {
207     if (this != &other) {
208       size = other.size;
209       std::memcpy(data, other.data, other.size * sizeof(T));
210     }
211     return *this;
212   }
214   ~Storage() = default;
216   int size;
217   union {
218     T data[fixed_capacity];  // NOLINT(runtime/arrays)
219   };
220 };
222 }  // namespace bounded_inline_vector_impl
223 }  // namespace webrtc