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READMEH A D24-Nov-20215 KiB8777

build.propertiesH A D24-Nov-2021733 1711

build.xmlH A D24-Nov-20212.5 KiB6036


1YUI Library - Charts - Release Notes
4  * Fixed bug in which flash minimum version was miscalculated in some instances.
5  * Fixed bug in which an error occurred when a Chart using legendLabelFunction was reloaded.
6  * Fixed bug in which itemDoubleClick event was not working.
7  * Fixed bug in which the legend label function was not working for pie charts.
8  * Fixed bug in which export to png/jpeg was not working in certain versions of flash player 10.
11  * No changes
14  * Add ability to show/hide series
15  * Add ability to style series by index
16  * Add ability to export chart as jpg or png (fp 10+)
17  * Add ability for displaying 2 Numeric Axes on the same chart
18  * Add ability to allow markers to extend beyond viewport
19  * Add font styling to chart title
20  * Add ability to set dataTip function on a series level
21  * Add ability to set scope for label formatting functions
22  * Add ability to filter series from legend
23  * Add ability to format legend labels
24  * Enhanced legend so that items wrap when there are too many for one row/column
25  * Add ability to specify different shaped line series markers
26  * Fixed bug in which setting the size style of xAxis and yAxis to "0" still showed a line
27  * Fixed Bug in which TimeAxis labels overlap when max/min dates are set
28  * Fixed bug in which stacked bar and column charts widths were incorrectly calculated
29  * Fixed bug in which chart font colors only accepted hex values. Now they can accept hex strings as well.
30  * Fixed bug in which small numbers were not calculated correctly.
31  * Fixed bug in which big numbers were not rounded properly
32  * Fixed bug in which stacked bar and column charts do not display properly when both negative and positive values are present
33  * Fixed bug in which line chart area fills were not calculated correctly when there are both positive and negative values and a maximum or minimum of have been set
34  * The following changes have been made to the charts.swf. (This will not impact the behavior or API of the Charts Control)
35	- The flashvar elementID has changed to YUISwfId
36	- The flashvar eventHandler has changed to YUIBridgeCallback
39  * Added ability to rotate axis labels and titles.
40  * Enhanced series marker styling by adding ability to set color and alpha properties for borders, fills and lines.
41  * Fixed TimeAxis bug in which majorUnit was not being calculated properly.
42  * Fixed TimeAxis bug in which the minorUnit was not being calculated.
43  * Fixed bug in which Cartesian Charts were not updating properly whent the series length changed.
44  * Fixed bug in which Pie Chart would not render properly when the data source was refreshed.
45  * Fixed bug in which the Line Chart broke when the first value of a data source was null.
46  * Fixed bug in which mouseover events were fired before the chart object was ready.
47  * Refactored axes so that major units are more accurately plotted.
48  * Added ability to uniquely style a non-origin 0 gridline.
51  * Fixed bug in which an empty series definition caused charts to ignore styles.
52  * Fixed bug in which additions to Object.prototype cause SWFObject embed to fail
53  * refreshData is now a public method
54  * Fixed bug in which TimeAxis bounds calculation fails when polling.
55  * Added new optional altText attribute.
56  * Moved _initialized flag from Charts to FlashAdapter.
57  * Fixed bug in which changes in the dom (e.g. display property of chart) would cause the chart to erase. New known issue added. (see known issues section)
58  * Added support for marker labels on PieSeries. Default is percentage values. May be customized with labelFunction property.
59  * New Chart Types: StackedColumnChart and StackedBarChart.
60  * Fixed bug in which charts delivered in an iframe from a different domain failed to render in Firefox.
61  * contentReady event now fires after the dataSource is available. In some rare cases it may not be backwards compatible. If you need the event to fire earlier, you can revert back to the previous code. (see version 2.5.2)
64  * Support for legends
65  * New series styles connectPoints, connectDiscontinuousPoints, and discontinuousDashLength
66  * dataTipFunction, xAxisLabelFunction, and yAxisLabelFunction attributes now support function references
67  * Added destroy() function.
68  * Changed majorTicks and minorTicks substyle "position" to "display". New option "none" will hide ticks.
69  * When polling is enabled, the chart now makes an immediate request instead of waiting for the first interval.
70  * Includes ActionScript source files and sample Ant build file.
73  * No changes
76  * Added lineSize style to series styles
77  * Added showLabels substyle to xAxis and yAxis styles
78  * Added more descriptive local content warning for ExternalInterface failure
79  * Improved minor unit calculation
80  * Fixed animation and marker positioning bugs
81  * Fixed bug that caused series definition update to fail
82  * Fixed bug that caused setting hex color values with # symbol to fail
83  * Added initialization flag to ensure DataSource doesn't receive multiple requests during initialization.
86  * Experimental release