1 /**
2  * @file p448/f_generic.c
3  * @author Mike Hamburg
4  *
5  * @copyright
6  *   Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Cryptography Research, Inc.  \n
7  *   Released under the MIT License.  See LICENSE.txt for license information.
8  *
9  * @brief Generic arithmetic which has to be compiled per field.
10  *
11  * @warning This file was automatically generated in Python.
12  * Please do not edit it.
13  */
14 #include "field.h"
16 static const gf MODULUS = {FIELD_LITERAL(
17     0xffffffffffffff, 0xffffffffffffff, 0xffffffffffffff, 0xffffffffffffff, 0xfffffffffffffe, 0xffffffffffffff, 0xffffffffffffff, 0xffffffffffffff
18 )};
20 #if P_MOD_8 == 5
21     const gf SQRT_MINUS_ONE = {FIELD_LITERAL(
22         /* NOPE */
23     )};
24 #endif
26 /** Serialize to wire format. */
cryptonite_gf_serialize(uint8_t serial[SER_BYTES],const gf x,int with_hibit)27 void cryptonite_gf_serialize (uint8_t serial[SER_BYTES], const gf x, int with_hibit) {
28     gf red;
29     cryptonite_gf_copy(red, x);
30     cryptonite_gf_strong_reduce(red);
31     if (!with_hibit) { assert(cryptonite_gf_hibit(red) == 0); }
33     unsigned int j=0, fill=0;
34     dword_t buffer = 0;
35     UNROLL for (unsigned int i=0; i<(with_hibit ? X_SER_BYTES : SER_BYTES); i++) {
36         if (fill < 8 && j < NLIMBS) {
37             buffer |= ((dword_t)red->limb[LIMBPERM(j)]) << fill;
38             fill += LIMB_PLACE_VALUE(LIMBPERM(j));
39             j++;
40         }
41         serial[i] = buffer;
42         fill -= 8;
43         buffer >>= 8;
44     }
45 }
47 /** Return high bit of x = low bit of 2x mod p */
cryptonite_gf_hibit(const gf x)48 mask_t cryptonite_gf_hibit(const gf x) {
49     gf y;
50     cryptonite_gf_add(y,x,x);
51     cryptonite_gf_strong_reduce(y);
52     return -(y->limb[0]&1);
53 }
55 /** Deserialize from wire format; return -1 on success and 0 on failure. */
cryptonite_gf_deserialize(gf x,const uint8_t serial[SER_BYTES],int with_hibit)56 mask_t cryptonite_gf_deserialize (gf x, const uint8_t serial[SER_BYTES], int with_hibit) {
57     unsigned int j=0, fill=0;
58     dword_t buffer = 0;
59     dsword_t scarry = 0;
60     UNROLL for (unsigned int i=0; i<NLIMBS; i++) {
61         UNROLL while (fill < LIMB_PLACE_VALUE(LIMBPERM(i)) && j < (with_hibit ? X_SER_BYTES : SER_BYTES)) {
62             buffer |= ((dword_t)serial[j]) << fill;
63             fill += 8;
64             j++;
65         }
66         x->limb[LIMBPERM(i)] = (i<NLIMBS-1) ? buffer & LIMB_MASK(LIMBPERM(i)) : buffer;
67         fill -= LIMB_PLACE_VALUE(LIMBPERM(i));
68         buffer >>= LIMB_PLACE_VALUE(LIMBPERM(i));
69         scarry = (scarry + x->limb[LIMBPERM(i)] - MODULUS->limb[LIMBPERM(i)]) >> (8*sizeof(word_t));
70     }
71     mask_t succ = with_hibit ? -(mask_t)1 : ~cryptonite_gf_hibit(x);
72     return succ & word_is_zero(buffer) & ~word_is_zero(scarry);
73 }
75 /** Reduce to canonical form. */
cryptonite_gf_strong_reduce(gf a)76 void cryptonite_gf_strong_reduce (gf a) {
77     /* first, clear high */
78     cryptonite_gf_weak_reduce(a); /* Determined to have negligible perf impact. */
80     /* now the total is less than 2p */
82     /* compute total_value - p.  No need to reduce mod p. */
83     dsword_t scarry = 0;
84     for (unsigned int i=0; i<NLIMBS; i++) {
85         scarry = scarry + a->limb[LIMBPERM(i)] - MODULUS->limb[LIMBPERM(i)];
86         a->limb[LIMBPERM(i)] = scarry & LIMB_MASK(LIMBPERM(i));
87         scarry >>= LIMB_PLACE_VALUE(LIMBPERM(i));
88     }
90     /* uncommon case: it was >= p, so now scarry = 0 and this = x
91      * common case: it was < p, so now scarry = -1 and this = x - p + 2^255
92      * so let's add back in p.  will carry back off the top for 2^255.
93      */
94     assert(word_is_zero(scarry) | word_is_zero(scarry+1));
96     word_t scarry_0 = scarry;
97     dword_t carry = 0;
99     /* add it back */
100     for (unsigned int i=0; i<NLIMBS; i++) {
101         carry = carry + a->limb[LIMBPERM(i)] + (scarry_0 & MODULUS->limb[LIMBPERM(i)]);
102         a->limb[LIMBPERM(i)] = carry & LIMB_MASK(LIMBPERM(i));
103         carry >>= LIMB_PLACE_VALUE(LIMBPERM(i));
104     }
106     assert(word_is_zero(carry + scarry_0));
107 }
109 /** Subtract two gf elements d=a-b */
cryptonite_gf_sub(gf d,const gf a,const gf b)110 void cryptonite_gf_sub (gf d, const gf a, const gf b) {
111     cryptonite_gf_sub_RAW ( d, a, b );
112     cryptonite_gf_bias( d, 2 );
113     cryptonite_gf_weak_reduce ( d );
114 }
116 /** Add two field elements d = a+b */
cryptonite_gf_add(gf d,const gf a,const gf b)117 void cryptonite_gf_add (gf d, const gf a, const gf b) {
118     cryptonite_gf_add_RAW ( d, a, b );
119     cryptonite_gf_weak_reduce ( d );
120 }
122 /** Compare a==b */
cryptonite_gf_eq(const gf a,const gf b)123 mask_t cryptonite_gf_eq(const gf a, const gf b) {
124     gf c;
125     cryptonite_gf_sub(c,a,b);
126     cryptonite_gf_strong_reduce(c);
127     mask_t ret=0;
128     for (unsigned int i=0; i<NLIMBS; i++) {
129         ret |= c->limb[LIMBPERM(i)];
130     }
132     return word_is_zero(ret);
133 }