1 //! Implementations for `BlockContext` methods.
3 use super::{
4     index::BoundsCheckResult, make_local, selection::Selection, Block, BlockContext, Dimension,
5     Error, Instruction, LocalType, LookupType, LoopContext, ResultMember, Writer, WriterFlags,
6 };
7 use crate::{arena::Handle, proc::TypeResolution};
8 use spirv::Word;
get_dimension(type_inner: &crate::TypeInner) -> Dimension10 fn get_dimension(type_inner: &crate::TypeInner) -> Dimension {
11     match *type_inner {
12         crate::TypeInner::Scalar { .. } => Dimension::Scalar,
13         crate::TypeInner::Vector { .. } => Dimension::Vector,
14         crate::TypeInner::Matrix { .. } => Dimension::Matrix,
15         _ => unreachable!(),
16     }
17 }
19 /// The results of emitting code for a left-hand-side expression.
20 ///
21 /// On success, `write_expression_pointer` returns one of these.
22 enum ExpressionPointer {
23     /// The pointer to the expression's value is available, as the value of the
24     /// expression with the given id.
25     Ready { pointer_id: Word },
27     /// The access expression must be conditional on the value of `condition`, a boolean
28     /// expression that is true if all indices are in bounds. If `condition` is true, then
29     /// `access` is an `OpAccessChain` instruction that will compute a pointer to the
30     /// expression's value. If `condition` is false, then executing `access` would be
31     /// undefined behavior.
32     Conditional {
33         condition: Word,
34         access: Instruction,
35     },
36 }
38 impl Writer {
39     // Flip Y coordinate to adjust for coordinate space difference
40     // between SPIR-V and our IR.
41     // The `position_id` argument is a pointer to a `vecN<f32>`,
42     // whose `y` component we will negate.
write_epilogue_position_y_flip( &mut self, position_id: Word, body: &mut Vec<Instruction>, ) -> Result<(), Error>43     fn write_epilogue_position_y_flip(
44         &mut self,
45         position_id: Word,
46         body: &mut Vec<Instruction>,
47     ) -> Result<(), Error> {
48         let float_ptr_type_id = self.get_type_id(LookupType::Local(LocalType::Value {
49             vector_size: None,
50             kind: crate::ScalarKind::Float,
51             width: 4,
52             pointer_class: Some(spirv::StorageClass::Output),
53         }));
54         let index_y_id = self.get_index_constant(1);
55         let access_id = self.id_gen.next();
56         body.push(Instruction::access_chain(
57             float_ptr_type_id,
58             access_id,
59             position_id,
60             &[index_y_id],
61         ));
63         let float_type_id = self.get_type_id(LookupType::Local(LocalType::Value {
64             vector_size: None,
65             kind: crate::ScalarKind::Float,
66             width: 4,
67             pointer_class: None,
68         }));
69         let load_id = self.id_gen.next();
70         body.push(Instruction::load(float_type_id, load_id, access_id, None));
72         let neg_id = self.id_gen.next();
73         body.push(Instruction::unary(
74             spirv::Op::FNegate,
75             float_type_id,
76             neg_id,
77             load_id,
78         ));
80         body.push(Instruction::store(access_id, neg_id, None));
81         Ok(())
82     }
84     // Clamp fragment depth between 0 and 1.
write_epilogue_frag_depth_clamp( &mut self, frag_depth_id: Word, body: &mut Vec<Instruction>, ) -> Result<(), Error>85     fn write_epilogue_frag_depth_clamp(
86         &mut self,
87         frag_depth_id: Word,
88         body: &mut Vec<Instruction>,
89     ) -> Result<(), Error> {
90         let float_type_id = self.get_type_id(LookupType::Local(LocalType::Value {
91             vector_size: None,
92             kind: crate::ScalarKind::Float,
93             width: 4,
94             pointer_class: None,
95         }));
96         let value0_id = self.get_constant_scalar(crate::ScalarValue::Float(0.0), 4);
97         let value1_id = self.get_constant_scalar(crate::ScalarValue::Float(1.0), 4);
99         let original_id = self.id_gen.next();
100         body.push(Instruction::load(
101             float_type_id,
102             original_id,
103             frag_depth_id,
104             None,
105         ));
107         let clamp_id = self.id_gen.next();
108         body.push(Instruction::ext_inst(
109             self.gl450_ext_inst_id,
110             spirv::GLOp::FClamp,
111             float_type_id,
112             clamp_id,
113             &[original_id, value0_id, value1_id],
114         ));
116         body.push(Instruction::store(frag_depth_id, clamp_id, None));
117         Ok(())
118     }
write_entry_point_return( &mut self, value_id: Word, ir_result: &crate::FunctionResult, result_members: &[ResultMember], body: &mut Vec<Instruction>, ) -> Result<(), Error>120     fn write_entry_point_return(
121         &mut self,
122         value_id: Word,
123         ir_result: &crate::FunctionResult,
124         result_members: &[ResultMember],
125         body: &mut Vec<Instruction>,
126     ) -> Result<(), Error> {
127         for (index, res_member) in result_members.iter().enumerate() {
128             let member_value_id = match ir_result.binding {
129                 Some(_) => value_id,
130                 None => {
131                     let member_value_id = self.id_gen.next();
132                     body.push(Instruction::composite_extract(
133                         res_member.type_id,
134                         member_value_id,
135                         value_id,
136                         &[index as u32],
137                     ));
138                     member_value_id
139                 }
140             };
142             body.push(Instruction::store(res_member.id, member_value_id, None));
144             match res_member.built_in {
145                 Some(crate::BuiltIn::Position)
146                     if self.flags.contains(WriterFlags::ADJUST_COORDINATE_SPACE) =>
147                 {
148                     self.write_epilogue_position_y_flip(res_member.id, body)?;
149                 }
150                 Some(crate::BuiltIn::FragDepth)
151                     if self.flags.contains(WriterFlags::CLAMP_FRAG_DEPTH) =>
152                 {
153                     self.write_epilogue_frag_depth_clamp(res_member.id, body)?;
154                 }
155                 _ => {}
156             }
157         }
158         Ok(())
159     }
160 }
162 impl<'w> BlockContext<'w> {
163     /// Decide whether to put off emitting instructions for `expr_handle`.
164     ///
165     /// We would like to gather together chains of `Access` and `AccessIndex`
166     /// Naga expressions into a single `OpAccessChain` SPIR-V instruction. To do
167     /// this, we don't generate instructions for these exprs when we first
168     /// encounter them. Their ids in `self.writer.cached.ids` are left as zero. Then,
169     /// once we encounter a `Load` or `Store` expression that actually needs the
170     /// chain's value, we call `write_expression_pointer` to handle the whole
171     /// thing in one fell swoop.
is_intermediate(&self, expr_handle: Handle<crate::Expression>) -> bool172     fn is_intermediate(&self, expr_handle: Handle<crate::Expression>) -> bool {
173         match self.ir_function.expressions[expr_handle] {
174             crate::Expression::GlobalVariable(_) | crate::Expression::LocalVariable(_) => true,
175             crate::Expression::FunctionArgument(index) => {
176                 let arg = &self.ir_function.arguments[index as usize];
177                 self.ir_module.types[arg.ty].inner.pointer_class().is_some()
178             }
180             // The chain rule: if this `Access...`'s `base` operand was
181             // previously omitted, then omit this one, too.
182             _ => self.cached.ids[expr_handle.index()] == 0,
183         }
184     }
186     /// Cache an expression for a value.
cache_expression_value( &mut self, expr_handle: Handle<crate::Expression>, block: &mut Block, ) -> Result<(), Error>187     pub(super) fn cache_expression_value(
188         &mut self,
189         expr_handle: Handle<crate::Expression>,
190         block: &mut Block,
191     ) -> Result<(), Error> {
192         let result_type_id = self.get_expression_type_id(&self.fun_info[expr_handle].ty);
194         let id = match self.ir_function.expressions[expr_handle] {
195             crate::Expression::Access { base, index: _ } if self.is_intermediate(base) => {
196                 // See `is_intermediate`; we'll handle this later in
197                 // `write_expression_pointer`.
198                 0
199             }
200             crate::Expression::Access { base, index } => {
201                 let base_ty = self.fun_info[base].ty.inner_with(&self.ir_module.types);
202                 match *base_ty {
203                     crate::TypeInner::Vector { .. } => (),
204                     ref other => {
205                         log::error!(
206                             "Unable to access base {:?} of type {:?}",
207                             self.ir_function.expressions[base],
208                             other
209                         );
210                         return Err(Error::Validation(
211                             "only vectors may be dynamically indexed by value",
212                         ));
213                     }
214                 };
216                 self.write_vector_access(expr_handle, base, index, block)?
217             }
218             crate::Expression::AccessIndex { base, index: _ } if self.is_intermediate(base) => {
219                 // See `is_intermediate`; we'll handle this later in
220                 // `write_expression_pointer`.
221                 0
222             }
223             crate::Expression::AccessIndex { base, index } => {
224                 match *self.fun_info[base].ty.inner_with(&self.ir_module.types) {
225                     crate::TypeInner::Vector { .. }
226                     | crate::TypeInner::Matrix { .. }
227                     | crate::TypeInner::Array { .. }
228                     | crate::TypeInner::Struct { .. } => {
229                         // We never need bounds checks here: dynamically sized arrays can
230                         // only appear behind pointers, and are thus handled by the
231                         // `is_intermediate` case above. Everything else's size is
232                         // statically known and checked in validation.
233                         let id = self.gen_id();
234                         let base_id = self.cached[base];
235                         block.body.push(Instruction::composite_extract(
236                             result_type_id,
237                             id,
238                             base_id,
239                             &[index],
240                         ));
241                         id
242                     }
243                     ref other => {
244                         log::error!("Unable to access index of {:?}", other);
245                         return Err(Error::FeatureNotImplemented("access index for type"));
246                     }
247                 }
248             }
249             crate::Expression::GlobalVariable(handle) => {
250                 self.writer.global_variables[handle.index()].access_id
251             }
252             crate::Expression::Constant(handle) => self.writer.constant_ids[handle.index()],
253             crate::Expression::Splat { size, value } => {
254                 let value_id = self.cached[value];
255                 let components = [value_id; 4];
256                 let id = self.gen_id();
257                 block.body.push(Instruction::composite_construct(
258                     result_type_id,
259                     id,
260                     &components[..size as usize],
261                 ));
262                 id
263             }
264             crate::Expression::Swizzle {
265                 size,
266                 vector,
267                 pattern,
268             } => {
269                 let vector_id = self.cached[vector];
270                 self.temp_list.clear();
271                 for &sc in pattern[..size as usize].iter() {
272                     self.temp_list.push(sc as Word);
273                 }
274                 let id = self.gen_id();
275                 block.body.push(Instruction::vector_shuffle(
276                     result_type_id,
277                     id,
278                     vector_id,
279                     vector_id,
280                     &self.temp_list,
281                 ));
282                 id
283             }
284             crate::Expression::Compose {
285                 ty: _,
286                 ref components,
287             } => {
288                 self.temp_list.clear();
289                 for &component in components {
290                     self.temp_list.push(self.cached[component]);
291                 }
293                 let id = self.gen_id();
294                 block.body.push(Instruction::composite_construct(
295                     result_type_id,
296                     id,
297                     &self.temp_list,
298                 ));
299                 id
300             }
301             crate::Expression::Unary { op, expr } => {
302                 let id = self.gen_id();
303                 let expr_id = self.cached[expr];
304                 let expr_ty_inner = self.fun_info[expr].ty.inner_with(&self.ir_module.types);
306                 let spirv_op = match op {
307                     crate::UnaryOperator::Negate => match expr_ty_inner.scalar_kind() {
308                         Some(crate::ScalarKind::Float) => spirv::Op::FNegate,
309                         Some(crate::ScalarKind::Sint) => spirv::Op::SNegate,
310                         Some(crate::ScalarKind::Bool) => spirv::Op::LogicalNot,
311                         Some(crate::ScalarKind::Uint) | None => {
312                             log::error!("Unable to negate {:?}", expr_ty_inner);
313                             return Err(Error::FeatureNotImplemented("negation"));
314                         }
315                     },
316                     crate::UnaryOperator::Not => match expr_ty_inner.scalar_kind() {
317                         Some(crate::ScalarKind::Bool) => spirv::Op::LogicalNot,
318                         _ => spirv::Op::Not,
319                     },
320                 };
322                 block
323                     .body
324                     .push(Instruction::unary(spirv_op, result_type_id, id, expr_id));
325                 id
326             }
327             crate::Expression::Binary { op, left, right } => {
328                 let id = self.gen_id();
329                 let left_id = self.cached[left];
330                 let right_id = self.cached[right];
332                 let left_ty_inner = self.fun_info[left].ty.inner_with(&self.ir_module.types);
333                 let right_ty_inner = self.fun_info[right].ty.inner_with(&self.ir_module.types);
335                 let left_dimension = get_dimension(left_ty_inner);
336                 let right_dimension = get_dimension(right_ty_inner);
338                 let mut preserve_order = true;
340                 let spirv_op = match op {
341                     crate::BinaryOperator::Add => match *left_ty_inner {
342                         crate::TypeInner::Scalar { kind, .. }
343                         | crate::TypeInner::Vector { kind, .. } => match kind {
344                             crate::ScalarKind::Float => spirv::Op::FAdd,
345                             _ => spirv::Op::IAdd,
346                         },
347                         _ => unimplemented!(),
348                     },
349                     crate::BinaryOperator::Subtract => match *left_ty_inner {
350                         crate::TypeInner::Scalar { kind, .. }
351                         | crate::TypeInner::Vector { kind, .. } => match kind {
352                             crate::ScalarKind::Float => spirv::Op::FSub,
353                             _ => spirv::Op::ISub,
354                         },
355                         _ => unimplemented!(),
356                     },
357                     crate::BinaryOperator::Multiply => match (left_dimension, right_dimension) {
358                         (Dimension::Scalar, Dimension::Vector { .. }) => {
359                             preserve_order = false;
360                             spirv::Op::VectorTimesScalar
361                         }
362                         (Dimension::Vector, Dimension::Scalar { .. }) => {
363                             spirv::Op::VectorTimesScalar
364                         }
365                         (Dimension::Vector, Dimension::Matrix) => spirv::Op::VectorTimesMatrix,
366                         (Dimension::Matrix, Dimension::Scalar { .. }) => {
367                             spirv::Op::MatrixTimesScalar
368                         }
369                         (Dimension::Scalar, Dimension::Matrix { .. }) => {
370                             preserve_order = false;
371                             spirv::Op::MatrixTimesScalar
372                         }
373                         (Dimension::Matrix, Dimension::Vector) => spirv::Op::MatrixTimesVector,
374                         (Dimension::Matrix, Dimension::Matrix) => spirv::Op::MatrixTimesMatrix,
375                         (Dimension::Vector, Dimension::Vector)
376                         | (Dimension::Scalar, Dimension::Scalar)
377                             if left_ty_inner.scalar_kind() == Some(crate::ScalarKind::Float) =>
378                         {
379                             spirv::Op::FMul
380                         }
381                         (Dimension::Vector, Dimension::Vector)
382                         | (Dimension::Scalar, Dimension::Scalar) => spirv::Op::IMul,
383                     },
384                     crate::BinaryOperator::Divide => match left_ty_inner.scalar_kind() {
385                         Some(crate::ScalarKind::Sint) => spirv::Op::SDiv,
386                         Some(crate::ScalarKind::Uint) => spirv::Op::UDiv,
387                         Some(crate::ScalarKind::Float) => spirv::Op::FDiv,
388                         _ => unimplemented!(),
389                     },
390                     crate::BinaryOperator::Modulo => match left_ty_inner.scalar_kind() {
391                         Some(crate::ScalarKind::Sint) => spirv::Op::SMod,
392                         Some(crate::ScalarKind::Uint) => spirv::Op::UMod,
393                         Some(crate::ScalarKind::Float) => spirv::Op::FRem,
394                         _ => unimplemented!(),
395                     },
396                     crate::BinaryOperator::Equal => match left_ty_inner.scalar_kind() {
397                         Some(crate::ScalarKind::Sint) | Some(crate::ScalarKind::Uint) => {
398                             spirv::Op::IEqual
399                         }
400                         Some(crate::ScalarKind::Float) => spirv::Op::FOrdEqual,
401                         Some(crate::ScalarKind::Bool) => spirv::Op::LogicalEqual,
402                         _ => unimplemented!(),
403                     },
404                     crate::BinaryOperator::NotEqual => match left_ty_inner.scalar_kind() {
405                         Some(crate::ScalarKind::Sint) | Some(crate::ScalarKind::Uint) => {
406                             spirv::Op::INotEqual
407                         }
408                         Some(crate::ScalarKind::Float) => spirv::Op::FOrdNotEqual,
409                         Some(crate::ScalarKind::Bool) => spirv::Op::LogicalNotEqual,
410                         _ => unimplemented!(),
411                     },
412                     crate::BinaryOperator::Less => match left_ty_inner.scalar_kind() {
413                         Some(crate::ScalarKind::Sint) => spirv::Op::SLessThan,
414                         Some(crate::ScalarKind::Uint) => spirv::Op::ULessThan,
415                         Some(crate::ScalarKind::Float) => spirv::Op::FOrdLessThan,
416                         _ => unimplemented!(),
417                     },
418                     crate::BinaryOperator::LessEqual => match left_ty_inner.scalar_kind() {
419                         Some(crate::ScalarKind::Sint) => spirv::Op::SLessThanEqual,
420                         Some(crate::ScalarKind::Uint) => spirv::Op::ULessThanEqual,
421                         Some(crate::ScalarKind::Float) => spirv::Op::FOrdLessThanEqual,
422                         _ => unimplemented!(),
423                     },
424                     crate::BinaryOperator::Greater => match left_ty_inner.scalar_kind() {
425                         Some(crate::ScalarKind::Sint) => spirv::Op::SGreaterThan,
426                         Some(crate::ScalarKind::Uint) => spirv::Op::UGreaterThan,
427                         Some(crate::ScalarKind::Float) => spirv::Op::FOrdGreaterThan,
428                         _ => unimplemented!(),
429                     },
430                     crate::BinaryOperator::GreaterEqual => match left_ty_inner.scalar_kind() {
431                         Some(crate::ScalarKind::Sint) => spirv::Op::SGreaterThanEqual,
432                         Some(crate::ScalarKind::Uint) => spirv::Op::UGreaterThanEqual,
433                         Some(crate::ScalarKind::Float) => spirv::Op::FOrdGreaterThanEqual,
434                         _ => unimplemented!(),
435                     },
436                     crate::BinaryOperator::And => match left_ty_inner.scalar_kind() {
437                         Some(crate::ScalarKind::Bool) => spirv::Op::LogicalAnd,
438                         _ => spirv::Op::BitwiseAnd,
439                     },
440                     crate::BinaryOperator::ExclusiveOr => spirv::Op::BitwiseXor,
441                     crate::BinaryOperator::InclusiveOr => match left_ty_inner.scalar_kind() {
442                         Some(crate::ScalarKind::Bool) => spirv::Op::LogicalOr,
443                         _ => spirv::Op::BitwiseOr,
444                     },
445                     crate::BinaryOperator::LogicalAnd => spirv::Op::LogicalAnd,
446                     crate::BinaryOperator::LogicalOr => spirv::Op::LogicalOr,
447                     crate::BinaryOperator::ShiftLeft => spirv::Op::ShiftLeftLogical,
448                     crate::BinaryOperator::ShiftRight => match left_ty_inner.scalar_kind() {
449                         Some(crate::ScalarKind::Sint) => spirv::Op::ShiftRightArithmetic,
450                         Some(crate::ScalarKind::Uint) => spirv::Op::ShiftRightLogical,
451                         _ => unimplemented!(),
452                     },
453                 };
455                 block.body.push(Instruction::binary(
456                     spirv_op,
457                     result_type_id,
458                     id,
459                     if preserve_order { left_id } else { right_id },
460                     if preserve_order { right_id } else { left_id },
461                 ));
462                 id
463             }
464             crate::Expression::Math {
465                 fun,
466                 arg,
467                 arg1,
468                 arg2,
469                 arg3,
470             } => {
471                 use crate::MathFunction as Mf;
472                 enum MathOp {
473                     Ext(spirv::GLOp),
474                     Custom(Instruction),
475                 }
477                 let arg0_id = self.cached[arg];
478                 let arg_ty = self.fun_info[arg].ty.inner_with(&self.ir_module.types);
479                 let arg_scalar_kind = arg_ty.scalar_kind();
480                 let arg1_id = match arg1 {
481                     Some(handle) => self.cached[handle],
482                     None => 0,
483                 };
484                 let arg2_id = match arg2 {
485                     Some(handle) => self.cached[handle],
486                     None => 0,
487                 };
488                 let arg3_id = match arg3 {
489                     Some(handle) => self.cached[handle],
490                     None => 0,
491                 };
493                 let id = self.gen_id();
494                 let math_op = match fun {
495                     // comparison
496                     Mf::Abs => {
497                         match arg_scalar_kind {
498                             Some(crate::ScalarKind::Float) => MathOp::Ext(spirv::GLOp::FAbs),
499                             Some(crate::ScalarKind::Sint) => MathOp::Ext(spirv::GLOp::SAbs),
500                             Some(crate::ScalarKind::Uint) => {
501                                 MathOp::Custom(Instruction::unary(
502                                     spirv::Op::CopyObject, // do nothing
503                                     result_type_id,
504                                     id,
505                                     arg0_id,
506                                 ))
507                             }
508                             other => unimplemented!("Unexpected abs({:?})", other),
509                         }
510                     }
511                     Mf::Min => MathOp::Ext(match arg_scalar_kind {
512                         Some(crate::ScalarKind::Float) => spirv::GLOp::FMin,
513                         Some(crate::ScalarKind::Sint) => spirv::GLOp::SMin,
514                         Some(crate::ScalarKind::Uint) => spirv::GLOp::UMin,
515                         other => unimplemented!("Unexpected min({:?})", other),
516                     }),
517                     Mf::Max => MathOp::Ext(match arg_scalar_kind {
518                         Some(crate::ScalarKind::Float) => spirv::GLOp::FMax,
519                         Some(crate::ScalarKind::Sint) => spirv::GLOp::SMax,
520                         Some(crate::ScalarKind::Uint) => spirv::GLOp::UMax,
521                         other => unimplemented!("Unexpected max({:?})", other),
522                     }),
523                     Mf::Clamp => MathOp::Ext(match arg_scalar_kind {
524                         Some(crate::ScalarKind::Float) => spirv::GLOp::FClamp,
525                         Some(crate::ScalarKind::Sint) => spirv::GLOp::SClamp,
526                         Some(crate::ScalarKind::Uint) => spirv::GLOp::UClamp,
527                         other => unimplemented!("Unexpected max({:?})", other),
528                     }),
529                     // trigonometry
530                     Mf::Sin => MathOp::Ext(spirv::GLOp::Sin),
531                     Mf::Sinh => MathOp::Ext(spirv::GLOp::Sinh),
532                     Mf::Asin => MathOp::Ext(spirv::GLOp::Asin),
533                     Mf::Cos => MathOp::Ext(spirv::GLOp::Cos),
534                     Mf::Cosh => MathOp::Ext(spirv::GLOp::Cosh),
535                     Mf::Acos => MathOp::Ext(spirv::GLOp::Acos),
536                     Mf::Tan => MathOp::Ext(spirv::GLOp::Tan),
537                     Mf::Tanh => MathOp::Ext(spirv::GLOp::Tanh),
538                     Mf::Atan => MathOp::Ext(spirv::GLOp::Atan),
539                     Mf::Atan2 => MathOp::Ext(spirv::GLOp::Atan2),
540                     Mf::Asinh => MathOp::Ext(spirv::GLOp::Asinh),
541                     Mf::Acosh => MathOp::Ext(spirv::GLOp::Acosh),
542                     Mf::Atanh => MathOp::Ext(spirv::GLOp::Atanh),
543                     Mf::Radians => MathOp::Ext(spirv::GLOp::Radians),
544                     Mf::Degrees => MathOp::Ext(spirv::GLOp::Degrees),
545                     // decomposition
546                     Mf::Ceil => MathOp::Ext(spirv::GLOp::Ceil),
547                     Mf::Round => MathOp::Ext(spirv::GLOp::RoundEven),
548                     Mf::Floor => MathOp::Ext(spirv::GLOp::Floor),
549                     Mf::Fract => MathOp::Ext(spirv::GLOp::Fract),
550                     Mf::Trunc => MathOp::Ext(spirv::GLOp::Trunc),
551                     Mf::Modf => MathOp::Ext(spirv::GLOp::Modf),
552                     Mf::Frexp => MathOp::Ext(spirv::GLOp::Frexp),
553                     Mf::Ldexp => MathOp::Ext(spirv::GLOp::Ldexp),
554                     // geometry
555                     Mf::Dot => MathOp::Custom(Instruction::binary(
556                         spirv::Op::Dot,
557                         result_type_id,
558                         id,
559                         arg0_id,
560                         arg1_id,
561                     )),
562                     Mf::Outer => MathOp::Custom(Instruction::binary(
563                         spirv::Op::OuterProduct,
564                         result_type_id,
565                         id,
566                         arg0_id,
567                         arg1_id,
568                     )),
569                     Mf::Cross => MathOp::Ext(spirv::GLOp::Cross),
570                     Mf::Distance => MathOp::Ext(spirv::GLOp::Distance),
571                     Mf::Length => MathOp::Ext(spirv::GLOp::Length),
572                     Mf::Normalize => MathOp::Ext(spirv::GLOp::Normalize),
573                     Mf::FaceForward => MathOp::Ext(spirv::GLOp::FaceForward),
574                     Mf::Reflect => MathOp::Ext(spirv::GLOp::Reflect),
575                     Mf::Refract => MathOp::Ext(spirv::GLOp::Refract),
576                     // exponent
577                     Mf::Exp => MathOp::Ext(spirv::GLOp::Exp),
578                     Mf::Exp2 => MathOp::Ext(spirv::GLOp::Exp2),
579                     Mf::Log => MathOp::Ext(spirv::GLOp::Log),
580                     Mf::Log2 => MathOp::Ext(spirv::GLOp::Log2),
581                     Mf::Pow => MathOp::Ext(spirv::GLOp::Pow),
582                     // computational
583                     Mf::Sign => MathOp::Ext(match arg_scalar_kind {
584                         Some(crate::ScalarKind::Float) => spirv::GLOp::FSign,
585                         Some(crate::ScalarKind::Sint) => spirv::GLOp::SSign,
586                         other => unimplemented!("Unexpected sign({:?})", other),
587                     }),
588                     Mf::Fma => MathOp::Ext(spirv::GLOp::Fma),
589                     Mf::Mix => {
590                         let selector = arg2.unwrap();
591                         let selector_ty =
592                             self.fun_info[selector].ty.inner_with(&self.ir_module.types);
593                         match (arg_ty, selector_ty) {
594                             // if the selector is a scalar, we need to splat it
595                             (
596                                 &crate::TypeInner::Vector { size, .. },
597                                 &crate::TypeInner::Scalar { kind, width },
598                             ) => {
599                                 let selector_type_id =
600                                     self.get_type_id(LookupType::Local(LocalType::Value {
601                                         vector_size: Some(size),
602                                         kind,
603                                         width,
604                                         pointer_class: None,
605                                     }));
606                                 self.temp_list.clear();
607                                 self.temp_list.resize(size as usize, arg2_id);
609                                 let selector_id = self.gen_id();
610                                 block.body.push(Instruction::composite_construct(
611                                     selector_type_id,
612                                     selector_id,
613                                     &self.temp_list,
614                                 ));
616                                 MathOp::Custom(Instruction::ext_inst(
617                                     self.writer.gl450_ext_inst_id,
618                                     spirv::GLOp::FMix,
619                                     result_type_id,
620                                     id,
621                                     &[arg0_id, arg1_id, selector_id],
622                                 ))
623                             }
624                             _ => MathOp::Ext(spirv::GLOp::FMix),
625                         }
626                     }
627                     Mf::Step => MathOp::Ext(spirv::GLOp::Step),
628                     Mf::SmoothStep => MathOp::Ext(spirv::GLOp::SmoothStep),
629                     Mf::Sqrt => MathOp::Ext(spirv::GLOp::Sqrt),
630                     Mf::InverseSqrt => MathOp::Ext(spirv::GLOp::InverseSqrt),
631                     Mf::Inverse => MathOp::Ext(spirv::GLOp::MatrixInverse),
632                     Mf::Transpose => MathOp::Custom(Instruction::unary(
633                         spirv::Op::Transpose,
634                         result_type_id,
635                         id,
636                         arg0_id,
637                     )),
638                     Mf::Determinant => MathOp::Ext(spirv::GLOp::Determinant),
639                     Mf::ReverseBits | Mf::CountOneBits => {
640                         log::error!("unimplemented math function {:?}", fun);
641                         return Err(Error::FeatureNotImplemented("math function"));
642                     }
643                     Mf::ExtractBits => {
644                         let op = match arg_scalar_kind {
645                             Some(crate::ScalarKind::Uint) => spirv::Op::BitFieldUExtract,
646                             Some(crate::ScalarKind::Sint) => spirv::Op::BitFieldSExtract,
647                             other => unimplemented!("Unexpected sign({:?})", other),
648                         };
649                         MathOp::Custom(Instruction::ternary(
650                             op,
651                             result_type_id,
652                             id,
653                             arg0_id,
654                             arg1_id,
655                             arg2_id,
656                         ))
657                     }
658                     Mf::InsertBits => MathOp::Custom(Instruction::quaternary(
659                         spirv::Op::BitFieldInsert,
660                         result_type_id,
661                         id,
662                         arg0_id,
663                         arg1_id,
664                         arg2_id,
665                         arg3_id,
666                     )),
667                     Mf::FindLsb => MathOp::Ext(spirv::GLOp::FindILsb),
668                     Mf::FindMsb => MathOp::Ext(match arg_scalar_kind {
669                         Some(crate::ScalarKind::Uint) => spirv::GLOp::FindUMsb,
670                         Some(crate::ScalarKind::Sint) => spirv::GLOp::FindSMsb,
671                         other => unimplemented!("Unexpected findMSB({:?})", other),
672                     }),
673                     Mf::Pack4x8unorm => MathOp::Ext(spirv::GLOp::PackUnorm4x8),
674                     Mf::Pack4x8snorm => MathOp::Ext(spirv::GLOp::PackSnorm4x8),
675                     Mf::Pack2x16float => MathOp::Ext(spirv::GLOp::PackHalf2x16),
676                     Mf::Pack2x16unorm => MathOp::Ext(spirv::GLOp::PackUnorm2x16),
677                     Mf::Pack2x16snorm => MathOp::Ext(spirv::GLOp::PackSnorm2x16),
678                     Mf::Unpack4x8unorm => MathOp::Ext(spirv::GLOp::UnpackUnorm4x8),
679                     Mf::Unpack4x8snorm => MathOp::Ext(spirv::GLOp::UnpackSnorm4x8),
680                     Mf::Unpack2x16float => MathOp::Ext(spirv::GLOp::UnpackHalf2x16),
681                     Mf::Unpack2x16unorm => MathOp::Ext(spirv::GLOp::UnpackUnorm2x16),
682                     Mf::Unpack2x16snorm => MathOp::Ext(spirv::GLOp::UnpackSnorm2x16),
683                 };
685                 block.body.push(match math_op {
686                     MathOp::Ext(op) => Instruction::ext_inst(
687                         self.writer.gl450_ext_inst_id,
688                         op,
689                         result_type_id,
690                         id,
691                         &[arg0_id, arg1_id, arg2_id, arg3_id][..fun.argument_count()],
692                     ),
693                     MathOp::Custom(inst) => inst,
694                 });
695                 id
696             }
697             crate::Expression::LocalVariable(variable) => self.function.variables[&variable].id,
698             crate::Expression::Load { pointer } => {
699                 match self.write_expression_pointer(pointer, block)? {
700                     ExpressionPointer::Ready { pointer_id } => {
701                         let id = self.gen_id();
702                         let atomic_class =
703                             match *self.fun_info[pointer].ty.inner_with(&self.ir_module.types) {
704                                 crate::TypeInner::Pointer { base, class } => {
705                                     match self.ir_module.types[base].inner {
706                                         crate::TypeInner::Atomic { .. } => Some(class),
707                                         _ => None,
708                                     }
709                                 }
710                                 _ => None,
711                             };
712                         let instruction = if let Some(class) = atomic_class {
713                             let (semantics, scope) = class.to_spirv_semantics_and_scope();
714                             let scope_constant_id = self.get_scope_constant(scope as u32);
715                             let semantics_id = self.get_index_constant(semantics.bits());
716                             Instruction::atomic_load(
717                                 result_type_id,
718                                 id,
719                                 pointer_id,
720                                 scope_constant_id,
721                                 semantics_id,
722                             )
723                         } else {
724                             Instruction::load(result_type_id, id, pointer_id, None)
725                         };
726                         block.body.push(instruction);
727                         id
728                     }
729                     ExpressionPointer::Conditional { condition, access } => {
730                         //TODO: support atomics?
731                         self.write_conditional_indexed_load(
732                             result_type_id,
733                             condition,
734                             block,
735                             move |id_gen, block| {
736                                 // The in-bounds path. Perform the access and the load.
737                                 let pointer_id = access.result_id.unwrap();
738                                 let value_id = id_gen.next();
739                                 block.body.push(access);
740                                 block.body.push(Instruction::load(
741                                     result_type_id,
742                                     value_id,
743                                     pointer_id,
744                                     None,
745                                 ));
746                                 value_id
747                             },
748                         )
749                     }
750                 }
751             }
752             crate::Expression::FunctionArgument(index) => self.function.parameter_id(index),
753             crate::Expression::CallResult(_) | crate::Expression::AtomicResult { .. } => {
754                 self.cached[expr_handle]
755             }
756             crate::Expression::As {
757                 expr,
758                 kind,
759                 convert,
760             } => {
761                 use crate::ScalarKind as Sk;
763                 let expr_id = self.cached[expr];
764                 let (src_kind, src_size, src_width) =
765                     match *self.fun_info[expr].ty.inner_with(&self.ir_module.types) {
766                         crate::TypeInner::Scalar { kind, width } => (kind, None, width),
767                         crate::TypeInner::Vector { kind, width, size } => (kind, Some(size), width),
768                         ref other => {
769                             log::error!("As source {:?}", other);
770                             return Err(Error::Validation("Unexpected Expression::As source"));
771                         }
772                     };
774                 enum Cast {
775                     Unary(spirv::Op),
776                     Binary(spirv::Op, Word),
777                     Ternary(spirv::Op, Word, Word),
778                 }
780                 let cast = match (src_kind, kind, convert) {
781                     (_, _, None) | (Sk::Bool, Sk::Bool, Some(_)) => Cast::Unary(spirv::Op::Bitcast),
782                     // casting to a bool - generate `OpXxxNotEqual`
783                     (_, Sk::Bool, Some(_)) => {
784                         let (op, value) = match src_kind {
785                             Sk::Sint => (spirv::Op::INotEqual, crate::ScalarValue::Sint(0)),
786                             Sk::Uint => (spirv::Op::INotEqual, crate::ScalarValue::Uint(0)),
787                             Sk::Float => {
788                                 (spirv::Op::FUnordNotEqual, crate::ScalarValue::Float(0.0))
789                             }
790                             Sk::Bool => unreachable!(),
791                         };
792                         let zero_scalar_id = self.writer.get_constant_scalar(value, src_width);
793                         let zero_id = match src_size {
794                             Some(size) => {
795                                 let vector_type_id =
796                                     self.get_type_id(LookupType::Local(LocalType::Value {
797                                         vector_size: Some(size),
798                                         kind: src_kind,
799                                         width: src_width,
800                                         pointer_class: None,
801                                     }));
802                                 let components = [zero_scalar_id; 4];
804                                 let zero_id = self.gen_id();
805                                 block.body.push(Instruction::composite_construct(
806                                     vector_type_id,
807                                     zero_id,
808                                     &components[..size as usize],
809                                 ));
810                                 zero_id
811                             }
812                             None => zero_scalar_id,
813                         };
815                         Cast::Binary(op, zero_id)
816                     }
817                     // casting from a bool - generate `OpSelect`
818                     (Sk::Bool, _, Some(dst_width)) => {
819                         let (val0, val1) = match kind {
820                             Sk::Sint => (crate::ScalarValue::Sint(0), crate::ScalarValue::Sint(1)),
821                             Sk::Uint => (crate::ScalarValue::Uint(0), crate::ScalarValue::Uint(1)),
822                             Sk::Float => (
823                                 crate::ScalarValue::Float(0.0),
824                                 crate::ScalarValue::Float(1.0),
825                             ),
826                             Sk::Bool => unreachable!(),
827                         };
828                         let scalar0_id = self.writer.get_constant_scalar(val0, dst_width);
829                         let scalar1_id = self.writer.get_constant_scalar(val1, dst_width);
830                         let (accept_id, reject_id) = match src_size {
831                             Some(size) => {
832                                 let vector_type_id =
833                                     self.get_type_id(LookupType::Local(LocalType::Value {
834                                         vector_size: Some(size),
835                                         kind,
836                                         width: dst_width,
837                                         pointer_class: None,
838                                     }));
839                                 let components0 = [scalar0_id; 4];
840                                 let components1 = [scalar1_id; 4];
842                                 let vec0_id = self.gen_id();
843                                 block.body.push(Instruction::composite_construct(
844                                     vector_type_id,
845                                     vec0_id,
846                                     &components0[..size as usize],
847                                 ));
848                                 let vec1_id = self.gen_id();
849                                 block.body.push(Instruction::composite_construct(
850                                     vector_type_id,
851                                     vec1_id,
852                                     &components1[..size as usize],
853                                 ));
854                                 (vec1_id, vec0_id)
855                             }
856                             None => (scalar1_id, scalar0_id),
857                         };
859                         Cast::Ternary(spirv::Op::Select, accept_id, reject_id)
860                     }
861                     (Sk::Float, Sk::Uint, Some(_)) => Cast::Unary(spirv::Op::ConvertFToU),
862                     (Sk::Float, Sk::Sint, Some(_)) => Cast::Unary(spirv::Op::ConvertFToS),
863                     (Sk::Float, Sk::Float, Some(dst_width)) if src_width != dst_width => {
864                         Cast::Unary(spirv::Op::FConvert)
865                     }
866                     (Sk::Sint, Sk::Float, Some(_)) => Cast::Unary(spirv::Op::ConvertSToF),
867                     (Sk::Sint, Sk::Sint, Some(dst_width)) if src_width != dst_width => {
868                         Cast::Unary(spirv::Op::SConvert)
869                     }
870                     (Sk::Uint, Sk::Float, Some(_)) => Cast::Unary(spirv::Op::ConvertUToF),
871                     (Sk::Uint, Sk::Uint, Some(dst_width)) if src_width != dst_width => {
872                         Cast::Unary(spirv::Op::UConvert)
873                     }
874                     // We assume it's either an identity cast, or int-uint.
875                     _ => Cast::Unary(spirv::Op::Bitcast),
876                 };
878                 let id = self.gen_id();
879                 let instruction = match cast {
880                     Cast::Unary(op) => Instruction::unary(op, result_type_id, id, expr_id),
881                     Cast::Binary(op, operand) => {
882                         Instruction::binary(op, result_type_id, id, expr_id, operand)
883                     }
884                     Cast::Ternary(op, op1, op2) => {
885                         Instruction::ternary(op, result_type_id, id, expr_id, op1, op2)
886                     }
887                 };
888                 block.body.push(instruction);
889                 id
890             }
891             crate::Expression::ImageLoad {
892                 image,
893                 coordinate,
894                 array_index,
895                 index,
896             } => {
897                 self.write_image_load(result_type_id, image, coordinate, array_index, index, block)?
898             }
899             crate::Expression::ImageSample {
900                 image,
901                 sampler,
902                 gather,
903                 coordinate,
904                 array_index,
905                 offset,
906                 level,
907                 depth_ref,
908             } => self.write_image_sample(
909                 result_type_id,
910                 image,
911                 sampler,
912                 gather,
913                 coordinate,
914                 array_index,
915                 offset,
916                 level,
917                 depth_ref,
918                 block,
919             )?,
920             crate::Expression::Select {
921                 condition,
922                 accept,
923                 reject,
924             } => {
925                 let id = self.gen_id();
926                 let mut condition_id = self.cached[condition];
927                 let accept_id = self.cached[accept];
928                 let reject_id = self.cached[reject];
930                 let condition_ty = self.fun_info[condition]
931                     .ty
932                     .inner_with(&self.ir_module.types);
933                 let object_ty = self.fun_info[accept].ty.inner_with(&self.ir_module.types);
935                 if let (
936                     &crate::TypeInner::Scalar {
937                         kind: crate::ScalarKind::Bool,
938                         width,
939                     },
940                     &crate::TypeInner::Vector { size, .. },
941                 ) = (condition_ty, object_ty)
942                 {
943                     self.temp_list.clear();
944                     self.temp_list.resize(size as usize, condition_id);
946                     let bool_vector_type_id =
947                         self.get_type_id(LookupType::Local(LocalType::Value {
948                             vector_size: Some(size),
949                             kind: crate::ScalarKind::Bool,
950                             width,
951                             pointer_class: None,
952                         }));
954                     let id = self.gen_id();
955                     block.body.push(Instruction::composite_construct(
956                         bool_vector_type_id,
957                         id,
958                         &self.temp_list,
959                     ));
960                     condition_id = id
961                 }
963                 let instruction =
964                     Instruction::select(result_type_id, id, condition_id, accept_id, reject_id);
965                 block.body.push(instruction);
966                 id
967             }
968             crate::Expression::Derivative { axis, expr } => {
969                 use crate::DerivativeAxis as Da;
971                 let id = self.gen_id();
972                 let expr_id = self.cached[expr];
973                 let op = match axis {
974                     Da::X => spirv::Op::DPdx,
975                     Da::Y => spirv::Op::DPdy,
976                     Da::Width => spirv::Op::Fwidth,
977                 };
978                 block
979                     .body
980                     .push(Instruction::derivative(op, result_type_id, id, expr_id));
981                 id
982             }
983             crate::Expression::ImageQuery { image, query } => {
984                 self.write_image_query(result_type_id, image, query, block)?
985             }
986             crate::Expression::Relational { fun, argument } => {
987                 use crate::RelationalFunction as Rf;
988                 let arg_id = self.cached[argument];
989                 let op = match fun {
990                     Rf::All => spirv::Op::All,
991                     Rf::Any => spirv::Op::Any,
992                     Rf::IsNan => spirv::Op::IsNan,
993                     Rf::IsInf => spirv::Op::IsInf,
994                     //TODO: these require Kernel capability
995                     Rf::IsFinite | Rf::IsNormal => {
996                         return Err(Error::FeatureNotImplemented("is finite/normal"))
997                     }
998                 };
999                 let id = self.gen_id();
1000                 block
1001                     .body
1002                     .push(Instruction::relational(op, result_type_id, id, arg_id));
1003                 id
1004             }
1005             crate::Expression::ArrayLength(expr) => self.write_runtime_array_length(expr, block)?,
1006         };
1008         self.cached[expr_handle] = id;
1009         Ok(())
1010     }
1012     /// Build an `OpAccessChain` instruction.
1013     ///
1014     /// Emit any needed bounds-checking expressions to `block`.
1015     ///
1016     /// On success, the return value is an [`ExpressionPointer`] value; see the
1017     /// documentation for that type.
write_expression_pointer( &mut self, mut expr_handle: Handle<crate::Expression>, block: &mut Block, ) -> Result<ExpressionPointer, Error>1018     fn write_expression_pointer(
1019         &mut self,
1020         mut expr_handle: Handle<crate::Expression>,
1021         block: &mut Block,
1022     ) -> Result<ExpressionPointer, Error> {
1023         let result_lookup_ty = match self.fun_info[expr_handle].ty {
1024             TypeResolution::Handle(ty_handle) => LookupType::Handle(ty_handle),
1025             TypeResolution::Value(ref inner) => LookupType::Local(make_local(inner).unwrap()),
1026         };
1027         let result_type_id = self.get_type_id(result_lookup_ty);
1029         // The id of the boolean `and` of all dynamic bounds checks up to this point. If
1030         // `None`, then we haven't done any dynamic bounds checks yet.
1031         //
1032         // When we have a chain of bounds checks, we combine them with `OpLogicalAnd`, not
1033         // a short-circuit branch. This means we might do comparisons we don't need to,
1034         // but we expect these checks to almost always succeed, and keeping branches to a
1035         // minimum is essential.
1036         let mut accumulated_checks = None;
1038         self.temp_list.clear();
1039         let root_id = loop {
1040             expr_handle = match self.ir_function.expressions[expr_handle] {
1041                 crate::Expression::Access { base, index } => {
1042                     let index_id = match self.write_bounds_check(base, index, block)? {
1043                         BoundsCheckResult::KnownInBounds(known_index) => {
1044                             // Even if the index is known, `OpAccessIndex`
1045                             // requires expression operands, not literals.
1046                             let scalar = crate::ScalarValue::Uint(known_index as u64);
1047                             self.writer.get_constant_scalar(scalar, 4)
1048                         }
1049                         BoundsCheckResult::Computed(computed_index_id) => computed_index_id,
1050                         BoundsCheckResult::Conditional(comparison_id) => {
1051                             match accumulated_checks {
1052                                 Some(prior_checks) => {
1053                                     let combined = self.gen_id();
1054                                     block.body.push(Instruction::binary(
1055                                         spirv::Op::LogicalAnd,
1056                                         self.writer.get_bool_type_id(),
1057                                         combined,
1058                                         prior_checks,
1059                                         comparison_id,
1060                                     ));
1061                                     accumulated_checks = Some(combined);
1062                                 }
1063                                 None => {
1064                                     // Start a fresh chain of checks.
1065                                     accumulated_checks = Some(comparison_id);
1066                                 }
1067                             }
1069                             // Either way, the index to use is unchanged.
1070                             self.cached[index]
1071                         }
1072                     };
1073                     self.temp_list.push(index_id);
1075                     base
1076                 }
1077                 crate::Expression::AccessIndex { base, index } => {
1078                     let const_id = self.get_index_constant(index);
1079                     self.temp_list.push(const_id);
1080                     base
1081                 }
1082                 crate::Expression::GlobalVariable(handle) => {
1083                     let gv = &self.writer.global_variables[handle.index()];
1084                     break gv.access_id;
1085                 }
1086                 crate::Expression::LocalVariable(variable) => {
1087                     let local_var = &self.function.variables[&variable];
1088                     break local_var.id;
1089                 }
1090                 crate::Expression::FunctionArgument(index) => {
1091                     break self.function.parameter_id(index);
1092                 }
1093                 ref other => unimplemented!("Unexpected pointer expression {:?}", other),
1094             }
1095         };
1097         let pointer = if self.temp_list.is_empty() {
1098             ExpressionPointer::Ready {
1099                 pointer_id: root_id,
1100             }
1101         } else {
1102             self.temp_list.reverse();
1103             let pointer_id = self.gen_id();
1104             let access =
1105                 Instruction::access_chain(result_type_id, pointer_id, root_id, &self.temp_list);
1107             // If we generated some bounds checks, we need to leave it to our
1108             // caller to generate the branch, the access, the load or store, and
1109             // the zero value (for loads). Otherwise, we can emit the access
1110             // ourselves, and just hand them the id of the pointer.
1111             match accumulated_checks {
1112                 Some(condition) => ExpressionPointer::Conditional { condition, access },
1113                 None => {
1114                     block.body.push(access);
1115                     ExpressionPointer::Ready { pointer_id }
1116                 }
1117             }
1118         };
1120         Ok(pointer)
1121     }
write_block( &mut self, label_id: Word, statements: &[crate::Statement], exit_id: Option<Word>, loop_context: LoopContext, ) -> Result<(), Error>1123     pub(super) fn write_block(
1124         &mut self,
1125         label_id: Word,
1126         statements: &[crate::Statement],
1127         exit_id: Option<Word>,
1128         loop_context: LoopContext,
1129     ) -> Result<(), Error> {
1130         let mut block = Block::new(label_id);
1132         for statement in statements {
1133             match *statement {
1134                 crate::Statement::Emit(ref range) => {
1135                     for handle in range.clone() {
1136                         self.cache_expression_value(handle, &mut block)?;
1137                     }
1138                 }
1139                 crate::Statement::Block(ref block_statements) => {
1140                     let scope_id = self.gen_id();
1141                     self.function.consume(block, Instruction::branch(scope_id));
1143                     let merge_id = self.gen_id();
1144                     self.write_block(scope_id, block_statements, Some(merge_id), loop_context)?;
1146                     block = Block::new(merge_id);
1147                 }
1148                 crate::Statement::If {
1149                     condition,
1150                     ref accept,
1151                     ref reject,
1152                 } => {
1153                     let condition_id = self.cached[condition];
1155                     let merge_id = self.gen_id();
1156                     block.body.push(Instruction::selection_merge(
1157                         merge_id,
1158                         spirv::SelectionControl::NONE,
1159                     ));
1161                     let accept_id = if accept.is_empty() {
1162                         None
1163                     } else {
1164                         Some(self.gen_id())
1165                     };
1166                     let reject_id = if reject.is_empty() {
1167                         None
1168                     } else {
1169                         Some(self.gen_id())
1170                     };
1172                     self.function.consume(
1173                         block,
1174                         Instruction::branch_conditional(
1175                             condition_id,
1176                             accept_id.unwrap_or(merge_id),
1177                             reject_id.unwrap_or(merge_id),
1178                         ),
1179                     );
1181                     if let Some(block_id) = accept_id {
1182                         self.write_block(block_id, accept, Some(merge_id), loop_context)?;
1183                     }
1184                     if let Some(block_id) = reject_id {
1185                         self.write_block(block_id, reject, Some(merge_id), loop_context)?;
1186                     }
1188                     block = Block::new(merge_id);
1189                 }
1190                 crate::Statement::Switch {
1191                     selector,
1192                     ref cases,
1193                 } => {
1194                     let selector_id = self.cached[selector];
1196                     let merge_id = self.gen_id();
1197                     block.body.push(Instruction::selection_merge(
1198                         merge_id,
1199                         spirv::SelectionControl::NONE,
1200                     ));
1202                     let default_id = self.gen_id();
1204                     let mut reached_default = false;
1205                     let mut raw_cases = Vec::with_capacity(cases.len());
1206                     let mut case_ids = Vec::with_capacity(cases.len());
1207                     for case in cases.iter() {
1208                         match case.value {
1209                             crate::SwitchValue::Integer(value) => {
1210                                 let label_id = self.gen_id();
1211                                 // No cases should be added after the default case is encountered
1212                                 // since the default case catches all
1213                                 if !reached_default {
1214                                     raw_cases.push(super::instructions::Case {
1215                                         value: value as Word,
1216                                         label_id,
1217                                     });
1218                                 }
1219                                 case_ids.push(label_id);
1220                             }
1221                             crate::SwitchValue::Default => {
1222                                 case_ids.push(default_id);
1223                                 reached_default = true;
1224                             }
1225                         }
1226                     }
1228                     self.function.consume(
1229                         block,
1230                         Instruction::switch(selector_id, default_id, &raw_cases),
1231                     );
1233                     let inner_context = LoopContext {
1234                         break_id: Some(merge_id),
1235                         ..loop_context
1236                     };
1238                     for (i, (case, label_id)) in cases.iter().zip(case_ids.iter()).enumerate() {
1239                         let case_finish_id = if case.fall_through {
1240                             case_ids[i + 1]
1241                         } else {
1242                             merge_id
1243                         };
1244                         self.write_block(
1245                             *label_id,
1246                             &case.body,
1247                             Some(case_finish_id),
1248                             inner_context,
1249                         )?;
1250                     }
1252                     // If no default was encountered write a empty block to satisfy the presence of
1253                     // a block the default label
1254                     if !reached_default {
1255                         self.write_block(default_id, &[], Some(merge_id), inner_context)?;
1256                     }
1258                     block = Block::new(merge_id);
1259                 }
1260                 crate::Statement::Loop {
1261                     ref body,
1262                     ref continuing,
1263                 } => {
1264                     let preamble_id = self.gen_id();
1265                     self.function
1266                         .consume(block, Instruction::branch(preamble_id));
1268                     let merge_id = self.gen_id();
1269                     let body_id = self.gen_id();
1270                     let continuing_id = self.gen_id();
1272                     // SPIR-V requires the continuing to the `OpLoopMerge`,
1273                     // so we have to start a new block with it.
1274                     block = Block::new(preamble_id);
1275                     block.body.push(Instruction::loop_merge(
1276                         merge_id,
1277                         continuing_id,
1278                         spirv::SelectionControl::NONE,
1279                     ));
1280                     self.function.consume(block, Instruction::branch(body_id));
1282                     self.write_block(
1283                         body_id,
1284                         body,
1285                         Some(continuing_id),
1286                         LoopContext {
1287                             continuing_id: Some(continuing_id),
1288                             break_id: Some(merge_id),
1289                         },
1290                     )?;
1292                     self.write_block(
1293                         continuing_id,
1294                         continuing,
1295                         Some(preamble_id),
1296                         LoopContext {
1297                             continuing_id: None,
1298                             break_id: Some(merge_id),
1299                         },
1300                     )?;
1302                     block = Block::new(merge_id);
1303                 }
1304                 crate::Statement::Break => {
1305                     self.function
1306                         .consume(block, Instruction::branch(loop_context.break_id.unwrap()));
1307                     return Ok(());
1308                 }
1309                 crate::Statement::Continue => {
1310                     self.function.consume(
1311                         block,
1312                         Instruction::branch(loop_context.continuing_id.unwrap()),
1313                     );
1314                     return Ok(());
1315                 }
1316                 crate::Statement::Return { value: Some(value) } => {
1317                     let value_id = self.cached[value];
1318                     let instruction = match self.function.entry_point_context {
1319                         // If this is an entry point, and we need to return anything,
1320                         // let's instead store the output variables and return `void`.
1321                         Some(ref context) => {
1322                             self.writer.write_entry_point_return(
1323                                 value_id,
1324                                 self.ir_function.result.as_ref().unwrap(),
1325                                 &context.results,
1326                                 &mut block.body,
1327                             )?;
1328                             Instruction::return_void()
1329                         }
1330                         None => Instruction::return_value(value_id),
1331                     };
1332                     self.function.consume(block, instruction);
1333                     return Ok(());
1334                 }
1335                 crate::Statement::Return { value: None } => {
1336                     self.function.consume(block, Instruction::return_void());
1337                     return Ok(());
1338                 }
1339                 crate::Statement::Kill => {
1340                     self.function.consume(block, Instruction::kill());
1341                     return Ok(());
1342                 }
1343                 crate::Statement::Barrier(flags) => {
1344                     let memory_scope = if flags.contains(crate::Barrier::STORAGE) {
1345                         spirv::Scope::Device
1346                     } else {
1347                         spirv::Scope::Workgroup
1348                     };
1349                     let mut semantics = spirv::MemorySemantics::ACQUIRE_RELEASE;
1350                     semantics.set(
1351                         spirv::MemorySemantics::UNIFORM_MEMORY,
1352                         flags.contains(crate::Barrier::STORAGE),
1353                     );
1354                     semantics.set(
1355                         spirv::MemorySemantics::WORKGROUP_MEMORY,
1356                         flags.contains(crate::Barrier::WORK_GROUP),
1357                     );
1358                     let exec_scope_id = self.get_index_constant(spirv::Scope::Workgroup as u32);
1359                     let mem_scope_id = self.get_index_constant(memory_scope as u32);
1360                     let semantics_id = self.get_index_constant(semantics.bits());
1361                     block.body.push(Instruction::control_barrier(
1362                         exec_scope_id,
1363                         mem_scope_id,
1364                         semantics_id,
1365                     ));
1366                 }
1367                 crate::Statement::Store { pointer, value } => {
1368                     let value_id = self.cached[value];
1369                     match self.write_expression_pointer(pointer, &mut block)? {
1370                         ExpressionPointer::Ready { pointer_id } => {
1371                             let atomic_class = match *self.fun_info[pointer]
1372                                 .ty
1373                                 .inner_with(&self.ir_module.types)
1374                             {
1375                                 crate::TypeInner::Pointer { base, class } => {
1376                                     match self.ir_module.types[base].inner {
1377                                         crate::TypeInner::Atomic { .. } => Some(class),
1378                                         _ => None,
1379                                     }
1380                                 }
1381                                 _ => None,
1382                             };
1383                             let instruction = if let Some(class) = atomic_class {
1384                                 let (semantics, scope) = class.to_spirv_semantics_and_scope();
1385                                 let scope_constant_id = self.get_scope_constant(scope as u32);
1386                                 let semantics_id = self.get_index_constant(semantics.bits());
1387                                 Instruction::atomic_store(
1388                                     pointer_id,
1389                                     scope_constant_id,
1390                                     semantics_id,
1391                                     value_id,
1392                                 )
1393                             } else {
1394                                 Instruction::store(pointer_id, value_id, None)
1395                             };
1396                             block.body.push(instruction);
1397                         }
1398                         ExpressionPointer::Conditional { condition, access } => {
1399                             let mut selection = Selection::start(&mut block, ());
1400                             selection.if_true(self, condition, ());
1402                             // The in-bounds path. Perform the access and the store.
1403                             let pointer_id = access.result_id.unwrap();
1404                             selection.block().body.push(access);
1405                             selection
1406                                 .block()
1407                                 .body
1408                                 .push(Instruction::store(pointer_id, value_id, None));
1410                             // Finish the in-bounds block and start the merge block. This
1411                             // is the block we'll leave current on return.
1412                             selection.finish(self, ());
1413                         }
1414                     };
1415                 }
1416                 crate::Statement::ImageStore {
1417                     image,
1418                     coordinate,
1419                     array_index,
1420                     value,
1421                 } => self.write_image_store(image, coordinate, array_index, value, &mut block)?,
1422                 crate::Statement::Call {
1423                     function: local_function,
1424                     ref arguments,
1425                     result,
1426                 } => {
1427                     let id = self.gen_id();
1428                     self.temp_list.clear();
1429                     for &argument in arguments {
1430                         self.temp_list.push(self.cached[argument]);
1431                     }
1433                     let type_id = match result {
1434                         Some(expr) => {
1435                             self.cached[expr] = id;
1436                             self.get_expression_type_id(&self.fun_info[expr].ty)
1437                         }
1438                         None => self.writer.void_type,
1439                     };
1441                     block.body.push(Instruction::function_call(
1442                         type_id,
1443                         id,
1444                         self.writer.lookup_function[&local_function],
1445                         &self.temp_list,
1446                     ));
1447                 }
1448                 crate::Statement::Atomic {
1449                     pointer,
1450                     ref fun,
1451                     value,
1452                     result,
1453                 } => {
1454                     let id = self.gen_id();
1455                     let result_type_id = self.get_expression_type_id(&self.fun_info[result].ty);
1457                     self.cached[result] = id;
1459                     let pointer_id = match self.write_expression_pointer(pointer, &mut block)? {
1460                         ExpressionPointer::Ready { pointer_id } => pointer_id,
1461                         ExpressionPointer::Conditional { .. } => {
1462                             return Err(Error::FeatureNotImplemented(
1463                                 "Atomics out-of-bounds handling",
1464                             ));
1465                         }
1466                     };
1468                     let class = match *self.fun_info[pointer].ty.inner_with(&self.ir_module.types) {
1469                         crate::TypeInner::Pointer { base: _, class } => class,
1470                         _ => unimplemented!(),
1471                     };
1472                     let (semantics, scope) = class.to_spirv_semantics_and_scope();
1473                     let scope_constant_id = self.get_scope_constant(scope as u32);
1474                     let semantics_id = self.get_index_constant(semantics.bits());
1475                     let value_id = self.cached[value];
1476                     let value_inner = self.fun_info[value].ty.inner_with(&self.ir_module.types);
1478                     let instruction = match *fun {
1479                         crate::AtomicFunction::Add => Instruction::atomic_binary(
1480                             spirv::Op::AtomicIAdd,
1481                             result_type_id,
1482                             id,
1483                             pointer_id,
1484                             scope_constant_id,
1485                             semantics_id,
1486                             value_id,
1487                         ),
1488                         crate::AtomicFunction::Subtract => Instruction::atomic_binary(
1489                             spirv::Op::AtomicISub,
1490                             result_type_id,
1491                             id,
1492                             pointer_id,
1493                             scope_constant_id,
1494                             semantics_id,
1495                             value_id,
1496                         ),
1497                         crate::AtomicFunction::And => Instruction::atomic_binary(
1498                             spirv::Op::AtomicAnd,
1499                             result_type_id,
1500                             id,
1501                             pointer_id,
1502                             scope_constant_id,
1503                             semantics_id,
1504                             value_id,
1505                         ),
1506                         crate::AtomicFunction::InclusiveOr => Instruction::atomic_binary(
1507                             spirv::Op::AtomicOr,
1508                             result_type_id,
1509                             id,
1510                             pointer_id,
1511                             scope_constant_id,
1512                             semantics_id,
1513                             value_id,
1514                         ),
1515                         crate::AtomicFunction::ExclusiveOr => Instruction::atomic_binary(
1516                             spirv::Op::AtomicXor,
1517                             result_type_id,
1518                             id,
1519                             pointer_id,
1520                             scope_constant_id,
1521                             semantics_id,
1522                             value_id,
1523                         ),
1524                         crate::AtomicFunction::Min => {
1525                             let spirv_op = match *value_inner {
1526                                 crate::TypeInner::Scalar {
1527                                     kind: crate::ScalarKind::Sint,
1528                                     width: _,
1529                                 } => spirv::Op::AtomicSMin,
1530                                 crate::TypeInner::Scalar {
1531                                     kind: crate::ScalarKind::Uint,
1532                                     width: _,
1533                                 } => spirv::Op::AtomicUMin,
1534                                 _ => unimplemented!(),
1535                             };
1536                             Instruction::atomic_binary(
1537                                 spirv_op,
1538                                 result_type_id,
1539                                 id,
1540                                 pointer_id,
1541                                 scope_constant_id,
1542                                 semantics_id,
1543                                 value_id,
1544                             )
1545                         }
1546                         crate::AtomicFunction::Max => {
1547                             let spirv_op = match *value_inner {
1548                                 crate::TypeInner::Scalar {
1549                                     kind: crate::ScalarKind::Sint,
1550                                     width: _,
1551                                 } => spirv::Op::AtomicSMax,
1552                                 crate::TypeInner::Scalar {
1553                                     kind: crate::ScalarKind::Uint,
1554                                     width: _,
1555                                 } => spirv::Op::AtomicUMax,
1556                                 _ => unimplemented!(),
1557                             };
1558                             Instruction::atomic_binary(
1559                                 spirv_op,
1560                                 result_type_id,
1561                                 id,
1562                                 pointer_id,
1563                                 scope_constant_id,
1564                                 semantics_id,
1565                                 value_id,
1566                             )
1567                         }
1568                         crate::AtomicFunction::Exchange { compare: None } => {
1569                             Instruction::atomic_binary(
1570                                 spirv::Op::AtomicExchange,
1571                                 result_type_id,
1572                                 id,
1573                                 pointer_id,
1574                                 scope_constant_id,
1575                                 semantics_id,
1576                                 value_id,
1577                             )
1578                         }
1579                         crate::AtomicFunction::Exchange { compare: Some(_) } => {
1580                             return Err(Error::FeatureNotImplemented("atomic CompareExchange"));
1581                         }
1582                     };
1584                     block.body.push(instruction);
1585                 }
1586             }
1587         }
1589         let termination = match exit_id {
1590             Some(id) => Instruction::branch(id),
1591             // This can happen if the last branch had all the paths
1592             // leading out of the graph (i.e. returning).
1593             // Or it may be the end of the self.function.
1594             None => match self.ir_function.result {
1595                 Some(ref result) if self.function.entry_point_context.is_none() => {
1596                     let type_id = self.get_type_id(LookupType::Handle(result.ty));
1597                     let null_id = self.writer.write_constant_null(type_id);
1598                     Instruction::return_value(null_id)
1599                 }
1600                 _ => Instruction::return_void(),
1601             },
1602         };
1604         self.function.consume(block, termination);
1605         Ok(())
1606     }
1607 }