1// Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Ugorji Nwoke. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license found in the LICENSE file.
4package codec
6// Test works by using a slice of interfaces.
7// It can test for encoding/decoding into/from a nil interface{}
8// or passing the object to encode/decode into.
10// There are basically 2 main tests here.
11// First test internally encodes and decodes things and verifies that
12// the artifact was as expected.
13// Second test will use python msgpack to create a bunch of golden files,
14// read those files, and compare them to what it should be. It then
15// writes those files back out and compares the byte streams.
17// Taken together, the tests are pretty extensive.
19import (
20	"bytes"
21	"encoding/gob"
22	"flag"
23	"fmt"
24	"io/ioutil"
25	"math"
26	"net"
27	"net/rpc"
28	"os"
29	"os/exec"
30	"path/filepath"
31	"reflect"
32	"runtime"
33	"strconv"
34	"sync/atomic"
35	"testing"
36	"time"
39type testVerifyArg int
41const (
42	testVerifyMapTypeSame testVerifyArg = iota
43	testVerifyMapTypeStrIntf
44	testVerifyMapTypeIntfIntf
45	// testVerifySliceIntf
46	testVerifyForPython
49var (
50	testInitDebug      bool
51	testUseIoEncDec    bool
52	testStructToArray  bool
53	testWriteNoSymbols bool
55	_                         = fmt.Printf
56	skipVerifyVal interface{} = &(struct{}{})
58	// For Go Time, do not use a descriptive timezone.
59	// It's unnecessary, and makes it harder to do a reflect.DeepEqual.
60	// The Offset already tells what the offset should be, if not on UTC and unknown zone name.
61	timeLoc        = time.FixedZone("", -8*60*60) // UTC-08:00 //time.UTC-8
62	timeToCompare1 = time.Date(2012, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2000, timeLoc)
63	timeToCompare2 = time.Date(1900, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2000, timeLoc)
64	timeToCompare3 = time.Unix(0, 0).UTC()
65	timeToCompare4 = time.Time{}.UTC()
67	table              []interface{} // main items we encode
68	tableVerify        []interface{} // we verify encoded things against this after decode
69	tableTestNilVerify []interface{} // for nil interface, use this to verify (rules are different)
70	tablePythonVerify  []interface{} // for verifying for python, since Python sometimes
71	// will encode a float32 as float64, or large int as uint
72	testRpcInt   = new(TestRpcInt)
73	testMsgpackH = &MsgpackHandle{}
74	testBincH    = &BincHandle{}
75	testSimpleH  = &SimpleHandle{}
78func testInitFlags() {
79	// delete(testDecOpts.ExtFuncs, timeTyp)
80	flag.BoolVar(&testInitDebug, "tg", false, "Test Debug")
81	flag.BoolVar(&testUseIoEncDec, "ti", false, "Use IO Reader/Writer for Marshal/Unmarshal")
82	flag.BoolVar(&testStructToArray, "ts", false, "Set StructToArray option")
83	flag.BoolVar(&testWriteNoSymbols, "tn", false, "Set NoSymbols option")
86type AnonInTestStruc struct {
87	AS        string
88	AI64      int64
89	AI16      int16
90	AUi64     uint64
91	ASslice   []string
92	AI64slice []int64
95type TestStruc struct {
96	S    string
97	I64  int64
98	I16  int16
99	Ui64 uint64
100	Ui8  uint8
101	B    bool
102	By   byte
104	Sslice    []string
105	I64slice  []int64
106	I16slice  []int16
107	Ui64slice []uint64
108	Ui8slice  []uint8
109	Bslice    []bool
110	Byslice   []byte
112	Islice    []interface{}
113	Iptrslice []*int64
115	AnonInTestStruc
117	//M map[interface{}]interface{}  `json:"-",bson:"-"`
118	Ms    map[string]interface{}
119	Msi64 map[string]int64
121	Nintf      interface{} //don't set this, so we can test for nil
122	T          time.Time
123	Nmap       map[string]bool //don't set this, so we can test for nil
124	Nslice     []byte          //don't set this, so we can test for nil
125	Nint64     *int64          //don't set this, so we can test for nil
126	Mtsptr     map[string]*TestStruc
127	Mts        map[string]TestStruc
128	Its        []*TestStruc
129	Nteststruc *TestStruc
132type TestABC struct {
133	A, B, C string
136type TestRpcInt struct {
137	i int
140func (r *TestRpcInt) Update(n int, res *int) error      { r.i = n; *res = r.i; return nil }
141func (r *TestRpcInt) Square(ignore int, res *int) error { *res = r.i * r.i; return nil }
142func (r *TestRpcInt) Mult(n int, res *int) error        { *res = r.i * n; return nil }
143func (r *TestRpcInt) EchoStruct(arg TestABC, res *string) error {
144	*res = fmt.Sprintf("%#v", arg)
145	return nil
147func (r *TestRpcInt) Echo123(args []string, res *string) error {
148	*res = fmt.Sprintf("%#v", args)
149	return nil
152func testVerifyVal(v interface{}, arg testVerifyArg) (v2 interface{}) {
153	//for python msgpack,
154	//  - all positive integers are unsigned 64-bit ints
155	//  - all floats are float64
156	switch iv := v.(type) {
157	case int8:
158		if iv > 0 {
159			v2 = uint64(iv)
160		} else {
161			v2 = int64(iv)
162		}
163	case int16:
164		if iv > 0 {
165			v2 = uint64(iv)
166		} else {
167			v2 = int64(iv)
168		}
169	case int32:
170		if iv > 0 {
171			v2 = uint64(iv)
172		} else {
173			v2 = int64(iv)
174		}
175	case int64:
176		if iv > 0 {
177			v2 = uint64(iv)
178		} else {
179			v2 = int64(iv)
180		}
181	case uint8:
182		v2 = uint64(iv)
183	case uint16:
184		v2 = uint64(iv)
185	case uint32:
186		v2 = uint64(iv)
187	case uint64:
188		v2 = uint64(iv)
189	case float32:
190		v2 = float64(iv)
191	case float64:
192		v2 = float64(iv)
193	case []interface{}:
194		m2 := make([]interface{}, len(iv))
195		for j, vj := range iv {
196			m2[j] = testVerifyVal(vj, arg)
197		}
198		v2 = m2
199	case map[string]bool:
200		switch arg {
201		case testVerifyMapTypeSame:
202			m2 := make(map[string]bool)
203			for kj, kv := range iv {
204				m2[kj] = kv
205			}
206			v2 = m2
207		case testVerifyMapTypeStrIntf, testVerifyForPython:
208			m2 := make(map[string]interface{})
209			for kj, kv := range iv {
210				m2[kj] = kv
211			}
212			v2 = m2
213		case testVerifyMapTypeIntfIntf:
214			m2 := make(map[interface{}]interface{})
215			for kj, kv := range iv {
216				m2[kj] = kv
217			}
218			v2 = m2
219		}
220	case map[string]interface{}:
221		switch arg {
222		case testVerifyMapTypeSame:
223			m2 := make(map[string]interface{})
224			for kj, kv := range iv {
225				m2[kj] = testVerifyVal(kv, arg)
226			}
227			v2 = m2
228		case testVerifyMapTypeStrIntf, testVerifyForPython:
229			m2 := make(map[string]interface{})
230			for kj, kv := range iv {
231				m2[kj] = testVerifyVal(kv, arg)
232			}
233			v2 = m2
234		case testVerifyMapTypeIntfIntf:
235			m2 := make(map[interface{}]interface{})
236			for kj, kv := range iv {
237				m2[kj] = testVerifyVal(kv, arg)
238			}
239			v2 = m2
240		}
241	case map[interface{}]interface{}:
242		m2 := make(map[interface{}]interface{})
243		for kj, kv := range iv {
244			m2[testVerifyVal(kj, arg)] = testVerifyVal(kv, arg)
245		}
246		v2 = m2
247	case time.Time:
248		switch arg {
249		case testVerifyForPython:
250			if iv2 := iv.UnixNano(); iv2 > 0 {
251				v2 = uint64(iv2)
252			} else {
253				v2 = int64(iv2)
254			}
255		default:
256			v2 = v
257		}
258	default:
259		v2 = v
260	}
261	return
264func testInit() {
265	gob.Register(new(TestStruc))
266	if testInitDebug {
267		ts0 := newTestStruc(2, false)
268		fmt.Printf("====> depth: %v, ts: %#v\n", 2, ts0)
269	}
271	testBincH.StructToArray = testStructToArray
272	if testWriteNoSymbols {
273		testBincH.AsSymbols = AsSymbolNone
274	} else {
275		testBincH.AsSymbols = AsSymbolAll
276	}
277	testMsgpackH.StructToArray = testStructToArray
278	testMsgpackH.RawToString = true
279	// testMsgpackH.AddExt(byteSliceTyp, 0, testMsgpackH.BinaryEncodeExt, testMsgpackH.BinaryDecodeExt)
280	// testMsgpackH.AddExt(timeTyp, 1, testMsgpackH.TimeEncodeExt, testMsgpackH.TimeDecodeExt)
281	timeEncExt := func(rv reflect.Value) ([]byte, error) {
282		return encodeTime(rv.Interface().(time.Time)), nil
283	}
284	timeDecExt := func(rv reflect.Value, bs []byte) error {
285		tt, err := decodeTime(bs)
286		if err == nil {
287			rv.Set(reflect.ValueOf(tt))
288		}
289		return err
290	}
292	// add extensions for msgpack, simple for time.Time, so we can encode/decode same way.
293	testMsgpackH.AddExt(timeTyp, 1, timeEncExt, timeDecExt)
294	testSimpleH.AddExt(timeTyp, 1, timeEncExt, timeDecExt)
296	primitives := []interface{}{
297		int8(-8),
298		int16(-1616),
299		int32(-32323232),
300		int64(-6464646464646464),
301		uint8(192),
302		uint16(1616),
303		uint32(32323232),
304		uint64(6464646464646464),
305		byte(192),
306		float32(-3232.0),
307		float64(-6464646464.0),
308		float32(3232.0),
309		float64(6464646464.0),
310		false,
311		true,
312		nil,
313		"someday",
314		"",
315		"bytestring",
316		timeToCompare1,
317		timeToCompare2,
318		timeToCompare3,
319		timeToCompare4,
320	}
321	mapsAndStrucs := []interface{}{
322		map[string]bool{
323			"true":  true,
324			"false": false,
325		},
326		map[string]interface{}{
327			"true":         "True",
328			"false":        false,
329			"uint16(1616)": uint16(1616),
330		},
331		//add a complex combo map in here. (map has list which has map)
332		//note that after the first thing, everything else should be generic.
333		map[string]interface{}{
334			"list": []interface{}{
335				int16(1616),
336				int32(32323232),
337				true,
338				float32(-3232.0),
339				map[string]interface{}{
340					"TRUE":  true,
341					"FALSE": false,
342				},
343				[]interface{}{true, false},
344			},
345			"int32":        int32(32323232),
346			"bool":         true,
347			"LONG STRING":  "123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890",
348			"SHORT STRING": "1234567890",
349		},
350		map[interface{}]interface{}{
351			true:       "true",
352			uint8(138): false,
353			"false":    uint8(200),
354		},
355		newTestStruc(0, false),
356	}
358	table = []interface{}{}
359	table = append(table, primitives...)    //0-19 are primitives
360	table = append(table, primitives)       //20 is a list of primitives
361	table = append(table, mapsAndStrucs...) //21-24 are maps. 25 is a *struct
363	tableVerify = make([]interface{}, len(table))
364	tableTestNilVerify = make([]interface{}, len(table))
365	tablePythonVerify = make([]interface{}, len(table))
367	lp := len(primitives)
368	av := tableVerify
369	for i, v := range table {
370		if i == lp+3 {
371			av[i] = skipVerifyVal
372			continue
373		}
374		//av[i] = testVerifyVal(v, testVerifyMapTypeSame)
375		switch v.(type) {
376		case []interface{}:
377			av[i] = testVerifyVal(v, testVerifyMapTypeSame)
378		case map[string]interface{}:
379			av[i] = testVerifyVal(v, testVerifyMapTypeSame)
380		case map[interface{}]interface{}:
381			av[i] = testVerifyVal(v, testVerifyMapTypeSame)
382		default:
383			av[i] = v
384		}
385	}
387	av = tableTestNilVerify
388	for i, v := range table {
389		if i > lp+3 {
390			av[i] = skipVerifyVal
391			continue
392		}
393		av[i] = testVerifyVal(v, testVerifyMapTypeStrIntf)
394	}
396	av = tablePythonVerify
397	for i, v := range table {
398		if i > lp+3 {
399			av[i] = skipVerifyVal
400			continue
401		}
402		av[i] = testVerifyVal(v, testVerifyForPython)
403	}
405	tablePythonVerify = tablePythonVerify[:24]
408func testUnmarshal(v interface{}, data []byte, h Handle) error {
409	if testUseIoEncDec {
410		return NewDecoder(bytes.NewBuffer(data), h).Decode(v)
411	}
412	return NewDecoderBytes(data, h).Decode(v)
415func testMarshal(v interface{}, h Handle) (bs []byte, err error) {
416	if testUseIoEncDec {
417		var buf bytes.Buffer
418		err = NewEncoder(&buf, h).Encode(v)
419		bs = buf.Bytes()
420		return
421	}
422	err = NewEncoderBytes(&bs, h).Encode(v)
423	return
426func testMarshalErr(v interface{}, h Handle, t *testing.T, name string) (bs []byte, err error) {
427	if bs, err = testMarshal(v, h); err != nil {
428		logT(t, "Error encoding %s: %v, Err: %v", name, v, err)
429		t.FailNow()
430	}
431	return
434func testUnmarshalErr(v interface{}, data []byte, h Handle, t *testing.T, name string) (err error) {
435	if err = testUnmarshal(v, data, h); err != nil {
436		logT(t, "Error Decoding into %s: %v, Err: %v", name, v, err)
437		t.FailNow()
438	}
439	return
442func newTestStruc(depth int, bench bool) (ts *TestStruc) {
443	var i64a, i64b, i64c, i64d int64 = 64, 6464, 646464, 64646464
445	ts = &TestStruc{
446		S:    "some string",
447		I64:  math.MaxInt64 * 2 / 3, // 64,
448		I16:  16,
449		Ui64: uint64(int64(math.MaxInt64 * 2 / 3)), // 64, //don't use MaxUint64, as bson can't write it
450		Ui8:  160,
451		B:    true,
452		By:   5,
454		Sslice:    []string{"one", "two", "three"},
455		I64slice:  []int64{1, 2, 3},
456		I16slice:  []int16{4, 5, 6},
457		Ui64slice: []uint64{137, 138, 139},
458		Ui8slice:  []uint8{210, 211, 212},
459		Bslice:    []bool{true, false, true, false},
460		Byslice:   []byte{13, 14, 15},
462		Islice: []interface{}{"true", true, "no", false, uint64(288), float64(0.4)},
464		Ms: map[string]interface{}{
465			"true":     "true",
466			"int64(9)": false,
467		},
468		Msi64: map[string]int64{
469			"one": 1,
470			"two": 2,
471		},
472		T: timeToCompare1,
473		AnonInTestStruc: AnonInTestStruc{
474			AS:        "A-String",
475			AI64:      64,
476			AI16:      16,
477			AUi64:     64,
478			ASslice:   []string{"Aone", "Atwo", "Athree"},
479			AI64slice: []int64{1, 2, 3},
480		},
481	}
482	//For benchmarks, some things will not work.
483	if !bench {
484		//json and bson require string keys in maps
485		//ts.M = map[interface{}]interface{}{
486		//	true: "true",
487		//	int8(9): false,
488		//}
489		//gob cannot encode nil in element in array (encodeArray: nil element)
490		ts.Iptrslice = []*int64{nil, &i64a, nil, &i64b, nil, &i64c, nil, &i64d, nil}
491		// ts.Iptrslice = nil
492	}
493	if depth > 0 {
494		depth--
495		if ts.Mtsptr == nil {
496			ts.Mtsptr = make(map[string]*TestStruc)
497		}
498		if ts.Mts == nil {
499			ts.Mts = make(map[string]TestStruc)
500		}
501		ts.Mtsptr["0"] = newTestStruc(depth, bench)
502		ts.Mts["0"] = *(ts.Mtsptr["0"])
503		ts.Its = append(ts.Its, ts.Mtsptr["0"])
504	}
505	return
508// doTestCodecTableOne allows us test for different variations based on arguments passed.
509func doTestCodecTableOne(t *testing.T, testNil bool, h Handle,
510	vs []interface{}, vsVerify []interface{}) {
511	//if testNil, then just test for when a pointer to a nil interface{} is passed. It should work.
512	//Current setup allows us test (at least manually) the nil interface or typed interface.
513	logT(t, "================ TestNil: %v ================\n", testNil)
514	for i, v0 := range vs {
515		logT(t, "..............................................")
516		logT(t, "         Testing: #%d:, %T, %#v\n", i, v0, v0)
517		b0, err := testMarshalErr(v0, h, t, "v0")
518		if err != nil {
519			continue
520		}
521		logT(t, "         Encoded bytes: len: %v, %v\n", len(b0), b0)
523		var v1 interface{}
525		if testNil {
526			err = testUnmarshal(&v1, b0, h)
527		} else {
528			if v0 != nil {
529				v0rt := reflect.TypeOf(v0) // ptr
530				rv1 := reflect.New(v0rt)
531				err = testUnmarshal(rv1.Interface(), b0, h)
532				v1 = rv1.Elem().Interface()
533				// v1 = reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(v1)).Interface()
534			}
535		}
537		logT(t, "         v1 returned: %T, %#v", v1, v1)
538		// if v1 != nil {
539		//	logT(t, "         v1 returned: %T, %#v", v1, v1)
540		//	//we always indirect, because ptr to typed value may be passed (if not testNil)
541		//	v1 = reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(v1)).Interface()
542		// }
543		if err != nil {
544			logT(t, "-------- Error: %v. Partial return: %v", err, v1)
545			failT(t)
546			continue
547		}
548		v0check := vsVerify[i]
549		if v0check == skipVerifyVal {
550			logT(t, "        Nil Check skipped: Decoded: %T, %#v\n", v1, v1)
551			continue
552		}
554		if err = deepEqual(v0check, v1); err == nil {
555			logT(t, "++++++++ Before and After marshal matched\n")
556		} else {
557			logT(t, "-------- Before and After marshal do not match: Error: %v"+
558				" ====> GOLDEN: (%T) %#v, DECODED: (%T) %#v\n", err, v0check, v0check, v1, v1)
559			failT(t)
560		}
561	}
564func testCodecTableOne(t *testing.T, h Handle) {
565	// func TestMsgpackAllExperimental(t *testing.T) {
566	// dopts := testDecOpts(nil, nil, false, true, true),
568	switch v := h.(type) {
569	case *MsgpackHandle:
570		var oldWriteExt, oldRawToString bool
571		oldWriteExt, v.WriteExt = v.WriteExt, true
572		oldRawToString, v.RawToString = v.RawToString, true
573		doTestCodecTableOne(t, false, h, table, tableVerify)
574		v.WriteExt, v.RawToString = oldWriteExt, oldRawToString
575	default:
576		doTestCodecTableOne(t, false, h, table, tableVerify)
577	}
578	// func TestMsgpackAll(t *testing.T) {
579	idxTime, numPrim, numMap := 19, 23, 4
581	//skip []interface{} containing time.Time
582	doTestCodecTableOne(t, false, h, table[:numPrim], tableVerify[:numPrim])
583	doTestCodecTableOne(t, false, h, table[numPrim+1:], tableVerify[numPrim+1:])
584	// func TestMsgpackNilStringMap(t *testing.T) {
585	var oldMapType reflect.Type
586	v := h.getBasicHandle()
587	oldMapType, v.MapType = v.MapType, mapStrIntfTyp
589	//skip time.Time, []interface{} containing time.Time, last map, and newStruc
590	doTestCodecTableOne(t, true, h, table[:idxTime], tableTestNilVerify[:idxTime])
591	doTestCodecTableOne(t, true, h, table[numPrim+1:numPrim+numMap], tableTestNilVerify[numPrim+1:numPrim+numMap])
593	v.MapType = oldMapType
595	// func TestMsgpackNilIntf(t *testing.T) {
597	//do newTestStruc and last element of map
598	doTestCodecTableOne(t, true, h, table[numPrim+numMap:], tableTestNilVerify[numPrim+numMap:])
599	//TODO? What is this one?
600	//doTestCodecTableOne(t, true, h, table[17:18], tableTestNilVerify[17:18])
603func testCodecMiscOne(t *testing.T, h Handle) {
604	b, err := testMarshalErr(32, h, t, "32")
605	// Cannot do this nil one, because faster type assertion decoding will panic
606	// var i *int32
607	// if err = testUnmarshal(b, i, nil); err == nil {
608	// 	logT(t, "------- Expecting error because we cannot unmarshal to int32 nil ptr")
609	// 	t.FailNow()
610	// }
611	var i2 int32 = 0
612	err = testUnmarshalErr(&i2, b, h, t, "int32-ptr")
613	if i2 != int32(32) {
614		logT(t, "------- didn't unmarshal to 32: Received: %d", i2)
615		t.FailNow()
616	}
618	// func TestMsgpackDecodePtr(t *testing.T) {
619	ts := newTestStruc(0, false)
620	b, err = testMarshalErr(ts, h, t, "pointer-to-struct")
621	if len(b) < 40 {
622		logT(t, "------- Size must be > 40. Size: %d", len(b))
623		t.FailNow()
624	}
625	logT(t, "------- b: %v", b)
626	ts2 := new(TestStruc)
627	err = testUnmarshalErr(ts2, b, h, t, "pointer-to-struct")
628	if ts2.I64 != math.MaxInt64*2/3 {
629		logT(t, "------- Unmarshal wrong. Expect I64 = 64. Got: %v", ts2.I64)
630		t.FailNow()
631	}
633	// func TestMsgpackIntfDecode(t *testing.T) {
634	m := map[string]int{"A": 2, "B": 3}
635	p := []interface{}{m}
636	bs, err := testMarshalErr(p, h, t, "p")
638	m2 := map[string]int{}
639	p2 := []interface{}{m2}
640	err = testUnmarshalErr(&p2, bs, h, t, "&p2")
642	if m2["A"] != 2 || m2["B"] != 3 {
643		logT(t, "m2 not as expected: expecting: %v, got: %v", m, m2)
644		t.FailNow()
645	}
646	// log("m: %v, m2: %v, p: %v, p2: %v", m, m2, p, p2)
647	checkEqualT(t, p, p2, "p=p2")
648	checkEqualT(t, m, m2, "m=m2")
649	if err = deepEqual(p, p2); err == nil {
650		logT(t, "p and p2 match")
651	} else {
652		logT(t, "Not Equal: %v. p: %v, p2: %v", err, p, p2)
653		t.FailNow()
654	}
655	if err = deepEqual(m, m2); err == nil {
656		logT(t, "m and m2 match")
657	} else {
658		logT(t, "Not Equal: %v. m: %v, m2: %v", err, m, m2)
659		t.FailNow()
660	}
662	// func TestMsgpackDecodeStructSubset(t *testing.T) {
663	// test that we can decode a subset of the stream
664	mm := map[string]interface{}{"A": 5, "B": 99, "C": 333}
665	bs, err = testMarshalErr(mm, h, t, "mm")
666	type ttt struct {
667		A uint8
668		C int32
669	}
670	var t2 ttt
671	testUnmarshalErr(&t2, bs, h, t, "t2")
672	t3 := ttt{5, 333}
673	checkEqualT(t, t2, t3, "t2=t3")
675	// println(">>>>>")
676	// test simple arrays, non-addressable arrays, slices
677	type tarr struct {
678		A int64
679		B [3]int64
680		C []byte
681		D [3]byte
682	}
683	var tarr0 = tarr{1, [3]int64{2, 3, 4}, []byte{4, 5, 6}, [3]byte{7, 8, 9}}
684	// test both pointer and non-pointer (value)
685	for _, tarr1 := range []interface{}{tarr0, &tarr0} {
686		bs, err = testMarshalErr(tarr1, h, t, "tarr1")
687		var tarr2 tarr
688		testUnmarshalErr(&tarr2, bs, h, t, "tarr2")
689		checkEqualT(t, tarr0, tarr2, "tarr0=tarr2")
690		// fmt.Printf(">>>> err: %v. tarr1: %v, tarr2: %v\n", err, tarr0, tarr2)
691	}
693	// test byte array, even if empty (msgpack only)
694	if h == testMsgpackH {
695		type ystruct struct {
696			Anarray []byte
697		}
698		var ya = ystruct{}
699		testUnmarshalErr(&ya, []byte{0x91, 0x90}, h, t, "ya")
700	}
702	// test omitempty and nested structs
703	type omitN struct {
704		A *bool
705	}
706	type omitS struct {
707		N *omitN `codec:",omitempty"`
708	}
709	trueV, falseV := true, false
710	var omits = []omitS{
711		{},
712		{&omitN{A: &trueV}},
713		{&omitN{A: &falseV}},
714	}
715	for _, omitA := range omits {
716		bs, err := testMarshalErr(omitA, h, t, "omitA")
717		if err != nil {
718			logT(t, "error marshalling omitA: %v", err)
719			t.FailNow()
720		}
721		var omit2 omitS
722		err = testUnmarshalErr(&omit2, bs, h, t, "omit2")
723		if err != nil {
724			logT(t, "error unmarshalling omit2: %v", err)
725			t.FailNow()
726		}
727		checkEqualT(t, omitA, omit2, "omitA=omit2")
728	}
731func testCodecEmbeddedPointer(t *testing.T, h Handle) {
732	type Z int
733	type A struct {
734		AnInt int
735	}
736	type B struct {
737		*Z
738		*A
739		MoreInt int
740	}
741	var z Z = 4
742	x1 := &B{&z, &A{5}, 6}
743	bs, err := testMarshalErr(x1, h, t, "x1")
744	// fmt.Printf("buf: len(%v): %x\n", buf.Len(), buf.Bytes())
745	var x2 = new(B)
746	err = testUnmarshalErr(x2, bs, h, t, "x2")
747	err = checkEqualT(t, x1, x2, "x1=x2")
748	_ = err
751func doTestRpcOne(t *testing.T, rr Rpc, h Handle, doRequest bool, exitSleepMs time.Duration,
752) (port int) {
753	// rpc needs EOF, which is sent via a panic, and so must be recovered.
754	if !recoverPanicToErr {
755		logT(t, "EXPECTED. set recoverPanicToErr=true, since rpc needs EOF")
756		t.FailNow()
757	}
758	srv := rpc.NewServer()
759	srv.Register(testRpcInt)
760	ln, err := net.Listen("tcp", "")
761	// log("listener: %v", ln.Addr())
762	checkErrT(t, err)
763	port = (ln.Addr().(*net.TCPAddr)).Port
764	// var opts *DecoderOptions
765	// opts := testDecOpts
766	// opts.MapType = mapStrIntfTyp
767	// opts.RawToString = false
768	serverExitChan := make(chan bool, 1)
769	var serverExitFlag uint64 = 0
770	serverFn := func() {
771		for {
772			conn1, err1 := ln.Accept()
773			// if err1 != nil {
774			// 	//fmt.Printf("accept err1: %v\n", err1)
775			// 	continue
776			// }
777			if atomic.LoadUint64(&serverExitFlag) == 1 {
778				serverExitChan <- true
779				conn1.Close()
780				return // exit serverFn goroutine
781			}
782			if err1 == nil {
783				var sc rpc.ServerCodec = rr.ServerCodec(conn1, h)
784				srv.ServeCodec(sc)
785			}
786		}
787	}
789	clientFn := func(cc rpc.ClientCodec) {
790		cl := rpc.NewClientWithCodec(cc)
791		defer cl.Close()
792		var up, sq, mult int
793		var rstr string
794		// log("Calling client")
795		checkErrT(t, cl.Call("TestRpcInt.Update", 5, &up))
796		// log("Called TestRpcInt.Update")
797		checkEqualT(t, testRpcInt.i, 5, "testRpcInt.i=5")
798		checkEqualT(t, up, 5, "up=5")
799		checkErrT(t, cl.Call("TestRpcInt.Square", 1, &sq))
800		checkEqualT(t, sq, 25, "sq=25")
801		checkErrT(t, cl.Call("TestRpcInt.Mult", 20, &mult))
802		checkEqualT(t, mult, 100, "mult=100")
803		checkErrT(t, cl.Call("TestRpcInt.EchoStruct", TestABC{"Aa", "Bb", "Cc"}, &rstr))
804		checkEqualT(t, rstr, fmt.Sprintf("%#v", TestABC{"Aa", "Bb", "Cc"}), "rstr=")
805		checkErrT(t, cl.Call("TestRpcInt.Echo123", []string{"A1", "B2", "C3"}, &rstr))
806		checkEqualT(t, rstr, fmt.Sprintf("%#v", []string{"A1", "B2", "C3"}), "rstr=")
807	}
809	connFn := func() (bs net.Conn) {
810		// log("calling f1")
811		bs, err2 := net.Dial(ln.Addr().Network(), ln.Addr().String())
812		//fmt.Printf("f1. bs: %v, err2: %v\n", bs, err2)
813		checkErrT(t, err2)
814		return
815	}
817	exitFn := func() {
818		atomic.StoreUint64(&serverExitFlag, 1)
819		bs := connFn()
820		<-serverExitChan
821		bs.Close()
822		// serverExitChan <- true
823	}
825	go serverFn()
826	runtime.Gosched()
827	//time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
828	if exitSleepMs == 0 {
829		defer ln.Close()
830		defer exitFn()
831	}
832	if doRequest {
833		bs := connFn()
834		cc := rr.ClientCodec(bs, h)
835		clientFn(cc)
836	}
837	if exitSleepMs != 0 {
838		go func() {
839			defer ln.Close()
840			time.Sleep(exitSleepMs)
841			exitFn()
842		}()
843	}
844	return
847// Comprehensive testing that generates data encoded from python msgpack,
848// and validates that our code can read and write it out accordingly.
849// We keep this unexported here, and put actual test in ext_dep_test.go.
850// This way, it can be excluded by excluding file completely.
851func doTestMsgpackPythonGenStreams(t *testing.T) {
852	logT(t, "TestPythonGenStreams")
853	tmpdir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "golang-msgpack-test")
854	if err != nil {
855		logT(t, "-------- Unable to create temp directory\n")
856		t.FailNow()
857	}
858	defer os.RemoveAll(tmpdir)
859	logT(t, "tmpdir: %v", tmpdir)
860	cmd := exec.Command("python", "msgpack_test.py", "testdata", tmpdir)
861	//cmd.Stdin = strings.NewReader("some input")
862	//cmd.Stdout = &out
863	var cmdout []byte
864	if cmdout, err = cmd.CombinedOutput(); err != nil {
865		logT(t, "-------- Error running msgpack_test.py testdata. Err: %v", err)
866		logT(t, "         %v", string(cmdout))
867		t.FailNow()
868	}
870	oldMapType := testMsgpackH.MapType
871	for i, v := range tablePythonVerify {
872		testMsgpackH.MapType = oldMapType
873		//load up the golden file based on number
874		//decode it
875		//compare to in-mem object
876		//encode it again
877		//compare to output stream
878		logT(t, "..............................................")
879		logT(t, "         Testing: #%d: %T, %#v\n", i, v, v)
880		var bss []byte
881		bss, err = ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(tmpdir, strconv.Itoa(i)+".golden"))
882		if err != nil {
883			logT(t, "-------- Error reading golden file: %d. Err: %v", i, err)
884			failT(t)
885			continue
886		}
887		testMsgpackH.MapType = mapStrIntfTyp
889		var v1 interface{}
890		if err = testUnmarshal(&v1, bss, testMsgpackH); err != nil {
891			logT(t, "-------- Error decoding stream: %d: Err: %v", i, err)
892			failT(t)
893			continue
894		}
895		if v == skipVerifyVal {
896			continue
897		}
898		//no need to indirect, because we pass a nil ptr, so we already have the value
899		//if v1 != nil { v1 = reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(v1)).Interface() }
900		if err = deepEqual(v, v1); err == nil {
901			logT(t, "++++++++ Objects match")
902		} else {
903			logT(t, "-------- Objects do not match: %v. Source: %T. Decoded: %T", err, v, v1)
904			logT(t, "--------   AGAINST: %#v", v)
905			logT(t, "--------   DECODED: %#v <====> %#v", v1, reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(v1)).Interface())
906			failT(t)
907		}
908		bsb, err := testMarshal(v1, testMsgpackH)
909		if err != nil {
910			logT(t, "Error encoding to stream: %d: Err: %v", i, err)
911			failT(t)
912			continue
913		}
914		if err = deepEqual(bsb, bss); err == nil {
915			logT(t, "++++++++ Bytes match")
916		} else {
917			logT(t, "???????? Bytes do not match. %v.", err)
918			xs := "--------"
919			if reflect.ValueOf(v).Kind() == reflect.Map {
920				xs = "        "
921				logT(t, "%s It's a map. Ok that they don't match (dependent on ordering).", xs)
922			} else {
923				logT(t, "%s It's not a map. They should match.", xs)
924				failT(t)
925			}
926			logT(t, "%s   FROM_FILE: %4d] %v", xs, len(bss), bss)
927			logT(t, "%s     ENCODED: %4d] %v", xs, len(bsb), bsb)
928		}
929	}
930	testMsgpackH.MapType = oldMapType
933// To test MsgpackSpecRpc, we test 3 scenarios:
934//    - Go Client to Go RPC Service (contained within TestMsgpackRpcSpec)
935//    - Go client to Python RPC Service (contained within doTestMsgpackRpcSpecGoClientToPythonSvc)
936//    - Python Client to Go RPC Service (contained within doTestMsgpackRpcSpecPythonClientToGoSvc)
938// This allows us test the different calling conventions
939//    - Go Service requires only one argument
940//    - Python Service allows multiple arguments
942func doTestMsgpackRpcSpecGoClientToPythonSvc(t *testing.T) {
943	openPort := "6789"
944	cmd := exec.Command("python", "msgpack_test.py", "rpc-server", openPort, "2")
945	checkErrT(t, cmd.Start())
946	time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) // time for python rpc server to start
947	bs, err2 := net.Dial("tcp", ":"+openPort)
948	checkErrT(t, err2)
949	cc := MsgpackSpecRpc.ClientCodec(bs, testMsgpackH)
950	cl := rpc.NewClientWithCodec(cc)
951	defer cl.Close()
952	var rstr string
953	checkErrT(t, cl.Call("EchoStruct", TestABC{"Aa", "Bb", "Cc"}, &rstr))
954	//checkEqualT(t, rstr, "{'A': 'Aa', 'B': 'Bb', 'C': 'Cc'}")
955	var mArgs MsgpackSpecRpcMultiArgs = []interface{}{"A1", "B2", "C3"}
956	checkErrT(t, cl.Call("Echo123", mArgs, &rstr))
957	checkEqualT(t, rstr, "1:A1 2:B2 3:C3", "rstr=")
960func doTestMsgpackRpcSpecPythonClientToGoSvc(t *testing.T) {
961	port := doTestRpcOne(t, MsgpackSpecRpc, testMsgpackH, false, 1*time.Second)
962	//time.Sleep(1000 * time.Millisecond)
963	cmd := exec.Command("python", "msgpack_test.py", "rpc-client-go-service", strconv.Itoa(port))
964	var cmdout []byte
965	var err error
966	if cmdout, err = cmd.CombinedOutput(); err != nil {
967		logT(t, "-------- Error running msgpack_test.py rpc-client-go-service. Err: %v", err)
968		logT(t, "         %v", string(cmdout))
969		t.FailNow()
970	}
971	checkEqualT(t, string(cmdout),
972		fmt.Sprintf("%#v\n%#v\n", []string{"A1", "B2", "C3"}, TestABC{"Aa", "Bb", "Cc"}), "cmdout=")
975func TestBincCodecsTable(t *testing.T) {
976	testCodecTableOne(t, testBincH)
979func TestBincCodecsMisc(t *testing.T) {
980	testCodecMiscOne(t, testBincH)
983func TestBincCodecsEmbeddedPointer(t *testing.T) {
984	testCodecEmbeddedPointer(t, testBincH)
987func TestSimpleCodecsTable(t *testing.T) {
988	testCodecTableOne(t, testSimpleH)
991func TestSimpleCodecsMisc(t *testing.T) {
992	testCodecMiscOne(t, testSimpleH)
995func TestSimpleCodecsEmbeddedPointer(t *testing.T) {
996	testCodecEmbeddedPointer(t, testSimpleH)
999func TestMsgpackCodecsTable(t *testing.T) {
1000	testCodecTableOne(t, testMsgpackH)
1003func TestMsgpackCodecsMisc(t *testing.T) {
1004	testCodecMiscOne(t, testMsgpackH)
1007func TestMsgpackCodecsEmbeddedPointer(t *testing.T) {
1008	testCodecEmbeddedPointer(t, testMsgpackH)
1011func TestBincRpcGo(t *testing.T) {
1012	doTestRpcOne(t, GoRpc, testBincH, true, 0)
1015func _TestSimpleRpcGo(t *testing.T) {
1016	doTestRpcOne(t, GoRpc, testSimpleH, true, 0)
1019func TestMsgpackRpcGo(t *testing.T) {
1020	doTestRpcOne(t, GoRpc, testMsgpackH, true, 0)
1023func TestMsgpackRpcSpec(t *testing.T) {
1024	doTestRpcOne(t, MsgpackSpecRpc, testMsgpackH, true, 0)
1027// TODO:
1028//   Add Tests for:
1029//   - decoding empty list/map in stream into a nil slice/map
1030//   - binary(M|Unm)arsher support for time.Time