3 * Copyright 2010-2017 Horde LLC (http://www.horde.org/)
4 *
5 * See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (LGPL-2). If you
6 * did not receive this file, see http://www.horde.org/licenses/lgpl.
7 *
8 * @category  Horde
9 * @copyright 2010-2017 Horde LLC
10 * @license   http://www.horde.org/licenses/lgpl LGPL-2
11 * @package   Horde
12 */
15 * Horde external API interface.
16 *
17 * This file defines Horde's external API interface. Other
18 * applications can interact with Horde through this API.
19 *
20 * @category  Horde
21 * @copyright 2010-2017 Horde LLC
22 * @license   http://www.horde.org/licenses/lgpl LGPL-2
23 * @package   Horde
24 */
25class Horde_Api extends Horde_Registry_Api
27    /**
28     * Returns a list of adminstrative links.
29     *
30     * @return array  Keys are link labels, values are array with these keys:
31     *   - icon: (string) Graphic for page.
32     *   - link: (string) Registry encoded link to page.
33     *   - name: (string) Gettext label for page.
34     */
35    public function admin_list()
36    {
37        $admin = array(
38            'configuration' => array(
39                'link' => '%application%/admin/config/',
40                'name' => _("_Configuration"),
41                'icon' => 'config'
42            ),
43            'users' => array(
44                'link' => '%application%/admin/user.php',
45                'name' => _("_Users"),
46                'icon' => 'user'
47            ),
48            'groups' => array(
49                'link' => '%application%/admin/groups.php',
50                'name' => _("_Groups"),
51                'icon' => 'group'
52            ),
53            'perms' => array(
54                'link' => '%application%/admin/perms/',
55                'name' => _("_Permissions"),
56                'icon' => 'perms'
57            ),
58            'locks' => array(
59                'link' => '%application%/admin/locks.php',
60                'name' => _("_Locks"),
61                'icon' => 'locked'
62            ),
63            'alarms' => array(
64                'link' => '%application%/admin/alarms.php',
65                'name' => _("_Alarms"),
66                'icon' => 'alarm'
67            ),
68            'sessions' => array(
69                'link' => '%application%/admin/sessions.php',
70                'name' => _("Sessions"),
71                'icon' => 'user'
72            ),
73            'phpshell' => array(
74                'link' => '%application%/admin/phpshell.php',
75                'name' => _("P_HP Shell"),
76                'icon' => 'php'
77            ),
78            'sqlshell' => array(
79                'link' => '%application%/admin/sqlshell.php',
80                'name' => _("S_QL Shell"),
81                'icon' => 'sql'
82            ),
83            'cmdshell' => array(
84                'link' => '%application%/admin/cmdshell.php',
85                'name' => _("_CLI"),
86                'icon' => 'shell'
87            )
88        );
90        if (!empty($GLOBALS['conf']['activesync']['enabled'])) {
91            $admin['activesync'] = array(
92                'link' => '%application%/admin/activesync.php',
93                'name' => _("ActiveSync Devices"),
94                'icon' => 'mobile'
95            );
96        }
98        return $admin;
99    }
101    /**
102     * Returns a list of the installed and registered applications.
103     *
104     * @param array $filter  An array of the statuses that should be returned.
105     *                       Defaults to non-hidden.
106     *
107     * @return array  List of apps registered with Horde. If no applications
108     *                are defined returns an empty array.
109     */
110    public function listApps($filter = null)
111    {
112        return $GLOBALS['registry']->listApps($filter);
113    }
115    /**
116     * Returns all available registry APIs.
117     *
118     * @return array  The API list.
119     */
120    public function listAPIs()
121    {
122        return $GLOBALS['registry']->listAPIs();
123    }
125    /* Blocks. */
127    /**
128     * Returns a Horde_Block's title.
129     *
130     * @param string $app    The block application name.
131     * @param string $name   The block name (NOT the class name).
132     * @param array $params  Block parameters.
133     *
134     * @return string  The block title.
135     */
136    public function blockTitle($app, $name, $params = array())
137    {
138        $class = $app . '_Block_' . basename($name);
139        try {
140            return $GLOBALS['injector']->getInstance('Horde_Core_Factory_BlockCollection')->create()->getBlock($app, $class, $params)->getTitle();
141        } catch (Horde_Exception $e) {
142            return $e->getMessage();
143        }
144    }
146    /**
147     * Returns a Horde_Block's content.
148     *
149     * @param string $app    The block application name.
150     * @param string $name   The block name (NOT the classname).
151     * @param array $params  Block parameters.
152     *
153     * @return string  The block content.
154     */
155    public function blockContent($app, $name, $params = array())
156    {
157        $class = $app . '_Block_' . basename($name);
158        try {
159            return $GLOBALS['injector']->getInstance('Horde_Core_Factory_BlockCollection')->create()->getBlock($app, $class, $params)->getContent();
160        } catch (Horde_Exception $e) {
161            return $e->getMessage();
162        }
163    }
165    /**
166     * Returns a pretty printed list of all available blocks.
167     *
168     * @return array  A hash with block IDs as keys and application plus block
169     *                block names as values.
170     */
171    public function blocks()
172    {
173        return $GLOBALS['injector']->getInstance('Horde_Core_Factory_BlockCollection')->create()->getBlocksList();
174    }
176    /* User data. */
178    /**
179     * Returns the value of the requested preference.
180     *
181     * @param string $app   The application of the preference to retrieve.
182     * @param string $pref  The name of the preference to retrieve.
183     *
184     * @return string  The value of the preference, null if it doesn't exist.
185     */
186    public function getPreference($app, $pref)
187    {
188        $pushed = $GLOBALS['registry']->pushApp($app);
189        $GLOBALS['registry']->loadPrefs($app);
190        $value = $GLOBALS['prefs']->getValue($pref);
191        if ($pushed) {
192            $GLOBALS['registry']->popApp();
193        }
195        return $value;
196    }
198    /**
199     * Sets a preference to the specified value, if the preference is allowed
200     * to be modified.
201     *
202     * @param string $app   The application of the preference to modify.
203     * @param string $pref  The name of the preference to modify.
204     * @param string $val   The new value for this preference.
205     */
206    public function setPreference($app, $pref, $value)
207    {
208        $pushed = $GLOBALS['registry']->pushApp($app);
209        $GLOBALS['registry']->loadPrefs($app);
210        $value = $GLOBALS['prefs']->setValue($pref, $value);
211        if ($pushed) {
212            $GLOBALS['registry']->popApp();
213        }
214    }
216    /**
217     * Removes user data.
218     *
219     * @param string $user  Name of user to remove data for.
220     * @param string $app   Remove data from this application. If boolean
221     *                      true, removes all applications. If boolean false,
222     *                      removes only base Horde data.
223     *
224     * @throws Horde_Exception
225     */
226    public function removeUserData($user, $app = false)
227    {
228        if ($app === true) {
229            $app = null;
230        } elseif ($app === false || !strlen($app)) {
231            $app = false;
232        }
234        $GLOBALS['registry']->removeUserData($user, $app);
235    }
237    /* Groups. */
239    /**
240     * Adds a group to the groups system.
241     *
242     * @param string $name  The group's name.
243     *
244     * @return mixed  The group's ID.
245     * @throws Horde_Exception
246     */
247    public function addGroup($name)
248    {
249        if (!$GLOBALS['registry']->isAdmin()) {
250            throw new Horde_Exception(_("You are not allowed to add groups."));
251        }
253        return $GLOBALS['injector']
254            ->getInstance('Horde_Group')
255            ->create($name);
256    }
258    /**
259     * Removes a group from the groups system.
260     *
261     * @param mixed $group  The group ID.
262     *
263     * @throws Horde_Exception
264     */
265    public function removeGroup($group)
266    {
267        if (!$GLOBALS['registry']->isAdmin()) {
268            throw new Horde_Exception(_("You are not allowed to delete groups."));
269        }
271        $GLOBALS['injector']->getInstance('Horde_Group')->remove($group);
272    }
274    /**
275     * Adds a user to a group.
276     *
277     * @param mixed $group  The group ID.
278     * @param string $user  The user to add.
279     *
280     * @throws Horde_Exception
281     */
282    public function addUserToGroup($group, $user)
283    {
284        if (!$GLOBALS['registry']->isAdmin()) {
285            throw new Horde_Exception(_("You are not allowed to change groups."));
286        }
288        $GLOBALS['injector']
289            ->getInstance('Horde_Group')
290            ->addUser($group, $user);
291    }
293    /**
294     * Removes a user from a group.
295     *
296     * @param mixed $group  The group ID.
297     * @param string $user  The user to add.
298     *
299     * @throws Horde_Exception
300     */
301    public function removeUserFromGroup($group, $user)
302    {
303        if (!$GLOBALS['registry']->isAdmin()) {
304            throw new Horde_Exception(_("You are not allowed to change groups."));
305        }
307        $GLOBALS['injector']
308            ->getInstance('Horde_Group')
309            ->removeUser($group, $user);
310    }
312    /**
313     * Returns a list of users that are part of this group (and only this
314     * group).
315     *
316     * @param mixed $group  The group ID.
317     *
318     * @return array  The user list.
319     * @throws Horde_Exception
320     */
321    public function listUsersOfGroup($group)
322    {
323        if (!$GLOBALS['registry']->isAdmin()) {
324            throw new Horde_Exception(_("You are not allowed to list users of groups."));
325        }
327        return $GLOBALS['injector']
328            ->getInstance('Horde_Group')
329            ->listUsers($group);
330    }
332    /* Shares. */
334    /**
335     * Adds a share to the shares system.
336     *
337     * @param string $scope       The name of the share root, e.g. the
338     *                            application that the share belongs to.
339     * @param string $shareName   The share's name.
340     * @param string $shareTitle  The share's human readable title.
341     * @param string $userName    The share's owner.
342     *
343     * @throws Horde_Exception
344     */
345    public function addShare($scope, $shareName, $shareTitle, $userName)
346    {
347        if (!$GLOBALS['registry']->isAdmin()) {
348            throw new Horde_Exception(_("You are not allowed to add shares."));
349        }
351        $shares = $GLOBALS['injector']->getInstance('Horde_Core_Factory_Share')->create($scope);
352        $share = $shares->newShare($GLOBALS['registry']->getAuth(), $shareName, $shareTitle);
353        $share->set('owner', $userName);
354        $shares->addShare($share);
355    }
357    /**
358     * Removes a share from the shares system permanently.
359     *
360     * @param string $scope      The name of the share root, e.g. the
361     *                           application that the share belongs to.
362     * @param string $shareName  The share's name.
363     *
364     * @throws Horde_Exception
365     */
366    public function removeShare($scope, $shareName)
367    {
368        if (!$GLOBALS['registry']->isAdmin()) {
369            throw new Horde_Exception(_("You are not allowed to delete shares."));
370        }
372        $shares = $GLOBALS['injector']->getInstance('Horde_Core_Factory_Share')->create($scope);
373        $share = $shares->getShare($shareName);
374        $shares->removeShare($share);
375    }
377    /**
378     * Returns an array of all shares that $userName is the owner of.
379     *
380     * @param string $scope      The name of the share root, e.g. the
381     *                           application that the share belongs to.
382     * @param string $userName   The share's owner.
383     *
384     * @return array  The list of shares.
385     * @throws Horde_Exception
386     */
387    public function listSharesOfOwner($scope, $userName)
388    {
389        if (!$GLOBALS['registry']->isAdmin()) {
390            throw new Horde_Exception(_("You are not allowed to list shares."));
391        }
393        $shares = $GLOBALS['injector']->getInstance('Horde_Core_Factory_Share')->create($scope);
395        $share_list = $shares->listShares($userName,
396                                          array('perm' => Horde_Perms::SHOW,
397                                                'attributes' => $userName));
398        $myshares = array();
399        foreach ($share_list as $share) {
400            $myshares[] = $share->getName();
401        }
403        return $myshares;
404    }
406    /**
407     * Gives a user certain privileges for a share.
408     *
409     * @param string $scope       The name of the share root, e.g. the
410     *                            application that the share belongs to.
411     * @param string $shareName   The share's name.
412     * @param string $userName    The user's name.
413     * @param array $permissions  A list of permissions (show, read, edit,
414     *                            delete).
415     *
416     * @throws Horde_Exception
417     */
418    public function addUserPermissions($scope, $shareName, $userName,
419                                       $permissions)
420    {
421        if (!$GLOBALS['registry']->isAdmin()) {
422            throw new Horde_Exception(_("You are not allowed to change shares."));
423        }
425        $share = $GLOBALS['injector']
426            ->getInstance('Horde_Core_Factory_Share')
427            ->create($scope)
428            ->getShare($shareName);
429        $perm = $share->getPermission();
430        foreach ($permissions as $permission) {
431            $permission = Horde_String::upper($permission);
432            if (defined('Horde_Perms::' . $permission)) {
433                $perm->addUserPermission($userName, constant('Horde_Perms::' . $permission), false);
434            }
435        }
436        $share->setPermission($perm);
437    }
439    /**
440     * Gives a group certain privileges for a share.
441     *
442     * @param string $scope       The name of the share root, e.g. the
443     *                            application that the share belongs to.
444     * @param string $shareName   The share's name.
445     * @param mixed $groupId      The group ID.
446     * @param array $permissions  A list of permissions (show, read, edit,
447     *                            delete).
448     *
449     * @throws Horde_Exception
450     */
451    public function addGroupPermissions($scope, $shareName, $groupId,
452                                        $permissions)
453    {
454        if (!$GLOBALS['registry']->isAdmin()) {
455            throw new Horde_Exception(_("You are not allowed to change shares."));
456        }
458        $share = $GLOBALS['injector']
459            ->getInstance('Horde_Core_Factory_Share')
460            ->create($scope)
461            ->getShare($shareName);
462        $perm = $share->getPermission();
463        foreach ($permissions as $permission) {
464            $permission = Horde_String::upper($permission);
465            if (defined('Horde_Perms::' . $permission)) {
466                $perm->addGroupPermission($groupId, constant('Horde_Perms::' . $permission), false);
467            }
468        }
469        $share->setPermission($perm);
470    }
472    /**
473     * Removes a user from a share.
474     *
475     * @param string $scope       The name of the share root, e.g. the
476     *                            application that the share belongs to.
477     * @param string $shareName   The share's name.
478     * @param string $userName    The user's name.
479     *
480     * @throws Horde_Exception
481     */
482    public function removeUserPermissions($scope, $shareName, $userName)
483    {
484        if (!$GLOBALS['registry']->isAdmin()) {
485            throw new Horde_Exception(_("You are not allowed to change shares."));
486        }
488        $shares = $GLOBALS['injector']->getInstance('Horde_Core_Factory_Share')->create($scope);
489        $share = $shares->getShare($shareName);
490        $share->removeUser($userName);
491    }
493    /**
494     * Removes a group from a share.
495     *
496     * @param string $scope      The name of the share root, e.g. the
497     *                           application that the share belongs to.
498     * @param string $shareName  The share's name.
499     * @param mixed $groupId     The group ID.
500     *
501     * @throws Horde_Exception
502     */
503    public function removeGroupPermissions($scope, $shareName, $groupId)
504    {
505        if (!$GLOBALS['registry']->isAdmin()) {
506            throw new Horde_Exception(_("You are not allowed to change shares."));
507        }
509        $shares = $GLOBALS['injector']->getInstance('Horde_Core_Factory_Share')->create($scope);
510        $share = $shares->getShare($shareName);
511        $share->removeGroup($groupId);
512    }
514    /**
515     * Returns an array of all user permissions on a share.
516     *
517     * @param string $scope      The name of the share root, e.g. the
518     *                           application that the share belongs to.
519     * @param string $shareName  The share's name.
520     * @param string $userName   The user's name.
521     *
522     * @return array  All user permissions for this share.
523     * @throws Horde_Exception
524     */
525    public function listUserPermissions($scope, $shareName, $userName)
526    {
527        if (!$GLOBALS['registry']->isAdmin()) {
528            throw new Horde_Exception(_("You are not allowed to list share permissions."));
529        }
531        $perm_map = array(Horde_Perms::SHOW => 'show',
532            Horde_Perms::READ => 'read',
533            Horde_Perms::EDIT => 'edit',
534            Horde_Perms::DELETE => 'delete');
536        $shares = $GLOBALS['injector']->getInstance('Horde_Core_Factory_Share')->create($scope);
537        $share = $shares->getShare($shareName);
538        $perm = $share->getPermission();
539        $permissions = $perm->getUserPermissions();
540        if (empty($permissions[$userName])) {
541            return array();
542        }
544        $user_permissions = array();
545        foreach (array_keys(Horde_Perms::integerToArray($permissions[$userName])) as $permission) {
546            $user_permissions[] = $perm_map[$permission];
547        }
549        return $user_permissions;
550    }
552    /**
553     * Returns an array of all group permissions on a share.
554     *
555     * @param string $scope       The name of the share root, e.g. the
556     *                            application that the share belongs to.
557     * @param string $shareName   The share's name.
558     * @param string $groupName   The group's name.
559     *
560     * @return array  All group permissions for this share.
561     * @throws Horde_Exception
562     */
563    public function listGroupPermissions($scope, $shareName, $groupName)
564    {
565        if (!$GLOBALS['registry']->isAdmin()) {
566            throw new Horde_Exception(_("You are not allowed to list share permissions."));
567        }
569        $perm_map = array(Horde_Perms::SHOW => 'show',
570            Horde_Perms::READ => 'read',
571            Horde_Perms::EDIT => 'edit',
572            Horde_Perms::DELETE => 'delete');
574        $shares = $GLOBALS['injector']->getInstance('Horde_Core_Factory_Share')->create($scope);
575        $share = $shares->getShare($shareName);
576        $perm = $share->getPermission();
577        $permissions = $perm->getGroupPermissions();
578        if (empty($permissions[$groupName])) {
579            return array();
580        }
582        $group_permissions = array();
583        foreach (array_keys(Horde_Perms::integerToArray($permissions[$groupName])) as $permission) {
584            $group_permissions[] = $perm_map[$permission];
585        }
587        return $group_permissions;
588    }
590    /**
591     * Returns a list of users which have have certain permissions on a share.
592     *
593     * @param string $scope       The name of the share root, e.g. the
594     *                            application that the share belongs to.
595     * @param string $shareName   The share's name.
596     * @param array $permissions  A list of permissions (show, read, edit,
597     *                            delete).
598     *
599     * @return array  List of users with the specified permissions.
600     * @throws Horde_Exception
601     */
602    public function listUsersOfShare($scope, $shareName, $permissions)
603    {
604        if (!$GLOBALS['registry']->isAdmin()) {
605            throw new Horde_Exception(_("You are not allowed to list users of shares."));
606        }
608        $shares = $GLOBALS['injector']->getInstance('Horde_Core_Factory_Share')->create($scope);
609        $share = $shares->getShare($shareName);
610        $perm = 0;
611        foreach ($permissions as $permission) {
612            $permission = Horde_String::upper($permission);
613            if (defined('Horde_Perms::' . $permission)) {
614                $perm &= constant('Horde_Perms::' . $permission);
615            }
616        }
618        return $share->listUsers($perm);
619    }
621    /**
622     * Returns a list of groups which have have certain permissions on a
623     * share.
624     *
625     * @param string $scope       The name of the share root, e.g. the
626     *                            application that the share belongs to.
627     * @param string $shareName   The share's name.
628     * @param array $permissions  A list of permissions (show, read, edit,
629     *                            delete).
630     *
631     * @return array  List of groups with the specified permissions.
632     * @throws Horde_Exception
633     */
634    public function listGroupsOfShare($scope, $shareName, $permissions)
635    {
636        if (!$GLOBALS['registry']->isAdmin()) {
637            throw new Horde_Exception(_("You are not allowed to list groups of shares."));
638        }
640        $shares = $GLOBALS['injector']->getInstance('Horde_Core_Factory_Share')->create($scope);
641        $share = $shares->getShare($shareName);
642        $perm = 0;
643        foreach ($permissions as $permission) {
644            $permission = Horde_String::upper($permission);
645            if (defined('Horde_Perms::' . $permission)) {
646                $perm &= constant('Horde_Perms::' . $permission);
647            }
648        }
650        return $share->listGroups($perm);
651    }
653    /**
654     * Returns a list of ActiveSync devices that are partnered with Horde.
655     *
656     * @param array $filter  An array of parameters to filter on:
657     *  - user: Only return devices owned by user. If not present will default
658     *          to returning devices for current user only. If present, but
659     *          empty and current user is admin, will return all devices.
660     *          Otherwise, will return devices matching the parameter (must be
661     *          admin to list users other than current).
662     *
663     * @return array  List of device properties.
664     * @since 5.2.0
665     */
666    public function listActiveSyncDevices($filter = array())
667    {
668        global $registry, $injector, $conf;
670        if (empty($conf['activesync']['enabled'])) {
671            return array();
672        }
674        $state = $injector->getInstance('Horde_ActiveSyncState');
675        $state->setLogger($injector->getInstance('Horde_Log_Logger'));
676        if (!isset($filter['user'])) {
677            $filter['user'] = $registry->getAuth();
678        } elseif (empty($filter['user'])) {
679            if (!$registry->isAdmin()) {
680                throw new Horde_Exception_PermissionDenied();
681            }
682            $filter['user'] = null;
683        } elseif ($filter['user'] != $registry->getAuth() && !$registry->isAdmin()) {
684            throw new Horde_Exception_PermissionDenied();
685        }
686        try {
687            $devices = $state->listDevices($filter['user']);
688        } catch (Horde_ActiveSync_Exception $e) {
689            throw new Horde_Exception($e);
690        }
691        foreach ($devices as &$device) {
692            $device['device_properties'] = unserialize($device['device_properties']);
693            $device['last_synctime'] = $state->getLastSyncTimestamp($device['device_id']);
694        }
696        return $devices;
697    }
699    /**
700     * Perform an administrative action on a single paired ActiveSync device.
701     *
702     * @param string $action    The action to perform. One of:
703     *                          WIPE, CANCEL_WIPE, REMOVE.
704     * @param string $deviceid  The device's deviceid.
705     * @param string $user      Restrict actions to only this user's
706     *                          account on the device in the case where the
707     *                          device may have multiple user accounts on this
708     *                          server. If empty, all users' state information
709     *                          will be removed. If a non-admin calls this
710     *                          method, this will always be set to the current
711     *                          horde username.
712     * @return boolean
713     * @throws Horde_Exception
714     */
715    public function performActiveSyncDeviceAction($action, $deviceid, $user = null)
716    {
717        global $injector, $conf, $registry;
719        if (empty($conf['activesync']['enabled'])) {
720            throw new Horde_Exception(_("ActiveSync not activated."));
721        }
722        if (!in_array($action, array('WIPE', 'CANCEL_WIPE', 'REMOVE'))) {
723            throw new Horde_Exception(_("Unsupported action."));
724        }
726        $state = $injector->getInstance('Horde_ActiveSyncState');
727        $state->setLogger($injector->getInstance('Horde_Log_Logger'));
728        // If not an admin, ensure the device is attached to the $user.
729        // Otherwise, any user could wipe any device if the deviceid is known.
730        if (!$registry->isAdmin()) {
731            $user = $registry->getAuth();
732            if (!$state->deviceExists($deviceid, $user)) {
733                throw new Horde_Exception_PermissionDenied();
734            }
735        }
736        switch ($action) {
737        case 'WIPE':
738            try {
739                $state->setDeviceRWStatus($deviceid, Horde_ActiveSync::RWSTATUS_PENDING);
740            } catch (Horde_ActiveSync_Exception $e) {
741                throw new Horde_Exception($e);
742            }
743            return true;
744        case 'CANCEL_WIPE':
745            try {
746                $state->setDeviceRWStatus($deviceid, Horde_ActiveSync::RWSTATUS_OK);
747            } catch (Horde_ActiveSync_Exception $e) {
748                throw new Horde_Exception($e);
749            }
750            return true;
751        case 'REMOVE':
752            try {
753                $state->removeState(array(
754                    'devId' => $deviceid,
755                    'user' => $user)
756                );
757            } catch (Horde_ActiveSync_Exception $e) {
758                throw new Horde_Exception($e);
759            }
760            return true;
761        }
762    }
764    /**
765     * Perform an admistrative action on ALL paired ActiveSync devices.
766     *
767     * @param string $action  The action. Currently, only 'RESET' is supported.
768     *  - 'RESET': Causes all state for all devices to be removed. I.e., sets
769     *             the synckey for all devices to 0.
770     *
771     * @return boolean
772     */
773    public function performBulkActiveSyncDeviceAction($action)
774    {
775        global $injector, $conf, $registry;
777        if (!$registry->isAdmin()) {
778            throw new Horde_Exception_PermissionDenied();
779        }
780        if (empty($conf['activesync']['enabled'])) {
781            throw new Horde_Exception(_("ActiveSync not activated."));
782        }
783        if (!in_array($action, array('RESET'))) {
784            throw new Horde_Exception(_("Unsupported action."));
785        }
786        try {
787            $injector->getInstance('Horde_ActiveSyncState')->resetAllPolicyKeys();
788        } catch (Horde_ActiveSync_Exception $e) {
789            throw new Horde_Exception($e);
790        }
791        return true;
792    }