1 /* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8 -*- */
2 /* This file is part of the KDE libraries
3  *
4  * Copyright (C) 1997 Martin Jones (mjones@kde.org)
5  * Copyright (C) 1997 Torben Weis (weis@kde.org)
6  * Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001 Helix Code, Inc.
7  *
8  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
9  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
10  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
11  * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
12  *
13  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16  * Library General Public License for more details.
17  *
18  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
19  * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
20  * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
21  * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
22 */
23 #ifndef _HTMLTEXT_H_
24 #define _HTMLTEXT_H_
26 #include "htmlobject.h"
28 #define HTML_TEXT(x) ((HTMLText *)(x))
29 #define HTML_TEXT_CLASS(x) ((HTMLTextClass *)(x))
32 struct _SpellError {
33 	guint off;
34 	guint len;
35 };
37 struct _Link {
38 	guint start_index;
39 	guint end_index;
40 	gint start_offset;
41 	gint end_offset;
42 	gchar *url;
43 	gchar *target;
44 	gboolean is_visited;
45 };
47 struct _HTMLTextPangoInfoEntry {
48 	PangoGlyphItem glyph_item;
49 	PangoGlyphUnit *widths;
50 };
52 struct _HTMLTextPangoInfo {
53 	HTMLTextPangoInfoEntry *entries;
54 	PangoLogAttr *attrs;
55 	gint n;
57 	gboolean have_font;
58 	GtkHTMLFontStyle font_style;
59 	HTMLFontFace *face;
60 };
62 struct _HTMLPangoAttrFontSize {
63         PangoAttrInt attr_int;
64 	GtkHTMLFontStyle style;
65 };
67 struct _HTMLText {
68 	HTMLObject object;
70 	/* utf-8 encoded text */
71 	gchar   *text;
73 	/* text length in charactes */
74 	guint    text_len;
76 	/* text length in bytes */
77 	guint    text_bytes;
79 	PangoAttrList    *attr_list;
80 	PangoAttrList    *extra_attr_list;
81 	GtkHTMLFontStyle  font_style;
82 	HTMLFontFace     *face;
83 	HTMLColor        *color;
85 	guint select_start;
86 	guint select_length;
88 	GList *spell_errors;
90 	HTMLTextPangoInfo *pi;
92 	GSList *links;
93 	gint focused_link_offset;
94 	PangoDirection direction;
95 };
97 struct _HTMLTextClass {
98 	HTMLObjectClass object_class;
100         void		   (* queue_draw)     (HTMLText *text, HTMLEngine *engine,
101 					       guint offset, guint len);
103 	GtkHTMLFontStyle   (* get_font_style) (const HTMLText *text);
104 	void               (* set_font_style) (HTMLText *text, HTMLEngine *engine, GtkHTMLFontStyle style);
105 };
107 extern HTMLTextClass html_text_class;
109 void              html_text_type_init                    (void);
110 void              html_text_class_init                   (HTMLTextClass      *klass,
111 							  HTMLType            type,
112 							  guint               object_size);
113 void              html_text_init                         (HTMLText           *text_object,
114 							  HTMLTextClass      *klass,
115 							  const gchar        *text,
116 							  gint                len,
117 							  GtkHTMLFontStyle    font_style,
118 							  HTMLColor          *color);
119 HTMLObject       *html_text_new                          (const gchar        *text,
120 							  GtkHTMLFontStyle    font_style,
121 							  HTMLColor          *color);
122 HTMLObject       *html_text_new_with_len                 (const gchar        *text,
123 							  gint                len,
124 							  GtkHTMLFontStyle    font_style,
125 							  HTMLColor          *color);
126 void              html_text_change_set                   (HTMLText           *text,
127 							  HTMLChangeFlags     flags);
128 void              html_text_queue_draw                   (HTMLText           *text,
129 							  HTMLEngine         *engine,
130 							  guint               offset,
131 							  guint               len);
132 GtkHTMLFontStyle  html_text_get_font_style               (const HTMLText     *text);
133 void              html_text_set_font_style               (HTMLText           *text,
134 							  HTMLEngine         *engine,
135 							  GtkHTMLFontStyle    style);
136 void              html_text_append                       (HTMLText           *text,
137 							  const gchar        *str,
138 							  gint                len);
139 void              html_text_set_text                     (HTMLText           *text,
140 							  const gchar        *new_text);
141 void              html_text_set_font_face                (HTMLText           *text,
142 							  HTMLFontFace       *face);
143 gint              html_text_get_nb_width                 (HTMLText           *text,
144 							  HTMLPainter        *painter,
145 							  gboolean            begin);
146 guint             html_text_get_bytes                    (HTMLText           *text);
147 guint             html_text_get_index                    (HTMLText           *text,
148 							  guint               offset);
149 gunichar          html_text_get_char                     (HTMLText           *text,
150 							  guint               offset);
151 gchar            *html_text_get_text                     (HTMLText           *text,
152 							  guint               offset);
153 GList            *html_text_get_items                    (HTMLText           *text,
154 							  HTMLPainter        *painter);
155 void              html_text_spell_errors_clear           (HTMLText           *text);
156 void              html_text_spell_errors_clear_interval  (HTMLText           *text,
157 							  HTMLInterval       *i);
158 void              html_text_spell_errors_add             (HTMLText           *text,
159 							  guint               off,
160 							  guint               len);
161 gboolean          html_text_magic_link                   (HTMLText           *text,
162 							  HTMLEngine         *engine,
163 							  guint               offset);
164 gint              html_text_trail_space_width            (HTMLText           *text,
165 							  HTMLPainter        *painter);
166 gboolean          html_text_convert_nbsp                 (HTMLText           *text,
167 							  gboolean            free_text);
168 gint              html_text_get_line_offset              (HTMLText           *text,
169 							  HTMLPainter        *painter,
170 							  gint                offset);
171 gint              html_text_text_line_length             (const gchar        *text,
172 							  gint               *line_offset,
173 							  guint               len,
174 							  gint               *tabs);
175 gint              html_text_calc_part_width              (HTMLText           *text,
176 							  HTMLPainter        *painter,
177 							  gchar               *start,
178 							  gint                offset,
179 							  gint                len,
180 							  gint               *asc,
181 							  gint               *dsc);
182 gint              html_text_get_item_index               (HTMLText           *text,
183 							  HTMLPainter        *painter,
184 							  gint                 offset,
185 							  gint                *item_offset);
186 gboolean          html_text_pi_backward                  (HTMLTextPangoInfo  *pi,
187 							  gint                *ii,
188 							  gint                *io);
189 gboolean          html_text_pi_forward                   (HTMLTextPangoInfo  *pi,
190 							  gint                *ii,
191 							  gint                *io);
192 void              html_text_free_attrs                   (GSList             *attrs);
193 gint              html_text_tail_white_space             (HTMLText           *text,
194 							  HTMLPainter        *painter,
195 							  gint                 offset,
196 							  gint                 ii,
197 							  gint                 io,
198 							  gint                *white_len,
199 							  gint                 line_offset,
200 							  gchar               *s);
201 void              html_text_append_link                  (HTMLText           *text,
202 							  gchar              *url,
203 							  gchar              *target,
204 							  gint                start_offset,
205 							  gint                end_offset);
206 void              html_text_append_link_full             (HTMLText           *text,
207 							  gchar              *url,
208 							  gchar              *target,
209 							  gint                start_index,
210 							  gint                end_index,
211 							  gint                start_offset,
212 							  gint                end_offset);
213 void              html_text_add_link                     (HTMLText           *text,
214 							  HTMLEngine         *e,
215 							  gchar              *url,
216 							  gchar              *target,
217 							  gint                start_offset,
218 							  gint                end_offset);
219 void              html_text_add_link_full                (HTMLText           *text,
220 							  HTMLEngine         *e,
221 							  gchar              *url,
222 							  gchar              *target,
223 							  gint                start_index,
224 							  gint                end_index,
225 							  gint                start_offset,
226 							  gint                end_offset);
227 void              html_text_set_link_visited		 (HTMLText *text,
228 							  gint offset,
229 							  HTMLEngine *engine,
230 							  gboolean is_visited);
231 void              html_text_remove_links                 (HTMLText           *text);
232 gboolean          html_text_get_link_rectangle           (HTMLText           *text,
233 							  HTMLPainter        *painter,
234 							  gint                offset,
235 							  gint               *x1,
236 							  gint               *y1,
237 							  gint               *x2,
238 							  gint               *y2);
239 Link             *html_text_get_link_at_offset           (HTMLText           *text,
240 							  gint                offset);
241 HTMLTextSlave    *html_text_get_slave_at_offset          (HTMLText           *text,
242 							  HTMLTextSlave      *start,
243 							  gint                 offset);
244 Link             *html_text_get_link_slaves_at_offset    (HTMLText           *text,
245 							  gint                offset,
246 							  HTMLTextSlave     **start,
247 							  HTMLTextSlave     **end);
248 gboolean          html_text_next_link_offset             (HTMLText           *text,
249 							  gint               *offset);
250 gboolean          html_text_prev_link_offset             (HTMLText           *text,
251 							  gint               *offset);
252 gboolean          html_text_first_link_offset            (HTMLText           *text,
253 							  gint               *offset);
254 gboolean          html_text_last_link_offset             (HTMLText           *text,
255 							  gint               *offset);
256 gchar            *html_text_get_link_text                (HTMLText           *text,
257 							  gint                offset);
258 void              html_text_calc_font_size               (HTMLText           *text,
259 							  HTMLEngine         *e);
260 GtkHTMLFontStyle  html_text_get_fontstyle_at_index       (HTMLText           *text,
261 							  gint                index);
262 GtkHTMLFontStyle  html_text_get_style_conflicts          (HTMLText           *text,
263 							  GtkHTMLFontStyle    style,
264 							  gint                start_index,
265 							  gint                end_index);
266 void              html_text_set_style_in_range           (HTMLText           *text,
267 							  GtkHTMLFontStyle    style,
268 							  HTMLEngine         *e,
269 							  gint                start_index,
270 							  gint                end_index);
271 void              html_text_set_style                    (HTMLText           *text,
272 							  GtkHTMLFontStyle    style,
273 							  HTMLEngine         *e);
274 void              html_text_unset_style                  (HTMLText           *text,
275 							  GtkHTMLFontStyle    style);
276 HTMLColor        *html_text_get_color_at_index           (HTMLText           *text,
277 							  HTMLEngine         *e,
278 							  gint                index);
279 HTMLColor        *html_text_get_color                    (HTMLText           *text,
280 							  HTMLEngine         *e,
281 							  gint                start_index);
282 void              html_text_set_color_in_range           (HTMLText           *text,
283 							  HTMLColor          *color,
284 							  gint                start_index,
285 							  gint                end_index);
286 void              html_text_set_color                    (HTMLText           *text,
287 							  HTMLColor          *color);
289 gsize             html_text_sanitize                     (const gchar       *str_in,
290 							  gchar            **str_out,
291 							  gint               *len);
293 Link     *html_link_new                 (gchar *url,
294 					 gchar *target,
295 					 guint  start_index,
296 					 guint  end_index,
297 					 gint   start_offset,
298 					 gint   end_offset,
299 					 gboolean is_visited);
300 Link     *html_link_dup                 (Link  *link);
301 void      html_link_free                (Link  *link);
302 gboolean  html_link_equal               (Link  *l1,
303 					 Link  *l2);
304 void      html_link_set_url_and_target  (Link  *link,
305 					 gchar *url,
306 					 gchar *target);
308 /*
309  * protected
310  */
311 HTMLTextPangoInfo *html_text_pango_info_new           (gint                   n);
312 void               html_text_pango_info_destroy       (HTMLTextPangoInfo     *pi);
313 HTMLTextPangoInfo *html_text_get_pango_info           (HTMLText              *text,
314 						       HTMLPainter           *painter);
315 gint               html_text_pango_info_get_index     (HTMLTextPangoInfo     *pi,
316 						       gint                   byte_offset,
317 						       gint                   idx);
318 PangoAttribute    *html_pango_attr_font_size_new      (GtkHTMLFontStyle       style);
319 void               html_pango_attr_font_size_calc     (HTMLPangoAttrFontSize *attr,
320 						       HTMLEngine            *e);
321 PangoAttrList     *html_text_get_attr_list            (HTMLText              *text,
322 						       gint                   start_index,
323 						       gint                   end_index);
324 void               html_text_calc_text_size           (HTMLText              *t,
325 						       HTMLPainter           *painter,
326 						       gint                   start_byte_offset,
327 						       guint                  len,
328 						       HTMLTextPangoInfo     *pi,
329 						       GList                 *glyphs,
330 						       gint                  *line_offset,
331 						       gint                  *width,
332 						       gint                  *asc,
333 						       gint                  *dsc);
334 void               html_text_change_attrs             (PangoAttrList         *attr_list,
335 						       GtkHTMLFontStyle       style,
336 						       HTMLEngine            *e,
337 						       gint                   start_index,
338 						       gint                   end_index,
339 						       gboolean               avoid_default_size);
340 PangoDirection     html_text_get_pango_direction      (HTMLText              *text);
341 HTMLDirection      html_text_direction_pango_to_html  (PangoDirection         pdir);
343 gboolean  html_text_is_line_break                (PangoLogAttr  attr);
344 void      html_text_remove_unwanted_line_breaks  (gchar         *s,
345 						  gint           len,
346 						  PangoLogAttr *attrs);
348 typedef HTMLObject * (* HTMLTextHelperFunc)       (HTMLText *, gint begin, gint end);
349 HTMLObject *html_text_op_copy_helper    (HTMLText           *text,
350 					 GList              *from,
351 					 GList              *to,
352 					 guint              *len);
353 HTMLObject *html_text_op_cut_helper     (HTMLText           *text,
354 					 HTMLEngine         *e,
355 					 GList              *from,
356 					 GList              *to,
357 					 GList              *left,
358 					 GList              *right,
359 					 guint              *len);
360 void
361 html_tmp_fix_pango_glyph_string_get_logical_widths (PangoGlyphString *glyphs,
362 						    const gchar       *text,
363 						    gint               length,
364 						    gint               embedding_level,
365 						    gint              *logical_widths);
367 PangoAttrList *html_text_prepare_attrs (HTMLText *text,
368 					HTMLPainter *painter);
370 #endif /* _HTMLTEXT_H_ */