1"""Runtime support for jsparagus-generated parsers."""
3# Nt is unused here, but we re-export it.
4from .grammar import Nt, InitNt, End
5from .lexer import UnexpectedEndError
6import collections
7from dataclasses import dataclass
10__all__ = ['ACCEPT', 'ERROR', 'Nt', 'InitNt', 'End', 'Parser', 'ErrorToken']
12# Actions are encoded as 64-bit signed integers, with the following meanings:
13# - n in range(0, 0x8000_0000_0000_0000) - shift to state n
14# - n in range(0x8000_0000_0000_0000, 0xc000_0000_0000_0000) - call special_case(n & SPECIAL_CASE_MASK)
15# - n == ERROR (0xbfff_ffff_ffff_fffe)
16# - n == ACCEPT (0xbfff_ffff_ffff_ffff)
17# - n in range(0xc000_0000_0000_0000, 0x1_0000_0000_0000_0000) - reduce by production -n - 1
19SPECIAL_CASE_MASK = 0x3fff_ffff_ffff_ffff
20SPECIAL_CASE_TAG = -0x8000_0000_0000_0000
21ACCEPT = 0x_bfff_ffff_ffff_ffff - (1 << 64)
26class ErrorTokenClass:
27    def __repr__(self):
28        return 'ErrorToken'
31ErrorToken = ErrorTokenClass()
34def throw_syntax_error(actions, state, t, tokens):
35    assert t is not None
36    if isinstance(state, StateTermValue):
37        state = state.state
38    expected = set(actions[state].keys())
39    expected = set(e for e in expected if not isinstance(e, Nt))
41    # Tidy up the `expected` set a bit.
42    if End() in expected:
43        expected.remove(End())
44        expected.add("end of input")
45    if ErrorToken in expected:
46        # This is possible because we restore the stack in _try_error_handling
47        # after reducing and then failing to find a recovery rule after all.
48        # But don't tell people in error messages that an error is one of the
49        # things we expect. It makes no sense.
50        expected.remove(ErrorToken)
52    if len(expected) < 2:
53        tokens.throw("expected {!r}, got {!r}".format(list(expected)[0], t))
54    else:
55        tokens.throw("expected one of {!r}, got {!r}"
56                     .format(sorted(expected), t))
59StateTermValue = collections.namedtuple("StateTermValue", "state term value new_line")
62class ShiftError(Exception):
63    pass
66class ShiftAccept(Exception):
67    pass
70class Parser:
71    """Parser using jsparagus-generated tables.
73    The usual design is, a parser object consumes a token iterator.
74    This Parser is not like that. Instead, the lexer feeds tokens to it
75    by calling `parser.write_terminal(lexer, token)` repeatedly, then
76    `parser.close(lexer)`.
78    The parser uses these methods of the lexer object:
80    *   lexer.take() - Return data associated with a token, like the
81        numeric value of an int literal token.
83    *   lexer.throw(message) - Throw a syntax error. (This is on the lexer
84        because the lexer has the current position.)
86    *   lexer.throw_unexpected_end() - Throw a syntax error after we
87        successfully parsed the whole file except more tokens were expected at
88        the end.
90    """
92    def __init__(self, actions, error_codes, entry_state, methods):
93        self.actions = actions
94        self.stack = [StateTermValue(entry_state, None, None, False)]
95        self.replay = []
96        self.flags = collections.defaultdict(lambda: [])
97        self.error_codes = error_codes
98        self.methods = methods
99        self.closed = False
100        self.debug = False
101        self.is_simulator = False
102        self.last_shift = None
104    def clone(self):
105        return Parser(self.actions, self.error_codes, 0, self.methods)
107    def simulator_clone(self):
108        """Make a copy of this parser for simulation.
110        The copy has a version of the self.reductions table that never actually
111        does anything.
113        This is absurdly expensive and is for very odd and special use cases.
114        """
115        p = self.clone()
116        p.stack = self.stack[:]
117        p.replay = self.replay[:]
118        p.debug = self.debug
119        p.is_simulator = True
120        return p
122    def _str_stv(self, stv):
123        # NOTE: replace this function by repr(), to inspect wrong computations.
124        val = ''
125        if stv.value:
126            val = '*'
127        return "-- {} {}--> {}".format(stv.term, val, stv.state)
129    def _dbg_where(self, t=""):
130        name = "stack"
131        if self.is_simulator:
132            name = "simulator"
133        print("{}: {}; {}\nexpect one of: {}".format(
134            name,
135            " ".join(self._str_stv(s) for s in self.stack), t,
136            repr(self.actions[self.stack[-1].state])
137        ))
139    def _shift(self, stv, lexer):
140        state = self.stack[-1].state
141        if self.debug:
142            self._dbg_where("shift: {}".format(str(stv.term)))
143        if not isinstance(self.actions[state], dict):
144            # This happens after raising a ShiftAccept error.
145            if stv.term == End():
146                raise ShiftAccept()
147            raise ShiftError()
148        self.last_shift = (state, stv)
149        while True:
150            goto = self.actions[state].get(stv.term, ERROR)
151            if goto == ERROR:
152                if self.debug:
153                    self._dbg_where("(error)")
154                self._try_error_handling(lexer, stv)
155                stv = self.replay.pop()
156                if self.debug:
157                    self._dbg_where("error: {}".format(str(stv.term)))
158                continue
159            state = goto
160            self.stack.append(StateTermValue(state, stv.term, stv.value, stv.new_line))
161            action = self.actions[state]
162            if not isinstance(action, dict):  # Action
163                if self.debug:
164                    self._dbg_where("(action {})".format(state))
165                action(self, lexer)
166                state = self.stack[-1].state
167                action = self.actions[state]
168                # Actions should always unwind or do an epsilon transition to a
169                # shift state.
170                assert isinstance(action, dict)
171            if self.replay != []:
172                stv = self.replay.pop()
173                if self.debug:
174                    self._dbg_where("replay: {}".format(repr(stv.term)))
175            else:
176                break
178    def replay_action(self, dest):
179        # This code emulates the code which would be executed by the shift
180        # function, if we were to return to this shift function instead of
181        # staying within the action functions. The destination provided as
182        # argument should match the content of the parse table, otherwise this
183        # would imply that the replay action does not encode a transition from
184        # the parse table.
185        state = self.stack[-1].state
186        stv = self.replay.pop()
187        if self.debug:
188            self._dbg_where("(inline-replay: {})".format(repr(stv.term)))
189        goto = self.actions[state].get(stv.term, ERROR)
190        assert goto == dest
191        self.stack.append(StateTermValue(dest, stv.term, stv.value, stv.new_line))
193    def shift_list(self, stv_list, lexer):
194        self.replay.extend(reversed(stv_list))
196    def write_terminal(self, lexer, t):
197        assert not self.closed
198        try:
199            stv = StateTermValue(0, t, lexer.take(), lexer.saw_line_terminator())
200            self._shift(stv, lexer)
201        except ShiftAccept:
202            if self.debug:
203                self._dbg_where("(write_terminal accept)")
204            if self.replay != []:
205                state, stv = self.last_shift
206                throw_syntax_error(self.actions, state, lexer.take(), lexer)
207        except ShiftError:
208            state, stv = self.last_shift
209            throw_syntax_error(self.actions, state, lexer.take(), lexer)
211    def close(self, lexer):
212        assert not self.closed
213        self.closed = True
214        try:
215            self._shift(StateTermValue(0, End(), End(), False), lexer)
216        except ShiftAccept:
217            if self.debug:
218                self._dbg_where("(close accept)")
219                print(repr(self.stack))
220            while self.stack[-1].term == End():
221                self.stack.pop()
222            assert len(self.stack) == 2
223            assert self.stack[0].term is None
224            assert isinstance(self.stack[1].term, Nt)
225            return self.stack[1].value
227    def top_state(self):
228        return self.stack[-1].state
230    def check_not_on_new_line(self, lexer, peek):
231        if peek <= 0:
232            raise ValueError("check_not_on_new_line got an impossible peek offset")
233        if not self.stack[-peek].new_line:
234            return True
235        for _ in range(peek - 1):
236            self.replay.append(self.stack.pop())
237        stv = self.stack.pop()
238        self._try_error_handling(lexer, stv)
239        return False
241    def _try_error_handling(self, lexer, stv):
242        # Error recovery version of the code in write_terminal. Three differences
243        # between this and write_terminal are commented below.
244        if stv.term is ErrorToken:
245            if stv.value == End():
246                lexer.throw_unexpected_end()
247                raise
248            throw_syntax_error(self.actions, self.stack[-1], stv.value, lexer)
249            raise
251        state = self.stack[-1].state
252        error_code = self.error_codes[state]
253        if error_code is not None:
254            self.on_recover(error_code, lexer, stv)
255            self.replay.append(stv)
256            self.replay.append(StateTermValue(0, ErrorToken, stv.value, stv.new_line))
257        elif stv.term == End():
258            lexer.throw_unexpected_end()
259            raise
260        else:
261            throw_syntax_error(self.actions, self.stack[-1], stv.value, lexer)
262            raise
264    def on_recover(self, error_code, lexer, stv):
265        """Called when the grammar says to recover from a parse error.
267        Subclasses can override this to add custom code when an ErrorSymbol in
268        a production is matched. This base-class implementation does nothing,
269        allowing the parser to recover from the error silently.
270        """
271        pass
273    def can_accept_terminal(self, lexer, t):
274        """Return True if the terminal `t` is OK next.
276        False if it's an error. `t` can be None, querying if we can accept
277        end-of-input.
278        """
279        class BogusLexer:
280            def throw_unexpected_end(self):
281                raise UnexpectedEndError("")
283            def throw(self, message):
284                raise SyntaxError(message)
286            def take(self):
287                return str(t)
289            def saw_line_terminator(self):
290                return lexer.saw_line_terminator()
292        sim = self.simulator_clone()
293        try:
294            sim.write_terminal(BogusLexer(), t)
295        except Exception:
296            return False
297        return True
299    def can_close(self):
300        """Return True if self.close() would succeed."""
302        # The easy case: no error, parsing just succeeds.
303        # The hard case: maybe error-handling would succeed?
304        # The easiest thing is simply to run the method.
305        class BogusLexer:
306            def throw_unexpected_end(self):
307                raise UnexpectedEndError("")
309            def throw(self, message):
310                raise SyntaxError(message)
312        sim = self.simulator_clone()
313        try:
314            sim.close(BogusLexer())
315        except SyntaxError:
316            return False
317        return True