1type: '*otlpexporter.Config'
3- name: timeout
4  type: time.Duration
5  kind: int64
6  default: 5s
7  doc: |
8    Timeout is the timeout for every attempt to send data to the backend.
9- name: sending_queue
10  type: exporterhelper.QueueSettings
11  kind: struct
12  fields:
13  - name: enabled
14    kind: bool
15    default: true
16    doc: |
17      Enabled indicates whether to not enqueue batches before sending to the consumerSender.
18  - name: num_consumers
19    kind: int
20    default: 10
21    doc: |
22      NumConsumers is the number of consumers from the queue.
23  - name: queue_size
24    kind: int
25    default: 5000
26    doc: |
27      QueueSize is the maximum number of batches allowed in queue at a given time.
28- name: retry_on_failure
29  type: exporterhelper.RetrySettings
30  kind: struct
31  fields:
32  - name: enabled
33    kind: bool
34    default: true
35    doc: |
36      Enabled indicates whether to not retry sending batches in case of export failure.
37  - name: initial_interval
38    type: time.Duration
39    kind: int64
40    default: 5s
41    doc: |
42      InitialInterval the time to wait after the first failure before retrying.
43  - name: max_interval
44    type: time.Duration
45    kind: int64
46    default: 30s
47    doc: |
48      MaxInterval is the upper bound on backoff interval. Once this value is reached the delay between
49      consecutive retries will always be `MaxInterval`.
50  - name: max_elapsed_time
51    type: time.Duration
52    kind: int64
53    default: 5m0s
54    doc: |
55      MaxElapsedTime is the maximum amount of time (including retries) spent trying to send a request/batch.
56      Once this value is reached, the data is discarded.
57- name: endpoint
58  kind: string
59  doc: |
60    The target to which the exporter is going to send traces or metrics,
61    using the gRPC protocol. The valid syntax is described at
62    https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/master/doc/naming.md.
63- name: compression
64  kind: string
65  doc: |
66    The compression key for supported compression types within
67    collector. Currently the only supported mode is `gzip`.
68- name: ca_file
69  kind: string
70  doc: |
71    Path to the CA cert. For a client this verifies the server certificate.
72    For a server this verifies client certificates. If empty uses system root CA.
73    (optional)
74- name: cert_file
75  kind: string
76  doc: |
77    Path to the TLS cert to use for TLS required connections. (optional)
78- name: key_file
79  kind: string
80  doc: |
81    Path to the TLS key to use for TLS required connections. (optional)
82- name: insecure
83  kind: bool
84  doc: |
85    In gRPC when set to true, this is used to disable the client transport security.
86    See https://godoc.org/google.golang.org/grpc#WithInsecure.
87    In HTTP, this disables verifying the server's certificate chain and host name
88    (InsecureSkipVerify in the tls Config). Please refer to
89    https://godoc.org/crypto/tls#Config for more information.
90    (optional, default false)
91- name: server_name_override
92  kind: string
93  doc: |
94    ServerName requested by client for virtual hosting.
95    This sets the ServerName in the TLSConfig. Please refer to
96    https://godoc.org/crypto/tls#Config for more information. (optional)
97- name: keepalive
98  type: '*configgrpc.KeepaliveClientConfig'
99  kind: ptr
100  doc: |
101    The keepalive parameters for gRPC client. See grpc.WithKeepaliveParams
102    (https://godoc.org/google.golang.org/grpc#WithKeepaliveParams).
103  fields:
104  - name: time
105    type: time.Duration
106    kind: int64
107  - name: timeout
108    type: time.Duration
109    kind: int64
110  - name: permit_without_stream
111    kind: bool
112- name: read_buffer_size
113  kind: int
114  doc: |
115    ReadBufferSize for gRPC client. See grpc.WithReadBufferSize
116    (https://godoc.org/google.golang.org/grpc#WithReadBufferSize).
117- name: write_buffer_size
118  kind: int
119  default: 524288
120  doc: |
121    WriteBufferSize for gRPC gRPC. See grpc.WithWriteBufferSize
122    (https://godoc.org/google.golang.org/grpc#WithWriteBufferSize).
123- name: wait_for_ready
124  kind: bool
125  doc: |
126    WaitForReady parameter configures client to wait for ready state before sending data.
127    (https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/master/doc/wait-for-ready.md)
128- name: headers
129  type: map[string]string
130  kind: map
131  doc: |
132    The headers associated with gRPC requests.
133- name: per_rpc_auth
134  type: '*configgrpc.PerRPCAuthConfig'
135  kind: ptr
136  doc: |
137    PerRPCAuth parameter configures the client to send authentication data on a per-RPC basis.
138  fields:
139  - name: type
140    kind: string
141    doc: |
142      AuthType represents the authentication type to use. Currently, only 'bearer' is supported.
143  - name: bearer_token
144    kind: string
145    doc: |
146      BearerToken specifies the bearer token to use for every RPC.
147- name: balancer_name
148  kind: string
149  doc: |
150    Sets the balancer in grpclb_policy to discover the servers. Default is pick_first
151    https://github.com/grpc/grpc-go/blob/master/examples/features/load_balancing/README.md